I have found myself walking away from discussions about the 'injection that shall not be named'. Mostly because I have become weary with trying to talk to people about this subject. It seems there is a social status quo that has people unable to hear anything else but the accepted rhetoric.-even when I quote some of their so-called experts in casting doubt. I have training in science and have worked as a microbiologist. This may even qualify me as an 'expert' in some circles. When I try to explain the 'science' that does not support the current rhetoric, I look at angry faces. As I have aged, I have gotten weary of living as an outcast because I have pushed back against many accepted paradigms in my life (I spent years and hours of time trying to get people to understand that pesticides were not good for our bodies). I think your call to stand up now will spur me on to (continue) to talk to people who approach me on this subject and try to show them another viewpoint. Being a social pariah seems to be what I came to this earth to do. Thank you Charles for reminding me.

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[  ] https://youtu.be/SmfgTUjC_H4  mass formation - the psych phenomina that explains the herd adherence to the covid narrative. You are not a social pariah. You are the dayshift topographer in the free-range asylum of sleepwalkers.

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I watched the video you suggested in your response to me. I was struck with Dr. Mathias commenting that there is what I call an aha moment regarding the unamenable phenomenon. It happened to me in December 2019. It was when I was perusing the news and saw mention of the new infection. The hair on my arms stood straight up. My partner said that it was nothing and would pass just like SARS, etc. I just looked at him and said that this was different-I did not know why or how it was different, only that something much darker was at work. He has since acknowledged how strange it was that I felt this from the beginning. I still do not know why I did. I believe some of us have an open intuitive channel that affects us. I hope all of us can get through these times with as much love and mutual support as possible. I will continue to express my opinions to those that challenge me and hope someday I will be able to see the world as a more sane place. Thanks again for sending the video. By the way, what is a dayshift topographer?

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Intuition is fine. Evidence is better. Stop spreading antivax propaganda and get vaccinated

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Ken, with the utmost respect and kindness... could you please just f*ck the F*ck off. Thanks so much.

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For some this is a religion. Looks that way for Ken. Even the creators of the "vaccine" admit it neither prevents spread nor infection. Look at the statistics from Israel.

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I've thought this for a while now. Many of the vax pushers have a kind of religious fanaticism that defies science or logic. And we all know where that leads.

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Almost right. It doesn’t prevent spread, it dramatically lowers it. I’m guessing you’re misinterpreting the Israeli statistics, but which are you looking at?

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Some folks just like to here themselves talk. Ken is the Karen of this board.

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Isn't Karen a rich white lady who's drunk on privilege and hurts those around her? You've obviously got it backwards, brother

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See I would, but then you guys would circulate antivax propaganda without anyone there to point out the lies and inconsistencies. If even one fence sitter gets vaccinated after seeing through this bs, the tiny amount of suffering prevented will be worth it

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With all due respect, Ken- you are not the arbiter of truth here, nor will you convince anyone by calling them an anti-vaxer. Most of the people on here whom you would so handily label as "anti-vax" are likely very reasonable and intelligent people, who happen to have retained critical thinking skills despite the barrage of fear porn propaganda promulgated by the media which is regurgitated ad nauseum by "pro-vaxers" such as yourself. By my observation, the VAST MAJORITY of people who question the official narrative are the most educated people in the country, if not the world. Social media is censoring these people because the industrialists have control of all main-stream media and are conspiring (and succeeding) to stifle debate, and label anyone who questions ANYTHING they say as conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxers so that they can continue their rapacious profiteering at the expense of the middle class and the poor. This is an outright a war on sense-making, where impressionable people (ie yourself) have literally been brainwashed by media psy-ops to believe only what they tell you to believe, and are armed with brazen self righteous, virtue signaling, gas-lighting, fear fomenting, hysterical nonsense.

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The drone of your rhetoric is painful... just let us all die. Go do something with your remaining freedom.

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See I would just let you die if this was heart disease or cancer or something. But the problem is with letting you be a disease vector during a pandemic. I'm hoping you don't kill anyone I love before we achieve herd immunity.

Here's the olive branch I'll extend to you: If you and the rest of these antivax nutters want to go to a deserted island for two weeks, give yourselves covid, and come back with natural immunity, I'll stop trying to convince you to take the safe and effective vaccine. I'm not sure why you would want that, but sure.

What isn't morally tenable is moving through society not knowing if when or where you're going to be spreading disease. That's murder

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I know several dozen people who have had covid and NONE- ZERO- of them went to the hospital. They were all fine within 2-5 days, one of them in their 80s! On the contrary, of the several dozen people I know who have had the jab, 2 of them came down with GBS- Gullain-Barre Syndrome- after the 2nd dose of the Pfizer jab. One is almost completely paralyzed and the other has extreme nerve pain. You seem like a smart troll, whats the percentage increased risk from the jab vs the virus, based on this anecdotal evidence?

Furthermore, my good friend who is an ER doc and head of the local covid task force said he diagnosed a person who had GBS (spinal tap test) which was 90% positively due to the vax, but the hospital workers responsible for reporting to VAERS would not believe him nor report it as an adverse reaction. How many adverse reactions do you think are not reported, or mis-diagnosed?

Implying that people moving throughout society unvaxed are akin to "murderers" is plain lunacy and completely unsupported by science. The survival rate of covid is greater than 99%, calling this a deadly disease is just plain nuts.

You been watching CNN too much bruh take a break its bad for your brain, obviously.

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The vaccinated are carrying spike antigen with potential 'vectoring' for 4 months post vaxx. Just published.


Point is, your one-note-symphony is infuriating when NO ONE KNOWS. Stop 'shedding-shoulding' on ppl. You just might be the super-spreader (btw, don't have sex--we don't know yet if the vaxx-spike antigen is in seminal fluid).

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Where I reside

Vaccines are Universal (available to all that want them), Free of Cost and Voluntary.

No coercion is permitted.

No one can be forced to become vaccinated.

Is that acceptable to you?

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The olive branch I'll offer is that if you want to go to a deserted island, give yourself covid, wait two weeks and come back - you should be allowed into society. If not, it's immoral to walk around unvaxxed during a pandemic - not knowing when and where you're going to catch it and who you're going to spread it to

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Ken, has no-one informed you that the vaccines are 'leaky'? Ie that the vaccinated can be infected and can also infect others? So what you write here is prejudiced nonsense.

You call yourself a man of science, so why are you not up to date with the latest science? We've known this since the CDC report of July 30th. The best you can claim is that the vaccines protect to some degree against infection, but even that is up for debate.

If you care about the science, perhaps look up the Covid 19 Surveillance Reports of Public Health England. Since a month they give figures of infections among vaccinated and unvaccinated, per age category. Amazingly, there are far more infections under unvaccinated people under 18, but above 40 there are far more infections under the vaccinated.

If you do the sums for the entire population, it's about equal, so no significant protection against infection among the vaccinated, meaning you're as likely to be infected by someone who is vaccinated as someone who is unvaccinated.

Here are the reports; https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccine-surveillance-report The infection figures become worse for the vaccinated as time progresses, and for some reason the reports for weeks 39 and 40 have been moved elsewhere, and week 41 is not available yet.

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My interpretation of the nature of the problem is very different than yours.

Unlike bacteria, viruses are not living organisms. They are fragments of biological material that are integrated in various ways within our own metabolic process, some of them necessary for human health (i.e. the development of the human reproductive and immune systems).

Viruses cannot reproduce. WE reproduce them under certain conditions (environmental, dietary, behavioral, genetic and social) that require further study and understanding in order to deal with them appropriately.

Unfortunately, those who develop vaccines fail to consider these fundamental facts and their actions are based on grossly incomplete concept of the ecosystem required for human health (an absence of severe pathological reactions - most of which are of an auto-immune nature), and subscribe to the false duality of viral threat / vaccine panacea, instead.

But that's not how health works. That interpretation of the problem fails to consider the ecosystem society is currently living in, compared to the condition needed for a successful adaptation to the biological life support systems we require and biosphere we form part of.

Personally, I welcome the opportunity to help set the record straight. (People like the founder of MicroSoft -known to known to establish anti-competitive monopolies- who has actively participated in the creation of gavi.org in 2000 and promoted the need to develop vaccines for corona viruses as the most serious threat to humanity since 2015, have no competence in this matter).

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That belief is based on assumptions I don't share.

To the contrary: The vaccine carries far greater risks than the virus does.

And I consider vaccinated individuals to be far more dangerous than un-vaccinated individuals, in more than one sense.

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Is this a play on Qui-Gon Jinn?

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You can have my shot for extra protection. You don't have to lick my boots either for it.

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My BFF cried for months prior to the announcement. We thought it was from hormonal shifts. But then we realized what she was actually sensing.

She no longer communicates with me. 25 years up a needle.

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She probably doesn’t want to catch a disease from you and is tired of hearing antivax propaganda

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You rock Ken! All your replies are spot on.

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Ha! Trying! There's a surprising number of these yahoos in what I thought was supposed to be a group dedicated to conscious living

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jillster, I think it is as you say: you are a very intuitive person. We all could sense that if we beliefed or knew we can. I am currently training to find out when*s the right time to speak out and when to remain silent. You'll know that it's right when it feels right. Do the words come naturally and without inner disturbance (as it is the case when we are acting out trauma responses) ? Then your words come from a different source than your ego-self. This is the place where true revolutions will come from. You might want to check auf Franz Renggli. He's a psychologist from Basel, Switzerland and he talks about that in an interview. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7chJWLweuI (Quite the normal Insanity - A short Cultural History of the Mother-Child-Relationship). Unfortunaltely it is in German with no translation available yet. But I'll be happy to translate parts of it for you if you resonate with this.

website: https://www.franz-renggli.ch

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It's not really that complex. Speak out when you have something to say that evidence can support. Stop speaking out when you find yourself rooting for the disease during a pandemic

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this was happily stirred up and dispensed to over throw an election.

"hate Trump"

stay at home vote by mail and 2000 mules

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I encourage you to learn from Jason Christoff about the way mind control really works. That's what's happened. Tremendous mind control layers built over time.

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Except who’s got the scientific evidence on their side?! Hint: it’s not the antivaxxers

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Nope, just a concerned citizen who's trying to protect his loved ones with comorbidities

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Then lock them up, along with yourself.

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Science or media?

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Both. I’m guessing you trust neither

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Ken - Corrupt science. Corrupt media. Corrupt medicine. Corrupt government. It’s clear that you trust them all, and are happy to spread their corrupt propaganda. You have an impossible sell with this crowd. You really should go waste your time on a more gullible crowd.

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Science isn’t a psychological phenomena, it’s a process of testing hypotheses and analyzing data. Adherence to the covid narrative - presumably that there’s a deadly disease and an easy way to stop it - is not the result of brainwashing. It’s based on the vast preponderance of evidence of what is actually happening on planet earth right now

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Love that last sentence, bloody brilliant!!!!

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"Video unavailable

This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated."

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Exactly. I shared that in my page but no one who needs to see it has commented.

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Or they're just sick and tired of antivax propaganda

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She's worse than a social pariah. She's a disease vector

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At least 11,400 doctors, other medical professionals and other scientists have signed the Doctors Declaration Global Covid Summit! You are not alone!

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There's a doctor on there from Houston who thinks covid comes from aliens having sexual encounters with humans; calls it demon sperm. You are not alone!

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My error, It is actually called Physicians Declaration Global Covid summit. Jon

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Jillster. There is an excellent interview with a clinical psychologist , Matthias Desmet, where he explains this phenomena you’ve described….and how to combat it…by not stopping speaking out. I know what you mean about being weary…it’s probably even more maddening for people like you who have the expertise. I’ll post this here 👍

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Except when you're completely wrong and spreading lies and propaganda. Then you really need to stop speaking out

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Oct 11, 2021
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Oh . I see you have already watched it 👍

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Hey lovely lady, you did not come here for that pariah stuff. Throw that label right out the window. You like the rest of us are here to shine your particular kind of light into the dark shadows. And just buy being here you are doing just that. Shine on my dear... shine on!!!!

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Or make a commitment to doing what you can to not spread disease and nobody will treat you like a pariah

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No need for me to write another comment to the subject. I, a MD, PhD (in biochemistry), face the same obstacles you are running up against.

"When I try to explain the 'science' that does not support the current rhetoric, I look at angry faces. As I have aged, I have gotten weary of living as an outcast because I have pushed back against many accepted paradigms in my life... Being a social pariah seems to be what I came to this earth to do."

I am in the boat with you, my friend, and I am confident the boat is quite spacey holding hundreds of thousands of similar minds. Sadly, most of us are not interconnected, pulling on the same rope.

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Quite spacey indeed

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shame on you .

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Goodness. I resonate with all you say, except for without a background in science I don’t have an articulate argument like you do, just my intuition. Please keep sharing your viewpoint x

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I grew up in a family of doctors. I was also married to one and I spent years abdicating my own intuition. I did not inform myself sufficiently, but always listened to the advice or firmly expressed opinions by my doctor uncles and treating physicians, whom I looked up to. My mother did the same. Sadly, I received medical interventions that really harmed me. I watched others be harmed. I have rheumatoid arthritis. I manage it with alternative treatment methods and occasional aspirin. I was told aspirin causes ulcers. Then Celebrex came onto the market. Yae, "Celebrex won't do that! Change from aspirin to Celebrex." I didn't. A friend of mine was so excited and did. He ended up in the hospital with an ulcer. 50% of treatments that are recommended by physicians in the trenches are not proven scientifically. Doctoring is a healing art. There is more at play than just science. I know a physician who did research and came up with a new diagnosis. Once he had done the research it went to the powers that be to be evaluated whether it would be accepted in the official diagnosis manual. He joked: "And now it is up to the political process!" Every human action is the result of many factors. So is medicine and science. Bear with me. I am still responding to: " I resonate with all you say, except for without a background in science I don’t have an articulate argument like you do, just my intuition." Miranda, my story is about the importance of intuition. For so many years I abdicated my intuition even as a mother. My 14 y.o. daughter had eczema and her hands were permanently infected. Her doctor put her on low-grade anti-biotics for more than half a year. It seriously affected the health of her gut. I wish I could do it over. Yes, I seriously abdicated my inner knowing, until.........my son was put on lithium for behavioral issues. Almost immediately he fell asleep. I couldn't rouse him. I called the psychiatrist. "Lithium doesn't do that." At that point my inner Mother Bear woke up. "The rehearsal was over". I began to question and do my own research. A long journey started more than 30 years ago to figure out what was ailing my son and also my daughter. I began to see that some of my own physical problem were not dissimilar to my son's and daughter's. I began to heal our immune-systems. Although my ex did not necessarily stop me from going the alternative route, he also had a very hard time with it and questioned it intensely. For a while I had to put on blinders and go forward one step at a time. I am happy to share that my son and daughter are thriving. And I? I am so much better and continue to strengthen my immune-system with classical Chinese medicine. I am 71 years old. I have the privilege to keep to myself and be safe. But after all the work I have done I surely am not going to tax my system anymore than needed with what I consider an experimental vaccine while the government continues to support the food industry and the agricultural industry with a lack of emphasis on preventative health. Nor am I going to stay quiet when I see things that need to be spoken up about. I prefer to use the word courage as opposed to bravery. Courage comes from the heart, knowing that you need to act even when you are scared, bravery denies being scared and then pretends be brave when you go into battle. I believe when we act from bravery we contribute to the polarizing conversation. The rehearsal is over. Intuition needs to also be listened to.

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Thank you for your lovely and considered response x

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And this is exactly why this forum is problematic. You've convinced poor scientifically illiterate Miranda here that science hasn't already conclusively determined that the vaccine is safe and effective when it has.

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Conclusively determined safety with less than a year of data can't determine safety from long term effect. In any case, safety is a relative concept. One might consider a vaccine with <0.01% complication rate for children to be safe. ... of course one might also argue the same for the virus with respect to the young without commorbidities. It is essentially safe for them ie of negligible risk.

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History is our only guide. Humanity has never had a vaccine show side effects after a year. At this point there have been over 6 billion safely administered doses. If you gave everyone a peanut, you'd have more deaths


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I agree that the virus isn't very dangerous for young people without comorbidities. The push to vaccinate them is that if it can be determined to be safe through clinical trials, then it's one more opportunity to reduce the spread in society

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most of us do not want to be a "clinical trial"

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I never thought that as I approach my 80th birthday I would become a social pariah, but I have.This is a great article.

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It's not though. And you don't have to be a social pariah, you're choosing that antisocial behavior by choosing to spread disease in your community. And if you're 80, you're the one we're trying to protect!

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According to your playlist, I should be dead anyway. No way to spread a disease when you're dead. Or maybe y'all think there is a way.

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You've been lucky. Good for you. Maybe you could show some heart to those less lucky than you

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There have been some 4,000,000,000 people globally who have had at least one shot of the various Covid vaccines.

I mean, if you gave anything to 4,000,000,000 (even peanuts) there’s always going to be a smal minority who have an adverse reaction.

No doubt some adverse events have been silenced. Whether we’ll intentioned or otherwise, that was a mistake and that lends to concerns, so it was a wrong to do so.

But if there was some really big, underlying issue or problem with these vaccines, it would be so large and obvious by now that it would be impossible to hide or ignore.

That’s just common sense.

As to listen to experts, I’d like to direct you to Professor Peter Doherty.

He won a Nobel Prize for his work on the human immune system and how it deals with viruses.

He’s widely regarded as the world’s foremost expert and has never had his work debunked.

Personally I would think it egregiously foolish to ignore his views.

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You're right, it IS impossible to ignore and that's becoming the bigger issue. FB sites like Canadian Deaths and Adverse Injuries report case after case of death, stroke, heart attack, and more. The VAERS site has recorded over ten thousand deaths so far, along with hundreds of thousands of serious life changing injuries and since it's a voluntary reporting system the reality is it reflects a fraction of the total. It is indeed LARGE AND OBVIOUS!!! IMPOSSIBLE TO HIDE OR IGNORE, even when people like yourself insist on trolling the pages of people needing to talk about it without being persecuted for expressing themselves freely. The people you're referring to as 'a minority' have lives, they have families, and they have a VOICE that many like myself want to hear, so we can make informed decisions for ourselves. The fact that you need to silence them speaks loudest of all. You're part of the problem if you insist that nobody should have the freedom to make their own choices about whether to risk injecting themselves with something potentially deadly, or let their own immune systems do their jobs.

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That's just not how those reporting systems work Maxine. Anyone who dies the week after the vaccine is reported to VAERS. That doesn't mean that those people died of the vaccine. If someone dies of a heart attack after the vaccine, it gets reported to VAERS. At that point the CDC starts compiling data of the percentage of people who died from a heart attack after the vaccine and compare it to the background percentage of people who died of a heart attack. If those percentages are the same, it's concluded that the vaccine did not cause the heart attack. I realize that you will never be able to convince a grieving widow who lost her husband to a heart attack and is now blaming the vaccine, but that's why anecdotes are not statistics. I hope this makes sense to you because it is the most prevalent misunderstanding I see repeated over and over in the antivax community

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Hi Ken, it's me again :) You're paragraphing the Vaers disclaimer, and similar texts can found on similar web sites in other countries. This disclaimer has always struck me as exceedingly odd. If it works as you say, why is that compiled later research not published, alongside the Vaers data, so we know all that's really going on? Why let that data stand there as it is? Like this it just gives, supposedly, a completely misleading impression. Given how the powers that are have tried to sweep vaccine side-effects under the carpet, you'd reckon it's the first thing they do.

I always believed the Vaers disclaimer without asking further questions, but I also now know two people who have had serious side-effects from the vaccines: one previously healthy 65-year old woman is now dead, and a sports teacher in his 30s has ongoing heart issues he did not have before. I know several people who have had covid, but all these people are OK now. It makes you scratch your head, and suspect that the real reason the compiled data is not published is because it would actually validate the numbers on Vaers and make a mockery of that disclaimer.

Scientific research into the Vaers data was done by others, and found that 67% of cases were logged by health professionals, and that in analysing the data, a link with the vaccine could only be excluded in 14% of cases. That makes the numbers given a lot more credible. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352837543_Analysis_of_COVID-19_vaccine_death_reports_from_the_Vaccine_Adverse_Events_Reporting_System_VAERS_Database_Interim_Results_and_Analysis

Then, if you look at the English data, it's a similar story:


The main text reads very re-assuring, but when you then read the Vaccine Analysis Prints at the bottom, and add up the deaths, it comes to an amount that's proportionally similar to those on Vaers, and the Lareb side in Holland.

I think it's time to take that disclaimer with a grain of salt and really look at the evidence.

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when Covid is your religion and Fauci is the pope and the tablets are handed down by the CDC, you won't believe any rational evidence. Poor Ken.

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The whole point is that science isn't a religion, all of the evidence free holistic healing alternatives that Eisenstein is peddling are religious in nature. So I'm supposed to believe him specifically because there isn't any evidence to support it? Makes no sense

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Okay, hold on to that first paragraph. "Given how the powers that are have tried to sweep vaccine side-effects under the carpet, you'd reckon [hiding VAERS] is the first thing they'd do." Don't you see how the implication of your realization is that they are not trying to sweep vaccine side-effects under the rug! The information is made public so that everyone can see that the vaccines are safe! Which the data shows!

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Amazing. This sounds remarkably similar to how COVID deaths are reported. Died + COVID POSITIVE= COVID caused death. But I'm sure I can find a similar post in which you've gone back and correlated with other comorbidities to deconvolute the true COVID fatality rate from confounding causes (if you were being intellectually honest). .... or you could just look at all cause mortality, but that might not give the answer you need to push your narrative.

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If someone dies from a car accident with covid, they aren't considered a covid caused death. I'll even give you that it's possible that some covid deaths have been overreported and that some of the people who died with covid would've died anyway: not any of the people who died from pneumonia, but cancer patients come to mind.

Here's a great article on that: https://www.aamc.org/news-insights/how-are-covid-19-deaths-counted-it-s-complicated

More important for this discussion is the fact that that overreporting if it exists would be evenly spread through the unvaxxed and vaxxed populations, so it wouldn't impact data showing the tremendous effectiveness of the vaccines

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If you really believe these "vaccines" are safe and effective, I fear your news sources are compromised. Patents on this virus / pandemic go back to the late 90s.

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This is a weird and ridiculous lie. I don't think your antivax friends will stand behind that statement

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US Patent number 7220852. Look it up on the US Patent website. Easily found. I dare you. Filed in 2007 BY THE CDC (Center for Disease Control) so they can OWN and MAKE MONEY off not only the gene sequence associated with covid 19 (which is 99% identical to the flu; the other 1% being the metalic bits and God knows what else added in); as well as the PCR tests themselves. The CDC OWNS the patent for the PCR tests AND the 'virus'. You think they really want this to end?

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Maxine, the flu isn't even a coronavirus, but that's not the point. Scientists have sequenced every virus they could find with the hope of one day being able to cure them. They've just recently created vaccines for Ebola and Malaria too. The CDC is a government agency dedicated to public health, they aren't a for profit corporation

You guys are so deep in conspiracy theory land that it's hard to communicate with you

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then stop trying????!!!?

bless the hearts of folks who are too busy living a real life to troll *every single comment* on the blog post of someone they disagree with.

i don't understand why people wish to waste their most precious resource - TIME - arguing with people online. its disgusting.

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Hello Ken

Are you still on the covid train?

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Can't possibly be 77th. I would have thought that anyone working for 77th would actually be convincing and effective, rather than combative, otherwise they wouldn't doing their job. Hounding people on the basis of emphatically stated false assertions is just a dopamine kick.

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I'm glad that you realize that actual experts would be convincing! At least you seem to know that logic and data are on their side. So why are you still antivax then?

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Just doing my best here. Which of my assertions sounds false to you?

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Just looked up the 77th. I live in California dude. Glad there is a group of people out there taking on your lies and propaganda! You're killing people

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You’re insane. And even money says you’re not even an MD

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Thanks Jo. Glad to see not everyone on here has abandoned reason

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Behavioural psychology has been weaponised against the people. Keep faith and join a like-minded community to understand how to navigate the narrative divide. Free resources here and weekly live interactive sessions on the pscyhology for conversation that reach people and for managing our emotional and energetic state as we try: https://reachingpeople.website

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Great idea. Surround yourself in an echo chamber where nobody will question your alternative facts while you turn yourself into a disease vector during a pandemic and can't figure out why the rest of society just disinvited you to the party

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Immortal Nazis calling people disease vectors... human pet hybrids never learn do they.

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The totalitarians are going to get what they deserve, which they won't like nor will they be able to harm the innocents.

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Or you could listen to what the fast majority of epidemiologists in every country on the planet are telling us. Stop being a social pariah and stop spreading antivax lies

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Here is a link to a video interview with Mattias Desmet that may explain what we are dealing with. We all have been subjected to an unprecedented level of "fear porn" in the last year and a half that has affected us more than we may realize. Just as an individual can be hypnotized, a whole society can similarly be affected as Mattias Desmet claims:



These are the notes under the video:

"Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are.

My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell.

Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected.

Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late."

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I've read your posts again. I feel exactly as you do.

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You simply have not found your soul tribe. But your efforts on pesticides were not in vain. It was part of the 100th monkey effect.

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@jillster Your response to this article is totally inspiring. Thank you for writing down your thoughts and feelings about this. It is very very helpful for other people to read what Charles and you have written. I have no idea who you are but I'm proud of and grateful to you.

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yes. yes. The rehearsal is over. I can now see that I will be speaking to my retired community of 450 souls who, with the exception of me and one other, are participating in the injection program that will not be named. Many limits to my movement are laid out in weekly restriction notices. I am able to live with the isolation and exclusions; but they are not reasonable. So, I will be speaking out. Thank you Charles for your ongoing . . . humble leadership and sweet and generative and life-giving storytelling. I am seeing ways to proceed, yes.

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Just get vaccinated. They’re restricting your movement so you don’t get a disease and spread it to others. What don’t you get about that?

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What did you think of Charles’ “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed” article?

I found it enlightening. In the end he suggests we all respect each other’s choices. This is the only way through imho. A lot of people will die. There’s no stopping it. And the virus will continue to evolve and become more resistant to the vaccinations.

It’s my belief that Mother Earth is cleansing her body of the human viral load that has done nothing but consume and destroy for centuries. I’m not afraid to die. It is what it is and we can’t avoid death.

I’m choosing to get vaccinated for social reasons and one beautiful reason is because one day I look forward to meeting my 10 week old granddaughter, she’s my first.

But the biggest danger is vaccinated people blaming the non vaxxed for the spread of it which is simply untrue.

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Well, I haven't read that one, but if you're just hoping that a lot of people die to bring about ecological balance then I guess it makes sense to be antivax. The other way to reduce the population is to voluntarily decrease the birth rate - which I personally find to be a much more beautiful world than increasing the death rate. I'm glad you've chosen to get vaccinated regardless.

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Wow. This is disappointing. When I wrote my lengthy comment to you, I thought you were part of this community. Did you just subscribe to troll here?

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Ken is being his very own mob. Just one person, I assume, behind a keyboard badgering. Ken, please go away. You are spamming. The author has the right to delete your relentless protests and rioting against things you do not believe. but honestly, you are like a fruit fly

Go burn up someone else's discussion blog. You are incessant and pitiful

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See I would, but then you'd be free to spread your lies and propaganda unchecked. And I don't want my parents to die from your ignorance. Btw I responded to your requests for evidence above even though it's literally everywhere seeing how it's the dominant narrative of 99% of all public health scientists, doctors, and epidemiologists

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Well I think Ken is doing a great job of holding down the fort! He is not the only one who feels the way he does - but he is the most prolific in terms of posts - saves the rest of us from having to spend time - frankly it can be exhausting, as i have found by doing the same thing in other venues ... so Keep it up, Ken. Thanx!

Btw, you do realize that "fruit flies" have been the source of a lot of scientific discoveries ; )

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I love the old Charles before he became an antivax guru. I'm here responding to misinterpretations of statistics and science with the hope that a casual reader won't come across this site and be swayed by lies into thinking that the antivax movement offers anything evidence based besides more disease and suffering

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So many of my favorite spiritual writers are anti vax now. I don't get it but my respect for these teachers has plummeted. Why not just stay silent instead of promoting fear and anxiety?

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Sorry you feel duped. I'm still interested in reading what you have to say. Maybe it will help someone somewhere even if we disagree

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Ken, why don't you give us a quick run down about your past two years as a devout Covidian

Here is some entertaining reading for you https://sagehana.substack.com/p/exploring-the-epidermal-gene-transfection?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=702469&post_id=111986010&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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I hope the vaccines have not harmed you Gabrielle

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The vaccinated spread the virus and acquire it so you have been misinformed. If you do not believe me , just ask the CDC.

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Yes, at far lower rates than the unvaccinated. I'm glad you're reading CDC data, keep reading

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Ken, we are all reading the CDC data as well as everything else we can find. We have open minds and open hearts. We are not afraid. We have been watching and listening carefully since the beginning. We don’t resort to name calling and shaming. We keep searching for answers.

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This comment hasn't aged well.

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all of the comments here are kind of entertaining.

the vaxxers are still vaxxing. That is good. It is too late to get off of that boat.

Keeeeeep vaxxxxinggggg

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So Ken, how is this working out for you now?

Do you still feel like the smartest idiot in the room?

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Just a stupid question which I’m sure you’ve thought of : have you tried suing the charter in the community on the basis of violation of ADA rights ? They might back down really quickly at this point.

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Thank you for your courage, Sara <3

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How do you feel about masks?

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Sara, I wish you lived close by. I would come over and hug you

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Thank you Charles. You are a voice of sanity for me. I am seeking leaders I can trust, as all of the leaders I used to look up to have collapsed and gone along with the program. All of my Quaker friends, the pope, the Dalai Lama, the large US and international Yoga organizations, Ammachi. Where are the social justice activists I used to study with, the ones I got arrested with at the Nevada Test Center? All gone, silent. This has been a massive disillusionment for me. I am realizing that I have to be a leader now. I am seeking openings to speak up, to find like minded people to undertake significant action with. Gandhi took decades to prepare his program of action. It seems we don't have that much time. Violence and anger will not help. Clarity and meaningful resistance can move us forward. I'm seeking a way in but I can't see it yet.

I live a life of incredible privilege ~ my husband retired recently and we moved to Arizona where we enjoy relative freedom. We don't work for anybody mandating anything on us, and I can mostly avoid wearing a mask.

BUT... when he was hospitalized overnight last month I was unable to visit him. So painful, so unnecessary. How to protest that? Maybe supporting others in a similar situation whose loved ones are in longer than mine was? And helping them resist the exclusion of visitors?

I had three invitations to go to California this month, and I turned all down, simply because of not wanting to be in an environment where masks were the norm and testing would be expected/required. I am covid-recovered, with screenshots of my wild-type antibody tests from when I donated blood, so this all makes no sense. None at all.

I'm an author of books for women, and speaking to my audience about this would likely be my greatest leverage. You called me out in your article by saying we can't wait, there is no safety. I haven't wanted to be attacked by clients and readers, many of whom would disagree with me, so I have not spoken up that often. I'm so used to the previous political divides, and the new ones still bewilder me. But where is the dignity in staying quiet? I've done a few webinars for my email list on natural immunity, on gain of function research, the effects of lockdowns on children, on what is inside of this (yes) substance-that-shall-not-be-named. And still I feel that my efforts have been totally minor, a measly small fraction of what is actually needed. And of what I could be doing.

I'm staying open to the right way in, to collaborations, to finding my voice and expressing it. Thank you for your voice here.

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Laura, your comment here is a wonderful start, as is your realization that you need to take ownership of your own knowledge and wisdom rather than relying on external sources such as leaders. It is because rational, grounded people like you have been peer-pressured into silence that the gullible majority thinks only crackpot-tin-foil-flat-earthers are the ones questioning the blatantly contrived narrative. We need more brave voices like yours in the resistance to lunacy and tyranny.

I recommend starting with a Substack blog. You don’t have to share it with anyone you know. Just get your thoughts down in a way you feel they might be willing to hear. Then, when you are ready to share and they are ready to listen, start sharing one by one with individuals you trust, and then let the conversation bloom from there. I wish you well on your creative, scientific, and spiritual journey.

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How are the flat-earthers doing anything different than the antivaxxers? At least the flat earthers aren’t killing anyone with their quackery

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Earlier you said " Zero have died of the vaccine." WRONG! This shows just how far from reality your rants have been.

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Ken, just finding this two years out.

soooo how is your acolyte preaching for the gobbermint working out for you?

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Amen Margaret, and see my reply to her as well.

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Right there with you, Laura Jean, on "staying open to the right way in." I am also in deep listening and, Charles, your beautiful article today is reverberating and resounding loudly. Thank you.

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Unfortunately you’re deeply listening to people who are spreading lies during this pandemic. Think critically. Claims have to have statistical evidence or it’s just heresay and anecdotes - the foundation of the antivax movement

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You are the only one listening to lies here bruh, the lies on the news. I rely on real-world information from my local area, not the news, not you, not anyone unless it passes real world rigor. Your confidence only comes from google, and we all know what you get on google- one side.

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"Real world vigor" - and what, pray tell, is that?

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Laura, there are many of us who align with the left who "get it."' One is RFK, JR with his Children's Health Defense (.org)--go there for some real support, another is Naomi Wolf. Jimmy Dore is coming onboard. Then there are some of us who are not famous who are on this daily. Political barriers are breaking down and there is a commonality in support of the values of bodily integrity. liberty, and actual clinically based science instead of pompous prono0uncement from bureaucrat"authorities." See also Physicians Declaration Global Covid Summit, with over 12,000 signatories of doctors, other medical professionals and others in related sceintific fields.

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Jon, I, too, have been encouraged to see elements of the left who have seen through the COVID narrative and have been bravely pushing back against authoritarianism. Left Lockdown Sceptics, Nevermore Media, and Winter Oak Press are a few that come to mind. I write a bit about how inspiring it has been for me to see people from every shade of the political spectrum coming together across the artificial partisan divides in this piece: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/with-thanks-to-you-you-magnificent

Of course, those who dare counter the narrative (e.g., Naomi Wolf, Glenn Greenwald) subsequently get smeared and branded as heretics, but I think (hope) anyone rational can recognize those for the lowdown hit pieces they are.

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You are kindred spirit Margaret. I have been an anti imperialist since 1966, and a Green for 30 years, and we have a national group of around 40 of us in communication about the covid repression. Most Greens however do not see the parallel between the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex.

So much to say to and with you. I'd like to have a way to contact you that is not on display for every one here to see. I'm inundated with emails and do not want to give out a private phone number (too many robo calls now). I never joined FB or other social media and glad I had the wisdom to avoid them. My own book is LIBERATE HAWAI'I! While living on Oahu for 36 years, I learned from my Hawaiian scholar-activists about the true history--namely that only CONTROL and not SOVEREIGNTY passed to the US in 1898. They want their country back! Looking it up on Amazon will give you more info. Aloha, Jon

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Thank you for your good and important work, Jon! The easiest way to get in touch with me is to sign up for my mailing list (if you haven’t already) and reply to the Welcome email.

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Natural immunity is fine - for those lucky enough to have it - but those folks who died from this disease didn't have it or enough of it - that's what vaccines are for, to train the immune system before it is overwhelmed by infection ....

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Well put

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I’ve been an activist for 60yrs and it’s done nothing to stop the elite who control everything. I gave up a decade ago because raging against the machine almost killed me.

I believe there are worse things coming and billions will eventually die, if not from a virus, merely murdering each other just because we disagree. It feels like we are devolving instead of evolving. Just devastating.

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Yup, it seems like people don’t care about their fellow humans these days. You can’t even convince people on this website to get a free, safe, and effective vaccine to protect their neighbors from disease

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"safe" and "effective". Hi, I'm Ken, and I'm a c**t.

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Well that's not an effective argument

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Hi Laura:

I am/was a Quaker here in Boston area of Massachusetts. I find Quakers and Quaker gatherings to especially alienating for me now.........If you get this message and can write me back here it might be a way to find each other. I, too, am trying to learn how to speak out and where I can speak out.

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Or all of those activists who have turned against you aren’t brainwashed, but actually support the life saving efforts of modern medicine. When you go against science, and promote evidence free alternative healing modalities, you’re selling snake oil cures in a pandemic. This is the path Charles has chosen. Don’t follow him blindly towards disease and destruction.

I will agree that if you’ve already had covid and can show that you have immunity, that should count as a vaccine

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Ken: Glad to see you agree with the science that shows overwhelmingly that someone recovered from covid has far more comprehensive immunity than a person vaxed. But what say you to the narrative, where this truth is silenced? That narrative should make you question the push for the vax altogether. There is undeniably an agenda.

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How so? The worst case scenario if the vaccination drives fail is that everyone ends up getting covid, millions more die, and we’re eventually immune that way. The vaccine push is trying to prevent that nightmare scenario of wanton death and disease

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You can't just vax away years of poor health decisions. If the govt wanted people to be healthy they would be passing out Vitamin C and vegetables, instead of enticing people to get the jab with doughnuts- yes doughnuts, pretty much the least healthy food you can eat. You can't make this shit up!

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Well, as someone from the health community - tell me, should medical folks refuse to treat those who have made "poor health decisions"? You do realize that would include a whole lot of people - including, perhaps, those who refused vaccinations ...

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Ken, if it were simply about trying to prevent "wanton death and disease", then why wouldn't covid antibodies in the recovered be accepted as equal to, or better, than the vax? The reason is obvious - the vax itself is part of the agenda. That and the "covid passports."

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Yup, I agree with you on that: covid antibodies should count. What do you think the agenda is besides preventing people from getting sick? I think to the scientific community's mind, they know that the vaccine is safe and effective and probably weren't anticipating this crazy antivax response. If the antivax community just wanted to get their covid antibody levels checked, and argue that they are not a danger to society post infection, I think scientific studies could be done around that. Maybe they already have, i haven't looked into it. I have heard of people getting covid multiple times, but then again breakthrough vaccine infections exist. I'm interested to learn more

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There's the rub - would like to know how many people who have "had Covid" have been re-infected?

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No lovely, millions are enjoying natural immunity because that’s what our immune systems do.

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Great. And millions have died worldwide because that's what our bodies do when our immune systems fail against a disease. Getting vaccinated teaches your immune system how to fight this

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Yes, the rehearsal is over. Here in British Columbia a non-injected person is truly a second class citizen who cannot travel by train or plane, who cannot go to restaurants, conferences, meetings, museums, concerts, movies, etc., who cannot work in health care or for the provincial or federal government, and in an increasing number of private companies. This is a country whose prime minister is explicitly and viciously attacking the non-injected, telling them that he wants to make their lives miserable; this is a country where a health minister is telling the citizenry that immunocompromized people should not be near the non-injected and that everyone should learn to ask strangers if they are injected or not. Once-friendly neighbours are turning on suspected non-injected people and insulting them, treating them as pariah.

This should be the time for me to act, to be brave. But it is not the time yet. What is one to do without a community, in a soulless suburb, not knowing anyone? It is not the time yet but it feels like time is of the essence and I will push myself to reach beyond the limited horizons of my deadly suburban comfort.

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How ironic that comparisons to the treatment of a certain religious group in Germany are considered fanciful or insulting. Remember that Anne Frank did her part by hiding in an attic. She didn't know that she was doing that so that her words would survive her, but that is what happened.

Perhaps your role right now is to survive and witness what your country is doing to its people. You can document it - perhaps collect photographs and videos and your observations. Remember that much of the world turned a blind eye while the events in Germany took place. But there was also a resistance that operated undercover, doing what they could to resist what was happening.

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I am very moved by your response! We often feel that we have to do something big to confront situations of totalitarian control but your response reminds me of the importance of the act of witnessing and documenting, keeping eyes open and the human need for freedom and community alive.

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Is every law totalitarian control? If someone wants to drive a car with no brakes through a school zone are you fine with that in the name of personal freedom?

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This is a silly "rebuttal."

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What is his country doing to people besides trying to save lives? I missed the part in history class where the Nazi’s had a humanitarian mission

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You would have made a good little Hitler, too bad. You probably have no idea what actually happened in Nazi Germany and how our country funded everything to stop the Bolshevik revolution? The Prescott Bush, Henry Ford, the Rockefellers- all made lots of money while supporting both sides! Then they went on to create schools based on the Prussian model which had been subversively programming our kids to be obedient little Hitlers. They would be proud of you! I am sure you take every opportunity to shove neo-liberal propaganda down the throats of your innocent students, maybe even toss some CRT in there just cuz its so true, eh?

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Everyone knows about all of that. It's high school history class. I'm glad you paid attention there. Sorry you fell asleep in science class

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Many, many cases where people in hospitals are given the poisonous substance called Remdesivir and put on a ventilator. This "treatment" assures a rapid path to death, financial rewards for the hospital administration, and one less person collecting social security and medicare. The ghost of Joseph Mengele must be looking on with pride.

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Oct 10, 2021
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Why is disease beautiful to you?

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I am also from BC, in Victoria. Perhaps exchanges like these can help connect people of like minds (read un-injected). Besides all the affects noted by oac, I have also experienced the daughter who won't ride in my vehicle, visit me indoors, or allow me to hug her or her daughter (who already had a mild case of the unnamed) because I am supposedly a 'danger' to them. It breaks my heart to know there are families everywhere being torn apart by the leaders' choices promoting division. Thank you Charles for your continued voice of sanity in a world gone mad.

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I am so sorry to read that you have to live through the shattering experience of having your own close family reject you in this way. I have a similar experience within my own family and it is absolutely heart breaking. The scope of the mental and physical harms engendered by this totalitarian response is unfathomable. We have to stay strong in the knowledge that we are many to see through the fog of propaganda, and that eventually some truth will force its way through the layers of lies and deception.

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Thank you for your kind words. It is so true that staying strong by living my truth through the fog of propaganda is the way forward, plus speaking my truth with compassion when presented with the opportunity.

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Your truth is the way of antivax propaganda. Science is the way of real world evidence

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“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” Dr. Marcia Angell

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The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness… The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data.”

“Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important confirmations.” - Richard Horton, editor in chief of the lancet

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Genuine science adheres to acatual verifiable evidence. Compromised (faux) science is ethically compromised by financial rewards and those with microscopic consciences that are overridden by greed. Those appear to be dominant now.

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Good god. It’s not totalitarianism. It’s basic medical advice. Legit crazy that you both chose to tear apart your families rather than capitulate to science

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Science does not demand capitulation, science demands questioning. Tyrants demand capitulation, like you! :)

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Fair enough, I retract the word capitulate and replace it with the word listen

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Hey there, I'm also in Victoria - so it's nice to find another local on here. If you have FB, there are a few groups that reject the mandates and don't endorse the big V. Have you connected with any other locals of like mind?

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Holy shit. This really has become a site for organizing people who want to maintain their privilege to be disease vectors

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Ken, your view is completely and utterly understood. Totally. You're not getting it. This is a hackneyed response that has become so tiresome, I'm exhausted just trying to deal with it, but you're here, in this sacred space, and I'll continue to endeavor with the greatest of kindness and hopefully we can come to an understanding.

Being unvaccinated does not = being infected. I hope you get this. Do you?

Being vaccinated does not = being uninfected. You get this, right? I assume that you do. Breakthrough cases are already common and will become more so. The cats out of the bag on that one.


Not all cohorts are the same, by a long shot and from kids to elders, it's a 10,000x exponential leap in risk. I hope you get this too.

Vectors of disease -- let's talk about it.

A privilege? Come on now. Let's be intellectually honest when engaging.

These vaccines, like most other than the ones people keep applying their false equivalencies to such as MMR, Smallpox, and Polio, are non-sterlizing vaccines. On top of that, they've turned out to be particularly "leaky" which is problematic for any hope of eradicating this virus down to zero.

Because it's non-sterilizing, not a single viral-replication-host is ever removed from the reservoir pool. We could vaccinate the entire world population and it wouldn't eradicate this virus. This is problematic for mandates, passports, and the rest of the over-the-top draconian measures being taken that yes, are actually tyrannical and not based on science at all. No one should be losing a single job due to their vaccination choices. The only way to tell, at any snapshot of time, who is infected and who is not, is to test and assess symptoms. That's it. Vaccination status means nothing.

The PH officials know this and are criminally negligent. There is a lot to say about the way that this is being handled and the psychological warfare that is being implemented. I'll leave that for now. It's too involved.

The risk is not in being unvaccinated. This is disingenuous messaging. Tragic for anyone, unfortunately for the elderly, obese, and the very unhealthy with vascular and other comorbidities, they are overwhelmingly the cohort at risk of hospitalization and death. This high-risk group, with their backs against the wall, would do well to get vaccinated and to get as healthy as they possibly can -- something we should all be doing, but a message you'll never hear from a single PH official, nor will you get an encouraging word, but only fear.

There is more to say here about children, transmission, etc. that I will save for another comment should anyone care to continue this discussion.

Our first and foremost civil-duty is to recognize government overreach morphing into authoritarianism and to push back. Governments across the globe have taken the opportunity to use this pandemic to grab far too much power and control. Once ceded, historically, it's never given back. In Australia, New Zealand, France, Greece, Italy, Nigeria, Canada, it's far worse than here and we have our nightmare in NYC, but they are harbingers of things to come if we allow it and we must not.

Centralized digital passports and where they lead, are dystopian. We are on a threshold right now of forever leaving all democracy behind and moving into a future no one wants but most do not see coming.

Please, Ken, stop viewing this group of people as benighted. In this view you would be incorrect. Expand your awareness out on this and relax into a different perspective, one you are entirely familiar with, but the inculcation is very deep. We've all had to extricate ourselves from it to a greater or lesser degree. This is not a finger-wave at you -- not in the least. Peace.

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Ok, this was long, so let's go point by point

1. The vaccinated spread disease at a much lower rate than the unvaccinated (though yes, it isn't 100% either way). Simple county by county comparisons of vaccine rate to covid case rate proves this beyond the shadow of a doubt.

2. It is definitely a privilege to chose to be antivax. This forum is full of rich white young healthy people (my biased assumption) who believe that they should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want regardless of how it affects the most vulnerable among us.

3. All you have to do to eradicate the virus is drop the disease's R-value (the number of people an infected person then infects) down to below 1. Any effort to reduce the spread does this, and vaccinations and masking in indoor public spaces are the two most effective ways to do so.

4. Nobody is discouraging at risk groups from getting healthy. Or honestly from doing any of the evidence free holistic health measures that Charles is promoting. But when he promotes them as alternatives to vaccines, he is playing a role in leading society away from what has evidence that it works and towards a increase in death, disease, and human suffering.

5. Public health measures are not some kind of draconian authoritarianism. You're also not allowed to defecate in the town's water supply while screaming my body, my choice - even if you don't understand why that's a problem because you never passed statistics in high school. It's just part of being in society.

5b. Our first and foremost civic duty is to protect each other in a time of crisis. Choosing to be a disease vector by refusing to do the two things that have been conclusively shown to lesson the rate of transmission (getting vaccinated and masking in indoor public spaces) is the opposite of that civic responsibility.

6. Centralized digital passports already exist. They're called passports. There are whole hosts of immunizations you have to show to enter countries: yellow fever, etc. Because they don't want you to become a disease vector.

6b. What's truly distopian is a world in which there is a disease spreading and a simple easy solution in hand, which a group of people have created a culture around refusing because they don't want to admit that Western Medicine ever did anything worthwhile.

I appreciate your reasonable tone. I'd appreciate it a lot more if it came with a promise to do what you can to not accidentally kill my parents and the other people I love with comorbidities. They're going to be the collateral damage in this community's anti-science hissy fit

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By this time I'm getting the idea that the best way to read through this discussion is to skip all the comments made by Ken. Much more beneficial and informative. Bye Ken.

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Before I go, can you tell me something? Have you been reading Charles' writings for awhile? What is it about this community that you once seemed to enjoy but are challenged with right now?

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Thanks for your reply, Ken. I got what you said. I will respond later as it's 1:40 in the morning. Hopefully we can inch closer to some greater understanding of the various positions here.

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Hi, nce to hear from another Victorian. I haven’t looked for any of the FB groups but I will check it out. I have a few friends and family who don’t care about my status but the group is small. Keep strong.

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I pray for everyone’s sake that your group keeps getting smaller

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Or just get vaccinated. No politician destroyed your family because you won’t take basic health and safety precautions during a global pandemic. That’s on you

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I think all of us are underusing the option of our social platforms. We need to talk more, share more, invite others in the discussion. I know a lot of people who are terrified of the situation and feeling isolated, feeling afraid to talk. I open my FB in the morning and see only pictures of cats and meals. But I know from their shy responces here and there what these FB friends are realy thinking and feeling right now. The most important is to vocal! So others do not think, that they are alone!

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Someone in my town literally put up a flyer to the effect of “are you feeling alone and isolated and rejected? Let’s come together and see that we are many.” They we’re torn down almost as fast as he could get them up. But no matter—once a few of the right people saw it and photographed it, it went all over the county by text. A potluck was planned. A HUNDRED PEOPLE SHOWED UP. Don’t think that you can’t find the people around you who are feeling isolated like you, because you can!!

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If we really get organized, we can have our own superspreader event - because covid is obviously a fake disease. And the bodies in the hospitals are mannequins designed to scare you

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Well, a lot of us who would read and agree with this article avoid social media like the plague (that Covid isn't). For better or worse, I would no sooner subscribe to Facebook, Twitter, et al. than genuflect before the powerful.

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Ha! I knew I’d find someone on here who doesn’t even believe that covid is real

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Amen to THAT. Never joined and am glad. Injunctions,not injecetions

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You are absolutely right. I had never used social media before this pandemic response but reluctantly decided to join T. (the bird) to seek like-minded perspectives, to ensure that I was not alone. Although I have found the vibe of social media unsettling and addictive, it has provided me with invaluable sources of information, and a rich diverse community of people with interesting perspectives. However, even if that daily virtual contact has been truly helpful, it cannot replace human contact, and can at times highlight the lack of a real in-person community even more.

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Or, and here me out here, stop spreading your antivax lies and go get vaccinateed so humanity can end this pandemic and get back to actual community. In highly vaccinated areas, the disease is in remission and society is coming together. It's such an obvious, simple, and safe solution to everyone's problems

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God I hope you idiots get banned soon. Your lies and propaganda are killing us!

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Spoken like a true tyrant. Congratulations you have been successfully indoctrinated into the neo-liberal woke-iverse! I bet you think that The Great Reset is a great idea too huh?

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Everyone can see what you're doing. You're trying to tie your opinions on vaccinations to your opinions on everything else. This isn't a political or cultural issue. It's a science issue. There is a disease and a simple, available, safe, and effective solution in hand.

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Beautiful comment.

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Disease is ugly

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I’m also in BC. Richmond. Agree with everything you wrote!

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Good to read a voice from a neighbouring town (I am in Surrey) and to share the predicament we face in this part of the world!

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What predicament? Public health servants giving recommendations on how not to spread disease during a pandemic

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Even the part that he should be allowed to spread disease during a pandemic. Oh wait, that was the whole thing

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Exactly as Charles has predicted. In 2,021years we have not evolved. Too sad for words.

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Was there a disease in Jesus’s time that a group of people were adamant that it was their right to spread? I doubt they were that stupid. We’re devolving

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Dude, or you could just get vaccinated protecting yourself and the people around you from getting covid. Nobody wants someone in their community who is committed to spreading disease during a pandemic

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Thanks for your recommendation. You obviously are not engaging with any of the arguments presented either in the original article or this and other responses. Since your you are not engaging a conversation in good faith, I have no interest in a one-sided dialogue and wish you all the best in your endeavors.

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You mean you’re not going to write me back because I don’t think you’re being brave by rejecting a vaccine during a pandemic? Sorry, but you’re not. You’re being an arrogant idiot who is elevating their fears of a safe and effective vaccine above the health of their community. The community is right to turn its back on you for that. You can re-enter humanity anytime you want. All you have to do is stop being selfish and starting protecting your neighbors during this crisis

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You are so off the perspectives presented and discussed on this site that I am not sure what your intent is. I was polite in my previous message, wishing you well. As it is clear that you have a one-sided track repeating the mainstream corporate narrative ad nauseum, I bid you farewell, and politely ask you to fuck off.

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See, I would, but then you’d be free to spread your lies unchecked by reason and a call for science and evidence. That’s the path of death and destruction. I don’t want any casual readers to come here and think this is a rational perspective because it’s not. I don’t want my loved ones to die. And the fact is that you antivaxxers are spreading lies and misinterpreting statistics to justify your selfish, evidence-free, fear-based refusal to protect your neighbors. So I’ll be fucking right on, pal

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Where abouts are you in BC? I'm in Victoria and found a few groups on FB that offer a small (and viritual) space for those that reject the mandates and the mass psychosis fear mongering.

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Well, I'm glad it's virtual since none of you are vaxxed

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Our friend "Ken" here is an agent provocateur that has inserted himself into an otherwise intelligent and respectful discussion to disorganize it with uninformed and divisive comments - if this discussion group were NOT virtual I'm sure his rude outbursts and unsubstantiated arguments would have caused other more respectful members of the group to escort him to the exit - provocateurs like Ken are showing up in many online discussion threads like this to intentionally cast doubt on intelligent evidence-based information that counters the official narrative, and to disrupt peaceful virtual assembly - i believe they are paid to do this and some may in fact be part of the military/intelligence community (https://tinyurl.com/5x275y7e) - my experience is that the best way to rid a group of these pests is to ignore them by not responding to any of their comments.

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The whole point is that science substantiates its arguments! Wow, you really twisted that one in a reverse over-hand knot. I'm actually not paid to share science and logic with you. If you know where I can go to get paid, I'm all ears

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Oct 10, 2021
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And when that moment arrives, if what comes to you is a desire to spread lies and disease, save society the trouble, be brave, and jump off a bridge instead. If you believe it in your heart, despite all evidence to the contrary: You. Will. Fly.

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There is no real OSHA mandate. It’s just a press release. Biden is faking it and letting private companies do the dirty work for him. Option 1) Don’t give your employees a mandate. Let them have free choice. Option 2) you could do a “fake mandate” ( just like Biden) and tell all your employees the deadline for “said mandate is 20 years in the future (wink wink). Option 3) tell your employees there is a “mandate” but you will never ask them to show you any proof. But I like Option 1. It my dream for CEOs like you to stand up for your employees right to choose. Biden has no right to take away our liberty and i know from your thoughtful essay you dont want to be an accomplice.

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Same thing here in Canada! We are using litigation and will be taking to the streets shortly if thing don't change! Rehearsal is over that's for certain! I am a food producer with local B2B sales. Making a stand for freedom has knocked down my sales again/still...... people do not want the mandate and we are willing to sacrifice our businesses for it! Free choice is here! Been looking forward to this for a very long time! Hold the line! Much love from Ontario Canada! We the People!

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I am also from Ontario and want to join. I have been wondering where my people are as I am surrounded by sheeple.

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They're all up by the water tower with their pants around their ankles hanging fanny...

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There are many like-hearted people here in Ontario. Everywhere I go I engage in conversations and somehow seem to attract, or be drawn to, people who feel the same way. Connecting with others is key.

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Oh god, you're also from Ontario? You haven't been drinking the tap water there have you?

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I am from Ontario. I want to join!

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You can. Here's what to do: pour yourself a nice cup of coffee, get a lawn chair, cut a hole in it, head up to the closest reservoir... Everyone on this site will be there. Don't believe public health officials when they tell you that crapping in drinking water makes people sick. That's just science and science is biased

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Yes, let's hold the line! I'll never stop taking dumps in the town's water supply. No matter how many friends it costs me. Not if I lose my job; not if my community rejects me; not even if my own mother dies from dysentery! My body, my choice. Let freedom ring!

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You obviously realize what you’re doing, but let’s point it out clearly for everyone to see. You’re brainstorming ways to subvert public health recommendations during a pandemic. You’re actively working to get people sick. Death and disease are on your soul. That’s your karma that you have to face. That’s your karma that all of us who share a planet with you have to deal with. This is so disgusting I hardly know what to say, and I’m usually good for a quip here

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Hard times are upon us, whether we want them or not. To be a conscious, to remain conscious, will increasingly bump us up against those forces which seek to limit that consciousness and punish us for insisting on being its arbiter.

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die. So it’s no good simply to feel righteous. As Gene Sharp wrote, “The espousal of humane goals and loyalty to ideals are admirable, but are grossly inadequate…to achieve freedom.”

The desire to determine how the world is shaped has governed the lives of men and women for millennia. And behind us lies an ocean of misery bringing us to what now appear to be “end times.” Through all the wars of conquest, through enslavement s, through plunder and pillage, through injustices, degradations, and dehumanizations, there remains in each and every one of us an inextinguishable flame of goodness—something which is imperishable.

One way or another we will be forced to comply. Either we obey the dictates of our conscience, or we will decide to go along with business as usual and obey the dictates of our rulers, in which case and we disobey our unfolding as full human beings. In times of crisis, seemingly impossible ideas become possible. What seems an impossibility today may become all too possible tomorrow. As sovereign individuals, we are not compelled to do good in the world. We might cope by keeping our heads down and avoiding the gaze of Sauron, breathing a sigh of relief when he plucks someone else from the crowd. Yet resisting “evil” is the mark of a virtuous life, regardless of outcome. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

There are many things we can’t do in this world, and we can spend our time dwelling in that fact. However few our options, what can we do? What doors are open to walk through? What is meaningful to you?

Despite what has happened to our world, despite the missteps of our species and the mistakes made, despite what has been done to us, we still have virtue at our core. We must enlighten ourselves and multiply our effect so that all conscious men become more powerful than the manipulated “Mass Man” in directing the course of human affairs. Let us begin our enlightenment.

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.

– Henry David Thoreau

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What I don’t get is how antivaxxers think they are a part of the conscious living crowd. Conscious living is about showing love to your community and taking steps to help out in any way you can. If you won’t get vaccinated to protect your neighbors during a pandemic which has already killed 4.5 million people, you are not a part of it!

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4.5 million people isn’t even 1% of global population and much lower than most previous pandemics. And with 40 odd mutations already, vaccinating will not protect you. It’s just another money making scam by all those who’ve scammed us for decades.

I understand you’re afraid. I really do. But attacking people for not being afraid is not the solution either dearest Ken.

It’s always been the minority that has eventually risen and revolted creating great change for everyone and I hope it will happen again.

You’ve been a valuable participant here. Thank you for sharing how the vaxxed are feeling about us. To evolve we have to hear all sides before we can make an informed choice.

Much love to you

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Well, 700,000 dead in America is the worse pandemic in our history. I'm glad your part of the globe faired better. At least their scam is saving lives. Charles schilling for evidence free alternatives to vaccines (such as his wife's acupuncture business) is the true snake oil salesmen because his solutions don't work! Sorry, but if all you needed was sunshine and exercise to prevent disease, then the Native Americans wouldn't have been devastated by the small pox pandemic the Europeans brought over.

I understand that you're afraid of vaccines and needles, I really do. I can send you a lollipop if it makes you feel better.

We may be able to achieve herd immunity without the antivaxxers (especially if enough of you contract the virus), but that will be the world revolving towards great and positive change despite you - not because of you.

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Yes, I agree with the essence of what you're saying here, Charles. I just think we have to be careful not to turn our choice to stand up for our rights as a judgement or war against those who choose to be vaccinated. Personally, I am due to have the vaccine in a few days, having made the choice to have it because I have fairly big risk factors for getting seriously ill with Covid and because I want to minimize the risk of being isolated in hospital away from my family, and I've made this choice despite being well and truly aware of the risks from the vaccine. But that choice will not affect my choice to stand up for freedom. Because our government here in NSW has decreed that business owners must police the government's absurd, inconsistent and unjust rules about only vaccinated people entering the premises of non-essential businesses, and some of our local business owners are refusing to take on such a role, I will be supporting those businesses because I detest this push towards institutionalizing bigotry and prejudice. Freedom of choice, and freedom from enslavement, is much more of an issue than whether or not we get the vaccine.

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Agreed. The vaccinated and unvaccinated need to join forces. Neither side should condemn the other because the enemy is the puppet master. We all need to stop being puppets.

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The only way I could see this happening is if all the unvaccinated get the disease and can demonstrate that their immunity lasts. But why would you rather get the disease than the vaccine?

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Research is showing that natural immunity is more robust and longer lasting than vax immunity which needs frequent boosters due to diminished effectiveness. Natural immunity also shows a broader protection than the narrowly focused protection from the vax. Studies done on those recovered from sars cv1 have shown effective protection 18 years later. The US gov'ts suppression and refusal to acknowledge natural immunity (and those at risk from taking the vax due to other health concerns) is the elephant in the room and indicates a deeper agenda behind this push to vax everyone. The science is not being followed but is being cherry picked to fit the current narrative. Anyone who does not see this is either ignorant, not paying attention, or is benefitting somehow from the current narrative.

To answer your question it comes down to body autonomy and medical rights. Each person has the right to assess their own benefit/risk analysis about what goes into their body. For the vast majority covid is non life threatening, treatable, and will recover from just fine. The vax has limited effectiveness, known side effects, with unknown long term health consequences. If we truly live in a free society this point is undebatable and the rest is just political twisting.

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There is no deeper agenda than public health.

Your claims of natural immunity being more robust and longer lasting may turn out to be true, but there isn't scientific consensus on that - presenting it as such is misleading at best.

The US government is not suppressing or refusing to acknowledge natural immunity, or the fact that some people can't get vaccinated because they are allergic to the vaccine.

It would come down to body autonomy if it wasn't a communicable disease! That's the whole point! You have a right to do what you want with your body as long as it doesn't infringe with someone else's right to do what they want with theirs. That's social responsibility. Your right to not get a vaccine, does not outweigh someone with comorbidities' right to not catch a disease from you and die.

I can't think of a more callous, privileged, and immoral response to a public health crisis that has killed 4.5 million people worldwide than "most people will be fine." Do you really not care about your elders? Those going through chemotherapy? Or living with other comorbidities? It's so obvious that you aren't in this disease's line of fire. And so pathetic that you can't empathize with those who are

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Jill, I am so sorry for what you’re having to suffer in NSW. I have many Australian subscribers and am horrified by what they’re reporting on a daily basis.

Regarding your concerns, I don’t see many examples of the unvaccinated demonizing the vaccinated. The unvaccinated simply want to be free to make their own decision about their own body, and it would be hypocritical to say others don’t have the right to make their own choice about their own body and get vaccinated.

What we are seeing instead is a globally orchestrated mass propaganda campaign against political, intellectual, and moral dissidents who are resisting a totalitarian edict that has absolutely no basis in science. The unvaccinated are being vilified because they are a threat to tyranny—plus, creating a scapegoat is an extraordinarily effective way of uniting the majority against a minority that has the courage to speak against it.

It is the unvaccinated who are being threatened with loss of their livelihood, denial of access to necessities, quarantining, and worse. Simply read the United States Holocaust Museum’s piece on “Defining the Enemy: The Excluded” (https://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/themes/defining-the-enemy/), and you will see that is undeniably what is occurring with the unvaccinated:

“One crucial factor in creating a cohesive group is to define who is excluded from membership. Nazi propagandists contributed to the regime’s policies by publicly identifying groups for exclusion, justifying their outsider status, and inciting hatred or cultivating indifference. Nazi propaganda was crucial in selling the myth of the ‘national community’ to Germans who longed for unity, national pride and greatness, and a break with the rigid social stratification of the past. But a second, more sinister aspect of the Nazi myth was that not all Germans were welcome in the new community. Propaganda helped to define who would be excluded from the new society and justified measures against the ‘outsiders’.”

I support your freedom of choice to get the vaccine. That is your personal decision. I truly hope, however, that you will research this topic to the best of your ability because there is an overwhelming preponderance of evidence that the injection is an infinitely greater threat to your health and life than a virus with a 99.8% survivability rate and an even greater one with early treatment protocols (https://c19protocols.com/).

I encourage you to view the VAERS data and read through some of the reports. There are 778,683 reports through October 1, including 16,310 deaths. Simply view the charts on this page (https://openvaers.com/covid-data) to see how historically unprecedented such an astronomical spike in deaths and adverse events is.

Do your research, think it over very carefully, and then make your informed choice of your own free will. I wish you well whatever you decide.

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Thank you for your concern. I assure you that I have done my research - have done since the vaccines started to be developed, and have written a very long and detailed paper outlining, referencing and supporting all the work of the health professionals and researchers who have spoken out against the vaccines, as well as the Nazi-like stance of government and health authorities, which I find utterly appalling. I was actually firmly convinced that I wasn't going to be vaccinated on the basis of that, as I was actually much better informed than most people.

However, my choice was ultimately based on clear and quite unexpected inner guidance to choose to have the vaccine, based not only on my own health issues but on love and concern for my family - I don't wish to go into all the relevant family factors here, but let me say that there are enough to justify my willingness to risk the vaccine. I should add that I am also familiar with and have undertaken other protocols to minimize the harms from both Covid and the vaccine.

With the greatest of respect, may I also add that I do wish that those who choose not to have the vaccine would stop assuming that those who do choose it are ignorant of the facts - certainly many people are indeed ignorant of them, or choose to reject anyone who speaks against the vaccines, but that's not the case with all of us and it would help a lot if people would stop making such assumptions!

And as for your claim that you haven't seen many examples of the unvaccinated demonizing the vaccinated, all I can say is that you've been lucky, as I've seen and heard an enormous number of vitriolic comments from unvaccinated folk, largely based on the above-mentioned assumption.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. Kindness, coupled with respect, compassion and the recognition of differing individual circumstances are desperately needed in these times!

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I am so impressed by the civility and respect and empathy in these comments. My friends are vaccinated and unvaccinated and all believe in freedom of choice. If we can accept each other and stand up for freedom of choice together then there will be more of us. Just as Charles is advocating for people to speak their truth, so Jill is speaking hers.

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Thank you for that, Tanjawia.....so very much appreciated.

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Civility ends when people start dying. I'm glad that none of you has lost a loved one to this pandemic. If you had, you'd feel differently about people who choose to spread lies and disease through some combination of ignorance, arrogance, and sociopathy

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I've lost 2 loved ones to complications from covid and I stand with their freedom of choice as well as anyone else's. I've read a lot of your comments Ken and you sound like a broken record repeating the same arguments ad nauseam from a very one sided and narrow viewpoint. Its all my way or the highway and your in the camp of humans who think your justified in telling others what they can or can't do with their bodies.

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And you're in the camp of spreading disease during a pandemic. How can you watch people you love die and not decide to do what you can to stop this disease? Your lack of compassion for humans you don't know on this planet is palpable

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Jill, I agree with your beautifully stated final sentence and am sorry you’ve experienced vitriolic comments from the other side of the debate. This topic engenders a tremendous amount of passion so I understand how easily that can occur. I try to maintain civility, focus on the scientific research, and call out tyranny when engaged in debate on these topics, but I do understand how both sides are susceptible to ingroup/outgroup cognitive biases and actively try to resist those categorizations.

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While you're at it, enjoy your freedom to dine, work, travel, and appear in public unharassed.

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Again, public health officials aren't Nazis, and antivaxxers aren't Jews. Antivaxxers are actively choosing to spread disease during a pandemic, they can change that any time they feel like it

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Wrong. It has all of the science behind it! That's the whole point! Public health officials aren't Nazis. I missed the part in history class where the Nazis had dedicated themselves to humanitarianism.

You're completely misreading how VAERS works. If someone dies from heart disease the week after a vaccine, that's reported to VAERS. Sad as it is, it doesn't mean that the person died from the vaccine. What the public health officials do is compare the background level of people dying from heart disease to the level of recently vaccinated people dying from heart disease to see if there's an increase. There isn't which is why not one of those 16,310 deaths has been causally linked to the vaccine. This isn't rocket science. Temporal correlation is not causality.

You're spreading lies through a lack of understanding of high school statistics during a pandemic and your lies are killing us! You have to stop

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I propose that unless someone who receives the injection keeps said status completely private (which is becoming impossible), and self-excludes from everything s/he would not otherwise have the privilege of enjoying if not for the jab, it’s not possible to truly support freedom of choice or businesses who’re resisting. This isn’t a matter of personal judgement against you or your choice but recognition of how one mechanism of systemic discrimination against the unmarked will remain functional in spite of “good” intentions of those who become part of the (temporarily?superficially?) privileged V-class. The lack of privacy, in both supply and demand, has been our downfall in this matter of bodily autonomy and integrity, and it’s demise hastened under the guise of the worst manifestations of “collectivism”, pitted against the God-given nature of our individuality. Basketball player Andrew Wiggins recently demonstrated the most brilliant act of bravery, standing in the fading light of his privacy during a press conference by refusing to divulge his shot status to relentless reporters for at least 10 long minutes. It was the most precious and peaceful act of a warrior going to battle in his moment of truth - on a literal stage, and literally, with no dress rehearsal. Then came the downfall. He eventually caved, not only being unable to see his own bravery through, but even divulging the status of his own family on his way down. Without personal judgment against him, we see the power we’re up against in resisting.



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I agree with you, ES - vaccination status is no-one's business but that of the person concerned, and I've only shared my intended vaccination status here because it is relevant to the debate. Choosing to be vaccinated was a difficult choice for me because I have thoroughly researched the issue and am very familiar with what has been articulated by Peter McCullough, Geert Van Den Bosch and many others, and I accept their arguments. But I do think that we need to be compassionate and understanding of all choices, whether pro- or anti- being vaccinated. I don't know how things are in the USA, but here we are not allowed visitors if in hospital, and as my brother recently died and his wife had to endure the agony of not being allowed to be by his bedside in hospital, and as I and my daughter both have health issues, I decided to accept the vaccine to reduce the risk of either of us being hospitalized with Covid and having the family go through similar agony to that of my sister-in-law. Nevertheless, as I stated in my original response, my intention is to support all businesses and individuals who have chosen to take a stand against not only vaccination (the dangers of which, as far as I am concerned, rate nowhere near as importantly as our sovereign right to choose being taken from us, and the loss of various freedoms) but all the other measures and restrictions that our government has put in place.

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I appreciate your support for freedom of choice regarding our own bodies, your valuing of medical privacy, and your respect for others regardless of vaccination status. I also understand the dilemma you are facing and why you felt this was the right decision for you. I wish you and your family good health and hope NSW can escape the clenched grip of its corrupt tyrants very soon.

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They're not tyrants, they're public health servants who have dedicated their lives to trying to keep you healthy. Jesus help us

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The reason you're wrong is that that nobody wants to live next to a disease vector in a pandemic

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Mark Crispin Miller (https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/) recently shared that clip. A rare act of bravery in an industry associated with corporate compliance.

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Being antivax during a pandemic isn't bravery, it's sociopathic

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Resisting live saving vaccinations? What a hero

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It's not bigotry and prejudice. These people are choosing to refuse the thing that will keep their neighbors and community safe. The community is right to turn its back on them. Shame on you for conflating freedom with a lack of civic responsibility. It's a sick game when the unvaxxed claim the freedom to kill the elderly, the weak, the fat, the immunocompromised, and those with comorbidities.

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This is so much bigger than any one issue. This is the calling of our time. These are the words we must live by if we are to usher in a new reality. Let these words into your heart. Let them speak to your soul. “It is the moment of truth over consequences.” I hope we can each take the time to reflect for ourselves. What is my truth? What is mine to do?

Thank you, Charles, for calling this forward. You are true to your own word.

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Yeah, and that new reality is going to be one without elders or those with comorbidities if Eisenstein gets has his way with it. Spreading antivax lies and propaganda during a pandemic is not the calling of our time, and doesn't usher in anything but disease and suffering

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The author’s right. It would be instrumental if loads of people did get involved, all roughly round the same time.

I wonder how many people know what’s happening is wrong but have chosen to say & do nothing, on the grounds that “it’s not their fight”.

But it is.

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Your dedication to protecting the public's health (at a considerable cost) is highly appreciated by those aware of the nature of the problem.

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Thank you, Douglas, much appreciated.

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I wonder if we can get an estimate for how many people you've killed. Are you like the Pol Pot of public health or just the Francisco Franco?

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This guy's a charlatan and snake oil salesmen. He's killing people for money. Straight sociopath

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You talking about FaoChi?

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Then there are loads of us fighting to have a voice, so we can do exactly that. Trying to leave no stone unturned in a bid to speak out and be heard. The silence is not necessarily due to an unwillingness in the masses, but to uncertainty in how exactly to make it happen. So far it appears to be a lot of banding together around kitchen tables or in the great outdoors, battening down the hatches for families, and preparing to step out to defend them however it looks. I'm someone you never heard of, but Dr. Yeadon's videos and his efforts have had great impact in my realm of influence and I expect many others quietly organizing behind the scenes. His work is not in vain, and his informational videos are much appreciated and part of what's coming next from the anonymous grassroots level population. Also I offer a bit of consolation for the relentless personal attacks on Dr. Yeadon and applause for his bravery and tenacity. You're a hero in my eyes.

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HEY fellow Charles Eisenstein followers, I came to this group just a few days ago and already I am perplexed as to why this KEN infiltrator is actually part of the group!???????? I have tried a few times to kindly ask him to leave and find better company for his type of personality.Not sure he can read. But perhaps as a group we can kick him off the island. What do you say folks??? We truly do not need the likes of him sullying the atmosphere of acceptance, choice and compassion for all humans regardless of jab status or belief!!!

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I thought the entire point was not censoring perspectives you disagree with. I miss the old Eisenstein before he became an antivax guru

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Ah, so you believe in censoring opposing views?

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Oh god, this is exactly why the rest of us are scared of disgraced scientists building a movement around psuedoscience and lies. He does this for speaking fees. It's his job. And he doesn't care how much disease he spreads in his wake. He's a straight up sociopath. Don't follow him into the abyss

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Dr. Yeadon, thank you for your courageous efforts on behalf of science, truth, and humanity. I’m not sure if you saw my comment on your response to CJ Hopkins’s previous post, but I would consider it a privilege to interview you if you would be open to that possibility. The easiest way to get in touch with me is to sign up for my mailing list and reply to the welcome email. I look forward to connecting should that opportunity appeal to you.

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Or you guys could choose not to spread more antivax lies, death, and disease right now

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Ken. You’re not a customer. Ok?

40 years of training & practise in relevant life sciences at the highest level. 20 months of study.

I KNOW I'm correct.

So go & 77th Brigade someone else. You idiot.

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Why did you get disgraced again? Oh yeah, every other scientist on planet earth called you out for lying to the public! Shame on you, you sociopathic murderer. You have blood on your soul

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If by I’m not a customer you mean I’m not buying what you’re selling, spot on!

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Hey Ken... I have had a devil of a time matching the information I have received from standard "authority people" against the details and science based information I have been gathering from the antivax liars. There is a population of people who don't believe ANYONE based on their position or training but only based on clear factual data and analysis. Your comment... only contains a gesture toward accusation and an appeal to fear... In your comment about you even imply that YOU are working in an ICU... I no longer trust anyone based simply on the noise their mouth makes. Sorry...

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Yup go with data, statistics, and science - hold that star and you'll cut through the bs. Just make sure it's a peer-reviewed study, or you risk falling prey to snake-oil salesmen. The anti-vax leaders peddle in psuedoscience. They make their living this way preying on those who didn't learn enough about science or statistics to distinguish fact from fiction. You can only sell homeopathy to someone who doesn't know how homeopathy is made. (After the Peace Corps I worked on a biodynamic farm in Argentina that side-hustled homeopathic "medicine" and I can tell you it's a lie)

I do not work in an ICU, sorry if you read it that way. I teach math and biology.

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Yep, and 2+2=5 in your class, amirite? ;)

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Actually sometimes yes if you factor in significant digits. 2.4+2.4=4.8 If you only have a one inch mark on your ruler that's 2+2=5. Free lesson for you, next one I'm charging

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I wonder that too. My heart tells me it's a lot. A lot that are still telling themselves that "perhaps I'm wrong, perhaps that niggling feeling will go away soon". Or even as close friends have said, "not my fight, not my problem". The gas lighting that is occurring, whether intentionally or not, is wide spread and profound. People, good people, are exhausted, scared, and don't know what to do. So they do nothing. Say nothing. And those that believe the stats. That prefer the sanctioned narrative, believe that this is validation that they are right. That they have sided with good, God, or whatever talisman they hold close to their sense of self identity. Because to consider the alternative, to consider that they could be wrong, is too unbearable for them to face. It harks back to childhood....

The monster in the closet or under the bed- the kids that pulled the covers up and huddled, desperately hoping it wasn't true until dawn. Or the kids that, scared though they were, terrified their foot would get grabbed from under the bed, they still chose to rip open the cupboard door or look under the bed and confront the unknown.

I challenge Ken- and all others, including myself.........which kid are YOU?

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I think that’s a useful way to look at it.

My neighbour was a firm adherent today the rules. She knew I was a scientist. I don’t think she knew I’d become notorious as a critic.

I started explaining a few things that blow up the “it’s a natural phenomenon” narrative.

I glanced at her face. It was white & frozen, her eyes wide. I knew she suddenly knew. I think she’d been hiding that from herself.

Her eyes locked on mine, I stopped speaking. Without a sound, she mouthed “I’m frightened”.

It was one of the worst 2-3 events since this started.

A ghastly moment. Imagine doing that to people? It’s not bloody fun, I can tell you that. After a few dozen of these I feel like I’ve psychologically assaulted people. I sometimes feel I’m slipping into PTSD.

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Shining the light into the darkest corners brings with it great responsibility indeed. Only the brave hearted are courageous enough to do it, especially when it challenges the "norm". I understand how it felt like an assault but that's their reaction to the information. I try to remember to deliver the message with gentleness and lots of encourgement. Sometimes it's great to help them explore their fears in the moment, if appropriate. You're a wonderful gift as is everyone else, here and there, doing the best we can with what we know. Much love

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Oh, get real. This guy isn't shining a light, he is the darkness personified

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Get the God connection. It enables us to become a source of strength, wisdom, and tangible help for such people. You're in a perfect position to rise up and take full authority in a way that will be unstoppable.

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You can try to pray away disease. I’m sticking with evidence back solutions in peer-reviewed journals

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Yes, can you please give me some of those citations? I'd like to read that evidence myself.

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Sure, they’re everywhere seeing how they gave rise to the consensus medical opinion. Here’s one of thousands:


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I was talking to someone about what I saw happening and during a pause she said, "I can't go there, it's too dark." And so I stopped because I don't know each person's limit. But later I thought, "Well, she's an adult. What about the children we have to protect?"

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The vaccine is not a threat to children! What about the elderly, the immunocompromised, those with comorbidities? Why can you not extend your compassion to them and take the simple step to protect them? Are they less worthy of life?

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I'm so tired of this weak argument. The vaccine is just as much of a threat to me as covid. You want me to risk my life, as a certainty, to save a theoretical person in the future? It's more of a risk to children. Children are more likely to be harmed by the vaccine than covid. As a rule in any society worth a damn, we don't ask one portion of it to carry risk in order to protect others. If you think that, you're deluded. Or maybe a communist.

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Okay, the information is also everywhere. The CDC puts the odds of having a severe allergic reaction at 5 in a million - about the same as being struck by lightning. If you gave everyone a peanut you’d have a higher death rate.

Here’s a news article reporting the peer reviewed CDC data


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I'd appreciate it if you could give me some citations please, so I can find the research journals where the trials successfully completed for human safety have been recorded for all to read. It's the standard practice for the public to have access to the research done that shows why the injections have been proven to be safe and effective. Surely there are some scientific journals where that work has been published and the ones deserving of the credit, properly identified. I'll wait.

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They are everywhere. Here's one that I just sent to someone else:


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My view is that we are all traumatised. We are experiencing a collective trauma that will have aftereffects for generations. the individuals capacity for resilience (Or opportunity to build resilience) will determine how well they move through it. If you can get some time in nature, I find that it recharges and allows you to reconnect to the bigger picture of what you are fighting for. On a personal note, much respect and heartfelt thanks for your continued dedication and choosing to be here on earth at this time.

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Agreed with everything until the last sentence when you cheered on someone who's spreading lies, disease, death, and suffering during a pandemic. So close

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At least you're doing it. Nobody wants to face such a horrendous truth, but the first step in finding solutions is facing it anyway.

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What if - and all of the science points to this - it isn’t a horrendous truth, but a well worded horrendous lie

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Everyone listen to exactly what he just wrote! This is exactly how charlatans have always perpetrated their lies. Fear mongering pseudoscience and evidence free claims to take advantage of the scientifically less literate! Note that he’s a famous critic. That comes with handsome speaking salaries. He’s spreading lies for profit. And everyone can see it!

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You don't speak for everyone. You speak for whatever is motivating you to be such a pain in the butt when the evidence is piling up to convince more and more people, they and their loved ones are being poisoned by fake vaccines. It's a sure sign you don't have a leg to stand on when you have to include 'everyone' in your statement, not knowing that 'everyone' includes me and I think you sound like you have a personal vendetta with not one shred of logical information to share to support your views. Please go away.

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The vaccines aren't fake, they're saving lives. My motivation is public health, my backing is science.

What's yours: your motivation is fear, your backing is Jesus. That's pretty clear from your earlier comments

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I’m the kid who fights with the bully to protect his friends, always have been. You’re the bully and the violence you’re perpetrating is in the form of spreading disease

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Nah, you're the mate who runs away when the bully starts slapping your mate. It's kind of a pre-requisite for 77th Brigade.

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I'm honored that you think my arguments are so sound that I'm a secret agent from the UK, lol

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What are you a doctor of because I guarantee everyone here you aren’t working in an ICU right now

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Ken, why don’t you f*** off?

You’re definitely not helping.

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Nah, see I think it does help for people to not get duped by charlatans and snake oil salesmen like you, so I’ll be fucking right on, pal

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I’m looking forward to your humble apology.

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People see through you. I look forward to the day they put you in jail as a mass murderer. All they have to do is prove that you knew you were lying the entire time

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Nah, actually Ken we all see through your nonsense as a shill for the gov't/big pharma propaganda machine. I also think its getting to you as your carefully constructed persona of calm gives way to deranged name calling. I do wonder though why you persist here as your not going to change anyone's mind.

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Ken, you really don’t look good spouting this stuff at someone with a PhD who was a researcher, scientist and VP at Pfizer in their respiratory division.

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I knew I'd seen him somewhere! He's the disgraced British scientist who was caught by a hidden camera in Canada spreading lies at an antivax conference (in Ontario I think, can't quite remember the city). He does this for money. How much are your speaking fees? You sociopath!

One of his main claims was that the vaccine caused infertility in women. It was easily debunked in a metastudy comparing the fertility rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated women and showing that there was zero change, and zero evidence to support what he was saying.

This guy is single handedly responsible for spreading more disease than anyone on this website including ol' Eisenstein himself. Ooooh weee! We've got a live on on our hands!!!

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You can’t even ad hom the right person.

Never visited Canada 😎

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<b> Michael Yeadon is a British pharmacologist who attracted media attention for making false or unfounded claims about the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. He previously served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer, and is the co-founder and former chief executive officer of biotechnology company Ziarco. </b>

Challenge Wikipedia or come clean. Won't anyone vouch for the truth or does Charles just attract liars and unstable people these days.

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Dr. Yeadon attracted attention for being a

clear voice of reason and sanity in the swirl of stupidity of the past eighteen months and he spoke up very quickly. He did not hold back and test the waters, waiting to see what else would be revealed. No, he jumped in with both feet and had told the truth again and again. You haven’t a fraction of the character he has. Sit down and shut up.

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Canada's loss.

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Not from a public health standpoint

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Actually you're right, I rewatched it, it was a different disgraced British scientist. Same plan - making that money, selling those lies

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Gee, I wonder if you just might be wrong about some other things as well?

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Beautifully written. I especially love this sentence "Synchronicity is the snapping of the laws of probability as reality shifts to align with brave choices". So beautiful. May we find the courage to each be who we truly are.

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This sentence jumped out at me, as well. I remember how impossible it felt that the Berlin Wall would come down...until it did ♥️

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Here we go again with the Nazi analogy. Public health officials are trying to do what is morally right to keep the elderly and those with comorbidities safe. I'm sorry this feels so oppressive to you. At least you aren't elderly or vulnerable

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What does the Berlin wall have to do with Nazis? Seriously.

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When you're right you're right

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Thank you. That's right.

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Well said, Maya

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Yes, be who you truly are, as long as who you truly are isn't an antivax spreader of a virtually cured disease during a pandemic

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'Who you truly are', has no baring on your ideologies and moral highs. Who you truly are, observes with love, compassion and patience for the ego to move aside so that clarity can shines through.

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And compassion isn't a state of mind, it's an actual engagement in the world around you to the benefit of all you come in contact with. Actions speak, ideologies give rise to those actions. We know the heart only by what the body does. And if some body refuses to protect the most vulnerable among us in a time of crisis, we can all see them for who they are

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Ken, Thank you for your clarification. When I say compassion and patience I'm talking about compassion from our inner(our true self) to our outer (our ego self). What do you really know? Are you so sure that the methods chosen by our governments (in the name of your compassion and actions to safe guard the weak and vulnerable) will not end up as a wrong methods with serious implications in the longer run? We don't have enough knowledge to predict things like that, therefore we shouldn't be so sure about our opinions... We can only make predictions. The lack of knowing in regards to what is the best way forward, is the only sure thing. The rush to 'take action' as you say has been driven by fear and I don't think that's a good space to make decisions. My actions of being non active in this point of time, comes from not wanting to be swept in the fears for 'doing the right thing' because it may not be the right thing to do after all.

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What we have to guide us is history and science. The history of vaccines tells us that 99% of all known side effects have arisen within the first 10 months of a vaccination. Your argument maybe held water 6 months ago. After 6 billion doses shave been safely administered spanning a year, the data is conclusively in.

Choosing to do nothing during a crisis is choosing to be a disease vector. It's choosing to kill. That's not compassion.

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Ken - I am a middle aged, well educated company director and not the rabid, uneducated extremist that you seem to believe many of the contributors to this page to be. I recognise that with any drug used for medical treatment, there is a risk reward analysis that needs to be satisfied in order to justify its deployment. I have therefore focused my reading on these two factors and in particular the risks. I am interested in your statement: "The history of vaccines tells us that 99% of all known side effects have arisen within the first 10 months". I have concerns about the long term effects of these vaccines and your statement above is the most common response to this concern. My understanding, from the journals and articles I have read, is that the mRNA vaccines with their LNP delivery systems are a completely new type of vaccine 'technology' with no long term human trials having ever been completed. How is it then that assumptions are being made about the long term safety of these mRNA vaccines by comparing them to the long term safety of completely DIFFERENT drugs which use completely different mechanisms? This seems to me to be a dangerously unscientific thing to do. Furthermore, if all that was needed to determine the long term safety of a drug was 18 months worth of data, why do phase 1-3 of clinical trials for new pharmaceuticals require 6-7 years of study?

Another point of confusion for me is the analysis of the safety data. The FDA, TGA and so on have many decades of experience working with and monitoring their adverse reaction databases. Based on their experience, they state (on their websites) that between 90-95% of adverse reactions go unreported. This certainly accords with the thousands of testimonials of frontline workers that reactions are often dismissed as being unrelated, ignored or go unreported by doctors. Given that these regulatory bodies acknowledge that vaccine reactions go unreported by a factor of between 10 and 20 times, why is no consideration given to this when reviewing and reporting on vaccine safety?

I would also be interested to know if you have taken the time to look at some of he many sites created by groups of people who have had serious reactions. Take a look at Telegram: Frontline Workers Speak Out or https://www.wewanttobeheard.com/

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Oct 10, 2021
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It doesn’t matter which name we give us...we are all tiny drops, microcosms, of the great, macrocosmic ocean...we are it. And it’s not about judgement, it’s about the laws of creation, how energy flows, how coherence/love (the glue that creatively brings molecules together) brings matter from the void. If love weren’t stronger than discoherence, none of this so-called reality would exist.

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This is actually pretty poetic. Beautifully written

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Wow! I feel like you wrote this in direct response to my own recent pivot. I too have been flying under the radar until now. The superintendent of my kids school district sent an email last week of the board discussing the shot for 5-11 year old children. It’s not a mandate to attend school, but facilities for administering the shot for families with young kids is set up. The shot trajectory thus far seems telling; it seems likely it’ll be mandatory sooner or later. Suddenly I felt the radar beaming directly on me. My body and heart jolted. I heard the inner voice: It’s time to act. And I felt scared. And still it’s time. How? I ask. I keep hearing the voice of the wife and mom whose husband passed away from the shot. Her last words in the interview: follow your gut and have compassion. It is time.

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I'm sorry, but what you are referencing is called identifiable victim bias. It's one of the main psychological characteristics of the antivax crowd. As sad as the story of the husband who died is, you can't elevate anecdotal evidence to the level of statistical trend. Statistics show us that there is not an elevated death rate in people post vaccine. (Though this will obviously never convince a grieving widow who decided to blame the vaccine, it doesn't mean she's correct in the cause of her husband's death.) Temporal correlation is not causality. There have been over 6 billion safely administered doses of this vaccine, spanning almost a year, with zero documented deaths. The data is in. The vaccine is safe and effective

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Thanks for being the voice of reason. Like you I was attracted to the "more beautiful world" and was shocked just now when I realized that Charles seems to be advocating for rejecting the vaccine. I suppose there's a really large macro view that would accept that the planet is sick, we have made it sick, and that the pandemic is one way the ecosphere is trying to get rid of us? Are those that reject the vaccine prepared to die? Given the crisis in our hospitals it would seem that the answer is no.

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Yeah, it's pretty wild to see this coming from the "conscious living" crowd. I guess if his movement had come to the burn it all down moment, I would understand what they're talking about. But having read most of these posts at this point, I really don't think that's what they're saying. Most seem to have just been duped by antivax leaders spreading pseudoscience and collecting speaking fees. It's all very disheartening. Have you studied permaculture? We still have a chance to create a beautiful world, even without these wackos

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Disheartening indeed.

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Dear Charles, I cannot express to you in words how meaningful your writings are to me. But please allow me to try. When I read your beautiful words or listen to you speak so eloquently about the world we live in and the creatures we share this planet with.... something deep within me wells up and wants to cry and smile all at once and it feels like my heart begins to swell. It's as though something deep and primordial has been touched. Your words are the wand that sparks my creativity and bravery to go out gently into this world of ours and try to make a meaningful imprint. You give voice to everything I have always thought about life and living with authenticity, and as I am sure for many who follow you, you make us feel less alone in our thinking that the WORLD truly could be a better place for every living being. I too am a writer as well as an artist and it is a privilege to walk this path, knowing that there are many like minded people who care so deeply about this planet becoming beautiful beyond belief. You are truly a remarkable thinker and I am beyond grateful that you walk this planet at this particular and pivotal time in the history of Planet Earth and mankind. Namaste dear man, Namaste.

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How is spreading antivax lies during a pandemic making the world a better place for every living being? Honest question. Seems like he's embraced disease and death at this point and is promoting evidence free holistic healing modalities as alternative snake oil cures

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Who is this Ken guy and why is such a person even interested in Charle's pro-choice, pro-humanity, pro-healthy and decidedly alternative viewpoints. It would seem he got lost in the hallways of the internet and ventured here by accident. Surely and truly Ken, we will not mind if you decide to find your way back to Anthony Fauci's fanpage:) xoxox

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I am new to this group and I came as a kind of escape and sanctuary from the hatred and vehement vilification of the un-jabbed from the pro-vax, self righteous, sanctimonious, holier than thou, do*che bags. I cannot tolerate people that go to a movie they KNOW they will HATE, only to boo and heckle, so the folks that REALLY wished to be there can't enjoy themselves. Good one Ken. Now finish your popcorn and kindly leave the theatre.

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Clearly Ken has too much time on his hands and has nothing better than to join a group he does not truly believe in, just to harass the members!!! Great for him to hang around so long and often, posting more than anyone else and posturing for attention. But Ken, your posts are beyond tiresome and boring. It is time you find a more rewarding hobby and more rewarding friends that truly appreciate you loving kindness. See ya!

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Ok folks, I am new to the group and only posted once to praise Charles and tell him how much I love his work. I was kindly greeted as a new comer by this Ken douche bag!!! Not hanging around with this dude still involved. Let me know when you vote him off the island. I for one will not stick around for his self righteous abuse. See ya all.

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Bye Felicia

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Charles, you won't remember me, but we met briefly at a talk you gave in Toronto back in March 2012 I think. As the speaker you had a presence in that room unlike anyone I had ever met. You had a clarity of voice, a softness of spirit, a fierceness of resolve that left me awestruck. Since then, I've bought and/or read most of your books and find that you consistently articulate a vision which resonates deeply with me about 'a beautiful world that our heart knows is possible'.

When I came across your essays about c*d, I was incredibly relieved and heartened that you hadn't fallen victim to the narrative and that you stood up in your characteristic manner and spoke your truth, our truth, THE truth about our entire false global paradigm which seeks to dehumanize all of us and make us into obedient automatons, if not physically, then mentally and emotionally. This was predicted by many over the past century, yet we didn't pay attention.

Now, here we are. What was predicted is coming to pass and everyone is shocked. We shouldn't be. We were warned countless times by many prophets and seekers. We didn't heed their words and learn lessons along the way. I despair for humanity and future generations. If we don't fight with everything we've got as a species, the nightmare that will unfold will make our children and grandchildren curse our names with every breath just as we should be cursing the names of those who came before us and didn't stop it when it would have been much easier.

Every day I ask the question "Is humanity worth saving if we have allowed it to get to this point of nihilistic self-destruction? Is humanity worth saving if we don't care enough about our children to have pushed back once and for all against these monstrous psychopaths and sociopaths a century ago?"

I don't have the answer to that. What I do know is that I have no choice to fight with everything I have to my last breath.

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Jesus, who's the nihilist? The one refusing life saving medicine during a pandemic or the one choosing to protect their community by getting vaccinated. You have a warped sense of reality.

Public health officials, scientists, doctors, and epidemiologists aren't sitting around trying to come up with ways to oppress you, they're hard at work trying to help us understand this disease to save lives.

People are dying and Charles, by using his platform to spread antivax propaganda, has blood and suffering on his hands.

Who really thinks that we'll get it together to make the collective lifestyle changes necessary to confront the huge ecological challenges that we face like global warming if we can't even convince people to do something simple free and easy to protect their own loved ones and neighbors?

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So disappointed that Charles, you are repeating anecdotes as evidence, and while I admire your fundamental skepticism, public health at risk means we have to decide on the best available evidence which is never totally clear. Are you not suspicious that there was never this divide about polio vaccine or all the other vaccines we give our kids? Doubt is fine in the philosophical chambers when there is the luxury of thinking great thoughts, with little immediate application, but if people are sick, and doctors have a vaccine, since when did we appoint ourselves to be our own medical experts, or become the people who can work it out for ourselves. Fine for us if we alone take the risk but public health means we rise or fall together. People cannot decide to be free at the cost of others being sick.

Unless we can at least trust that enough scientists are committed to objective truth, then the world is flat and the Holocaust never happened and Germany won world war one. This distrust is a weapon of political opportunism, and to accept the premise that doubt alone can equip us to engage the world seems a luxury when our non-decisions are still decisions that are affecting lives. Cogito Ergo Sum or Dubio Ergo Sum? Doubt is our protection for sure, but finally life is made up of our leaps of faith, not our leaps of doubt. Asking the questions is easy. But ask yourself are they the right questions? Philosophers doubt the world and then catch the train to work. What if reality already is giving us some evidence of 700,000 dead that might nudge us to ask questions that connect to the loss, the grief, the suffering, and forego the luxury of being profound when health is a matter of masks, and not John Stuart Mill, or Vaccines and not Vico. Sure, we all die, and we need to come to terms with that but is that the excuse to curl up and die, feeling independent of vaccines or modern medicine. That seems like surrender.

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Paul, you seem like a kind fellow, but I am afraid you have been deceived by BigPharma propaganda if you think this experimental injection is *anything* like prior vaccines with years of clinical trials, long-term studies, and substantive evidence of safety and efficacy.

You ask Charles, “Are you not suspicious that there was never this divide about the polio vaccine”—yeah, exactly, why aren’t you asking yourself, Why *does* such a divide exists with the present injection program? Why aren't you considering there is some merit to concerns about the unprecedented global mass vaccination of a product that is making the pharmaceutical megacorporations trillions in profits and enabling governments to seize absolute powers on the basis of a manufactured crisis?

You are falling for the Reichstag emergency the media has created to bamboozle you into gleefully relinquishing your liberties. If you believe the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” scapegoating talking point, you might want to read this highly data-driven post presenting evidence that it is actually the opposite (https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/an-epidemic-of-the-vaccinated).

You say, “Unless we can at least trust that enough scientists are committed to objective truth …” When talking heads command you to Trust The Science™, that is an act of religious faith in their designated spokespersons. If, instead, you sought out the testimony of the tens of thousands of *actual* scientists, including Nobel Laureates, immunologists, virologists, and inventors of the very technology you are willing to trust your life with, you would realize the mass deception you have succumbed to and awaken from your hypnosis.

I absolutely encourage you to embrace your innate intellectual curiosity, rationality, and desire for the pursuit of truth rather than allowing the propagandists to seal your mind and frighten you away from facts that counter their carefully constructed narrative. If you are open-minded, I encourage you to visit my blog and peruse some of the posts as I explore many of these topics in greater depth and am trying to reach people like you.

I, too, am an admirer of John Stuart Mill, and in that spirit, I invite you to challenge your preconceived notions and take the perspective of the people you have been swindled into viewing as “conspiracy theorists.” John Stuart Mill advocated arguing from your opponent’s perspective. Do some research. Do a *lot* of research, and see if you can come to understand why those of us opposing the lunatic recklessness of the policies that have been unleashed around the globe are doing so.

Turn off your television. Stop reading newspapers and other sources of mainstream propaganda. Escape the anesthetizing aether of Big Tech–mediated social media and venture into the wilderness of truth. We welcome you to the realm of critical thinking, independent-mindedness, reason, logic, and healthy skepticism of tyrannical powers and their propaganda arms.

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A little more condescension, please?

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Yes, let's all ignore all evidence and just start making things up. That's how we'll get to the bottom of this

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Oct 10, 2021
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Bless you, Adretto, and grateful to have you on the side of reason and resistance to tyranny.

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Oct 10, 2021
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What a beautiful and inspiring statement. Thank you, Adretto, and if you join my mailing list, please reply to the welcome email to introduce yourself. I look forward to more fruitful discussions as together we work to defeat tyranny.

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"People cannot decide to be free at the cost of others being sick."

Paul, if you refer to the CDC website it clearly states that the vaccinated can transmit the virus the same as unvaccinated. Also, nearly half of hospitalizations are now vaccinated. Documents from the Department of Health, England released data that the numbers of vaccinated deaths exceed deaths of the unvaccinated. Israel is releasing similar results.

As Margaret Anna Alice said, this vaccine has not undergone the same testing that all historical vaccines were subjected to. More recently, there was an attempt to market a Sars-Cov1 vaccine in 2003 and 25 people died. It was pulled immediately. Per the VAERS website, there have been over 16,000 deaths and over 700,000 injuries from the C19 vaccine. I ask you a honest question, why haven't we pulled it off the market? More people have suffered injury/death from the vaccine than the total number of deaths nationwide. And we all know the number of deaths is exaggerated. I personally know of a dozen deaths that were from heart failure, cancer, motor vehicle crash, overdose, etc, and the family members were outraged that the death certificate showed Covid as the cause of death, all because hospitals were being compensated per case and death. https://openvaers.com/covid-data

Yes, we all die, as you say. And it should be on our own terms and no one else's. And our lives should be on our own terms and this isn't living with mandates and lockdowns.

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Amen, sister.

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Meaghan, you're still misreading the VAERS data. That's absolutely not what the VAERS information says

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“Since when did we appoint ourselves to be our own medical experts, or become the people who can work it out for ourselves”? I am truly glad for you, Paul, that for you this is a serious question. I am honestly grateful for you and for all who have never been *forced* into just such an “appointment”. For others of us, the industrial medicine machine has severely failed our systemic health, claimed to be the only scientific option, blamed, shamed and gaslit us into believing that we had exhausted our science-backed options to improve our health, and the fact that we were continuing to live in pain, suffering, infertility… that it was somehow our fault or an act of God, but no other ideas or options were presented to us.

I’m glad that you never had to take that step to realize you were in fact completely alone in solving your health puzzle, that the doctors didn’t know and weren’t going to know, and the overwhelming feeling of being completely out of your depth. That you must either accept your misery or appoint yourself the expert on your own body and work it out for yourself. It’s a really shitty and scary experience to go through, and I don’t wish it on you.

I’m not at all glad, however, that you don’t believe, dismiss, don’t hear, and look away from the stories of those of us who HAVE been in that position, and who DID find our way back to our default state of health by way of practitioners our doctors didn’t even know about, nor would have taken seriously or recommended if they had. I’m frustrated as hell that you and the many like you dismiss us as irrelevant, lying, or anecdotal.

The many thousands of us who have kept these health practitioners outside of the western industrial medical machine in business for thousands of years have real and valid stories of healing. And if you really heard them, you would understand why Charles—and all of the rest of us— are asserting that when a healthcare *system* has this much hubris, is fundamentally this flawed, has caused this much harm without accountability, has made its “profit over people” agenda clear, is responsible for ‘medical error’ being the third leading cause of death in the country overall… you no longer simply trust that system to have your back, be working in your best interest, or to have the best possible solution to the public health quandary we face.

All I can humbly ask is that you turn from your insistence on dismissing our stories and really hear them with an open mind and heart.

And your fundamental assertion that “people cannot be free at the cost of others being sick” assumes that we have a birthright to live a maximum human lifespan on this planet, treating it, ourselves, and each other as we currently do, free from human-to-human transmitted illness and risk of an earlier death—and that is not a philosophy that that I or many others agree with, and is based in the fear of death that blinds you. Free yourself from that fear, understand the truth that we humans all know at some level of consciousness—we all die, will die, and have died countless times—and the urgency of what Charles is saying becomes clear.

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Yes. People often wonder why I do not trust doctors. I have been mistreated by doctors too many times now. They have not usually been able to make me well. I have needed to solve my own health problems most of the time, and I have been able to do it with much time and effort. Similarly my wife has been injured by doctors, and we need to be our own experts and advocates. Sometimes a doctor can save your life, of course, but most of the time that is only when you are about to die. They are good at emergencies and trauma. So, it is wrong to look with disdain upon people who become experts at taking care of themselves. Who knows, perhaps one of these people will change your life.

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Carl, I’m a licensed RN that quickly realized what you say to be true. Western Medicine is excellent at saving lives from trauma and other medical emergencies. Daily health is sustained through other modalities that western med and the Rockefeller’s deemed as quackery. Here’s to the quacks for helping us to thrive in this strange paradigm! Blessings to you and your wife!

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Thank you and God bless you!

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Mandy, thank you for conveying so well what I and so many others have experienced. I am always amazed that people are willing to relinquish responsibility for their own health to others.

Seven years ago, I began experiencing strange respiratory symptoms that were so elusive, none of my doctors could figure out what it was, and the guesses they made did not make sense to me (e.g., COPD, but I’ve never smoked or been around smokers in my life or engaged in any of the other potential causes). The symptoms were worsening on a daily basis, and I became increasingly desperate to determine the cause and ultimately treatment. I wound up researching every single lung disease across multiple medical sources, and I had an epiphany when I discovered one that matched every symptom and causation, and the puzzle pieces fell together instantly. It turned out to be a rare autoimmune-related lung disease (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) my doctors were barely even aware of, and one even told me I was a genius for figuring it out.

If left unchecked, HP inevitably progresses to pulmonary fibrosis, which is basically a death sentence with a life expectancy of three to five years. If caught in time and the antigen is permanently avoided (I had to immediately vacate our apartment and stay elsewhere until we could find a new place to live), the condition can be reversed or at least controlled so it doesn’t advance to pulmonary fibrosis.

Had I lazily relied on my doctors to figure it out, I would likely have died two to four years ago. Even though I have excellent physicians, only I felt the desperate urgency to resolve the mystery and had the incentive to solve it as soon as humanly possible.

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Mandy, thank you for your beautifully written commentary. You and Margaret Anna are the voices of reason and intelligence throughout this thread.

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Aww, thank you, Meaghan. I appreciate your meaningful contributions as well, especially with your medical background.

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When you get covid, I know a river with leeches. Just go in there, they'll suck all the bad blood out

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Perhaps it is the fact that despite the evidence that the vaccine does nothing to prevent spread, and could in fact be creating a hot virus, the public health narrative does not change and consider this evidence. Perhaps it is the fact that the strongest voices for boosters have little to do with evidence of effectiveness of boosters or safety and more to do with the waning of the initial vaccine, assuming boosting will help. Perhaps it has to do that for a disease that is not a huge threat to ages 5-11, they are pushing through on our most precious population without a true measure of effectiveness. Perhaps it has to do with the theater that has been pushed by a narrative rather than evidence.

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The adverse effects and deaths are through the roof. Many experts have sounded the alarm on the dangers of these vaccines, including virologist and vaccine expert geert vanden bossche (https://www.geertvandenbossche.org).

Please search using other engines than google. It is censoring important information.

I will provide a few links from a google drive that may spark your own research. All I can do is try. (By the way, telegram is an app with many news channels and no censorship, like substack but briefer pieces.)

-mRNA c19 vaccines and prion disease (Medical paper)


-danger to pregnancy


-interview with geert vanden bossche


-Texas state affairs


-interview with Pharma insider Karen Kingston


-mRNA vaccine and cancer


-vaccinated are driving more and stronger variants


-this one is in Spanish but has captions. Examination of c19 vaccine finds graphene oxide (a few labs have found this to be true- big media ignores and denies, it comes down to no one knowing what the heck is really in those vials)


I could go on. Of course, anyone can say “that’s not cnn!” And of course it’s not. CNN is one of the many Pharma-controlled news sources. We have to turn to those news sources that are not and that makes them smaller and less well known. It doesn’t mean they’re untrustworthy. Personally, at this point I have lost all respect for the establishment media.

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midama, well-spoken and thank you for this excellent list of resources! I look forward to exploring them.

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"People cannot decide to be free at the cost of others being sick."

Indeed, but that is not what is happening here. People are deciding to be free because tyranny that is looming. That tyranny, facilitated by a campaign of fear of illness and death. That tyranny, which is a giant propaganda machine of psychological terrorism against the people of the world. That tyranny, which seeks to destroy the health and happiness of people all over the world, is why people are talking about freedom and liberty.

Do you think that physical health is the only aspect of life worth promoting? What about psychological health? Do you think that the governments and medical 'authorities' are doing anything to promote mental and emotional well being at this time? Quite the opposite I think. Do you think that they are encouraging civility, charity, and brotherly love by what they're doing? Again, the opposite. Do you think that they promote open and honest discussion of all the issues surrounding the virus, the vaccines, the standard hospital treatment, alternative therapies, how to keep healthy and maintain a strong immune system? No, and it's been this why from the very beginning of this mess.

Those in power are spewing such a fire hose of confusing lies and fear that most people simply give up. They don't resist the torrent which will wash them down the drain. Some people are stepping out of the way, or at least trying. Others are beginning to resist and call fowl.

So many people warn about and rail against heartless bureaucracies, big corporations and the evils of big money, and rightly so. Stop and think about it. What we are seeing all around the world right now is exactly all this, and more. Stop complaining about the little guys trying to resist. If you really understood what is happening you would light your torch and grab your pitchfork and march on the castle.

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Bravo, Carl! Grateful to have you in the resistance against the tyranny to end all tyrannies.

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This is not tyranny! This is you refusing to be a responsible citizen of the world and do your part to end the pandemic

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Wonderfully written, Carl! Thank you for your contribution!

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I'm sorry that protecting your neighbors feels so tyrannical to you. You know that you're also not allowed to speed through school zones, right? I mean, you can do it, but it makes you an a-hole

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Bless you for posting this Paul, this is clearly a site where folks have swallowed the truths, semi-truths and untruths whole. I have tried to say much the same thing to a number of people but I think it’s somehow too complex an argument for them to follow. People’s apriori assumptions are blinding them to what’s in front of their noses.

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Carol, you are resorting to ad hominem attacks. Those combating the mainstream propaganda are citing peer-reviewed scientific literature and reputable scientists while attempting to engage in respectable debate. Please provide your peer-reviewed sources (sans BigPharma funding and conflicts of interest) for the arguments that are “too complex” for us to follow.

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Yeah, I guess if you ignore all of the evidence that the vaccines work, then there isn't any evidence that the vaccines work. You got her there Margaret

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Thanks Paul. I cannot believe all the 'freedom' fanatics posting here. I admire Charles' writings, but he is out of his league with this article.

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Mr. Croft, freedom over the sovereignty of our bodies is not a fanatical concept. Perhaps you missed the part that the vaccine doesn't give the recipient immunity, nor does it halt transmission, and is responsible for over 700,000 injuries, including deaths, reported on the VAERS website (maintained by the CDC). Rather than Charles being over his head, perhaps you have your head buried and are not aware of these facts.

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Here's Meaghan with another VAERS misinterpretation

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So Charles is attracting the conspiracy crowd. So unfortunate.

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Nothing I said is a conspiracy theory. The CDC and FDA have been transparent that the vaccines do not prevent infection, only lessen the severity of the symptoms. Because the vaccinated can get ill, they can also transmit the pathogen. Simply said, that is science, not conspiracy. You can verify the VAERS data at: https://openvaers.com/covid-data

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Mr. Croft, my co-worker, a young and healthy man, received the vaccine and stroked out. He was dead 48 hours after the shot. I witnessed it first hand. Many ER visits are due to the vaccine, 3 of whom were my friends. If in my small circle there has been 1 death and 3 injuries, extrapolated to the population size with a standard deviation, it is not improbable that the VAERS numbers are reflective of reality.

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One man's opinion. As both a CPA and a Nurse, I look at numbers and patient safety as my benchmarks. Numbers are empirical and all cases reported to Vaers are by physicians or other healthcare workers. Johns Hopkins said the system is highly flawed and only reports 1% of all cases.

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Oct 10, 2021
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So Charles is attracting the conspiracy crowd. So unfortunate.

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Oct 10, 2021
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I realize the placement of this comment may be misleading. Just to be clear, the laughie emojis were for Australia on Line 1 (even as I'm weeping for Australia). Gallows humor.

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You were right the first time. Being antivax in a pandemic is laughing at the misery of others.

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I’m sad on revisiting this page to see that the comments have turned into an argument, right vs wrong, which is exactly the state of much of our collective, disconnected humanity that Charles has been writing and speaking about for years. This is a thoughtful and inspiring essay, and feels true in my body and being. It seems the the rehearsal is, indeed, over...time to walk in our truth.

Our “authorities” are all human souls doing their best, but acting from survival and fear. I had covid back in August and it was an enormous, wonderful energetic upgrade to my system, and I do not feel that getting the jab will do anything but give power and money to BigPharma and the rest of those running this show. I cannot and do not desire to say what anyone else should decide...I choose to recognize that deathbirth will come to me when it’s time, and until then I will LIVE, which means moving in loving, creative gratitude and wonder in each moment, not fighting to survive.

Thank you, Charles, for a vast body of work that inspires me every day. I reach out for your writings in moments of despair, to remember ♥️

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You know what increases community disconnection? If there’s a deadly disease going around, a safe and effective vaccine, and a group of people who would rather spread disease than show love to and protect those around them. The people around them tend to get frustrated at that point by the disease vectors in their midst, and the unnecessary death in their community.

I’m glad that you didn’t have any negative consequences from the disease. And you probably have some immunity. Honestly if all of the antivaxxers just want to go give themselves the disease and quarantine so they know when and where it’s happening and don’t become vectors, that’s at least a morally coherent approach- I’m not sure why you would rather do that than get vaccinated, but go for it.

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Telling the truth is not the same as picking a side. Some people pick a fight because they like to argue, and some do it because they see danger looming. There is right, and there is wrong, but we only find out which is which by digging for it and praying for wisdom.

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Or you find out when the bodies start piling up in the streets. Here in California: my highly vaxxed county has virtually zero cases while Bakersfield (highly antivax) has run out of ICU beds and is treating people in the hospital’s hallways. Sad that you antivaxxers don’t want preventative medicine and are willing to wait until your lungs are full of fibrosis and pneumonia before you decide to give Western Medicine a second chance

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76% of COVID deaths in VT in September were fully vaccinated. I’m puzzled how you still don’t see the drop in efficacy.

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Yup, the evidence is pointing to a drop in efficacy of the vaccines at the 6th month mark. They're still providing some protection as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of the elderly and those with comorbidities are vaccinated while the young and healthy are the majority of those who aren't. You're falling prey to Simpson's Paradox if your implication is that the vaccines don't work. Simposon's Paradox is simply put that there is a lurking variable of personal risk that isn't spread evenly throughout your data set.

So if you take two groups of people one who is likely to die of covid and one who isn't and see that after vaccinating the former is no longer more likely to die, that points to the major life saving effects of the vaccine.

The larger point is that even if the vaccine were completely ineffective (which all data disagrees with) we would be back to just getting the disease and having to build immunity that way. Worst case scenario, you still get the disease. The vaccine has only upsides.

If we can convince the young and healthy (a privileged class of people in the pandemic) to get vaccinated for the good of the community, we can slow the transmission rates and prevent breakthrough deaths as well.

County by county comparisons of vaccination rates and covid deaths prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the vaxxed are less likely to spread the disease than the unvaxxed. Anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves and you in the hope of justifying what is the morally reprehensible stance of spreading disease during a pandemic

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And your paradox is your firm belief that the efficacy doesn’t go to zero. Yes, zero. We aren’t far enough out to show it, but it is looking that way.

I also find it odd how you brush over any possible side effects from the vaccine or how you think you- just you- have the moral authority to dictate to a healthy young man who has a roughly one in 6,000 chance in getting myocarditis and only one in 25,000 chance of hospitalization, that they should get the jab. For the greater good. Based on you and your certainty which is wholly based on information exactly 8 months old. I actually would not feel that certainty approaching a war vet who had lost friends- and tell them- here take this shot you must- I’m forcing you because you don’t know what death is. I believe your intentions are well placed but you have stopped rationally reading the evidence.

Oh and the CDC doesn’t track breakthrough cases, only deaths or hospitalizations. They stopped that in May. Only certain states do it now and their collection isn’t done in any way that makes collecting the data easy. So most people use the data from Israel or the UK. I respect your right to take the shots and boosters, but you should definitely realize these shots do not lead to herd immunity and they are sadly making people very ill too.



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That's what the booster shots are for. But even if the whole thing went to zero over time, in that worst case scenario we're all just back to catching covid and developing immunity that way after monumental disease, death, and suffering. The vaccine drive is an attempt to prevent that nightmare scenario and is working!!

You don't have a 1 in 6000 chance of myocarditis, that's an outright lie. The most recent study I could find places it at 0.0006% and 98% of those are mild cases. There was 1 person out of over 2 million in the study who needed to be hospitalized. You have a greater chance to being struck by lightning. It's not something to worry about. And to present this as an attempt to fear monger people away from getting the safe and effective vaccine that has already saved millions of lives is beyond disingenuous

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The vaccine makers themselves are admitting the drop in efficacy which is why they want to push boosters.

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Ken, could you please provide evidence to these statements of supposed facts in Bakersfield? Or are you just going on what you heard? I cannot seem to find these numbers you state. Thanks

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Well, if you don’t know that the national guard just got called in to Bakersfield because their hospitals are overflowing with covid patients, then you aren’t living in California.

But here’s an article:


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Idiot. Nat Guard is being deployed because hospitals are axing a good chunk of their staff. You're trying too-hard, pal. No one is going to put in this much effort (100+ comments) without being a paid shill. Everyone sees through it.

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Wrong. You clearly don't live in Cali. Far more nurses have quit over burnout from dealing with the surge of antivaxxers drowning in their own lungs which demanding unproven cures. Some denying they even have covid on their death beds. It's beyond sad

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What do you mean? That's exactly NOT what the article says. Nothing about staff being axed. “Public Health receives staffing requests from local hospitals that are experiencing an unmanageable increase in patients,” Michelle Corson, the public relations officer for Public Health, said in an email. “Kern saw substantial increases over the past couple of weeks in COVID-related hospitalizations and ICUs. This sudden, significant increase overwhelmed the system and required outside resources to help decompress the system.”

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Can I get paid for this?

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"Or you find out when the bodies start piling up in the streets."


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Great. Some common ground. Why do you think areas with the lowest levels of vaccination also have the highest levels of covid deaths?

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They don’t, not in a given country nor on comparing countries.

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In the state I reside in (Jalisco - one of the states considered to be hardest hit in a nation -Mexico- also considered to have a serious Covid-19 problem);

NO significant rise in the yearly death toll has occurred to date.


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Yes they do. In a given country take America: look at county by county vaccine versus covid rates. It’s conclusive!

Between countries, why do you think the WHO disagrees with you? Is it all one giant worldwide conspiracy somehow unifying countries that don’t even like each other to lie to you?

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Sorry, I thought you might detect the irony in my response but we certainly will know the truth later on, looking in the rear view mirror, but that will be a bitter truth. Just look at Israel, one of the most vaccinated places in the world, using the Pfizer shot. They are doing very badly. Many, many vaccinated people are in the hospital.

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You're also falling prey to Simpson's Paradox. The lurking variable of personal risk isn't evenly spread throughout your data set. This is basic high school statistics.

If you take two groups of people one who is likely to die of covid and one who isn't and see that after vaccinating the former is no longer more likely to die, that points to the major life saving effects of the vaccine.

Despite that, Israel's unvaxxed 17% (being healthier and younger) still accounts for nearly 50% of all of their covid deaths. So, while true, it's extremely disingenuous to say that the majority of those dying are vaccinated.

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please share with me the information you are stating as fact. I am unable (searching medical logging as I am in a hospital records portal) I am not finding these numbers of unvaxxed cases anymore. The vaxxed are the super spreaders now

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Sure they're everywhere. The one I saw was in the New York Times and was county by county. This one is in the Washington Post and is state by state, but same idea:


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I’m seeing some BigPharma disinformation about VAERS here so thought I’d offer a few references for those who are curious about the scientific literature on VAERS. Any talking points you’re hearing about VAERS being a “dropbox” and similar nonsense have been concocted to smear a reporting system that has been successfully used in the early detection of adverse reactions for decades, is frequently referenced in peer-reviewed scientific journals, is understood in the scientific community to be significantly underreported, and has been used to pull previous vaccines after as few as 25 deaths in the past (that is, when pharmaceutical corporations actually had to face the possibility of liability for their products and hadn’t been granted immunity by the emergency use authorization act).

First off, let’s address the issue of correlation and causation. The American Council on Science & Health notes, “It is oft-repeated that correlation does not imply causation. But it does. That’s precisely why epidemiologists and economists are so fascinated by correlations. Thus, it is far more accurate to say that correlation does not prove causation.” (https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/10/31/acsh-explains-hills-criteria-determining-causality-correlation-12013)

That is where Hill’s Criteria of Causality (https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/10/31/acsh-explains-hills-criteria-determining-causality-correlation-12013) comes in. It can be used to assess causation when it comes to statistically anomalous correlations—like the monumental ones that started occurring in January 2021 and have been rising at historically unprecedented rates ever since.

Dr. Jessica Rose, a viral immunologist and computational virologist with a PhD in computational biology and two postdoc degrees in molecular biology, demonstrated the satisfaction of Hill’s Criteria in a recent presentation, but it doesn’t take a PhD and an understanding of statistics to see what is glaringly obvious to anyone who hasn’t been lobotomized by BigPharma propaganda.

Here is a peer-reviewed paper Dr. Rose authored titled, “Critical Appraisal of VAERS Pharmacovigilance: Is the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) a Functioning Pharmacovigilance System?” (Science, Public Health Policy, & the Law, October 2021):


This quote is from one of hundreds of examples of VAERS use in peer-reviewed scientific papers:

“Underreporting is a limitation common to passive surveillance systems, including the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that monitors the safety of U.S.-licensed vaccines. Nonetheless, previous reports demonstrate substantial case capture for clinically severe adverse events (AEs).” —Vaccine, 2020 Nov 3;38(47):7458-7463. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.09.072. Epub 2020 Oct 7.


If VAERS is so unreliable—as BigPharma propaganda suddenly started claiming in 2021—why does the CDC admit to using it in its determination about whether or not to recall a vaccine?

“CDC analyzed reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to search for any side effects that might have been caused by the irregularity …”


I encourage those who have bought into the Ministry of Truth sound bytes about VAERS (and everything else in this preposterous narrative) to read through some of the 778,683 (through 10/1/21) reports by physicians, nurses, medical professionals, patients, and family members of victims. You can find all of the reports here: https://openvaers.com/openvaers

It boggles belief that some people could be so hoodwinked by propaganda that they don’t have even an inkling of concern about nearly a million adverse reactions, including hundreds of thousands of fatalities, disabilities, and life-threatening conditions. Why are they so eager to rush to the defense of BigPharma and so dismissive of the actual human beings who are suffering? Why aren’t they intellectually curious enough to investigate for themselves? Why do they double down on their disinformation talking points in the face of an avalanche of scientific evidence proving the errors of their fallacious arguments?

I suppose Mark Twain has the answer: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

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Oct 11, 2021
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Wow - that is a powerful Sagan quote. Thank you!

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What a gem! I'm saving that for my quotes file.

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You know who wasn't an antivax nutjob? Carl freakin Sagan!

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