Thank you, Charles. I'm so very excited to get to join you in SLC! I've been practicing witnessing and following the sychronicities as I did as a child. These mostly happen for me in nature, but also through finding connections due to technology. They guided me to Arkadia, my first festival in my 50 + years of life. It was transformational for me. Then through the most magical sychronicities (to me, anyway), that involved Zach Bush (another very kindred soul Ive felt guided to), quiet pauses, dear soul sisters that have been entering my life in new ways, and monarch butterflies...it seems our paths keep crossing in my world. You've helped me discover that I am not alone or broken in how I've perceived the world, and have been a mentor for me to find the courage to stop hiding my truth. My life experience in the past 2 to 3 years has moved from isolation and numbing in order to protect my very sensitive and empathic self, to possibility and vision, with a passion to contribute and help create a more beautiful world. Much love for the way you are sharing your wisdom and gifts. 🙏💛

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Oh my dear Charles, how I wish you lived in Europe….. ❣️More particularly, Nice, south of France 😄🙏🏻🙋🏼‍♀️❣️

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Or Ireland ‼️ Anywhere in Ireland (it’s a small island)

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Hahahaa! Thanks Lilz Doyle! It's nice to know there are like-minded folk out there......

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Thank you for the mention, Charles. It was a profound pleasure to chat with you on Post-Woke. Thanks for all you do and I trust we'll cross path again soon!

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Hi and thanks. Loved the conversation and good questions in the Post Woke interview. They helped you bring some beautiful answers as well as tangible vision.

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Thank you Charles for being willing to push back against totalitarianism in such a clear and powerful way. I know you got some negative feedback over the covid articles, but I hope the overwhelming supportive responses balanced that. I am feeling especially appreciative of your work right now because I just watched an interview on Unherd with Freddie Sayers and David Fuller. I was so disgusted with Fuller I could not even finish watching. He reminds me of what my elders used to call a mealy mouthed fence sitter who preaches moderation and philosophical exploration at all costs even when the enemy is beating down the door. Someone who ends up with a very sore behind from being unwilling to stand firmly for some kind of truth. Fuller was criticizing Jordan Peterson for being so vehement in his opposition to woke ideology. Fuller accused Peterson of fueling the culture wars. Wow. I may find Peterson a bit militant and I certainly do not agree with all of his conclusions: but at least 90% of what he says is verifiably true. Considering what is going on in Canada I think Peterson is actually quite restrained in his incisive comments. It seems Fuller and others have this idea that spirituality is always about peace, love and light. I feel fortunate that my own native elders were very in tune with the warrior face of Spirit and did not hold back in their fierce responses when something was not right or healthy for the community. That is what I call grounded love in action. When did it become more about protecting the sensitive feelings of others than about real reality checks?

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I would like a supporting option that involves less than the yearly subscription. Is there a way to send the occasional gift of money. Your thinking inspires my commitment to sanity Charles.

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Great question Jean! There's an option to make a one-time donation on Charles' website if you'd like to do that. https://charleseisenstein.org/donate/

And i hear you about the inspiration for commitment to sanity Charles brings.

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That event in SLC sounds amazing (and I love Fanna-Fi-Allah!) and is at driving distance from my home! If only illegitimate Canadians could cross their border to the States! Sigh... Deep breath... Wishing you a fantastic event.

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Your energy amazes. Glad to have multiple options to try to take this in. Have an engaging prosperous tour. Too many have COVID now. Met a nice man who recently lost his wife when they put her on a ventilator.

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I've listened to your podcasts with Kyle Kingsbury, Adam from Sacred Sons, and Nathan Riley. They were are excellent discussions Charles. Great to hear the rapport you're having on these podcasts!

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I wrestled w this all day. I have come to recognize that I am hypersensitivite and you dear friend are bombastic.

You cancel yourself. Love. Community. Kindness. Turn off the science and rationalism. Many suffer. WTFU.

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so much to do. wish there were a few more of me so that i could take it all in. appreciate all that you do to spread the love.

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No fair dropping Tao Te Ching Project as just a mention! :-) on edge of my seat…

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Aug 4, 2022
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Yes 🙏🏻 I second that 🙏🏻 thank you Charles

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