"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." —e. e. cummings

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e. e. cummings was not talking about turning your back on science and evidence during a pandemic

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You might benefit from going within for a few answers, since you sound like so many who cling to the rhetoric of science and evidence when those so-called realities resemble something closer to 'what you are told.' Which basically says: Submit. Obey. Surrender. Acquiesce.

When you recognize the great usurping of freedom taking place across the globe, you might notice it actually has very little to do with a pandemic and everything to do with control. Which you appear to have no problem with, and so you are making your choice while I am making mine. With a little internal reflection perhaps you can see a bigger picture? I already know what I am turning my back on and it goes against the human spirit so I have no trouble doing it. Have you ever asked yourself what are you "turning your back on" while making your scientific and evidentiary choices?

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Margaret didn't say anything about the pandemic. I wonder what you heard?

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It's really fascinating where this kind of response comes from... I have seen it many times in my own world, too. Before the pandemic, posting something about resisting conformity and defining oneself as unique was generally lauded and got many loves and likes across various social media. The only naysayers to such individuality were usually pretty religiously conservative (not all, though).

It's this kind of atmosphere (where every generic statement gets over-specified into whatever is most intensely in the cultural gestalt) that hints at a true cult vibe going on. @Ken here obviously has the pandemic top-of-mind (legitimately so since Eisenstein has talked quite a lot about), but why would't another interpret ion be possible? Maybe cummings was referring to the brave scientists who are willing to look at contrary evidence with an open mind? Maybe it's a brave mom who has the mother's intuition that something isn't right (specifically, for her kid) about the vaccination and chooses to wait or defer getting it? Maybe it's that teacher who was already vaccinated but fought against the mandate and went on unpaid leave?

There are many ways to look at it... I feel for Ken who is locked into his worldview and only thought to drop a single line of passive aggressive innuendo.

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Nicely said, Tracy, but where Ken's response came from is fascinating only because it hints at the dark nature of what has been hidden. The cult vibe you mentioned can be seen within the non-stop programming people cannot get enough of; where they are repeatedly ingrained with what to think and know, and how to think it and know it. It's repetition is what they come to assume as and call truth. None of that is by mistake, and heroes and heroins like Harry Potter and the next big thing in music induce hidden perversions into the mainstream, one after the other, after the other, after the other. Henceforth becoming not so different from a highly addictive drug. How ironic that on TV they openly call it programming.

I am aware that I'm in the minority and Ken the majority, and I tend to agree with your insinuation that forgiveness plays an important role both personally and across the board. I am trying to come to the understanding that there are no enemies, and the darkest hours eventually transition with purpose into the brightest days, so I'm learning to attempt to bear witness from a less judgmental place. In short, I only hope for the best for Ken and encourage him to awaken from his slumber.

Nevertheless, if being locked into a repugnant worldview where we must protect ourselves from one another ad nauseum is the collective reality we are choosing, then those who see the contrary evidence must be allowed to present it or we risk working different shifts to cooperatively build the walls to our shared prison. It is largely they who are shutting us out, not the other way around. Ironically, they are programmed to see the polarity of that.

Sorry for ranting, it's a habit of mine, but you made some great points and I wanted to address them as best I could. As an aside, ignoring minorities is one the stupidest things the majority of humans can do because it is through small groups of committed people that our world changes for the better, but we're still learning that lesson. Perhaps majority rules is not a sensible way to govern after all and the Lakota had it right to demand consensus. But thankfully we do have brave moms, teachers, scientists and so forth whose inner flame still burns brightly stepping up and standing strong.

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I also meant to add that science has become not so different from the musician and Harry Potter. Factually, not whatsoever when your God is money.

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Thankyou Charles. I don’t generally write comments but I wanted you to know that I love this new way you are putting out your writings.

My sister after resisting threats and mandates for all this time had made an appointment this week to surrender to get the medical intervention.

She called me Sunday and told me that she was cancelling her appointment and was never while she’s in her own power going to submit.

She subscribes here and she told me that your recent posts along with a podcast from Dr Jessica Rose really helped her come to this place. She sat with it and realised the only reason she was going to surrender was to please others which has been a repeating pattern in her life.

I thought you’d appreciate to hear.

We are resonating with you all over the planet. Thankyou as always for your work.

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Wow. So Charles, would you say that this woman's sister has realized the main thrust of your body of work up to now? Have they understood an interbeing that is deeper than a notion of a "separate self?"

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I hold onto a vision that one day i will discover that one sibling in my family and i can relate, and that our lives would be transformed by the unity. As things are, scapegoating and labeling as stupid or insane has become much easier and is even being encouraged on a grand scale.

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Norie- yea -Don't look up or don't look down at ALL people. Look into the eyes of a person and TAKE OFF all veils of beliefs systems that keeps one tethered in an expanding universe...

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What a lucky sister. I have been feeling great loss from the ever growing divide between me and mine. Thanks for the hope...

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I feel for you norie, i am lucky that my family are pretty much on the same page. This sister lives interstate and her anguish was mainly about being separated from the rest of us. And looming (unconstitiutional?) travel mandates here.

It’s an interesting dilemma - we need to learn to astrotravel!

I would love to hear more from Charles about how to not “other” people in this scenario.

It’s a strange position to be in, feeling in ways oppressed yet feeling immense privilege also.


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Well, this proves that Charles is spreading disease during this pandemic. His words carry impact, and his soul carries blood

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i'm gobsmacked.

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My sister finally gave in last month. Her partner got cancer, and his oncology team basically scared her into it. There might be a medical justification in this case, and of course she wants to protect him, but we both remain unconvinced it was truly necessary.

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You know what Charles, this is your place, if I was you, I would write whatever the fuck I wanted to. Keep it up. All the best.

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I don't get the critical comments, this spoke very much to my personal journey of staying sane amid the rampant gaslighting. I think you have to have had previous experience with narcissists maybe? I meditate every day to hang on to my truth and keep my inner sanctuary swept, dusted, and welcoming.

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I’m so glad that you decided to continue to write! Your writing keeps me sane!!!

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Back in the days when we all had record albums, we used to call people who could not see "the light" as being Stuck in a Groove. As long as they were listening to that same song over and over they couldn't hear any other music no matter what. Only if the needle skipped would they stop and pay attention to admit that something different was happening. Something Cosmic needs to happen to skip those needles!

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I am a doctor in Egypt, I got Covid, got Immunity from it, and yet the government is trying to force all public employees to get the vaccine by the 15th of november and no citizen will be allowed in without a QR code proving his vaccination starting from the 1st of december, they don't even recognize my immunity, they called us then, heroes of the white army, and suddenly I have become a risk to public health, how should I keep coping with this?, the vaccine offered range between 50%-90% in efficacy against the original virus, god knows what their real efficacy is against the other variants, and all considered a proof of immunity, better than my actual immunity, tell me why should I continue living and serve in this disgusting community that refuses me, it is better to drink the cup of hemlock like Socrates, instead of trying to escape this society, and it is all the same everywhere now, I truly wish I had never been born

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We were all born at this time to bear witness to this time. As long as we continue to have choices, we can exercise our free will, but that is not an easy path. Take heart, you are not alone, even though it feels lonely. Many of us feel O so alone right now in our communities, which is why having virtual places like right here is so important. May we all find others who share our truth in the 3-D reality of our life, too!

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"tell me why should I continue living and serve in this disgusting community that refuses me"

Leave this madness anytime you want, Mario. Clearly you have a beautiful heart and your soul is alive and kicking and ever shall it be. No one gets out of here alive. Whether or not by your own hand is up to you. We take with us only the shine of our spirit or the stain upon it according to how we chose to live. There is no judgment other than our own. Don't listen to anyone, living or dead, who tries to tell you that there is.

My God. Yet another utterly heartbreaking account from the real world out there. Thank you for sharing this, Mario. We see and hear you. If you choose to remain, do it with all your heart and refuse to return the fear and hate being foisted upon you by folks who are just too scared to love.

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Mario, please don't kill yourself.

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Perhaps you are grieving as we all do-the loss of who we were and how we lived before this latest PUSH by the "Controlling financial & military arm of the Elite" (or whatever one wants to call them). Allowing ourselves to grieve is healthy. At some point, I wish you peace in that and a resolution to stand firm in your beautiful convictions, intelligence and service to the world. I believe that you (we) are empowering the sanity of who we were before this cult began to dominate with wars, pollution, social contamination and mental programing. WE will retrieve our true lost roots of our humanity. We need doctors who care and understand the truth and are willing to suffer through to a successful and certain future.

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Wow. You're my hero. Truly a hero of our generation. Keep going 😊

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Yes. He talked to me. Its exactly how I have been feeling!! A few months ago I felt like if Charles was drifting away from the truth or probably being infiltrated. There many infiltrating wisdom communities. I am glad he is home and can see through.

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Sorry brother, but I don't think so. These brushstrokes are too big to support people past "their inner story of the separate self" into the heart knowing. This work will fan flames of fear and division. You once encouraged me to ask, "what is the most beautiful thing I can do?" This was wonderful. Greatly helpful. So now I ask you, what is the most beautiful thing that YOU can do? I really don't think this gesture (along with your recent "poking of the hornet's nest") is it.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what he wrote is happening, whether you think it is beautiful or not. Deny it if you like, but if you think this promotes fear and division, what do you think about what governments, mainstream media, corporate and industry leaders in numerous fields (health, etc) are spewing?

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Beauty in the eye of the beholder? You must be a recent fanboy of Eisenstein. Did you the sections on separation, despair, and pain in THE MORE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OUR HEARTS KNOW IS POSSIBLE? He is emoting his own uncertainty about the things that he wrote about here on this blog, and his sycophants are lapping it up, as they have done for years.

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I feel no need to correct you or argue any of your points, since I realize that each is true for you. You may even be correct in the larger context, however, being right is not the most important thing.

I have a few quotes for you from Lao Tzu. His reputation goes far further back from Charles'. These point to how having doubt is hardly inhuman, how ugliness can lead one to beauty and vice-versa, the importance of perspective, etc.

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”

“The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.”

“So the unwanting soul sees what’s hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.”

“What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.”

Perhaps there is some perspective in those quotes that can provide you with some relief, but I will not hold my breath while you choose. All the best :)

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What happened to this man's sense of seniority? Every post seems to be a cry for help. Not beautiful or centered at all

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What are beauty and ugliness but inversions of one another? They are implicitly connected and only our judgment of them makes them real for each one of us. That is where our choice resides.

If what Charles wrote is ugly (not beautiful), then I'm sorry my friend but you are in for a world of hurt as the tea leaves he is reading prove true, for ugliness most assuredly will - and is - abound. And ironically, this is our path to beauty.

My perspective is that Charles is, in a sense, trying to warn and prepare us, which could mean that his message is beautiful after all, couldn't it?

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Oct 19, 2021
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yes, you should know.

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You've helped me up-level my compassion towards those finding themselves sucked into the abyss of insanity, prisoners in their own citadels.

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I have to consciously work at this as decades long friends cut me off because i'm not complying with what the tv told us to do.

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Oct 18, 2021
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"You comply because you want it to end; but it never ends because you complied."

Love that, Adretto!

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That's insane and tragic. I'm hearing this from everyone. Having to do a lot of work on compassionate non attachment and letting them all go. I trust we will find our people in the great sorting.

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I suspect the TV/media/educational system programming has taught those who must comply to ostracize those who are awake and showing their independence.

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“You comply because you want it to end, but it never ends because you complied.” Well said. Wonderful link, as well. Unfortunately, my adult daughters ignore links I send now. I did get one of them to listen to some of Charles’ recent work last time I saw her, and she admitted that it was articulate and sensible...and then she went on with her life. Sigh.

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It starts slowly with little compromises and then ramps up, yes.

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Some readers' comments seem unnecessarily irrational, spiteful, sarcastic, and evasive. I'm hereby willing to make the *guess* regarding the likelihood that every commenter on this page who is experiencing difficulty with the clarifying words (offered by Charles Eisenstein in this article) apparently is a person who has swallowed the fake "deadly" *c_____* scamdemic hoax propaganda? And perhaps, then, too, has received the quackscene-jabby?

And of course, you (your false, unconscious, socialized, braintrashed, un-woke ego-mind identity) would rather pretend that clear, centered, sovereign persons such as C.E. --- persons who did not get sucked into the Fauci-Gates boogeyman fairytale/horror story --- are somehow to blame for the health-and-life-endangering position that you have allowed yourself to be lured into by consenting to the corporate fascist jab?

Perhaps THIS unwillingness to accept complete self-responsibility in regard to gaining and sustaining a connection with your own innate soul intelligence and integrity is the very crux of your taking issue with the clarifying, empowering, & liberating gift of perspective presented in the article?

Perhaps not until you, or I, or any other has learned to cling to innate soul-self-guidance/integrity "as if our heart-mind has teeth," can we ever expect to be whole, mature, or at peace in this insane asylum curriculum of earth?

We are now in the late innings of this mad, media-fabricated game; as such, the whole truth regarding the criminally falsified nature of this event is now leaking out through many levels of media, as the slower minds are finally putting the pieces together.

To be a hippie, i.e., to be "hip," is to have awakened to one's own H.I.P. --- one's Holy Inner Presence --- thereby to re-discover one's true life authority, as well as one's untainted universal identity in pure awareness...far beyond the societal/ideological games of fearmongering propaganda & fear-induced control.

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Painfully true and all too common.

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Thank you for this road map.

I've come to regularly check my state of mind:

"What if I'm making a big deal out of nothing? What if this is going to all blow over soon? Have I gone down one too many counterculture rabbit holes? It looks so peaceful and easeful to comply. Am I the crazy one?".

I hold these questions as a possibility - I feel I must .. this rigorous practice of discerning between beloved ideology (new or old) and reality feels like civic duty.

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There are so many beautiful layers to this post. The comments emphasize it’s beauty.

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WTH? When i first read this i thought it was a simple & wise suggestion to stop blaming others for the loss of our, well, souls. That we ourselves give our souls up a slice at a time in doing and saying things we don't believe in order to get what we want and keep what we have. But the commenters seemed to know something i don't know, that it was about something else, something to do with politics, with covid, with the vaccine. WTH? I tried to make sense of that. I went back to Charles' post. Is he saying something cryptic that i am too naive to decipher? Is he saying that the anti-vacciners are right, that they should follow the call of their souls to not be vaccinated? Or is he saying that those who judge or condemn the anti-vacciners are losing their souls by losing their humanity in such judging? Or does it have nothing at all to do with covid? Is it a Rorschach test? I felt sane when i entered the room, felt the post was a simple & wise call to sanity based on self-knowledge and self-responsibility, and that if we practice those virtues we will organically do what is best for ourselves and for others. From all i know of Charles, i just can't imagine he is intentionally dropping something cryptic or mystical which we are left as individuals to tweeze out for ourselves, thereby adding to the division as we follow our separate impulses. I would appreciate clarification, but i don't depend on getting it. My overriding urge right now is to see the post as a reflection on how we blame others and circumstances and necessities for our loss of our souls or our selves, when we ourselves are responsible in our choices and our actions, and the confusion i'm feeling comes not from Charles but from (what i see as) the competing interpretations of that simple essential insight.

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Charles is in a period where his work has been subtly and not so subtly bemoaning the efforts of "the authorities" regarding covid. It has got him roundly denounced, to use his own words, and he has suggested that it has been difficult for him not to go into rabbit holes of self loathing. His prior piece a woman spoke about resisting vaccines and mandates waiting until the rest of the world returns to "sanity". He concurred with the judgement and said that sanity had to be generated from within.... but still with an intimation that getting the vaccine is insanity. In this context, the above work reads like a judgment against covid protocols and a rallying cry to stick to one's guns in these regards.

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Thank you very much for that. I just went & read "The Rehearsal Is Over." No doubt you are correct. Hard to believe the same guy who wrote that also wrote the remarkable "Time to Push." "The Rehearsal Is Over" concludes with this:

"Is your time for choosing here? You will recognize when it is. No one can escape that feeling of recognition when the moment comes. If you have read this far, that time is close. You know exactly what I’m talking about."

Yes, I do know what you're talking about. I cannot escape that feeling of recognition that the moment has come to call the VA & get my booster. And while I'm doing that i will experience gratitude that i am not a social theorist, nor a philosopher, nor a prophet, but only a simple old man writing his stories and working his garden and sharing the harvest for as long as he is able.

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Thank you for your sharing here richard, and your sacrifice. It resonates with beauty.

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Thank you. I appreciate that.

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If these wise generalisations don't apply to particular situations do they actually mean anything?

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No, they don't. I applied it to myself and it meant something. I can't be reminded too much to see that very often the pleasure i get from judging others for their blind spots, that pleasure is not there so much when i apply it to my own related blind spot. But then there comes a sort of relaxation in my soul when i let go of that judgment of others and of myself. What interested me most though is the wide range of applications people made, and the apparent disagreements, which left me not defending Charles' "wise generalisations" but wondering what he meant and if he meant his words to be applied to any of the various topics people have brought out. I really seek no argument but am only wondering if i'm the only one confused. What did he mean it to be applied to, if anything? It sure seemed to me that a lot of people took it as a comment on covid, or vaccines, his previous topics. But it was so open-ended that a number of people are reading it as a defense of or attack on either side of the covid/vaccine divide. I feel as i often do, that i'm the only one who doesn't know the code, doesn't know what's going on! Peace.

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