You guys both kept so many of us sane at key moments.

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It's a Homerun for our Home Team <3

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Will there be a replay? I would love to see this but I will not be able to watch on that date & time. Thank you! and congratulations on the book

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Charles, I'm in BC Canada (yup) Truck Turdeau!

I would love to purchase a copy of your book which provides you the best percentage of the sale... do you have any suggestions? I would even consider buying 6 copies so I could sell them amongst my local members of my Private Ministerial Fellowship - We are taking care of our souls - creating a wellness focus in mind, body, spirit, a community with common unity... as many are.

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Charles I am so grateful to have found you. I can’t remember where I first heard of you but I remember reading your essay titled The Coronation and saving it on my desktop. I read and re-read it many times during that dark time when it felt that the known world was sliding or being pushed into an abyss of evil. Those might seem like strong words but I think the forces ranged against us feel capable of just that.

I have bought your book direct from the publisher so I don’t support Amazon. Like others I am very much looking forward to reading it and to hearing you and Dr Bush on the 28th. And yes, thank you for continuing to be a voice of reason and compassion in this very twisted time. It is good to know we are not alone.

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Hey Charles, Maybe there can be a recording of this graet event so we can watch it later. Can you do that here on substack or other alternative user freindly places??

Have a great time, Im celebrating with you in spirit lol

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I just checked, on German Audible, the audio book will become available on July 28th! Since the launch is in the middle of the night in Europe, I hope that a replay will be available. And yes, Zach and Charles are the two main people who helped me keep sane during this pandemania.

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Done, can’t wait! Look forward to the IG live

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Missed this, but just got my copy and am excited to dig in! Thank you.

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This was simply one of the best most inspiring talks I've heard of late... please do more with Dr Zach Bush!

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Wonderful discussion! I enjoyed when Zach brought up entering a space to calm our nerve system, and get out of fight or flight. So we can move into our own sovereignty and manifest. And he asked," how do we move out of a dream of wanting a simple solutions?" And Charles mentions thinking of times when he's felt joyful and abundant. Remember the moments when the deep need was met.

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Dear Charles, I just canceled my payed subscription to your writings on Substack. It is important for me that you know that it is not because of the content. My appreciation and my support for what you do are un-changed. And making a living as an "edgy thinker" is such a tough thing for me these days that I decided to focus my energy to keep my own initiative going, opening to be supported myself. I am remaining a committed reader. Thank you Charles. Ann

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You are two people to watch. You have been given the torch that will carry many into the promised land- the beautiful world - the rebirth - the Arkadia - that that has been whispered as a dream and you are carrying the mantle of reality for this dream. You are a force my brother 👍

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Thank you Charles for providing a glimmer of hope. Have just requested that my local library stock your new book. I want others to find your writing and have access to this book as well. I’ll be sneaking in and placing it on the recommendations shelf when i can.

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Can't wait can't wait. Giddy giddy. Two men dancing together (you and Zach), voicing deep wisdom and stepping into leadership FOR LIFE, acknowledging that money is part of it AND that it is NOT all of it. Our center is Love. We ARE made of Light. Deep thanks and sweet adoration for you both! xxo www.leaningintolight.com

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Looking forward to it! 💕

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