Hi everyone, my in-person event in Boulder tonight is going to livestreamed. It starts at 8pm Eastern time. Here is the link. There is also going to be a live chat there.
Apologies to those who couldn’t get in because the venue was full. I will make a recording available of tonight, and also last night’s event which was about Sacred Economics, which I haven’t spoken on in quite some time.
Thanks for coming out to Boulder, I enjoyed your talk last night and look forward to the livestream tonight.
I think my biggest takeaway from your talk was that our current economic system is child like and adolescent in that it takes unquestioningly from mother earth and is primarily ego-centric, and that what we need now is to mature as individuals and as a society to become true adults (adults in the sense that Bill Plotkin refers to in his soul-centric development wheel), choosing to step into our place within the ecological fabric of the world.
I'm glad this is being recorded, because I am really looking forward to hearing you speak on this. Keep talking and teaching. You're doing good work. And the more beautiful world *is* possible.