What struck me in Zen’s story was how crucial the partnership with her son was. She did it WITH him. If he had fought her, sneaking food etc. it wouldn’t have worked. When we transpose this to other issues, we mustn’t forget that crucial ingredient of partnership.

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I just love this! Tears in my eyes… mama bears make things happen. Reminds me of my own medical experience and the gap between what the medical system offered (perpetual medication, resignation, risks of worse) and what I was able to find and accomplish by stepping outside of it (full health and recovery):


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This is wonderful. My quick story. I sub at the local high schools. I do it because it amuses me. I write YA. There are kids who thrive. They're usually involved in sports or other activities and have a community of friends. Then there are kids that struggle are bored, act out. Since I'm a sub and don't need to really get them to learn anything, when they complain, I just ask them what they ARE into. What do they like? And almost all light up. Their eyes become clear and they change. Some hover around me like bees to honey when I see them again by chance.. And it's such a joy because all they need is someone to see them. I truly believe that's one way to heal. And we can do it so easily. And if we all just could "see" one lonely person a day, we can heal :) Thank you for what you do!

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I like you for what "you do". Giving your own voice is an accepted authority when a weary world can be awakened one individual at a time. Hats off, Nicole.

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The first step, as you said, is saying "NO!"

We do NOT accept this apparent reality as fate or as victims.

The second step, which sometimes takes a bit longer, is to begin to realize that in our indoctrination, basically everything we've been told and believed is a lie.

The third step, is to make ourselves PRIMARY, and realize and assert that we have no outside authorities. That WE ARE OUR OWN AUTHORITY. No-one else gets that designation or power over us.

The fourth step, then, is to begin to act and do accordingly. Make choices and live our lives fully empowered as the directors of our own reality.

"You create your own reality. There is no other main rule."


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Seems like they both changed before the allergy went away, so the allergy went away. The decision was made and so the universe reflected it. She knows when you’re serious and when you say you’ll start your diet on Monday. The body knows

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A note from Canada from a mother and daughter that have been inspired by your words for years. Every day we move toward "the beautiful world our hearts know is possible". Thank you for sharing your gifts and for the gems of inspiration which heaven knows, we all need in these times of chaos and confusion. This essay is highly motivational and appreciated.

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If it works in the micro, why not the macro? I keep telling people about how we could change the money and change the world, that we could create an ecological economy that would change the psychology from personal gain to public care. Yet so many seem to believe it is impossible, yet money is embodied in law, it only entails changing the law about who creates the money and for what. A few criminals control it now, the world should not let them continue to do so. It is not impossible!

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What else is possible?

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We all thanking you 🙏🏼🦋🐸🐛👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼

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Gotta have FAITH ❤️❤️❤️

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Listening today to RFKs campaign manager re. her insidious plan to take down Biden at All Costs is not my view of a more beautiful world. Something better than this must be possible. We must remember that RFKjr has remained pro Israel in Gaza.

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I believe that RFK Jr. could and would make the difference in this long-term government support of Israel, c. 1948. If elected, he brings new options into the fold, and seeing the perpetual dilemma in Israel is one to face for a more beautiful world. For me, he is worth the risk. We know what the incumbents think, and have done. Biden is only worried that he will swing votes to Trump. An Independent Party candidate has never won. Let's make it happen this year.

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I so appreciate you sharing Zen and her son's story and I so appreciate you highlighting the "we don't even know what is possible" mindset that is our everyday lives. I felt a shift in relation to "asking people for help" a year or so ago. Previously, to do so would have caused me almost physical pain. When my mindset shifted around asking someone for a simple, simple favor, I realized that my paradigm had shifted. And now that is one of my anchor statements: "Allow your paradigms to be shifted."

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Its just entertaining but sad at the same time to observe Americans feeling their neurotic obsessions matter in any relevant way while the climate and ecological trajectory of the world is the way I is.

I'm sorry, but we need to advocate for degrowth, solidarity among social movements and build a democratic media to really challenge the statu quo, not more of this.

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Thank you for the inspiration! Kicked off my Tech for Good series, sharing ideas to contribute to our better world.


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A very astute and uncanny approach for a sub teacher. Have you ever considered advising the regular staff about it. Awesome. They will have to listen to it because it is what the world needs. I have often used the analogy of Willy Wonka and Charley Bucket who gives the everlasting gobstopper back to Willy because he failed the rules. What are rules in a weary world? Winning is what counts! Responsibility also.

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Hi Charles and Everyone making the world more beautiful. I just completed a Landmark course (synchronicities with Zen!) and we formed a book club and our first book was “The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”! We are “meaning making machines” and each one of us “is unique-just like everybody else.” 🥳 Your words, writing, have inspired me to JUST GO FOR IT! I applied and have been accepted into Granta’s Nature Writing Workshop and am raising funds through GoFundMe to cover the 1,250 usd fee. Please consider donating: THANK YOU! ✨


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