Carbon dioxide is to environmentalism like vaccines are to health care.

A diversion and not the cure/cause of the issue claimed.

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Working at the government as an advisor ecology and sustainable infrastructure (iow; person that tries to not kill all flora and fauna) it is difficult to see trees being cut to build solar panels on our country side and nature areas...It breaks my heart that those solar panels(and wind mills) are build from resources in countries by hard (child) labour and by damaging nature overthere too..

A bucket load of euro's is spent for stopping climate change in my tiny country, but only a small part goes to repairing/staying clear of (potential) "green areas".

Unfortunately I may not say these things out loud, it is like cursing in church when telling the downsides of the technological efforts to keep our climate less changed while promoting the "organ/1000 cuts theory". I noticed it is a no go. I could lose my job. We live in an easily flooded country, we can't have the sealevel rise, we can't trust nature, we need engineering. It saved us from floods before. And money. There is a lot of profit to be made. On the up side, I've got lovely collegues with long breaths, who have stood by Nature and preserving eco-systems all along despite all forms of hindrence and no funds. But we will stay commited until after retirement(if we'll have one ;-) )

But hey, Africa. Thank you for bringing the possibilities to the table. Attention to Africa. We're not only connected because of migrating birds...

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Charles, you shine so brightly, thank you for sharing your gift and inspiring us to do that same. I do love this intention “Human beings are a sacred gift, here to serve with love the next unfolding of life and beauty on earth,” yes it is tidy, vague and contained, yet filled with beautiful simplicity.

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You are grasping for a purpose when it is as clear as day. It is the recogniton of being part of a higher power, many call it God but that word has religious baggage attached. Our purpose is the evolution and perfection of our Consciousness, not progress, technological innovation, or darwinian animalistic survival imperative. It is an inner journey. Once we anchor the peace that comes with this understanding, then we can manifest in the outer world a reflection of that peace.

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Think the problems mr. Eisenstein is pointing at needs more than reflections... unless you mean a giant reflection-screen to bounce back some of them nasty sunrays...

But maybe we're to busy perfecting our consciousness?... or cleaning our navels.

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Feb 14, 2022
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Not to be obtuse, but I'm going to push back on both of these comments. If you exchange the word "know" for "believe," I might be more understanding. I'd also suggest it's not as clear, nor as simple as you proclaim, unless you've already arrived at the Halls of Shambala (3 Dog Night, no doubt before your time.)

Each of these comments is pretty deterministic and self focused for me to agree to it. Not that that matters at all; it does not. But, my imperfection prodded me to speak up.

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The 'whack a mole' strategy, dealing with each problem as though they exist in isolation, whether COVID or gun violence or the decimation of our only home, is doomed to failure. We need locally based distributive eco-systems to heal selves and home. I guess this is co-signing...

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"We need locally based distributive eco-systems..."


BTW - Is anyone on this comment board going to say the words "Massive Overpopulation?"

Is that a verboten phrase with this group?

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Overpopulation is such a joke. Bill Gates and Club of Rome are totally discredited. Demographers now are saying we are headed for population collapse in the next decades, even without the depop shot. Try leaving the city, most land has nobody on it and is doing nothing.

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It's not just 'land.' It's resources of all kinds, ecosystems of all kinds that are being tapped out.

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Not by people trying to live tho. It is being tapped for profit by the rich. Survivalinternational.org and others have documented how indigenous people take good care of the environment.

We don't have too many people. We have too many greedy free mason psychopaths.

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"We have too many greedy free mason psychopaths."

Probably not all that many psychos, but enough to cause humanity and Earth a ton of serious problems.

IMO the real problem are the multi-millions who believe the psychos and follow them.

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Btw the guy who brought you Windows ain't trying to kill his customers.

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You clearly never used Windows

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Wow! Charles Eisenstein, Wonderful insightful statement in each sentence!!

UNDERSTANDING BIOSPHERE SCIENCE Let's look back 7000 years before the start of our false civilization to when all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') ancestors cultivated the immensely productive Polyculture orchards..

SYLVALIZATION' (L 'sylva' = 'tree') which existed for 100s of 1000s of years of indigenous management. Most of humanity grew 3-D Polyculture Orchards, which are 100 times (10,000%) more productive than 'civilization' ('city-state') 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') massive harvesters at 92 - 98% photosynthesis of solar energy converted into food, materials, energy & water-cycle. Food production as the foundation for all human economy, its absolutely important that; farmers, agri-business corporations, universities, government policies & all aligned food systems begin to align with & benefit from the abundance of the tree-based biosphere. Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2 - 8% of solar energy reflecting over 90% back into the troposphere where it pushes winds from the continent to the sea. At the Sahara/Sahel Latitudes of less than 30 degrees north, the sun is so hot it burns 2-D agriculture.

POLYCULTURE TREE ROOTS descend 10s of metres as deep as the canopy into the earth's substrate where they mine minerals, pump water & develop nutrient extensive colonies. Continental cold spots created through complete Polyculture photosynthesis cause warm moist ocean winds to be drawn inland (warm to cold) where 60% of moisture transfer is through condensation of warm moisture laden wind onto trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces. Only 40% of water is transferred as rain/snow. 'Agriculture' 2-8% photosynthesis reflects 95% of solar energy, which pushes winds from the continent towards the sea causing permanent desert. Sahara, Gobi, Atacama etc. deserts are all created by human agriculture including exploitation of animals such as domesticated goats, sheep, cattle, pigs etc. Indigenous peoples worldwide didn’t exploit domesticate animals but lived in collaboration with these other tree & biosphere tending specialists. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

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Wow. Thank you Charles. I have difficulty to articulate my opinion of this article so I will just saw wow and thank you

-Anthony Drozdek

Basel Switzerland

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What a great contribution again to delve up the human spirit and put it to good and valuable use of the WHOLE world. Goodwill has to be turned into the will-to-good.

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And action at some point, or is that taking it to far?

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Feb 15, 2022
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We ain't got any power. Power is granted by the system in place.

Focus locally, make an impact for your loved ones, help your neighbours and let the rest of the world go (including Africa).

If you wanna feel like making an impact vote for what ever decentralises power the most, but not voting is equally helpful, or voting at random.

Otherwise rise within the system. Aquire as much power as possible and join the next dictatorcoup (which will be a militarycoup), but if you live in the western world that'll probably not happen in your lifetime.

And if you are truly powerful already, then please dont send us to war.

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Feb 16, 2022Edited
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If surfing is what you wanna do, then you have the power to do that, although you also need the skills. If you want to save Africa or the bees, then that kind of power ain't no power.

One of the reasons we're being served so much hot air politics is because we cling to the idea that we should and can save Africa and such.

The moralising wont stop unless we stop rewarding it.

At least then we might get rid of some of the thoughtcrime think. Might not be power but it's probably the best we can do.

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Feb 16, 2022
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As someone who works within a local landscape it’s one of the first things you learn and was also a major take away from the book Ishmael, there is no one right way, it all depends upon the land you are in relationship with and the quality of that relationship.

For us to be sustainable recognizing the dictates of the land that provides us with the resources for life and being in relationship with that dynamic provides also the frame work for sustainability- something that indigenous peoples have practiced for millennia, that the laws are created by and change with the landscape.

The fact that we behave and believe we our in control of resources, control of weather and environments is an othering that leads to the devastating disconnect and death of self from soul that we are seeing today, something I believe is an issue with domestication and civilizations for millennia and has been why they all fail.

“A mosaic of local projects animated by a shared idea” is how we return to our humanity and harmony with the world, so it will be interesting to see how we proceed from being able to have access to any resource, because we can to why we should as well how we accept the wilderness back into our hearts, lives and environments.

I also think resources will have to become increasingly rare for us to embrace how we stand in relationship with them. The continuous shifting and skimming and wasting is not really fooling anyone anymore.

I also think, as there is no way back, that the arbitration process around block chain tech ( the most exciting thing about crypto and the least explored) will have a lot to do with resource management between communities in the future.

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Love ‘Ismael’

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Thankyou for writing this and infact everything you write . I gain some real hope about the world and its humans when I read your stuff.

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The problem is not that so many kids can't find meaning in their lives, but that so many try to teach them they have no meaning in their life. Failure of the education system.

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One problem is that...

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Green Movement = Essential Tool of Globalist Machinations. The Great Vampire paints his grey face a pleasing shade of green, tends to the garden, asks for help, watches as we unwary folk eager to pitch in enter & distract ourselves with trowels & sod while control/tech/power-cult infrastructure self-assembles placing warm, fuzzy, green bracelets around our ankles so that our blood may be readily drained with maximum efficiency. Indefinitely.

Sick people following the instructions (UN sustainable guidelines) of sicker people are never going to do anything healthy, at least not for humans.

But hey, at least us sorry lot can delude ourselves into feeling good about something. Let's all save the world by destroying the natural soul of humanity and fill the void with tech-power-cult hive service-to-nature mentality. By this action we transform ourselves from self-destructive, host-devouring parasites into an insect colony where all love & serve the Almighty Queen.

Gotta hand it to these folks & admit it's fkn brilliant What better way to subjugate and control humanity than declare/create imminent environmental disaster and then unite everyone under the banner of "Self-Preservation Through Service to Mother Nature"? Who could argue against that? It would be like saying you want to carry on killing your mother.

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Unfortunately true that everything good is easily coopted.

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With the amount of freudianism floating around here a desire "to carry on killing your mother" is probably something many here have had dealings with.

I sum up your writing as "it's all just another decoy".

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This is one of the clearest and most beautiful messages I've ever read. It's inclusive in its definition of the problem and the "mosaic of local projects animated by a shared idea" is a gorgeous (non)solution--in the sense that one size doesn't fit all. Of course I would love it, since it articulates the economic approach of my book, How to Dismantle an Empire, that looks at giving communities the tools and letting them frame the structure. And I resonate with Charles' feeling that crisis has shattered our prison and the time of having no useful purpose is ending. We're entering the fun part of designing the future we want! It's not too soon to start imagining this, and Charles' vision is a perfect place to begin. I see a decentralized economic system in which the health and security of the family is the measure of a local government's success.

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Beautiful. I love that paradigm in relation to the climate and our beautiful mother earth. 🙏❤️

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Jesus. Wow. Thank you.

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Yet another brilliantly written insight! Thank you Charles.

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