Thank you, profoundly, for this. Personally, I feel so saturated with the horrible ideological fervour that radiates now from every possible difference of opinion that I wish I had the perfect 'ears' I could plug to block it all out. But I don't. So I want to know where I'm wrong. I'm hungry to know where I'm wrong. Staying 'outside' the 'corrupt' system to remain 'pure', to be some kind of 'shining' example that supposedly compensates somehow for the pitiful impotence of not being able to make the world more beautiful, has driven me down to the nub. I want no more of it. You are showing the way, Charles, and I salute your courage and integrity.
So agree with you, Toby about Charles. You are also one of those showing us the way. Please don’t forget that. In gratitude for both of you - your efforts and integrity. Thank you for being a part of all of this. Your presence, guidance, leadership, and influence is making the difference. All of us can have hope - something that’s been missing for years.
Actually, I am one of those TRYING to help figure out the way. I even went to the crazy-risky lengths of following Charles' follow-your-heart' advice back in 2011, quit my sodden career with family in tow, and almost destroyed everything. Mine has not been a 'successful' leap into the unknown, though I have put much much effort into it. A mix of things, but mostly writings at a blog, spectacularly unvisited, so I wondered faintly whether Diana knew of it. Unlikely, but not impossible.
And that's the backstory to this curious exchange of comments!
Yes, totally hear you.. and I also deeply bow in appreciation and honor of Charles' noble heart and wise soul.
In my perspective (which is of course partial and therefore limited, as all perspectives are), the deep root cause of the issues we're facing in these difficult and transformative times in the world, is not at all found in the content, in the painful and terrible events that are happening now at all levels on the planet, but rather it seems to me that the root cause is found in the relationships between us. Human relationships that have now been broken into a thousands pieces, in these times.
The conversations about the contents (as important as they may be) are, in my view, only secondary in importance. The real conversation that is important and critical now is the conversation about the relationships between humans, about the dynamics of the encounter between us.
In my view, the central root issue of our time is the way that most of us have learnt to express outwardly (in face-to-face encounters or social media encounters) our immense pain, deep hurt, fears and worries. Most of us learnt to express these through -> attacking another (person or group), violence (verbal, emotional, physical), blame, demand that they adopt my perspective, hurling insults, expressing contempt for the other..
That is the root issue of our times, in my view.
The main issue is that OUR RELATIONS HAVE COLLAPSED, because of the enormous violence with which we treat each other - and becasue we are not ready to recognize our treatment of another as profoundly violent and violating.
And this violent way in which we interact with each other - when it is not seen for what it is, and when no responsibility is taken for it - is threatening and frightening to another human being. And when we are threatened and afraid then the survival and defense systems are activated in us, which very quickly turns into attack (as a defence/protection strategy), which is in turn threatening and frightening to another (and activates their own defence/attack mechanisms) and so on and on and on..
Meaning, this violence is a vicious circle, and this circle keeps crushing our relations with each other, over and over and over again. Until nothing remains but walls and fortifications loaded with arsenals of devastating weapons.
When relationships fall apart - everything falls apart.
Without relationships that work - nothing works.
At the root of it, when we have certain concerns and fears and try to express our inner experience, we do so in order to try to gain understanding, empathy, connection, a sense of calm, a sense of security, cooperation, or simply in order to feel a little more together and a little less alone in what we are going through .
But because so many of us these days do this through attack, blame, contempt, forcing a position, diminishing another, and erasing the other - we fail to get what we need from the other.
This is because when the other feels attacked, they are simply not able to hear or respond to the need of the person or group in front of them, because they feels threatened and that they must defend themselves (and then they usually attack back...)
And then that first person, with the fears and concerns is left feeling even more alone, with more despair, and more resentment, and hatred, and contempt for the other, because he/she feels even more alone now. And in such a state, the other looks to him/her even more like... the enemy.
In the inner experience of that first person/group, in their reading of reality, they tried to call the other for connection and understanding, and the other rejected them. But what has ACTUALLY happened in reality, is that he/she violently attacked the other, and the other defended themselves and therefore also violently attacked back.
This dynamic is a like an ever growing snowball, with each additional round of defense/attack mechanism that collide and fight among themselves..
An ever increasing snowball of disconnection and violence, instead of the meeting of honest hearts, instead of the meeting of feelings, instead of the meeting of needs, instead of answering the calls for connection and support, instead of igniting in each other circuits of connection and care.
When there is a connection, when there is TRUST, when there is a feeling of togetherness, when there is security within a relationship - then, AND ONLY THEN, can we actually talk about the contents. Because only then can we really *hear* each other.
So before even starting to talk about the content, the most crucial thing that needs to be asked, in my view, is - What do we need to do in order to feel safe together? How do we stop feeling like we are each other's enemies and threats? What do we need to do in order to feel like the other's safety and well-being is my safety and well-being?
As one of the people who wrote to you...thank you, Charles, for addressing this.
There is no question of RFK Jr's humility. The wait-and-see question is: What is the deeper, underlying motivation for his position and messaging on Israel; and, if this is a "blind spot" or subtle hypocrisy, is there a total willingness to see it, and not be played or playing from a purely political motivation.
Exactly my thoughts, Erin Reese! Reading Charles E's writing today meant a LOT to me.. had actually overlooked it; a friend sent it to me.... SO very glad.. might help me return to some support for RFK, Jr.., whose abundant outpouring of love for Zionist view was like shellshock for me.. I care too much for Palestinian rights... wasn't speaking against Bobby Kennedy, just could not speak out FOR him so much... I pray he will listen to all those concerned, study the other voices he's somewhat tuned out, it seems. And thank you, Charles Eisenstein, for reminding me how truly great RFK, Jr, can be as President.
My experience is similar. I stepped back, but didn't unsubscribe. A campaign can take unpredictable twists and turns and I also am waiting to see answers to these questions. Charles' speculative position (which he won't take) that what happens for 15 million people is less consequential than other existential conflicts has a corollary: what a candidate's views are about these 15 million people is way MORE consequential in traditional terms of electability, than practically any other grouping of 15 million people on the planet! I do so appreciate, Charles, your expansive and vulnerable truth on this matter, though. I'm not surprised, and it keeps me reading and thinking. Shalom!
Thank you, Charles, for this explanation and clarification. As a Jewish American who supports the cause of Palestinian human rights, I wondered how your support of RFKJr. aligned with the candidate's blind support of immoral, unjust and cruel Zionism that denies those human rights. You explained your position eloquently and convincingly. Step by step, we move toward the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Thank you for staying on board the campaign despite the pressures and likely the harassment you are receiving. It is essential, for all of us, that a diversity of views is represented there.. If you were to leave it would diminish that hope. Asking you to leave the campaign based on RFK Jr's Israel/Palestine stance would be similar to people on "the other side" asking RFK Jr. to disassociate from you for your stance on the issue. That would be unacceptable..all of us can agree.
Like you, many of us believe, and not just hope, that RFK Jr. is and will be open to listening to all sides of this issue, taking a more critical view of it.
One simple question that comes to mind when I ponder this perhaps aptly named blindspot in RFK Jr.'s rhetoric (rhetoric also being also an apt term for how he uncharacteristically approaches the issue) is "Is Israel above reproach?"
There can only really be one simple answer to that question although that answer opens up a pandora's box of chronically complicated issues which have yet to be solved but like you I believe the archetype for the solution already exists...
The simple answer to that question for most and especially RFK Jr, with his brilliant and compassionate mind/heart has to be be a definitive "no", for none of us, including our representative governments, are above or beyond reproach.
And from that answer perhaps a fruitful dialogue of mutual understanding will develop..
Thank you again Charles.... for your wisdom and perseverance, for your courage and compassion
Yes, beautifully explained. RFK, Jr has stated that Israel is our friend but we can criticize and disagree with our friends, and that he does disagree with some of the right-wing leaders and with weakening of the Israeli judicial system. He also said he supports the aspirations of the Palestinian people. Yet all that is ignored by people who want to depict him as blindly pro-Israeli, just as what he says in support of Israel is ignored by who want to depict him as blindly anti-Semitic. Glenn Greenwald was admirably able to see, despite Glenn’s disagreements on Israel, that RFK Jr is a man of unusual character who is capable of changing when appropriate and who will be a force for good.
This seems like blind and uninspired madness to me. To look beyond someone’s unequivocal and cut-throat promotion of genocide toward a people, and excuse it as a sort of difference-of-opinion is incredibly dangerous and rather disgusting. I hope that those here can find it in their hearts to realize that this is an issue that is very far beyond a difference-of-opinion and instead see this as a matter of good vs evil. RFK, and by extension Eisenstein, are collectively on the wrong side of an actual ethnic cleansing.
Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
Here is a good article on how Baha’i teaching pertains to the formation of a more peaceful civilization here on earth. It is very similar to the World Federation idea that was so popular during and after the first two world wars. It provides a way to guard against a third world war by ensuring as JFK said, not a Pax Americana imposed on the world by force, but a peace that derives from all nations having fair input into world affairs.
Note also that Catholic and Jewish religious leaders have also voiced support for world federalism, as discussed on the aforementioned article. “
Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, called for a federal “United States of the World” so that war and international anarchy could be eliminated.”
I liked the first time i read your reply, but it seems like you're spamming now, my friend.
I do understand the urge to spread the word but by copy-pasting the same reply on multiple threads, you might be creating the oppoaite effect, my friend.
Re: To attain this possibility would require both vision and will, since all parties are at this point deeply inebriated in stories of their own righteousness. It will require the full deployment of the most advanced technologies of peace, such as the truth & reconciliation processes pioneered in South Africa and Rwanda. It will require courage and leadership, as peace-building always starts with an act of trust. Muslim leaders throughout the region will make statements of welcome to the Jews"
All good. But it will require more. It will require the break-up of whatever cabal of forces has coalesced to create the current state of things we call reality. Those behind the curtain who clearly have an anti-human agenda and are brilliant at keeping us focused on and embittered towards each other as they perpetuate the endless divisions.
The power structures have been captured. People need to make them irrelevant. That's where our future starts, when we walk away from the current systems. IMHO.
In my opinion, those behind the curtain who are brilliant at keeping us embittered towards each other are the global elite. The power structures have been captured by them because there was a power vacuum at the international level. To make them irrelevant and walk away from the current systems, we need a new international system, one that is demicratic and answers to the people, not the elite. It used to be widely recognized that world federation would provide the fair and legitimate international system we need for peace. JFK was a champion of world federation, which may even have been why he was assassinated.
Another Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
This is very important. I don't think most people know that JFK supported a united world federation and was probably murdered for this, by those who profit and benenfit from a divided nationalist sectarian humanity who is at constant war within itself (religiously or nationalistically divided).
The irony is that today, many people, especially on the right, would probably attack JFK as an 'evil glonalist' for even thinking in non-sectarian terms. This is how rabidly nationalist/sectarian/right-wing our political system and culture has become since his murder..
By the way, this profound essay might also be of interest as it summerizes the logic behind a planet-wide constitution and a united world federation - the united states of the earth (and no, it is NOT the one world governemnt that the corporate-capitalist ruling class aspires to :-) it is the opposite of that
Extremely well stated. This same site provides a detailed Earth Constitution spelling out how a world federation could be set up that eradicates war between nations and provides a means for self-governing nations to cooperate and maintain mutually-agreed-upon international law. As explained there, “ The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was developed by 4 sessions of World Constituent Assembly meeting around the world in 1968, 1977, 1979 & 1991, all organized by WCPA. It has been translated into 23 languages. The process of ratification by the peoples and nations of Earth under Article 17 is currently under way.”
I admire and agree with your cogent and coherent response to criticism around the Israeli/Palestinian problem. But the historical causes that created and maintains this debacle needs to be understood and unraveled. This video doesn't speak directly about Israel, but is essential, as it explains the how and why things are as they are, imho: (
The unholy alliance of Israel and USA is a major reason for the unending horrors.
Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
I think the Baha’i faith could contribute to the world federation that I believe is crucial to world peace and was supported by Einstein, JFK, Nehru, and other great minds.
The Baha’i faith stresses the oneness of humanity. According to Baha’is, every nation should give up its ability to wage war and only maintain arms sufficient to maintain its internal order.
Hello Marie . Thanks for connecting. Yes Once you really Independently Investigate the writings, you reach the conclusion there is something huge waiting to be discovered. I suppose the following says it all really.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
I'm very glad you chose to address this issue, because I have been wondering a lot about it. I am one of those who initially liked a lot of what I heard from RFK Jr. but have definitively soured on him because of his stance on Israel/Palestine. There is one aspect of the situation that I do not feel you have addressed. It is one thing to disagree with someone on a difficult issue but decide that the totality of the relationship outweighs that one issue. That I could accept. What I cannot accept is the fact that RFK Jr. regularly LIES about this issue. He completely misrepresents the facts. You say that your hope is that he will learn and evolve. But I don't believe that he simply doesn't know the truth. I believe he knows the truth and deliberately misrepresents it. That means I can't simply accept that we have a difference of opinion and move on, because if he is regularly lying it means I can't believe what he says about anything. For that reason, while I really appreciate you confronting this issue head-on, I don't find your explanation fully satisfying.
Excellent reply. Yes like you I have found RFK very brave and spot on when it comes to many things. But as you point out his Israel stance [which I am unaware of] is worrying . I also wonder if he is being used by the status quo to keep the current political system relevant in the eyes of the masses [ bit like what they did with Obama] . The BIG THING the malevolent powers that be FEAR THE MOST , is the realisation that our current political system is finished and needs replace TOTALLY .
This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
I think it's not just the political system that no longer serves but all the various institutional systems are not serving we the people: law and justice, education, medical, economic - these have all been corrupted by greed and control fanatics, and don't even get me started on the corruption of religions especially concerning the autonomy of women.
In general, I agree. Personally, I am a Cornel West supporter. I gave up on the two major parties after the 2008 election (in which I supported Obama, but I quickly became disillusioned with him once he took office). I do not think Cornel West is a corrupt politician. I really wish Charles had signed on with West's campaign instead of RFK.
Cornel West and RFK, Jr have been pretty supportive of one another so far. This is not surprising to me because they both are against US imperialism. In contrast, Biden is so imperialistic that he is willing to risk WWIII and possibly nuclear annihilation to make sure our plutocrats retain their total unipolar world dominance. In my eyes, that makes Biden so dangerous that our top priority should be ensuring that as quickly as possible Biden is no longer in the running for another term. To ensure that, I think peace lovers should vote for RFK Jr in the Democratic primary. If RFK Jr could win that primary, we probably would be left with three candidates supporting immediate peace negotiations: Kennedy in the Democratic Party, Trump in the Republican Party, and West in the Green Party. Until we get to that point, I think it best not to criticize any of these three. Peace lovers should want all three to win their respective party primaries.
I hear you and mostly agree, but I think that portraying trump as a peace person is a sad joke and is to fall for one the most deceptive Qanon myths. His record and actions indicate that he has no problem whatsoever with murdering, bombing, attacking, invading, occupying, assasinating, torturing, stealing resources, forcing at gunpoint the privatization of publicly owned resources, initiating coups, maiming, brutalizing, and pillaging across the planet to futher the sectarian interests ls of the corporate-capitalist ruling class.
If I started listing here all of his crimes againat humanity and murderous warmongering vile actions across the planet during his presidency (all in order to further the sectarian interests of american capitalists) then I'll be here all day.
He is far far from having even the slightest peace bone in his body. Just a run of the mill mass-murdering american president who works for the corporate-capitaliat ruling class. No better or worse than Biden, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr etc..
And despite the russiagate BS that the imperialist DNC and their media spread about him (as if he is a russian agent) he is actually the one responsible for cancelling the excellent anti-nuclear missle treaty we had with russia and he is the one who HUGELY escalated the cold war tensions with russia during his presidency.
Also, if he is president, you can be 100% sure that he will attack china (and bring about a nuclear world war), to retain the unipolar hegemony and dollar supremacy of american capitalists over the planet (and while doing that he will be cheered by the brainwashed deceived Qanon/MAGA christian nationalists who are already salivating at the thought of the coming attack on 'the evil commies')
I’m just afraid that if an establishment Republicans gets the Republican nomination, he could win, because Biden is such a weak candidate, and that establishment Republicans likely would be even more imperialistic and lustful for world war than Trump.
I hear you and understand. From what I see, it is almost guaranteed that trump will be the republican nominee. His lead in the polls is so huge (thanks in no small part to the corrupt DNC who are making him into a persecuted martyr in the eyes of most republicans) that something truly dramatic would have to happen for him not to be the republican nominee.
Qanon myths had a purpose. To discredit the actual truth about pedophilia and chips trafficking at the highest levels of power. Pizzagate was real, search Ron Unz site for plenty of FACTS about it.
There are many. If you're interested, here's a video in which Max Blumenthal (who is extremely knowledgeable about the Israel/Palestine issue) dissects RFK's statements.
Incidentally, RFK claims that he is going to debate Max "in a few weeks". Max says he has not heard anything about this from RFK's campaign. I would be quite surprised if he actually has the courage to do it (because I believe Max would absolutely pick him apart), but maybe I'll be surprised.
I hope they do debate. In the mean time, we must be content in investigating Blumenthal’s charges against RFK Jr ourselves. I’ve begun to do that, and Blumenthal is not winning for me. For example, Blumenthal acted as if RFK’s discussion on the Palestinian pay for slay policy was totally a fabrication of RFK’s deluded mind. I looked it up, though, and it seems to be a real thing.
I agree with your decision. I think Kennedy is capable of changing his mind in the face of more information, may it be so. And in the more beautiful world I want to see manifest, there is no longer these type of divisions, but rather talking issues through until we all see the deeper truth.
Perhaps more valuable than "more information" that could change RFK jr's mind would be insightful ideas such as the imagining a better atmosphere in the middle east the intuition rings out to claim victory for true and lasting peace and happiness.
Exactly. In the midst of being labeled an anti-Semite, RFK is emphasizing the point of view of the Israelis. I feel confident he understands the point of view of the Palestinians as well. Vilifying neither side and respecting both will help RFK negotiate peace between them. Even more importantly, I believe RFK will strengthen our world architecture such that nations can in general cooperate to promote peace instead of turning to violence and war.
How refreshing and healthy that RFK won’t exist in the echo chamber of former presidents and their advisors. We call out the Emperor and his new clothes.
Thank you for this wonderful and deep article. I grew up in the Middle East and have seen the oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people first hand. It is the one thing I have seriously disagreed with RFK, Jr. on. But I also see in him the traits you describe--humility, a willingness to hear from all sides and actually reconsider long held beliefs, the ability of a serious lawyer to rigorously challenge his own assumptions and understanding, no need to read off cue cards and parrot tropes, an authentic and deeply humane person.
Your earlier piece on the path not taken in the 60s was a major reason I realized that I could support RFK with conviction. He is unlike any politician I’ve ever seen. The endless demonizing and guilt by association is no way to continue and the road we are on leads to an America--and a world--I never dreamed could exist.
I often hear the same deflections- There are worse oppressors out there. It’s like a kid saying “but they did it too” in order to avoid consequences. The consequences of Israel’s blatant ethnic cleansing (and all of the war crimes and human rights violations that involves) is that it should be held accountable without excuses.
Unfortunately, your vision didn’t mention a right of return for the people the land was stolen from. It will need more than apologies, rather lifting of the siege and blockade, and disempowering the institution and society that enable the horror committed daily. In the modern capitalist world that Israel very much is part of, an effective way is through boycott, divestment, and sanctions.
It is not as simple as guilty by association- the question is whether or not one boldly calls out and criticizes the position of support of such a violent oppressor that clearly states their intentions to achieve ethnic supremacy and makes no apologies for the terror this requires. The vision many people want to see come to pass of a true democratic place where the historical diversity is respected and upheld won’t come without radical words and action- we're not talking about association with just anyone- this person could potentially come to an extreme amount of power and so should be held to even higher questioning and expectation.
I think radical compassion for the kids missing limbs or eyes, and suffering ptsd from army raids, bombardments, settler attacks would sound more like unapologetic criticisms for the guilty and anyone defending the guilty.
When we vote for a president, we don't vote for a platform, we vote for a person. RFK Jr. has exhibited the personal leadership qualities that are likely to help this country. Most importantly, he has integrity and the desire to heal wounds of division. His difference of position on some political issues of importance is less important to me than his character. I agree with Charles. Remaining by the right person, even if that person doesn't agree with you on everything, is the best choice. If not, the divorce rate would be 100%.
Here's an excerpt from a Substack article from Chris Hedges.:
"To stand up to Israel has a political cost few, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are willing to pay. But if you do stand up, it singles you out as someone who puts principles before expediency, who is willing to fight for the wretched of the earth and, if necessary, sacrifice your political future to retain your integrity. Kennedy fails this crucial test of political and moral courage."
Hedges basically describes a situation in which, in general, American politicians tremble at the idea of expressing anything which could be construed as favoring the Palestinians while siding against Israel. To do so, according to Hedges, is akin to political suicide.
I don't know if Hedges is correct on this matter. Maybe he is.
But I'm told that to take a degrowth stance ( ) in American politics, at just about any scale of government, would be (at least generally) a good way to end one's political career (before or after it had started). This I believe. Indeed, I believe taking ethically appropriate stances in politics will, more often than not, ruin one's chances of taking and holding office. And this isn't just because of popular opinion, but at least as much about the Machinery of media, of the political parties ... and other institutions which shape outcomes.
When we realize that what is right and just is, more often than not, not "politically possible" within the current state of the practice of politics, there is no choice (apart from departing from political engagement altogether) than to radically re-imagine and re-think the philosophy and practice of politics. And this is what I've been doing for years now, concluding that we require a radical collective departure from the entrenched traditions which keep producing a basically intolerable world which is heading toward becoming uninhabitable.
This re-imagining and re-thinking of politics is, as I see it, the most important art form on Earth (or, rather, in Earth -- since we live in the layer of Earth called atmosphere) today. But few of us are such artists, yet.
I'm grateful to you, Charles, for being willing to take a stand within the Machine. I'll take my stand outside of it, and may we meet in the middle in our common humanity.
A good essay, Charles. Well said, and just the answer I would hope for.
"A man does what he must—in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality." -JFK
I love this post Charles! Indeed, invoking true peace, a forgiving and releasing of the “us versus them” paradigm and all its associated judgements and continued divisions is the only clear solution I can feel too... hopelessly idealistic? Perhaps. Am I mocked often for my apparent naïveté? Frequently. But your resolve to keep your heart open, stand in the winds of discord and judgement and call in for peace despite the push-back is inspiring and couldn’t have come at a better time.
Thank you for your continued self-reflection, courage and invitations towards unity and peace.
I've lived in Israel 23 years and understand how easy it is to form "intelligent" viewpoints based on academia and other sources which can actually be very far from reality. Your description here of Israel and how you frame the oppression of the Palestinians is from both my academic background in international relations and having lived here 23 years way way from the actual realities here. I'm sad to say this. Even sadder to read this post as it's the first time in many years following and reading you that causes me to question :(
Well, you didn't really say anything to disprove him except claiming 'my conditioning that I grew up with makes me see things differently than you, and I am very disappointed that you didn't confirm my conditioning'.
I'm also an ex-Israeli (left at age 26) and from my experience the vast majority of Israelis are profoundly indoctrinated and ignorant of the history and reality Palestine (as well as ignorant of the trauma we inflicted and are inflicting on the palestinian people, and always have an excuse to justify our abuse).
The vast majority of israelis just uncritically regurgitate the deceptive zionist mythologies that we are spoon-fed from age zero (and one of the myths is that no one in the world umderstands the reality, only we do. And that we are separate and different from the rest of humanity and they all hate us for no reason but the fact that they are evil antisemites, and any criticism of us is a reflection of their antisemitism, and we are the eternal innocent victims of the humanity, a humanity from we are separate by virtue of our specialness and chosen-ness).
The vast majority of indoctrinated israelis are profoundly nationalist and ethnocentric (by far the most ethnocentric, nationalist and exclucivist culture on the planet, and i say this as someome who lived in 4 countires and visited 73) and just have an automatic knee-jerk response whenever hearing anything critical of israel.
The vast majority of israelis are profoundly uncritical of the sectarian nationalist narratives (mythologies) we've been fed from very early childhood, aboit zionism, about the foundations of israel (nevermind the ultra-fascism and openly supremacist nature of the current settler governent) but just take them as undeniable truths..
Yes, Yael please tell us more. There is no one who should not be questioned! I think you are very wise to question. I hope your questioning is fruitful. So many of us who look from afar at the "Holy Land" have not experienced it except through other's words. And EVERYONE who writes about it is writing from their perspective only, no matter how educated or not, as how else can it be? That is the human experience. Thank you, and please tell us more
Among us humans our observations and experiences need to be taken with a grain of salt, as they will likely be limited in scope and depth, They will include our education and indoctrination, our conditioning and intuition. All worthy of both sharing and analyzing ongoing. We can take our self lightly. True and lasting values seriously.
I'm not surprised by some of the replies. When I was younger, I would have taken lots of time to share about my perspective. Over the years, I've learned that for 99% of people, they have accepted a certain narrative around the Israeli Palestinian conflict and are not open to different perspectives. Instead whatever supports my view is what I consume. And the narrative taught in academia and supported by the vast majority of media outlets has been the same for many decades -- Israel is the oppressor, the Palestinians are the both the victims and the true owners of the land of Israel.
Some of the basic narrative accepted by most is historically, factually incorrect; most of it though is that the situation is very nuanced *understatement*. It's not black and white as most seem to think it is.
That Charles felt compelled to write an essay apologizing to his readers and from my perspective continue with the commonly accepted narrative of the issues here made me sad and doesn't make me feel encouraged to share perhaps an alternative more nuanced narrative.
This is just victim stuff, Yael. Which is untenable, given Israel/Zion has the weight of USA/UK/EU behind it. The Palestinians have nada, and so nothing to lose. Israelis with conscience must accept that their nation is an apartheid, fascist, racist concept (like most nation states) and seek to find another way. Nations have karma/consequence. Israel’s is a tower of cards. I hope Israelis find the strength to decouple their souls from the brutal regime of racist indoctrination they’re caught up in, and realise that Palestinians are not animals. That the goy are not inferior to Jews etc. That the Star of David, as projected on Number 10 Downing Street, has become a flag of oppression.
Yael, I wish you would take the time to share about your perspective now. Most of us have never been to Israel and only know what we read. I think a lot of us in this group are trying to see both sides and look for a solution. What do you think is the best solution to the conflict?
I’ll tell you what I think, although I have no first-hand knowledge of the situation.
I think that Israelis live in fear of Palestinian violence and Palestinians live in fear of Israeli violence. And this situation has only gotten worse over many decades because there is no international law that enforces human rights. As a result, each act of violence only spurs revenge and retribution, rather than Justice. What do you think about this article written by a fellow Israeli on the need for world federation to provide third-party impartial intervention?
Here’s a quote, “ The United Nations clearly does not possess the necessary power for such intervention, as the budget of Israel’s ministry of defence alone is several times bigger than the combined budget of all the UN agencies. As the UN does not have any state power and cannot collect taxes from of the global rich and their corporations, it is completely dependent on the voluntary contributions of the richer member governments, who give very little.
But more importantly, the UN does not possess the democratic legitimacy to intervene, as rather than belonging democratically to the world’s nations it belongs exclusively to the governments who rule over them. It is this characteristic of the UN, more than anything else, which shows the greatest weakness of the movement for Palestinian independence: in today’s world there is nothing really unique about the fact that they are oppressed by a government that does not represent them. Openly oppressive governments are perfectly standard, both legally and normatively, in the current international order. One does not need to look far beyond Israel-Palestine to see this plague extending over most countries in the Middle East, across much of Africa and much of Asia.
So we should not be surprised by the experience of many decades, that has shown that repeating cliches about “violations of international law and human rights” did little to bring an end to the conflict. Thinking of “international law”: how can it be seriously called a “law” if no-one is responsible to enforce it? At the most, surely, it should be called only a “norm”.“
The author concludes, as do I, “ It is too easy to direct the blame at this player or the other for following their narrow interests, but it is far more important to point to the lack of a global justice system that belongs to us all and protects us all.”
Thank you, profoundly, for this. Personally, I feel so saturated with the horrible ideological fervour that radiates now from every possible difference of opinion that I wish I had the perfect 'ears' I could plug to block it all out. But I don't. So I want to know where I'm wrong. I'm hungry to know where I'm wrong. Staying 'outside' the 'corrupt' system to remain 'pure', to be some kind of 'shining' example that supposedly compensates somehow for the pitiful impotence of not being able to make the world more beautiful, has driven me down to the nub. I want no more of it. You are showing the way, Charles, and I salute your courage and integrity.
So agree with you, Toby about Charles. You are also one of those showing us the way. Please don’t forget that. In gratitude for both of you - your efforts and integrity. Thank you for being a part of all of this. Your presence, guidance, leadership, and influence is making the difference. All of us can have hope - something that’s been missing for years.
Gosh, thank you!
Sorry - I was mentioning Toby Roger’s.
I did wonder if you meant me!
Aww, Toby, I am willing to be that you, too, are one of those showing us the way! There is room for many wonderful Tobys. :-)
That is very sweet of you, Marion!
Actually, I am one of those TRYING to help figure out the way. I even went to the crazy-risky lengths of following Charles' follow-your-heart' advice back in 2011, quit my sodden career with family in tow, and almost destroyed everything. Mine has not been a 'successful' leap into the unknown, though I have put much much effort into it. A mix of things, but mostly writings at a blog, spectacularly unvisited, so I wondered faintly whether Diana knew of it. Unlikely, but not impossible.
And that's the backstory to this curious exchange of comments!
Again, my apologies. Toby Rogers was the person Charles Eisenstein was referring to in his discussion, which is who I was referring to.🙏🏻
Worry not Diana, I've found our exchange pleasantly educational!
Yes, totally hear you.. and I also deeply bow in appreciation and honor of Charles' noble heart and wise soul.
In my perspective (which is of course partial and therefore limited, as all perspectives are), the deep root cause of the issues we're facing in these difficult and transformative times in the world, is not at all found in the content, in the painful and terrible events that are happening now at all levels on the planet, but rather it seems to me that the root cause is found in the relationships between us. Human relationships that have now been broken into a thousands pieces, in these times.
The conversations about the contents (as important as they may be) are, in my view, only secondary in importance. The real conversation that is important and critical now is the conversation about the relationships between humans, about the dynamics of the encounter between us.
In my view, the central root issue of our time is the way that most of us have learnt to express outwardly (in face-to-face encounters or social media encounters) our immense pain, deep hurt, fears and worries. Most of us learnt to express these through -> attacking another (person or group), violence (verbal, emotional, physical), blame, demand that they adopt my perspective, hurling insults, expressing contempt for the other..
That is the root issue of our times, in my view.
The main issue is that OUR RELATIONS HAVE COLLAPSED, because of the enormous violence with which we treat each other - and becasue we are not ready to recognize our treatment of another as profoundly violent and violating.
And this violent way in which we interact with each other - when it is not seen for what it is, and when no responsibility is taken for it - is threatening and frightening to another human being. And when we are threatened and afraid then the survival and defense systems are activated in us, which very quickly turns into attack (as a defence/protection strategy), which is in turn threatening and frightening to another (and activates their own defence/attack mechanisms) and so on and on and on..
Meaning, this violence is a vicious circle, and this circle keeps crushing our relations with each other, over and over and over again. Until nothing remains but walls and fortifications loaded with arsenals of devastating weapons.
When relationships fall apart - everything falls apart.
Without relationships that work - nothing works.
At the root of it, when we have certain concerns and fears and try to express our inner experience, we do so in order to try to gain understanding, empathy, connection, a sense of calm, a sense of security, cooperation, or simply in order to feel a little more together and a little less alone in what we are going through .
But because so many of us these days do this through attack, blame, contempt, forcing a position, diminishing another, and erasing the other - we fail to get what we need from the other.
This is because when the other feels attacked, they are simply not able to hear or respond to the need of the person or group in front of them, because they feels threatened and that they must defend themselves (and then they usually attack back...)
And then that first person, with the fears and concerns is left feeling even more alone, with more despair, and more resentment, and hatred, and contempt for the other, because he/she feels even more alone now. And in such a state, the other looks to him/her even more like... the enemy.
In the inner experience of that first person/group, in their reading of reality, they tried to call the other for connection and understanding, and the other rejected them. But what has ACTUALLY happened in reality, is that he/she violently attacked the other, and the other defended themselves and therefore also violently attacked back.
This dynamic is a like an ever growing snowball, with each additional round of defense/attack mechanism that collide and fight among themselves..
An ever increasing snowball of disconnection and violence, instead of the meeting of honest hearts, instead of the meeting of feelings, instead of the meeting of needs, instead of answering the calls for connection and support, instead of igniting in each other circuits of connection and care.
When there is a connection, when there is TRUST, when there is a feeling of togetherness, when there is security within a relationship - then, AND ONLY THEN, can we actually talk about the contents. Because only then can we really *hear* each other.
So before even starting to talk about the content, the most crucial thing that needs to be asked, in my view, is - What do we need to do in order to feel safe together? How do we stop feeling like we are each other's enemies and threats? What do we need to do in order to feel like the other's safety and well-being is my safety and well-being?
As one of the people who wrote to you...thank you, Charles, for addressing this.
There is no question of RFK Jr's humility. The wait-and-see question is: What is the deeper, underlying motivation for his position and messaging on Israel; and, if this is a "blind spot" or subtle hypocrisy, is there a total willingness to see it, and not be played or playing from a purely political motivation.
Thank you again for doing this work.
Exactly my thoughts, Erin Reese! Reading Charles E's writing today meant a LOT to me.. had actually overlooked it; a friend sent it to me.... SO very glad.. might help me return to some support for RFK, Jr.., whose abundant outpouring of love for Zionist view was like shellshock for me.. I care too much for Palestinian rights... wasn't speaking against Bobby Kennedy, just could not speak out FOR him so much... I pray he will listen to all those concerned, study the other voices he's somewhat tuned out, it seems. And thank you, Charles Eisenstein, for reminding me how truly great RFK, Jr, can be as President.
My experience is similar. I stepped back, but didn't unsubscribe. A campaign can take unpredictable twists and turns and I also am waiting to see answers to these questions. Charles' speculative position (which he won't take) that what happens for 15 million people is less consequential than other existential conflicts has a corollary: what a candidate's views are about these 15 million people is way MORE consequential in traditional terms of electability, than practically any other grouping of 15 million people on the planet! I do so appreciate, Charles, your expansive and vulnerable truth on this matter, though. I'm not surprised, and it keeps me reading and thinking. Shalom!
Thank you, Charles, for this explanation and clarification. As a Jewish American who supports the cause of Palestinian human rights, I wondered how your support of RFKJr. aligned with the candidate's blind support of immoral, unjust and cruel Zionism that denies those human rights. You explained your position eloquently and convincingly. Step by step, we move toward the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
Thank you for staying on board the campaign despite the pressures and likely the harassment you are receiving. It is essential, for all of us, that a diversity of views is represented there.. If you were to leave it would diminish that hope. Asking you to leave the campaign based on RFK Jr's Israel/Palestine stance would be similar to people on "the other side" asking RFK Jr. to disassociate from you for your stance on the issue. That would be unacceptable..all of us can agree.
Like you, many of us believe, and not just hope, that RFK Jr. is and will be open to listening to all sides of this issue, taking a more critical view of it.
One simple question that comes to mind when I ponder this perhaps aptly named blindspot in RFK Jr.'s rhetoric (rhetoric also being also an apt term for how he uncharacteristically approaches the issue) is "Is Israel above reproach?"
There can only really be one simple answer to that question although that answer opens up a pandora's box of chronically complicated issues which have yet to be solved but like you I believe the archetype for the solution already exists...
The simple answer to that question for most and especially RFK Jr, with his brilliant and compassionate mind/heart has to be be a definitive "no", for none of us, including our representative governments, are above or beyond reproach.
And from that answer perhaps a fruitful dialogue of mutual understanding will develop..
Thank you again Charles.... for your wisdom and perseverance, for your courage and compassion
Mehrnaz Ghaffari
Iranian Born US Citizen living in Canada
Yes, beautifully explained. RFK, Jr has stated that Israel is our friend but we can criticize and disagree with our friends, and that he does disagree with some of the right-wing leaders and with weakening of the Israeli judicial system. He also said he supports the aspirations of the Palestinian people. Yet all that is ignored by people who want to depict him as blindly pro-Israeli, just as what he says in support of Israel is ignored by who want to depict him as blindly anti-Semitic. Glenn Greenwald was admirably able to see, despite Glenn’s disagreements on Israel, that RFK Jr is a man of unusual character who is capable of changing when appropriate and who will be a force for good.
Yes! Thank you.for clarifying RFK Jr's perspective and for reminding us of Glenn Greenwald's insight into this issue, which I remember admiring so..
This seems like blind and uninspired madness to me. To look beyond someone’s unequivocal and cut-throat promotion of genocide toward a people, and excuse it as a sort of difference-of-opinion is incredibly dangerous and rather disgusting. I hope that those here can find it in their hearts to realize that this is an issue that is very far beyond a difference-of-opinion and instead see this as a matter of good vs evil. RFK, and by extension Eisenstein, are collectively on the wrong side of an actual ethnic cleansing.
Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
Here is a good article on how Baha’i teaching pertains to the formation of a more peaceful civilization here on earth. It is very similar to the World Federation idea that was so popular during and after the first two world wars. It provides a way to guard against a third world war by ensuring as JFK said, not a Pax Americana imposed on the world by force, but a peace that derives from all nations having fair input into world affairs.
Note also that Catholic and Jewish religious leaders have also voiced support for world federalism, as discussed on the aforementioned article. “
Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, called for a federal “United States of the World” so that war and international anarchy could be eliminated.”
hahahahahaha! The US creates war and anarchy where there was none before. The US runs on war.
I liked the first time i read your reply, but it seems like you're spamming now, my friend.
I do understand the urge to spread the word but by copy-pasting the same reply on multiple threads, you might be creating the oppoaite effect, my friend.
Much love
I hear you loud and clear unknown friend. But it is done with the right kind of spirit, I hope . I certainly have nothing to gain lol.
Dear Ant trapped in Charles' keyboard.
Re: To attain this possibility would require both vision and will, since all parties are at this point deeply inebriated in stories of their own righteousness. It will require the full deployment of the most advanced technologies of peace, such as the truth & reconciliation processes pioneered in South Africa and Rwanda. It will require courage and leadership, as peace-building always starts with an act of trust. Muslim leaders throughout the region will make statements of welcome to the Jews"
All good. But it will require more. It will require the break-up of whatever cabal of forces has coalesced to create the current state of things we call reality. Those behind the curtain who clearly have an anti-human agenda and are brilliant at keeping us focused on and embittered towards each other as they perpetuate the endless divisions.
The power structures have been captured. People need to make them irrelevant. That's where our future starts, when we walk away from the current systems. IMHO.
Thanks. Good luck getting out.
In my opinion, those behind the curtain who are brilliant at keeping us embittered towards each other are the global elite. The power structures have been captured by them because there was a power vacuum at the international level. To make them irrelevant and walk away from the current systems, we need a new international system, one that is demicratic and answers to the people, not the elite. It used to be widely recognized that world federation would provide the fair and legitimate international system we need for peace. JFK was a champion of world federation, which may even have been why he was assassinated.
Another Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
This is very important. I don't think most people know that JFK supported a united world federation and was probably murdered for this, by those who profit and benenfit from a divided nationalist sectarian humanity who is at constant war within itself (religiously or nationalistically divided).
The irony is that today, many people, especially on the right, would probably attack JFK as an 'evil glonalist' for even thinking in non-sectarian terms. This is how rabidly nationalist/sectarian/right-wing our political system and culture has become since his murder..
By the way, this profound essay might also be of interest as it summerizes the logic behind a planet-wide constitution and a united world federation - the united states of the earth (and no, it is NOT the one world governemnt that the corporate-capitalist ruling class aspires to :-) it is the opposite of that
Extremely well stated. This same site provides a detailed Earth Constitution spelling out how a world federation could be set up that eradicates war between nations and provides a means for self-governing nations to cooperate and maintain mutually-agreed-upon international law. As explained there, “ The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was developed by 4 sessions of World Constituent Assembly meeting around the world in 1968, 1977, 1979 & 1991, all organized by WCPA. It has been translated into 23 languages. The process of ratification by the peoples and nations of Earth under Article 17 is currently under way.”
I admire and agree with your cogent and coherent response to criticism around the Israeli/Palestinian problem. But the historical causes that created and maintains this debacle needs to be understood and unraveled. This video doesn't speak directly about Israel, but is essential, as it explains the how and why things are as they are, imho: (
The unholy alliance of Israel and USA is a major reason for the unending horrors.
I don't disagree, and thanks for the link.
Excellent reply. This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
I think the Baha’i faith could contribute to the world federation that I believe is crucial to world peace and was supported by Einstein, JFK, Nehru, and other great minds.
The Baha’i faith stresses the oneness of humanity. According to Baha’is, every nation should give up its ability to wage war and only maintain arms sufficient to maintain its internal order.
Hello Marie . Thanks for connecting. Yes Once you really Independently Investigate the writings, you reach the conclusion there is something huge waiting to be discovered. I suppose the following says it all really.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
This is NOT a religious conflict any more than South Africa was.
Too bad you know nothing about Israel.Dream on.
I'm very glad you chose to address this issue, because I have been wondering a lot about it. I am one of those who initially liked a lot of what I heard from RFK Jr. but have definitively soured on him because of his stance on Israel/Palestine. There is one aspect of the situation that I do not feel you have addressed. It is one thing to disagree with someone on a difficult issue but decide that the totality of the relationship outweighs that one issue. That I could accept. What I cannot accept is the fact that RFK Jr. regularly LIES about this issue. He completely misrepresents the facts. You say that your hope is that he will learn and evolve. But I don't believe that he simply doesn't know the truth. I believe he knows the truth and deliberately misrepresents it. That means I can't simply accept that we have a difference of opinion and move on, because if he is regularly lying it means I can't believe what he says about anything. For that reason, while I really appreciate you confronting this issue head-on, I don't find your explanation fully satisfying.
Excellent reply. Yes like you I have found RFK very brave and spot on when it comes to many things. But as you point out his Israel stance [which I am unaware of] is worrying . I also wonder if he is being used by the status quo to keep the current political system relevant in the eyes of the masses [ bit like what they did with Obama] . The BIG THING the malevolent powers that be FEAR THE MOST , is the realisation that our current political system is finished and needs replace TOTALLY .
This situation Charles now finds himself entangled in, is why Bahai's do not get involved in politics. Most of our current structures /systems ,of religion, business , politics etc etc etc, are deeply infected and corrupted to depths that are quite mind boggling.
'Let your ambition be the achievement on earth of a heavenly civilisation' [Bahai writings]
I think it's not just the political system that no longer serves but all the various institutional systems are not serving we the people: law and justice, education, medical, economic - these have all been corrupted by greed and control fanatics, and don't even get me started on the corruption of religions especially concerning the autonomy of women.
Absolutely agreed.
In general, I agree. Personally, I am a Cornel West supporter. I gave up on the two major parties after the 2008 election (in which I supported Obama, but I quickly became disillusioned with him once he took office). I do not think Cornel West is a corrupt politician. I really wish Charles had signed on with West's campaign instead of RFK.
Cornel West and RFK, Jr have been pretty supportive of one another so far. This is not surprising to me because they both are against US imperialism. In contrast, Biden is so imperialistic that he is willing to risk WWIII and possibly nuclear annihilation to make sure our plutocrats retain their total unipolar world dominance. In my eyes, that makes Biden so dangerous that our top priority should be ensuring that as quickly as possible Biden is no longer in the running for another term. To ensure that, I think peace lovers should vote for RFK Jr in the Democratic primary. If RFK Jr could win that primary, we probably would be left with three candidates supporting immediate peace negotiations: Kennedy in the Democratic Party, Trump in the Republican Party, and West in the Green Party. Until we get to that point, I think it best not to criticize any of these three. Peace lovers should want all three to win their respective party primaries.
I hear you and mostly agree, but I think that portraying trump as a peace person is a sad joke and is to fall for one the most deceptive Qanon myths. His record and actions indicate that he has no problem whatsoever with murdering, bombing, attacking, invading, occupying, assasinating, torturing, stealing resources, forcing at gunpoint the privatization of publicly owned resources, initiating coups, maiming, brutalizing, and pillaging across the planet to futher the sectarian interests ls of the corporate-capitalist ruling class.
If I started listing here all of his crimes againat humanity and murderous warmongering vile actions across the planet during his presidency (all in order to further the sectarian interests of american capitalists) then I'll be here all day.
He is far far from having even the slightest peace bone in his body. Just a run of the mill mass-murdering american president who works for the corporate-capitaliat ruling class. No better or worse than Biden, Obama, Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr etc..
And despite the russiagate BS that the imperialist DNC and their media spread about him (as if he is a russian agent) he is actually the one responsible for cancelling the excellent anti-nuclear missle treaty we had with russia and he is the one who HUGELY escalated the cold war tensions with russia during his presidency.
Also, if he is president, you can be 100% sure that he will attack china (and bring about a nuclear world war), to retain the unipolar hegemony and dollar supremacy of american capitalists over the planet (and while doing that he will be cheered by the brainwashed deceived Qanon/MAGA christian nationalists who are already salivating at the thought of the coming attack on 'the evil commies')
I’m just afraid that if an establishment Republicans gets the Republican nomination, he could win, because Biden is such a weak candidate, and that establishment Republicans likely would be even more imperialistic and lustful for world war than Trump.
I hear you and understand. From what I see, it is almost guaranteed that trump will be the republican nominee. His lead in the polls is so huge (thanks in no small part to the corrupt DNC who are making him into a persecuted martyr in the eyes of most republicans) that something truly dramatic would have to happen for him not to be the republican nominee.
Qanon myths had a purpose. To discredit the actual truth about pedophilia and chips trafficking at the highest levels of power. Pizzagate was real, search Ron Unz site for plenty of FACTS about it.
Thank you for pointing out trump is a criminal - we must prevent him from being elected again at all costs!
What specific lie do you think RFK Jr told?
There are many. If you're interested, here's a video in which Max Blumenthal (who is extremely knowledgeable about the Israel/Palestine issue) dissects RFK's statements.
Please pick one for me that we can discuss.
I didn't come here to debate the issue. Max's breakdown is very thorough. If you're interested, check it out.
Incidentally, RFK claims that he is going to debate Max "in a few weeks". Max says he has not heard anything about this from RFK's campaign. I would be quite surprised if he actually has the courage to do it (because I believe Max would absolutely pick him apart), but maybe I'll be surprised.
I hope they do debate. In the mean time, we must be content in investigating Blumenthal’s charges against RFK Jr ourselves. I’ve begun to do that, and Blumenthal is not winning for me. For example, Blumenthal acted as if RFK’s discussion on the Palestinian pay for slay policy was totally a fabrication of RFK’s deluded mind. I looked it up, though, and it seems to be a real thing.
I agree with your decision. I think Kennedy is capable of changing his mind in the face of more information, may it be so. And in the more beautiful world I want to see manifest, there is no longer these type of divisions, but rather talking issues through until we all see the deeper truth.
Perhaps more valuable than "more information" that could change RFK jr's mind would be insightful ideas such as the imagining a better atmosphere in the middle east the intuition rings out to claim victory for true and lasting peace and happiness.
Exactly. In the midst of being labeled an anti-Semite, RFK is emphasizing the point of view of the Israelis. I feel confident he understands the point of view of the Palestinians as well. Vilifying neither side and respecting both will help RFK negotiate peace between them. Even more importantly, I believe RFK will strengthen our world architecture such that nations can in general cooperate to promote peace instead of turning to violence and war.
Yes also very crucial. And peace begins within each of us, right?
And best and sweetest for when the time is ripe for each one.
yes lovely, like a luscious ripe peach
How refreshing and healthy that RFK won’t exist in the echo chamber of former presidents and their advisors. We call out the Emperor and his new clothes.
I have no hesitation in staying subscribed. Your courage is rare.
Thank you for this wonderful and deep article. I grew up in the Middle East and have seen the oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people first hand. It is the one thing I have seriously disagreed with RFK, Jr. on. But I also see in him the traits you describe--humility, a willingness to hear from all sides and actually reconsider long held beliefs, the ability of a serious lawyer to rigorously challenge his own assumptions and understanding, no need to read off cue cards and parrot tropes, an authentic and deeply humane person.
Your earlier piece on the path not taken in the 60s was a major reason I realized that I could support RFK with conviction. He is unlike any politician I’ve ever seen. The endless demonizing and guilt by association is no way to continue and the road we are on leads to an America--and a world--I never dreamed could exist.
I often hear the same deflections- There are worse oppressors out there. It’s like a kid saying “but they did it too” in order to avoid consequences. The consequences of Israel’s blatant ethnic cleansing (and all of the war crimes and human rights violations that involves) is that it should be held accountable without excuses.
Unfortunately, your vision didn’t mention a right of return for the people the land was stolen from. It will need more than apologies, rather lifting of the siege and blockade, and disempowering the institution and society that enable the horror committed daily. In the modern capitalist world that Israel very much is part of, an effective way is through boycott, divestment, and sanctions.
It is not as simple as guilty by association- the question is whether or not one boldly calls out and criticizes the position of support of such a violent oppressor that clearly states their intentions to achieve ethnic supremacy and makes no apologies for the terror this requires. The vision many people want to see come to pass of a true democratic place where the historical diversity is respected and upheld won’t come without radical words and action- we're not talking about association with just anyone- this person could potentially come to an extreme amount of power and so should be held to even higher questioning and expectation.
I think radical compassion for the kids missing limbs or eyes, and suffering ptsd from army raids, bombardments, settler attacks would sound more like unapologetic criticisms for the guilty and anyone defending the guilty.
When we vote for a president, we don't vote for a platform, we vote for a person. RFK Jr. has exhibited the personal leadership qualities that are likely to help this country. Most importantly, he has integrity and the desire to heal wounds of division. His difference of position on some political issues of importance is less important to me than his character. I agree with Charles. Remaining by the right person, even if that person doesn't agree with you on everything, is the best choice. If not, the divorce rate would be 100%.
Here's an excerpt from a Substack article from Chris Hedges.:
"To stand up to Israel has a political cost few, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are willing to pay. But if you do stand up, it singles you out as someone who puts principles before expediency, who is willing to fight for the wretched of the earth and, if necessary, sacrifice your political future to retain your integrity. Kennedy fails this crucial test of political and moral courage."
-- From -
Hedges basically describes a situation in which, in general, American politicians tremble at the idea of expressing anything which could be construed as favoring the Palestinians while siding against Israel. To do so, according to Hedges, is akin to political suicide.
I don't know if Hedges is correct on this matter. Maybe he is.
But I'm told that to take a degrowth stance ( ) in American politics, at just about any scale of government, would be (at least generally) a good way to end one's political career (before or after it had started). This I believe. Indeed, I believe taking ethically appropriate stances in politics will, more often than not, ruin one's chances of taking and holding office. And this isn't just because of popular opinion, but at least as much about the Machinery of media, of the political parties ... and other institutions which shape outcomes.
When we realize that what is right and just is, more often than not, not "politically possible" within the current state of the practice of politics, there is no choice (apart from departing from political engagement altogether) than to radically re-imagine and re-think the philosophy and practice of politics. And this is what I've been doing for years now, concluding that we require a radical collective departure from the entrenched traditions which keep producing a basically intolerable world which is heading toward becoming uninhabitable.
This re-imagining and re-thinking of politics is, as I see it, the most important art form on Earth (or, rather, in Earth -- since we live in the layer of Earth called atmosphere) today. But few of us are such artists, yet.
I'm grateful to you, Charles, for being willing to take a stand within the Machine. I'll take my stand outside of it, and may we meet in the middle in our common humanity.
A good essay, Charles. Well said, and just the answer I would hope for.
"A man does what he must—in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality." -JFK
I love this post Charles! Indeed, invoking true peace, a forgiving and releasing of the “us versus them” paradigm and all its associated judgements and continued divisions is the only clear solution I can feel too... hopelessly idealistic? Perhaps. Am I mocked often for my apparent naïveté? Frequently. But your resolve to keep your heart open, stand in the winds of discord and judgement and call in for peace despite the push-back is inspiring and couldn’t have come at a better time.
Thank you for your continued self-reflection, courage and invitations towards unity and peace.
I've lived in Israel 23 years and understand how easy it is to form "intelligent" viewpoints based on academia and other sources which can actually be very far from reality. Your description here of Israel and how you frame the oppression of the Palestinians is from both my academic background in international relations and having lived here 23 years way way from the actual realities here. I'm sad to say this. Even sadder to read this post as it's the first time in many years following and reading you that causes me to question :(
Yael, please tell us what you see.
Well, you didn't really say anything to disprove him except claiming 'my conditioning that I grew up with makes me see things differently than you, and I am very disappointed that you didn't confirm my conditioning'.
I'm also an ex-Israeli (left at age 26) and from my experience the vast majority of Israelis are profoundly indoctrinated and ignorant of the history and reality Palestine (as well as ignorant of the trauma we inflicted and are inflicting on the palestinian people, and always have an excuse to justify our abuse).
The vast majority of israelis just uncritically regurgitate the deceptive zionist mythologies that we are spoon-fed from age zero (and one of the myths is that no one in the world umderstands the reality, only we do. And that we are separate and different from the rest of humanity and they all hate us for no reason but the fact that they are evil antisemites, and any criticism of us is a reflection of their antisemitism, and we are the eternal innocent victims of the humanity, a humanity from we are separate by virtue of our specialness and chosen-ness).
The vast majority of indoctrinated israelis are profoundly nationalist and ethnocentric (by far the most ethnocentric, nationalist and exclucivist culture on the planet, and i say this as someome who lived in 4 countires and visited 73) and just have an automatic knee-jerk response whenever hearing anything critical of israel.
The vast majority of israelis are profoundly uncritical of the sectarian nationalist narratives (mythologies) we've been fed from very early childhood, aboit zionism, about the foundations of israel (nevermind the ultra-fascism and openly supremacist nature of the current settler governent) but just take them as undeniable truths..
Yes, Yael please tell us more. There is no one who should not be questioned! I think you are very wise to question. I hope your questioning is fruitful. So many of us who look from afar at the "Holy Land" have not experienced it except through other's words. And EVERYONE who writes about it is writing from their perspective only, no matter how educated or not, as how else can it be? That is the human experience. Thank you, and please tell us more
Among us humans our observations and experiences need to be taken with a grain of salt, as they will likely be limited in scope and depth, They will include our education and indoctrination, our conditioning and intuition. All worthy of both sharing and analyzing ongoing. We can take our self lightly. True and lasting values seriously.
I'm not surprised by some of the replies. When I was younger, I would have taken lots of time to share about my perspective. Over the years, I've learned that for 99% of people, they have accepted a certain narrative around the Israeli Palestinian conflict and are not open to different perspectives. Instead whatever supports my view is what I consume. And the narrative taught in academia and supported by the vast majority of media outlets has been the same for many decades -- Israel is the oppressor, the Palestinians are the both the victims and the true owners of the land of Israel.
Some of the basic narrative accepted by most is historically, factually incorrect; most of it though is that the situation is very nuanced *understatement*. It's not black and white as most seem to think it is.
That Charles felt compelled to write an essay apologizing to his readers and from my perspective continue with the commonly accepted narrative of the issues here made me sad and doesn't make me feel encouraged to share perhaps an alternative more nuanced narrative.
This is just victim stuff, Yael. Which is untenable, given Israel/Zion has the weight of USA/UK/EU behind it. The Palestinians have nada, and so nothing to lose. Israelis with conscience must accept that their nation is an apartheid, fascist, racist concept (like most nation states) and seek to find another way. Nations have karma/consequence. Israel’s is a tower of cards. I hope Israelis find the strength to decouple their souls from the brutal regime of racist indoctrination they’re caught up in, and realise that Palestinians are not animals. That the goy are not inferior to Jews etc. That the Star of David, as projected on Number 10 Downing Street, has become a flag of oppression.
Yael, I wish you would take the time to share about your perspective now. Most of us have never been to Israel and only know what we read. I think a lot of us in this group are trying to see both sides and look for a solution. What do you think is the best solution to the conflict?
I’ll tell you what I think, although I have no first-hand knowledge of the situation.
I think that Israelis live in fear of Palestinian violence and Palestinians live in fear of Israeli violence. And this situation has only gotten worse over many decades because there is no international law that enforces human rights. As a result, each act of violence only spurs revenge and retribution, rather than Justice. What do you think about this article written by a fellow Israeli on the need for world federation to provide third-party impartial intervention?
Here’s a quote, “ The United Nations clearly does not possess the necessary power for such intervention, as the budget of Israel’s ministry of defence alone is several times bigger than the combined budget of all the UN agencies. As the UN does not have any state power and cannot collect taxes from of the global rich and their corporations, it is completely dependent on the voluntary contributions of the richer member governments, who give very little.
But more importantly, the UN does not possess the democratic legitimacy to intervene, as rather than belonging democratically to the world’s nations it belongs exclusively to the governments who rule over them. It is this characteristic of the UN, more than anything else, which shows the greatest weakness of the movement for Palestinian independence: in today’s world there is nothing really unique about the fact that they are oppressed by a government that does not represent them. Openly oppressive governments are perfectly standard, both legally and normatively, in the current international order. One does not need to look far beyond Israel-Palestine to see this plague extending over most countries in the Middle East, across much of Africa and much of Asia.
So we should not be surprised by the experience of many decades, that has shown that repeating cliches about “violations of international law and human rights” did little to bring an end to the conflict. Thinking of “international law”: how can it be seriously called a “law” if no-one is responsible to enforce it? At the most, surely, it should be called only a “norm”.“
The author concludes, as do I, “ It is too easy to direct the blame at this player or the other for following their narrow interests, but it is far more important to point to the lack of a global justice system that belongs to us all and protects us all.”
I would be interested in your take in this:
Yes. Please share something that explains why CE causes you to question his view on RFKJ.