Yesterday I posted an essay about a very particular form of insanity that has plagued humanity since pre-history: the madness of the mob. Its sibling is dehumanization, a false view of the human being.
This false view of others invariably includes a false view of oneself. The rejection of others in mob dynamics accompanies a kind of self-rejection. This is a deep patterning that has taken especially virulent form in our time.
The patterning can be undone. New patterns are offering themselves to us. I’d like to share this video excerpt from a speech I gave a couple months ago about sanity, as an introduction to my modest initiative called the Sanity Project.
It is unrealistic to expect that one can repattern deep, culturally-reinforced habits of thought and speech on one’s own. We need to build a counterculture, a bubble of coherency in which compassion and reverence for the human being is the norm. That is what I and my partner in this endeavor, my exquisite former wife Patsy, intend with the Sanity Project. It is a sanctuary from the cultural madness and a training ground for the future.
The content of the six-month program includes my short videos, live calls, and guest appearances (Iian McGilchrist, Orland Bishop, Bayo Akomolafe, and Stella Eisenstein are upcoming). Equally important are the discussion forums, small groups, and member-organized events. Program intensity is variable. Time commitment could be an hour a week, or much more. We have rolling admission, so you can join any time. Membership fee is self-determined. You can pay the standard fee or choose another amount that feels right and fair, that represents a real commitment, and that respects your financial circumstances.
The program is going strong and I’d love to welcome more people into it. I express myself fully there in ways I rarely can on a political campaign. Those of you already participating—thank you for helping to keep me sane.
Fully with you on this Charles. If I may veer just slightly off topic (but not really off-topic) I'm just wondering where was this wholistic and non-sectarian (the end of the US vs THEM) mentality when it came to RFK's numerous fawning displays in front of a nationalist sectarian supremacist republican rabbi Boteach ("this land belongs to our tribe. THEY can go fuck themselves')? It was extrmely disheartening and disappointing to see RFK regurgetating the absolute worst of ultra-zionist and extreme anti-Palestinian talking points.
Where was the end of the 'US vs THEM' mentality, in these occasions? The nationalist republican rabbi he grovelled in front of is all about US vs THEM. He is the absolute epitome of the divisive sectarian nationalist anti-wholistic "it's either US or THEM"outlook.
All of RFK's statements about ending this mentality sound empty and hyprocritical now after his ugly fawning in front of that sectarian 'it's either US or THEM' republican nationalist.
And RFK uncritically regurgitating the zionist talking points about Iran made him sound like the one of the worst zionist NeoCons in DC. Just another Israel-first NeoConservative..
I was excited about him at first, but now i think I will go back to supporting Marianne Williamson and Dr. Cornel West.
PS. I'm Jewish by the way (unfortunately feel the need to mention this in today's right-wing zionist dominated political climate, where any criticism of israel or zionism immediately earns you the label 'antisemite'.. )
Thank you Charles
“…one very important aspect of sanity is to see the human being as what they actually are,… which is a sacred being, a divine being, life itself taking form as a human being. … “
To see (perceive) the human being with the eyes of our heart, then yes;
“ reverence is the result of that perception, …”.
The hindrance is that the ego tries to intellectualize that ‘seeing’ and we are lost in translation, reverence is not the result, but more air in the ego bubble.
We need more heart seeing-thinking-feeling.