Hi from Nice, France. I have to follow from afar…sadly, geography being what it is.

Whilst recognising that big events cost lots of money and time to organise, for many people, 600 bucks is so out of reach. This is not a complaint. It is what it is. I just really hope that this -and other like events -can really spill over and flood and infuse into the lives of those people who cannot barely dream of attending a weekend costing this amount of money. (Not taking into account the transport costs.)

I believe we need these people on board - at least those wanting and yearning for a transformative weekend too.

Wishing you all a deep and wonderful and time. Let it spill out everywhere ….🌸🦋❣️🤗🙋🏼‍♀️🌈✨

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Gotta keep out those disgusting, dangerous poor people from the tidy white revolution

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😅😅😅 yep, that’s about it 😅😜❣️

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instead of negativity, People can try self organising. start very small events very locally...

invite friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit

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Aye thats good stuff. Rainbow Gatherings are kinda meant to be something like this, I went to one, but alas people just cant seem to get into the giving mindset, everyone is still running on scarcity and capitalism in their minds background.. Id love to start my own small local events and intend to. No money required

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wow June. i wrote my post having not seen yours. Thank you for your post. den

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People can try self organising. start very small events very locally...

invite friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit


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This sounds like such an amazing event. i reside in BC and that makes it even more significant to me. What makes me sad,really sad is that there are so many amazing events going on around the globe but there those of us who cannot afford to attend even though in our own lives we may have a great deal to offer to the world in other ways.

i want to add to my comment. i absolutely love and admire Charles Eisenstein and Zak Bush. For anyone who is not from BC and gets to go to this beautiful place with these two remarkable men, i am happy for you and trust that this event will fill you with a light that you will be sharing with the world wherever you go.

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People can try self organising. start very small events very locally...

invite friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit


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No disrespect intended, but all I see in the photos are a bunch of white privileged mostly young people pampering themselves at a weekend spa setting. I would rather know that that amount of money each of them are spending would go to a really good cause, like helping poor, starving war- torn people.

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Yeah, good point, I took a look at the pix and words. From what I have read of Charles in the past he probably regards the event as strongly adding vibes to the morphic resonance he hopes will change the world. IMO we are heading towards what John Michael Greer has written about in his books The Long Descent, The Retro Future, The Ecotechnic Future. Not morphic resonantly pretty. Or maybe we are in the windup before the return of Jesus of Nazareth. Something is brewing.

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instead of negativity, People can try self organising. start very small events very locally...

invite friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit


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Yikes Charles! $600 for a weekend! Costs a lot of money these days to become a "new human". I think I'll go shovel some chicken poop into my compost and get my gardens ready for spring (southern hemisphere) instead. Ah, don't mind me, I'm just yanking your chain... You deserve the big bucks Charles for all that you've shared freely in the past. 😀

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charles is an invited speaker, not an organiser

please do not assume Charles is going to profit a lot from participants

there are many ways to be a good human

and yes, gardening is a good idea, gardening new human, excellent! thank you for doing it!

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instead of negativity, People can try self organising. start very small events very locally...

invite friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit


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What are you, a bot?

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ask not what but who

human soul

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Then talk like one instead of copy-pasting the same reply

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do not boss around.

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Good on you Charles! As the curtain get pulled back and we get a better look, I find it barely tolerable. What to do as the corruption can no longer be ignored and yet so difficult to correct? It all becomes so dialectic and important. Keep up the good works. Your voice is so important.

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What if every single thought, word, conference, festival and every single conversation and interaction, between people and even in our own imagination, what if every single time we imagine the beautiful new world, we are watering it with our loving attention? Could it be that simple? Billions of us dreaming of what's possible, billions of unique loving frequencies all in resonance, gestating our new world? What happens when we ponder the possibility that even a single loving thought makes a difference? What if our love is more powerful than we know??

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yes, beautifully self organising. starting events locally...seriously...

for instance: inviting friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit...there are millions of us, even billions...

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Yes, beautiful actions all of them, and a gazillion more, even typing a reply, all made even more powerful when done from joy and inspiration, the joy that comes from envisioning /feeling our new world taking shape thru our very actions and imaginings 😍❤️🌍🤙🏽

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Synchronicity. In my town in the Northern Rivers Area of Australia I'm involved in the creation of a young women's group. It's just begun formation, emergent from the dynamic of four attuned individuals coming together and inviting others in. We've just decided on 'Gathering of Women' as our group name, the connotation of gathering being 'a process of selection (self-selection in this case) to assemble an entity'. Totally apt.

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great idea

self organising. starting events locally...seriously...

for instance: inviting friends for watching a film or having a monthly book club...

drum circle, camping...bon fire...prayers, chanting...meditation...

tai chi, yoga...the sky is the limit

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I cannot WAIT for this. I had been interested when I first encountered an invite to it, as it’s basically exactly the thing that’s been brewing in my own heart. But the cost at the time seemed prohibitive and I waffled on it.

But when I heard that you and Zach Bush were both going to be there, it become an absolute HELL YES.

Seriously vibrating over here 😄

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Can you give me 600 bucks so i can go too

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600 dollars. Great. Im so sick of fucking everyone you have no goddamn idea.

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This is genuinely exciting. You and Zach together is a dream team. Time to update my passport! 😊

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I'm registered. Can't wait to take part in this deepening Presence within the community!

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I remember a number of years ago you wrote you wanted to find new wells of new inspiration and a different way of presenting your vision instead of recycling the stuff you have already presented in just writing and speaking. Hopefully you have already or will enter soon into that new fresh place you were seeking. Blessings!

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What happened to your support for Kennedy

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I think Charles is still supporting Kennedy.

Did you watch this……


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kennedy is the remedy when it comes to understanding health, wellbeing, pollution of our environment, etc

i do not agree with Kennedy on everything (position on Israel) but corrupted duopoly is a trap. Charles is not putting his head in the sand. Good on him.

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kennedy is the remedy when it comes to understanding health, wellbeing, pollution of our environment, etc

i do not agree with Kennedy on everything (position on Israel) but corrupted duopoly is a trap. Charles is not putting his head in the sand. Good on him.

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Maybe he read the article in Vanity Fair.

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I luv the conceptual pathway

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You'd have to pay me a lot of money to spend an hour with Zach Bush. What a fraud.

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Jim, can you please share your direct experience with Zach Bush with me. I am in a place of discernment and would like to take into consideration your experience with him being a fraud. Thank you in advance for your consideration, Jim.

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Thank you for bringing some balance to dogmatic conferencing and blousy festivals. >Regeneration< feels good. Incidentally, I still need Zach Bush's mailing address so I can mail him a gift copy of my novel in which he is featured as a special character inspiration, (as are you Charles!) Patsy tried to help me but his package was returned :(

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