I don't know, Charles. You seem to be taking a very naïve view of this. Putin and the situation in Ukraine is being used as a distraction for something bigger. It's very convenient timing. The WHO are voting to bring in a unified international pandemic response team, which will give us even less freedom than we have had in the last 2 years. And the media want us to look at fake war videos using crisis actors and regurgitated videos to show us a war, while they brush under the carpet all of the vaccine injuries and the severe increase in death rate that has happened since the vaccines have come out.

Putin is a member of the WEF and claims to be friends with Klaus Schwab. And the Dalai Lama took money from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, so he's not as pure as you may like to think he is. There is more evil in this world than we care to realise, yet it's here, hiding in plain sight. For some of us, it isn't hiding any longer. It's time to open our eyes. Time to see the psy-ops for what they are. And to know that there is something else going on.

It is horrible, war, any kind of war. But NATO are responsible for more wars than anyone. We cannot know who the real 'bad guy' is if we are only looking at mainstream media. The mainstream media is the new 'bad guy' now, as far as I am concerned, and nobody knows the truth of anything anymore. All I can say is that we have to do our best to live truthfully, where we are, in the moment.

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I appreciate what you're saying Abby. It seems to me that individual and national sovereignties are being endangered by the international control apparatus. I feel it will demand a deep personal response to meet it if the human consciuosness of love and reunion is to be the collective future, rather than the triumph of technocracy and surveillance capitalism.

Charles' essay is more local, focused on what's happening in Ukraine - and I found it personally helpful - but I take your point that a larger and ominous agenda is also afoot and having the heart to witness and confront it is so very important.

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I visited here to try to formulate some version of this comment. I see the problem the same way you do, Abby, though I don't know for sure I see it accurately and I also don't know if Charles shares that perspective. If he does, I would really enjoy hearing his take on how to apply the idea he explores in this article (breaking patterns of hate through compassion and a knowledge of interbeing) to the bigger picture you describe. I think it would help me immensely, because as it is now, I don't know how to have compassion for an "enemy" that doesn't even really show its face. It has the feeling of a mist of evil, something obscuring its form and weaving into the field so successfully that I spend all my energy trying to identify its new outcropping so as not to inadvertently become its agent (e.g. buying something that strengthens it, thinking something from its propoganda arsenal, etc.).

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@Lauren I feel your words so deeply! As my husband and I gather with friends to meditate on peace, converse and enjoy each others like minded/heartedness, one of the big topics seems to be a yearning to identify what exactly is taking place, as you say "identifying its new outcropping" and the face of the enemy. I wonder if the task at hand is to get out of the mental masturbation of wanting/needing to KNOW, and just being, deeply FEELING the light and love instead? As Charles recommends, focusing our energy on our internal peace and humanity to impact the collective, rather than being seduced by the external chaos. In alchemy we have the saying "As above, so below, as within, so without" and it works the other way too "As below, so above, as without so within." The more we realize that the external reality is being reflected by our internal reality and vice versa, the more we can step out of the duality and stand in the middle. My favorite image to evoke, for standing in the middle, is a tree. While gazing at a tree, or visualizing one, feel how the roots anchor us to Mother Earth, and our limbs reach up to the Heavens. We, like the trees, are a bridge, uniting heaven and earth, in each present moment and each other.

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Beautiful perspective that I intend to practice. The topic of wanting/needing to KNOW seems like wasted energy in this moment and set forth a never ending emotional rollercoaster of judgmental thoughts...All we will find in trying to decipher the chaotic duality of the external drama is just a bunch of paradoxical distractions...the imaginal discipline of going inward and using individual creativity to build the world our hearts know is possible feels like the right integral route for be-ing ... Like you eluded at the end of your post...thank you

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Roxanna's got the ticket! I was going post a comment but her response is spot on. There will always be additional information that satisfies the minds craving for association and differentiation, ( masturbation) but the core is not to be fooled by the us/ them, we/ they. Many think this is corny cumby-ya speak. But, after you feel it's true that we are not separate good/ bad, we have to speak it then, follow thru as events are brought to your sphere. Fear is the biggest stumbling block. When you begin to recognize it, you begin to see what an obstacle it can be. In the west we have social supports that should allow us not to fear. Thanks Roxana.

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Hey Donald, thank you for connecting. Fear is so deeply embedded, and any empaths deal with their own and the collective fear. In the last week, I have journeyed down a rather deep rabbit hole of Barbara Marx Hubbarb. Whoa, how did I not know of this extra-ordinary individual. It's quite inspirational to hear her eloquently speaking about the importance of co-creating in love, and moving in the world with no fear, back when fear was a mere shadow compared to its current monstrosity.

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Thanks Roxana. Yes a little familiar with B. M. Hubbard. She' espoused a new introspective view of a new humanity by chosen path of evolution built off of scientific prognostication. She was a living example of focused manifestation in action for the benefit of the planet, which we are not separate from. So check out Matia DeStephano' multiple lengthy dialogs on 'Yo Soy' and Gia Channel.

Keep your head up!

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Thank you Donald, I look forward to discovery more pearls of evolutionary wisdom in your suggestions, super grateful to you.

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Thank you for that reply. I love the article Charles wrote. I don't think it is naivety. it is removed from the immediacy of now. Everything he wrote is as valid as anything I have ever read. I don't know him, so, I cannot attribute his thoughts to naivety. He could be fully conscious of all you bring to the thread. I am in no position to have a qualified opinion. But I agree with all he did say. I'll bet he knows what you added. His article is an example of how to be all-inclusive.

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To understand the motives for any action, the logical place to start is with the actor's statement of intent. I'm including the link to Putin's speech translated by Bloomberg News. The second level of analysis is checking their facts--the history of military actions, ignored treaties, lies, invasions, and coups (particularly the 2014 Ukrainian one) backed by the US. Glenn Greenwald's Substack gives a very comprehensive history of these, with plenty of corroborating evidence.

The third level is looking at the logic. If these facts are true, is it also true, as Putin says, that the coup government is illegitimate and a puppet of the US, who armed them? Are they neo-Nazis, as the West has referred to them? Are they committing genocide in Donbass? Does Donbass have the right to declare sovereignty without attack? In Putin's speech, he claims this as a peacekeeping mission in which the independence of the Donbass Republic will be respected. He ends by telling the Ukranian military that their grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought the Nazis, not for them to serve a neo-Nazi regime. If they put down their arms, he promises that they can pass freely to go home and only those in the regime holding Ukraine hostage will stand trial for their crimes.

Do we know that's a lie? Or is the US lying? Why did Victoria Nuland, under Biden as VP, choose who would become the Ukranian President after the coup? What did the $600K/yr given to Hunter Biden buy for the Ukranian energy company? Why is the US refusing to guarantee that Ukraine will never be part of NATO, when they don't qualify anyway? What we know from the pandemic is that the media has been bought and sold. Is this different?


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Tereza Coraggiio I hope this unreported perspective might help you get where you are going. LAYERS UPON LAYERS OF LIES. Why does the west embrace self-declared Neo-NAZI Svoboda & Pravy-Sektor? Weren't they part of the AXIS aka BAD-GUYS who did & do everything wrong, while we were & are the GOOD-GUYS who do everything right? My own research is 14 years, since Maidan. I believe Svoboda & Pravy-Sektor's mass attacks & genocide of some 20,000 civilians, with blessing from the Ukraine state are horrific & totally unaddressed by western governments, MSM & lefty Social Media along with the western selected Ukraine 'putsch' government completely ignore this ongoing atrocity, along with western governments. At the same time my own research into Svoboda, Pravy-Sektor & Ukraine's alliance with WW2 AXIS from before & during WW2 has justifiable reasoning.


Being on the 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') side of history, one does not accept the Ally or Axis 'exogenous' (L 'other-stealth-generated') programs, but does recognize both have good intentions. Searching out a Perceived Opponent's 'Best-Intentions' is the 1st rule of Gandhian 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency' animism & 'Satyagraha' H. 'Truth-search' animism) incomplete but complementary fragments of the whole.

Ally oligarch empires (Britain, US, Canada, Netherlands, France, Belgium etc) genocided 25 million people in their colonies during 1920-45. ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY The AXIS nation's 'economies' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') were all based in Multistakeholder, Participatory investment, Board-representation & decision-making powers. Typically among the 'Keiretsu' ('family-business') of Japan, 'Chaebol' of Korea, Associative Economies of Germany, Austria, Hungary, 'Fasci' ('United bundle of sticks, which are strong') in Italy & Romania, 'Zadruga' (Slavic 'friend') of Yugoslavia & Ukraine etc empower all stakeholders to invest & progressively own across a Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople, Consumer etc lifetime. Invested 'share' interest, profit sharing & involvement in decision-making creates individual & collective responsibility as well as a collective intelligence. Hence particularly Germany & Japan are renowned worldwide for their stakeholder integrated engineering excellence. This kind of bottom-up popular unity on the part of AXIS is completely incomprehensible to the totally controlled mind & lives of Empire Allies. Its time to recognize all sides of this human equation we’re in. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

International Translated terms for multistakeholder Participatory Companies

German: ‘Mitglieder’ = ‘mit’ = ‘with + ‘glieder’ = ‘joint’, ‘members’, mitgliederversammlung = ‘general meeting’, ‘mitgliederverwaltung’ = ‘membership management’, ‘beteiligung’ = ‘participation’ or ‘arbeitnenmerbeteiligu’ = ‘worker participation’.

Japanese: 系列 pronounced as Keiretsu noun for ‘family’ (a community of stakeholders becomes a family) business

Series シリーズ, 直列, 系列, 連続, 級数, 叢書 systemシステム, 系, 方式, 制度, 系統, 系列 order succession系列

Korean: ‘Chaebol’ from ‘Chae’ = ‘wealth’ + ‘bol’ = ‘clan’ or ‘clique’. The associated term ‘Zaibatsu’ means ‘family’ owned conglomerate.

Serb-Croat: Zadruga from ‘za’ = ‘with’ + ‘druga’ = ‘friend’ meaning ‘United front for common cause & prosperity to humanity with peace & love’ aka ‘All-for-one & one-for-all’.

Shogi (Columbia 1st Nation) ‘Aini’ = ‘innate-responsibility for personal sharing-co-operation’.

Its time all individuals, families, society, government, media, education, religion, finance, industry & justice get back to humane roots of considering both-sides of all situations with Both-sides, equal-time, recorded & published dialogues on all but private issues. Otherwise we are more than just ignorant. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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Thank you for all that, Douglas. From reading this, and as a fellow semantics fan, I think you'd like my book, How to Dismantle an Empire. It includes some of the histories you refer to--Germany, Japan, and the Greek origin of the word economy as management of the household. It begins with a quote from Thich Nhat Hahn that, in a true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. And it ends with how we could create the kind of relational economies you and I (and Charles and all of us) want. Here's a link to Amazon, for lack of a better option, if you wanted to glance at it:


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Tereza Coraggio, I've just read your comments & all that you offered for free viewing on Amazon in 'How to Dismantle an Empire'. Thank you for your researched perspectives on the fake colony exploitation based Greek Democracy.

From what I have read, it seems you have concentrated on the common error of colonial institutional change, which isn't in the hands of the common person. I understand how its difficult to see beyond our all encompassing colonial system's indoctrination. To recapture humanity's economic memory, we can begin to think like our body is designed from the parts to the whole. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/3-economic-memory

My 1st Nation & indigenous mentors over the past 58 years, have helped me understand all humanity's ancient law called the GREAT-GOOD-WAY-of-KINDNESS' aka 'Great-law-of-peace' aka 'Constitution', which animates the kinds of 'community' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') which you aspire to.


1) All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') economic culture in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) provides individually accessible intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale. 70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. These are multi-million-dollar yearly economies where people have the irrefutable resilient economic power, which can achieve the real power of livelihood & the 'money' which we all desire. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/extending-our-welcome-participatory-multi-home-cohousing

2) RELATIONAL ECONOMY Welcoming inclusive productive economy for all. "We are the voice of the earth speaking", 1st Nation saying. Originally the whole indigenous world on every continent in every nation & every 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') employed the String-Shell time-based equivalency accounting Value systems (eg. Wampum in N America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

To put Greece into the cacophony of colonial history is to understand how indigenous Greece was invaded by the failed Assyrian empire, which in turn was invaded by the failed Babylonian empire. Each empire exports its failure through violent invasion & genocide, only to destroy human & nature's abundance repetitively as we continue to do in our time. The prime medium of control of one's own invading nefarious forces is false 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'). The western colonial oligarch system of false centrally issued 'money' is a system of 'amnesia' designed to have people forget & denigrate the contributions of their mates, extended-families & colleagues.

Babylon had been rich till the start of its oligarch-led colonial empire demise ~7000 years ago once with flowing rivers, lakes & streams fostered by 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') 3-dimensional Polyculture Orchards, which are 100 times (10,000%) more productive than 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') 'farms' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude between the peasant & the aristocrat'). The reduction of productivity into scarcity includes the desertification of the Middle-east, North-Africa, the Gobi desert in China, Atacama & deserts everywhere. The farmer's life of slavery is based both in oligarch 'exogenous' (L 'other-stealth-generated') oppression & destruction of indigenous people as knowledgeable keepers of nature's plenty & as participatory owners & managers of the Human-Sphere. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

As Athens & the whole Peloponnesian peninsula had its Polyculture Orchards cut down for theft & war ships & weapons-of-war, it's Biosphere-wealth dried up. Ships were sent off across the Adriatic Sea to invade the Apennine peninsula starting in Rome, which started the whole cycle once again. Again in a cycle of 100s of years, the Apennine dries up, Rome fails, invades, exports failure to Europe & the whole violent colonial empire cycle starts again with Spain, France, Netherlands, England, which in turn fail after endless wars who export failure to Turtle-Island/N. America, S. America, Africa, Asia, Australia etc. with about 1/2 billion people genocided. Unless we know our indigenous heritage economic & biosphere-based productive systems, we aren't able to achieve lasting nature aligned livelihood & peace. The worldwide Indigenous Circle of Life is an interdisciplinary summation of humanity's ancient 10s of 1000s of years old integrated system. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/indigenous-circle-of-life

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Wow. You have given me a lot to read.

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Thank you. Well written. Logic! That is a problem. People have always thought their logic is sound, even when the were sacrificing a child to the volcano god.

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I'm hearing you, Abby. We have been wondering if the war in Ukraine is a distraction from the work being done around vaccine mandates and passports... which many states have abandoned, but the US seems intent on continuing to push, as Biden just RE-Upped his emergency powers! Meanwhile, the pandemic is becoming endemic and does not seem to continue to require these powers by our government... As Trudeau rescinded his, I was hoping Biden would follow. Seeing that not happen seems a sign America will continue to run roughshod over freedom - both here, and in Ukraine. Thanks for speaking up!

We're all seeing the dark in the light and the light in the dark... as we come to terms with our humanity. Blessed be.

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Yes, just when Gates says that Omincron 'sadly' outperforms the vaccine for immunity, we're distracted from asking why we then need mandates or passports. We finally have a reprieve from the fear to take stock and suddenly no one's interested. I did my last YouTube episode tying the pandemic and Ukraine together, called Thinking Clearly about Empire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_4TFXlqZ7Q

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Great video. Thank you for sharing it. Here's my blog on the situation. https://jamig4.wordpress.com/2022/02/28/deja-vu-all-over-again/

Seems many are on the same understanding on this... though it rubs the mainstream narrative.

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Beautiful blog post, Jami. It captures so much of the big picture on what's brought us here. I went to sleep wondering how this ends and woke up at 1:30 feeling like this is going to backfire and bring awareness to a lot of things that have been slipped under the empire's rug--just like the vaccine. I'm certainly learning things I never knew about corruption and our administration concerning Ukraine. Something big is playing out in our lifetimes, and the result is going to be paradigm-shifting, I feel sure.

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Abby: +1000 upvotes. Excellent. Thank you.


In a general sense, if you pray for, send love, or aim any other spiritual pleasantry toward psychopaths, expect nothing in return... except maybe a fleeting warm-fuzzy feeling that you 'have done your part.' Same goes for protesting, boycotting and all the rest.

People who care about the world and about the evolution of humanity REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to read up and wake up about Psychopaths. If you don't understand the evil minds that are running this worldwide scam, then you are wasting your time investigating blind alleys.

Psychopaths make up 1-2% of the world's population, but cause at least 90% of its problems.

Love, prayers, compassion, kindness, forgiveness - they all can work beautifully for the 98-99% of humanity that possess basic empathy. Most certainly continue meeting fear and anger with those high LoC expressions.




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Totally agree. You have to understand evil if you want to live in the light. Otherwise you’re just kidding yourself. I’ll check out these links.

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What???!!! Seems like you totally missed the point of what Charles is saying here!

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Abby' comment may valid. We can all get lost in the weeds history, who is the good guy vs. Bad guy and blame the media. WWII showed us how seemingly 'good' people could be manipulated and turned 'evil'. It's a dance dark w/ light. We must recognize the dark potential in each of us then, have seen it, forgive it in others, otherwise the perception of separation perpetuates the dance. It is used to control us. Don't give away your power. The message was much more elementary intentionally because otherwise we miss the underlining cause, the root of our collective dilemma here in 3D land.

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Thank you Abby. It's challenging to point these things out, but once you see it - it's hard to unsee it. Grateful that there are MANY people sharing the hypocrisy of this situation with real photos and facts of crisis actors, etc. There really are "no sides" needing to come together as this is all one side trying to manipulate our very real human emotions and capitalize (literally) on division. Many years ago I learned the truth about the Dalai Lama (this saddened me) but I also visited Nepal as a rogue youngster when it was still very inaccessible 20 years ago and somehow I wasn't totally surprised that he was part of the elite etc. The real truth is that most people (not all because there are an incredible number of narcissists and some true psychopaths) are kind and have true compassion, the sad thing is many are manipulated by the very false belief that what they hear from the news is true. I haven't watched TV or any version of it my entire adult life and these lies are all so obvious to me. I feel the most important thing we can hope for is that people begin to radically reconnect to their own intuition. Literally, every psyop feels so false to me from the very beginning it's laughable. But again, I have compassion for my brothers and sisters who are tricked by this because even though they can be coerced into very devious actions of support I do believe they wanted what was initially a prayer of peace and love.

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You’re so right. Once you see you cannot unsee. More people see it now. At this rate they cannot keep pulling the wool over our eyes. Between twitter and telegram, and the other new “alternative” media channels the information Is there now. And we need to keep speaking truth 🙏🏻 More people will awaken.

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Putin has been removed from the WEF according to their website.

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And do you believe it?

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It is not good policy to believe anything that comes from that group. Even if it is true that Putin is not part of it now, he is likely aligned with them. I think most of what gets into our sphere of information is propaganda, and not just propaganda, mind control stuff. I see that humanity and good faces the forces of evil. Many don't want to think of good/evil. My hope is that the exposure of pedophilia will make it more clear to more people. This world is facing some incredibly horrible human-like people. They seem more demon to me than human. I an not able to think of a person who can harm a child as human. But the things Charles says in his article go a long way toward a higher way. Let his energy ring.

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Agreed that demonic energy is coming on strong in this world.

However let's keep in mind that most children who are abused are abused by their own family.

Morals are not universal. Some cultures believe that children are property. Female genital mutilation for example. Male genital mutilation is even more common. The list of atrocities against children is endless.

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I wonder if it is true that most child abuse is done by family. Sure, if one thinks spanking and such things are abuse, that would be accurate. But there are levels of abuse. The one that includes rape, torture, and murder is the one that concerns me the most. I don't know what the statistics say. I have 36 first cousins I grew up with. My extended family is huge. I know of no abuse there. I have not even heard of any who abuse their children in pedophilia. I am aware of human trafficking and see the stories on the news of child sex-rings.

I have not visited this site in a long time. Sorry for the late reply.

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I know a lot of people who were abused physically, emotionally, and sexually as children, and in almost every case the abuse was from parents, though sometimes it was other relatives. I don't know anyone who was abused human traffickers, but I am sure such people do exist.

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Good point...what to believe. However did you hear how he condemned the globalist agenda in the last Davos meeting, maybe that had something to do with it? But you are right, we have to be on our toes .

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NATO and the US caused this invasion as much as Putin's desire to win back old Russian alliances (pre 2014). He gave them years of warnings to stop the shelling and weapons transfers. The west is not a serious place. The west wants this war. They want as many dead Ukrainians for the cameras as possible. Western leaders are abusive psychopaths who just spent two years molesting their own populations with fear and propaganda and inhumane dictates. It is populated with perpetually distracted, easily manipulated digital performers who will pour out Russian vodka and put flag icons in solidarity with one nation while their governments have sanctions on another (Yemen) that have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. There are global powers engineering one crises after another around the world for us. We are just the audience in a theatre reacting to their social engineering acts. Welcome to Act 2 for this decade. They now get to pretend they are our protectors from Vlad the "evil tyrant" after killing our loved ones with injectable toxins and engineered viruses and psychologically abusing us for two years. Don't forget your mask and covid pass for the bomb shelter. If it saves just one life its worth it. Just two nukes to flatten the earth.

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I like your clarity as to what has taken place the last two years and lies that have been perpetrated on us ! I seems so hard to find energy to send to Ukraine now, as covid has sucked so much life out of me. We must stay vigilant and prepared to stop agendas like WEF, big pharma, big money and MSM. Never , never , never trust a billionaire !

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Thanks Charles for this, I really appreciate so much of what you have to say here about acting for peace everywhere, not just pointing the finger at others. I would extend that argument even further. Even in saying "we must not pretend to tolerate the intolerable, nor cooperate with it. We must be loud in our revulsion, and express our noncooperation in the form of sanctions and boycotts.", I wonder if you are expressing a disconnect between our own internal war and what is going on outside of us. As you have pointed out, propaganda is everywhere, and most, if not all, published news information has some kind of agenda behind it. Unless we are on the ground, in Russia or Ukraine, experiencing for ourselves exactly what is happening, we simply don't know what is real. When I exhort loudly about what is wrong in Russia, Ukraine, or anywhere else, based on news I have read, videos I have seen, or even personal accounts from others in the situation, I turn away from my own reality and interfere in the business of others. I suspect that many of us have our own internal wars going on inside us that play out in the external world, and the self righteousness of knowing what's best for the rest of the world is simply another war between what we think is right and what others are actually doing. I suggest, before we add our voices to the chorus of those who call for boycotts, sanctions or any other punitive actions of others, we examine our own internal lives and the way we live with those around us. I love the suggestion some have made that countries such as mine (Canada) offer refuge from those from war torn areas, since that is offering a positive solution. Even on an individual basis there is nothing stopping any of us from actively making such an offer to others who are suffering. There is no judgement involved in welcoming and sharing with those who are suffering. But once we ask for sanctions and boycotts on another party we are now interfering in the business of others. We in our own individual lives should certainly make decisions on what we do based on what we believe is right. But calling for others to take punitive measures, or expressing revulsion for things outside ourselves, is always masking the internal work we need to do on ourselves. We are all very much still living in glass houses, so throwing stones at others, no matter how right it may seem due to our own biases, seems to me that it will not be the solution. Thanks as always for your writing.

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Good points, it is hard to know when to try to intervene. Sometimes it just seems obvious like if you see someone being attacked for no reason on the street. Even then, most people won't intervene, so it is funny how they get so boisterous when it comes to foreign wars.

I do believe we can know what is going on in the world to some degree. It's important that we understand the global power structure, so that we can either try to escape it or at least not feed into it completely.

Ultimately i believe meditation and ending rebirth is the most important thing we can do to benefit not only ourselves but others as well. War and suffering is part of life. If not this life then the next.

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This is a lofty and urgent goal; one that many of us are already working with. It is clear, though, that the material world as we have known it, is breaking down. And I don't think we have any choice but to do what Charles is suggesting and break down the whole energetic complex known as the military industrial complex. Anything else just slaps a bandaid on a weeping wound. As we move back (or forward?) into a more spiritually-based, metamorphic space, we have no choice but to embody the peace that we so long for in 'the rest of the world.' Thank you Charles.

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We can do that one person at a time but the monsters among us far outnumber the unicorns and besides that, they eat unicorns for breakfast. I am powerless to do anything but raise my consciousness while I cynically watch human nature take its course.

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I agree. How? Being peaceful and praying for peace will take too much time to bring what Charles and I desire. We must come up with something that will avert a global crisis worse than the one we are already experiencing. This Russia/Ukraine thing is just part of that despite the validity of the truth in the aspects of it. I have been trying to find the way to world peace for a long time. Turning the global military stuff into "plowshares" would make prosperity so high people would think we had created paradise on Earth. Then there are many other things we can do. But we still need a way to stop the wars today. Tomorrow at the latest. I don't see it coming. We in the USA have an incredible amount of work to do here. Our house is a mess and too many people are contributing to the mess while defending it with all they have.

I watched one of the Terminator movies again last night. It made me see again the things Charles mentioned. The heroes were trying the save the world while the cops were trying to stop them in total confidence that stopping them was the right thing to do. It is a common theme. I have been saying for many years that we must stop the use of all forms of money and trade. If enough people could see their way to realizing the merits of such a change, it could solve all our current problems virtually overnight.

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"I have been trying to find the way to world peace for a long time."

You'll never find it, because that's not how our world is meant to be. We each live a few decades per incarnation in this dualistic universe, precisely to experience conflict... and figure out how to transcend it. If not successful this lifetime, then maybe the next.

Our planet is a kindergarten for evolving souls. You work your way through the challenges and conflicts of kindergarten until you graduate... then comes 1st grade.

Our kindergarten is exactly perfect for its intended purpose. You don't try to 'fix' the kindergarten curriculum; you master it.

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i like this idea quite a bit. however i think there's a big difference between several incarnations ago (a century or two) and today's times, and that is the amount of damage one individual (or group) can inflict on others. i think this puts us into more of a k-6 elementary school situation, an uneven playing field, while communication and expectations are established at the kindergarten level. kind of a "no child left behind" mentality. this isn't about intellectualism; it's more of a measurement of conscientiousness.

i heard the claim on a podcast the other day that humans are the only species that are truly capable of causing harm to another remotely, and this capability reinforces cooperation among the species. this goes back to the early days, when people could chuck rocks at each other, and it was in everyone's best interest to establish trust and cooperation in order to survive and thrive. i think we might be cycling back to that point again, with nuclear weaponry being the ultimate rock.

under this macro lens, i'd like to think this entire situation could be viewed as an opportunity to create a renewed contract for humanity. a mutually understood agreement of cooperation that can transcend the remote threat of force, and de-escalations can be practiced. that is my personal interpretation of charles' essay here, and it's more a direction to go in. clearly above that kindergarten caliber that is mandated for mass public consumption, but still an early draft worthy of contemplation.

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Good one, OEA. Agreed about the Elementary School correction. That same thought popped into my mind after I wrote the original.

In terms of Levels of Consciousness (LoC), it seems we do have all elementary school grades here on Earth.

See here:




A very small fraction of the world's population has made the jump into Second Tier (Junior high school - grades 7, 8 and 9). These are the Learned, the Wise, the Teachers for those in elementary school. In any sane society, those in the second tier would be sought out as teachers, leaders, wise counsel, final decision-makers, etc.

Instead, we have a world where most people have been indoctrinated to believe in something called Democracy... mob rule, majority wins by default. Being that the vast majority are still firmly entrenched in grades 1-6, that base majority consensus weighs down everyone else.

Democracy is a very insidious system where the best, the brightest and the most wise are demoted to One Vote, just like everyone else. Those who have the most experience and wisdom - i.e. those who should have the most leadership influence on the well-being of a society, are demoted to little or no influence whatsoever. Instead, those who are the most amoral, ruthless and greedy rule the day... and they use their influence to corral the vast majority still residing in First Tier into systems of collectivist control.

People no longer have any sense of looking up to The Wisdom of the Elders, because our natural systems of tribal community have long been lost.

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nice, that's a lot to chew on. i suppose even under this analogy, psychopaths can masquerade as junior high schoolers, and that's how democracy will remain a potent tool for control.

i believe the best counter to this oppression is to get anyone contending for power or leadership status under a metaphorical microscope, using recorded long form conversations to test the fabricated illusion of wisdom for those faking it. this is an age-old practice that transcends technology, but through modern tech, can be made available for all to witness, interpret, and reach independent conclusions.

the whole system probably has to burn first, but it's critical to vet out opportunists for when after the dust settles. the original concept of tribal community can return, so long as we know who to trust when this runaway train finally comes to a halt. i'm not expecting world peace in my lifetime, but i'd like to think it's possible for each of us to optimize the little patches in which we dwell. so long as we still have a habitable planet...

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I like your 'long conversation' idea a lot. I've seen evidence that psychopaths can be outed by exactly that - careful analysis of their wording in long conversations. Basically, they cannot keep the BS going for too long, and they give themselves away by their use of language.

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I am reminded of this by Rumi; "“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.

I'll meet you there." Especially after observing all the Putin vilifications by MSM and social media, I have been seeking independent reporting. Here are two very credible sources I am listening to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAEybTns0Lg and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHo6JXxcQM. As someone who has not been following the Russia-Ukraine situation closely over the course of several years, I am aware that there is much to get informed about before I jump to rash conclusions as many (on social media especially) seem to do esp. when emotions are running high (understandably). Thank-you Charles for stepping in with this article and for your courage to take some heat (as any article about this war generates).

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Geopolitical analyst you are not. The international criminal banking cartel installed a Nazi leader in Ukraine 20I4 in a Soros funded color revolution and then proceeded to get a billion dollars in arms to their Nazi separatists through their proxy state's armies (NATO, but they control the central banks and thus armies of most countries on the globe).

Russia's "SWIFT" style money and credit clearing system is about to come online and Nordstream II was about to provide massively cheap energy to a hurtin' Europe (Merkel made a back door deal and got caught.) Biden's crime family is caught up in deals with the criminal energy cartel that is in bed with the Ukrainian Nazis. The Cartel needs a distraction from their depopulation and impoverishment agenda and they want to put the screws to Russia so it doesn't emerge as a global superpower what with its cheap energy ready to go to Europe and it's own central banks and SWIFT, so they are using their now-embedded Nazi psychopaths to start a fake war that can be blamed on Putin and cause the Western world to sanction Russia (no cheap energy for you, Europe). There are no good guys here. What you are seeing about this all on MSM and hearing on NPR is completely bought and paid for by the banking cartel that owns all public corporations and the vast majority of private. Think Blackrock, which is owned by the same owners of the Fed and manages the WEF's funds (again, same owners). These entities fund all the major charities and "public" news sources as well as owning and thus controlling all corporate media.

There is no breadth of informed opinions being shared in your world, Charles -- unless you make a commitment to find them. If you want to understand any of this you need to burn your NYT subscription and start looking for the independent analysts that have been pushed out to the fringes. coloradopublicbanking.blogspot.com is a good place to start.

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Spot on! I heard Soros is also funding Greta Thunberg.

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As to the Russian perspective, I think that Putin meant it when he compared NATO moving military force closer and closer to the Russian border to the Germans moving forces up to the border before invading in 1941. Putin said that the Soviets in 1941 tried to please the Germans right up to the last minute in the hope that somehow the invasion wouldn't come (there are famous videos of Soviet trains carrying grain and the like into Germany even as the war started) and for their troubles, they suffered grievously in the early days of the war. Many in the West would consider the notion of NATO launching war on anyone unthinkable, but that is not what it looks like to the Russian government (Serbia/Kosovo).

For Ukrainians, the Holodomor (death of millions of Ukrainians in famine caused by Soviet collectivization of agriculture, in Ukrainian eyes, done deliberately to cripple Ukraine) cannot be omitted.

Just to fill out that part of things.

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Thank you for articulating so well what has been in my heart.

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Charles, this is one of your most powerful pieces. I need to read it several more times, and far more deeply, but my impressions on first reading have my heart and head saying YES!

As a previous politically far-left person, and still in the collapse-aware space of that world, I lived for over 30 years in the very conservative south. I was embarrassingly slow to realize I knew very little. I eventually learned to listen, because I loved my neighbors and wanted to better understand why we inhabited such different worlds.

Eventually, as I continued to step back and then step back some more, I began to see beyond our very clear and real predicaments of overconsumption, overpopulation, overshoot, corporate rule etc etc and began to see that our human problem was entirely solvable, despite our biological wiring. I feel deep grief that we were just not willing to go there: The problem is our unwillingness AND now our seeming inability, individually and societally, to break away from Game A or zero sum game rules. The finite game. We frankly don’t know the rules for Game B and beyond .. the nonzero/infinite game. We have dropped our spiritual connection to our world and to one another like a hot potato. We have deserted our community and family initiation practices into wisdom, interbeing and constraint. We have vacated deep heart space, that more alchemical and synthesizing way of holding tensions responsibly in our difficult world. We have lost touch with our ability to combine thinking and feeling with open vulnerable hearts, individually and together, to create anew.

I want to believe that we can still learn, that there is still more time for our species to evolve into who we could have so beautifully been and done. I doubt we have that kind of time. I hope I am wrong. My doubt does not prevent me from knowing just how important it is to still try; to continue to practice, with diligence, to do the right thing. I have the amazing author Jess Walter to thank for that, among many wise others. You.

Thank you, Charles.

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Thanks for this perfect contribution to the collective consciousness. Those making "practical" and dismissive comments to it may be right at the level of their understanding, but they aren't going to move anyone towards The More Beautiful World We Know Is Possible. Staying stuck in the old paradigm reinforces it. There are no limits to the justifications for business as usual.

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How funny i think that even in noticing that "they aren't going to move anyone towards" the more beautiful world, even noticing, and commenting, that "they" aren't going to move, separates us. Even this comment separates us. i salute folks who go out on the limb of standing up for anyone who is an innocent victim. This is very hard right now, to do this. God bless us all.

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This essay is just extraordinary. THANK YOU for articulating the No Enemy Way and calling us to it with such clarity.

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I appreciate your eloquently expressed points of view. Im a an MD in private practice in NJ. I never received the jab. I have natural covid in aug 21. I was dropped from the staff of a local hospital where i had privileges for 14 years and ive had to ask for exemptions at other places. Keep fighting!

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Unfortunately the elite in power have no concern for human life. Could be one of the horrific purposes of war (besides for the profits) is to depopulate.

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Hi Charles, I stopped reading at the mention of mass killings of Russian people in Ukraine. Can you direct me to the source of this information? I know nothing about it and I should, as I'm a native Pole, a neighbour to Ukraine. Right now we are taking in refugees, doing what we can to help, carring heavy emotions of the witness and dealing wuth and trying to heal the old Polish trauma that's reopened, the one of being left alone with Nazi invasion in 1939. As far as I know, there were brutal mass killings of Polish folks in WW2 in what is now Ukraine (complicated historical stuff, somewhat we deserved it, yet trauma is still a trauma, a chance to heal some of it now). From my perspective Putin is the bully that you hate so much. Better die than give in and lose freedom. That's what we have been doing in this part of the world.

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Charles, Thank you for this excellent article describing our collective challenge to bring peace, love, livelihood, prosperity, sharing & caring among us. However, ACTIONS need to be described in greater detail however. All of us are born into an oligarch-owned (there is no democracy) & perpetual war-economy. Every moment & dollar we own & spend, are votes for peace or war, in the supply chain each represents. Each of us are individual but also integrally part of worldwide human collective collaboration. We are all sovereign parts of one equation. Here is my own Vow of Solidarity since 1979. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/solidarity


Whenever there's conflict both at home & worldwide, we've 2 main choices to:

1) believe oligarchy's 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') finance-media-religion-education-military-industrial-legislative-judicial-complex, demonize the other, armour ourselves against our perceived enemies, launch pre-emptive war & create hell, 2) engage the other in formal equal-time recorded & published dialogues.

Mohandas Gandhi developed 'Satyagraha' (Hindi 'truth-search') based upon simultaneous inquiry with both parties in dispute or re-search asking, "What are your best intentions & how can we help you fulfill these?". Gandhi, "I can imagine a fully armed man to be at heart a coward. Possession of arms implies an element of fear, if not cowardice. But true non-violence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness. "We need transparency in all levels of human solutions at home, school, media, business for all stakeholders. As Socrates proposed, 'dialectics' ('both-sided inquiry') should be the foundation of social & economic literacy both for collaborative-research & as necessity may arise for conflict-resolution & collaborative process.

Are western arms & finance behind some of this conflict on both-sides? The west plays 'Right-to-Protect' game for 100s of colonial years keeping citizens in the dark staging many 100s of False Flag events, colonial invasion & genocide. NO-WAR until we hear Both-Sides present in Equal-Time, Recorded & Published Debate. Most issues & events in our colonial oligarch manipulated & consumptive world aren’t as they appear. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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Be this as it may, I have zero hope that the current administration of the US has the good sense, the humility, or the humanity to see things in this light.

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