Hi everyone,
First I want to share a brilliant invention that is sure to make me rich. You know those “air pods” – the bluetooth-enabled wireless earphones? Well, I’ve noticed that people keep losing them, so I had an idea. Why not create a new type of air pods that are tethered together with a thin, coated wire? That will keep them from being separated. Another wire can then tether them to your phone or other device.
The next step in product development will be to add functionality to the device tethering port, replacing the bluetooth link with a wired link. That way, users can enjoy the listening pleasure of air pods without the extra dose of RF radiation from the bluetooth device.
I hope this offering puts to rest any suspicions that I am an anti-technology Luddite. Inquiries from venture capitalists and investors are welcome. I am sure this creative invention will receive every penny of the investment capital it deserves.
After reading the above, I’m sure everyone will be interested to hear my opinions on other topics. So…
1. A conversation with Benjamin Life on the Rise podcast on transpartisan politics, political healing, maturity, and what independence actually means when it fully acknowledges the truth of interdependence. Video, audio. The messages that emerged in this conversation are important for our time. Please listen/watch and share.
2. Next week I’ll be speaking in person at the Sacred Sons convergence, a gathering of 500+ men in Asheville, North Carolina.
3. I’ve joined the advisory board of an amazing project, the Indie Birth Sanctuary. The vision is simple: to provide a sacred space for women to give birth, an environment that will truly be life changing as women are held in safety and sovereignty. The founders are looking at a special and sacred property for its first home. The Sanctuary will also provide hands-on training and in-person apprenticeship for authentic midwifery students of the Indie Birth Midwifery School. As my readers know, childbirth has been an issue I’ve been passionate about my entire writing career. If you share my passion, consider donating to the Sanctuary’s crowdfunding campaign (or contact me if you have stewardship of philanthropic funds). Here is a video laying out the vision. It made me cry.
I cling to my corded headphones with the lightning dongle adaptor like my life depends on them 😂
have a feeling air pods will be a significant chapter in the tragedy of the human radiation experiment... https://ehtrust.org/airpods-facts-health-effects-of-wireless-radiation-to-the-brain/