Wow, Charles! This brings tears of joy and hope to my eyes in reading this. What an exciting step. I've already come out in favor of Kennedy's candidacy and this is truly magnificent that you are working with his campaign. I read his book, American Values, last year and found it to be incredibly good. What a leader he is, and I agree with you that he is just the kind of leader we need. The first step it seems to me is to convince Biden and the DNC to hold Democratic primary debates, which I believe are currently not planned.

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A next great step would be for Biden to stop telling fellow Americans that White Supremacy is America's largest threat. That was just a few days ago at an all black college. Now why would the President want to spread hate and agitate violence like that?

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Divide and conquer...

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Self-interest. The Democrats discovered early in COVID that by creating fear, they could rush in a pretend to save the day. That's when I finally ended 50 years of being a registered Democrat.

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As a Canadian who doesn’t watch the news much, that fact that Biden said that is entirely bizarre . It seems to me like an obvious sowing of division.

Can’t imagine what context would make that a normal statement at this point in time.

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Curious: Do you have any reservations about RFK, or are you all in?

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I would love to hear Charles' response to this. I can't help but be inspired and moved by all of RFK Jr.'s recent interviews and speeches. However, a question remains in my mind whether he is really a civil libertarian when the shoe is on the other foot. Unlike the other hit pieces against RFK Jr., I found this one from Reason persuasive: https://reason.com/2023/04/28/the-very-strange-new-respect-for-authoritarian-democrat-robert-f-kennedy-jr/ Calling for the jailing of "climate deniers" (he actually wrote an article headlined "Jailing Climate Deniers") is deeply concerning.

How can he go after the Establishment for persecuting Covid dissenters when he has advocated the same sort of persecution (or worse) against climate dissenters? I really want to be fully on board with RFK Jr. and I am delighted that Charles is joining the team. But I would need to be convinced that RFK Jr. has seen the errors of some of his past positions and is now dedicated to being a truly principled civil libertarian before I can be all in.

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That interview where he said the koc brothers should be jailed is 9 years old. Regardless of anyone's views on the koc brothers, my opinions have changed drastically over the past few years and even more drastically in the last 9 years. Also I've seen no evidence of him writing an article by that title. He has stayed his case on climate change politics recently and repeatedly. He cares deeply for the environment but abhors it being used to increase totalitarian control of citizens. He goes after polluting, poisoning corporations, and has been for decades. He doesn't go after individual liberties.

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I should issue a partial correction to my prior post: upon further investigation, the "jailing climate deniers" claim is misleading. He did write an article with that title, as stated in the Reason piece. But what RFK Jr. actually talks about in the referenced piece is revoking the charters of think tanks living off oil money. This is not nearly as bad as "jailing climate deniers" would suggest, but still seems troubling in principle in our era of censorship, as the same logic could be used to shut down any entity accused of challenging "the scientific consensus" on any issue.

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I hope Charles and others are able to get RFKjr to look at all the evidence on so-called anthropogenic climate change. Certainly the poisoning of the air, water, food is primary, and to the extent we can further clean fossil fuels, we must. But there is no good path of “powering down” as the climate change cult would have us do without major pain, including starvation. CO2 is not the boogeyman, according to many respected climatologists.

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I'll respond to Lisa here on the Reason article, so it goes to both of you. In the first few paragraphs, they say that the Koch brothers who Kennedy says should be in the Hague as war criminals are donors to the Reason Foundation. Have they not just admitted that they're a PR firm, not journalists or analysts, and this is a propaganda hit piece on behalf of their donors? Other than deciphering how the psyops is being done, there's really no 'reason' to read further.

I appreciate, David, that you corrected your original statement that did what they wanted us to do--conflate the war profiteer billionaires who are using climate change to impose the Great Reset with anyone who questions that (and I've certainly come to a more nuanced view over the last three years.)

So I'm saying this despite the reservations about RFK I posted at the beginning of the second page of comments. Money is not 'free speech'.

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David, thanks for sharing that Reason piece. RFK certainly exhibits concerning contradictions and past behavior.

As for the crowd here falling in love with him for the Fauci book, here's a reasonable critique from Eugyppius: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-the-progressive

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Hi, Lisa. I read this eugyppius article, at your recommendation. Perhaps I'm not reading it correctly, so let me know if I'm wrong. It seems like his critique of the RAF is that 1) he emphasizes early treatments with IVM & HCQ rather than saying Covid wasn't a problem. 2) He compares remdesivir to AZT with AIDS, rather than to Ebola or SARS-1. 3) He blames Fauci when others, like Niall Ferguson, were equally to blame. 4) RFK is a political activist. 5) Health bureaucracies should never be dealing with a mere virus.

I don't know if I disagree with all his points but they hardly seem major enough to disqualify RFK. And saying there was no virus, no reason to worry, would be political suicide. I do fear RFK is being co-opted, however, by someone who would thwart his intent, as I say below. And my solution to that is to decentralize gov't regulatory agencies into 12 autonomous regions. Eugyppius might agree.

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Tereza, I think you've got the gist of the piece. I didn't say the critique auto-disqualified RFK from candidacy, and I don't think Eugyppius would claim that, either. Actually, David's Reason piece linked to above called him into question much more for me than the Eugyppius piece.

I share your fears about co-opting, and from the fine reporting by Matt Taibbi and others on the Twitter Files, we can see how widespread the censorship industrial complex is, for example (300+ agencies, organizations, and think tanks, oh, my!). I'm not sure decentralizing the agencies alone would be enough at this point, but it's an interesting idea.

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Part 2: In fact, one such issue where MANY misconstrue RFK Jr: they associate his environmental stances and conflate them with the radical Climate Change alarmism. That’s another “damned lie!” He’s not objecting to carbon, per se, bc of global warming, but in the particulate pollution that goes hand-in-hand with any ignition of carbon based substances which has an accumulative, deleterious effect on humans and other living things that breathe air. And, he is not for a suicidal immediate switch away from carbon burning sources of energy, but realistic and practical solutions. Yet, his detractors will swear that he’s a global warming, climate change alarmist who wants to “jail climate change deniers” - B.S.! Those are purposeful lies and misrepresentations intended to dissuade people from giving an ear to what he’s actually advocating. My mind has changed on this point to see the rationality of seeking to reduce pollution-causing carbon emissions (carbon itself in the atmosphere IS NOT pollution, it’s a naturally occurring and has a - POSITIVE - effect on plant life. Though the climate may in fact be “warming and changing,” such is expected as we’re still returning from the last Ice Age. The particulate and other pollutants may be adding to that warmth, but not significantly enough that’s going to cause any significant ocean level change or other catastrophe. It is the polluting particulates and other noxious chemicals that stem from igniting carbon products into the atmosphere (and water) where efforts SHOULD be exerted to mitigate and strive to find ways to produce energy (and other products) more efficiently and cleanly. It is a common sense response, unlike the radical climate change totalitarian methodology that has more of an objective of impoverishing and weakening the West - who wants to weaken the West?!

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You are in denial! I just watched a clip of him being extremely draconian regarding ‘contemptible people who deny’ climate change. He said the leaders should be tried as war criminals. The rest of us are contemptible. How soon before jailing the rest of us or punishing us in some way is promoted? He might very well now realize he was wrong about climate change. His authoritarian tendencies are front and center. Not much different from Justin Trudeau ‘we have to ask Ourselves, should we tolerate these people?’

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I believe you’re misreading him and reading too much into the hit piece and the way it’s structured. I watched it, too, and could see through it. But…maybe I’m mistaken.

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I am not concerned he was wrong on climate change and has walked it back. Although I am not 100% certain he has. It is when he called us contemptible. And when he said at least the leaders should be in trial at The Hague for crimes against humanity. This is a man willing to use the power of the State against those who disagree with him. What if he believed in COVID? He didn’t. But he could have. Would he not have wanted to jail the unvaxed? And perhaps had McCoullough etal hung? This is not a nice guy.

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Part 3: Ask yourself WHY?! are you being led into these slanderous, misrepresented articles? One will lead to another. They will not lead you to RFK Jr’s own exposition on the topic; they’ll only create interconnected webs and rabbit holes to obscure the real truth of the matter - just like they did with Trump. Sophisticated propaganda to keep the wool pulled over eyes of those who would see the truth. You think they were afraid of Trump and that’s why they smeared and misrepresented him? We haven’t seen nothing yet! Jake Tapper of CNN highlined RFK Jr’s paper filing to run for office, as, “Anti-vaccine quack, Robert F. Kennedy, Junior, has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission [to run for President].” The competencies that RFK Jr possesses makes him 10 times more of a threat to the corrupt established order than Trump. His understanding and practice of law and litigation against gov’t agencies alone makes him an existential threat to them. So much so, that, it becomes clear - and often asked in a delicate way - during in-depth interviews with him (linked below), that he runs the actual risk of assassination. Listen to his reply. It reveals most clearly his character, his conviction to reverse the corruption, his mission-like devotion and cause to save America, compelled ultimately by his faith and belief in God. His response reveals more about RFK Jr than any amount of mud which can be stirred around him. He is a unique, historical figure. And, he might be the last chance America has to survive…..if we CAN survive long enough to make it to Nov 2024 and beyond, long enough for his Admin to begin making changes and wage a peace offensive across the board.

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Answering this same question to someone else: I’ve checked your references and even went deeper into the rabbit hole of how RFK Jr “wants to jail climate change deniers.” These are hit pieces that are lying by omission and structure; they’re not allowing for the full context of what was being said. This is standard fare for corrupt journalism which doesn’t intend to inform, but to deceive and to besmirch and to stir mud to create cloudy water so you can not see the truth of the matter. It is what mainstream media and its dishonest journalists do, just like they did to Trump on the “fact” that he made fun of a handicapped reporter - a complete lie…which served its purpose with that one lie alone, it pushed many into the TDS camp where they remained forever blind and their eyes and ears forever closed - my own sister is just one of them; she could not be convinced of anything else. The media thereby inoculated her from ever opening her mind about Trump. THAT’s the objective of hit pieces.

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All in. If you have reservations you can ask RFK about your concerns.

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Is there a way to ask RFK if he's planning for Robert Malone to head up a gov't agency if he wins? Is he concerned about Malone's history promoting the same vaccines that RFK describes as warfare in his book? Or that Malone says there were no intentional harms? Or his lack of testing HCQ when he had the funding to find repurposed drugs so the vaccine wouldn't get EUA? Or his involvement with remdesivir, which Mathew Crawford will discuss tomorrow with JJ Couey, Mark Kulacz and George Webb: https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/who-helped-pave-the-way-for-remdesivir.

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These are valid questions you are asking. I've been listening to Dr. Robert Malone but also others who have reported on the pharmaceutical industry that have serious questions for Malone. That includes Celia Farber, Peter Breggin, Paul Alexander, to name a few.

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Me too Mel. Yep!

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I was unable to ask that question last night, but I did submit it to his team. He didn't mention anything about Malone -- only his friend Rashid Buttar, MD. I haven't heard him discuss Malone, and my guess is that he's not on the same playing field and no, would not select him.

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Hi Tereza, I can put this on one of our Question cards to submit. Malone has been an enigma to me, and I stopped reading his stack a few months ago because I just didn't feel right supporting him.

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That would be great, and I appreciate you expressing your reservations. I do see Kennedy between a rock and a hard place. There's no real way to answer publicly whether he trusts Malone, although the public pressure of asking it would be helpful.

But if health is the ruse being used by the WHO/ WEF to centralize power, it could also be the lever to decentralize. If there was no NIH but only 12 RIH (Regional Institutes of Health) that split further into 12 DIH (District Institutes of Health) that again split into 12 CIH (Commonwealth Institutes of Health), we wouldn't have to worry about a power grab by anyone. As long as the power went from the bottom-up.

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I'm all in. I disagree with him on some issues but respect his logical, evidence based approach, his clearly demonstrated commitment to the public interest, his integrity and truthfulness. He's similar to Sanders in his ability to reach across party lines and engender hope, but he's so much more. And hopefully he and his staff have learned from the pathetic Sanders' experience and won't let the DNC control the primary vote.

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All in!

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In my case, I have some reservations....but, they pale in comparison to all the pluses RFK Jr can bring...especially considering the field! He brings a monumental amount of persuasiveness toward national unity and respect for opposing views - USA needs this, otherwise all elections will be meaningless as the nation falls from its divisions and acrimony.

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Thanks for your reply and for your challenging commentary in the other threads. Keeping it all in mind, and keeping an open mind. Still, I'm naturally jaded toward EVERY politician these days, and I think that's a healthy POV.

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To not be naturally jaded toward every politician these days would be unnatural. I can relate to this healthy POV! Though I have to admit to being a bit caught up in the prospect of a reasonable, intelligent, Constitution-led, mature, unifying, “Presidential” Presidential candidate, who has the unique skill-set Kennedy brings to the mix of contenders. Though it might just be my imagination, I can’t help the discerning impression that there might be something otherworldly going on too in this battle that’s been aptly described as “spiritual.” Is there a poetic justice story unfolding here with the ascent of a blood-relative connected to the mortal wound America suffered on 22 Nov 63? Perhaps this is our last chance, last stand for unity and true tolerance and respect for others’ differing views, a “horseshoe-ing” bend of the political spectrum bringing us closer together. The prospect of a persuasive Kennedy Bully Pulpit keeps my hope alive - I think we’d see a return to a much different kind of “Meet the Press” where they’d be hard pressed to create media spin and false narratives. The reformation of a Kennedy Admin would have far reaching effects on the media, especially when the President’s spokesperson is the President himself in his own (strangely-mezmerizing-handicapped) voice. We could be witnessing the start of something big for America’s return to sanity. (If we can survive long enough without tripping into WWIII, that is.)

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William Jennings, I sincerely hope you are right. I did watch RFK's whole announcement speech, and I liked much of what he said.

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Me too…even though I didn’t (and don’t) agree with everything he says or emphasizes.

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In similar premonition form, I’m thinking the ticket will be Kennedy/Tulsi 2024. And, I’m expecting it to happen in a first ever successful third party run (since Bull Moose). Practically speaking, it’ll be labeled “Independent.” But, in keeping with the phenomenon, perhaps it’ll be called the “Aloha Party.” Or, “Heal the Divide Party.”

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I was struck by the fact that the first campaign paraphernalia to be unveiled at RFK's announcement speech was the sign that says, "I am a Kennedy Democrat," because prior to his announcement that's exactly how I assessed him, as a Kennedy Democrat a la the 1960s. Yet with the hit pieces and censored interviews with him from liberal mainstream news media outlets, and the DNC's announcement that they intend for there to be no primary debates, I don't see how Mr. Kennedy can win the nomination much less the presidency from within the Democratic party of today. Your mention of former Congresswoman and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard made me think the strategy you suggested just might work for Kennedy. Otherwise, even though his vision for staffing and developing policy from the Executive Branch is the best I've ever heard, his campaign cannot gain traction in the current climate of what RFK Jr. himself calls "captured" corporations and "captured" agencies. But I like the name "Restoration Party."

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“Restoration Party” sounds great! I believe a way will be made for RFK Jr into the White House. Podcasts and alternate media may determine the next election, still 1 1/2 yrs away. Things can happen. Unforeseen things for the good. Before BLM put MLB on its knees, I was a life-long Yankees fan (and derived many life lessons from baseball as a youth). In the playoffs of 2004, the Yankees dominated the series against the Red Sox, who had lost three in a row and were about to be snuffed with just one more loss to the Yankees. At the start of game 4, an ESPN commentator dismissed any “foolish talk” about Boston possibly winning 4 games in a row and being contenders for the World Series, and said, “let’s be serious now, Boston is not going to come back to win four consecutive games - that’s ridiculous!” Even though a fan of the Yankees, and an enemy of its arch rival, Boston, it made me bristle because baseball can be (or is) a game of the supernatural. “It ain’t over till it’s over.” So I took umbrage and was NOT very disappointed AT ALL when Boston did “the ridiculous” and went on to win the entire World Series for the first time since 1918. They had fondly nicknamed themselves that season “The Idiots.” But, they were no fools! / Likewise, even though a pathway may not seem clear right now, 18 months out, there’s still a whole bunch of ‘in the courses of human events’ yet to unfold. Another baseball analogy: in 1969, it was “The Miracle Mets” who won the World Series against all odds. In 1973 the NY Mets came from the cellar to ultimately win the National League title. Their rallying cry and most famous motto: “Ya gotta believe!” / Though this might seem hokey or trite, the principle behind it is not. Hope has to be kept alive. A hope that is ultimately based on faith. A ripple of hope can change the world, RFK Senior once said, as Dennis Kucinich remarked at RFK Jr’s Boston announcement on April 19th, as he prepared to introduce the son of RFK:

“…and Senator Kennedy said, ‘Each time a man or a woman stands up for an idea, acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he or she sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. And crossing each other from a million centers of energy and daring, those ripples can create a current and sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.’

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the next President of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy, Junior!”

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The 2004 Red Sox and the 2024 presidential election: Boston is the common thread.

I'm an American of (Irish) Catholic faith. I also have the sense that ever since that awful Friday, November 22, 1963, a relative few but still enough Americans have retained the very real hope that a day would come when the man who is the elected and constitutional President would be the actual embodiment of the office and would not be a captured puppet whose strings are pulled by the extremely wealthy but shadowy forces that control so many institutions in America and around the world. The motive for the assassination of John F. Kennedy can be summed up this way: He really believed he was the President of the United States and acted that way. He didn't play ball with the Deep State.

Another Kennedy presidency would be so delicious to those of us who remember 11-22-63 (and 6-6-68), and in this case, because it would be substantive and not just the family name. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. knows the significance of those dates more intimately than any of the rest of us. Yet he himself said toward the end of his announcement speech, "I am not safe. To the vested interests, I am not safe. My job is to keep you safe."

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Btw, I’m also born Irish Catholic, (grandmother was on the sea when Titanic sank) and only ab 3 weeks younger than RFK Jr. - I remember the times he remembers. Grandmother & both sisters went to Boston after Ellis Island & she was married in Winthrop to my grandfather, who was born in Quincy - all shorts jaunts to Boston. They both moved to Upstate NY eventually where I was born. My father was a life-long Red Sox fan, but never tried dissuading his kid’s favored Yankees. He was born in 1918 & died 2004 - the World Series winning bracket of Boston!

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Very well said! / And, another common thread with Boston: The Shot Heard Around the World, April 29th, 1775. It is revolutionary today for a real, substantive candidate who would embody the office of POTUS with true faith & allegiance to the Constitution, with the courage of his convictions, and in the face of risk of personal harm, to stand up for the cause of saving America. As RFK Jr said on April 19th in Boston: “You give me a piece of ground and a sword, and I am gonna take back this country with your help, the help of all homeless Republicans and Democrats and Independents who are Americans first!” May God Bless this man!

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this is so exxciting- i am volunteering at an event this weekend- and plan to table in front of our health food store and spread the word- hope everyone on this list will find a way to volunteer- the only way- a huge grassroots movement of those who type- go out and talk!

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Maybe he learned that from Trump. There never was an american president that antagonized so much the ""other side" as Trump did. If you are seeing only democrats creating division, I ask where have you been during the past 5 years and also to simply look again.

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WOW. I felt calm and strong reading this, and grateful for your contribution of "reunion" ideas to this campaign! I can feel a seismic shift happening in my life as well; an ongoing mantra is I'd like to be helpful while feeling creative and joyful. Thanks for sharing your inspiration, as it helps ignite mine, wherever it leads! Excited for this campaign on many levels. Thanks, Charles!

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Malika, agreed! Btw, are you in Hawai’i? Your name is Hawaiian; hence, why I asked. And, if so, what do you think about Kennedy/Tulsi 2024? (My reply of 16 May says more.) Aloha!

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Aloha! Not in Hawai’i, sadly!🌈 & The name “Malika” appears in many cultures around the world. Love that it shows up in Hawai’i, too (where my parents met)! Kennedy/Tulsi 2024 would be so interesting! Aloha Party, let’s gooo, let it flow!🕊️

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This warms my heart. I'm not American, but American politics affects us all and news of Kennedy running is hope. You deserve this wonderful opportunity and I wish you all the best on this exciting new adventure!

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I agree this is HOPEFUL, something the American political scene normally never is!! Go, Bobby!!! (Why doesn’t RFK run on a Third Party?!)

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I think he will run 3d party (maybe Kennedy/Tulsi 2024?). But, it’s perfect strategy to start off Dem, let the Dem establishment expose their hypocrisy and censorious/totalitarian nature by shutting RFK Jr out, which will impel the remaining reasonable Dems to follow RFK Jr to a 3d party vote.

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Congrats on the next chapter. I actually re-registered as a democrat for the first time in a long time (Libertarian since) just to vote for RFK in the primaries. Everyone I talk to says "he has no chance." That attitude is the problem. We need hope. If we are truly in a time of great change, at some point that change has to manifest in the physical. Hopefully this is one of those times.

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Those who say he has no hope haven't yet seen out of the belief system into which we were indoctrinated. This vision is completely fresh. We have all the power of the universe to create a new story. We are the early adopters as it were. But the tipping point is not far off. People are going to love it and go with the flow.

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I love that Carol and I agree. We can declare it and stand in it. No need to convince anyone, or imagine we can fix their "false belief".

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We said that about George McGovern, too. Sorry. The only thing I believe has a hope of change in this country is a seccession movement. Even if it takes a civil war.

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I agree that saying "he has no chance." is the problem. They are writing the future with their words. Sadly, most people don't know they are writing their future with their words. If they did, they might be more cautious and instead say, "He will win. We all deserve to have a leader that is intelligent, thoughtful, caring, and considerate." The past few years have left me feeling so bothered that the American people keep settling for these WWF style candidates. Don't we deserve better? Don't we deserve a non-theatrical candidate that has the good of all the people and our country at heart. I am tired of the US vs. THEM and the RED vs. BLUE mentality. Can't we all come together as Fellow Americans/Humans and root for each other again!! Let's write the future we want by speaking it into existence. So when you hear people speak in a pessimistic way about his chances, remind them that words matter and they should speak the outcome they desire and they might just get it. ;) I believe they will.

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ugh. That's the psyop and exactly what Bernie did. We need truth, not hope.

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Oh I think he could do it but the DNC will cheat, as always and they won't let him have it. In the meantime, his campaign alone will be powerful.

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Me too! 40+ yrs GOP (Const Consv); switched to Dem party fir same reason. Ima now a Kennedy Democrat!

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Msm will push the "he's got no chance" narrative. They used it with Sanders. But in the end, it wasn't that effective. Nevada went for Sanders with 44% of the primary vote. So the DNC had to rapidly take action over that weekend to sideline Sanders and push Biden out front. It was despicable. So my takeaway is that msm negativity won't be enough to sideline Kennedy, and hopefully he will have a pre-planned strategy for dealing with the DNC.

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Yes, Kennedy is truly different. Go for it and have fun! "You shall go forth in joy and be led forth in peace" from the book of Isaiah.

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That’s some hope for the world. Thank you.


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We need truth

And hope

Hope alone won't change anything but it's important

after such a long run of lacks in both.

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I'm thrilled to read this. Please let me know if there's anything at all I can do to help out in New Hampshire. He will win here, I'm sure of it.

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Hope. This news is thrilling to hear on many levels... first, the palpable feeling of excitement and alignment for you, Charles, that comes through in this writing. Also, the hope and anticipation of much healing to come from this partnership of sorts. I have long admired RFK Jr. and his work for the environment and human rights, and was delighted when I heard he was running in 2024 for president. Listening to his speech several weeks ago to announce his candidacy was inspiring. I recall thinking it was very Charles-esque for exactly the reasons you shared in this writing.

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Love this! Thank you for helping get the best man for the job into office.

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What a surprising, courageous, exciting and uplifting move!

All the best on this new part of the path. Thank you for being who you are and doing what you do. With gratitude from Amsterdam...

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RFK JR said with certainty that he intends to win the presidency, there are no other options. I tend to agree with him.

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This is so fabulous, such good news: thank you, Charles. I agree with you

and your sense/intuition that RFKJr is going to win the election. Yes.

Let us all proceed with that in mind.

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Terrific direction. Good for us all.

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Fascinating! This kind of reminds me of when the Harlem Globetrotters or the Three Stooges (in animated form) would show up randomly on Scooby Doo --- It's this "cross-branding" juxtaposition that I got very excited about as a little kid and I always use those Scooby Doo shows as an example of worlds colliding -- no, it's that specific agents or characters from completely unrelated universes are suddenly in a plot (always a Mystery) together. There's just something very fun and engaging about it. This is and exciting development that I am struggling to find the right label for, but it's emotional in nature. Never in a million years would I predict that a similar kind of cross-pollinating that I have spent a life in music doing could happen in POLITICS?!? Godspeed!

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Love this analogy!!! Those episodes were always thrilling for the exact reasons you express. "Worlds colliding"... and new worlds emerging! :)

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Malika -- that's great you have also noted this! Possible Step #2 - replace the geo-engineering chemistry with psylocybin ... ?

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How about weaving or inter-weaving instead of colliding? Like a musical score bringing in portions of other musical themes. Less violent, more innovative.

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I am so excited to hear this! Looking forward to more from you and Bobby!

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Wow Charles! Exciting times ahead. Much luck - I’m standing next to you in England and wishing you much luck with this next step. Couldn’t think of a better opportunity for change than you and he plus the team being open to discussion and unafraid of confessing uncertainties. Go for it!

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Wow this is amazing news!

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