Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Dear Charles,

I love the idea that we're walking off the edge of known reality and our cultural expectations!

Also, I found your talk interesting throughout. And was brought to tears by your reminder that (in my words not yours) nothing done for love is ever lost. Even when we die, all the love and light we have shared with others still shines in them and through them. I deeply respect that you are on a journey of discovery, just like the rest of us, and appreciate your sharing your journey so vulnerably in this talk and your writing and events. Don't worry about being better. We're all seeking our new story together.


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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Just a wink from aliens to confirm you're on the right track.

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This audience probably won't care much about this, but for those who'd like a look behind the curtain (all media and the information you receive from it along with the "celebrities" that construct it are a part of an elaborate Edward Bernays illusion/script) this is for you:

Carol Boucher is the mother of Elon’s (the guy predicted by Wernher Von Braun to bring us to Mars) child, also known as the artist ‘Grimes’. The most notable thing about Carol is that she submitted the following image to her Instagram on September 4th, 2019 - one month and change before the pandemic narrative began. It depicts a story told by emoji laden glyphs which remarkably spell out the very near future:

https://tritorch.com/grimes.png - September 4th, 2019 prediction: DNA Coronavirus + Injection Injection Injection = Aliens

Elon’s ex-girlfriend’s prophecy batting average is one thousand here. From DNA (transcription) to the coronavirus to the repeated injections to the alien narrative. How could she—or anyone—possibly know about all of this in advance?

It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that with the fake pandemic of 2020-2021 now in the rear-view mirror - we have been - and are being - primed for the next big lie: a major faux alien invasion narrative. Breathless UFO UAP stories have been mass-injected by the pentagon into every major mainstream Operation Mockingbird news outlet. That in itself is alarming enough but the most concerning part about this anything-goes propaganda bombardment is that this alien marketing blitz has been foretold.

Many decades ago Operation Paperclip’s very own Wernher Von Braun warned his secretary, Dr. Carol Rosin, that this extra-terrestrial dialectic was coming in the future, and that when it arrived it would be an outright lie:

https://tritorch.com/degradation/LastCardWillBeFakeAlienInvasionDrCarolRosinWernherVonBraun.mp4 [8:25 mins]

New World Order: What better way for the globalists to get the world to throw their sovereignty to the wind - in order to achieve that coveted one-world-government where they seize all earthly possessions - than conjuring up an exotic threat from outer space? This is far removed from a new idea—the 1986 animated novel ‘The Watchmen’ was a guidebook for how one might achieve such a planetary-class sleight of hand, and even President Reagan longed for such an event:

"Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond … I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." —President Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from: —https://tritorch.substack.com/p/elon-musks-x-app-is-the-one-ring

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Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

I was watching the YouTube stream live and you did indeed glitch. You just froze. I waited for a time, then eventually refreshed only to see the last bit before the pause replayed and then cut. And THEN, eventually a disjoint to you mentioning swamp gas and weather balloons. (Wild what can happen in 55 seconds)

Fabulously fascinating about the contents of the erasure (I was meaning to go and rewatch so this is perfectly timed) and also that you noticed the glitch yourself.

PS I LOVE your son's (?) Giant painting. What a treat.

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I experienced no interruption in real time while I was present live on Zoom for the entirety. I’m intrigued though because I felt like something was vaguely “off” during the call, though I couldn’t name it. Since I’ve been experiencing this feeling lately myself, I thought it was me. My experiences of this began in October when I zoned out during a live broadcast while I was presenting. I kept speaking, but had no immediate recollection of continuing to speak. Later, I could recall 5 different yet similar versions but didn’t know which was real until I watched the replay. Since then the instances have been milder in that, like this event with Charles, something just feels “off.” I can attest the material was all there during the live call with no interruptions. We are going through some major changes we may not be able to explain just yet.

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Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

The UFO thing is indeed a weird thing but not because it's real, but because it's a projection of humanity.


"Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur examines UFOs and a wide variety of “paranormal” phenomena from a rather unique angle. Although Harpur never fully defines the daimonic—“the daimonic that can be defined is not the true daimonic,” as Lao-Tse would say—it seems to exist both inside us and outside us. Like the Greek daemon and unlike the Christian demon, it takes both good/healing and bad/terrifying forms, depending on our commitment to rationalistic ego states.

In a sense, the daimonic is like the collective unconscious of Carl Jung, inside us as a part of our total self that the ego wishes to deny, outside us in all the other humans who ever existed and in the dreams, myths, and arts of all the world. But Harpur follows Irish poet (and Golden Dawn alumnus) W. B. Yeats as often as he follows Jung, and traces some of his ideas back to Giordano Bruno and the alchemical/hermetic mystics of the Renaissance. The daimonic is just a bit more personalized and individualized than Jung’s species unconscious.

Harpur’s major thesis is that unless we recognize the daimonic (make friends with it, Jung would say) it takes increasingly malignant and terrifying forms. For instance, the Greys of UFO abduction lore, he says, are deliberately mirroring our ego-centered and “scientistic” age—showing no emotions of the humans they experiment upon, just as the ideal science student feels no emotion and has no concern with the emotions of the animal being tortured in his laboratory."

Despite dealing with many subjects common to conspiracy theories, this book does not quite fit into that category. We are the conspirators, so to speak. We have repressed the most creative part of ourselves and now it is escaping in terrifying forms."

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Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

I LOVE your sons painting. Art by children is often superb anyways, and this is definitely special. I am with you on just calling them UFO's .. I have seen so many! Whenever any one tells me they have never seen any I just let them know if they hang out with me long enough they will. It seems laughable and absurd that we live in an infinite universe and yet there is no other life out there. No way :D

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Feb 20Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Hi Charles,

Confirming that I was on Zoom (from Australia) with no glitches. Although I have had many glitches trying to add this comment.

I'd like to suggest a 6th possibility (which leads an opening for infinite possibilities) #6 We are living in a metaverse with infinite possible realities. And perhaps our 3D reality is at a point where it is now impossible to contain so many divergent realities and thus can no longer be held in one reality.

I recall attending a circle in the early nineties (when channeling was popular). At the circle someone was channeling an entity who called himself Duvaul and claimed he had lived 400 years ago as a french philosopher and spoke very convincingly in a french accent. The channeller went into a deep trance and could never remember the content of what he spoke. On one occasion he predicted a change in the near future where the world would split into 3 realities, one very primitive where people survived in a post apocalyptical life much like scenes out of a Mad Max movie. The second was a busy hectic high tech world, and the third was a spiritual plane where everyone lived quite blissfully manifested whatever they desired for the sheer joy of it. That was my recollection - interestingly when we met the next week and discussed the previous session everyone had quite a different recollection of what had been said. I wish we had taped it. But it did lead me to consider that each person is creating a separate reality at all times - how these separate realities all converge to form a collective reality seems beyond my scope of understanding. Hope this ramble was not too long - Thank you for sharing your deep insights into the state of our world - can't wait till the next one.

Love Ronald

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Feb 19·edited Feb 20Liked by Charles Eisenstein

I watched the YouTube version after the livestream and almost all of the references to UFOs were missing. I believe it was deliberate because something similar recently happened on the UFO - slowxposure Facebook page on Feb. 14. The audio was removed from segments of a two part presentation by Bob Lazar and George Knapp for 'OpenMindsTV'. The admin acknowledged that it was edited out without their knowledge. Thanks for sending out the original content because I was initially disappointed with how little you had to say about the topic.

Your sons' painting is lovely, he is very talented.

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So this is interesting - I was watching the video about 45 minutes behind you, you were still recording as I started from the beginning, and I specifically remember hearing you talk about swamp gas and weather balloons because I didn't know the context and Googled it.

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Feb 20Liked by Charles Eisenstein

I heard of this happening too, an Australian woman questioning the WHO Pandemic Treaty posted a video and later found that a section that was actually made the crux of her argument was missing. As she said, most people do not have enough time to re-watch their upload to check that all the content - and so these 'edits' by whatever/however are able to be snuck in... flattening down the discussions. And in her case made her seem a supporter rather than a questioner...

Keeping 'the narrative' on the straight and narrow I would say ...

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Feb 19Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Yes, I that section was missing in the live stream in YouTube. I thought it was my network or Bluetooth and also thought it was odd that the entire live stream and my Bluetooth music hat was perfect except for that section. Pretty sure you came back in when you mentioned the weather balloons which seemed to come out of no where. I enjoy your pauses so didn't think much more about it.

As a software engineer and data scientist I've experienced my own live system glitches...now I'm wondering about all of them! Maybe that demo that glitched out meant the software wasn't right for the customer, or maybe a competitor, or maybe even a UFO! Definitely wasn't my fault, hahahaha.

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Charles, why don't you try posting it again on youtube, since you have a backup. I bet it's going to go just fine, and that #1 hypothesis is the correct one.

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Heard in real time, no communication break.

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I like #3, though I remember hearing the part when you introduce disclosure, so evidently my own synchronicity isn’t totally synchronized with yours.

Whatever you decide to call it, please keep it up. We desperately need some meta-political speculation these days.

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The last explanation resonates the deepest. ‘Energy’ has infinite forms. It feels like we’re in between, almost at the pause between the breaths

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