Glad to see this piece from you, Charles. I hope your message is reaching your friend RFK Jr. I had high hopes for his campaign which have been dashed in the wake of his rabid and ahistorical stance on Israel, which echoes the worst rhetoric of America’s Western co-conspirators in the War on Terror. Enough is enough.

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Yes, I was disappointed too. I would even say devastated. Yet he keeps me around despite my dissenting views. That at least is a hopeful sign. I just think we cannot give up.

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I'm still working on the pretext of 9/11, which created the War on Terror, and wherein from 2003 to 2008, Bush-Cheney waged war on seven supposedly enemy nations, none of which caused 9/11 with the destruction of the Twin Towers, or WTC 7. Today, and for several years, we know the enormity of the evil that brought those buildings down with a stealth that is nearly beyond comprehension. America is the world dominator, and we can at least speak forthrightly about 9/11 as a pre-planned event using a WMD. Was Osama bin Laden really killed in Abbottsville, Pakistan by ambush of the U.S. Navy Seals, and buried at sea?

This is the act that effectively censored the 9/11 Truth Movement since 2011. It is the official denial of American complicity in its own "caused event". We must not bring up 9/11 without bringing the 'pink elephant into the room'. That would be letting the U.S. government off the hook for this, as well as its numerous other egregious offenses these last 22 years.

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Excuse me, but why is this all about RFK Jr? Is this what you intended Charles by bringing up 9/11 first in your attenuated essay? This is the same kind of stuff that gets everybody distracted from what's really going on. America refuses to discuss 9/11, which is about as banned as discussing the Holocaust. Why? Because the American government slammed the buildings in order to give the pretext for the War on Terror, c. 2003-2008. What better evidence is there than a country's official forces killing 3000 innocent people that morning, c. Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

It is no different than killing a President of the United States in order to take over a war in a foreign country for twelve years. The only difference is that by 2001, it is compounded to a much larger degree. It predicts the present and future oracle of demise.

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It's like finding a friend here in a weary world, that Willy Wonka sees in Charley Bucket. "You've won".

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Thanks for responding, Pierre. It has been awhile since 9/11 has been showcased. Maybe 2001 shows just how much the destructive element can occur in the blink of an eye for us normal humans, and yet we find out that it had been planned for years, and using high-energy particle physics from Tevatron, no less.

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"The Madness of Militarism," the 2023 Ellsberg Lecture by Norman Solomon is apropos here. Solomon says, for one thing, since 9/11 our military might has been turned on people of color over and over and over with zero accountability or justification. As constitutional lawyer Daniel P. Sheehan (Christic Institute non profit which the Reagan feds destroyed for speaking truth to power, after which they became the Romero Institute) has pointed out this way and that through the years, we have a ways to go, living as we have and do, on the spoils of Empire.


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Admitting that it caused 9/11 would be the first step in the American government's quest for forgiveness and redemption. But, instead, it only wants to rule the world ever since Gorby brought down the Soviet Union under the auspices of Reagan and Bush. Bush even stole the election in 1988 from Michael Dukakis in order to further the downfall of the USSR, and making America the sole and only superpower in the world. This is why the decade of the 1990's was the pretext to 9/11, and all under the watchful eye of William Jefferson Clinton. Now, today, we must force the truth by telling it.

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Just don't lose sight of "Gorby" in the very genuine and spirited, human-to-human, State of the World Forum. Sara Nelson, of Romero Institute & Lakota Peoples Law Project, was the executive director of that endeavor.

State of the World Forum

1999 · San Francisco Bay Area

"A Non-profit, educational, and Global Networking effort of bringing leaders together from nations, corporations, civic leaders, religious leaders, Nobel Laureates, youth, and activists."

Romero Institute (formerly the Christic Institute before the Reagan administration revoked their non-profit charter for blowing the lid on the Fed's Iran-Contra criminal pursuits). Romero does incredible work in a multi-decade continuum https://romeroinstitute.org/about

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I haven't lost sight of that, or Gorbachev's near total rejection as a traitor by the Russian people when he ran for President in 1996. Please remember that he defected to the west and created the Gorbachev Foundation at the Presidio, San Francisco. In 1999, while he was attending the State of the World Forum, the criminalization of Russia was being demonstrated by Boris Yeltsin and the man on the way up, Vladimir Putin. This book describes in detail:


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Why not support Marianne Williamson or Cornell West? I imagine they have as much chance of getting in as RFK, but are candidates with deeper thought and more integrity.

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Yes, Marianne Williamson ran four years ago, but you have to understand that if you don't have millions of dollars to support your campaign after the primaries, then forget it. Remember Tulsi Gabbard? She was the best candidate there was for telling the truth four years ago, but did not qualify to continue without the bucks. That is why Biden came front and center on the ballot. Lots of money. The other candidates simply disappeared.

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I am glad you are still in it, Charles. I can only imagine how difficult it is to hold space for all this. Thank you.

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Maybe he thinks he knows all about it already and so that makes him think he doesn't have to look further. I suspect the Israeli lobby in the US is doing a bang up job of keeping the politicians brainwashed. And barring that, blackmail or bribery. His actions and inaction and statements are very out of character for someone who has such a long history of fighting corrupt bullies. It IS true that it is nearly impossible to teach someone something they think they already know all about. They won't look because they don't think they need to-- they already "know".

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This is really quite provocative, and that is why I like it. Have you heard of the Balfour Declaration from 1917? It was designed to create the Jewish nation out of the European diaspora after World War I. If it had happened, as it should, the Jewish persecutions and genocide of WW II would not exist. But, we know that the Jews were kept in Europe as part of the larger massacre of victimization, and that is why Zionism was/is so rife with the war between the Israelites and the Palestinians ever since 1948. It was all part of the larger geopolitical scheme of keeping the European Jewish people held in place, rather than creating the homeland that should have occurred in 1918 when WW I ended. By 1948, the European Jews were seething. It was planned that way, and for 75 years the Arab-Israeli War has infected the world at various times, like now.

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2024 drama needs to be seen to be believed. Rfk has his part to play

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Two million people stand to die in Palestine. What can we do legally and peacefully?

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Stop working

Cease all financial activity.

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One option yes

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When is the election? Ok, when is the genocide that is CURRENTLY happening in Palestine ? If you are so mad at him about his statement, are you also feeling the need to find out what can be done to invoke the Genocide Convention at the World Court? Maybe its your turn to be the hero.

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RFK Jr has completely failed and betrayed his promise to be a peace candidate.

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One thing that I have to keep relearning, is that no one is perfect, everyone will disappoint me in one way or another. It is tempting to go from investing all one's hopes in a candidate, to feeling totally betrayed. Well, this candidate has disappointed me in some ways, and exceeded my expectations in others. With him, as with anyone in my life, I do not hold an impossible standard of perfection. What I do, is to be a stand for the best possible version of himself. I believe that he will have a change of heart on this issue.

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RFK Jr supporters have already stepped out on a limb to support him. We believe in what he says. The corruption of the empire is beyond our worst imaginings. Can’t read his books and think differently. Beyond our worst imaginings. So when someone with his ability to see beyond the curtain supports something so obviously veiled behind multiple motivations, some high, some very low, and won’t speak on it, won’t use the fine mind and skills we have learned to respect to discuss the whole matter with intelligence and nuance, we’re concerned. We lose trust because it doesn’t follow suit, doesn’t make sense. I’ve stepped back, way back. Back to the edges again, waiting and watching. Thanks for your words. Tucking them away as I wait and watch.

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Yes. It has been devastating. I think you are right, many many supporters have stepped back .And they will come back if he takes a stand for peace. As long as there is a chance of that, I will stay in the mix. Because what other chance is there? Biden? Trump?

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I respect that you are remaining with him. I just left the house of some of my peace activist friends - the few who stuck with me despite my differing views on the pandemic. I know they do not understand me at all(which confounds me)yet we break bread together still. I have faith in the ongoing communion with people trying to do their best in extremely difficult circumstances. Who knows what may come of it. Though it feels like there is dense fog between us, there is also love and care so we press on. They headed out the door to hand out food with Food Not Bombs as they always do and I left feeling sad... at the separation... but such love, too. What a profound bind we find ourselves in. Thank you for your willingness to talk about it honestly.

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Exactly what I have done: stepped back and am watching and waiting.

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I appreciate your nuance and thoughtful writing. And agree that perfection is impossible in human beings.

Opposing genocide doesn't seem like a tough call however. "Ceasefire" isn't a dirty word.

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Joseph T, of course any sane person opposes genocide. The genocide of the Palestinians has been HEAVILY censored and lied about. I don't know how many journalists who tried to get the truth out have been killed since 7 Oct, close to 100? Plus, I watched the hour long Breaking Points interview with RFK Jr. Apparently, some propaganda video was shown him , probably the same footage Biden was shown before he passed on the lies about babies heads and burning people. Must have been some shock and awe video to spur on agreement for further atrocities against the Palestinians. Some of it apparently, was done by IDF, not Hamas . It has been hard to get the truth outside of social media, which is probably why they REALLY want more censor laws. I like the Gray Zone video of Max Blumenthal "What Really Happened on October 7th."

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Rfk is being tested. He cannot pass the god tests bt being anti wax. That is not an auto pass cUse he was doing this for decades. Not new for him. This is the real test on discernment for oct 7

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Please stay on... You as part of his campaign gives us all hope on this issue. Thank you 🙏

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Charles, I sure do hope RFK JR does have a change of heart on this. The Israeli government and media and other political political parties there are trying to h

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The media is trying to hammer it into people that Hammas is everywhere to make it justifiable to do all that genociding of the Palestinians, who haven't even had an election since 2006. In the Rwandan Genocide case the media was also convicted, as appropriately so. Until people are held accountable for their atrocities these things wont stop, they'll just get worse. Right now brave South Africa needs to be backed up.

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This travesty occurred entirely under the watch of William Jefferson Clinton, POTUS, 1993-2000. "Sometimes in April" is the heart-wrenching movie, c. 2005.

Clinton is known for actually asking if this tragedy took place on his watch as President of the United States, ref. Atlantic Monthly, c. 2001.

Brave South Africa makes one think of Nelson Mandela, and his predecessor, Patrice Lumumba, who was murdered for the sake of the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1961. Asshole America rules it all, folks, and for many years now.

Blum's "Killing Hope" sets the margin of distinction in terms of who wins. Yet, America as the land of the free and the home of the brave has certain qualifying factors. We are living right now in the slim margin. That is why the battle must go internal, where the soul dwells.

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Steve, a life should be well and wisely used towards helping humanity out and away from this barbarism it currently calls "civilization". The truth tellers and whistleblowers such as Assange and Daniel Hale are the ones who keep us most secure. Yet the cocooned so called "leaders"that consider that "help" and security is contributing to the bombing into oblivion of 20,000 innocent civilians are touted as the "heroes" in our twisted society. Biden, Blinken and Lloyd Austin III should stand trial for genocide along with the Israeli politicians, military and media spurring it on. People are tired of senseless murder being carried out in the name of "national security" when all it does is make us less secure. Nelson Mandela and Patrice Lumbumba were acting on honor and integrity. A person's honor and integrity are more important than their immediate life. Honor and Integrity ARE spiritual matters. You can't weigh them on a scale or go down to the local drug or grocery store and buy them. They are spiritual qualites- non material.

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Charles, I just watched the hour long interview with RFK jr on Breaking Points. These parts I liked : "I don't think a single civilian death is fine" at 15:12 and at 16:24 "If Israel dropped White Phosphorous on civilian populations illegally then they should be prosecuted for war crimes...."

At 19:13 "If it violates the Geneva Convention or if they're deliberately - at any point , anybody is deliberately targeting civilians - they should be prosecuted and they should be jailed and the key should be thrown away". He made it clear he does not think this is happening and at one point he said "why are we just going after the Jews?" In a very defensive way that most Americans his age since youth have been taught to have this huge compassion for the discriminated against Jew, as if the Holocaust is happening in the present. So it seems he also has bought the idea that it is completely the cause of the bogeyman Hamas so much like we all after 9/11 were taught that it was all Al-Qaeda. We were led to believe that bombing half the world away with the justification of getting this mystery group would solve all these problems. But it was a lie. Watch the documentary on the history of Al-Qaeda that James Corbett did at Corbett report.com. The propaganda and censorship around this conflict, in my opinion, has influenced RFK Jrs ability to really know the facts here. When we don't know the truth, or the truth is hidden from us we make errors.

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Exactly. Lies compound upon lies. 9/11 was definitely a bogeyman. Al-Qaeda is a nonsense term made up by the western powers scheming to find the necessary pretext for exploiting high-energy particle physics. I talked about this before, but it is good to see how this forum is a wake-up call. Good stuff. It is very perceptive to see that RFK Jrs ability to decide is being assaulted, as we speak. He needs this kind of analysis, which Charles leads. Thanks very much.

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so do I Charles. so do I. The truth will find him through a crack in the walls he has erected and he will have the eyes to see it. And the ears to hear it. This is my prayer. The time has come.

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I have a similar dilemma with Biden. I realize he’s done a lot of good that he doesn’t get credit for, and the alternative in 2024 is too horrifying to contemplate. Yet how can I pull the lever for someone who wholeheartedly sanctions and funds the slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians and the obliteration of a civilization?

Charles, if you still have contact with RFK Jr, it would be great if he could enlighten us as to the hold that Zionism seems to have over a startling portion of our leader ship class.

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I do not know the answer. There is some deep psychology at work.

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the problem is not "leadership class". the problem is us-- that we carry on believing that somewhere deep down inside their rotting souls these so-called human beings who own and operate ruling power institutions are somehow redeemable and worthy of our support if they would only "see the light" and behave themselves.

we pitifully, hopelessly, pathetically cling to this belief (that there can ever be such a thing as "good rule by means of force") despite every indication of its' steadily decaying shreds falling apart in our hands. mass belief in the lie of authority, Charles-- here is your mysterious "deep psychology at work". leaders do not slaughter innocents, we do if for them.

at least some folks here are starting to face the reality of things, that politics is sham theater played by the psychotic powerful for the "benefit" of the psychotic powerless.

get hold of yourself. follow your heart. free your mind. let "the world" be sick. let "the world" be mad. let "the world" die. there will be no "good leader/politician". not ever.

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That kind of logic is entirely against the inner work needed, and why conscience is motivating these responses for a better world. Can we move mountains, or not?

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Watch jfk. Mossad taught the goy8m a lesson with jfk and 9 11https://biblicisminstitute.wordpress.com/2014/09/14/israel-is-the-problem/

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It’s called AIPAC

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Your disparagement of RFK Jr is evidence of the extent to which the powers that be fear him, and you are evidently a troll for them, trying to sow doubt where none should exist. The powers that be fear his abilities to improve the world like no other person in the world, by reducing corruption, restoring democracy, ending forever wars, restoring our human rights and constitutional rights, cracking down on polluters of every kind (including of our planet and bodies), and bringing integrity back into the mainstream.

We see you for what you are.

To everyone: listen to him, and read his books. The latest one, The Wuhan Cover-up, is a must. His next one, America's Path Back to Moral Leadership, will be a must.

RFK all the way.

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SImmer down and speak for yourself. We are all allowed to express our dissapointment without becoming enemies. I fully support RFK, and also, he cannot save humanity by himself, no matter what you think. It will require more of us to shift.

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Did you not hear his interview in which he actually calls the Palestinians pampered? I've lost all faith in him.

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That is a serious misrepresentation of RFK's statement. What he was saying was that a lot of money goes to the support of Palestine, but instead of going to rebuilding infrastructure, it goes directly into the military coffers of Hamas. Hamas has zero interest in protecting the innocent civilians. If innocent civilians die, it's actually good for Hamas' business model.

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That is an unsupported accusation. The "infrastructure" of Gaza was just fine. it is the fact that Israel controls everything that goes into Gaza, including water and electricity (no more than four hours a day), that they absolutely restrict everything about the lives of Gazans, including who can enter and who can leave, whether they can fish off their own coast or not, and even forbid them to surf on their own coast, how many "calories" a day can enter Gaza, etc. down to the most picayune restrictions. Then there is the fact that they bomb Gaza every two or three years just for the hell of it--it's called "mowing the lawn." And if the Gazans protest peacefully, then the IDF sits on the watchtowers along the wall they created and picks the protesters off one by one, or has contests to see how many kneecaps they can destroy. I am not making this up or deriving it from some crackpot source. It all comes from the Israeli press itself. And then there are the well-attested rapes of Palestinian women, the "administrative detention" whereby they can take people from their beds at night and hold them for years without trial or charge, beating, starving and raping them at will. Before 10/7 Israel was holding thousands of Palestinians this way. In other words, they were holding hostages. Yet if Hamas breaks out of the Gaza concentration camp and rebels violently in order to take hostages to exchange for Palestinian hostages (which they have a right to do under International Law) then this incident is denounced as if it were completely isolated and unprovoked. It is rich that you would say "Hamas has zero interest in protecting innocent civilians" as if Israel has no control itself over what it is doing to innocent civilians, or as if Hamas could somehow protect them from bunker buster bombs or white phosphorus. It is Israel who killed a third of the Israelis killed on 10/7, and Israel which has had no concern for its own citizens in Gaza. Hamas (which was founded and funded right up to the present day by Israel incidentally--Israeli officials admit it was created to act as a boogeyman for propaganda and strategic purposes) does not have a "business model" any more than any resistance group in any occupied country has a business model.

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Love RFK Jr. Certainly have a untold respect for him.. What he is saying about Palestine is so way off the mark, and out of character, it has baffled many of his supporters. It is incongruous with his thoughts on Ukraine, and his talk about the military industrial complex. He is missing a vital part of the story... It only makes his supporters believe he is appeasing some of his big donors, like Bill Ackman

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He does not want mossad to jfk his kids. And he believes mossad is his buddy

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Probably...oil = money = control

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This all may be true about Hamas abusing funds. But on the world stage you can't go around saying, at a time when the Palestinians are being subjected to a slaughter, that they are the most pampered people in the world

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"...true about Hamas abusing funds..."


Old Israel propaganda. For de bunking links, see Jeremy R. Hammond's Dec 7th website blog post "Correcting RFK Jr.... and look at my. comments.

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I think his comments need to be taken in context of what he was saying. listen at the 25 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LWHZDO7tgE

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I think you should listen to the whole segment again. He's pretty clear in the point he is making. RFK doesn't defend the excesses of Netanyahu either. He's just a realist, and understands a military response to the problem of Hamas.

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I should hope so. But again, to call people who are being slaughtered in fromt of the whole world, "pampered" comes across as incredibly out of touch and callous, and is not what a realist would say..

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Context matters.

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Who exactly is Hamas and how do we know that financial drain isn’t supported by Israel as pretext for genocide.

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Bibi mossad created isil and hamas

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Keep digging. They were created by Israel. Why?

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That is what yall said about donald and vladimir and defended pedo zelenskt xiden baracks

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I guess if we cant watch the interview ourselves it's a matter of he said, she said, he said, and subsequent interpretation. Exact and specific quotes in context are most helpful. Plus, who knows what lies he himself may have been subjected to that he now believes.

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Yes, he pampered charge really got to me.

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Ending forever wars except if Israel is the one conducting one.

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The master race is special goyim

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Despite our past ideals regarding the character of the USA, it is easy to understand how the satanic Isrealhell FAKE "Jew"/jewsurist zionazi world fascists have been able to control RFK, Jr. simply by mentioning what they did to his father, RFK, and his uncle, JFK. Those satanic zionazis control the entire political structure and everyone in it, and thereby further control the lives of all obedient sheeple who still support their own continued enslavement by participating in that system.

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Jeffrey, are you aware that your response is a clear example of anti-Semitic belief?

Have you researched the origins of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a propaganda piece originally created in Russia which was used by Hitler to create enemies of all the Jews? It is the same propaganda has been used by Hamas in support of their vow to destroy Israel. It is the fabricated idea that Jews rule the world and engage in human/child sacrifice and blood libel (drinking blood) and is COMPLETELY fabricated for purposes of political power at the expense of the Jewish people…. That was true in WWII and sadly continues to be true today.

Beware of leaders who tell you we can achieve peace if we simply eliminate the evil people. As Charles points out, that only leads to greater calamity and war.

The message from Charles is to step out of the instinct to label people - including Zionist Jews - as enemies - and to seek peace.

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I'm here to thank you Katrina for your patient and thoughtful response. 100% what you just said.

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Do you notice: Everything these DEMONICALLY braintrashed minions say is a plagiarized JOKE --- though unfortunately very soullessly destructive.

I had already earlier responded to a long, patient, lucidly intelligent response by another author... and now ila rose copies my words and sentiment in her response to anirtaK, whose letter was not at all an expression of genuine intelligence, thoughtfulness, or patience!

It is so very sad when soulless, braintrashed, arrogant Reptilican demon-controlled megalomaniacs ("God's chosen," riiiiight?!) continue charading, parading, and masquerading as if they have attained consciously intelligent human-hood WHILE their Isrealhell government, AFTER HAVING STAGED A FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB/IDF STAND-DOWN event on October 7th coordinated with Hamas --- Hamas who is created and funded by scheming lying satanic Isrealhell, who is long known for creating and using controlled oppositional entities, so they can use the corporate prostituted FauxNewsmedia outlets under their ownership & control, to fraudulently fearporn and propagandize into mutually stupid deadly conflict the populations of the nations/republics which they seek to bring entirely under their control --- selling armaments and weapons systems of their own demonic creation to ALL SIDES in the conflicts.

War is Satan's roasting and feasting on ignorant souls. War is the combination of the worst of all satanic and (sub)human criminality combined into one sordid soul-scorching, frenzied extravaganza.

THIS is how and why the demonic Satanyahu and his demonic Isrealhell cronies in the Knesset/Mossad had premeditatively planned and carried out the October 7 FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB event: as the (utterly anti-rational) justification/excuse to obliterate their hosts in the Palestinians' homeland.

GET A HANDLE ON THIS; THIS IS WHAT SATAN LOOKS LIKE, TALKS LIKE, WALKS LIKE; THIS is how the satanically deranged falsify, murder, and steal from their neighbors... and real, orthodox, TORAH-aligned Jews detest the satanic zionazis for impugning their name by these satanic behaviors.

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u sound emotional, which is good. Means you are not ai bot or mossad agent, most likely.

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I suspect there are a few individuals in Israel that are trying to destroy Israel as well as Palestine. Such actions could be considered Anti-Semitic. Protesting genocide or speaking angry upset words against genocide and genocidal policies is NOT Anti-Semitic. His words are not bullets and bombs. It's a twisted world with twisted meanings.

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Did u know epstein adrenochrome and mossad is real? Cause they are all israel

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really not interested in following recycled QAnon theories, nor am I interested in Anti-Semitic remarks driven by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (re-popularized and renamed by QAnon) like the one you are making here.

I am interested in an effective and efficient pathway to peace, with is why I appreciate Charles’ writings.

How do we co-create a world in which we stop labeling others as “evil” and pretending we can create peace by eliminating them?

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Dear anirtaK (you folks habitually invert everything, so ...) I am NOT among the herd of idiot-sheeple who swallowed the Q/Trumpery psych-Op. I do not even play nor participate in the stupid satanic bread-and-circus diversion charade of the so-called "representative democratic" satanic political structure, which is rife with falsehood, competition, corruption, greed.

In other words, from your cramped, ignorant view, you simply cannot accurately view me nor accurately interpret anything that I communicate. The falsifying, murdering, satanic zionazi braintrashing culture is perhaps the purest contemporary example of collective satanic insanity in action, as it acts out its collective perverted inversion of the principles of existence.

This is the nature of separative egocentric ignorant projection and cognitive dissonance.

The construct of the satanic, lying ADL's utterly deceitful, inverted bullshit RUSE/PLOY of crying out "You're Anti-semitic!" is, and always has been a complete crock of shit bluff, which has played a large role in eliminating our capacity to obtain any truth from mainstream corporate prostituted FauxNewsmedia outlets. Many people have kowtowed to the "anti-Semitic!" bluff and bullying, but come on, you cannot keep playing the same worn-out old bullshit ploy over and over before the reality of the bullshit has become apparent to EVERYONE. There are numerous points to be made which confirm this fact, but I will begin by clarifying this next point to you regarding myself, my character, my mind, and my soul intention --- because, between you and I, I am the one who is an authority on myself --- and unless it is your intent to continue making a lying fool/idiot of yourself and your braintrashed mental/emotional spewage, you have no place trying to tell me who or what I am.

My truest, PRIMARY identity is the same pure timeless, birthless/deathless formless universal all-pervasive awareness that is the source-essence of ALL. That is, once in an NDE, I was directly shown that my truth of being is not primarily the physical humanoid form; this humanoid form is but a temporary vessel for earthly experience. Perhaps you, too, will soon likewise be graced with the experience of discovery that your true identity is One with ALL; thus enabling you to realize that as you murder your divine siblings, you murder yourself. With all the other optional creative, life-expanding ideations available to us in an infinite conscious universe, it is egregiously sad to view the rotten fruits of rotten separative egocentric ideation that your braintrashed, bewildered, abused, gaslighted, traumatized culture continues recycling, instead of praying for release from the endlessly reiterated ideations and expressions of satanically delusional murderous insanity.

And to think: the problem of your dense demonic delusional entrapment could be immediately resolved... if you had at your command the intelligence of a bright five-year-old child.

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Why should any of us wish to be interested in your cianon conspiracy theories? They have been proven to be false psy ops and not very good ones at that

When you are the evil baddie you preach we should fight, you can start with the cia mossad that slaughtered americans and blamed it on isil ayrabs

You can pretend to fight evil by labeling it as anti semitic. Look in a mirror then.

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You must be yet another deeply braintrashed khaz-Aryan mafia (NOT Semitic), lying, thieving, murderous FAKE-ASS "Jew"/jewsurist.

Nobody needs any 'Protocols of the elders of Zion' to OBSERVE the genocidally murderous, lying, deceitful methods utilized by the IDOLATROUS fake-jew anti-Torah, anti-christ, anti-christian, anti-muslim, anti-truth, anti-peace, anti-gentile, anti-"goyim" worshipers of the 6-pointed star of the demon Remphan --- an ancient deranged worship based on murdering living beings as a sacrifice to your demonic "gods" of Ba'al/Mammon/Moloch/Remphan.

In other words you deranged, degraded humanoid subhumans are projecting your own debilitating fears onto all others; YOU ARE NOT SEMITIC JEWS.

Actually, YOU are the demonic, lying, primary racist anti-semitics projecting your ANTI-HUMAN ignorance on everyone else.

When you look in the mirror at yourself what do you see? You cannot see that that you are insane, deranged, perpetually lying genocidal thieves and murderers. You may be blindered by your own braintrashed insanity and FALSE EXISTENCE, but everyone else sees you clearly. Yours is the most fucked-up example of a humanoid culture driven to deranged insanity by your own traumatized ignorance.

It seems to me that there is no help for you until you become sufficiently intelligent, mature, and honest to realize that master teachers of awakened universal awareness appear continuously before you, and to all of us, to teach us the Way of sanity, balance, truthfulness, honesty, awareness, righteousness... yet you merely murder/sacrifice these saviors of truth and liberation to your deranged demonic FAKE "Gods."

You are not yet sufficiently evolved to discern heaven from hell, up from down, truth from falsehood, life from death; your cerebral interpretive structure has apparently degraded due to your despicable, depraved interpretations of life and existence.

You need only the intelligence of a bright five-year-old child to comprehend that as you treat others, so shall you be treated; the seeds that you plant represent the harvest that you will reap, and heap upon yourselves.

By our seeds, roots, shoots, and fruits are we each recognized and known. Your seeds and roots and fruits are those of separation, sacrifice, falsehood, fear, and death. Live by the sword, guns, falsehoods/lies, and thereby effect your own speedy demise. Five-year-old children can understand this SIMPLE, mutually uplifting, mutually liberating principle... but the demonic control over your soul-heart-mind keeps you blindered in darkness so that you cannot see the TRUTH OF ONE which sets us all FREE from enslavement to demonic ignorance/darkness, mutual destruction, hell.

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It seems that people are misunderstanding RFK's stance on Israel/Palestine. He is too thoughtful, intelligent and loving to have intended to say what is being attributed to him. He is the world's best hope right now, so I would encourage those who are newly disappointed in him to take another look at what he said. This middle east situation is so complex that it's very easy to read into anyone's opinions something that is not there.

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At this stage there is little in this world for which I would lay my head on a block. But Charles a troll? no come on, that's ludicrous.

I too love RFK and am rooting for him all the way. That doesn't stop me struggling to understand his stance on this particular issue. That doesn't mean I am attacking him. What's more is that he would be the first to acknowledge my right to disagree.

To me it appears something about this has touched a nerve with RFK. As mature, compassionate people the best we can do is try to understand what is going on for him.

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It IS a mystery and out of character from someone who has a history of standing up to bullies. So what gives? I can't say I know. I've read many theories. Not sure what to think. But these things I know:

1. The true story of what is happening over there is censored from the public internationally, but it is EXTREMELY bad in the USA and ISRAEL. Journalists have been killed for attempting to get the truth out. MANY JOURNALISTS. So, if it is that bad for the publics in these places, who get fed a steady stream of lies by Hollywood and the mainstream media, what do you think it is like for the politicians who diet on that b....crap from the Lobbyists 24-7?

2. It is the most Herculean task to try to teach someone something they consider they already know all about (no matter how wrong they may be). They simply will not look, as they feel they have no need. Add that to a very sophisticated censor system and its even harder.

3. Blackmail has been a common practice in politics since the beginning of time. When Meyer and the mafia got into politics, what a circus! Epstein could certainly have delivered several seminars on the subject. Are politicians afraid Israel will use its nukes if pushed? JFK apparently did some pushing in the area of Israel and Nukes before his murder.

4. Who knows? Until we know, we can only speculate with a greater or lesser degree of success. It could even get as crazy as has he been cloned? A double? Foiled? But then we have to admit that "HITMAN" , "VANTAGE POINT" and "THE ISLAND" are just movies after all. Just because a Chinese scientist managed to clone a human successfully doesn't mean everyone's doing it now. Plus, Biden looks pretty good for his age, despite having numerous vaccines, cases of Covid and new FANGled treatments. He definitely looks different to me though when he IS seen publicly.

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I don't think Beth meant that Charles Eisenstein was a troll. She was talking about Joseph Tomlinson.

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It seems there may be some confusion – my comment was in response to Joseph Tomlinson's comment, not to Charles' wonderful, thought-provoking essay.

Also, I agree with David's comment, “It seems that people are misunderstanding RFK's stance on Israel/Palestine. He is too thoughtful, intelligent and loving to have intended to say what is being attributed to him. He is the world's best hope right now, so I would encourage those who are newly disappointed in him to take another look at what he said. This middle east situation is so complex that it's very easy to read into anyone's opinions something that is not there.”

So true. We must be careful to discern and guard against the army of smear-mongerers that have been deployed to spread doubt and falsehoods and misconstrued opinions about RFK.

RFK has the historical knowledge and wherewithal to carry out his promises: to re-build the gutted middle class; get corrupt corporate influence out of government so our agencies protect the public rather than enriching corporations; breathe new life into the dying American Dream with new housing and low-interest loans for young people to be able to get their foot in the door of home ownership; fix immigration by stopping the flood of illegals, sealing the border and facilitating an appropriate level of lawful, orderly immigration; and end the forever wars and have no new wars on his watch. Just consider that last one. It's the epitome of being a peace candidate. That alone would stem the current siphoning of America's wealth that's now funding wars and bioweapons and enable us to fix our crumbling infrastructure, reduce chronic disease in children and adults, clean up the toxic food supply and environment, invest in jobs and education, and more.

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I was his biggest fan and contributor until he spouted his ignorant a-historical unethical Israel nonsense. The trouble is that it is not an independent issue--it affects his whole platform and makes everything he has said he believes nonsense. If he can't research this issue, how can we believe his research on any issue? if he can be interviewed and produce vomitus like "Palestinians are the most pampered people on earth," "Israel is not an apartheid state," "Israel does not target civilians," and "Israel has a right to defend itself," then he will lie about anything. He is not an honest actor. And of course, it shows he is NOT an anti-forever-wars candidate. He is just as much of a fraud as Bernie Sanders was and is.

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And americas path back to moral leadership begins with reigning its Middle East murder squad in.

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I think you got the wrong man. You want the orange one.

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We do not fear anyone. Mortals are easy to control and deceive

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"Sorry too busy whale-watching in Maui -- Palestinian who?

Oh, you mean those coddled interlopers?

Please support my campaign!"


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Seriously! he's pretending that ethnic cleansing/ genocide is not taking place before his eyes. he's also pretending that Israel is not flattening gaza and making it uninhabitable and disease ridden, so that they can annex it when the palastinans are gone.

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Thank you. The most hopeful light in all this darkness is that Israelis themselves are leading the opposition to this carnage, at least here in America. Tragic that RFK has failed his initial promise to bring people together for peace. He's become politically incoherent to me. Such a shame.

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I was very encouraged by him when he first announced. I’m really not sure what to make of him now.

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Movie aint over yet

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Yes and Jimmy Carter was really JFK

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agree, politically incoherent for sure and such a disappointment

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He is merely a mortal. Not an illuminated master of descension magick

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Charles, I appreciate your sentiments here but you need to get your facts straight. Hamas killed a maximum of 115 civilians on Oct 7, the IDF killed a minimum of 120. The IDF blocked the road a half-mile from the rave parking area so no one could get out. The damage done to cars, with people in them, couldn't have been done by Hamas. They just didn't have weapons capable of it. It could only have been done by incendiary bombs dropped by the IDF. There are many, many more details to corroborate these facts, which would be useful for RFK to know. Here are a couple of my articles talking about it, with many links: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/yuval-bibi-and-maajid and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/profiteering-and-propaganda-israelhamas.

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It doesn't matter whether it was 1200 or 120. What matters is that the attacks are being used as a justification for a program of vengeance and violence and domination. If we debate about the numbers, we are having the wrong conversation.

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It doesn't matter indeed whether it was 1200 or 120, however what matters here is the way you put it, that "Hamas conducted a merciless terrorist attack on Israel, killing 1200 people".

With this you are quoting verbatim the main propaganda piece that is used as justification of/for the the subsequent genocidal bombing of Gaza.

I find it regretful that you virtually spoil your own beautiful expression of hope for a miracle with this propaganda quote.

As long as this 'terrorist attack' sentiment is kept alive, there is no chance of a miracle to happen which you kind of concede above: "the attacks are being used as a justification for a program of vengeance and violence and domination". Most likely that was the plan all along.

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copying a comment I made elsewhere:

Let me put it this way. Even granting the premise put forth by Israel to justify its obliteration of Gaza and murder of 21,000 human beings (and counting), still it is a moral outrage. If we hinge the argument on the number killed by Hamas, then we imply that if the Israeli account of the attacks is correct, their actions are justifiable. That is why I don't want to get hung up on the numbers. Although I believe that the deeper we dig down, the more lies we will find. But I have written this piece to be accessible to people who haven't swallowed the entire red pill.

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Charles, my point was that anytime the largely made-up propaganda piece that Hamas conducted a "merciless terrorist attack on Israel" is repeated/proliferated, we subtly contribute to the justification of Israel's actions.

"One person's terrorist is another ones freedom fighter", is very much applicable here.

I am aware that you "have written this piece to be accessible to people who haven't swallowed the entire red pill". Thanks for that.

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The path is already beaten by eg Norman Finkelstein. If Hamas is terror. What is IOF? Looking forward to the full red pill follow-up 💊 in fact I’ll take it right here: Israel’s role is to bring the whole show down....

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Daily we are getting new evidence about the events of Oct 7th, shifting the narrative from 'merciless Hamas terrorist attack' towards a more balanced assessment of who killed whom and did or did not what to whom. The jury is still out on it and may remain so for a long time.

As to "Israel’s role is to bring the whole show down..." obviously the show is crumbling significantly and Israel is playing a part in that, however isn't the saying that the show ain't over till the fat lady -aka USA- sings.?

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This is all built on lies,lies and more lies. And you are repeating many of them. Truth matters. I thought you understood that. And violence against innocent people is never justifiable.

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You are able to get better answers on this test than charles and rfk. X news?

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How October 7th occurred, who instructed the Rave to move to that location from its original site in the south just days before the event. Moved all the military away from that area and then the most militarised watched border in the world didn’t see the break out etc. Who actually is to blame for the killed innocent is the same in different guises. Until you out them they will stop

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Also, I want to add to the comment I made in the thread below, that we WEAKEN OUR MORAL ARGUMENT

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oops, keyboard error. We weaken our moral argument if we hinge it on "Hamas's attack wasn't so bad after all." Terrible atrocities were committed by Hamas fighters. I have read and seen eyewitness testimony from ordinary people, survivors. The new narrative here is not "Those we have been told are the bad guys are actually the good guys, and vice versa." No. That whole way of thinking is the problem. If you base your argument for peace on saying that these eyewitnesses are liars and Hamas did not commit atrocious acts, you stand on shaky ground. My point is this: even if the attacks were every bit as bad as Israel says they were, still, murdering 20 times that number (and counting) is not going to accomplish anything but maintain the cycle of hate and create new victims, more war, less security for generations to come.

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So, debunking propaganda, eg about mass rapes, severed breasts, microwaved babies etc is a waste of time?

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Not at all. I think it is important. It isn't necessary for the particular argument I am making though.

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‘We weaken our moral argument if we hinge it on "Hamas's attack wasn't so bad after all."’ It’s not that it wasn’t so bad. The point is that it was inevitable after years of violent apartheid. Everyone who ever visited Gaza came back heartbroken. Gabor Mate “cried for two weeks.” It is obvious that, were you or I in that same position, in apartheid Gaza, that we would also be driven to desperation. That is the argument of interbeing. That is the argument Israelis and Jews must consider. There has to be a critical mass that can then begin to disarm and dismantle the fascist machine that has been carefully constructed and now unleashed. Otherwise opposition to that machine will come from outside, which may well mean WW3.

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I appreciate you engaging on this topic, Charles. Reading the comments, there's clearly no way to go that will please anyone. Thanks for staying true to yourself. Someday we'll look back and this will all make sense.

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Actually it does matter. If i accidentally crash ur house and a cat dies. Does it matter if you then claim i killed your sons and daughters and raped em to justify genocidijg my clan? When u actually killed ur kids?

Yes it matters. Truth always does

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come on! yes it matters as you say that the Attacks are justifying Israel's genocidal campaign. But it does matters that Israel are creating false "factual" reality to justify their campaign. Just like RFK is using a lot of false facts to Justify Israel crimes. It all matters!!

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Let me put it this way. Even granting the premise put forth by Israel to justify its obliteration of Gaza and murder of 21,000 human beings (and counting), still it is a moral outrage. If we hinge the argument on the number killed by Hamas, then we imply that if the Israeli account of the attacks is correct, their actions are justifiable.

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When you find the idf mossad lying and making stuff up, that makes their actions more justified? The truth spells a different tale. You charles have a similar limitation as rfk. No wonder u 2 are tied to the same karmic test

This is 2020 v2 for u two

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Genocide for oil

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I didn't look closely at the 10/7 attacks as I know pretty much everything is staged and it's nearly impossible to get to the truth, and if one does, that ship has sailed and it's time to move on to the next crisis and never look back. I did, however, notice that the damage done to the vehicles was not at all consistent with Hamas' upscaled bottle rockets. Also the story of them sailing over the border on paragliders was ridiculous hollywood propaganda - they would've been blasted out of the air way before they reached the wall.

As for RFK. he knows the rules of the game, just like anyone who gets near the WH or stays in Congress (eg. Cynthia McKinney). No amount of info would change RFK's message, unless he were to drop out of the race in the pursuit of truth which I highly doubt he has the integrity to do.

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So you would prefer Trump or Biden? I'm also disappointed with RFK on this issue, although I don't agree with the Hamas apologists in this comment thread. I'm also disappointed that Charles could write this post without even mentioning how he reconciles RFK's position or what he is doing to try to influence something more reasonable. But everybody needs to get a grip here. If you're just going to decide who to vote for based on single issues, you'll just always end up with more of the same.

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I don't reconcile his position. I am appalled and upset by it. However, I believe he will have a change of heart. And I am working to make that happen. And I believe he is the only hope this country has got. Trump and Biden are both even worse on this issue, and many more besides.

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Until you seek out the truthin beind oct 7, rfk wont know either

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Yes, please stay on and be the voice of reason.. Charles. And thank you.

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Charles, you are such a good hearted person that I fear you may be a bit naive in your determination that RFKjr will still have a change of heart. Please remember that he is an entitled member of an aristocratic family who actually has no experience with life for the unprivileged, no experience in government, or international affairs. Bernie had a better chance at advancing his platform if elected than Bobby does. And frankly, his story, his denial of his own statements makes it very hard to trust his platform.

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I stopped voting years ago. The final straw was seeing through the smoke and mirrors of Obama's curated image and realizing that politics truly is nothing but show business for bad actors. The true rulers increasingly find the most divisive individuals they can to put up against each other as divide and rule is the true goal. I highly doubt votes are counted at all... there's significant evidence that the fix is in well before the polls open, and Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul both got thrown overboard in broad daylight despite being huge favorites to the respective electorate. The US is a banana republic.

So yeah, it's always more of the same, the 'lesser of two evils'. The machinations continue behind the curtain while the circus monkeys do their thing out front. The whole show is a distraction and probably the biggest waste of time and energy in human history. Look at Kissinger, Brzezinski, et al and follow the trail from there and eventually you'll find the Wizard.

It's time the human race move beyond the whole cult of personality thing. I mean Biden, Trump, Obama, Clintons, and Bushes -amoral, lying war criminals among other atrocities- are supposed to be our 'leaders'? It's ridiculous.

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Thanks for mentioning the paragliders. And very well said on the cult of personality in voting. I've said that we don't practice politics, which would be deciding the best policies, we practice personalitics. It's not whether it would change RFK's message but if Charles is going along with that message, and repeating lies that can be proven false, that's being complicit in the Palestinian deaths.

I'm with you on not going along with the charade of voting. On RFK specifically, I've done these episodes: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kennedy-straddles-the-divide, https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kennedys-ethics and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kennedy-and-malone.

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Thanks for the links, but as described above, I don't spend much time on this stuff any longer. But I appreciate you putting in the time to raise awareness of the illusion. Maybe we'll reach a tipping point in my lifetime, but I won't hold my breath.

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Clearly, the October 7th event was another satanic zionazi Isrealhell coordinated FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB/IDF STAND-DOWN event --- as was the 9/11 controlled demolitions of the WTC FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB/AIR DEFENSE STAND-DOWN event --- likewise used as a satanic lying pretense for moving further toward their plan of world takeover, economic enslavement of humanity by those who worship the idols of the satanic ego.

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I agree with you, Jeffrey, about the false flag inside job with 911 and Mossad, and with Hamas who was put into power by Israel as an internal police. I also agree with your use of zionazi or AshkeNazi as some say. I would never have said that a year ago but since then I've done some deep research into the connections between the Int'l Zionists and the Nazis, that these episodes summarize: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/kissinger-and-the-balfour-declaration and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/my-hitler-journey.

Where I would disagree is the use of the word Satanic. According to Bible scholar Elaine Pagel's book On the Origin of Satan, Satan and the demons represented the zealots rebelling against Roman rule. The author of the gospels, I show in this post, was on the side of Rome: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-rebel-or-imperialist.

I think that the Bible and the history of the world wars follow the same formula: the heroes have been turned into villains, the villains into heroes, the victims into aggressors and the aggressors into victims. Here are some that talk about that: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/talmud-tricks-and-torah-curses, https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/empire-and-religion and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/hot-and-cold-hatred.

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Agree. Saying something or someone is satanic gets us nowhere.

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Hereby responding in bits & pieces, as time allows...

I hereby respond to your purported disagreement of the use of the term 'satan,' (though, for clarity's sake, I am using the term loosely and in a personally chosen sense, one that I have not bothered to share yet hereupon, because I haven't felt it necessary and because for many persons, "Satan" is generally recognized as the MALEVOLENT, MALICIOUS, LIAR/DECEIVER, the ultimate "bad guy" archetype personified. However, I will acknowledge that playing upon this level of good/bad duality does not reflect anything close to the highest understanding of unified nondual conscious existence.

As dualistic time-space and all it's related lessons represent but ego-based illusory perception and projection --- i.e., an elementary or middle school level on the eternal continuum and curriculum of conscious expansion, awakening, and integration --- this battery of tests and lessons, though also reflecting levels of consciousness relatively limited and temporary, yet nevertheless is of immeasurable importance in determining every individual's readiness and capacity to continue moving forward and upward toward the formless consciousness of Unicity/Oneness Reality.

For instance, the 3-D dualistic planes are perfectly suited for practicing clarity and honesty in thought processes and expression.

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I just mean the etymology of the word as it was coined in the Bible. We think it means evil, malevolent, liar/ deceiver. But it's actually the opposite. It was the author of the Jesus story who was the liar/ deceiver and the one he called Satan was Judas the Galilean, the Nazarene, the healer, also known as the Christ.

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Wow. This is a rare occasion in which the name Christ-Jesus has been invoke here. And then, HeadAndHeart writes just next. Awesome. I will keep this for further consideration because I think it is pivotal.

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If I may share my perspective as someome who was given at birth the label 'Jewish' & 'Israeli', in my view the path forward out of this horror is not strictly in political arrangemnts (that's also important but secondary) but rather it lies in the heart of people, in the ability/capacity to see the humanity of another before viewing them as a label (palestinian, israeli, muslim, jew), as well as in coming to terms with and acknowledging the IMMENSE AND PROFOUND TRAUMA that each "side" has caused the other and in finding ways to heal together.

(and before I proceed I'd just like to say that unlike most Jews, I'm fully aware and acknowledge that the trauma that supremacist zionists caused the local people over the last century - in their brutal ruthless cruel project of dispossesion, annihilation, dehumanization and ERASURE of the local people in Palestine - is many many orders of magnitude greater than the other way around. Some of it is detailed in this shocking documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3psMGQE0iW4 which i can confirm is 100% true based on my own personal experience in the Israeli military And after that docu PLEASE don't miss this short video https://youtu.be/CSff-Ip1kZs?si=udYd0XxYz6kbcDMb that tells you the horrific TRUTH of what is being done, everything that the mainstream media don't dare to mention.. please don't turn away, PLEASE watch this

This capacity mentioned above, to step out of one's bubble and hear/see the humanity of another before seeing a label (and the stories attached to the label), requires having CONTACT between the "sides" so that they may hear each other's stories and each other's pain, but this contact is prevented and denied becasue of the incredible dominance of the sectarian nationalist divisive ideology in both sides.

As someone who was given at birth the label 'Jewish' and 'Israeli' (but have already long ago seen through their inaccurate, distorting, corrupting, limiting, imprisoning, divisive, sectarian and God-denying nature, and so have shed these labels) I notice that what allows this ongoing horror to happen (not only today but for more than a century now) is that there is such a total SEPARATION AND DISCONNECTION between the "sides" (this is one of the greatest successes of nationalism driven by the ultra-wealthy ruling class, to divide the non-wealthy, to tribalistically pit against each other those who for centruries lived together, before the introduction of the divisive nationalist mind virus to the region) SEPARATION AND DISCONNECTION so that people from both "sides" have no full understanding of the life experience & trauma experience of those on the "other side".

From what I see, this total DISCONNECTION is exactly what allows people to cheer when "our hero fighters" (whom the other side calls terrorists or invaders/dispossesors) murder, torture, oppress, abuse, slaughter and bomb "them", because each side says "they are evil people who only want to harm us, take our land and kill us/kick us out", and each side has countless examples of actions by the other side that are supposed to "prove" the supposed rightness of their claim.

Each "side" is enclosed and contained within its own SECTARIAN BUBBLE and tells itself its own story, about its trauma and difficulties, and is completely unaware of the life experience and trauma of the "other side".

And so, when the other side reacts (in what it calls self-defense) then the first side interprets it as an attack (becasue of its DISCONNECTION from the stories and sense-making of the other side) and tells a story that "those people on the other side" are evil monsters who only want to harm us for no reason

It's quite amazing how similar the story that each side tells itself to the story that the other side tells itself, it is practically the SAME STORY - we are the victims here who are only protecting ourselves from the aggression of those evil people over there who only want to harm us and hate us for no reason. We have no one to talk to and negotiate with, they are not human beings, they are sons of Satan who hate us from birth, who only want to destroy us and take our land and kick us out - each side speaks the exact same stories!!

And all this lack of understanding happens simply because there is NO CONTACT between the "sides". This is the tremendous success of nationalism/tribalism, there is a complete disconnection, so that I don't hear the story that the other side tells itself and how they make sense of things, I don't experience their life experience, I don't know anything about their pain, I don't realize how much the story they tell themselves is the same as the story I tell myself, and therefore there is no possibility of experiencing the HUMANITY (the fear, the search for security) that motivates the other, just as it motivates me, and therefore also indifference to the trauma that the other goes through at the hands of "our heroic fighters"

It seems to me that the main engine that drives all of this is that people in the region (and especially Israelis) undergo a very deep conditioning/indoctrination from a very young age into a separative and SECTARIAN RELIGIOUS-NATIONALIST IDENTITY and learn to believe (contrary to what reality shows) that this separate and divisive identity is what will provide them with protection and security, even though it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!

This indoctrination into the separative exclucivist religious-nationalist identity is much more than just mental brainwashing, but it is mainly the conditioning the of the nervous system and emotional system into IDENTIFICATION with a nationalist-religious label which causes the emotions and the body to react very strongly to anything that they teach me is at odds with this identity.

Strong reaction that comes from the fact that the body/brain/nervous system has been conditioned to learn - through constant repetition in the first years of life (when the personality is formed), again and again and again, and without questioning - this is who I am, that I am this national-religious identity.

It seems to me that those who have fallen into the abyss of sectarianism/tribalism/nationalism (and especially those whose tribalism also involves divisive, excluding, supremacist and God-denying sectarian religious beliefs) have been conditioned to believe that their saftey & security will be found through group separation and exclusion and a sense of uniqueness from the rest of humanity (a feeling that is so deeply imprinted in those who believe that the label of "Jewish" is who they actually are), that security will be found through an attempt to ensure the safety of ONLY one group of people, only those who were born into the "correct" religious-national label (and anyone who was not born into the correct national-religious label can go to hell. She matters a little but not nearly as much as the Chosen People, the most valuable and important people in the universe). It sounds ridiculous, but this is a VERY common & mainstream worldview in the extremely nationalist, ethnocentric, fascistic & exclucivist Israeli society, and it plays a huge part in what brought about this conflict in the first place, since the very early days of sectarian exclucivist zionist nationalism, and its arrival in the middle east from (mostly) eastern Europe.

To me, this is precisely the blindness of the sectarian nationalist-religious identity: trying to create security ONLY for one group, only for a part of the whole (through division, exclusion, separation from the whole and working to secure the narrow interests of only one nationalist-religious identity), such an attempt - of trying to create security ONLY for the part and ignore what this does to the whole - such an attempt can NEVER ever lead to real security but exactly the opposite - this is the number one factor that creates constant conflict and INSECURITY!!!


In my understanding, tribalism/nationalism and sectarian divisive exoteric religion (which is the POLAR OPPOSITE of what God/Consciousness actually is) is the great disease and blindness of humanity. Is the most destructive and deadly invention that humans have ever invented (not because we are bad, but because we have not psychologically matured yet, and are still blind, and in our ignorance & blindness we believed that this is how we will find safety & security, without understanding what we are doing, without realizing that we are actually creating constant INSECURITY when we search for security through the sectarian divisive nationalist-religious identity, when we seek security only for the part and not for the whole).

To me it is absolutely clear that it is the number one cause of human division, separation, antagonism, hatred, conflict, violence, murder and war..

IMHO, the bloodshed can never stop and there will never be security for anyone unless we have the courage to step out of our sectarian bubble and actually listen and truly understand the profound trauma we inflict (this is true for both sides but especially so for Israelis who are incredibly brainwashed and ignorant of the UNSPEAKABLE HORROR CRUELTY INHUMANITY AND TRAUMA that supremacist right-wing zionist immigrants/colonizers inflicted and inflict on the local people.

Without feeling the pain endured and understanding what palestinians are actually reacting to, indoctrinated supremacist zionists will just continue with the abuse, dispossession, cruelty, throwing-out, murder and erasure of the local people, and keep telling themselves the story that 'they are hostile to us for no reason, simply becasue they are evil antisemite monsters by nature..'


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@head and heart... Spot-ON, SISTER/BROTHER! You remind me of myself, my own views, except you have far more patience and tolerance than I for satanic "God's chosen" murderous supremacist arrogance, braintrashing, delusion, lying, thieving, genocidally murderous, unconscious, ancient subhuman TROGLODYTIC tribal Reptilican survival fight-fuck-flight (demonic) behavior, followed by utterly insane, irrational, lying, bullshit false justifications/explanations/excuses.

Continue the path of your great work of clarifying human discernment between sane, rational truth-aligned Unicity/Oneness awareness, as contrasted against satanic megalomaniac supremacist mammon-worshiping, narcissistic nationalist divisive bullshit-spewing insanity.

(Check spelling on 'exclusivist')

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Take heed of your heart and words, lest you become what you despise.

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@Gabrielle GAL:

Hereby acknowledging recognition of the relative validity of the principle expressed by you, i.e., in regard to the possibility of "becoming what one hates." The student must know the rules, the master knows the exceptions to the rules. We all have the capacity to "stand on the shoulders of Giants," i.e., to glean the wisdom/vision of masters of yore, and to rise even higher, and to see even farther, based on the gifts of perspective left to us by them.

While there are issues yet remaining to be healed/resolved in this illusory 3-D time-space world, some of us will be given mission/purpose guidance to bring resolution to these, so humanity may continue to evolve ever farther, higher, toward awakened divine completion, fulfillment.

We have centuries of the stupid lessons of history under our collective belt. Though some portion of humanity is still so largely oriented to the ego-based perceptions of the separative ego construct of identity and its lower chakric concerns --- which essentially renders and reveals them as part of the overall cumulative collective problems of humanity on Earth --- there also always exist those who have transcended the exclusive identification with the egoic concerns of the lower chakric vibrational patterns.

It seems that a significant component of the archetype of the Archangel Michael is his sword... but this is a symbolic weapon, to be used figuratively; for it is not a sword to be used in physical violence, as the barbarians of yore, but rather it is the sword of Truth discernment.

This, to me --- i.e., the point of no physical violence ---is recognized a key point of discernment by intelligently evolved humans, as well as the matter of one's conscious *intention* in entering the conflict pitting ever higher truth-awarenesses against enslaving false belief.

"As we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." "If there's one thing to be learned from history, it's that some people never seem to learn."

For any who have paid sufficient attention to the endlessly reiterated stupid lessons of history, there arises an increasing capacity to recognize the patterns and the repeated underlying causes behind human-created catastrophes.

Where persons are not yet sufficiently evolved to have risen above the egocentric lower chakric identification and focus, there certainly is a chance that one may come to hate, or even to become that which one battles against.

But once one has shifted one's primary orientation toward pure formless conscious truth-awareness and service to the highest awakened and unified benefit of ALL, there is little chance of turning into any of those egocentric forms of false expression that one may engage in a truth-battle against.

In the satanic zionazis we clearly see the insanely demonic, twisted, falsehoods that are instantly disgusting to any intelligent person, i.e., when the demons cry out that "self defense!" is the reason/excuse that they are carpet-bombing, burning, desecrating the civilian people and lands, orchards, and cities of the host Palestinian culture in order to steal all that was produced by, and rightfully belongs to this indigenous culture of people.

And in observing the state of collective density/ignorance of these barbaric old world satanic zionazis, it is plainly evident that they lack the functional cerebral interpretive capacity to ask of themselves, in introspective and contemplative fashion: "Would I be happy with these lying, thieving, murderous behaviors if/when these very same practices were directed toward myself, my own people and my properties? See, this does not call for any profoundly pronounced cerebral capability to merely mull this over, and to arrive at a satisfactorily correct and evolved human answer by which to manifest a mutually beneficial peace and real prosperity FOR ALL.

Wise leaders empty the military barracks, create no further indebtedness to satanic, multi-billion dollar weapons systems, and fill no more battlefields by instead recognizing their capacity

for clearing away ignorant human misunderstandings with the sword of truth discernment.

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Thank you for sharing. We are in this together. Earthling, I.

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Thank you, this commentary was profoundly just.

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It’s unfortunate you fail to realize that your entire piece is built on the foundation of western civilization, that those you fantasize are up for being westernized to meet your goal are neither Western nor at all interested in being Westernized. I mean, seriously, it’s a multicultural world and most cultures want to annihilate their enemies and tyrannize their people. You’re asking that they suddenly adopt purely Western mores. Your piece screams monoculturalism and you aren’t even aware of it. Short version: what you are asking for cannot happen and so won’t.

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Thank you Alexander. If I understand correctly what you are saying here (and please correct me if I misunderstood) it seems like you're repeating here the profoundly false propaganda trope (which is so deeply loved by uninformed and deeply indoctrinated and deceived MAGA conservatives who use this false trope to justify their support for the century-long Zionist God-forgetting supremacist project to disposses, take over, annihilate, dehumanize, throw-out, genocide, demonize and erase the local people in Palestine, as well as use this false trope to justify their cheering on practically any genocidal campaign that the NeoConservative american-israeli global military empire embarks upon (as long as the empire's attack is not against christians).

To say it perhaps more clearly - it seems you're repeating here a profoundly false and ignorant conservative-zionist propaganda lie according to which 'the west' (which the neo-fascist mass-murdering child-abjsing merciless zionist supremacists pretend to represent) is benevolent and moral and the source of all goodness and morality in the world, while non-westerners are savage barbarian terrorists (or "jihadists", which is the often-repeated term that the brainwashed uninformed deceived heart-corrupted and God-denying conservative MAGA Zionists have been taught to say in their sectarian-tribal-nationalist wholism-rejecting God-rejecting heart-divorced MAGA-zionist echo-chambers).

And your comment appears to be repeating this same faulty and disgusting trope, that propagandized un-aware heart-corrupted conservative MAGA-zionists love so much, the trope that says that the qualities and capacities that I wrote about in my comment above (for example, the capacity to see the humanity and divinity before seeing a sectarian label - which is ABSOLUTELY NOT a capacity that heart-corrupted God-rekecting conservative MAGA-Zionists seem to have) you seem to claim - as so many other indoctrinated deceived and cruel conservative MAGA-Zionists do - that these qualities are somehow "western values" and that the non-western barabrians and savages don't posses this loving and caring soul as we benevolent westerners do. And yet 99.999% of these indoctrinated and profoundly ignorant and God-denying conservative MAGA-zionists have never ever lived with the human beings whose dispossesion and genocide the MAGA-Zionist conservatives cheer on and justify in their social media comments.

I speak Hebrew and read Zionist sources that most americans have no idea about and so i know that the mass-murdering child-abusing nazi zionist terrorist regime invested more than a billion dollars in propaganda, not only in their bought-and-paid-for mainstream media but especially through their tens of thousands of paid influencers on social media, in order to brainwash westerners (especially the ignorant, small-minded, impressionable, fear-driven and easily-influencable conservative MAGA fans) to view non-westerners (and especially muslims) as barbarian savages who don't value life and freedom like we benevolnet westerners do (and so, the murder, dispossesion and genocide of those monster immoral muslims is justified, becasue they are evil savages and a danger to the good and moral conservative-christian-MAGA-Zionists, who value life so much that they cheer on their empire's global crusades of plunder and domination, ask their fake sectarian "god" to 'bless our troops' as their global empire murders millions around the world (because we moral westerners value life and liberty) , cheer as the merciless zionist nazis murder a child every 8 minutes on average, cheer as the zionists disposses murder abuse torture imprison rape steal and massacre the local people for decades now, becasue we are moral and we value life and freedom, you see, not like those non-western savages...)

And yet 99.999% of these indoctrinated, profoundly ignorant and God-denying conservative MAGA-zionists have never ever lived with the human beings whose dispossesion and genocide the conservatives cheer on and justify in their social media comments (have you, Alexander? Have you lived, for even just a couple of weeks, with the human beings whose dispossesion and genocide you are signing on to?)

Here is one family whom your comment condemns to eternal abuse dispossesion torture and exile, becasue 'it cannot be any other way', as the wise and merciful Alexander has decided. https://youtu.be/CSff-Ip1kZs?si=MiUVBLfScZH5tWjR Please look him in the eye, Alexander and tell him and his family that you decided that there is simply no other way, that they have to be abused tortured butchered disposseed and murdered because you think that freedom from Godless nationalist-religious supremacist abusers is not possible. Tell him that you, Alexander the great, have decided and categorically declared that it cannot happen.

Please look them in the eye Alexander, look them in the eye and tell them that they will be abused tortured and dispossesed forever, until the day that the supremacist zionist regime exterminates them.

Please look him in the eye, Alexander, and tell him that he is not western enough to your taste, that he should follow the same benevolent "western values" that his supremacist torturers follow. Look him in the eye and tell him that Alexander.

Tell him there is no other way. Tell him that this dispossesion torture abuse murder theft and genocide by enlightened westerners who follow "western values" will be his only eternal reality, because he is too muslim for your taste, because he needs to follow more "western values" like the mass-murdering child-abusing nationalist-religious fascists who threw him and his family out of his home and spit on his face because he is inferior. Tell him he needs to be more moral and to value life and freedom lile they do.

Tell him that Alexander, tell him he needs to be less muslim and follow more enlightened and "benevolent western values" like his torturers. Like the fascist supremacists that want him dead.

Look him in the eye and tell him that Alexander!!

Tell him he is too muslim for your taste, not western enough for your taste, and therefore his genocide (by the supremacist nationalist fascists who follow 'western values') is justified.

Look him in the eye and tell him that you have no choice but to give to his murderers the bomb that will be dropped on his head, because he is simply too muslim, not western enough, he doesn't value life and freedom enough like we benevolent westerners do, like his abusers and murderers do, that's why you have no choice but to provide the weapons to his murderers and abusers, because you value life and liberty, that's why you have no choice but to destroy him, becaaue he doesn't value life like you do, he is simply too muslim and doesn't follow the western values of life and freedom like we do, so we need to exterminate him, this non-western barbarian, there is nothing that can be done about this, he is just not western enough, he doesn't value life and freedom like we westerners do, so we'll have to genocide him and take over his home and land, it's for the best, you see, its for the advancement of civilized society you see, because we follow western values, you see, not like those muslim savages who don't value life and freedom as we do..

Look him in the eye and tell him that Alexander, tell him there is no other way, that he and his family need to be thrown out, abused, tortured, and annihilated, because they don't follow the western values of life and freedom like we do, tell him that conservative MAGA-Zionists decided that that is the only way possible..

Tell him that he needs to be less of a barbarian muslim and that he doesn't value life and liberty like the american empire that encircles the entire planet with 800 military bases and murdered more than 22.7 million human beings in the last 73 years in their right-wing NeoConservative attacks on humanity to steal resources and brutally force privatization at gunpoint. More than a million of those that right-wing conservative americans have murdered in their greed and domimation crusades are children. Surely he needs to learn from these benevolent american NeoConservative Zionist murderers about 'western values' , he needs to be more civilized and to value life more, like they do..

Good thing that soon Trump will enter office and will teach this evil muslim a lesson. Righteous Trump and his billonaire NeoCon Zionist buddies will show those evil muslims what "western values" are really all about...


PS. And another small note with regard to 'the benevolent west' and 'western values' you're talking about, please do watch this


PPS. Lastly, a small comment with regard to your claim that this is just how the world is (dog-eat-dog cruelty to dominate others) - In my perspective, constant hostility, cruelty, selfishness, greed, conflict and wanting to destroy others (people or nations) in order to dominate and be above them and have an edge over them is NOT the natural human state (as you attempted to claim), but it is just how the psychologically-immature love-less traumatised heart-disconnected frightened violent and God-forgetting conservative brain views reality. Im my view and experience, our actual nature is something more akin to this https://youtu.be/C_JR5fcrKkI?si=IGOa8tTeO0LzgCxw (which I'm sure will invite a disparaging remark from the heart-divorced love-rejecting sectarian anti-wholisitc God-denying cruel conservative brain, but that's ok)

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Yes, the usual intelligent, attentive and caring conservative-MAGA response..

A nice display of your benevolent and superior 'western values' in action..

Stay classy Alexander.. and don't forget to cheer when your righteous MAGA-Zionist Nazis murder those non-western barbarians. After all, we must genocide them because we value life and liberty, not like those savages..

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You need some courses in reading comprehension.

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My apologies if I misunderstood. Feel free to correct what you think i got wrong, if you'd like to. I'm curious and open to learning

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Charles, you are very naive if you think 9/11 wasn't perpetrated by the U.S. and Israeli intel agencies precisely in order to initiate the "War on Terror" forever wars. Similarly, Israel purposefully allowed the October 7 attacks to occur precisely in order to initiate the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza. The problem isn't that we are blinded by loyalty to our friends -- but rather that we are in the clutches of a monstrous evil.

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I am well aware of the discrepancies and absurdities in the official story of 9/11. However, that is irrelevant to the point of this article.

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Hi Charles. 9/11 is not irrelevant at all. Otherwise, you would not have brought it up in the first place. In fact, 9/11 represents the new fulcrum with the entry into the third millennium. That is why a book that indicts George W. Bush for murder was written by the eminent prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, as a hypothetical presentation of evidence to the International Criminal Court, the Hague, in 2008, which was Bush's lame duck year as POTUS after two terms in office.


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I hope that you are not right. And I fear that you are.

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I hold the possibility that we, as humans, can grasp and integrate the reality of our deep intra-connection with all life, the immensity of our ability to be whole, creative and resourceful . This for me requires each of us to step back from our individual, collective and ancestral patterns and see anew the magnificent potential within. Thank you Charles for opening up themes which challenge us to consider who we can be with new eyes and open heart.

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Linda Moore, your comment brings to mind that Jesus who taught us the kingdom of God is within each and every one of us, including our individual and collective selves. Even some of the official clerics notice this, though few of them.

Thank you for articulating it.

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I lived in Palestine. I have a master’s in Middle Eastern cultures and religions. Thank YOU.

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There's not really a good comparison between the world's reaction to 9/11 and the reaction to 10/7. Outside of radical Muslim states, nearly the entire world was shocked and horrified by what happened in the US on 9/11.

In contrast, there was not really much sympathy for Israel in the days after October 7th. Within hours, leftist Hamas sympathizers were demonstrating in the streets of western democracies. Outside of some official tut-tuting, there was almost no response outside of conservative media. Within a couple of days, when Israel was still weighing its options, academics in the US and in other countries were cheering the prospect of Jewish genocide and hoping for more. Some of the enthusiasm for wholesale slaughter was dampened as prospective employers indicated they wouldn't hire even Ivy League graduates who celebrated mass murder. For the students, as much as they wanted to free Palestine and kill Jews, they wanted a cushy job a little more.

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You're conflating 'free Palestine' and 'kill Jews'. There's no dampening of the enthusiasm for wholesale slaughter of Palestinians through employment prospects. Anyone protesting against the current genocide is barred from that 'cushy job.' It doesn't seem like you have an ethical position, just a one-sided opinion.

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Thank you for your reply. I don't need to conflate "free Palestine" with "kill Jews." I have Hamas, the students and faculty at Harvard, and the entire Democrat Party to do it for me. I don't hear calls for the Palestinians to withdraw to Gaza and the West Bank as the prelude to some sort of two state solution. I only hear calls for Palestinians to displace Israelis who are supposed to go...where? No place on Earth, it seems. Again thank you for taking time to reply to my comment.

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Hamas was set up by the Israeli government to be their internal police when they withdrew from Gaza. There's no one who could look at the Israeli surveillance and believe that paragliders could float over the wall with no one noticing. Do you really believe that?

Name one person who has lost their job because they agreed with Israel killing Palestinians. An ethical statement can contain no proper nouns, you need to be able to reverse it and have it be equally true. In your statement, you're saying that Palestinians should withdraw from occupied Palestine, and go where? And why should they be forced out of their homeland?

But I see you've bought into the narrative of Jews as the world's eternal victims, who have nowhere to go that they're not persecuted. I once thought that way too, even up to a year ago. But then did more research and found that it wasn't the Jews as people who were rejected but Jewish rule and domination. The Jews are victims, yes, but of their ruling dynasties who've set them up with false flag attacks to herd them into Israel when they themselves wanted to integrate into other countries.

There's only one war: empire vs. sovereignty. The Jews, along with the rest of us, are being tricked into sacrificing themselves for the empire that hides behind them. Check out the episodes linked in other comments here for more.

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completely agree. A very different situation from the Iraq War. Not only that, but Hamas proudly claimed responsibility for 10/7, whereas Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11

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Dec 29, 2023Edited
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Satanically braintrashed, divisive "Jews" (the satanic, lying, deceiving zionazi ADL AIPAC mainstream FauxNewsmedia owning conflationists have contributed to making the term "Jew" practically meaningless, since we now find that 90% of "Jews" are by name only; but neither believe in nor follow the principles outlined in Tor'ah, and are not of semitic descent, but rather are satanic/Talmudic ashke-NAZI khaz-ARYAN mafia gangster-bankster "Jews," allegedly converted to Judaism by coercion (that's a fine way to gain truly pious, devoted, committed, sincere converts to a religion, hm?), whereas the remaining 10% are the pious orthodox Jews who adhere to the principles of Tor'ah, while denouncing the brazenly false political character, methods, and ends of the lying, greedy, selfish, acquisitive, murderous Isrealhell zionazis.

Isn't it something to recognize how the soulless satanic influence operates, e.g., falsely browbeating others as "You're anti-semitic!" while these satanic East European Khaz-Aryan yiddish poseurs/impostors themselves not only are not semitic, but are themselves the first and foremost of Anti-semitics because Arabs and Palestinians are Semitic!

Back to hell where you belong, satanic bolshevik-communist-zionazi-vatican-IMF-Mossad-KGB-MI6-CIA-FBI-NSA-NASA-White House-Hollywood- child sex trafficking, drug running, pedophiling, money laundering, weapons manufacturing, etc., etc ,

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We all see and understand you are angry, Jeffery. We are all in this together. Spreading more hate and dogma seems like a terrible response to me, as we become what we love or we become what we hate. #AllOne

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Yes, you have made an important point. "Friends" of Israel who support this horror make a mockery of the word friend. RFK Jr comes to mind.

Please look deeper into 9/11. Yes, most certainly a time of deep mourning, but not a terrorist attack. There is ample evidence of this. The US government was complicit. This is hard information to let in, I know. The information on the control of this same US government and all politicians/most (if not all) presidential candidates by Zionist Satanic forces is also hard to let in.

I encourage everyone to look much deeper into these issues. I didn't want to and avoided doing so for a long time, but everything has led me in that direction. Stew Peters has been the most courageous on this subject recently in his interview with Alex Jones, who did everything in his power to silence him. https://www.brighteon.com/2d78c7eb-6220-43d4-b918-1970bc0b8f38

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I am well aware of the discrepancies and absurdities in the official narrative of 9/11. I thought so starting in, oh, 2002 I think. To this day, I am not sure exactly who was behind it at the deepest level.

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Mossad-CIA of USA-ISRAEL Imperium Matrix were behind 9/11. They used Alien advanced technology that can manipulate reality (like in the movies). The whole UFO/Alien contact disclosure will expose the whole truth: Simulation of World Reality Matrix supported by Silicon Alien Super Intelligence, manipulation of reality a la 9/11. The whole world including Iran sympathized with America being trapped in the Roguest Matrix. The USA gave in completely to the World Domination Matrix, and we are all still suffering.

Israel experiences the same schizophrenia, extreme double standard, they killed Peace murdering Rabin and then started the pre 9/11 preparation and constant attack on Palestinians.

It's all part of the Greater Israel World domination that was launched with the first New World Order.

Netanyahu is a Dictator set up for this goal. The fight goes on inside the IDF as well: those who are Mossad led and "find" explosives in schools, create fake proofs of atrocities, kill as many children as possible, ecc. and the Israeli Military that was surprised by the attack. In Hamas as well, Mossad infiltrated agents and mercenaries to control the true Liberation Movement.

The true clash is between True Life Reality that we could start to enjoy as of 2001, because the Matrix could not stop it anymore, and the Big Lie Simulation fighting to keep control. The USA is at present in this fight and attempting to hold onto World Domination, included the Ukraine defeating Russia attempt. We all embodied Souls are watching free from fear as are the Truly Elected Souls of Palestine, of all religions. We know that the Imperium Matrix is no more, and that the More Beautiful World is at hand, waiting in our collective Heart and Soul.

Peace unto you all!

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Glad to hear this Charles. You began questioning sooner than I did. I've been recently following @RichardGage_911 on Twitter/X. The 9/11 narrative is another in a long string of lies to justify war imo.

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Thanks Steve! I love David Icke. I haven't read this one yet.

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You haven't read this one yet?! It came out on the one year anniversary of 9/11, and I was browsing it at Barnes and Noble, and wondering how this guy came to have amassed so much information on the plot and scheme of it all, considering that he is some kind of psyops medium who is really an actor in the dissemination of mis/dis/information. Much has continued to evolve in the 9/11 story, and especially Judy Wood's book from 2008, "Where Did the Towers Go"?


The real truth is contained in the history of Tevatron, and high-energy particle physics. Just look it up. April 2001, and Tevatron II were the trial runs for 9/11. Higgs-boson; the so-called, God Particle, behind the 'big bang'. Of course, America had it first. :)

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Thanks for this. I haven't done too much research, but always intuitively knew that the narrative was a fraud. It seemed so obvious. What you've shared is very interesting.

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That’s quite the video. I used to avoid listening to either of them because they felt too sensational, too attention-seeking and negative, but I was compelled to listen to the whole thing and appreciate the tip.

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Glad to hear this. I used to feel the same way too. It seems that information finds its way to me when the time is right.

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Weird, that is a subject I thought AJ would agree with Peters about...

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Yep, calls Alex Jones' motives into question. His behavior was quite bizarre.

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I’ve recently come around to liking AJ again. His interview with Tucker Carlson was fantastic.

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Does this mean you are not supporting Bobby Kennedy anymore?

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I still support Bobby. On this issue, I disagree with him vehemently. On most other issues though, I think he is far and away the best candidate. No one else even comes close.

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Cornell west leaves RFK in the stalls pandering to his corporate overlords. the problem is the electoral system itself is corrupt. the Hilary/Sanders nomination debacle show this to be the case. the problem is the entire "democratic" 2 party system. it's just really a one part corporate state. The entire thing needs to be disbanded. It's like a relic from the 19th century. Given that 50% of Americans don't bother voting that seems to so patently clear to anyone paying attention.

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No, there's Jill Stein (Palestine and labor), and even better (Palestine, working class, and Covid), Shiva Ayyandurai

Bobby is completely immoral. A contermporary-Holocaust denier. You can't support him and still be a moral person. None of these cats are going to win, but Shiva will raise consciousness. Kennedy is disgracing and bringing down the medical freedom movement, among the most importance constituency for a socialist revolution--Gen Z, esp. the young Jews.

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I tried to "hang out" online with Shiva, but despite his somewhat expanded and crucial focus on 'systems awareness,' despite what you have suggested, Shiva's mental capacity and focus on systems --- at least insofar as what he is willing to divulge and dialogue upon in the public sphere --- falls short of inclusion of the system of universal consciousness, aka the true essence'l intelligence, source of life, and the crux of all systems balance and sustainability at every level.

And despite Shiva's self-professed and somewhat apparent mental brilliance for having invented an early version of E-mail, the very fact that he is running for U.S. President causes me to throw his name into the trashcan along with all the other misguided egos hungry for fame and power, yet unwilling to humbly bow before the infinite pure consciousness as the source of all life, intelligence, and intelligent guidance.

So, IMO, he lacks the depth and breadth of perspective to be a 21st century leader, and frankly, it is likely that he is merely another unawakened egoistic character entered into the field as controlled opposition.

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LOL! Whence did you derive all this knowledge of Shiva's connection to the universal cosmos, and why the heck should we care about all that New Age mumbo jumbo, in the first place? 20,000+ Palistinians dead, NATO war against Russia, millions dead from the clot shots--and you're worried about how connected this guy is with his third eye and his navel?!

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Charles - You do a wonderful job of articulating peace and good sense. I ask that you engage with the alternative narratives in your essays. The idea that 9/11 was a self-inflicted false flag has a lot of currency with your readers. Does this change your argument? Further afield is the possibility that America's wandering from our traditions and from good sense has been seeded by infiltration. What do you make of the warnings of KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EA2ohrt5Q

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It doesn't matter for purposes of this essay. Whether it was a false flag or a terrorist attack or somewhere in between, the fact is that America exploited global sympathy and the indignation of its own people to launch a campaign of world domination.

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Well said. Question everything, kindly and mindfully. The worlds financial dependence on the arms industry would perhaps be a place to start unraveling the destructive intentions.

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I love the image of the invisible path to peace which we must find despite the good/bad narrative that dominates our culture. I hope we find that path...

I also love the idea that peace can only be a more enlightened understanding of self-interest, cognizant of the inseparability of self and other. In our global ecosystem we are truly one.

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Thank you heartily for this post, Charles E.! It is wisdom we all need to live with, by, and for. It is the wisdom of having democracy by, for, and with our neighbors and loved ones and visitors and strangers. And I have been trying every way I know how to get this message to the RFK, Jr., campaign. Now I will say here this is precisely what that campaign needs to hear from hundreds of us paying attention to it and wondering why the candidate does no nuace with his unqualified and total support of the Netanyahu regime. He even refuses to condemn the genocide, the apartheid, and all that comes with these things. Our failure to do this as a nation is already bringing the cults following such insanities back the the US.

Today I will start my communication with the campaign with this quote from you beautiful presentation: "A true friend would have said, on October 8, “You have a unique opportunity to break the cycle of hate. When you fly your bombing sorties over Gaza, fill the planes with pictures of the victims and the word, ‘Enough!’ And then lay your proposal for peace and justice before the world."

To date, I have been a true friend of the campaign. To date the campaign has responded only with distraction from any question I've asked, any concern I've shared, any inquiry I've sent.

Will the campaign pay attention? Not if they continue as they have so far.


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Unfortunately, the action Israel is taking is EXACTLY who Israel is. The state was founded on Zionist terrorism which has never stopped. It is a state based on false and outrageous claims, and complete lack of logic. It does not make Jews safer; indeed, it makes them more hated. Zionism arose in the same German nationalist ferment that produced Nazism, and uses the same rhetoric of racial purity and exceptionalism. It cannot be allowed to stand.

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There are truths here, but i think we need to remember there are many Israelis who are against what is happening. So it would be INDIVIDUALS with genocidal intent operating in Israel (and any other country for that matter) that are the problem, not ISRAEL.

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Yes of course, Sheila, but they still feel the Israeli state is legitimate if it would just be "nicer." They think that or they would not be there. My claim is that the state of Israel has no legitimacy and never has had, because it is based on an assumption of superiority and a claim that Zionists had a right to land that some of their ancestors had inhabited 2000 years ago. Given the number of ancestors we all had 2000 years ago the claim is ridiculous: if we all followed that logic we could claim land virtually anywhere. I myself could claim England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Northern France, Germany, Spain, Libya, Egypt and yes Israel. The other common claim is that they deserve Palestine because of the Holocaust, but we do not found ethnostates because of genocide or there would be a country for Roma, for Assyrian Christians, and for Circassian Muslims, not to mention Tutsi and a whole host of others. Furthermore, since Palestinians played no part in the Holocaust, why should they have to pay the price for it? The claim that the current area of Palestine belongs to Zionists because it was their state in the ancient past is also false. The only time there was a Jewish state in all of Palestine was less than a 30 year period under the brutal and thuggish Alexander Janneus, who oppressed his people so much they were relieved when the Roman Empire took over. The claims of the OT that there was an independent Jewish state in all of Palestine in the 10th c. BC have also been shown by archaeology to be false. There was an independent Jewish state for a very brief time before the Babylonian Captivity, but it governed less than half of Palestine. The rest of the time BC the land was governed by Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece and Rome, and there were a number of tribes within it. Even the monotheism "chosen by God" claim is false--the Hebrews, or Abiru, were just as polytheistic as the rest of Canaan and worshipped the same gods as everyone else. They didn't settle on Yahweh (a minor god of metallurgy and war) alone until about 500 BC, and that was for political unification purposes. Finally, the "Jewish diaspora" claim that Jews were expelled from Judea when the 2nd temple was destroyed by the Romans is false as well. They were expelled from Jerusalem only. Those who left left of their own accord, and had been doing so for 100 years before. 90% of the Hebrews never returned from the Babylonian Captivity in fact. Jews heavily proselytized the whole Mediterranean, North Africa and Europe both before and after Christ, leaving a large proportion of the Jewish faith with little to no connection to the Holy Land. Not only did Jews not have to leave Palestine ever, they eventually could easily have come back to Jerusalem if they had had the slightest desire to, because upon the advent of Islam and its capture of the Levant in the 7th c., Jerusalem was opened up to Jews for the first time in 600 years. There was no Jewish rush to come back. When Theodore Herzl and his fellow Zionists in the 19th c. tried to get European Jews to accept the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine they roundly rejected the idea. The claim of every observant Jew and rabbi was that such an idea was counter to Judaism. It took the rise of Nazism to convince Yiddish speakers to come to Palestine. But when it became clear to Palestinians that the thousands of Jews arriving on their shores (most illegally, because Britain had a quota) intended to take over the land and drive them out, they began to rebel. That is when the Zionist terrorism began, and it has continued for 75 years, taking more and more and more land each time.

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I know Linda. It has been a sham from the beginning. I know a little of the history. I know a little of American history too. Should an American be convicted of the genocide of the early explorers upon the Native American "Indians" ? And kicked out of the US? Should the Australians who colonized from Britain be convicted of their colonizing ancestors and kicked out of the country they now call home.

I would like to the see the Palestinians have a right to their homes and land. And a right ti life!

Colonization is an evil, shortsighted practice and it victimizes innocent people. It needs to be stopped.

I'm just stressing that if it is the Prime Minister and his cabinet that are giving the orders to commit genocide, it is not the baker lady who, herself, as a Jew, is protesting it, at risk of her own life, that is guilty. She is Israeli too.

I believe the value of a person can be judged by their actions and motivations. Good intentions do not always succeed, but bad ones that result in harm cannot be ignored.

People can for sure be victimized by being fed a strict diet of propaganda, too, and I do suspect this with the citizens of most countries.

Right and wrong exist. More right and more wrong exist. Less right and less wrong exist.

I would like to see an end to the genocide of the Palestinians and for people, not to be equal (we are all individuals and have varying qualities no matter what groups we are in) but to have equal rights under the law. And for those laws to be just and to allow us our inalienable rights to life, freedom (not to wantonly destroy with) and the pursuit of happiness, while honoring and upholding those of others.

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I agree with this, but I think the difference is that Australia's sins and the US's sins are long enough ago and the countries are large enough that all we can accomplish at this point is making sure indigenous peoples have full rights and reparations, and teaching the factual history of those sins. Since the two countries were founded we've come a long way toward understanding colonialism and its crimes, and we should not tolerate a new colonial state founded only 75 years ago, especially since the terrorism and ethnic cleansing have been going on under every government for that entire time. It's not like getting rid of Likud is going to solve anything--the people who voted for them would still be there. The population is too propagandized. Do you think getting a new "left wing" government would solve the problem of illegal settlers and settler violence, for example? The West Bank is almost completely taken over. And any kind of "one state" solution would leave Palestinians completely at the mercy of a murderous and ethics-free Zionist state. TikTok is completely full of violent mocking videos from Israelis celebrating the murder of Palestinian babies and children. There was nothing similar from Palestinians after 10/7.

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I agree. I was just being rhetorical about the US's and Australians previous colonizations to make the point that we as individuals are not guilty of our predecessors sins.

I dont think removing a few people from power will solve it all, no. But it is a start, and true justice is needed against the genocide. For the future, it would be helpful to learn the characteristics of people who cannot restrain themselves from harmful acts, so we dont get tripped up trusting them and taking their advice or follow their orders. No one, NO ONE, is perfect and free from ever doing wrong, or making errors but there are a few who have destruction so built into their fabric,.that they maybe shouldn't even be in charge of a large garden, let alone a small schoolhouse, definitely not a country. Let them take up fingerpainting or something where they might only hurt one's sense of taste. To solve the entire problem -.WOW, I dont know, but some justice and truth would be a start. The Nuremburg trials were a start, as imperfect as they were. So many not held to account, just moved around to continue dastardly deeds. Some even infiltrating the educational system. Bad news. Why we need to be alert.

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This is an excellent example of what research means. Thanks, Linda. Just now saw this in my nightly review of the extraordinary comments on this essay. We don't have to picket the White House and risk getting roughed up. We can do it here in the post-modern era :) Much safer, but is it any more effective? Yes, because there is a telepathic element working. I sense the mojo. Friction works very well, and Fire is regarded as the primary creative principle.

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Sheila, but that pov would not be adhering to the rescue game, where all roles are collective, not individual.:https://archdruidmirror.blogspot.com/2017/06/american-narratives-rescue-game.html. Do NOT engage people who play this game. They do not want anything to improve for anyone. They thrive on outrage, and create more by being rescuer roles who do nothing but accuse "perpetrators", and parade the victims to solicit more outrage.

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