Yes, please to audio! Thank you, Charles.

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Absolutely love that idea! Connecting your voice to your words creates a whole other layer to what you are sharing Charles. The power and beauty of storytelling.

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Hello again. Very clever analysis and storytelling. Lots of truth. However, as you mentioned, what is happening here and all over the world, is bigger than this story. Yes. this IS the time of the shadow on Earth's medicine wheel and, the time of "Let that which has been hidden be revealed" (Revelations).

However, BOTH "sides" are enacting their shadow, and are doing so unconsciously....

according to western ideological sociocultural and socioeconomic teachings of "managing" the masses by the small group with historical and evergrowing means of control. The historic FIRST STEP was and is, psychological: By historically assigning "I-dentities", which creates an unfounded belief of "who/what 'I' am, and what my function in the world is" (world without end, amen).

SECOND STEP: Once the mentally created I-dentity is accepted (by mores, laws from those in control) always punishable including starvation, psychological, economic, physical, torture and death, eternal hellfire"by law", the shift from human ways of knowing truth through truth-seeking, feeling, and knowing from the heart ("Let thine eye be single", the heart can ONLY have ONE truth) to "knowing truth" with the mind, the intellectualization (robotization) of self is now dependent on the mind for its safety, well being, and Life. The mind is the playground of of polarity, duality, positive/negative, good/bad, happy/unhappy, beauty/ugliness, life/non life, yes/no, up/down, etc.

THIRD STEP: Denigrated, now dependent on the new powers-that-be humans, now totally

Dependent on the mind and its beliefs to know "truth" humankind will always live in the land of oppose-its. There has been, and within this paradigm, always will be, duality, separation (divide and conquer) within the species and from whatever one might call the 'divine'. There will always be wars, genocides, mind-bending propagandas created by those few behind the curtain to the mind-dependent, robotized masses who need to FEEL something, but do not know HOW to feel anything but the drug of choice (fed to them by images, drugs, games, doctored info-mation), anything that is NOT motivated by the shadow anymore.....to know Truth.

Divide and Conquer is the name of the game. Weaken those you want to conquer first, then easy sleazy, come in and takeover. We are seeing Putin take advantage of this divided country, as well as China who is economically and worldwide prepared Check the map of their influence)not just to take Taiwan, but replace the world economy now using U.S. as standard currency, with Chinese Yuan. North Korea firing off super nuke adaptable missiles after we divided against each other, and will continue to do so until it can become part of the New World Triumvirate. China and Russia, now and future pals, to serve their own world interests; while unconscious Americans spew forth the unexamined, unhealed, shadow self in complicit, intellectualized thus heartless glee, and finally feeling a temporarily rationalized "release" from within the self.

Remember grade school history at all? Remember the image of the flag with a snake cut up in pieces and the slogan on it "United we stand, Divided we fall? Divide and conquer ALWAYS WORKS. It has since the first group of shepherds were conquered by the first (unconscious) shadow-driven, control-freak, wannabe "king". And he won. As will the collective human dividers. Watch it happen.

However, in the Big Picture, unleashed shadows allowed to rule decisions and actions, does not mean freedom or wealth or power as the brainwashing states. ALL Americans, great football fans tho they are, have fallen for the feint. Barked up the wrong Oz curtain. As you said, the shadow can do great harm.

Not yet taught, recognized, healed or conscious, it can only do great harm to ALL. And it has begun.....

This will be shown.

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There will always be wars... etc ... ? Not so sure of that. What makes you so sure? And I'm not trying to be rude, just really am curious as to why you say that. xo

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got to read the whole thing

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PS, not rude, questions are a good thing ( - :

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No worries! xo

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Haha I like how nerdy this one is .. :D ..good work

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I loved this audio version!

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Yes thank you!!

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I heard your conversation with Sayer the other day, and I've not even listened to this yet--- I WILL, right away, but even before I do--- YES to the audio! xo

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Love the idea of audiofying your essays, Charles! Thanks a lot!

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best ever! So funny and so true! And such a relief to rest my eyes from too much screen time and listen to your beautiful voice

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Really good idea. Please do more of these.

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Thank you Charles! Having the audio version is definitely a plus!

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Loved listening to you tell the story after reading it myself a few weeks (months?) ago.

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Thank you for this, really wonderful! I came across your recording on YouTube where I could stream it, yay!

I love all the pieces you pull together here.

I vote for more recordings if you can. Hearing another's voice just now is really needed for me.

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Yes I would love Audio!!!!!!

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This is one of my absolute favorite essays from you, Charles. Much more accessible to me in audio.

Notable that "sith" is practically a homonym for *scythe*....that which separates the false from the real (wheat from chaff).

Just excellent. Thank you for continually pointing to the gifts inherent in Shadow.

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Echos my feelings exactly.

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