Fully with you on this Charles. If I may veer just slightly off topic (but not really off-topic) I'm just wondering where was this wholistic and non-sectarian (the end of the US vs THEM) mentality when it came to RFK's numerous fawning displays in front of a nationalist sectarian supremacist republican rabbi Boteach ("this land belongs to our tribe. THEY can go fuck themselves')? It was extrmely disheartening and disappointing to see RFK regurgetating the absolute worst of ultra-zionist and extreme anti-Palestinian talking points.

Where was the end of the 'US vs THEM' mentality, in these occasions? The nationalist republican rabbi he grovelled in front of is all about US vs THEM. He is the absolute epitome of the divisive sectarian nationalist anti-wholistic "it's either US or THEM"outlook.

All of RFK's statements about ending this mentality sound empty and hyprocritical now after his ugly fawning in front of that sectarian 'it's either US or THEM' republican nationalist.

And RFK uncritically regurgitating the zionist talking points about Iran made him sound like the one of the worst zionist NeoCons in DC. Just another Israel-first NeoConservative..

I was excited about him at first, but now i think I will go back to supporting Marianne Williamson and Dr. Cornel West.

PS. I'm Jewish by the way (unfortunately feel the need to mention this in today's right-wing zionist dominated political climate, where any criticism of israel or zionism immediately earns you the label 'antisemite'.. )

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My issue with Cornel West is that he's not questioning the vaccines.

I'm ok with him getting 4 shots, but we need accountability for big pharma, the CDC and FDA.

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I also had that problem with RFK Jr. on the issue of Palestine. Then I watched this video, learned what his father said and did not mean, about Israel, and it gave me a whole new perspective on what may be going on. Watch this to see what I am talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzz9Md0d76Y&t=3s

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That it's not a cultural regard but a power regard? A nod to government men in power when saying "us vs them?"

Is that what you take from this? Cause that's what I do.

I don't know that anyone is thinking below the surface enough, the only place where truth can be acknowledged. Surface dwelling is for those putting on the show and those watching.

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Did you watch the whole video?

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I agree, he sold out, in regards to Israel. I think he's right about the vaccines but I'd prefer Dr Cornel West over him if I were to ever vote again. But I probably won't.

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I feel horrible about voting or not voting. Finally, I think we have to vote to prevent the worst of society from winning and taking power. I am not particularly hopeful about democracy, but we have to use the tools we have. What do you think?

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I was failed miserably by this country. I'm considering leaving, I tried to no avail & can't even get justice for crimes done against me. Voting makes no difference, we are ruled by criminals, it's all a set up.

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I am so sorry to hear about your problems. I understand. I left when Bush Jr. was elected. I struggle with the voting issue. we are rulex by criminals.

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We are definitely ruled by criminals because we let them take over.

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I trusted too much

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I too was interested in RFK when he announced but I quickly got turned off by the extremity of his anti-vax position and even more by what he says he stands for with respect to Israel, Medicare for All, and immigration, just for starters. He’s very limited in scope, it seems to me, and has lost perspective in the areas he specializes in. It’s Cornell and Marianne for me too!

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How is wanting to look into the safety of vaccines extremist?

So many people see vaccines as some sort of holy thing you cannot question!

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Well I'm not one of them (unquestioning people). But RFK goes well beyond the sensible precaution of looking into the safety of vaccines, about which there is much to say that he ignores. It's not that he's wrong, he's dangerously one-sided, on this and other issues. I think RFK's position is "extreme" in the sense that it's fundamentalist.

As for vaccines being created, at least for the last 50 years, for profit and control, I wouldn't disagree. But that doesn't mean that all vaccines created for such reasons are evil. I think the general population is way over-vaxxed, by the way, but some populations benefit. On other public issues, he shows evidence of not having thought things through or of not being able to see more than one side of a matter. On some issues, he appears to have never thought of them at all. I don't trust him (and I wanted to).

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First of all, there's no proof that vaccines eradicated diseases. Even pro vax Dr Malone said it was due to sanitation...


He never said vaccines are evil. He merely pointed out that the safety testing around vaccines has been corrupted.


That's not dangerously one sided. It's pointing out the fact that the safety testing is subpar.

Now I'll add another data point that everyone should consider. Injecting aluminum, which is still in most vaccines, is dangerous.


Mind you, that his study of autism and Alzheimer's brains in the brain bank showed high aluminum in 90+% of the brains.

The authorities claim that the aluminum doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, but that was not studied honestly.

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I didn't mean to say that RFK actually said the word "evil" with respect to vaccines. I'm not so sure its inappropriate though. That said, I wouldn't argue with any of the points you're making here, although I'm not sure how far I allow "statistics" to influence my thinking. They are way too shifty and I think they have been used to refute his conclusions just as unconvincingly.

Remember please that I didn't allow my own child to be vaccinated, and that was back in the 80s when I had to figure it out for myself. I thought there were disadvantageous aspects then and I still think so. But for some populations, the benefits outweigh the risks, imho.

There are almost always multiple sides to any controversy, and usually there's more than one with merit. Life just isn't as simple as we'd like it to be ---

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So what's your problem with rfk Jr exactly?

It seemed you were upset about him questioning vaccines, but you questioned them too with your child.

I used to be a believer in vaccines as good tech, as a science nerd myself. It took me a long time to realize that allopathic medicine is run by the chemical industry, their lobbyists, and the captured agencies (NIH, CDC, FDA). COVID just cemented it and helped me show my family and partner that the system is not about health, but money and control.

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I think his response, juxtaposed to the ongoing and relentless convincing of an entire world that they are safe is entirely justified. Consider he is one man on a small platform against the entirety of big pharma, the media channels they control with their money and the people who are themselves regurgitating what has been passed on to them from these sources. Don't confuse him for someone with unrighteous anger. Vaccine injury causes people to suffer, yet agian, In unnecessary ways. Suffering often ignites rigyeouse anger in people. And his voice is so small against these world dominating voices. They are disgusting to me, as they lie to the masses.

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You have been lied to about Vaccines. They are only about profit. They dysregulate your immune system. They harm and kill many of our children. You would do well to listen to what he says about them. On Israel, he may not be saying what he really feels.

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The problem may be that if he comes out against the treatment of Palestinians by the Jews, he will lose a huge chunk of the vote and dash his chances for the presidency. To succeed in politics one cannot be totally honest it seems.

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Yes, I hear you. I thought about possible mitigating factors that might explain his behavior in this case. For example, the fact thst this whole affair with the sectarian republican rabbi happened right on the heels of the hearing in DC in which the billionaire-owned tyrants in the DNC fslsely accused him of being an antisemite (one of the empire's most favorite attack terms for those they target for take down), so it's possible that he needed to do anything possible to make sure that this label doesn't stick to him, and he needed to do it fast, so it's possible that that might explain his behavior in this incident, the groveling in front of the zionist republican rabbi and repeating all the zionist talking points as a way to "prove" that he is not an antisemite, it is possible that he was put under a lot of pressure by these false accusations of antisemitism by the DNC, so he went a bit overboard to show that he is not.

Yes, I considered these mitigating factors that might explain his behavior and i definitely hope that that is the case. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in his case, but i would love to see some clarification onthis, perhaps in a follow-up interview..

PS. Another mitigating factor that might explain his behavior is that he knows full well who murdered his father and uncle (see here https://odysee.com/@KontreKulture:c/Israel-and-the-Assassinations-of-The-Kennedy-brothers: as well as the link given in a comment above), he studied the cases in depth and knows full well that Oswald and Sirhan are not the real murderers but are the framed patsies, he claimed so himself, and so it's very possible that he's aware of what happens to those who don't stand with the zionists.

PPS. By the way, it is not "the Jews" that treat Palestinians this way, but it is right-wing zionists who do. Right-wing zionists do NOT represent Jews and do NOT speak for Jews (to think that they do is to fall into the same trap that they've set up, the trap that claims that anti-zionism is anti-semitism. It obviously is NOT)

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Perhaps Mr. Kennedy is open to changing his perspective on this. I’m not giving up on him quite so fast.

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Thank you. Junior 2 doesn't even hide his duplicity. But the dupes (including M.C. Miller) continue to put their faith in him - kind of like "believing" in a make believe illness.


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I also feel the same disappoint from RFK. I do not understand his huge contradictions and can't support him.

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Thank you Charles

“…one very important aspect of sanity is to see the human being as what they actually are,… which is a sacred being, a divine being, life itself taking form as a human being. … “

To see (perceive) the human being with the eyes of our heart, then yes;

“ reverence is the result of that perception, …”.

The hindrance is that the ego tries to intellectualize that ‘seeing’ and we are lost in translation, reverence is not the result, but more air in the ego bubble.

We need more heart seeing-thinking-feeling.

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Per the Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment, easily repeatable, typically 67% of humans would rather conform to something they know is wrong rather than be ostracized from the group. This is a measure of integrity. Should integrity increase within the general population this percentage should decrease.

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Going sane in sn insane world is the challenge we’ve been facing for quite some time. As I listened to the talk, I was remembering how Yeshua as Christ sent the disciples out in twos. “Where two or more of thee are gathered in my name (resonant unity) there I am in the midst of thee.” The True Friend is among us as we gather and walk this earth walk together that helps us remain faithfully true to the real we are given to bring forth from the infinite invisible to the visible. As you stated, the temptations are everywhere and it’s all too easy to fall -- but -- we are given the skillful means with which to return to sanity and the real. Each time we break through it enters the field making it easier for all of us. More of conditioned consciousness releases and we are all freed. To have someone who can stand strong when we falter is invaluable. Blessings on this endeavor.

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This is so timely and pertinent. When we consider the rise and rise in recent times of 'Cancel-Culture' and the weird toxic phenomenon 'Narcsistic Mobbing'.

Im finishing a novel about the last 5 years when first my own family then all their friends then my town and then from Paddington to Penzance is was (quite literally mobbed) For no reason and in the end i had to leave the UK permanently. This is a very important issue and im glad to join the conversation as it was a group of educated rich men who turned on one woman with Cancer - my story will soon be told and i hope works as a kind of 'teaching'. As we see the rise of on-line bullying and 'keyboard' warriors this is now at epidemic proportions. I think that the rise of Psycopathy and Sociopathy and Narcissism must be discussed here - and Psycotherapist Rebecca Mandeville has done plenty of good scientific research to ID a new sickness FSA - Family scapegoat Abuse. They call us online 'Chosen Ones' and we are the light bearers inside toxic shame-based families who in the end simply have to leave the (crime scene). So spot on as ever Charles. Keep Rockin! We need all eyes on this sickness and all hands on Deck - the Ancients call it WETIKO and its spreading like wildfire!

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Charty; you write: “… a group of educated rich men…”, or more accurately ‘a group of schooled rich men/? what do you think?

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Great to watch this again after being immersed in this soul feeding project for a few weeks. I was initially hesitant to join -do I need it? Do i want more screen connections? So glad I did. If I was to put a $ value on it I am getting much more that what I have gifted (feeling in my heart to give more). To be able to express myself and have people listen or read without judgment, and even with appreciation is a breath of fresh air.

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This is so beautiful Charles, thank you and thank God for these words of sanity in the middle of increasing madness of what's out there (and in here) the beauty of what you are saying ... to hold one another up to honour their sacred being and to see the ego for what it is doing to us demeaning and dehumanising us, during this time of the transition of 2 Epochs where madness and mental breakdown is all around (and inside too.)

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"It is unrealistic to expect that one can repattern deep, culturally-reinforced habits of thought and speech on one’s own." Having studied Yoga for 25 years with Baba Hari Dass, the above statement seems in direct contradiction to what Yoga teaches. Yoga Sutra pf Patajali says, Sutra 2 book one, Yogash Chitta Vritti Nirodhah. Control of the thought waves is Yoga. Either you control your mind, or it controls you. Only you can control your mind in the end, with dedicated work using the methods of Yoga. Maybe I misunderstand your point, however, I see it as a direct contradiction to Yoga.

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Thank you for sharing those beautiful words and wisdom

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Thanks Charles, you often confirm my own beliefs, which I try never to attach to, while often revealing ideas that I might never have thought of. I hope to be a good example of what you espouse. ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aopmklhT88&t=1s

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I just registered, but I’m not seeing how to join the forum/access the content?

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Have you received the email with the Join me box (from Patsy)? I was already a member of Mighty Network (the platform it is hosted on) so had a few password issues. Once on, there are videos to guide you.

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I and others registered for the Sanity Project also, but we haven't seemed to receive any email telling us how to log in. Very grateful for insights from others about how we can connect. 🙏🏼🕊️💞

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Oof, missed the recent open conversation with Charles, since I had to attend to something just at that time. If there will be another one, I would like to know. Also, had the thought today that "sanity" is relative, like "enlightenment". There is no end to how sane one might be or become. If you are functioning well, you might be considered sane, and "well" is kind of arbitrary. But there is no limit to how "well" you might be functioning, that is, how truly "alive" one might be or how full of love, etc.

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Your sanity project is everything that I've been craving, and I've tried to join several times to no avail. I'm disabled, and I need help to navigate your system, but have no place to go to get it. I am excluded.

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We are having trouble connecting also -- all of us severely disabled and with big challenges navigating tech platforms. We are persevering! I wanted to leave a comment responding to your comment in solidarity. We are practicing helping one another wherever we can. If I can be of support to you in some way, I would love to. I will continue to search for solutions 🌺❤️‍🩹🌻🌿

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Thank you, my dear! Just having my struggles noticed is enormous for me. Do let me know if you find your way in.

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We think we found something -- that it requires a payment of at least $0.50 in order for the registration infrastructure to work.

Once I found fifty cents and was able to put it through that way, I got a welcome email. (Also, it's a recurring charge, so that will matter a lot for some of us, especially those of us who are disabled.)

As the work I do is with a network of severely disabled survivors of violence who are cut off from economic functions -- even less than a dollar -- I'm so aware that many people still would not be able to access a community effort like this one.

I have particular interest in helping to organize access points like these in Charles' communities, as I was cut off from his materials for a long time on this basis before I found my way back in again. This is important stuff, especially for those who can't reach it.

I'm interested to continue that conversation with others in any way that might be collectively activating. We should help one another. Lots of good work to do on this.

I post on Substack on this topic, and my email is max at intuitive dot pub (and Telegram at maxmorris, & Fb at megmorris23) if others want to reach out to me directly.

Sending love to you, Pinkie! And to all. <3

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Another note -- it looks like there might be a way to do it that requires some manual assistance from an admin helper. I'm a bit fuzzy on how this works but wanted to mention this here since we were talking about it. Glad to stay in the conversation about this, too.

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I wish I could participate...

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Thanks for this video, Charles. I'm already part of the Sanity Project, and am finding it incredibly nourishing.

It occurs to me, after the hearings in D.C. last week, that RFK Jr. could likely use a little support maintaining his sanity. Have you considered extending the invitation to him to join the sanity project? I realize this idea is a little out of the box. But perhaps it would be an opportunity for him to be non-political, just a person, contemplate some fresh ideas. I don't agree with him on some things, but that's no problem, I don't need a political debate.

I understand this idea might be a boundary you don't wish to violate, Charles. But just thought I'd put it out there.

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I didn’t have my own daughter vaccinated with the childhood battery. There were times when I thought I might be prosecuted. Don’t be so quick to assume I don’t know about vaccines. And I still think RFK is unhinged. Also, what am I supposed to do with the notion that he may not mean what he says about Israel? He goes to lengths to say it and he doesn’t waffle. It would be more reassuring if he dodged the issue or responded with vague platitudes. Am I supposed to be a mind reader?

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I am deeply troubled about his Israel stance also. I don't honestly know if he is ignorant or covering up his feeling like his father did. That is what it says in the video I shared.

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