Re: Part 4. Excellent summary of capitalist primitive accumulation. Capitalism appropriates from human community and sells it back to us as a commodity. In the process human qualities and connections are lost. Very clear.

But how is a choice made when these worlds are lost for ever? When languages, communities, bioregions etc have vanished and are not part of the collective memory?

Charles, your take on AI is very disappointing - there won't be any "choice" regarding the endgame of externalizing and commodifying human capabilities and faculties under the guise of "transcending corporality" as envisioned by the technocrats and transhumanists, now explicitly implementing their program. This process will culminate in a Cartesian cogito empty of any content (except for which it can buy), at best; more likely would be the utter elimination of human species as such. Or actually, soul death or biological extinction, maybe the latter is preferable.

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wonderful series of clips - I would love to hear the whole talk, but there is no link after 👉 Here you can listen to the full interview on the X podcast: and I can't find it by searching on x podcast. The last post on X by you is from December 24.

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Thanks, Charles. Good stuff.

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I just started listening to this. Fascinating take on what science is.

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Does it not seem, Penfist, that Charles is reversing the logic we used to speak out against the vaccines at the time? I remember posting one video on Paul Kingsnorth where "I use his thesis, antithesis, synthesis model but show why it's backwards and it's the orthodox view that rejects science. I quote Robert F. Kennedy's chapter, HIV Heretics, on how science is not a consensus and tell about my realization, after 50 years of futile arguments, that my mother didn't believe in the existence of facts. I cite Dr. Amishi Jha's definition of science as "a pursuit through a process of understanding what is," and how that relates to peer-reviewed studies." https://youtu.be/mnAXypCx32o

Anti-vaxxers, like myself, analyzed studies to show how they were flawed, like the data used to show the unvaxxed were dying at 4X the rate of the vaxxed--but they counted those vaxxed within two weeks as unvaxxed. A first-year stats student could debunk it.

Now that the science, the real science, is showing we were right, what does it mean to come in and say science is a religion, logic is a limitation, facts and reality don't exist? It seems to me that discredits us just when people might be ready to listen to us.

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Beautiful “Miracle Minutes” Charles


Thank you

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Did you announce you'd be in Taiwan? I would have come see you if I had known. I live in Taipei.

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It seems to me that anyone who is in any sense optimistic about the technologically driven future should check out the writings of Gunther Anders.


His work is summarized in an essay titled "The World Without Us Gunther Anders & humanity's exile in technology" by Christoper Muller on the Australian Broadcasting Religion & Ethics website

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thank you.

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yes. very beauty fully expressed.

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Dxdxsxzz ex x̌xxxtaa

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