"Yes, I take as a given that there was a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy." Yeehaw! Charles is finding his voice! Your essays and books are a great inspiration for me, but during this pandemic until recently I felt that you were a bit too detached and neutral and too careful not to choose sides. In your last few post the warrior is coming out, keep it up. Yes, we absolutely need compassion, and we also need clarity and strength.

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I think it’s less about taking sides and more about understanding the situation, similar to what Russell Brand and Joe Rogan are doing.

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yes, exactly., thank you! IMO Charles is taking the side of truth and transparency. He can take a stand without being an "us vs. them" proponent.

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Totally correct, and let's face it, you are of course, describing yourself in those last paragraphs Charles. Long may it continue. And thank God for substack.

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I thought the same, this neutrality was making me upset, but recently, and this last article, BOOM, yes thank you Charles, it is time for taking parts.

Thank you all

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Thank you, Charles. You have a way of speaking about complex issues that reach the heart of the matter. It is incredibly grounding and rejuvenating in times of turmoil, both inner and outer.

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Charles, I didn’t realize but by the time I reached the last lines of this essay I had tears in my eyes. No, it isn’t merely optimism but the deep trust you have in humanity. Many years ago when I came across a random post on Facebook about Sacred Economics and I looked you up and started reading The Ascent of Humanity is when my worldview started to shift. This may embarrass you but I consider you along with J.Krishnamurti as the two people who have had the most impact on my Self.

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Same with me, though I've only "found" Charles in the last two WEEKS, through another person I learn from online...

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Wow, beautiful to read, beautiful it is!

And yes, it's really beautiful to read and have deep trust in humanity. And yes I appreciate J.Krishnamurti a lot, too. And Ascent of Humanity seemed to be a really wonderful book. Its on my wish-to-do-list.

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I was four years old when Kennedy was assassinated. I remember my distraught parents showing me the newspaper headline. The fact that I remember so much about where I was and how I felt at the time underscores just how a watershed moment this was. And I am Canadian living in Toronto, I can only imagine how it was for an American.

Thank-you I really appreciate this piece. You provide great clarity about the creation of the environment that has resulted in the situation that all of us have found ourselves. I would add that the "necrosis spread... all became captives of industry" affected many people well beyond the US border. Getting away with such a brazen act in 1963 seems to have emboldened the "Deep State" to continue to enable that necrosis. All resulting in what we are all experiencing today. Utterly morally bankrupt and corrupt.

It is like an alcoholic uncle hitting bottom. There are many possibilities for change and it starts with communication, Disclosure and courage. So beautiful 💗 so true.

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I do not live in the USA and do not know when I came to know about the assassination of JFK - I could have even known about it in real time - just... But despite knowing very little about it and all the theories surrounding it I have always had an instinct that this was a major downward turning point - not just for the US but for the planet. This moment stripped from the stage any example of what could be, of how government could serve life.

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again resonating with you:)

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Charles, having interviewed you in Bali and followed your work for years, I have to say this amongst is the most edgy stuff I have seen / read from you. Thanks for having the courage to "go there" .

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It is interesting to note the connection between banking and presidential assassinations. Lincoln created the publicly owned greenback to win the civil war. Jackson survived a double pistol misfire after stating “The bold efforts the present bank has made to control the government are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.” Cleveland was shot weeks after he claimed “Whosoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce . . . And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”

It makes me wonder what JFK was about to say?


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created great unemployment and dissatisfaction. Within a year, the poor houses were filled. The hungry and homeless walked the streets everywhere. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the International Bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.”

- Benjamin Franklin

“All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from defects of the Constitution, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.”

-John Adams


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I agree 100% that the banksters are where all the evil has originated since the beginning of the creation of currency. This plandemic has nothing to do with health. It’s how they plan to switch the current fiat currency to a global Central Bank Digital Currency. CBDC’s will include the earth’s natural resources. By connecting our biometric digital passports to our CBDC along with our social credit score, they will not only control all the planets natural resources but us as well. We stop their plan by not complying with the passports, QR codes, vaccines, masks or lockdowns. The media tries to make it seem otherwise but there are many many of us who are awake and already not going along with the charade. That’s why they’re ratcheting up and why we have to stand tall and be the brave lions we are.

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So many conspiracies boil down to money (money creation in particular) because whoever has the power to issue money has the power. Understanding the mechanics of banking is a Transpartisan issue and is a MAJOR opportunity to unite the people. Our founding fathers knew this. It was the central issue of American sovereignty and was OPENLY DISCUSSED for the first 150 years of our history (until private finance bought up the press around WWI). There is one state that has used a Public Bank for over 100 years and most folks don't even know about it (ND). It really comes down to awareness (and yes bravery).


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Indeed, that's another thing that Lincoln and JFK had in common. From issuing greenbacks to United States Notes as independent currency, both stood up to the big banking interests and got whacked.

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"Today huge numbers of people believe the election was stolen, that the vaccines are a deliberate depopulation scheme, even that the moon landing was fake, the earth is flat, and Santa Claus is a hoax."

This is a weird collection of items, hard to know what to make of it. My own position has always been to try believe nothing.

About the moon landing: I wasn't there and am not qualified to know for sure what happened, whether the landing was fake or real.

The stolen election: I follow Sydney Powell on Telegram and am convinced she is sincere. Her lawyerly record is strong, so she's not an idiot. Why is she risking her career on this matter? Because right-wing folks are crazy? The election looks for all the world like it was stolen to me on the evidence she and others present. But I may be wrong; I wasn't there. However, I was there in Berlin when a family friend, who happened to work for the CIA, told me with calm certainty that G. W. Bush would win the election against Al Gore. It was in the summer, so months before the elections.

As for the vaccines, the logic I apply is the same. I find the idea vaccines could be "kill shots" unconvincing, but people far more qualified to judge than me, including ex vice president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon and Nobel-prize winner Dr Luc Montagnier are of this opinion, as are so many other doctors and lawyers. I'm not convinced by their arguments, but I certainly don't dismiss them; I'm not qualified. I have been against lockdowns from the start, and against all measures said to slow down the spread of a 'disease' whose insanely broad symptom list once included "covid toes". John Ioannides of Stanford University attributes any excess mortality in 2020 to lockdown measures (btw, Germany's mortality rate declined by 2.4% in 2020). Furthermore, it is clear that the PCR test is insufficient on its own – as the WHO conceded earlier this year – to detect infection by virus. PCR is this 'pandemic's' "gold standard", but in fact tells us little to nothing about who died of what. Ergo, we have no solid evidence there was a pandemic at all. I should also add here, in case anyone reading this thinks I'm crazy, that the swine-flu 'pandemic' of 2009-2010 was declared a "fake pandemic" by The Council of Europe in 2010. The vaccine developed at that time was withdrawn after people developed narcolepsy after being vaccinated. I think there were 700 cases in Europe. The swine-flu vaccine of 1976 was withdrawn after 25 US citizens died after receiving it, then the acceptable high-water mark. We are at tens of thousands in the US today. My best guess re. the vaccines is that they are part of forcing blind obedience with the direction of travel here being global totalitarianism. That the vaccines are being forcibly mandated in several countries around the world, on almost no evidence that they are "safe and effective" and while still in phase 3 trials and thus experimental – in fact the evidence is loud and clear that they ineffective and harmful – should ring alarm bells in all of us. (Look at the data from the UK and Israel, with Israeli citizens now needing four shots to qualify as "fully vaccinated".) Perhaps it is pure greed that motivates this madness, but my goodness, that idea is harder to me to accept as plausible than population control; Big Pharma risks losing all trust when the Covid Circus implodes around them: too big a gamble for money gain alone. As such, this whole thing stinks of a desperate Hail Mary in an effort to maintain control of global systems in dire need of reconfiguring, as clearly set out in Klaus Schwab's book "The Great Reset", published in July 2020, if memory serves. (Klaus Schwab is the head and founder of the World Economic Forum. Check out how influential that private organisation is.)

I'll stop there after drifting dangerously towards a rant, but I note again that the addition of "Santa Claus is a hoax" suggests one can't be sure what your position really is. It undermines the whole essay, actually, despite how well it is written. You are an excellent writer, so that is par for the course. What matters more is the truth and getting as close to it as we can: the process of being courageously, open-mindedly skeptical. Theorising is perfectly fine. Discarding theories that dissolve in the face of contradictory evidence is how we proceed effectively through the poisoned well of information that today confronts us. Ridiculing those who theorise outside the mainstream narrative is not mature, nor is it helpful. I speak as a man who has respected your work since 2008, and been profoundly influenced by it.

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You write so many good things.

Yes, hearts are touched.

No, the applause machine or the number of likes does not say much about sowing. That's (only) my opinion.

I myself also give likes if I do not agree with everything.

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Nov 2, 2021
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That’s really sweet, thank you!

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Excellent piece; thank you. I'm not so hopeful, though, that Disclosure of the information behind the assassination, in itself, would lead to Disclosure of the many other secrets held by the Corporatocracy, or that, so long after the fact, would cause many people who trust government to decide that their trust was misplaced. I would like to believe that was possible, but I have my doubts. Cognitive dissonance is very powerful (look at the current crisis to get a feel for that), and tough to dispel Also, don't let us hold our collective breath waiting for such Disclosure; that would not end well for us.

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"The Plot to Kill King" by William Pepper does for MLK what Douglass' "Unspeakable" does for JFK.

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Thank you for this article Charles. 'Disclosure' here is such a vital and important word and so perfect, as it directly counteracts the 'Enclosure' of the Commons, which of course started in the Middle Ages in Europe, and one could argue, was the beginning of all this 'trouble'.

I am so grateful for your essays because many, many writers today covering similar topics make me want to slit my wrists by the end of their pieces, you however, always manage to turn these discourses into something positive and full of hope, and for that I am deeply grateful.

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This footage of JFK's body guard get waved off was released anonymously in 2002. Like many I am archiving footage like this expecting it to get censored: https://youtu.be/yJci8_rMFWw

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Phew! Politics, gov't, belief in democracy & "authority" etc. Am I the only one who sees all this as yesterdays' fart? Doesn't anyone else smell this kind of thing as a toxic bubble of stale air emitting from the corpse-butt of our dead fathers? American "democracy" has never existed as a functioning reality and it never will as its' imposter is soundly built on bottomless human gullibility and perpetual human fear of life/death/each other.

How is this pitiful, crumbling edifice of ours ever going to fall if we keep patching it up?

Oh well, hell....maybe humanity has jumped the shark. In that case, bring on the depop/sterilisation agenda. Apparently, the more of us there are the stupider we get.

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You're one of the few, but that's also due to selection bias. Those who see how stupid it is to live in a large society where you don't know who anyone is or what their motives are, tend to get (or remain) out of it, and you don't find them on the internet.

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You have articulated well and concisely what so many of us know and feel. .

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Everything I believe and articulated so well... I was 11 years old sitting between two adults when the news came on the radio. My auntie let go a muffled scream and cried. My mouth opened and said "that man did not kill the president." Even as a child I could feel the LIE that changed America. Charles short explanation explains reality and the connection to Covid and how discourse is the next step. Bravo for saying it so concisely.

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Occam's razor has existed, and been rejected, by people long before JFK though. JFK is hardly the genesis event to all this. This goes back to humanity's invention of mythology.

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You’re spot on. This cancer in the collective psyche will only be exercised when we can see clearly within ourselves.

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Absolutely. My original edit (which I lost with a stray click) touched on exactly that.

Some of us are more comfortable with the belief that big things can happen out of chance and from the complex confluence of smaller factors. Others of us don't believe in randomness and seek foundational reasons for everything significant, including the need to identify deliberate actors behind outcomes.

The only way to address that is to look inside ourselves, learn what we each individually seek (and need), and how that contributes to the collective outcomes we experience.

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