Thank you Charles for this well thought out exploration. When I was 21 years old, I "woke up" in my bedroom.....but it was a different reality. There was a different girlfriend in my bed, and the posters on the wall were different. There were NO drugs, alcohol or substances involved in any way, and I was wide awake....vividly. It was early dawn, and I was scared that the "other girlfriend" would wake up and I would be stuck in that alternate reality.

Mind you, this was long before I had read anything about parallel universes or even quantum physics. I willed myself back to sleep and back to this present reality.

After that experience, I had a series of Lucid dreams about what was going on for me in "that reality". This lead me to a lifelong study of these things.

Later in life, I worked as a Supervising Producer for the Television series "STRANGE UNIVERSE" and other similar shows that ran nationally. I had the opportunity to interview 8 former astronauts, 30 military people and an eyewitness to the Roswell event. After producing over 100 segments, I came to the conclusion that this is a "dream world" and that from one POV all of it is real, and from another POV, none of is "real". We are dreaming individually and collectively in ways that our human brains cannot fully comprehend.

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Wow, what an interesting story.

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I love these last two lines! It is thinking we can comprehend that causes the trouble! Stop trying to undersand and start creating the world you want!

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This sentiment rings true with one of the first songs I was taught (in this dreamstory at least), that I now sing to my tiny son. It goes: "Row, row, row your boat…"

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Thanks. That gives my name even more meaning. Sometimes when I meet people and they ask my name I will say it and then sing the 3rd line to help them remember ... [Merrilee] "merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream" - I am quite 'dreamy' and think outside the box but thinking that all of my reality could actually be a dream - wow!

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that is correct. You are in an Eternal Dream or Nightmare depending on your pov.

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You are eternal. Your mind’s dream is temporal. The mind chooses and defines dream or nightmare. You know no such distinction.

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Scott, love to see you here... My husband and I are big ongoing fans of SNA...

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Amen. Each creates duality universe from oneness

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

What a wonderful exploratory piece... I would highly recommend to anyone interested in the subjects you touch here, to read and study the body of work by Jane Roberts, who channelled Seth. Yes the past is as malleable as the future. Yes there have been "previous" great civilizations on earth with high technology we are currently unaware of. Yes there are infinite timelines. the universe(s) is infinite as are dimensions, and every probability ad infinitum exists "somewhere". Time is an illusion, space is an illusion. The known universe is full of paradoxes and unknowns. The Edgar Cayce body of work is also worth studying... As are the so-called mythologies and legends of the East. (Yes Vimanas are real.) All first peoples, native, indigenous lore are worthy of open-minded study. Instantaneous healing is possible. Jumping timelines is possible. The "history" of Earth is much more than what we've been told. There are blocks weighing well over 1000 tons in places that we could not even move today with our machines. There's laser holes in quartz so fine and perfect and we do not have the capacity to make them. How do they exist? Yet they do! Everything we can imagine, and everything we cannot (yet) is possible.

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I just wrote a lengthy reply that disappeared. In the 1970's I was reading a lot of books about alternative realities and pasts. The books about Seth were among them. There were the Atlantean and Mu civilizations, and there were conjectures about the nature of reality. One of the theories I came upon then I adopted only because it made good sense and fitted into my own epistomology. It was that every element of matter had a miniscule unit of consciousness. The difference between a human being and a block of stone of the same mass was that the consciousness in the human was "organized" and that of the stone was not. This led to my general belief in pantheism as being logically consistent in my reality. Another trend in the 70's was the belief in alien intervention being the reason why such ancient megaliths existed. Eric Von Donikan (?) wrote of many in South America which I checked our for myself in 1974. I looked at the works of the Incas and another thought to be an earlier civilization. That wasn't so mysterious because most of the Inca civilization that we know about built there works less than a 1000 years ago. The stone masonry in Cuzco in mind boggling in the tightness of the fit of granite blocks both regular and randomly sized and shaped. and the sheer volume of the walls in the city built this way. It is as if they were placed in a malleable concdition and then hardened. Especially impressive was the fortress of Sacsayhuaman above Cuzco that had blocks

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similarly fit that were as big as houses. Theories at the time were that they used sound to move them. There waw an imperfection in a stone there that VonDonikan said made his compass spin. I found that spot and tried a compass I had brought along to test it. It didn' t affect my compass.

Another anomaly was mega drawings on the plains of Nazca that only made sense from a height of 2000 ft.

We saw many other things that were mysteries, but the only one I could actually test (the crack in the stone) did not reveal anything. I suppose there is a lot to ponder in that.

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Way to go to bring your own compass! The citizen scientist is the future.

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Note- Mineral consciousness (or animal or plant or ether) is organized, it is just organized differently. Great sculptors, for instance, always say the stone "speaks" to them...

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Today's philosophy, which is steadily catching on in psychology, physics and philosophy, is "panpsychism," the view that all matter has some associated consciousness. It fits well with the participatory and persuadable universe that Charles offers as a possible explanation for what may otherwise seem like "miracles." https://tamhunt.medium.com/resonance-and-process-philosophy-e5b801045ca6

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Pantheism is not new, and in fact is as old as humanity... panpsychism is just the latest version...

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I thought of Seth as I was reading this. It's been many years since I read the books I still have on my bookshelf. Time to read them again.

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From Deep Space with Love by Mike Dooley and Tracy Farquhar touches on this topic as well.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Oh Charles....Thankyou !

You put words to the phenomena I have been feeling and seeing. Your validation of my experience solidifies my faith in it. It's hard to describe my experiences lately. I have had many other worldly portal type experiences in my life, always on my own in thr bush or the desert. I went through these with no guidance and no way to make sense of them. As I grew older I realised that if I had been born into a tribe of people perhaps this would have been seen as normal and instruction or initiation given...but no...I was not and so it was just I and the force...and so...your essay is so powerful for me.

I've been increasingly aware of the timelines and that they stream forth from under my feet. I've watched how I have been schooled to plan and that this is a way to solidify a certain line or choice. How I was uncomfortable to leave a moment without that solidity. Now I have learnt to hold the space in between. To explore and imagine down each line of choice...but remember to return to the Zero point. Then I get observant and ask for guidance...which comes sometimes in the form of a vision or strong feeling....In this way I walk on a golden path.

Sometimes I sing a song "free from all old stories I've been told, I walk through the valley of my own shadow"

I know the way now is to hold my vision until it appears....and it Does !!!! Amazing.

I live your work so much.


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Thank you Mahla for this reflection. I think that the reason that portal experiences so often happen in solitude is that when other people are present they anchor the shared cultural reality more firmly. Therefore other, parallel realities have a harder time breaking through.

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Exactly, and this is where once the "shared cultural reality" starts to shift, then these experiences can, more and more, permeate through until they become integrated into that shared reality. Very exciting. I guess this is also part of the value of surrounding oneself with other ppl who share and understand these things, as a crucial part of co-creating that into the future, we can't achieve that working individually.

I'm reading Afterlife by Daniel Pinchbeck, just recently published, which has some fascinating insights on this both as a phenomenon effecting us as 'individuals', but also the cultural shift that is happening and is leading us these new realities, culture in the broad and general sense, and also scientific culture.

Onwards brave travellers!

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Totally....I can't navigate this anymore on my own...I have work to do supporting others and I can't hold my reality without my friends who reflect back to me who I really am

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Yes! Thanks for this. Now I get what has been happening when I’m with certain people and groups.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Charles, I love this exploration. My daily practice is centered around opening to realities beyond my capacity to understand. I do understand, as a consequence of this practice, that any efforts I put out to change my worldly circumstances or even to understand them, pale in comparison to what is possible simply by opening and surrendering to higher powers. Through the intentional "act" of submission, my comprehension of who I am in relationship to Life and Creation expands exponentially, even as at the same time, it remains mysterious as ever. It is just the mystery itself becomes holy in a way and, in so doing, a thing itself, a nothing with more power than I could imagine. Yet it is there. I feel it. And I gladly and willingly submit. Then I am no longer alone and no longer separate, but rather a part of something bigger than the universe. I realize this is beginning to sound very hoohoo, but the feeling and the shift in perspective is anything but. It is a blessing to live in the moment to moment submission to mystery. I believe that is what Joseph Campbell referred to as the Hero's Journey.

Anyway, sorry to get so wordy. What I actually wanted to say that what you've written here meshes with my intuition that all we've been made to understand about the story of the dinosaurs is off in some way. Similarly, the source of our fossil fuels remains shrouded in mystery as far as I'm concerned. Your piece here suggests an explanation for why these stories ring hollow to me. Could it be that the sources of all the dinosaur bones - and we seem to be discovering new unexpected ones on the daily - lie within a parallel timeline? I believe so. The same applies to the sources of all of the fossil fuel we continually discover beneath the ground. Are they really deposits of once thriving flora and fauna in this timeline or are they artifacts of a parallel one? My money is on a parallel one, whose ancient past, as you so wonderfully propose, continues to change as we change. Love it!!

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Well done. It's one thing to be able to grapple with concepts like these. It's altogether another thing to be able to weave a bunch of these ideas into a cohesive, pleasant and easy to read narrative such as this, providing an upbeat glimpse into some of the many possibilities that exist, so to speak.

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

There are stories of people being able to move very large boulders in the Western isles in Scotland in the 1930,s this was understood to be an ancient knowledge working with Elemental beings/fairies A possability for not finding any signs of a technology is that they were using organic materials and working with elemental forces

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Fingers crossed we can re-enchant the world enough for a proper Return of the Fairies!!!

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I think we are the fairies...and the pixies and giants too...homogenised through public education into a grey boring reality.

My grandmother looked like a pixie.

If you look back in old photos you can see evidence of this should you go down the path of believing it

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I love this!!! Grandmother pixies!!

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They've never left Trixie - just gone into hiding in many places!

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I figured as much! I thought probably they just don't appear anymore cause we're so dense and blind!

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Dense in the sense of frequency/vibration is my experience - ie fearful and tense instead of in love - relaxed open and trusting. That has been my experience. Since the Spring of 2019 I have had several miraculous "connections" with various birds ..... always when in meditation, relaxed and/or open and least expecting...

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So cool!

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I have always been fascinated by Coral Castle where the builder serm to tap into some sort of alternative energy to build his castle single handedly: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coral_Castle

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Thanks for this thought provoking piece. I embraced Christian Science for quite a number of years and read many testimonies of instantaneous healing, and had some remarkable experiences myself. The story of the peanut reminded me of a story about Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science). To prove to some of her students that what she was teaching was true, that the source of Life is spiritual and not material, she had some plants that looked dead taken down into a basement room and not given light or water. A few days later the plants were found alive and thriving in spite of not having water or sun and having looked dead. I left the church because of the rigidities of the morality, and the rigidities around church structure and the many "shoulds" that organizations develop. But if you want to read about someone who understand the laws of metaphysics, get ahold of a copy of Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Healer.

I often think that if we are approaching times of severe supply shortages (i.e. apocalypse or war situations) we all would do well by developing our metaphysical healing and manifesting capabilities. Everyone has these capabilites. They can be learned, which is what Christian Science is all about (along the lines of A Course in Miracles). I'm interested in reading more about your wife's work.

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Does Mary teach her techniques in the book?

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Her textbook is called Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Written in 1875 but much of it is still relevant and actually ahead of its time.

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Great reminders-- thank-you 💗

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Another element to add into the mix. Yes, I think many alt theorists get bogged down by trying to view the past through the lens of the contemporary materialist paradigm, which is perhaps best exemplified by Zecharia Sitchin's interpretation of Sumerian mythology (i.e. gods as spacemen). That said, one point of contention with what you wrote: that we would find metal tools. Metal corrodes pretty quickly. A metal can left out to the elements would be completely gone in 50 years or so. We're talking about thousands of years, perhaps over 10,000 for some of these megalithic structures. Or you can check out one of the videos which explains what our current world would look like in a few hundred years if everyone left - most of our stuff would be "composted" by natural forces, or at least covered up. Actually, the artifacts that would best survive would be megalithic structures.

There are two streams of thought from different sides of the globe that, if different in detail, line up in basic agreement: the Theosophical/Anthroposophical view perhaps best extrapolated by Rudolf Steiner, and the yogic view as introduced by Sri Yukteswar, guru of Yogananda, and recently brought to attention by Walter Cruttenden (Lost Star of Myth and Time) and Joseph Selbie (The Yugas). Both views believe that physical reality isn't set in stone, but changes - as does our relationship to it. In Steiner's view, in past epochs (namely, the Atlantean), humans were able to manipulate physical reality, so the gods and wizards of myth describe feats that were then possible.

In the Yukteswar/Cruttenden/Selbie view, we ascend and descent through yuga cycles, due to an orbit of some kind with another star (probably Sirius)--thus Cruttenden's Binary Star Institute--that brings us closer and then further away from the galactic center, effecting our consciousness and perhaps the physical substance of reality itself. This jives with what you say about rediscovering lost "technologies," for as we go further along the "ascending arc" we re-awaken to subtler elements of reality. The good news is that, In Yukteswar's view, we reached the nadir of the cycle in 500 AD and are on the way back up, leaving the Kali Yuga several hundred years ago and are now in the ascending Dwapara Yuga, which correlates with awareness of subtler energies. Of course now we face a new set of dangers directly related to our increasing understanding, whether we're talking about subtler frequencies, electricity, nuclear energy, etc.

I'm fairly certain you're familiar with the above, but one more idea to throw into the mix. I would highly recommend checking out the series on Precession on the Youtube channel, See the Pattern, which includes an inquiry into the work of Jim Weninger, a proponent of Electric Universe theory. Weninger believes that we are in a co-orbit with Sirius in a 25,000 year cycle within a Birkeland current, and in turn spiral around Arcturus every 550,000 years, and the Pleiades every 25 million years or so. Cycles within cycles within cycles - with perhaps "unknown" (at least to the modern scientific paradigm) cosmic influences at work. Fascinating stuff. Here's a link to the Precession series:


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Not to get bogged down in minutae, but I think that metals in very dry areas or low-oxygen underground environments can last a long time. Also, there would be iron oxide conentrations remaining even if it did rust away. Also there would be the remains of stone furnaces and stuff. So, while I don't eliminate the possibility that ancient civiilzations were technological advanced along our own axis of development, I rather think that they were advanced in technologies that we don't even know about today. Well most of us anyway.

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Adding to Jonathan's mention of the Electric Universe (EU) theory, this is an area I have been following for many years and in reading "Parallel Timelines" and the possibilities such an idea opens, I immediately thought to bring EU to your attention. It is not simply a theory that refutes Big Bang cosmology, it also provides a new window to understanding ancient artwork found all over the planet and the source of ancient mythologies. The EU model does a much better job at predicting cosmological phenomena than the standard model. For instance, the standard model tells us that comets are dirty balls of frozen water whereas the EU model says they are planetary debris that become highly charged relative to the sun in their journey to the outer reaches of the solar system and on their return to the proximity of the sun that charge interacts with the solar wind causing the appearance of the comet's tail and other jets which do contain water. But the water is not from within the comet, it is due to the reaction of the solar wind (a plasma) with the surface of the highly charged comet. Anyway, EU, from my perspective, is just another example of main stream science going off the rails and unable to consider that the primary force in the cosmos is electricity, not gravity. The mythology component of EU also tells a very different history of the solar system's past and that relates directly to "Parallel Timelines".

References: https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Universe-Wallace-Thornhill/dp/B007SP1LK8, and the Thunderbolts Channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwOAYhBuU3UfvhvcT1lZA6KbSdh0K2EpH

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yes, I'm aware of EU theories. I haven't gone too deeply into them though. I know that conventional cosmology has big holes in it (most notably, the necessity to invent dark matter and dark energy to account for basic observations.)

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Yeah. Dark matter and dark energy go away in EU as well. One of the findings of award winning astrophysicist Halton Arp that is dismissed by Big Bang cosmologists is that red shift is not a reliable indicator of distance at cosmological scales. The expanding universe and thus the Big Bang is inferred from precisely these red shift measurements. Dark energy and dark matter are then inferred from the belief in an expanding universe coupled with the belief that gravity is the cosmologically dominant force.

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Yes, I read Arp back in the 90s. He thought that recessional velocity wasn't the only contributor to redshift. He thought new matter would create red shfited radiation. So quasars, instead of being very bright and very far off, are much closer and younger.

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Advanced in technologies that we don't even know about today indeed. Perhaps instead of manufacturing and building structures, they seeded and grew them?

This idea came into my mind because some friend's of my grandparents (one of them used to work for NASA working with specialized satellite laser gear) invented a method for accelerating the process in nature that 'grows' precious gems. They 'seed' them (adding the relevant elements in the correct percentages) and then re-create the conditions that exist deep in the earth (extreme pressure and heat) and grow rubies, sapphires and emeralds in these super high tech ovens.

Maybe the "Atlanteans" and "Lemurians" etc did something like that, but encouraged the crystals to grow via some other mechanism?

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

To account for artifacts like the pyramids, I don't think it's necessary to invoke either a long-lost materialistic technology that can sculpt granite, or parallel histories bending their ways through space-time. The loss of enchantment mentioned by some contributors here is perhaps a tip of the iceberg of the past that remains otherwise invisible to normal historic vision. Why should their technology have been one that can move 'dead' matter, when we know from so many pre-historic accounts - mythic, legendary, and so on - that the world was always experienced as alive? Only our 'dead' consciousness feels matter to be dead. We know some rocks are the corpses of living beings. What we don't know, and certainly don't accept, is that life preceded matter, that the whole cosmos is made of living beings some of which manifest as 'stuff'. The ancient Egyptians still lived in a world where the formative forces of what we call mere matter were as accessible to them as the force of gravity is to us. To suggest that those huge rocks were 'led' from their source to the sites of the pyramids as one might lead a herd of cattle is to invite splutters of ridicule. Or might we dare to imagine ourselves participating so intimately in the living wholeness of the world, that we could move mountains?

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Oh Charles, this could be my favorite writing thus far! I was in Egypt in November of 2021, with almost no tourists, being guided by the lovely Meagan Maria, who shares your idea and brings you into Egypt's mystery with these curiosities being explored. I have to say not only was it a journey of a lifetime, but it truly changed me.

To be in the presence of such wonder and power, to be able to meditate in the pyramids and other sacred sites(because we were the only people there), tapped into something I can only describe as ancient knowing.

Then this year, exploring the quantum field more with Dr Joe Dispenza and taking part in Coherence Healing, much like you describe, gives me such hope during these times of transition.

Transition often involves loss, suffering, grief, and despair. We are undoubtedly getting our fair share, but looking through this lens helps me at least have complete trust in the evolutionary process despite what appears and tries to move me from my heart center.

"The self-sovereignty and trust they entail brings me quickly up against core wounds, unresolved traumas, and legacy programming. I am being asked to accept things I cannot explain or control, to step into a deeper level of trust."

These lines describe my last two years, and although they were filled with despair, I wouldn't give them back because I found authenticity and sovereignty not previously available to me in them.

It's a work in progress lol! Thanks Charles!

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Yessssss! The 7 year old me who wanted to be a dinosaur expert / Egyptologist / movie star (LOL) is THRILLED at all the possibilities you mention! I've been so frustrated lately with folks who keep saying the Earth is dying or that we are "past the point of no return"-- nothing is over until it's over! Change can be tedious or quantum-- and I love the idea that even history itself is pushing forward through us. It's like the Rune description for Sowelu (wholeness)-- "even in loving, it is Love that loves through us." How many more ways can we be shown the extent we've been lied to by the Over Culture? The hard part is just holding HOPEFUL EXPECTANCY amidst the chaos.

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Yes.The kind of instantaneous healing that many people have experienced can happen to earth too.

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Charles! I want to say how much I appreciate this article. As someone else mentioned, this is the Charles I've been missing during this whole covid pandemic.

I'm glad to see you've apparently extricated yourself from the covid contention. (or maybe I've extricated myself and aligned myself with the Charles who is himself not mired in it)

What drew me to your work originally was the idea of embodying a vision and a possibility of reality so strongly that others are invited into it. This article seems a return to that idea with even more far reaching and profound implications. I feel myself becoming more and more liberated from the consensus and stepping more into greater possibilities. Old calcified beliefs are themselves becoming more like styrofoam. Articles like this support and magnify that change. Thank you. 🙏

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I think basically, this article is saying we create our own reality . A concept embraced by people such as Bruce Lipton, Greg Braden and others. Given the state of our world today if this is true, we ourselves have created the present chaos and perpetuate it by our attention and beliefs about it. I believe this is true .I also believe that we can therefore change our present world if we collectively envision how we want that world to be.

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My view is slightly different. We don't create our own reality, we choose it. But the menu from which we choose is authored by a higher mysterious intelligence.

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Then there must be a choice creator. In oneness no other to create. The “you” creates existence/time/space/causality from oneness. Just as there is no dream maker that creates your dreams. Tat tsvam asi.

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Choices are ultimately just due to conditions. Same with mystery higher intelligence. The unraveling of the mystery is elaborated at http://awakeningtoreality.blogspot.com/2007/03/thusnesss-six-stages-of-experience.html

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Many agree with you. I would be comfortable with that view if the menu was extremely long and /or I could move to a new cafe if I didn't like any of the offerings.

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Well, i believe there is indeed an infinite amount of menus in an infinite amount of cafes. That is the fractal, limitless nature of reality.

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Choosing from an infinite amount of choices or creating something 'new' is somewhat similar, isn't it?

What is 'new' if it exists in our visions, and those of others, past and future alike?

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No special beliefs in mysticism are required to understand we create our society. 😊

But yes I like Lipton and Braden.

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I love this. One possible idea is that we each live in the world we believe we live in. That is, what we believe to be true, is. We interact with one another but from our own worlds. Very interesting to contemplate. And a reason to be discerning about our beliefs.

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This reminds me of that movie "Being There" starring Peter Sellers. He plays someone who lives in a world where people can walk on water. Over the last few years I've noticed more and more videos of people and animals who appear to be walking on water. i suspect they're tricks, but all it takes is for someone to believe it's possible...

There's an annual fertility festival practice whereby someone is elected to be affixed to a stake which is carried by a couple of people who then swing this individual out over their fields. Up until a few decades ago, these individuals always died as a result of this practice, but then one day the guy lived, and ever since then, nobody dies anymore.

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Thank you for this insightful piece Charles. I’m a healer, been in oractice for 23 hears now, and part of my healing techniques I was never taught, just could always do it even as a child. I think it us similar to your wife when you spoke of removing issues.

I find the moment of true healing, one story (the one with the disease/pain/injury etc) becomes obsolete, that story is no longer the reality of the patients past, it is replaced by another story, one of perfect cellular health and genetic balance. You can change the most long standing, or difficult condition in just a moment as they no longer exist as they were before. Their entire timeline is changed to something else.

Physically, genetically, energetically.

Turning on or off particular gene expressions and /or accelerating tissue repair till the injury or ailment no longer exists and the area recognises not only it's perfect health but a deep love of its wholeness is Also similar.

I never thought of it as anything besides healing a patient (or self) but since reading your message I realise this us my experience of the fluidity of past realities, like you described.

So thought I’d share. Thank you again for all your wonderful insights and wisdom.

With appreciation and love


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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Hello Charles,

I loved your article and would like to provide the following feedback

I am French native speaker. Technology sounds too limited syllables in the modernist narrative to vehiculate the concept of a process of quantum synchronization of awareness and communication with granit and ask the Stones to shift density. Although I understand you choice ( I got your point and was amazed ), I think we may want to forge a new name for this. Actually, some friends working in the development sector say “technology is a social process”. For if you think only in tems of control and forget to synchronize with fellow humans, solar panels are just used to dey laundry.

Concerning the narratives, I will not cite the current example of how much the past is being reforged to support political claims in the present. Thank you for sharing the memories of old granite gateways. Rocks remember.

I found it fascinating that technology control driven society Is actually letting “an invisible hand » controlling the future. No economic actor has a plan or vision for the collective future. Future is perceived through individual véhicules.

Could we coin a world for shared perceived future + technology of reunion?

Could such a world be typed or sung and dansed?

Can technology vehiculate such concepts ?

Thanks again fo the inspiration

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