It is difficult to find words to describe the depth of grief, sorrow, and beauty in response to this film. Tears join together and in one, soft, yet mighty nod of decision, fall into eternal awakening. Thank you, Charles.


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I look forward to your metaphysical interpretation. My initial reaction to watching was one of profound sadness and yes, hopelessness and I wonder if that was the intention. Now that I've had a little time to digest the film and get to my computer instead of my phone, I'd like to add to my comment. I'm currently enrolled in the Pachamama Alliance's Game Changer Intensive for the third time in 2 years. (One of the places I reconnected with Charles.) Why? Because the GCI helps me to stay inspired and in action in the face of all the evidence (like the current 'bad air' that much of the U.S.A. is currently breathing) that we're losing the fight. So, looking forward to engaging in this conversation.

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The key is the expression on her face as she falls. She smiles. It is not meant to foster hopelessness. And her fall, her plunge, was voluntary. Consider that.

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I interpreted the ending as a letting go of our current paradigm, with all its inherent sadness and cruelties. The plunge into the abyss takes a leap of faith, and while the unknown may feel scary, there is a deep internal knowing that whatever is on the other side will be an improvement for humanity and the earth. That’s my take anyway.

Well done Charles, I look forward to pt. 2.

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i echo the profound sadness, but i did not get a hopelessness vibe. rather, the initial impression for me was around the willingness to enter into a realm saturated in sadness, and this is where i think the intention can go in many different directions. i'm very curious about the metaphysical interpretation as well.

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The perpetrators have already lost. We will never submit to routine enslavement. I do recognise they’ve the power practically to enslave us all. Even if you can’t see any way to stop, delay or deflect their satanic agenda, we do not have to consent. Primo Levi, in ‘If This Is A Man’ told the story of a much older concentration camp prisoner, who kept up the ritual of his daily ablutions, despite the filth and cold. He said to Levi that “Though they have the power to kill us all, they cannot extract consent if we choose to withhold it”.

He also said that “Someone has to survive this & bear witness”.

He didn’t make it out of there, but the much younger Levi dd, and he dedicated his life to communicating what he’d experienced.

This is not all that there is. There are dimensions & times of which we’re unaware. The perpetrators do not control the universe, only a tiny patch of it which, unfortunately, we’ve no choice but to share with them.

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Bearing witness is indeed a powerful act -- even if one does not survive it.

One thing this film suggests is that we have in fact made the choice to share this tiny patch of the cosmos with the controllers. We took the plunge into the Pit of Hell on purpose. The sequel to this film will be how we all climb out of there.

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Maybe it is helpful to see this film in the light of an earlier film from Charles, made from his story "A Gathering of the Tribe" , which has much related; www.youtube.com/watch?v=XinVOpdcbVc

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Brad Swift from Landmark??

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I am a proud Landmark graduate dating back to January 1988. Do we know eacch other?

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Beautiful. And then the cry of new life. Here we are. Falling.

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Yes, Brad! I was on Staff 1996-2000. I changed my name back to August (my birth name) in 1999. I was Laura back then. Good to virtually see you here!!

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What center were you in. I spent a lot of time in the Atlanta center especially when I was a seminar leader and Advanced Course Co-leader. Fun times.

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I changed my name back to my birth name...What a woven path.

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This short film is so timely, because yesterday my partner and I were talking about whether we would make the choice to have children again if we were younger. We each have two adult kids from previous marriages, and are well past child-bearing age. My partner (who loves your work as much as I do) was more cynical, claiming that now is not the time to bring new life into the world. My own view is that new souls are needed now more than ever. Thanks so much for your beautiful work.

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At the moment before they jumped in, tears welled up. There are many of us here now for this reason. Deeply appreciate the reminder, co-laborer and soul friend.

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Hi Charles,

I saw your film on YouTube this morning. It made me feel as if I could still feel the imprint of the hands we held when we fell.. a connected and safe feeling, although we had to let go at first... to see little glimpses of the world we know to become true... This film helps. Thank you so much.

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Thank you Charles. Very well done. There is one cause, and one cause alone, and that is the disconnection from Source. Anyone who glimpses Source understands nothing within physicality itself gains one anything. Thoughts, actions, experiences are eternal. Physicality is temporary.

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I am deeply appreciating this evocation ... and very happy to read the words "written and directed by Charles Eisenstein."

There is so much emerging in 2023 ... the Sanity Project, political campaign consultation, exquisite eloquence through image and music ... and it's only June 30.

May these (and forthcoming) emergings of beautiful being be beneficial beyond all imaginings. Whoa! that's a lot of "be's" ,,, seems appropriate somehow. :)

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My soul resonated with this deeply.

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Mmm, the cry breaking through the heart.

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So ready to fall.

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Thankyou Charles. Beautiful and inspirational on so many levels.

And thanks to substack too for making such connections possible.

Peace, Maurice

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The Bodhisattvas come to this world out of Great Compassion to help Beings. True warriorship.

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Felt that....its all coming together

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be proud. its beautiful and impactful and touching. Its a privilege to be part pf your tribe. thank you Charles.

when we know our own way home, when we feel how we belong, when we can tend to our ancestors, we will have the capacity to heal ourselves and each other.

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The observer changes reality, letting go and taking action at the same time. Thank you, Charles!

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A beautiful mythopoetic song without words and open to myriad valid interpretations.

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