Excellent words, Charles. I especially appreciate your staking out your own space and privacy re: your health -- more advice and input is not helpful. It's an "inside job," in your own mind, and the decisions you make about how to spend your time and energy. Ultimately true for every one of us.And I also really agree with your understanding that the "us vs. them" way of thinking and trying to solve our planetary dilemma is ending. An entirely new consciousness is what's beginning to emerge, and that's the place to put our passion and attention. Much love, brother.
Very true. IMHO, those who asked Charles if he is pro-trump or anti-trump might be missing the entire issue here, missing it on two accounts - One is that the question (are you pro-trump or anti-trump) assumes that the only options we have are the pro-billionaire pro-empire life-destroying right-wing capitalist DNC or RNC. But it is very possible (and wise, IMHO) to be both anti the oligarchs' ConMan and zionist stooge trump AND anti the pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist DNC, which is exactly my current heart-based position, which I'll explain in a moment below.
And the second reason that asking 'are you pro-trump or anti-trump' misses the whole point is becasue this infantile dumb abusive wounded unconscious bully (and his AIPAC administration of bllodthirsty NeoCons, religious fundamentalist end-timers and WarMongering Israel-first Zionist supremacist mass murderers, an administration by the billionaire ruling class for the billionaire ruling class) this idiot clown is clearly not the main driver here but he's just the vehicle which brings in the bilionaires' domination over the people, their creation of a welfare state for billionaires, their dismantling of anything (laws, regulations) that might hinder the wounded billionaires' ruthless profit seeking above all else, which enshrines their funneling of the people's wealth upwards to the ultra rich, and their moving us into a new era of feudalism (technicratic high-tech feudalism this time) where a tiny group of billilnaire lords dominates masses of impoverished tracked surveilled serfs (who are brainwashed to think that some of the lords are "anti-lord rebels" who are on the people's side becasue they say some nice things we want to hear and throw some crumbs for the serfs).
Killer-clown infantile wounded bully abuser trump is simply the vehicle for the ruling billinaire class to bring in all the above while keeping his distracted, gullible and brainwashed MAGA worshippers asleep to what's happening. They do this through selling the hypnotized dumb and deceived MAGA sheep the story that he is an "anti-elite rebel, who arrived on tje scene because he really really loves the little guy and wants to help us fight the deep state" (and by the way, saying that the the deceived MAGA worshippers are sheep does NOT mean the the clueless mainstream liberals are any better. Both deceived MAGA and mainstream liberals are the crowds that the billionaires' empire can rely on for continuous support. I'll get to that in a moment)
Here are a couple of very insightful observations that show that both trumpism and anti trumpism are fake decoy "revolutions" meant to usher in billionaire rule under the guise of supposed rivalry among the corporate-calitalist factions (the DNC faction and the RNC faction of the ruling class)
IMO, the only difference between the billionaires empire's two factions is that, unlike the evil of the pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist democratic party, trump is just a more honest form of evil because he is not hiding how greedy, ruthless, murderous, abusive, merciless, bullying and anti-human is the american billionaires’ corporate-capitalist regime, whereas the right-wing capitalist democrats wear a caring mask and dishonestly talk about love as they screw humanity for billionaire profiteering and control
In my understanding, the global corporate-capitalist oligarchy operates through BOTH its wings, both the fake left and the fake right. Both through the liberal democrat leadership (who act in very iliberal ways) who use inauthentic slogans of love and caring (which they don't mean) to advance billionaire profiteering & domination, as well as through the oligarchy's other wing- the fake "populist" billionaires right (who are sold to their propagandized worshippers as "anti-elite" and "pro-freedom" while IN REALITY are tyrant elite oligarchs who work diligently to concentrate the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1%, to incite you to HATE HATE HATE anyone who isn’t aligned with their global empire, and to build the digital technocratic prison of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many.
In terms of the psychology that drives the two wings of the empire - unlike the inauthentic love slogans of the fake "left", the other empire's wing - the fake "populist" billionaire right - are inciting their half of the population through a childish trauma-driven God-ignorant conservative mentality that views "greatness" as DOMINATION, power over, force, subjugation, profiteering by crushing others to benefit oneself, that celebrates trauma for others as a show of power and "greatness" and that thrives on hating boogeyman enemied in the US (light) vs THEM (darkness) sectarian tribalist mentality
The tragedy, IMHO, is that most of humanity has been herded (using the oligarchs' algorithms) into partisan enclosures/echo-chambers, where we are taught to cheer for one or the other wing of the global oligarchy and to view the other half as 'the evil ones'. Very few seem to recognize BOTH halves of the elite, and very few seem to want real freedom from empire and dignity for all humans, but most seem to just want that the empire be under the right management, the management of "our billionaires" (not “their billionaires”), seem to just want the domination of the one wing of the oligarchy that they learnt to identify with
Thanks, and if I may share one more extremely important resource (important in my view of course) which I think is very very pertinent to understanding what is happening right now (as the life-destroying billiinaire abusers in the white house and their manipulative narrative managers are currently shifting wbo will be the number one boogeyman enemy - which we're supposed to fear and hate - from being russia into being china (and secondarily iran and muslims in general. See here the details about this shift in the empire's focus happening now https://open.substack.com/pub/johnspritzler/p/defense-sec-hegseth-launches-the), so in that regard, I'd like share a profoundly important resource that shows EXACTLY how the anti-life billionaire mafia in the white house play this BOOGYMAN ENEMY trick on us. IMHO this is a must-read for every human who wishes to understand what is ACTUALLY going on and exactly how (and why) the elite are playing us. Please do read this attentively and slowly, it will blow your mind and open your eyes https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
The psychologically-undeveloped and unconscious billionaires' mafia in the white house, the greatest evil that exists on this planet (who operate according to only one rule - bully, destroy, murder and dominate others to enrich themselves and their Wall St mafia buddies) are getting their army of well-intentioned but dumb and deceived MAGA sheep (by far the most heavily propagandized people on the planet) ready for the billionaires coming planned attack on china (or at least a state of division & intense hostility and viewing china as an evil monstrous scary enemy who wants to hurt us, similar to the billionaires red scare of the previous cold war), to ensure the american billionaires' mafia FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION over all life on this planet and to ensure our loyalty to (and non-rebelling against) our billionaire controllers (see in the essay above exactly how the creation of an "evil monstrous scary boogyman enemy" ensures for the ultra-rich the loyalty of the people to them)
The well-intentioned but hypnotized and dumb MAGA army of sheep is what the american billionaire mafiosos rely on to obediently back them and HATE HATE HATE the billionaires' target for takedown, the moment they tell their hypnotized MAGA worshippers "look over there, the evil monstrous scary commie/iranian/chinese/muslim enemy is coming to get ya. They're vicious evil monsters, but don't you worry, we the patriotic billionaires really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil monstrous scary enemy. All you need to do is obedientely unite behind your great leader, patriotically rally around the flag, and make sure to keep us - your loving billionaire protectors - in power over you, so that we can transfer society's wealth and resources upwards into the private hands of the ultra-rich, create a welfare state for billionaires, and prepare the digital technocratic cages to imprison you - impoverished, surveilled and decrived serfs - in our new technocratic feudal control system made just for you. But don't forget, we really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil monstrous scary enemy over there who is coming to get ya"
The billionaires’ anti-life abusive empire wouldn’t be able to control humanity and transfer the planet’s wealth and resources into the private hands of ultra-rich (and impoverish everyone else) without the cheerleading and enthusiastic support of the well-intentioned but dumb & deceived MAGA sheep who are taught in their enclosure/echo-chamber (that they've been herded into using the billionaires' algorithms) that their worshipping and cheerleading for the scum of the earth, the lowest level of human development, mafioso hierarchical billionaire abusers, thieves, murderers, oppressors is the way to “fight the elite and take down the deep state”.
Will read it. Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your passion for the truth/exposing manipulation and your caring for life and people. Definitely needed in these times of pervasive propaganda & deceit and of greed trumping life, freedom, dignity and love.
Yes, reflecting on some conversations with friends in the last few days I find myself prickling at all the advice I’ve received. And seeing how condescending it feels and tiresome. I don’t share things to get help. I share to connect. To reveal my heart. To open the possibility of a shared experience or just to let myself be known deeply.
Charles, I worked for a great architect years ago called Sverre Fehn who had a book called the Thought of Construction. He talked about much the same losses that go unnoticed for instance the loss of the shadows and stars at night and the room that fire light makes in the darkness lost with the advent of the electric light bulb. Also about how music and storytelling was frozen to be shipped out for consumption with the advent of recording. Your voice and passion for the real physical world - the world we physically live in and your voice for our boundless inner world in our heart and spirit...like good (live) music with my friends...very much appreciated. Your work is one of the stars I follow to help me navigate in the darkness - my life at sea. Thankyou.
Just read Robin Wall Kimmerer's new little book called The Serviceberry in which you are quoted a couple of times. So this podcast sounds like a nice accompaniment. Grateful for you. Rest up!
I look forward to more and more people zooming out beyond their particular crap political party. It feels beyond self-indulgence to dwell in this ego trip of my party in 2025, when they're all a disgrace, they all lead to the Machine, and it's obvious we need to change the system. And there's a space for everyone there. Happy resting, I like your framing. Very adrenal fatigue-recoveryish.
My adrenal advice is a theory about the nature of the god/goddess that a doctor friend shared with me. The god/goddess is inept. For instance, they may know it would be best for you if you moved, but they can't figure out how to motivate you. So they burn down your house, and you move. Many physical challenges get us to do what we need to do. That's been my experience. Rest, Charles, knowing that an inept goddess/god is with you.
Yes, I keep getting asked to decide on one side of a binary proposal. Are you in agreement with A or with B? I am neither in agreement or against. I observe patterns. I observe outcome from patterns. I observe my own psychological process and that of others. I don’t like violence, separative and divisive actions. I release my own divisive and separative actions. I allow myself to entertain multiple perspectives. I attempt to include and understand the points of view of others. I call out clear abuse. I relax concern.
As a former Democrat, turned Independent, and now a Trump voter, I'm still in a state of shock at how fast the world is spinning. I haven't felt good about the USA leadership since supporting Bernie in 2016. It's been downhill from there. I will say though that this MAGA MAHA movement seems to be a lot more transparent than past regimes, and they're actually doing stuff that others only talked about. I'm cautiously hopeful for the future and it's kinda sad to watch my Liberal friends writhing in anger and despair.
"People are still trying to figure out whether I am pro-Trump or anti-Trump, but it is that reflex that lies near the heart of the crisis of civilization. We cling on to the dying plot line of us versus them, hoping its resolution will deliver us from evil. But a much greater drama is unfolding."
Feeling you, Charles. Thank you for sharing from the heart. I see myself dropping so often into looking for how I'm right, and better than, 'them' (whoever 'they' happen to be in that instance). On the converse, I put myself below others (like yourself). Who am I to write, and share, when there are people like Charles doing it so much better?
Either way is a loser's game, leaving me with a heart cabinet empty of all but the empty whispers of ghosts.
So all this comes home to this morning. As I sat in the darkness, breathing with life. Breathing for myself. And for my unborn child. And the hope of a more beautiful world (😉). And, in that moment, it was enough. Just to be with myself. Emptying and filling myself.
All this to say: I see you. I feel you. I hope you can prioritise the rest you need.
I feel like I know so many people who have to hear the words of this essay! Can I just say bullseye? 🎯 I loved every paragraph. Sacred Economy, AI, post-polarization… you are at the front of an evolution of humanity. Your reduction in the quantity of work to take care of yourself, and rest, is natural and wise. Stay the course.
I am intrigued by your concluding statement—“But a much greater drama is unfolding. I’ll keep writing about that as my energy allows.”—and so eager to read whatever you will have to say about this.
Love your open honesty and ability to navigate the rapids of your life and rest in the still waters, whilst being used as click bait .....no small feat thank you for sharing your boundaries and your way of making meaning in the world. It's in these times your voice is needed most, sharing your gifts and taking care of yourself whilst all around appears to be crumbling is vital, thank you
Neither sympathy nor advice, but simply best wishes for you. I hope your health improves. Your words have given me much hope over the years. Peace. Joy. Friendships. Love.
Excellent words, Charles. I especially appreciate your staking out your own space and privacy re: your health -- more advice and input is not helpful. It's an "inside job," in your own mind, and the decisions you make about how to spend your time and energy. Ultimately true for every one of us.And I also really agree with your understanding that the "us vs. them" way of thinking and trying to solve our planetary dilemma is ending. An entirely new consciousness is what's beginning to emerge, and that's the place to put our passion and attention. Much love, brother.
Very true. IMHO, those who asked Charles if he is pro-trump or anti-trump might be missing the entire issue here, missing it on two accounts - One is that the question (are you pro-trump or anti-trump) assumes that the only options we have are the pro-billionaire pro-empire life-destroying right-wing capitalist DNC or RNC. But it is very possible (and wise, IMHO) to be both anti the oligarchs' ConMan and zionist stooge trump AND anti the pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist DNC, which is exactly my current heart-based position, which I'll explain in a moment below.
And the second reason that asking 'are you pro-trump or anti-trump' misses the whole point is becasue this infantile dumb abusive wounded unconscious bully (and his AIPAC administration of bllodthirsty NeoCons, religious fundamentalist end-timers and WarMongering Israel-first Zionist supremacist mass murderers, an administration by the billionaire ruling class for the billionaire ruling class) this idiot clown is clearly not the main driver here but he's just the vehicle which brings in the bilionaires' domination over the people, their creation of a welfare state for billionaires, their dismantling of anything (laws, regulations) that might hinder the wounded billionaires' ruthless profit seeking above all else, which enshrines their funneling of the people's wealth upwards to the ultra rich, and their moving us into a new era of feudalism (technicratic high-tech feudalism this time) where a tiny group of billilnaire lords dominates masses of impoverished tracked surveilled serfs (who are brainwashed to think that some of the lords are "anti-lord rebels" who are on the people's side becasue they say some nice things we want to hear and throw some crumbs for the serfs).
Killer-clown infantile wounded bully abuser trump is simply the vehicle for the ruling billinaire class to bring in all the above while keeping his distracted, gullible and brainwashed MAGA worshippers asleep to what's happening. They do this through selling the hypnotized dumb and deceived MAGA sheep the story that he is an "anti-elite rebel, who arrived on tje scene because he really really loves the little guy and wants to help us fight the deep state" (and by the way, saying that the the deceived MAGA worshippers are sheep does NOT mean the the clueless mainstream liberals are any better. Both deceived MAGA and mainstream liberals are the crowds that the billionaires' empire can rely on for continuous support. I'll get to that in a moment)
Here are a couple of very insightful observations that show that both trumpism and anti trumpism are fake decoy "revolutions" meant to usher in billionaire rule under the guise of supposed rivalry among the corporate-calitalist factions (the DNC faction and the RNC faction of the ruling class)
And here
And here https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/the-face-at-the-front-desk-changes
And finally, here https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/trump-minus-narrative-equals-bushbama-84a363947536
IMO, the only difference between the billionaires empire's two factions is that, unlike the evil of the pro-billionaire right-wing capitalist democratic party, trump is just a more honest form of evil because he is not hiding how greedy, ruthless, murderous, abusive, merciless, bullying and anti-human is the american billionaires’ corporate-capitalist regime, whereas the right-wing capitalist democrats wear a caring mask and dishonestly talk about love as they screw humanity for billionaire profiteering and control
In my understanding, the global corporate-capitalist oligarchy operates through BOTH its wings, both the fake left and the fake right. Both through the liberal democrat leadership (who act in very iliberal ways) who use inauthentic slogans of love and caring (which they don't mean) to advance billionaire profiteering & domination, as well as through the oligarchy's other wing- the fake "populist" billionaires right (who are sold to their propagandized worshippers as "anti-elite" and "pro-freedom" while IN REALITY are tyrant elite oligarchs who work diligently to concentrate the planet's wealth in the hands of the 0.1%, to incite you to HATE HATE HATE anyone who isn’t aligned with their global empire, and to build the digital technocratic prison of humanity for the sole purpose of the domination of the few over the many.
In terms of the psychology that drives the two wings of the empire - unlike the inauthentic love slogans of the fake "left", the other empire's wing - the fake "populist" billionaire right - are inciting their half of the population through a childish trauma-driven God-ignorant conservative mentality that views "greatness" as DOMINATION, power over, force, subjugation, profiteering by crushing others to benefit oneself, that celebrates trauma for others as a show of power and "greatness" and that thrives on hating boogeyman enemied in the US (light) vs THEM (darkness) sectarian tribalist mentality
The tragedy, IMHO, is that most of humanity has been herded (using the oligarchs' algorithms) into partisan enclosures/echo-chambers, where we are taught to cheer for one or the other wing of the global oligarchy and to view the other half as 'the evil ones'. Very few seem to recognize BOTH halves of the elite, and very few seem to want real freedom from empire and dignity for all humans, but most seem to just want that the empire be under the right management, the management of "our billionaires" (not “their billionaires”), seem to just want the domination of the one wing of the oligarchy that they learnt to identify with
Wow!! Powerful comment. But yes, fully agree with you, you hit the nail right on the head
Will check out those links. Thank you for caring
Thanks, and if I may share one more extremely important resource (important in my view of course) which I think is very very pertinent to understanding what is happening right now (as the life-destroying billiinaire abusers in the white house and their manipulative narrative managers are currently shifting wbo will be the number one boogeyman enemy - which we're supposed to fear and hate - from being russia into being china (and secondarily iran and muslims in general. See here the details about this shift in the empire's focus happening now https://open.substack.com/pub/johnspritzler/p/defense-sec-hegseth-launches-the), so in that regard, I'd like share a profoundly important resource that shows EXACTLY how the anti-life billionaire mafia in the white house play this BOOGYMAN ENEMY trick on us. IMHO this is a must-read for every human who wishes to understand what is ACTUALLY going on and exactly how (and why) the elite are playing us. Please do read this attentively and slowly, it will blow your mind and open your eyes https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
The psychologically-undeveloped and unconscious billionaires' mafia in the white house, the greatest evil that exists on this planet (who operate according to only one rule - bully, destroy, murder and dominate others to enrich themselves and their Wall St mafia buddies) are getting their army of well-intentioned but dumb and deceived MAGA sheep (by far the most heavily propagandized people on the planet) ready for the billionaires coming planned attack on china (or at least a state of division & intense hostility and viewing china as an evil monstrous scary enemy who wants to hurt us, similar to the billionaires red scare of the previous cold war), to ensure the american billionaires' mafia FULL SPECTRUM DOMINATION over all life on this planet and to ensure our loyalty to (and non-rebelling against) our billionaire controllers (see in the essay above exactly how the creation of an "evil monstrous scary boogyman enemy" ensures for the ultra-rich the loyalty of the people to them)
The well-intentioned but hypnotized and dumb MAGA army of sheep is what the american billionaire mafiosos rely on to obediently back them and HATE HATE HATE the billionaires' target for takedown, the moment they tell their hypnotized MAGA worshippers "look over there, the evil monstrous scary commie/iranian/chinese/muslim enemy is coming to get ya. They're vicious evil monsters, but don't you worry, we the patriotic billionaires really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil monstrous scary enemy. All you need to do is obedientely unite behind your great leader, patriotically rally around the flag, and make sure to keep us - your loving billionaire protectors - in power over you, so that we can transfer society's wealth and resources upwards into the private hands of the ultra-rich, create a welfare state for billionaires, and prepare the digital technocratic cages to imprison you - impoverished, surveilled and decrived serfs - in our new technocratic feudal control system made just for you. But don't forget, we really really love you and we are here to protect you from that evil monstrous scary enemy over there who is coming to get ya"
The billionaires’ anti-life abusive empire wouldn’t be able to control humanity and transfer the planet’s wealth and resources into the private hands of ultra-rich (and impoverish everyone else) without the cheerleading and enthusiastic support of the well-intentioned but dumb & deceived MAGA sheep who are taught in their enclosure/echo-chamber (that they've been herded into using the billionaires' algorithms) that their worshipping and cheerleading for the scum of the earth, the lowest level of human development, mafioso hierarchical billionaire abusers, thieves, murderers, oppressors is the way to “fight the elite and take down the deep state”.
Will read it. Thanks for sharing. Appreciate your passion for the truth/exposing manipulation and your caring for life and people. Definitely needed in these times of pervasive propaganda & deceit and of greed trumping life, freedom, dignity and love.
Yes, reflecting on some conversations with friends in the last few days I find myself prickling at all the advice I’ve received. And seeing how condescending it feels and tiresome. I don’t share things to get help. I share to connect. To reveal my heart. To open the possibility of a shared experience or just to let myself be known deeply.
Great comments, Mark.
No need for me to add anything.
Charles, I worked for a great architect years ago called Sverre Fehn who had a book called the Thought of Construction. He talked about much the same losses that go unnoticed for instance the loss of the shadows and stars at night and the room that fire light makes in the darkness lost with the advent of the electric light bulb. Also about how music and storytelling was frozen to be shipped out for consumption with the advent of recording. Your voice and passion for the real physical world - the world we physically live in and your voice for our boundless inner world in our heart and spirit...like good (live) music with my friends...very much appreciated. Your work is one of the stars I follow to help me navigate in the darkness - my life at sea. Thankyou.
Just read Robin Wall Kimmerer's new little book called The Serviceberry in which you are quoted a couple of times. So this podcast sounds like a nice accompaniment. Grateful for you. Rest up!
I look forward to more and more people zooming out beyond their particular crap political party. It feels beyond self-indulgence to dwell in this ego trip of my party in 2025, when they're all a disgrace, they all lead to the Machine, and it's obvious we need to change the system. And there's a space for everyone there. Happy resting, I like your framing. Very adrenal fatigue-recoveryish.
Thanks for the reminder that telling the truth simply and directly is helpful in itself.
My adrenal advice is a theory about the nature of the god/goddess that a doctor friend shared with me. The god/goddess is inept. For instance, they may know it would be best for you if you moved, but they can't figure out how to motivate you. So they burn down your house, and you move. Many physical challenges get us to do what we need to do. That's been my experience. Rest, Charles, knowing that an inept goddess/god is with you.
Yes, I keep getting asked to decide on one side of a binary proposal. Are you in agreement with A or with B? I am neither in agreement or against. I observe patterns. I observe outcome from patterns. I observe my own psychological process and that of others. I don’t like violence, separative and divisive actions. I release my own divisive and separative actions. I allow myself to entertain multiple perspectives. I attempt to include and understand the points of view of others. I call out clear abuse. I relax concern.
As a former Democrat, turned Independent, and now a Trump voter, I'm still in a state of shock at how fast the world is spinning. I haven't felt good about the USA leadership since supporting Bernie in 2016. It's been downhill from there. I will say though that this MAGA MAHA movement seems to be a lot more transparent than past regimes, and they're actually doing stuff that others only talked about. I'm cautiously hopeful for the future and it's kinda sad to watch my Liberal friends writhing in anger and despair.
This reference describes the nature of applied right-wing politics and its connection to opus dei
http://opentabernacle.wordpress.com/2024/09/02/opus-deis-influence-on-project-2025 it features a link (in one of the comments) to a book by Gareth Gore titled Opus
Check out another book by David Brock on opus dei titled STENCH.
Also check out an essay by Matthew Fox titled Trump and the Maga Movement As Anti-Christ.
Thank you for communicating my sentiments so clearly.
"People are still trying to figure out whether I am pro-Trump or anti-Trump, but it is that reflex that lies near the heart of the crisis of civilization. We cling on to the dying plot line of us versus them, hoping its resolution will deliver us from evil. But a much greater drama is unfolding."
Sending love and gratitude to you.
Feeling you, Charles. Thank you for sharing from the heart. I see myself dropping so often into looking for how I'm right, and better than, 'them' (whoever 'they' happen to be in that instance). On the converse, I put myself below others (like yourself). Who am I to write, and share, when there are people like Charles doing it so much better?
Either way is a loser's game, leaving me with a heart cabinet empty of all but the empty whispers of ghosts.
So all this comes home to this morning. As I sat in the darkness, breathing with life. Breathing for myself. And for my unborn child. And the hope of a more beautiful world (😉). And, in that moment, it was enough. Just to be with myself. Emptying and filling myself.
All this to say: I see you. I feel you. I hope you can prioritise the rest you need.
Much love and many thanks
I feel like I know so many people who have to hear the words of this essay! Can I just say bullseye? 🎯 I loved every paragraph. Sacred Economy, AI, post-polarization… you are at the front of an evolution of humanity. Your reduction in the quantity of work to take care of yourself, and rest, is natural and wise. Stay the course.
Thank you Charles.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, then you are siding with the oppressor.” - Desmond Tutu
I am intrigued by your concluding statement—“But a much greater drama is unfolding. I’ll keep writing about that as my energy allows.”—and so eager to read whatever you will have to say about this.
Love your open honesty and ability to navigate the rapids of your life and rest in the still waters, whilst being used as click bait .....no small feat thank you for sharing your boundaries and your way of making meaning in the world. It's in these times your voice is needed most, sharing your gifts and taking care of yourself whilst all around appears to be crumbling is vital, thank you
Neither sympathy nor advice, but simply best wishes for you. I hope your health improves. Your words have given me much hope over the years. Peace. Joy. Friendships. Love.