Thanks for coming out to Boulder, I enjoyed your talk last night and look forward to the livestream tonight.

I think my biggest takeaway from your talk was that our current economic system is child like and adolescent in that it takes unquestioningly from mother earth and is primarily ego-centric, and that what we need now is to mature as individuals and as a society to become true adults (adults in the sense that Bill Plotkin refers to in his soul-centric development wheel), choosing to step into our place within the ecological fabric of the world.

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I'm glad this is being recorded, because I am really looking forward to hearing you speak on this. Keep talking and teaching. You're doing good work. And the more beautiful world *is* possible.

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I want to express my deepest gratitude for your talk yesterday evening. I have been quite immersed in your writing and podcasts for a number years now, so I wasn't sure that I would get anything new out of seeing you speak. And while there wasn't necessarily a lot of new "content", the resonance that you helped to create in the group of people and the palpable sense of open-hearted engagement were simply stunning. I was especially moved by your acknowledgement of all the people whose under-valued acts of care hold the social fabric together. And I feel that you planted a deep seed within me with the idea that societal collapse is seductive, but counterproductive to dwell on and wait for (which has been a strong tendency for me of late).

I do have one minor critique to share: I was rubbed the wrong way when you said that you hoped Boulder could be an "island of sanity." Admittedly, I'm not a Boulderite myself so perhaps this is just my good old-fashioned tribalism rearing its head. But on a deeper level than that, I think the idea that some pockets of people should be more enlightened and better able to hold space for this transition than others contradicts the beautiful sense of "we're-in-this-together-ness" that much of your work exudes. If, as you say, all manifestations of life will inherently know what to do, then why should Boulder be a space of any more sanity than the countless number of more marginal places and peoples? Just a minor critique, as I said, but you are usually so warm and precise with your words that this hint of exclusionary language caught me a bit off guard.

Again, thank you. I feel re-instilled with hope and aliveness after a long sense of dormancy. Last night's experience was deep soul medicine for me.

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I felt deeply touched by you acknowledging several times the silent work that goes unrecognized. The one about caring for a child with special needs hit home and a warm feeling in my heart spread around my being. That is what I am taking away tonight. Thank you, I know what I do has a meaning, I know that, and hearing you acknowledging that you know that as well, is making a positive difference for me today. I believe that is the ripple effect you speak of in action. God bless you, Charles.

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Went back in, sound was better. Your sharing brought memories to mind. I taught in a private religious school years ago. I once asked my class for miracle events that they knew of personally A marvelous series of events were shared. A common feature were the words - “My grandmother was really praying” Speaking of coins materializing, one of my sons was renting a room in an old Victorian house. I felt an oppressive energy in the house when I visited. My son had a number of encounters with poltergeist manifestations, one of which was my son and another roommate witnessing the materialization of coins mid air and falling to the floor.

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Charles, thanks so much for you and the team for making this talk available. Your body of work means alot to me. Ascent of Humanity has hit me in a deep perspective that I have not come across before.

Thanks for this.

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Looking forward to hearing both parts of your talk Charles -- appreciate that it was recorded and able to share. Sorry I missed it live, but I was just traveling back from a big Holomovement event. There definitely seems to be a maturation happening in the morphic field. I am experiencing multiple groups moving beyond ego-centric to eco-centric awareness which seems to allow for a true, heartfelt space of a new level of belonging... The more beautiful world is calling to us on many levels, from many dimensions and many, many of us are now chosing to listen! With love and thanks, Susan

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The photo with the announcement says 6-8 p.m. so it looks like it starts at 6 p.m.! despite what Charles wrote. I will need the recording because I am in India and neither time works for me.



auroville, india

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Hi, Charles, I tried listening to the talk, but sound was too choppy. Are you familiar with the writings of John Michael Greer? I think he has a very possible take on the future. Two of his books on the subject are The Ecotechnic Future and The Retro Future. For me, if some one was to ask me what the future holds for the next couple of hundred years, I would either say Jesus is coming back or we are going to slide into what Greer talks about, which is as the concentrated energy available from petroleum and natural gas fades along with other resources that undergird our present suites of technologies, we will have a technological regression, analogous to what happened during the decline of the Roman Empire, not an abrupt collapse, but more like an old automobile that is going bad, but you patch up and struggle with, until you are forced to walk and bike and hitch hike instead as you don’t have the money for the major repairs now needed, and certainly no money for a new car.

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Thank you for the recording! And thank you for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you so much.

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My bookstore manager your greatest fan of all. May he get all that you are talking about now.

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Watching for the recording!

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We don’t have five years!! That’s simply an unfortunate fact.

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5pm Pacific standard time?

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Dear Charles,

I missed this event but I just watched RFK's Zoom call "Revitalizing our Food, Farms, and Soil" featuring America's farmers. This was an informative and brilliant call and frankly transformative. Through reading your essays I'm aware you are a key part of RFK's campaign. Before the host mentioned you were on the call and flashed you onscreen, I contemplated that you influenced this Zoom call. I found while intently listening to these farmers that I was moved politically like only one other time in my life. Whatever input you may have had many thanks to you and RFK and all the farmers who participated in this conversation. What is on full view here is that RFK cares, a rare commodity these days in politics. I was struck twofold by his copious note-taking during the Zoom and his interest in charting a new course for agriculture......

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