I fear that many are not ready to unlearn as they have already betrothed their unwavering thoughts πŸ’­ for some of us β€” we will keep removing the debris til the very end/beginning of time. Curiosity, always. Thank you for creating a container for the void of this widening gap in these trying times.

Energy flows where attention goes⛓️‍πŸ’₯

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I agree with this assessment. the election didn't discuss the changes that are coming on the docket. The new economy is here which is what the masses really care about. That is always the number one issue that dictates the rest. If you can't keep your home.... If you can't feed your family. Everything else just seems to go by the wayside now doesn't it. Well done Charles.

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i appreciate your positive position. a decade or so ago i came to the understanding , for myself, that mind is the Cause and what we see and experience is the Effect. in examining and becoming more aware of my thoughts, i have enjoyed peace. i am always witnessing how some old beliefs do not serve me . a great unlearning. i am grateful to have this opportunity to realize that i just do not know and to be open to see things differently and to Trust.

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Most of the die-hard ideologues on the left won’t even consider attending your unlearning class. Their identity is so deeply intertwined with their belief system that challenging it would feel like ripping away their very foundationβ€”far too uncomfortable for them to handle. Critical thinking? Forget it. They’re too smug, too convinced they already know best, to ever entertain the idea that they might be wrong. Admitting fault? That’s a level of humility they simply can’t muster.

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How can you speak about everyone in a group that way with a straight face?

While I don’t necessarily disagree with your sentiment, it seems that now is the time for all of us to STOP GENERALIZING and see people as individuals.

Your statement is just as noxious as you’d accuse THEM of being making similar statements about Trump supporters.

How can you keep any sort of straight face while pulling the same maneuvers you accuse the β€˜other side’ of?

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You have no clue at all about how I think and look at the world.

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I read your statement. You communicated clearly how you see the world.

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There’s some real truth to your complaint, however, Charles also never admits when he’s wrong. He’s the exact same way as the ideologues you deplore.

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Really? Why turn things into a political battle?. The fact that you think this says volumes about you and your beliefs.

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I live in a 90% Hispanic City and 41% of the voters voted for Trump. This has sent shockwaves to my Democrat friends which are really most of my friends, including a good contingent of childless cat ladies. They absolutely are uncomprehending that voters could reject Kamala Harris for anything other than being sexist and or misogynist. They're completely blind to the indignities that the Biden Administration inflicted upon the electorate: Twerking trannies on the White House lawn, the Admiral of the Windward Passage, the lipstick guy with his friend on a dog leash, another forever war in the Ukraine, 20% inflation over 4 years, medical fascism with the covid shot (jab or job), and then the candidate's unnerving word salads when asked simple questions. Why wouldn't you lose an election like that?

Of course I have to be careful with my own words and never disclose whom I voted for. I just say I voted for the "peace candidate" of which there were at least three on the ballot.

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The main reason we need to β€˜unlearn’ is that we have literally been indoctrinated with false models, knowledge, and paradigmsfrom a very young age not to mention the generational trauma of the same thing happening to our ancestors including parents.

I m currently skeptical of the following things and engaged in re learning: the germ theory and viruses, disease model of health, atomism, heliocentrism or any adjacent skullduggery that isn’t vetted in geocentrism (the reality), PHYSICAL entities called Aliens, Hollywood, the media, NASA, SPACE X, gravity, the globe, evolution aka the idea of β€˜goo to you by way is the zoo’, the Big Bang, and atheism. All of these ideas are de moralizing and once you realize this and start exploring them you will truly β€˜awaken’.

Taking these non polarizing stances is great from a pacifism standpoint but you won’t wake up to anything unless you try on some of these other ideas as Charles mentioned.

The election was fake what a joke as far as choices. maybe it’s time to start thinking about important things like not relying on the government.

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my learning from el-ection was that using same computers etc. as before leads to same result... in my state, minnesota, many down ballot races are highly questionable and local officials are not answering nor being transparent at all about them... computer malfunctions, programming errors, and more, it's part of the problem the universe is giving us to solve, if we are ready to try... the bigger picture at least politically seems like the republic was lost maybe 150 years ago, but it would be great to live in a republic, i think, if we are ready to step up to do that... and then there are the space aliens :)

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It’s like listening to Bannon over here but in a more soothing tone.

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Reality is a bitch/bastard/son of a bitch, something to offend everyone, including myself

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You are always A Course in Miracles adjacent. I appreciate your vision and connection to Spirit, Charles. Thank you! 🌷

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I did the Unlearning course last year. I found it valuable. I paid what I could. (I even learned things from this).

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What we think shapes our reality. It takes a conscious effort to shape the thoughts we think. If many do it, we will see positive change.

Let's see how many will post a negative comment to mine...

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This is a half truth. But whatever floats your boat.

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Wait for it! [Ulitmately], this is the Divine revolution (beyond the limited and limiting 'revolutions' all around)!


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so many things i've been wrong about - hard to do but possibly my first question when making friends, deciding whether to work with someone... when's the last time you realized were wrong, changed, etc?

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Charles, I’m sure you will find those who will reject and criticize what you are communicating yet, as you have said before we are in a state of uncertainty unknowing. Possibly a preface to big changes and possibilities. I imagine it will be rough for many, tragic. The best For the most part I have realized most of us do not like change especially ones we do not agree with.πŸ˜‰ I’m not bothered by being in the unknowing as I also haven’t been bothered by being in between stories. Ta-Nehisi Coates in his book, The Message, mentions our need to fill in the holes in our stories..I wish everyone the best in the times to come.

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I appreciate this. Especially the opportunity to take the course at no cost since nearly any cost is beyond my current means.

A note if you read these tho: there is a typo on the Sutra page where it says "An except on unlearning in elderhood from a recent live call" and I imagine it's meant to be "excerpt" πŸ’œ

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Didn't read this, After tacitly supporting Hamas and the hand wringing and pearl clutching after the election, you are no longer relevant to anything I wanna listen to Adios.

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Reality is a bitch/bastard/son of a bitch, something to offend everyone, including myself

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Nov 20
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I see Charles as sincerely offering the option to pay or not pay. Jesus tells us to pray to our Father who is there unseen. Matthew 6:6 - that's my gig.

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Nov 20
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More on my gig, pasted in from another comment space - The heart of enchantment is the gift of the Spirit within us from Jesus who cries out, β€œAbba, Father” so when we pray to our Father who is there in secret, Matthew 6:6, it is life giving and close up, face to face, personal. Jesus came as the Way so we could also know the Father as he did. Other enchantments effected by the Spirit are secondary.

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Does your comment reveal your arrogance, haughtiness and know-all self? Your first sentence says so much Dale.

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Nov 21
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"So you want us to pay for your wisdom, is that correct?" sounds like a challenge to me and Charles already stated that no fee was acceptable. That was your first "question".

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Nov 21
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I just like to bring to the surface inconsistent and energetically hostile comments when I notice them. Passive-aggressive with no accountabilty is often passed off with innocence... your last comment to me is a fine example.

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