I came across this the other day and I think it kind of plays to what you’re writing about, “If you catch 100 red fire ants as well as 100 large black ants, and put them in a jar, at first, nothing will happen. However, if you violently shake the jar and dump them back on the ground the ants will fight until they eventually kill each other. The thing is, the red ants think the black ants are the enemy and vice versa, when in reality, the real enemy is the person who shook the jar. This is exactly what’s happening in society today. Liberal vs. conservative, black vs. white, pro mask vs. anti-mask, VAX vs. anti-VAX, rich vs poor, man vs. woman, Cop vs. citizen. The real question we need to be asking ourselves is who’s shaking the jar… And why?” - Shera Starr

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An entity that has a hard time dying, has shaken the jar.

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Sometimes the entity has to be put down.

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Michael newtons a journey of souls has excellent data and conclusions on this meta life topic

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Will check it out. Thx.

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Dear Jean / You are right who indeed is shaking the jar ?

Truth is difficult to discern these days when we are adrift in a sea of information , that sea if you will is seemingly filled by a single Estuary, could it all be filling from this single source or are others possible? I cant really tell you . This why I rarely post videos showing what might be seen as infringements of liberty , I rarely follow one line of science . In COVID debate I remain a centrist with my only aim is a peaceful exit strategy . I worry that each side is being fuelled for a greater agenda than we could imagine . Its not too difficult to see that this may have its origins in world depopulation as it is the biggest threat to a world running out of resources . Realisitically,I could see there could be world power/ super power agreement and collaboration towards this end . I m publicly claiming the term - " Nefarious Philanthropy " in respect of this , as I think to exact something on this scale one would have to be able to sleep at night , or justify to some part of your life . I cant tell truths because truly nothing , no one is above the surface, Charles has stated that he does'nt think some Cabal exists but that the 'spectre' of such lives within our collective wants and expectations .

Of course on can tell stories :

Once upon a time in a world far away , the people of that place struggled to exist . That struggle was not equal , some people in this place enjoyed a peaceful and healthy life , others found it a struggle and had not even a slight inclination of how the other lived , and vice versa.

The people who struggled it happens had large families , those that were comfortable saw the benefits in their own self development and thus had less children. However the number was greater than the resources could manage .

So there was a King , and he got his scientists together to create a poison , this was called a virus , a strange poison , it could be mild but also sometimes devastating , once created it had a life of its own .

However , the King had an antidote , however he couldnt give to everyone otherwise they would all survive. Instead he created it with some problems and those problems were overlooked by some who wanted to get better by any means and there was distrust amongst others who refused any of it .

The King knew that those who took the antidote , he felt he could trust as they implied that they trusted him , he recognised those that refused as enemies to his rule . The Grand Vizer whispered the most perfect plan in his ear , just be truthful about the poison , and create some distrust with the antidote. Then when the poison (virus ) changed to be lethal , his loyal subjects would survive and not only that but agree that those that distrusted had the opportunity but refused thus they sealed their own fate by choice .

A simple story , I'm sure that with vaccine rollout , if there was a plan it would'nt be to eradicate all the top politicians , scientists or even the State of Israel ( useful political chess piece in the middle east ) . This may be a complete Nefarian fantasy on my part and indeed the end of the pandemic may be nigh through a natural cycle and we can all look back on these years . Also it may be as feared in the posts I read that have said the vaccine is deadly . In a sea of information all stories may be true as we only get a glimpse of what is really happening , if there is indeed a 'plan'.

All I know is Im throwing no stones , I 've agreed to take the vaccine as regards my life . I stand up against any mandates . I respect the sovereignty of others . I like science , its amazing how far we have advanced , my job relies on a lot of science . I believe knowledge of our elders and how to be fully human in harmony with nature is being lost . I want us all to resist this ' shaking ' of the jar so that we can deand transparency and science become our servant rather than master. As Sai Baba said: LOVE ALL SERVE ALL

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It’s a great analogy. Most do the public debate is distracted by the shake. It’s also akin to don’t look at the finger but where it’s pointing (to the moon). It’s short sighted, lack of vision

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Spot on metaphor here Shera!

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I am kind to the vaccinated, until they sound like a fascist or label me a Trump supporter, despite him pushing the jabs.

Then, I clearly state the huge issues.

I mention how I supported Bernie Sanders and other left issues.

I mention how the left abandoned "my body, my choice".

I mention how the FDA approves unsafe drugs all the time as they get most of their funding from pharma.

If that makes them an even bigger fascist, I tell them that they should get a weekly booster 🤑 and stay at home.

I don't see them as the enemy until they treat me like an enemy.

Sorry, but I think this is necessary to prevent abuse.

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We were kind to the Left, offering them all the same choice that we wanted for ourselves. Then science showed us that vaxx was a giant mistake, a blunder of unfathomable global proportions. That it forced variants into existence (as we predicted) and offered these legion variants a safe path to infection of billions as they (accidentally?) distracted the immune systems of the world. Any non-Lefty still clinging to "muh Trump was a good President" and hoping for his return ought to consider that the state we are in is largely due to his initial incompetence at hiring and firing....the ONE THING he was supposed to be good at! He made pharma indemnity deals (is the Art of the Deal to get bent over a barrel?), he kept Pence, Fauci and Birx on the job and never cleaned house at FDA and NIH. If he had become re-elected, I challenge any Trumper to describe how a single thing today, a year later, with authority devolved to States, would be in any ways different. China gave us sloppy viral bioweapon handling, Trump's gave us hurried untested vaxx, his pandemic, his economic lockdowns, his Zoom learning, his mask orders, his coming vaxx passports, his market whipsaws, his trillion dollar emergency budgets, his less ready military. Trump might have meant well, but so did Jimmy Carter. Don't get me wrong, Joe Biden is a pretty bitter pill to swallow, but if we are dissecting the route to here, today, Trump fumbled pretty badly.

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I share your view. I've spent 3 hrs talking with my brother & agreed on all data points until he gets to "and Trump is going to save us." But between us, did Trump fumble? Or was it his job to shake the jar, as a previous poster said, and make the left oppose everything he was for and be for everything he was against? I really wonder if we've been masterfully played by both sides.

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Donald is not a god king or omniscient awakened enlightened sage. Thus of course he thought waxxines were good, like the vast majority ofAmericans and human hybrids.

This is a play, and the world is a stage after all. What role do you wish to play?

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Nope. Trump knew that vaccines were dangerous. He wanted to appoint RFK Jr. to a vaccine safety post. Then the deep state got to Trump and he realized what the jig is.

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I read he changed his tune after a meeting with Bill gates.

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Soon after announcing the defunding of WHO, he handed Gates of Hell a big check for $1.6bil US for Gates’s vaxx brokerage house GAVI. That was in March 2020.

He flipped on masks two days after a meeting (and photo op) with his “good friend” Kissinger in May.

I don’t buy any of the 4-D chess nonsense, but Trump is an elitist who, like John D. Rockefeller, likes to effect a “common man” touch. But his Atlantic City losses were forgiven by none other than the Rothschild Bank. Are we really going to pretend to ourselves that he’s a “man of the people”? It’s absurd, but surprisingly many believe this. Count me out on that delusion.

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That only shows that robert knew wax were dangerous. Donald appointed a lot of people. By that logick, donald also knew they were stealing the election and targeting him. The very comeys he appointed and gave power to. That seems irrational as donald would then be responsible for most of the setups he got hit with.

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Donald is only one player here, and not even the most important one.

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Very well articulated as usual. We should start by not using the language provided by those in power who, having engineered this division for their own benefit through propaganda and misinformation, will require we continue to divide ourselves. These are not "vaccines" and the vaccinated are no more vaccinated than the "unvaccinated". These are temporary experimental therapeutics for emergency use with poor safety profiles and rigged trial data utilized to usher in their next plans for humanity. For anyone paying attention, they know what those plans entail. None of which will be good. Let's start using more appropriate language to retake the narrative from those who need us divided. Dr. David Martin has many suggestions on this, starting with 'bioweapon' instead of virus and 'toxic spike protein injections' instead of vaccine. We will only ever be united when the truth conquers the fiction they've socially engineered.

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Language is critical, I agree. However, using a term like "bioweapon" can be extremely triggering. I believe neutral terminology is required if we are to ever find a middle ground. I would counter with simply "injections" as being accurate and ambiguous enough to fit the bill.

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Some fair points, though I'm not sure the acknowledging a common truth requires coddling the feelings of others or is ever a negotiation for middle ground. It either is or isn't, and some people are going to need a good dose of triggering to wake up. This was a lab engineered bioweapon. All evidence points to that so far, particularly all those in power responsible for the social engineering policies claiming that it wasn't.

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I get what you mean, and I understand the aversion around coddling. But the sad truth is that we will probably never be able to legit confirm this came from a lab, likely any definitive evidence has been sanitized at this point. I suppose the question is, how do we reach those who haven't gotten the memo?

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You don't need to reach them. Just wait for the consequences of the injection. If it is a bio weapon, they will release another one. And another one, until humanity meets the Georgia Guidestone population limitations and Gates' ideal.

Generally this is a great culling or decision point, such as the one people made right before graduation on what their careers will be in life or which college to go to. Separating the wheat from the oats or some such. People need to be free to make a decision, and that is what all this argument over facts is about. Not everyone has made a decision. When everyone has... then the Event happens.

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Agreed on all counts.

Human history seems replete with 'crunch-time' pivot points like the present. Basically, a large enough number of people need to get sufficiently angry to find the courage to rise up and eliminate the perps, instead of putting up with them.

We seem to be at the tail end of the phase where the divided populace (sort of) politely argues back and forth about who is right.

Soon enough we move into the phase where we stop yelling at each other and all heads turn toward the perps.

TPPTB are certainly aware of that upcoming moment. Like Ymarsakar said, that's when The Event happens.

Gird up your loins.

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Yes. Many feel it. i see it akin to a sherlock homes, was it, closed room murderyystery. Who did it? The police and civilians guess and guess, often wrongz and more and more people die. Eventually , we will discover the secret as in the game werewolf or mafia. All will be revealed.

In fact we werr so close to the revelation that people now call apocalypse in march 2020. I take a pulse of various american southern blog communities. To see where the public is at consciousness wise. These were very doubtful of conspiracies and found them ridiculous. Their resistance was wearing thin due to 2020 however, donald did much. What surprised me was that they started talking about reading that covid was a bioweapon released from wuhan as a rumor..... in march 2020. Not 2021. 2020. Before the internet locked down completely via social media tech tyrants.

I assessed this rumor using my intuition and data analysis methods and found it to be true. I then said that an engineered bio weapon will have a waxxine or secondary stage component to it. I had already read of the 100% fatality animal trials for corona waxxines. Although i did not hear they were mrna trials at the time.

So now we are jist getting back to the healthy root and branch system the human collectice had in 2020 march before covid lockdowns pruned us back to plant death fear state.

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Poison is working for me, I wonder if the protocol for treating poisonings (foreign gov. style) is similar to the newer treatments for spikeopathy/spike protein disease from the jab. Except they got us to line up for it. Just think of it. It's quite unfathomable in retrospect.

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Good, Very Good Citizen! Very, very well articulated!!

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The way I look at it - everyone is right, but there is no single point of view that is 100%. I agree with body sovereignty but we don’t live in a world with sovereignty. You break that sovereignty when you drink bottled water, when you eat food from a grocery store, or drive a car. We live inextricably linked together in a global community that is by its sheer weight destroying its own home. The grief of global die off and ecosystem degradation is sharp. We are connected, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, choices ripple.

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I find it interesting that I agree with a number of points of the Georgia Guidestones. I'd subtract a couple, reword a few, and add a couple of modus operandi requirements. My M.O. for achieving population reduction would be far more humane than what is being carried out today. But yes, humanity is way beyond overshoot capacity of the Earth.

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Maybe you live in a city. Most of the world had nobody living on it.

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I recently drove from San Antonio to my home in El Paso and there are hundreds of miles of not much out there. Drive north out of Denver to the Dakotas and you will see more cows than people. Little mostly abandoned towns with a railroad crossing, post office and a grain elevator. That's about it. My hope is that young people get sick of the cities and start a homestead movement into the heartland, repopulating the small towns and farms.

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That homestead movement is very much underway. Has been for years. The majority of my large family live in ND and though most novices want more temperate climes in which to establish themselves, there are many, who like my hearty grandparents, venture onto the prairie which was deemed desolate by other white men 120 years ago.

I’m surrounded by young homesteaders in my area.

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That is a complicated subject. I suggest reading michael newton s journey of souls for a different pov than earth materialism many of us were fed in public indoctrination classes.

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We’re far below replacement rates in Europe and North America. Have been for awhile. James Corbett did a very good debunking of Paul Erlich and “The Population Bomb” [ https://www.corbettreport.com/ehrlich/ ]

and also addressed this faux issue several other times in the context of China’s One Child Policy [2010] and also re William Gates Sr.’s eugenics background [Marcg 2021]. Europe especially has been in a demographic winter so severe that the French attempted to bribe women to reproduce beginning in the 1970s (no dice) and Italy is about to attempt what France failed at. You cannot tell women they’re fools to have children, destroying the planet, wasting their talents, and guaranteeing future poverty and expect them to be won over to traditional roles overnight by a $1000US/year tax credit.

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One of the reasons latter day saints have large families is because they believe children are god s gift and charge. The amish dont have modern day stresses but most lds work white collar work, banking etc.

A lot of this goes back to how many wives or children yeshua had. Jesus the christ according to romez had no children.

Other sources claim yeshua had 6 wives and the other one would be the infamous mary magdalene marriage.

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Is there a materialistic/practical aspect to my overshoot conclusion that I am missing?

From a metaphysical POV I'm sure we could conduct all manner of discussions about overpopulation. But from an Earthly biological POV, it's looking pretty clear to me...

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Poverty incentivizes having lots of kids (hopefully one of them can take care of me when I'm old). For 99% of human history people have taken excellent care of the Earth.

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To just pick 1 thing. Oil regenerates in ground.

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I'm seeing lots of significant evidence of environmental compromise and outright destruction, coupled with a similar preponderance of evidence of climate destabilization (regardless of whether humans or El Sol is doing it).

For one example: https://guymcpherson.com/?p=10644

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This is where things get complicated. Because we have to consider how feasible artificial pole shifts are when non humans did them. So we have at least 3 potential parties here, ets aka false gods or more advanced civs like type 2 or type 3 kardashev scale vs solar earth shifts vs human changed. I consider all of them to be in effect with human pollution being the least impactful of the 3. Looking at sources covering all 3 possibilies, i take a position somewhere betwren those who think the dmg is due to humans and those who dont think humans have the power to do this much dmg. To be precise, i believe something has the power to do this much dmg and that it is happening to some degree as people think but they have the cause wrong. It is not nuclear reactors or oil spills.

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"A quiet majority wants peace." Beautifully and simply put, Charles. thank you <3

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Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Charles!! It's true! I'm sure of it. We are in a battle, but it is not with our fellow human beings. It is with the forces that manipulate all of us into thinking that our brothers and sisters are our enemies. Can we take on the real task of girding ourselves with the truth, which requires each one of us to be willing to dissolve our own precious opinions and judgments regarding the world and others?

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Ephesians 6:12 comes to mind.

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Thanks, Ymarsakar! Yes, that's it.

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"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"

So, in the human realm, eliminate the 'high places.' Then you will have no rulers, powers, or principalities in this world.

The belief that some humans have a right to rule over other humans is the biggest lie we have ever swallowed. 10,000 years later, most people still believe it.

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This is not talking about the "human realm," is it? It says: ". . . against SPIRITUAL wickedness in high places." How would you eliminate the high places? Even with only two people, there is still a hierarchy - one is usually dominant to some degree or other.

As to your last paragraph - ". . . some humans having the right to rule over other humans is the biggest lie . . . " I don't know about you, but it's going to be rather difficult to get rid of rules - some sort of government is inevitable given civilization - otherwise you'll have chaos. No? But isn't that why the USA is/was the "great experiment"-? Isn't that why the US Constitution is so important and treasured? Because it was written and the USA was founded on the principles of the people governing themselves, and not a ruling class? We were not supposed to be an oligarchy.

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The unvaccinated are not a threat to society. They are a threat to authority.

That said, the vaxxed are surely dealing with very deep traumas and wounds, now expressing them brutally and violently... and we'd be wise to stay aware of that.

And the answer, as always, is to severely reign in 'authority'... ideally eliminate it wherever it appears as being permanent. There is zero need or justification for permanent authority anywhere in human society.

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The unvaxxed should be appreciated for taking the role of placebo group.

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Thats right. They should be applauded and given as much support as possible as their numbers likely are still being eroded.

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There is a large segment of humanity that acts like recently graduated pet dogs and cats. They obey authority just as their pet past obeyed their owners and unconditionally loved their owners, and took on all the abuse and said not a word. Because pets don't usually fight back against the Authority/Owner.

They Obey. Because they believe the Owner Loves Them. Just as they unconditionally love the human owner.

This is whose fault, hard to say, but it is an interesting maze.

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Good analogy in many ways!

Imagine you are one of the newly-graduated (pets) humans. Put yourself in their shoes. You sincerely believed and dutifully obeyed your previous owners about:

The hugely hyped-up pandemic story;

The need for masks, distancing, quarantine, lockdown;

The savior vaccine;

The second savior vaccine;

The third savior vaccine, etc;

The need to demonize the unvaxxed for everything still wrong;

The need to segregate and discriminate against the unclean unvaxxed;

And the requirement to present your vax papers to go anywhere or do anything.

You are wondering to yourself... "Something's not right here..."

Now you summon the curiosity and courage to examine for yourself what is actually happening in the world of TheScience. Your read through dozens of recent studies and realize all the political edicts, orders, mandates, regulations and rules supposedly based on TheScience are all BS. You, the vaxxed, are the same if not more susceptible, contagious and dangerous to each other and to the unvaxxed, due to the toxic effects of this experimental concoction created by total strangers, and injected into you by more total strangers.

You trusted them... all of them.

How do you feel about it now? How do you feel about your previous owners, the people you (for some reason) trusted with your very life? You respected them and trusted them, and now you realize they lied to you, they conned you, they betrayed you.

Yet you still cannot let it go... you still feel the tug of loyalty to them. You still try to convince yourself that they actually still have your best interests in mind and in heart. You just cannot stomach the possibility that you have let yourself be completely deceived...

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This could be considered an example of the Betrayal Bond. . .

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Perhaps. Also stockholme syndrome and abusive relationships.

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Which brings up, IMO, the most fundamental and important reason to encourage and demand maximum (accountable/responsible) freedom and liberty at all times: Maximum opportunity for rapid spiritual evolutionary growth.

If humanity is going to get itself out of its cyclical insanity, rapid evolution of consciousness is required. Maximum evolution of consciousness occurs with maximum freedom and liberty to think, speak, act and reap results: success or failure. Learning, improvement and evolution progresses at highest speed with highest freedom. And we need all the speed we can get.



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Yes however... what if there are forces or powers that wish to prevent this rapid rise in consciousness?

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Generalized obedience to authority has two root origin causes, according to, well, Me!

First group began with the abandonment of traditional religious practice in the West, as exemplified by the rise of “spiritual not religious” around 2000. These people identified as the “nones” in surveys right after their parents accepted them being “spiritual not religious.”

The second group arose out of several generations of children raised in daycare beginning in the 1970s. These kids grew up obeying strangers other than their parents, and internalized this obedience despite the authority figures being transient in their world. They were the ones unlikely to have had religious parents which is why Mom may have been employed outside the home, so these adults may still be churchgoers, and are now lecturing their fellow co-religionists that it is their “duty as Christians” to partake of vaccines even if they would usually have concerns about abortion taint etc.

These two sides of the “obedience spectrum” are pushing in from both sides against the unvaccinated in a confusing fashion.

The religious are baffled as to why the usual folks who vote exclusively pro-life suddenly don’t care about the issue when it comes to vaccines.

The non-religious types who are usually aligned with those who would also “question authority” and be militantly vegan are aghast by the lockstep compliance by those who typically value bodily autonomy in reproduction and drug use, are suspicious of large corporations (except for Starbucks, Whole Foods, Planned Parenthood) but are screaming about threats posed by the unmasked who are minding their own business in a subway.

These two factions are proof to me that most political discussions are, in fact, always theological in nature. Those who are deeply religious have no fear of the State or of death. Those who are certain of no afterlife, are similarly unafraid of the State or death—they live life as it comes, without fear, like the believers.

Those who simply follow and do as they’re told are the people too lazy or preoccupied to be “pewsitters” or atheists. They’re neither hot nor cold and are the equivalent of the “low information voters.” They got vaccinated and pay attention to the MSM.

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So here’s my story , I hope it helps to develop better understanding between people. I purposely use the word people and not groups , because there is a influence to create tribalism

. We the people , us . If anyone wants to develop their suspicions as to the purpose of the creation of division , I would recommend watching the film “Snow - piercer “‘- the story of two controlled tribes of haves and have nots on board of a train in perpetual travel around the Earth . The divisions between the groups is constructed so that there is a “ war “ this creates population control . When countries war these days the inevitable outcome is could be Armageddon , anhillatoln . I believe a more sedate war , lives can be lost on both sides could perhaps fulfill the same purpose . There are no winners only control . Charles it is with this dystopic vision in mind that iI agree with you . I work as an Osteopath ( a limbo land between covential

medicine and alternative ) . I have a disabled son who I travel with . This from a vaccination point of view my feet are astride the two camps . I’m really not fully trusted by either camp . If I mention zinc or plant stanols as immune moderators then I’m a witch , my full vaccine status attracts the labelling of being Bill Gates lapdog . I have lost friends and lovers in this ,however I navigate some corners of my life where my respect rather than my fears lead to me to be less than authentic . Yes Charles you are right we need to STOP these battles , soon Klaus will have the relevant “ Merch “ all sewn up ready to sell to either camp . Ii would even suspect that man of providing the placards and bricks for protest whilst engineering laws of anti protest and paying the police .Maybe he rubs his hands in a self gratifying manner and says “ we always win “

The protest to industrial processed food is home cooking ,the protest to the Great Reset is as you describe healing and unity . As well as devrlopment of latent human potential for intuition etc . Self awareness , community and compassion are others . Dear Charles I may be uncomfortably “ astride “as I have desribed , and I would stand with you in any protest that is devoid of tribalism and hate . Thank you for a great essay and the message of Unity

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For me, Fran. This is one of the most important comments on this thread. You get to exist. You get to have your own thoughts and ideas. You get to not choose sides or see any sides at all. You get to be a whole person with complexity and the ability to make your own decisions. When you don't fit into a person's narrative, it makes that person uncomfortable. The need for that person to see you or your actions as right or wrong, right or left, up or down only exists for that person trying to categorize you for that person's own understanding. The truth about life is that I don't have to understand who or how you are. I do have to accept you as you are though.

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Tracie that's a great response to my 'reply' thank you , Within it I find such great support and also a great hope for all our futures. We have to learn to live with nuance, complexity ; we have to learn to live respectfully with difference . It is with the difference that our minds and hearts will grow, this what I hae experienced and what I believe . I see us all and Charles as an important fulcrum in this endeavour . There are many protests at the moment and the voice of these is vital in a democratic society if we are to avoid mandates and the rise of technocracy at the expense of our total humanity . However we also need a level of trust in the science that comes from research that is both transparent . In the age of super - information it is as Charles says we observe from different vantage points . It is right to say then in my opinion we are corrupted by information ( we should be careful ) and what could save us ? well just the beauty of what you have written , that to me is the 'vaccine' of life - kindness , compassion and understanding . Thank you Tracie it was beautiful!!

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Personal sovereignty. You own your own reality and not the state having power over yoi excepr that which you give out.

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The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss always comes to mind

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In our family we have had two car accidents this year, one in June and one in November. They were both single driver accidents, both running into another car, with likely long term injuries to a wrist and to a spine.

So our family has been affected by car accidents at a much greater extent than we have been affected by covid.

I don’t know anyone personally who has been in the hospital with covid. I know only four people who have had covid. Three of them are in their mid 70’s and they all had symptoms for a week or two. They went on to get vaccinated and one of these four has some cognitive changes possibly due to covid or the vaccine. The other person is in her 60’s with covid, she recovered fine but has so-called long covid. I don’t know if she has been vaccinated.

I read lawyer, journalist Glenn Greenwald https://rumble.com/c/GGreenwald when he wrote about cost/benefit of cars in comparison to what our governments have done with lockdowns and such during covid.

We constantly do a cost/benefit analysis when we get in our car. We have a decent idea that many people are hurt and killed in cars but we drive and put our kids in the car every day as if it no concern. We are so used to driving because of its benefit and we don’t realize we are doing the cost/benefit analysis. Both of my family members totaled their cars and are driving again.

The government can shut us down with huge consequences to the economy, with many people losing their jobs and many going hungry, or committing suicide at a greater rate, or OD’ing on drugs more often than in 2019. The global transportation disruptions affect millions of people, leading to lack of food and necessary goods. This is the cost of our Covid policies. And that doesn’t include the unknown cost of adverse effects from the vaccine itself.


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On Glenn Greenwald's Substack, I wrote: Glenn, I'm very hopeful you'll be reviewing The Real Anthony Fauci. I LOVED your video with Jimmy Dore on Breaking the Two Biggest Stories of Our Generation but I think RFK has scooped you. For the shocking and horrifying history of HIV/AIDS "research" alone it's worth the read. It will, at the very least, convince you to stop conflating anti-vax with anti-science--once you get a magnifying glass to read the 200+ endnotes per chapter. I'm a data junkie and I know that you can't change someone's mind with a soundbite. Look at the statistics and read the 480 pp. w/ no margins for yourself. I've followed you for decades and have seen you as the clearest thinking journalist on the planet. Terms like "vaccine hesitancy" are rhetorical tricks that imply some people are just not as strong, brave and confident as those who rolled up their sleeves. Please do your research before demeaning those who have, we're down to a handful of journalists left in the world and we need you!

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Glenn just needs to talk to robert f kennedy jr

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Glenn has a good analytical brain, but it seems his reptile brain has clouded him severely. It ain't easy dealing with reptile brain problems...

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2 members of my extended family were in a hospital with bacterial pneumonia, both were diagnosed with "covid". One had all negative tests, second had 1 positive test 2-3 weeks after the onset, the previous were negative. They are able to reason why their case doesn't sound like "covid" but both still believe that they had "covid" because of a fear factor. If you're scared enough, it must be covid. Another aunt was diagnosed with "covid" when she went to an eye surgery and they asked her to take the test.

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Dear Charles,

A few posts ago, a gracious commenter questioned, basically, by what metric do you deem these vaccines "more harm than good." You continue to be vague about this, and leave the general public to assume the terms, which are very much still languishing in the paradigms which you are purporting to address and which don't add up, leading to every manner of bizarre suggestion, leading to conflict and confusion. In this realm, I'm afraid you have fallen into your "tip of the iceberg" causation theories with their attendant "resistance" strategies, that are more the immature calculations of a frightened toddler than the caring vision of the whole being of compassion and sound, heartfelt reason that I know you can be.

You say you share your opinion to combat the rhetoric of the mandates, but undermining the rationale of "the other side of division" is not the same as stepping into inner unity and providing a higher ground for people of "both sides" to adhere to. AND YOU KNOW THIS. But these last few years you are merely pointing fingers and strengthening the very dynamic of division you purport to be calling out. I think you are merely being petulant in this regard, seemingly naive to the effect your words are having on the populace.

I know about all this territory because I struggle every day to understand "the right thing" in myself, and I have as much wariness about the divide and conquer as you do. I write to you because I think you're a great person who is mired in mistake... I know about mistakes because I make plenty of them, but unlike you I have the luxury of being able to make them without thousands of people making their life decisions based on what I have said . And I'm not comfortable with this reasoning of yours passing as sound.

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By the metric of the harm being done before your eyes, what else.

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isn't that a loaded reply that insinuates and perpetuates the notion of relative harm without providing the metrics - the evidence? Mere scolding cannot be a higher ground for connection, can it? This discourse fueled by Charles is ridiculous and therefore not capable of supporting human rights or healing cooperation.

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The witness testimony evidence has been done to death and also suppressed to death. Thus my reply is not loaded with evidence, it is merely a sign pointing to where the evidence already exists. If you discount all the evidence before your eyes, my eyes, and the world's eyes, is that a higher ground for connection? You think it ridiculous but likely that is something internal to you. Something in you finds this threatening and unsafe.

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You've got a large splinter lodged deep in the bottom of your foot. It's very inflamed and you cannot walk properly. You suspect you'll never walk properly again if this continues.

But instead of pulling it out, or using another thorn to pry it out, you leave it be... fearing the pain of removal.

Then you search for other methods to support your newfound journey - how to live with it and how to 'heal.' If others tell you to remove the splinter, you condemn them for their lack of perspective, inner unity, and inability to find the higher ground.

The hidden webs we weave...

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If you can point out where I've condemned anybody, I'll consider your dizzying analogy as though it has any relevance to my comments.

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I'll just make the point that you missed the point.

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It is not a bad reminder that something ugly lurks beneath the surface in each one of us. Who among us, though, when they hear that evil voice-- the genocidal whisper-- can acknowledge it for what it is?

Right now, I find myself more and more at the receiving end of the vitriol, since it is state-sponsored and encouraged by most media sources. But that doesn't mean the same nasty impulses don't snake through my mind, going in the other direction. We must acknowledge and wrestle those thoughts while asing what circumstances make it likely that they will be unleashed as actions. Then we must do whatever we can to prevent such circumstances.

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unfortunately our president is the great divider. And we can only control our response to the tyranny. Speaking up or even not cowering to hatred, silent opposition all of it is important this is not the time to to ignore the narrative of toxicity. It seems the only way to unite is with those that share our values as we are shunned from those that don't. And the healing must come first within our selves. Truths prevail. And the truth is definitely here.

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I also saw our former president touting and encouraging the vaccines this week. When some in the crowd booed him when he said he’d had his “booster,” he hushed them and said now, now, don’t do that, don’t be that way. He’s all in on them too. And if he had been in office this year, I’m afraid he’d have acted largely the same as the somnolent diaper-wearer with regard to these injectables. The Lobby of Pharmafia is probably the most powerful in the world.

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It actually makes people more afraid of the waxxinez if they think it changes personalities or causes zombification. To see a respected leader suddenly change in their eyesz is far stronger a fear factor than statistics.

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unfortunately, we are on track for developments where the deaths and medical care from vax damage will take on such proportions that they can no longer be hidden.

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The time has come to stop writing about what is happening now but rather forecasting the future. I do not own a TV nor have I watched one in 25 years. I spend my life reading and yet no one is talking about the future. How, when and IF this will end? Will all those responsible be held accountable (my personal wish). Will there be Nuremberg 2 trials? Will there be massive deaths and how will that effect everything? Jobs, housing, the military? What about the entire medical community? Will people cease ever going to doctors and hospitals again after having lost ALL TRUST and begin using holistic medicine instead? The one fact that is undeniable is these injections destroy the immune system hence why everyone who is injected is still getting sick and worse, dying. Some experts say it actually makes you more susceptible which I believe is abundantly obvious. Are we headed to tyranny or will there be a revolution? IF this is ever going to end - writers must begin painting a picture of what the future holds and stop focusing on what is currently happening. Another focal point that needs to be driven home 24/7 is educating law enforcement. Without the protection they LOSE and we win. It's kills me to see these all protestors not focusing on them instead with their signs. The focus/message MUST turn to the solution and stop harping on the present.

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The WEF talks a lot about the future. You will own nothing but you will be a happy robot.

This is simply inevitable. Civilization cannot keep pace with itself unless AI and humans merge soon.

The only thing I am hopeful for is that advanced meditators may be able to inject a paradox into the Borg once they are assimilated.

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Idiots who are wrong are still idiots. The issue isn't really vaccines, or submission to vax mandates. The issue is demanding others agree with you or you declare them enemies. That's a moral defect that can probably be corrected, but in many cases requires more effort than is justifiable. Some divisions are necessary. We don't need to dehumanize them, but we do need to resist their efforts to control us. Their personal shortcomings are not really our problem. Their actions are.

I don't care if they want a vax. I don't care if they dislike me. I don't care if they wish me dead. I do care if they act on it. The vax isn't the issue, only the oppression.

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Thus the extremely important issue of coercion... when is it legitimate?

IMO, only in self-defense.

"Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. It represents a means, an end, and an insight. Voluntaryism does not argue for the specific form that voluntary arrangements will take; only that force be abandoned so that individuals in society may flourish."


Voluntaryism is the only morally and ethically legitimate social structure. Humanity is rapidly moving in that direction... but it's going to be a race to the finish, and we might not make it.

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I'm not sure we need yet another -ism. Coercion is never legitimate, but often attempted. Seems to be our nature. The ladies like to say "no means no." Works for me, too.

The allegation in this disaster has been that non conformity harms others by spreading the contagion. That has been refuted by evidence that the vax does not prevent spreading to others. Yet they persist. Apparently stupid is more contagious than omycrom.

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German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote incisively on stupidity: https://religiousgrounds.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/bonhoeffer-on-stupidity-entire-quote/

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Bonhoeffer seems to have suffered from arrogance. His definition of "stupid" seems to be those who disagree with him. That's a common mistake even now, 80 years later. No one who is "smart" could possibly disagree with him, right? He says education won't fix stupid, which is clearly wrong. Maybe he was just too stupid to teach others his wisdom.

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I think you missed the point. He said that there were evil people who were very intelligent but they were not as dangerous as people who reached their opinions based on emotion rather than reason. They would be presented with hard facts (not interpretation) but dismiss them as “incidental” or irrelevant. This was more dangerous than actual malice.

I’m sorry I made the assumption that everyone know who Bonhoeffer was and what happened to him. He wrote that about stupidity while awaiting execution by the Nazis for sedition. He participated in a plot to kill Hitler.

Yes, you could say he had an arrogance borne out of his disagreements with his executioners.

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Yes, it's risky to assume, but in this case I was aware of Bonhoeffer. In his case, stupidity wasn't his problem. Ours too. A lot of people are tolerating tyranny, some even adopting it. Those victims might be stupid, either inherently or acting as if they're stupid due to panic. But most are capable, but have bigger problems than learning epidemiology. Those who are driving the disaster likely aren't stupid either, except for their assumption it will last long enough to gain them power.

Lenin called his followers "useful idiots." He knew better. They were afraid, trying to survive. It's easy to assert that people who do things we disagree with are stupid, but that is, as you say, missing the point.

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He was describing people who agreed with the Nazis.

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Love Bonhoeffer! Glad you brought him in JP!

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I would like to see your newsletter JP. Thanks for the recommendation on 'Why We Drive'. I couldn't find where that thread is.

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I saw an animated short of that on brighteon ranger health reports. It certainly is a good tool to communicate what creates conspiracies and why they need be secret.

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I studied mind control soon after 2001. I suggest finding out what neural linguistic programming is. It is not mere mob stupidity at work here.

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Some call it marketing. It's why we buy laundry soap, nikes and politicians.

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It’s much deeper than marketing, and relates to controlling the human organism in totality, via all possible channels and stimuli.

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For sure it's more than marketing. But marketing is a less aggressive, more widely used mind control technique. Same process.

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Stupid has always been highly contagious. Don't worry, transhumanism will solve that.

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On the contrary it will perpetuate it ever more deeply, and perhaps irreversibly.

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Tomato, tomatto

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But self defense includes killing Trump-voting lepers who are "deliberately" sneezing their lethal virions on you.

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73,000,000 people is a lot of killing.

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I love this. Thank you! I wonder if there could be a better word than ‘resistance’ used ..

It’s sort of humorous that I’m resisting resistance, but somehow even in this context the word connotes a polarity — a difference, a division, a continuing entrapment in the old story, a forgetting of the magic of potential alchemy — that inclusive laughter and a quiet strength of focus (a softness or flow, really) on actions and words of unity and hope and kindness do not.

There’s just something beautiful about a willingness to be vulnerable, to maybe even cry when expressing sadness over our human predicament. To articulate a longing for new roles within this old drama we created for ourselves, and then to practice creating inclusive new plays within that old play. As I think you often articulate so well, we increase our chances of finding others who have also shed the heavy costumes of the old polarized play that no longer holds meaning or power for us when we create new scripts. It’s a different energy. And the old polarized play, which is unsustainable and will fall away anyway, I hope will eventually have very few players left if we continue to create and practice our new plays of loving alchemy with consistency.

I know this all sounds silly. But as a person who half thinks we’re not going to make it anyway, and I admit easily caught in magical thinking, I’d rather have our demise be a species-wide expression of what a wise individual’s ‘good death’ is, rich with appreciation and right action and love. A beautiful letting go of the old.

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It's all about control - the more hostile and vociferous the more controlling the person is. My way or the highway. Issues of control go hand and hand with addiction. Cell phones have now become more lethal - dangerous and ADDICTIVE than ALL OTHER addictions combined. If for nothing more it exposed just how rampant addiction truly is. Cell phones were a deliberate diversion and dumbing down of society. People have not only lost all touch with reality - they're blind to their own behavior. It's as though we're living in a Twilight Zone.

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I saw a Catholic priest call for people to reverse the proportions of “avatar life” and “real life” for the sake of sanity. Sounds like a necessary and excellent idea. We should all get out into the real world as much as possible as soon as possible. Take up space like a normal person.

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