"Divisions must be flushed to the surface in order to be healed. The rot must be exposed to the light of day... The next step is Reunion." This really resonates with so much of what I'm hearing and seeing in my circles right now. It's a lot of energy to navigate it, but I do believe with patience, love, and listening, we will get there. I appreciate your authenticity as to where you're at. It's reassuring in this uncertain times. Thank you.

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Unfortunately, we do still need to keep talking about Covid... or, more specifically, the germ theory model of disease that underpins it. Because, if we don't challenge and dismantle the pillars of superstition and bullshit that prop up the agenda, for which Covid is simply a trojan horse for, the agenda will continue in another form.

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Any agenda is scary as hell, unless of course it centers around unity, democracy and freedom! I agree, there is more to come.

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The new “Terrain” film (just about to be released) should further propagate the valid question to obvious flaws in the fundamental concept of contagion...the external invisible “germ” is one of the many major cornerstones to widespread self disempowerment...I had no idea half the human race were raging hypochondriacs...

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Indeed, hopefully the film is a gamechanger. It is hard to think of a better social theory to disempower the plebs and make them dependent on an all-knowing elite than germ theory (maybe Qanon?)

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Whether one ascribes to the dark motivations of the deep State, Big Pharma, the Central banks and the Globalists or considers it stuff and nonsense cooked up by conspiracy theorists, it is getting harder and harder we will ever get back to "normal". And since the present disaster is the progeny of the past "normal" who would want to go back there anyway? Yet some still appear to hold onto a fantasy that this may all go away. No, this is a painful birthing process, and we all need to push to give birth to something truly new and truly better, not to Western World Catastrophe, Jr.

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Thank you Charles! I would LOVE to offer up artwork to your essays. I'm the artist that has done all the work for Bayo Akomolafe's essays and courses. So whether its existing work or you want to give me a theme/line of text/essay title in advance to create from - I'd love to use your musings as my muse!

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As ever, your writing is like an echo of my inner monologue with a few distinctive twists. Thanks for all you offer. There is a stir in the air indeed!

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Please don't be done with these writings Charles! You are the first wave in a very important and inspiring movement. People need to be pointed the way. Keep on pointing! 👉 Love you !

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You are such a force of light in the dark. Keep going and much gratitude

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Dear Charles, all I want to say is a big thank you for all the insights you have offered to me the past few years through different platforms. I always love to see your name in my emails, on instagram or whatever. Keep on writing and expressing yourself. I am embracing more and more the idea that covid is a gift to the world and a preparation for the new earth. May we all do good dreams. Love & light to you! <3

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Thank you for including the painting in this newsletter. I have been doing a research with mature and ancient trees for 10 years . I have over 900 drawings co-created with the trees. If you see any drawings that you would like to include I would be delighted to send them to you for your use. Warmly, Elyse Pomeranz www.thetreeconversations.com. There is a short film about my work ( under 8 minutes)https://vimeo.com/570504435

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That painting is so beautiful, I want to feast on it with my eyes.

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It is incredible! Feasting on it is the perfect expression.

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Reunion sounds lovely.

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Ignorance [is] bliss maybe?

Or, we common folk, "deplorables to some" just drive our big rigs, grow food, and get along with life, of feeding the masses, and seeing their homes are dry in winter, and summers are cool?

We too, grew tired of the subject Charles.

You are right on the new norm should not be walking back in time, without a change in that time.

The whole world experienced this phenomenon of mimetic contagion. Maybe if more read Rene Girard's work on mimesis, we would find our way out of the dark sooner, if not easier?

For what its worth, a new spirit will come out of this. Your writing[s] help.

Thank you for what you do bud.

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I sure hope your optimism is warranted. I don't see how we build something more positive out of these ashes of the myths of Progress and Scientism. The fundamental problem is that these are religious beliefs. They do not change with the evidence. The more I speak with and read about those who buy into the Narrative, a category that includes the most powerful people in the world (whether through genuine belief or cynical exploitation), the more I despair. They are impervious to reason and evidence. Just this week, the New York Times ran a supportive story about a school principal who was using harassment and social pressure to compel all his students to get vaccinated. The subheading stated "Getting more young school-age children vaccinated is crucial for ending the pandemic, public health officials say, and many are focusing on that group." It is simply not possible to get through to people this far gone, especially when these institutions we have been trained to trust are right there with them in lala-land, and in fact spearheading the descent into ever deeper depths of lunacy.

On the positive side, there is a constructive alternative narrative growing in popularity, exemplified by voices like yours and Paul Kingsnorth's. But we're on the outside preaching to the choir. It would be fantastic if views like yours became mainstream. But given the current zeitgeist, I just don't see it happening. I suppose the task is to create our own parallel structures dedicated to sanity, wisdom, and spiritual development. But this has to be done in the context of a regime that will fight this tooth and nail. I keep thinking the fever is going to break, but keep finding myself disappointed. I keep repeating the Prayer of Serenity to myself, but there are simply too many things I lack the power to change that HAVE TO CHANGE. I can't bring myself to acceptance. So I am having a hard time with all this, to say the least.

I appreciate you so much for shining a light, however small, into the darkness all around us. May that light continue to grow.

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David, I share your difficulty for the same reasons you have cited. We lack the power to change things we believe have to change, but that is precisely where we have to let go. The power we do have is over our own state of being, and only when we are able to create peace and joy in that internal realm can we hope for any change outside of ourselves. That, at least, is the only message of empowerment I have been able to latch onto while I witness the madness around me.

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This angle is spot on and a great reminder for be-ing. Continue on...

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May I please encourage you all to watch the 5 days of gathering at the Greater Reset. Fantastic information on what you CAN do >>>> https://rokfin.com/ConsciousResistance

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Thank you for saying this better than I could David S. I share your thoughts and concerns and as much as I would wish Charles's time of reunion into existence, I don't think I will see it in my lifetime. At the risk of sounding rude and cynical, this post strikes me as unrealistic mumbo jumbo....let's just all kumbaya and the rest of the world will join us. I've heard this story before.

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Appreciate the mini updates, looking forward to Part 2 and Reunion :)

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Yes and YES! Nature is the fullest expression of Love and I was only able to actually believe in "God" or "Creator" when I realized that Mother Nature is the real spiritual/physical manifestation of it.

And yes, that all these historical "pustules" have been 'breaking open' since the 60s and I have always believed that it was a sign of healing-to-come on a grand scale...the putrid side of mankind was becoming exposed to the sunlight, and eventually to a state of wellness/love/awareness/evolving.

You stimulate and validate my long dormant thoughts and hopes. I am so grateful for your writings and talks, etc. Thank you!

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Yes Charles, I agree with all you write and say. These are very stressing, sobering, transforming, depressing and promising times, full of possibilities. Hope it gets a little smooth until 2025, but I don't expect that, to the regret of my personality/little ego. The year 2025 will be a pivotal one. We have to prepare for that. Then the decision will be made by the Masters of Wisdom, our Brothers of the White Brotherhood, if and when they will externalize, headed by the Christ, who is head of the Masters. These are our Brothers who just are further on the path than we are, nothing else. They know and love a lot more than we are able to. They only externalize into the physical plane when we, humanity, are ready. When are we ready? When a sufficient amount of us has awakened the Christ consciousness in their hearts. And also when we recognize the facts that we are souls, that there exist Masters, and that there is a larger Plan, guided and protected by the Masters. This is all written down hundred years ago by Alice Bailey. In her 24 books the year 2025 is mentioned 15 times.

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