I also love that story, and I love what it has inspired me to do right here: offer a suggestion for how each of us can find our own limitless generosity! We can do it however we want to, and all we have to do is practice being generous right where we are, in whatever minute we find ourselves in.
I will here also make several suggestions for self-cultivation of our generosity: Try orienting our readings to the giants who study political generosity or any other kind of generosity.
For election gifts, find the artists who really ring the most beautiful chimes in the respective election. Consider this from the RFK, Jr. VP candidacy:
Examples: The Gift is a wonderfully rich gift of a book by Lewis Hyde about how the Gift Economy has transformed societies since time immemorial. After reading it, I began giving loved ones and neighbors small gifts and larger ones anytime and every time I found an opportunity. This habit has become so rich, one of my neighbors has taken to refusing to accept my gift, while taking advantage of the offer to ask me for helping him to do something else with which he needs help!
Hyde went on to write an even more richly textured book: Trickster Makes This World, which is about the very most magnificent gifts we humans have received from the past, loaded with gifts of literary tropes about tricksters, and even including stories of how they have tricked themselves into misfortune as well as otherwise.
There is another humorous gift in the latest edition of that book: a delighftul Preface by Margaret Atwood on a gift that either she gave him, or he gave her, while both were busy at some project or another. Yes, it is colorful.
Another suggestion: Give ourselves, a very most lucrative gift I have found repeatedly by simply attempting to see the gifts in what initially emerges as misfortune: see the gift inside this each time it arrives. To nudge me along with growing this gift, I repeatedly consult Rumi, a poet from centuries past, loaded with gifts for one and all, especially with his poetry. The most generous gift of his poetry that nudges me best is:
But it wasn't the whole story. Historically, the land reform achieved around 1.6% of its seven year goal for redistribution. Admittedly, 1.6% is not nothing but it is a far cry from the glowing image of success that Charles's story implies. Sorry to be Debbie Downer but if you were buying a used car, you would like to know that it only has a range of one mile before it runs out of gas.
I'll stick with the "new and ancient narrative" William Godwin outlined in "Political Justice" in 1793 and Charles Wentworth Dilke elaborated in "The Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties" in 1821.
The Bobby/Donald kayfabe isn't as new as you may think. Fred Trump and Joseph Kennedy were "new money" in the interwar years, both of whom felt slighted by the existing "high society." RFK Sr. and Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, worked together as counsel on Joe McCarthy's anticommunist crusade. Bobby hated Roy. Tailgunner Joe and the Kennedy patriarch were pals.
Over the years, the "new money" has aged into "old new money" but the facade of resentment endures. The old new money guys play the "heels" and their antagonists are the "faces." The heels call the faces "deep state" but the heels are not a whit less deep state.
A simple question: WHO WILL STOP THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA? Not the faces; they send the bombs. Not the heels; they embrace war criminal Netanyahu even tighter. Change will not come from watching the wrestling match and cheering for one side or the other.
Charles I have not seen any comment from you about Kennedy’s choosing to stand with Trump. If it was in the Silth post, I missed the message. I’d appreciate your take. Thankyou
Sure, we can always hope for the best and be optimistic that RFK will achieve some of his goals under a future Trump administration. But none of that changes the fact that Charles' past writing includes clear sentiments like the following:
"I believe that if either of the other two viable candidates, Trump or Biden, win a second term, it will be a catastrophe for this country and, by extension, for the world."
"As for the concern that Bobby Kennedy will help Trump, I think that to the contrary, he is the only candidate, Democrat, Republican, or independent, who can beat Donald Trump. He will take huge swaths of Trump’s anti-establishment supporters."
"QAnon has done considerable damage to people’s lives and to the body politic in the context of Trumpian neofascism and persistent systemic racism."
"In the 1990s the Democratic Party (like Labour in the UK and various social democratic parties in Europe) began to romance Wall Street and the transnational corporations. They consummated their marriage in the Obama era and bore a child called totalitarian corporatism, which vies with its rival, Trumpian neofascism, for our future."
Since these are Eisenstein's own professed sentiments, quoted verbatim, and since RFK is now actively trying to help Trump get re-elected as well as join his administration should he succeed, some clarification of Eisenstein's current views would seem to be in order.
My elders would say, it is where you are on your climb up the mountain that gives you greater perspective, as well as a clearer perspective. When you are young you think you can see it all from your view point on the mountain. Yet as you ascend, you realize you can now see a larger piece of the pie, and yet it is through our prayer that we ask for God’s perspective.
Of course it matters!! It matters if you whitewash the crimes of the largest most murderous global militarized empire in the history of mankind (criminal under any american president but hugely EXPANDED both in size and in murderous criminality specifically under mass-murderer anti-life ConMan trump). Of course it matters if you deceive the people to whitewash a life-destroying REPRESENTITIVE OF RULING CLASS OPPRESORS CONTROLLERS AND ABUSERS (in a moment i will detail trump's numerous crimes against the people) who works diligently to enrich his 0.1% billionaire buddies and to cement the hierarchical domination of the few (his deep state bilionaire financers) over the many.
Mass-murderer anti-life Godless ConMan Trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible dumb propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency, literally run by israel), besides that, deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of anti-life deep state billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think that he will act any differently this time? Because the Mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to his buddies the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and Big Pharma corporate-capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."patriotism" and "god" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funds them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded (used our money to fund) a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized dumb deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized dumb deceived conservatives followers will still worship him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this coup (funded with our money) and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses) when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the elite is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination by the few over the many and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor?) but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire (while believing that they are sticking it to the man), into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
The trump deception (along with the musk deception) is a classic textbook example of how the ruling class billionaires HIJACK and NEUTRALIZE the masses' anger and desire for change, how the elite funnel these potentially revolutionary energies (that might have unseated them from power over us if they weren't hijacked and neutralized) funnel them into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam-release safety valve that is falsely presented to us as an "anti-elite-rebel", while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined fairytales, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of billionaire ruling class theft, abuse and domination over the many.
The trump deception (just like the obama deception before) is used by the elite to HIJACK and NEUTRALIZE our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, but instead they are hijacking and funneling our potentially revolutionary change energy right back into the empire's duopoly, back into the empire's fold, by providing us with a FALSE MESSIAH who they dress up as a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'..
Heavily-propagadized maga/Qanon cultists (and rfk followers who now joined the Qanon crowd and are so desparate to believe) are literally being sold the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative, as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" and 'making america great'' by cheering for the mass-murderer FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us.
To learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts
And https://prospect.org/power/worker-s-friend-trump-waged-war-workers/ (i would add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just the representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah, a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
And here https://youtu.be/N-8m5fBbLgQ?si=FRldhmzeEag578b8 about trump's 6 trillion dollar "corona" giveaway to his billionaire buddies the 0.1%, the very people who oppress and screw us constantly
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Thank you, but what on earth does this have anything to do with my comment!?! I am clearly replying to the comment above me (by user 'Bromumsy'). I respect and love Charles deeply. Kindly read my comment and the mountains of evidence provided within it, and if you'd like to engage about what I ACTUALLY said then I'd be happy to. But please don't give me this ridiculous lecturing and ad hominem attacks that have nothing whatsoever to do with what i wrote (which you're clearly doing in a manipulative cynical attempt to shut down and silence having to hear the facts that make you feel uncomfortable).
May I respectfully suggest that you grow up and take responsibility for your own feelings of discomfort instead of trying to shut down and silence others (using manipulative emotional blackmail disguised as "care") to avoid having to hear things that make you feel uncomfortable.
If hearing the facts makes you feel uncomfortable then the solution to this is NOT to try to put down and silence others (using emotional blackmail) in order to not hear the facts, but rather the solution to this is to maturely take responsibility for how you feel and then sincerely (and courageously) inquire into your triggers, into how you've perhaps invested your identity into a certain position or belief (and so, feel personally offended and threatened when that position is shown to not be as you've imagined).
Some lights came on for me during my first and second readings of this. Thank you dear! And the depth of this wording..."He would hold the part of them that wants to do that. He would say, “I’m here because you're so generous.” " (And, to tell the truth, I resisted and had a session of internal argument.) This, to me, is 'observational intelligence'. Once I lay down my internal dialog and I find my curiosity, then I can ask myself questions like, 'what ELSE is here?' Then I can see that his not-generous side was proof that the generous side is there, as well. Observation of (whatever), without making decisions about it, is a super power. We can see the duality and the beauty of it, with deep acceptance of it, from the perspective of the non dual observation. I appreciate you sharing your journey, dear Charles.
Dear Charles, May I bring to your attention this fascinating, insightful and very important essay on the nature of who RFK Jr actually is (especially on his recent moves and what that indicates about him). I am guessing you never heard this perspective before so I'm wondering if you considered this possibility regarding who rfk actually is and if you have any thoughts on that.
Thank you. I already replied to this comment the first time you made it (in the other thread). Please see my detailed reply to you there. No need to copy-paste the same comment multiple times (talk about being "monothematic"... A little mature self-reflection and self-awareness might be in order, friend.. especially seeing your apparently zealous mission to scan all comments and attempt to shut down and silence anyone who mentions things that cause discomfort to the part of you that identified itself with a certain position (attempting to silence and shut others down using whatever manipulative tools you can come up with on that particular day. This time around it seems you apparently chose the emotional blackmail /guilt-tripping route, under the guise of 'caring for charles'...
I can't help but wonder if Charles would actually resonate with your apparent passion for going around his comment section shutting down and silencing others to make sure no uncomfortable divergent views are ever heard...
I respect and love charles deeply. In my understanding there is nothing even remotely disrespectful about my comment above, and a million times less so when it comes to my facts-filled comment in the other thread which you also attempted to shut down, even though it wasn't even directed at charles at all, but that didn't stop you using the same guilt-tripping attempts there too to shut it down. Anything in order to avoid the discomfort of hearing facts that don't align with your chosen position..
Friend, if you were waiting for an invitation to grow up then here it is.. A respectful invitation to consider the option of growing up and starting to taking responsibility for your own feelings of discomfort (and to perhaps gently and courageously inquire into what is it in you that has invested its identity so adamently into a certain position, so invested in it to the point that it seems to feel personally threatened when hearing things that deviate from your chosen postion). A respectful invitation to grow up, take responsibility for your feelings of discomfort and inquire, instead of constantly trying to silence, control and shut others down in order to avoid feeling uncomfortable..
I think a lot of us in ‘spiritual’ circles get way too caught up in concepts like equanimity, compassion, and tolerance—which are wonderful if not essential in most instances—but there are truly wicked forces hard at work on Earth right now, and there is no excuse for tolerance of evil.
Nathan, I love your concerns, and I also deal with these and other issues daily. It seems the essential core of our being American, especially US Americans now that we cannot see what matters most, or even see how we might try learning what the most invaluable qualities of our citizenship include and exclude. I like that you take us here, and hope some dialogue will emerge through it.
I particularly like how it fits with the narratives about generosity and gift-giving. Unless we have our priorities sorted, how can we even imagine what are the more important gifts to offer one another?
I also responded to both C E's post, and to two other interlocutors above. I would love for more volume of dialogue, especially when we are shifting the foci of the dialogue to what matters most in these most troubling of political times, and I say most troubling when we have not just one, but THREE POTUS candidates larding on all the hot air about their own embodiments of genocide whether at home or abroad!
What does being intolerant look like to you? When you scale that judgement down to your domain of influence (imagine this please) what do you think it would look like? Just curious. I agree we have duties and things need to change, but blame is lamed (👈🏼this "but..." @ the end is not a misspelling, it is true, but simultaneously a joke, and may also be a meme. Also, it's not anything I can really explain beyond that, so I hope you get it...if you don't, please don't get angry or frustrated, feel free to give up, or call me crazy if that makes you feel better (I don't mind) or per haps try again with this clue towards re-framing : I do not mean it to be personally taken -though it works that way too... so if you do take it personally, know it's not intended to do harm to or offend you or anyone else, it's supposed to be funny 🤣)...much love 🥰
We must to be unswayed and unafraid to speak up and take a firm stand for what we believe is right and true, to anyone, regardless of how much we feel they may disagree with us, get angry, or even decide their views are so diametrically opposed that they no longer wish to associate with us.
And especially for the children and poorest among us who are being poisoned and abused in so many ways.
The ignorance of Self (self-centeredness, cherishing, obsession, dominated perspectives) is stubborn, strong, and virtually impregnable without the wisdom that first navigates and then overwhelms it. Wishing you the best in your endeavor. -- Mark
Curious discourse when put in the context of the speaker being RFK Jr’s propagandist who has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the campaign over the last year and a half. The things coming from Charles are getting curiouser and curiouser, some might say.
I feel deeply at unease when somebody wants to make someone do anything. I would've thought making someone else do something was something you do not subscribe to.
"Camelot was always a myth. To move forward, that myth has to be left behind."
A very useful article by Jeet Heer in the Nation, "By His Endorsement of Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shows the Dark Side of Camelot." Charles is, of course, highly invested in the dialectic of the "dark side." Robert Kennedy Jr. has capitalized on the legacy of his famous father and uncle. (Not so much his grandfather, who urged appeasement of Hitler and covertly ordered the lobotizing of his daughter, Rosemary.)
Bobby Sr. wasn't always the liberal champion of peace he is rememered as. He began his career as assistant council to Joe McCarthy's anticommunist witch hunts, where he developed a lifelong antipathy toward McCarthy's senior council, and Donald Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn. Going back to patriarch Joseph's ambassadorship to England, the Kennedys were about as deep state as one could ever imagine.
I love the story of the Ghandian land reformer!
I also love that story, and I love what it has inspired me to do right here: offer a suggestion for how each of us can find our own limitless generosity! We can do it however we want to, and all we have to do is practice being generous right where we are, in whatever minute we find ourselves in.
I will here also make several suggestions for self-cultivation of our generosity: Try orienting our readings to the giants who study political generosity or any other kind of generosity.
For election gifts, find the artists who really ring the most beautiful chimes in the respective election. Consider this from the RFK, Jr. VP candidacy:
Examples: The Gift is a wonderfully rich gift of a book by Lewis Hyde about how the Gift Economy has transformed societies since time immemorial. After reading it, I began giving loved ones and neighbors small gifts and larger ones anytime and every time I found an opportunity. This habit has become so rich, one of my neighbors has taken to refusing to accept my gift, while taking advantage of the offer to ask me for helping him to do something else with which he needs help!
Hyde went on to write an even more richly textured book: Trickster Makes This World, which is about the very most magnificent gifts we humans have received from the past, loaded with gifts of literary tropes about tricksters, and even including stories of how they have tricked themselves into misfortune as well as otherwise.
There is another humorous gift in the latest edition of that book: a delighftul Preface by Margaret Atwood on a gift that either she gave him, or he gave her, while both were busy at some project or another. Yes, it is colorful.
Another suggestion: Give ourselves, a very most lucrative gift I have found repeatedly by simply attempting to see the gifts in what initially emerges as misfortune: see the gift inside this each time it arrives. To nudge me along with growing this gift, I repeatedly consult Rumi, a poet from centuries past, loaded with gifts for one and all, especially with his poetry. The most generous gift of his poetry that nudges me best is:
Each time I re-read that one, I feel ever more-charged and warm and generous inside.
But it wasn't the whole story. Historically, the land reform achieved around 1.6% of its seven year goal for redistribution. Admittedly, 1.6% is not nothing but it is a far cry from the glowing image of success that Charles's story implies. Sorry to be Debbie Downer but if you were buying a used car, you would like to know that it only has a range of one mile before it runs out of gas.
but that is the paradigm that we need to change
we need to be different from what/who we currently are
we need a new and ancient narrative to replace the current mainstream narrative
more generouos
more open hearted
I'll stick with the "new and ancient narrative" William Godwin outlined in "Political Justice" in 1793 and Charles Wentworth Dilke elaborated in "The Source and Remedy of the National Difficulties" in 1821.
The Bobby/Donald kayfabe isn't as new as you may think. Fred Trump and Joseph Kennedy were "new money" in the interwar years, both of whom felt slighted by the existing "high society." RFK Sr. and Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, worked together as counsel on Joe McCarthy's anticommunist crusade. Bobby hated Roy. Tailgunner Joe and the Kennedy patriarch were pals.
Over the years, the "new money" has aged into "old new money" but the facade of resentment endures. The old new money guys play the "heels" and their antagonists are the "faces." The heels call the faces "deep state" but the heels are not a whit less deep state.
A simple question: WHO WILL STOP THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA? Not the faces; they send the bombs. Not the heels; they embrace war criminal Netanyahu even tighter. Change will not come from watching the wrestling match and cheering for one side or the other.
Charles I have not seen any comment from you about Kennedy’s choosing to stand with Trump. If it was in the Silth post, I missed the message. I’d appreciate your take. Thankyou
please have compassion and patience.
Charles did say in one of his other recent video clips that his father in law has just died after a painful decline/suffering, etc etc
there may also be other circumstances that perhaps we dont know about...
charles is is a human being, please keep in mind. lets extend kindness and respect...
that is what the world badly needs
Amen 🙏🏼
Sure, we can always hope for the best and be optimistic that RFK will achieve some of his goals under a future Trump administration. But none of that changes the fact that Charles' past writing includes clear sentiments like the following:
"I believe that if either of the other two viable candidates, Trump or Biden, win a second term, it will be a catastrophe for this country and, by extension, for the world."
"As for the concern that Bobby Kennedy will help Trump, I think that to the contrary, he is the only candidate, Democrat, Republican, or independent, who can beat Donald Trump. He will take huge swaths of Trump’s anti-establishment supporters."
"QAnon has done considerable damage to people’s lives and to the body politic in the context of Trumpian neofascism and persistent systemic racism."
"In the 1990s the Democratic Party (like Labour in the UK and various social democratic parties in Europe) began to romance Wall Street and the transnational corporations. They consummated their marriage in the Obama era and bore a child called totalitarian corporatism, which vies with its rival, Trumpian neofascism, for our future."
Since these are Eisenstein's own professed sentiments, quoted verbatim, and since RFK is now actively trying to help Trump get re-elected as well as join his administration should he succeed, some clarification of Eisenstein's current views would seem to be in order.
Nothing is ever static.
Nature in all its forms.
Experiences that alter our state of mind.
Decisions that alter our paths.
The evolution of one’s spiritual journey.
The landscape is always evolving.
My elders would say, it is where you are on your climb up the mountain that gives you greater perspective, as well as a clearer perspective. When you are young you think you can see it all from your view point on the mountain. Yet as you ascend, you realize you can now see a larger piece of the pie, and yet it is through our prayer that we ask for God’s perspective.
Of course it matters!! It matters if you whitewash the crimes of the largest most murderous global militarized empire in the history of mankind (criminal under any american president but hugely EXPANDED both in size and in murderous criminality specifically under mass-murderer anti-life ConMan trump). Of course it matters if you deceive the people to whitewash a life-destroying REPRESENTITIVE OF RULING CLASS OPPRESORS CONTROLLERS AND ABUSERS (in a moment i will detail trump's numerous crimes against the people) who works diligently to enrich his 0.1% billionaire buddies and to cement the hierarchical domination of the few (his deep state bilionaire financers) over the many.
Mass-murderer anti-life Godless ConMan Trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible dumb propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency, literally run by israel), besides that, deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of anti-life deep state billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think that he will act any differently this time? Because the Mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to his buddies the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and Big Pharma corporate-capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."patriotism" and "god" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funds them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded (used our money to fund) a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized dumb deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized dumb deceived conservatives followers will still worship him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this coup (funded with our money) and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses) when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the elite is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination by the few over the many and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/why-have-no-rich-and-no-poor?) but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire (while believing that they are sticking it to the man), into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
The trump deception (along with the musk deception) is a classic textbook example of how the ruling class billionaires HIJACK and NEUTRALIZE the masses' anger and desire for change, how the elite funnel these potentially revolutionary energies (that might have unseated them from power over us if they weren't hijacked and neutralized) funnel them into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam-release safety valve that is falsely presented to us as an "anti-elite-rebel", while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined fairytales, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of billionaire ruling class theft, abuse and domination over the many.
The trump deception (just like the obama deception before) is used by the elite to HIJACK and NEUTRALIZE our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, but instead they are hijacking and funneling our potentially revolutionary change energy right back into the empire's duopoly, back into the empire's fold, by providing us with a FALSE MESSIAH who they dress up as a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'..
Heavily-propagadized maga/Qanon cultists (and rfk followers who now joined the Qanon crowd and are so desparate to believe) are literally being sold the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative, as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" and 'making america great'' by cheering for the mass-murderer FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us.
To learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts
https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are (and see also the rest of this excellent insightful substack)
And https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/the-billionaire-class-is-no-more (see also the rest of this wise substack which will not only show you the ruling class' deception through their false messiah but also how we can unseat them and have real freedom)
And https://prospect.org/power/worker-s-friend-trump-waged-war-workers/ (i would add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just the representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah, a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
And here https://youtu.be/N-8m5fBbLgQ?si=FRldhmzeEag578b8 about trump's 6 trillion dollar "corona" giveaway to his billionaire buddies the 0.1%, the very people who oppress and screw us constantly
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
and here https://www.exposetheenemy.com/trump-war-the-pentagon-and-the-conservativeestablishment
and here https://web.archive.org/web/20190720130650/https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/11/tomdispatch-trump-military-foreign-affairs/
and here https://odysee.com/@ExposeTheEnemy:b/america-first-from-wall-street-to-the:a?lid=95a34b649ac72026c32466c45591322426c77cf1
and here https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9e/c5/93/9ec59307f55ea5fabf59dbbdd7abb43a.png
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Please don't miss this research essay. https://miri.substack.com/p/america-the-movie-screenplay-by-jd?
And especially here https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/07/investigative-reports/the-man-behind-trumps-vp-pick-its-worse-than-you-think/
And here
And here https://youtu.be/sGySygy0LWs?si=n6u28vsLzazo_gdS
Thank you, but what on earth does this have anything to do with my comment!?! I am clearly replying to the comment above me (by user 'Bromumsy'). I respect and love Charles deeply. Kindly read my comment and the mountains of evidence provided within it, and if you'd like to engage about what I ACTUALLY said then I'd be happy to. But please don't give me this ridiculous lecturing and ad hominem attacks that have nothing whatsoever to do with what i wrote (which you're clearly doing in a manipulative cynical attempt to shut down and silence having to hear the facts that make you feel uncomfortable).
May I respectfully suggest that you grow up and take responsibility for your own feelings of discomfort instead of trying to shut down and silence others (using manipulative emotional blackmail disguised as "care") to avoid having to hear things that make you feel uncomfortable.
If hearing the facts makes you feel uncomfortable then the solution to this is NOT to try to put down and silence others (using emotional blackmail) in order to not hear the facts, but rather the solution to this is to maturely take responsibility for how you feel and then sincerely (and courageously) inquire into your triggers, into how you've perhaps invested your identity into a certain position or belief (and so, feel personally offended and threatened when that position is shown to not be as you've imagined).
Again, I profoundly respect and love Charles.
Idealism is a wonderful thing when grounded in reality.
Some lights came on for me during my first and second readings of this. Thank you dear! And the depth of this wording..."He would hold the part of them that wants to do that. He would say, “I’m here because you're so generous.” " (And, to tell the truth, I resisted and had a session of internal argument.) This, to me, is 'observational intelligence'. Once I lay down my internal dialog and I find my curiosity, then I can ask myself questions like, 'what ELSE is here?' Then I can see that his not-generous side was proof that the generous side is there, as well. Observation of (whatever), without making decisions about it, is a super power. We can see the duality and the beauty of it, with deep acceptance of it, from the perspective of the non dual observation. I appreciate you sharing your journey, dear Charles.
Thanks Charles
Your comments hit me at the right time.
Mar’s ending insight was a thing of beauty :) friends and I were discussing and we believe that only you could have come up with #MAHA Charles.
Dear Charles, May I bring to your attention this fascinating, insightful and very important essay on the nature of who RFK Jr actually is (especially on his recent moves and what that indicates about him). I am guessing you never heard this perspective before so I'm wondering if you considered this possibility regarding who rfk actually is and if you have any thoughts on that.
It is by a serious and insightful researcher I highly respect who has always been on the money so far with her analysis.
Be sure to read especially the last quarter of the post
you are so monothematic...
Charles did say in one of his other recent video clips that his father in law has just died after a painful decline/suffering, etc etc
there may also be other circumstances that perhaps we dont know about...
charles is is a human being, please keep in mind. lets extend kindness and respect...
that is what the world badly needs
Thank you. I already replied to this comment the first time you made it (in the other thread). Please see my detailed reply to you there. No need to copy-paste the same comment multiple times (talk about being "monothematic"... A little mature self-reflection and self-awareness might be in order, friend.. especially seeing your apparently zealous mission to scan all comments and attempt to shut down and silence anyone who mentions things that cause discomfort to the part of you that identified itself with a certain position (attempting to silence and shut others down using whatever manipulative tools you can come up with on that particular day. This time around it seems you apparently chose the emotional blackmail /guilt-tripping route, under the guise of 'caring for charles'...
I can't help but wonder if Charles would actually resonate with your apparent passion for going around his comment section shutting down and silencing others to make sure no uncomfortable divergent views are ever heard...
I respect and love charles deeply. In my understanding there is nothing even remotely disrespectful about my comment above, and a million times less so when it comes to my facts-filled comment in the other thread which you also attempted to shut down, even though it wasn't even directed at charles at all, but that didn't stop you using the same guilt-tripping attempts there too to shut it down. Anything in order to avoid the discomfort of hearing facts that don't align with your chosen position..
Friend, if you were waiting for an invitation to grow up then here it is.. A respectful invitation to consider the option of growing up and starting to taking responsibility for your own feelings of discomfort (and to perhaps gently and courageously inquire into what is it in you that has invested its identity so adamently into a certain position, so invested in it to the point that it seems to feel personally threatened when hearing things that deviate from your chosen postion). A respectful invitation to grow up, take responsibility for your feelings of discomfort and inquire, instead of constantly trying to silence, control and shut others down in order to avoid feeling uncomfortable..
Nice sentiment. Virtue is great.
But duty is essential.
And we have absolutely shirked our duty to take an actual stand for what is right and to speak out against tyranny and atrocity for far too long.
If we had not, then we would not be in this predicament.
I think a lot of us in ‘spiritual’ circles get way too caught up in concepts like equanimity, compassion, and tolerance—which are wonderful if not essential in most instances—but there are truly wicked forces hard at work on Earth right now, and there is no excuse for tolerance of evil.
Nathan, I love your concerns, and I also deal with these and other issues daily. It seems the essential core of our being American, especially US Americans now that we cannot see what matters most, or even see how we might try learning what the most invaluable qualities of our citizenship include and exclude. I like that you take us here, and hope some dialogue will emerge through it.
I particularly like how it fits with the narratives about generosity and gift-giving. Unless we have our priorities sorted, how can we even imagine what are the more important gifts to offer one another?
I also responded to both C E's post, and to two other interlocutors above. I would love for more volume of dialogue, especially when we are shifting the foci of the dialogue to what matters most in these most troubling of political times, and I say most troubling when we have not just one, but THREE POTUS candidates larding on all the hot air about their own embodiments of genocide whether at home or abroad!
What does being intolerant look like to you? When you scale that judgement down to your domain of influence (imagine this please) what do you think it would look like? Just curious. I agree we have duties and things need to change, but blame is lamed (👈🏼this "but..." @ the end is not a misspelling, it is true, but simultaneously a joke, and may also be a meme. Also, it's not anything I can really explain beyond that, so I hope you get it...if you don't, please don't get angry or frustrated, feel free to give up, or call me crazy if that makes you feel better (I don't mind) or per haps try again with this clue towards re-framing : I do not mean it to be personally taken -though it works that way too... so if you do take it personally, know it's not intended to do harm to or offend you or anyone else, it's supposed to be funny 🤣)...much love 🥰
We must to be unswayed and unafraid to speak up and take a firm stand for what we believe is right and true, to anyone, regardless of how much we feel they may disagree with us, get angry, or even decide their views are so diametrically opposed that they no longer wish to associate with us.
And especially for the children and poorest among us who are being poisoned and abused in so many ways.
I think maybe I kind of get it, but I’m OK with that, and I definitely feel your positive intention. So thanks :)
God bless you 🙏🏼
The ignorance of Self (self-centeredness, cherishing, obsession, dominated perspectives) is stubborn, strong, and virtually impregnable without the wisdom that first navigates and then overwhelms it. Wishing you the best in your endeavor. -- Mark
Curious discourse when put in the context of the speaker being RFK Jr’s propagandist who has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the campaign over the last year and a half. The things coming from Charles are getting curiouser and curiouser, some might say.
I feel deeply at unease when somebody wants to make someone do anything. I would've thought making someone else do something was something you do not subscribe to.
I'm sorry.
yes, jessica rose would be a good CDC director
Jessica Rose has timely articles and she has pointed to this
"Camelot was always a myth. To move forward, that myth has to be left behind."
A very useful article by Jeet Heer in the Nation, "By His Endorsement of Donald Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Shows the Dark Side of Camelot." Charles is, of course, highly invested in the dialectic of the "dark side." Robert Kennedy Jr. has capitalized on the legacy of his famous father and uncle. (Not so much his grandfather, who urged appeasement of Hitler and covertly ordered the lobotizing of his daughter, Rosemary.)
Bobby Sr. wasn't always the liberal champion of peace he is rememered as. He began his career as assistant council to Joe McCarthy's anticommunist witch hunts, where he developed a lifelong antipathy toward McCarthy's senior council, and Donald Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn. Going back to patriarch Joseph's ambassadorship to England, the Kennedys were about as deep state as one could ever imagine.
RFK jr. supporting Trump. What’s your view as his advisor?
Care has no price, only value.