I always welcome your perspective on situations and/or people. Unless I practice kindness moment to moment, I find it easy to slip into judgement. I am just now learning to be kind to myself. By recognizing my own feelings and flaws, I learn to recognize them in others. Loving myself is the next step.

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Thanks Charles! I appreciate your reminders fly above the fray, not to be superior, but to become more observant of we are! Much gratitude!

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That video was so. deeply moving. That is giving me a really new perspective on other peoples choices and how to move out of judgmental thoughts about others.

Something occurred to me… Who is better off, the person with energy obsessing about eating cleanly and paranoid and worrying and pesticides , or a person unknowingly packing a lunch box of junk food full of love energy? This is really a perspective to think about for me.

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Charles, I like your insights. Particularly "these experiences (to judge or to love) give us the opportunity to define who we are in the situation", and "who do we choose to be (in that

moment) ". I know these will make an impact on my response to really big people. I can't NOT look at them. I don't judge too much; I think how awful it must be to try and do so many things we do easily, and health issues they will have. I really look forward to the next opportunity I will have to use these experiences. Thank you, Jeannie

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Charles, thank you for your reminders to see the love and be the love.

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This was really beautiful. Thank you for sharing <3

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Let me answer with a video of life blossoming out of decay. In Ukraine almost all of the men are on the front. The cities are bombed daily, many people are moving to small villages. Usually, there is no running water, heat, or electricity. I follow several channels documented ordinary people dealing with There extraordinary circumstances. Alina does it well. (linked TY video - search for "Alina in foodland" if your apprehensive of clicking a link)


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So good! Let us have compassionate eyes for all! The man opening his lunch ignorant of the toxic ingredients in his food but feeling gratitude for the love energy from his wife, and maybe receiving “lucky you” comments from his coworkers, will have stimulated a very positive digestive flow in his microbiome. This inner mood of soul communicates wellness to the whole immune system, and is a better situation than the best food consumed in a bad mood.

The person paying top dollar for the pretty produce at Whole Foods, ignorant that it is being continually misted with a spray containing chemicals (and perhaps Bill Gates apeel), goes home to lovingly make a meal for her/ his family. When the children or partner smell the meal preparations, their salivary gland’s immediately begin to make the appropriate digestive enzymes that correspond to those phenoms, preparing the system for optimal digestion. Even more so if the mood and conversation at the table is positive.

The worst off are those who eat pre packaged grab and go, who eat while driving or scrolling, or in an atmosphere of dissension.

The BEST in every case would be a moment of prayer before the meal and to momentarily remember that all substance ultimately comes from light and that light comes from God’s love for creation.

Our compassionate gaze is truly a superpower for countering the ignorance and deception we increasingly encounter in our sad times.

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Thanks Charles. Simple, profound and wise words.

The sword of Solomon in our hands or hearts

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Much Vitamin L to you and yours! :)

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"The more we try to control, the more slips through our grasp" Nicely put.

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Thanks, Charles. I’m glad you are still being present and out here for us. I lost track of you for some time. Now I have been thinking of you in terms of your knowledge of economics. I have been a deep pessimist about humans getting the message before it’s too late to save much of anything we hold dear, including our humanity. It seems like it would take a miracle, given how fast things are deteriorating and the turn toward authoritarianism and enmity. But it occurred to me, and you reinforce the idea by saying the economic system must keep expanding to survive, that if the world market economic system collapsed soon, that would provide the crisis that we need in order to make the Shift! Is that so??

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Thanks, Charles. I’ve been out of touch with you for quite a while, but thus popped up and I’,m grateful. Your awareness of economics intrigues me, because I’m not well versed.

But as I was planting some herbs just a little while ago, it occurred to me that I have overlooked something in my pessimism about the possibility of humans getting enlightened before there is a chance of saving life as we know it on Earth. It occurred to me that if the rigidity around perception of sexual identity could come so close to dissolving in one generation, what could happen if the global economic system failed? That would be a crisis that would upset the whole patriarchal dominance culture without destroying the ecosystem! A miracle! Shall we “pray” for that collapse? When you comment on the need to keep expanding for the economic system to “work,” it sounds like a causes for hope, or even optimism! By the way, I’m just getting onto Substack. I am curious about how it’s been for you?? All the best in your (our) quest for humanity in humans!

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