The title of this announcement is from an interview I did with Della Duncan for the Upstream Podcast alongside my son, Jimi Eisenstein. We wove together themes of sacred economics and the living earth, ecology and right livelihood, what we are grateful for, what is breaking our heart, and the consciousness of love.
You’ll notice that the recording is on the page of a different podcast, Accidental Gods. That is because Upstream would not publish it due to “differing views.” I scanned the transcript and couldn’t find anything controversial, so I can only imagine it must refer to views that I have expressed elsewhere. The long arm of cancellation due to my 2020 and 2021 Covid heresy reaches into the present.
I remain unrepentant. In case there were any doubt, last week I also appeared on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s show, The Defender podcast. Beyond CO2 with Charles Eisenstein. We did make some connections to public health policy, but the main theme was environmentalism. I really enjoyed the conversation. Kennedy is a politically sophisticated, courageous, and passionate long-time leader in the environmental movement. I couldn’t quite tell to what extent he agreed with my call for a major course correction to re-center the movement around the Living Earth paradigm, but he received my words and engaged them from a deep, pragmatic intelligence.

Speaking of Living Earth, how about also death? I’ll share this presentation I gave at the Science and Nonduality conference called Death to Life and Life to Death. The talk description was, “Life and death are not the opposites the modern mind has made them to be. In this presentation I'll explore how death enlivens life, through means compatible with established scientific reality, and in ways outrageous to established scientific reality.” I think I did that, but once I start I never know where it will end up. I haven’t relistened to it. I hear myself more than enough in my own head.
Thanks to Adrian Hoppel, my website is fully renovated. I especially want to mention that all the online courses are fully do-it-yourself now. All are offered by donation. Each has an associated discussion forum if you want to play with the material with others. These are for anyone who wants to engage the topics I write on more deeply, including experiential, practical applications. Here are the topics. I’d suggest the first, unless another one strikes a chord.
Living in the Gift
Dietary Transformation
Unlearning for Change Agents
Metaphysics and Mystery
Conversations with Orland Bishop
Climate Inside and Out
Masculinity: A New Story
The Space Between Stories
Finally, I will be speaking at a few in-person events this summer. The Lion's Gate Family Campout in Ithaca NY. A June gathering at Sacred Nectar Sanctuary in New Hampshire. In July, the Arkadia festival in Wyoming.
I’m working on a couple new essays. The next is called “Compartmentalization: UFOs and Social Paralysis” and it is gonna be a good one. At least that’s how it looks from here. The other is on economics and it is boring. If it stays boring I probably won’t publish it. Or maybe I’ll put a warning up front—that would be different!
I'm so very grateful for the sacred work you're doing, Charles, helping to create a vision of a beautiful world that we know is possible and reaffirming that humanity is worth saving. At times I feel the world would be better off without us. I despair for my children and I find it excruciating thinking about the dystopian future they're facing. I have only a sliver of hope that we'll avert the worst of it and that's because of people like you. Thank you. 💓
thanks charles. i find myself excited to have so many interesting interviews to watch. i also appreciate your wry sense of humor. carry on brother.