Hi everyone, here is a recording of 25 minutes of a live call I did last week. A lot of people said it was helpful, so I decided to share more widely.
The starting point was observing that many people in my circles have been going through intense ordeals: serious illness, heartbreak, deaths in the family. Lots of people seem to be dying even.
Anyway, here is an audio and video recording:
How do we tell people to get ready to deal with more death, more war, more collapsing of our outdated systems...and what is the worst of it is that much has been deliberate. Insidious plans in place for years to wipe out a large portion of the worlds' population. Medical harm. I've thought about this, and can only suppose that we each much go deeper in our awareness of who we truly are as powerful beings, know that death is not an end, be there for each other as much as we can. Choose the BEST of being HUMAN. Feels to me that Phoenix has lit her nest, the kindling is smoking...combustion soon to come, and then inevitably we rise again in evolved form. It is the journey from here to there that will take everything we've got...push us to find strength we didn't even know was there. Thank you for this Charles. Speaking to this is not being negative (as some might say), it is being real, seeing what is right in front of us. Somehow we are being supported by the synchronicities you mentioned and more, a benevolence at play.
We stand together here in my small, rural Australian farming community. Despite the different paths taken earlier. There is a rising understanding of this fortitude of which you speak. People want to be kind and generous and help however they can. I see it in their eyes. Releasing the pernicious fear throbbing through all the mass communication channels - that which pushes the mind to spasm - is the first practice to perfect.
You have articulated it so lucidly.
Thank you, brother. We stand with you half a world away. 🌏🪷