I'm so very grateful for the sacred work you're doing, Charles, helping to create a vision of a beautiful world that we know is possible and reaffirming that humanity is worth saving. At times I feel the world would be better off without us. I despair for my children and I find it excruciating thinking about the dystopian future they're facing. I have only a sliver of hope that we'll avert the worst of it and that's because of people like you. Thank you. 💓
I'm looking forward to listening to this. I met Della at a conference on regeneration and economics, and promised to get in touch when my book came out. I think this might inspire me to do that ;-) In the meantime I'm enjoying putting forward my plan of sacred economics in my two recent episodes: Build a New Model and Questioning the Greater Reset, which is up on YouTube and will be posted on Substack later today. I noticed that RFKjr and others I admire, like Joel Salatin and James Corbett, are speakers at the Greater Reset event. I'm surprised not to see you as part of it, Charles. But I raise some concerns I have and then talk about why I think my plan for community sovereignty would make the Great Reset obsolete. I appreciate this group that gives equal attention to the spiritual and economic, the reality of the world and the reality in the world. Thank you!
The "reality" of the world and in the world is not a static, nor a given. Your plan includes some of the problems we are dealing with now, such as centralized government, government not being a requirement, in my view, and an apparent acceptance of the one-size-fits-all kind of economy, with shelter being something that we have to "earn." I think there are better ways. I like the idea of community sovereignty. I like the idea of ALL people having shelter, regardless of the economic ability to "pay." I'm not going to post a podcast of my ideas on someone else's page, nor am I going to go into a lot of detail here, but just wanted to point out that I'm hearing a lot of the same ideas that got us into the mess we're in now. No offense! I think there is much to explore, and many ideas about starting from scratch and living in a dedicated community.
Hi Jaan (great Word Herder moniker!) Thank you so much for the honor of checking out my videos! My etiquette for posting a link on someone else's page (which is Substack's recommendation for finding a like-minded community) is that it has to be relevant to the topic and a conversation in which I'm regularly engaged, not always with links.
I once had the honor of interviewing Charles, with whom I'm in full agreement on all the fundamental points of spiritual Oneness and an economy that is human-sized. In my mind, that makes the places we disagree in that exciting growing tip of logistics.
My book researches money from its origins and shows that it's backed by the slave labor of other people for food, goods & energy. We're a services labor force, but we don't produce. I don't think you can go from a slave-owning economy to a gift economy. You have to develop an economy of reciprocity in between, or you're giving away someone else's slave labor, not your own.
The big difference between my ideas and the ideas that got us into this mess is that now the houses are owned by the banks and the labor that earns them is by making the rich richer. In my system, the communities extend the mortgages and "push" the local currency to pay them on an equal basis into the community as targeted subsidies for locally produced food, wellcare, education, and home improvements. So people earn the right to live in the community by contributing to its wellbeing.
And my plan doesn't really start from scratch, but builds an alternative in parallel with the existing system. With only 2% of people as farmers in the US, we would starve if we started from scratch! With luck, we'll have time to develop our productive capacity before we're cut off entirely by the Russia/China/Latin Am alliances that Charles has talked about.
I'd love to sit in a coffee shop somewhere and really yak our heads off. Not that this is really my milieu, particularly, but it's definitely touching on a lot of interests and concerns. I miss the OLD days (before two years ago!!!!!) when sitting around in coffee shops talking about politics and everything else was the old normal, and nobody had to worry about someone else being "offended"! Well, I think we'll get back to that. Anyway, thanks for not taking my comment as an insult... I often read what I wrote to someone later and think "that sounds pretty harsh!" So... It's good to bat things around and I miss that very much. Cheers.
I would love that! Talking and coffee are two of my favorite things, especially talking about ideas. I don't take offense lightly--and sometime not even when it's meant ;-) I'm glad that you didn't. And yes, I miss the old days too. Destroying community, casual interaction, and even chatting in line with strangers was definitely part of the Great Reset agenda.
You are forever asking questions Charles . How We are ever going to wrestle the power from those who now seek to solidify control because of lack of trust of the population at large . Are we to blame for consuming or ate the powers that be for providing ? I guess for ourselves you are showing that the only way is to grow the self . I had heard a quote that only a small hsndful of compassionate and understanding souls could cause great change . I admire the Dali Lama for being one of those . I think the responsibility of personal consciousness and understanding of how it contributes to the collective is a big task . However just the simplest , didn’t Jesus tell us this when he created a a movement from the same . I stated 12 steps today looking at responsibility , compulsion and trust . Think you for helping to clear the jungle ahead just a little
Lovely. FYI, your help/donation page seems to have a bug. Every time I try to submit, it says there is a problem with the reCaptcha . But there isn't one displayed to interface with. xx
I just listened to your interview with Robert Kennedy. Great stuff. You mentioned that you weren't sure how receptive he was to your perspective. I only listened so I did not see RFK's facial expression or body language, but he seemed very receptive to the concept of thinking of the earth's resiliency in a holistic way rather than focusing on a single reductionistic metric of evil. He immediately saw the analogy with Covid, which you confirmed. Having listened to dozens of episodes of the defender podcast, my guess would be that you may have gotten him thinking about different ways to gather a large number of people in support of non-technological solutions to the degradation of the natural environment.
The fact is that RFK is going to have to look to the right to find support for environmental problems that do not involve crazy things like blocking out the sun or seeding the ionosphere with chemicals that bind CO2. Many of the so-called environmentalists on the left have now been captured by big tech. Most have just been virtue signaling anyway without taking any real action, and most of them never go anywhere unless there is pavement to walk on. Their "experience" of nature comes from TV.
For whatever it's worth, my favorite depiction of a right leaning nature lover is the character of John Dutton on the television show Yellowstone. There's a scene where he is recovering from a gunshot wound and he has somebody help him to a remote part of his ranch where he lowers himself into a Hot Spring. As he sits there in the Hot Spring, this old grizzled cowboy muses about whether God put every spring and herb on earth for humans to find to heal themselves because he knew how badly we would fuck things up.
I loved your interview with RFK. I have never seen Charles comment in the comments, but I am hoping he will see this. Have you collaborated or done podcasts with Paul Kingsnorth. You two have similar/same philosophy with regard to nature and man.
Happy Venus Day dear Charles! Reading your words is like a balm, you are like a lighthouse in the distance, keeping us all on pointe. A few days ago I walked over to a friends shop in the complex where my studio space is, as I walked in and saw the two smiling faces of my friends who had just returned from a six week trip, one of them said "Hey, I saw Greg's Green Knight in Charles newsletter." Surprised that my friends were also fans, we started to share our praises for your work, then my friends said, "Let's get Charles to come speak here in Santa Fe!" Perhaps after Wyoming you could head on over?
The website looks great! I look forward to your UFO essay. With Steven Greer's disclosure project, it seems pretty obvious that UFOs and life outside our Earth exists (as I always assumed, this universe is way too big for us to be the only life forms). I would not want to miss out in this life on seeing or interacting with other possibly more advanced life forms of our universe!
Thank you for your continuing work as healer and bridge builder. As a person who still veers left on most things political, let me say that your voice is a much needed correction. I don’t think the ‘left’ is able to listen, though. Not yet.
I hope for a resurrection of our old stories melded with new as human civilization continues to unravel. We don’t have much time.
I know economics is important but the deeper story and pressing need seems to be about meaning and purpose. And this goes spiritual for me.
Yeah, Russell Brand says: "we are beyond a political solution, what we need is a spiritual revolution". Beyond left and right, beyond workers and owners.
It is spiritual for me too. I feel the potential of spiritual maturation and evolution. We are ending an era of egotism and being driven by our instincts. Spiritual maturation beyond our ego - reducing self-centeredness (or even eliminating it via ego death) and realizing we are not separate. Also the dimming of the instinctual fire by experiencing that we exist beyond our body. These are what I see as the potential of this next phase of human maturation to rise up from the ashes of our crumbling systems and institutions.
Thank you for all you do Charles, I have been immersing myself in your work for the past month and it is providing me with the flexibility, discernment, confidence to transform the the underlying story that I have been living by into something more in service to love and creativity. from my heart, thank you!!!
well I'm looking forward to your economics essays. your last one was fantastic and you did that thing you are so good at, distilling complex social processes down into easily graspable concept's.
Death/ ancestors/ transformation have all been such big work for me the last couple of years, triggered probably by a talk I went to with Stephan Jenkinson..(wheres his substack?). I cant even remember the content, but like your self he understood semantics and cadence and the ensouling of language (oh also Buhner)and the next day i found myself crying unstoppably as I was walking to the coffee store, for no good reason apart from the shattering that his ability to convey thought and feeling had in my shielding.
Its become a whole other journey - culturally it's disastrous for us right now in the west and dangerous -I have written about the abdication of death with covid - and one of the ways back home to have right relations with death is by getting guidance and connection with our ancestors.
For your upcoming UFO article you might be interested in tapping into some of the Youtube videos from The Archives of the Impossible 4 day conference I attended, curated by my friend Jeffrey J. Kripal, associate dean of the faculty and graduate studies in the School of Humanities and the J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religion, It was an extraordinary scholarly conference and exhibition that took place March 3-6, 2022, at Rice University. You can watch opening remarks here by the esteemed Jacque Vallee
I'm so very grateful for the sacred work you're doing, Charles, helping to create a vision of a beautiful world that we know is possible and reaffirming that humanity is worth saving. At times I feel the world would be better off without us. I despair for my children and I find it excruciating thinking about the dystopian future they're facing. I have only a sliver of hope that we'll avert the worst of it and that's because of people like you. Thank you. 💓
thanks charles. i find myself excited to have so many interesting interviews to watch. i also appreciate your wry sense of humor. carry on brother.
In the moment the gratitude is for your shining authenticity. 😁
I'm looking forward to listening to this. I met Della at a conference on regeneration and economics, and promised to get in touch when my book came out. I think this might inspire me to do that ;-) In the meantime I'm enjoying putting forward my plan of sacred economics in my two recent episodes: Build a New Model and Questioning the Greater Reset, which is up on YouTube and will be posted on Substack later today. I noticed that RFKjr and others I admire, like Joel Salatin and James Corbett, are speakers at the Greater Reset event. I'm surprised not to see you as part of it, Charles. But I raise some concerns I have and then talk about why I think my plan for community sovereignty would make the Great Reset obsolete. I appreciate this group that gives equal attention to the spiritual and economic, the reality of the world and the reality in the world. Thank you!
Questioning the Greater Reset: https://youtu.be/M8Hc5gzKACk
The "reality" of the world and in the world is not a static, nor a given. Your plan includes some of the problems we are dealing with now, such as centralized government, government not being a requirement, in my view, and an apparent acceptance of the one-size-fits-all kind of economy, with shelter being something that we have to "earn." I think there are better ways. I like the idea of community sovereignty. I like the idea of ALL people having shelter, regardless of the economic ability to "pay." I'm not going to post a podcast of my ideas on someone else's page, nor am I going to go into a lot of detail here, but just wanted to point out that I'm hearing a lot of the same ideas that got us into the mess we're in now. No offense! I think there is much to explore, and many ideas about starting from scratch and living in a dedicated community.
Hi Jaan (great Word Herder moniker!) Thank you so much for the honor of checking out my videos! My etiquette for posting a link on someone else's page (which is Substack's recommendation for finding a like-minded community) is that it has to be relevant to the topic and a conversation in which I'm regularly engaged, not always with links.
I once had the honor of interviewing Charles, with whom I'm in full agreement on all the fundamental points of spiritual Oneness and an economy that is human-sized. In my mind, that makes the places we disagree in that exciting growing tip of logistics.
My book researches money from its origins and shows that it's backed by the slave labor of other people for food, goods & energy. We're a services labor force, but we don't produce. I don't think you can go from a slave-owning economy to a gift economy. You have to develop an economy of reciprocity in between, or you're giving away someone else's slave labor, not your own.
The big difference between my ideas and the ideas that got us into this mess is that now the houses are owned by the banks and the labor that earns them is by making the rich richer. In my system, the communities extend the mortgages and "push" the local currency to pay them on an equal basis into the community as targeted subsidies for locally produced food, wellcare, education, and home improvements. So people earn the right to live in the community by contributing to its wellbeing.
And my plan doesn't really start from scratch, but builds an alternative in parallel with the existing system. With only 2% of people as farmers in the US, we would starve if we started from scratch! With luck, we'll have time to develop our productive capacity before we're cut off entirely by the Russia/China/Latin Am alliances that Charles has talked about.
I'd love to sit in a coffee shop somewhere and really yak our heads off. Not that this is really my milieu, particularly, but it's definitely touching on a lot of interests and concerns. I miss the OLD days (before two years ago!!!!!) when sitting around in coffee shops talking about politics and everything else was the old normal, and nobody had to worry about someone else being "offended"! Well, I think we'll get back to that. Anyway, thanks for not taking my comment as an insult... I often read what I wrote to someone later and think "that sounds pretty harsh!" So... It's good to bat things around and I miss that very much. Cheers.
I would love that! Talking and coffee are two of my favorite things, especially talking about ideas. I don't take offense lightly--and sometime not even when it's meant ;-) I'm glad that you didn't. And yes, I miss the old days too. Destroying community, casual interaction, and even chatting in line with strangers was definitely part of the Great Reset agenda.
Cheers, m'dear. We're gonna take back Humanity. xo
You are forever asking questions Charles . How We are ever going to wrestle the power from those who now seek to solidify control because of lack of trust of the population at large . Are we to blame for consuming or ate the powers that be for providing ? I guess for ourselves you are showing that the only way is to grow the self . I had heard a quote that only a small hsndful of compassionate and understanding souls could cause great change . I admire the Dali Lama for being one of those . I think the responsibility of personal consciousness and understanding of how it contributes to the collective is a big task . However just the simplest , didn’t Jesus tell us this when he created a a movement from the same . I stated 12 steps today looking at responsibility , compulsion and trust . Think you for helping to clear the jungle ahead just a little
Lovely. FYI, your help/donation page seems to have a bug. Every time I try to submit, it says there is a problem with the reCaptcha . But there isn't one displayed to interface with. xx
I just listened to your interview with Robert Kennedy. Great stuff. You mentioned that you weren't sure how receptive he was to your perspective. I only listened so I did not see RFK's facial expression or body language, but he seemed very receptive to the concept of thinking of the earth's resiliency in a holistic way rather than focusing on a single reductionistic metric of evil. He immediately saw the analogy with Covid, which you confirmed. Having listened to dozens of episodes of the defender podcast, my guess would be that you may have gotten him thinking about different ways to gather a large number of people in support of non-technological solutions to the degradation of the natural environment.
The fact is that RFK is going to have to look to the right to find support for environmental problems that do not involve crazy things like blocking out the sun or seeding the ionosphere with chemicals that bind CO2. Many of the so-called environmentalists on the left have now been captured by big tech. Most have just been virtue signaling anyway without taking any real action, and most of them never go anywhere unless there is pavement to walk on. Their "experience" of nature comes from TV.
For whatever it's worth, my favorite depiction of a right leaning nature lover is the character of John Dutton on the television show Yellowstone. There's a scene where he is recovering from a gunshot wound and he has somebody help him to a remote part of his ranch where he lowers himself into a Hot Spring. As he sits there in the Hot Spring, this old grizzled cowboy muses about whether God put every spring and herb on earth for humans to find to heal themselves because he knew how badly we would fuck things up.
I loved your interview with RFK. I have never seen Charles comment in the comments, but I am hoping he will see this. Have you collaborated or done podcasts with Paul Kingsnorth. You two have similar/same philosophy with regard to nature and man.
Never mind. I found one: https://www.agatheringofstories.com/lineup-pandemic/paul-and-charles
I also feel that Paul and Charles are quite simpatico. 
Happy Venus Day dear Charles! Reading your words is like a balm, you are like a lighthouse in the distance, keeping us all on pointe. A few days ago I walked over to a friends shop in the complex where my studio space is, as I walked in and saw the two smiling faces of my friends who had just returned from a six week trip, one of them said "Hey, I saw Greg's Green Knight in Charles newsletter." Surprised that my friends were also fans, we started to share our praises for your work, then my friends said, "Let's get Charles to come speak here in Santa Fe!" Perhaps after Wyoming you could head on over?
The website looks great! I look forward to your UFO essay. With Steven Greer's disclosure project, it seems pretty obvious that UFOs and life outside our Earth exists (as I always assumed, this universe is way too big for us to be the only life forms). I would not want to miss out in this life on seeing or interacting with other possibly more advanced life forms of our universe!
Thank you for your continuing work as healer and bridge builder. As a person who still veers left on most things political, let me say that your voice is a much needed correction. I don’t think the ‘left’ is able to listen, though. Not yet.
I hope for a resurrection of our old stories melded with new as human civilization continues to unravel. We don’t have much time.
I know economics is important but the deeper story and pressing need seems to be about meaning and purpose. And this goes spiritual for me.
Does it for you?
Yeah, Russell Brand says: "we are beyond a political solution, what we need is a spiritual revolution". Beyond left and right, beyond workers and owners.
It is spiritual for me too. I feel the potential of spiritual maturation and evolution. We are ending an era of egotism and being driven by our instincts. Spiritual maturation beyond our ego - reducing self-centeredness (or even eliminating it via ego death) and realizing we are not separate. Also the dimming of the instinctual fire by experiencing that we exist beyond our body. These are what I see as the potential of this next phase of human maturation to rise up from the ashes of our crumbling systems and institutions.
Thank you for all you do Charles, I have been immersing myself in your work for the past month and it is providing me with the flexibility, discernment, confidence to transform the the underlying story that I have been living by into something more in service to love and creativity. from my heart, thank you!!!
well I'm looking forward to your economics essays. your last one was fantastic and you did that thing you are so good at, distilling complex social processes down into easily graspable concept's.
Death/ ancestors/ transformation have all been such big work for me the last couple of years, triggered probably by a talk I went to with Stephan Jenkinson..(wheres his substack?). I cant even remember the content, but like your self he understood semantics and cadence and the ensouling of language (oh also Buhner)and the next day i found myself crying unstoppably as I was walking to the coffee store, for no good reason apart from the shattering that his ability to convey thought and feeling had in my shielding.
Its become a whole other journey - culturally it's disastrous for us right now in the west and dangerous -I have written about the abdication of death with covid - and one of the ways back home to have right relations with death is by getting guidance and connection with our ancestors.
Thanks for the gift of YOU, Charles!
The website is beautiful, Charles-- as is all this work. Thank you.
For your upcoming UFO article you might be interested in tapping into some of the Youtube videos from The Archives of the Impossible 4 day conference I attended, curated by my friend Jeffrey J. Kripal, associate dean of the faculty and graduate studies in the School of Humanities and the J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religion, It was an extraordinary scholarly conference and exhibition that took place March 3-6, 2022, at Rice University. You can watch opening remarks here by the esteemed Jacque Vallee
You can continue to go down the rabbit hole watching all the plenary and keynote speakers on Youtube!
Here is another extraordinary presentation With John Phillip Santos whom I think you may enjoy!
John Phillip Santos -
The library of Artifacts, papers, testimonials and ongoing evidence are now being housed at Rice University.
Peace and Prana to all space fans!