Charles, As one long involved in the political circuit who has (I hope) retained his sanity, I will give you the same advice I give myself: Unto your own self, stay true. If the candidate finds that intolerable, you have done your piece and it is time to move on. If you cannot be who you are while supporting someone (and I do not mean that you have to agree on all points, because you will not) then hanging around will begin to do just what you suspect -- and you do not want that.
While you are immersed in the campaign, RKFJr needs to clarify his environmental stance. Many of us who support much of his vaccine stance are horrified by what we know of his "climate" stance -- that is an even bigger grift than the vaccine grift...because it is much harder to prove/disprove. Many of us are passionate environmentalists, but not "shut the world down for the sake of always-defective climate change models" people (just as broken as the COVID vaccine models). We like trees AND fuel. We do not wish to eat bugs, nor to roll back the amazing progress in farming that has shown Malthus to be entirely wrong.
There is a giant sector of independent thinkers who will not replace the spikeshot grift for the climate grift. But we do not want giant smokestacks in our living rooms either. Everything I have read that RFKJr has written on this seems pretty extreme, but when my friends and I discuss candidates, we always seek clarity on what his current stance is...and there really is not much beyond platitudes that we find satisfying.
If this resonates with you to feed into the morass, it would be helpful to the campaign. I have made my donation on a lick and a prayer...but many are waiting to see.
In any case, you are strong enough in character to not be seduced by the whole thing (and it is very seductive). The Sanity Project will help, I expect. But, more importantly, your own recognition of what is happening and repeated testing of "are you true to you?" will carry you through.
I am well aware of the problems in the dominant climate narrative, as I think you know. The candidate is aware of my views and, while he still believes that AGW is a serious problem, accepts that that should not be the centerpiece of his environmental policy. In fact, his actual environmental work has been all about toxic pollution, not carbon emissions. So I think the policy will focus on that, along with soil regeneration, forest protection, etc.
Charles, RFK Jr appeals to an ever larger group who have come to understand that virtually everything we are being told by "experts" and "the government" is a lie. He is one of the few to actually emphasize that which makes him appealing to many people. The Climate Change grift (as we all agree) just comes across as a serious blind spot and one that could have far worse manifestations than covid because it is completely fabricated.
Conversely, most of us are solidly opposed to toxic pollution and the like and would absolutely be supportive of (non-nonsensical...look at the wetlands ruling that took 10 years to get) measures to rein in abuse for everyone's good. But that is visible abuse where remediation is clear and bad actors usually identifiable. I have heard RFK Jr speak to this and he is eloquent.
He would gain MOUNTAINS of credibility if he prominently made the point you made in your note. It would reinforce his messaging that we are being continuously lied to and massive cleanup is required. It would be consonant with his uncovering how wrong "the experts" are on these kinds of things (that is a core tenet of his vaccine stance...but decently supported). And it would provide an executable pillar that most would support happily.
His core constituency, those who realize we were had in the covid response, are largely those who believe (I am sure correctly) that we are being had in the climate change response. We are especially sensitive to going from the frying pan into the fire. That is what makes this point non-trivial.
I expect you know all this. Just trying to give some feedback to one of the very few worthwhile candidates I have seen for a very, very long time. And it would be good for him to learn how he is being had on climate like he was had on vaccines. There are many far more knowledgeable than I that would be thrilled to help if he has the time/inclination.
Dr. K, (& Charles, if you're reading this .. the point of this comment is to suggest that climate is complex and there actually Is something there, but there's deception and agendas all around it - can / should holding both perspectives be wise?)
(And I agree that focusing on various forms of pollution and not only climate /carbon would be great, and wouldn't necessarily alienate people. Being aware of all forms of pollution, including of the food, water, air, and also atmosphere, including of the data around that, and including of the proposed "solutions" (like digital prisons), could unite and educate.)
But if he comes out saying there is no human caused climate change, or there is no human cause climate change that's anything close to a problem ...
To say there's nothing at all to the stance that humans are causing climate change and we need to address it ... to say that's as 100% bullshit a claim as "vaccines are safe and effective and they are all necessary" ... That seems a very big clam ...
With covid, we saw them take something real and construt a narrative around it that was dripping with deceit, agenda driven, dangerous, fraudulent data, all of that, as we know. Weaponized compassion, etc. 'We're all in this together' used as manipulation
And yet, there was still something real under it all. I don't think the "no virus" people are nuanced enough and I don't think their arguments will lead to accountability for the crimes against humanity that happened.
With climate - I can't quite believe that there is nothing to see, nothing at all. That it's just normal cycling, that all the years of intense industrial activity, which we know harmed water, earth, harmed nature in many ways - that it did nothing to the atmosphere.
The air in NYC has never been orange like this before that I can remember, not even after 9/11 (I didn't go into Manhattan for 2 weeks after). Isn't there actual climate change happening? - And Also those who control the narrative are spinning it as worse than it is, And attaching solutions that are on one hand simplistically thought of, and on the other hand are leading us to digital prisons and social credit (and RFK Jr Does understand this about the trojan horses and totalitarian digital prisons - he would NOT be like other environmentalists who would say "We will give up Anything to save the planet if you tell us it will. We will give up humanity's freedom forever in the name of climate justice - that tells us we are good!")
If he denounces climate change altogether, I think that would cost him the many who are on the left but may be seeing glimpses of hypocrisy and darkness in the official channels. Unlike those who see thru more of the bullshit all along, those people are registered Dem, and would vote in the primary. (I hope many will switch party to vote for him!)
Of course, he is honest, and wouldn't take a position he doesn't have to win votes. But he has seen not only environmental pollution from fossil fuels (and other sources), but also the fraud and dishonesty from the fossil fuel industry. (Doesn't mean the entire industry and workers should be demonized, or that there should be illusions that we can remake the world immediately without fossil fuels).
I remember how gas companies would talk about fracking (which may have been more necessary than I once realized - I don't know). They would speak to the concern of all the contaminants in fracking fluid by saying that guar gum is a main ingredient - and guar gum, they would remind us, is an ingredient in ice cream. (Like how vaccine ads would say the ingredients are salts, and fats, like in avocado - )
With vaccines, honest people can look at clinical trial data, and can look at evidence of what happens to people after they take it, and a very clear picture emerges. When the powers that be lie about all that, it's so clear to those paying attention that they are lying.
Isn't climate more complex? Isn't it a mix of a real problem surrounded by unreliable, sometimes fraudulent data? .. Isn't it something to legitimately fear (as I fear the air now, for myself and my dog), mixed with agendas that drive up that fear to cruel levels and exploit it? Isn't it something humanity needs to address, mixed with those who want total control trying to steer the conversation in the wrong direction?
Are you really sure there is nothing there at all?
Ellen, The haze in NYC (I am there at the moment...ugh) comes from wild fires that were likely set by "environmentalists" trying to make the world believe that they came from "climate change"...your point makes the point. When dozens/hundreds of fires are point started at once, it is unlikely a natural phenomenon. (Of course, no one knows for sure, but most of the smart thinking I see leans this way. The question is WHO set them? Too long a discussion for this comment.) But those who set them likely hope to set up covid-like fear and say "See, it's the climate change". People not buying it, in general, thank goodness.
I spend considerable time in Nashville. It has been under 20 feet of ice and a tropical rain forest multiple times during the past reasonably recent times (geologically, in any case). There were no people, no cars, no nothing -- and yet it still happened. Dinosaur farts? I doubt it.
25 cities in China are responsible for over 75% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. They are doing nothing except building more coal plants. If man is the cause, we should all deprecate our standards of living (eat bugs, eat (as near as I can tell) Soylent Yellow and Soylent Green, freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer) so they can continue to improve their lot? And in the end make no difference anyway?
Undersea CO2 vents release more CO2 than most anywhere else...your propose closing those off?
I am only a climate dilletante (although relatively expert on Covid) but the field is littered with people trying to get $$ by promoting a certain view/grift -- virtually exactly like covid. Those with alternative views are squelched (seen this before?). While I am sure most everything has some impact on climate, it is the relative size and shape of that impact, and the actual ability to influence that is all a function of models. You may remember the Imperial College model for Covid that predicted that millions of people would die in weeks. They also make climate models. As Briggs, statistician to the stars, often points out, models prove exactly what you design them to prove. And many of us are unpersuaded -- not that everything (including humans) makes an impact -- but about whether the posited impacts have any relationship to the truth.
They surely did not in covid, and I expect the climate grift is similar. The big fear from the climate grift is none of it is possible to prove/demonstrate (check out how many warnings there were 50 years ago (from models) about how the world was going to freeze. Then there were 30 years of warnings of global warning. Then, when they really all looked stupid, they made it "global climate change". Uh huh.
I am all for remediation of local pollution, factories dumping toxic chemicals into the water/air, etc. As soon as one starts to talk about worldwide CO2 and methane, you have lost me and most of my relatively skeptical brethren. I was just suggesting to Charles, if he has any influence, that he go through this thinking with RFK Jr. and have him focus on the things that are demonstrably bad that we all can get behind. He may not be willing to do so for many reasons. But it would make him a much more viable candidate in my opinion which is just one among many.
But having lived in the forest in California, I can confidently assert that really bad forest management (let's save the "one eyed dead-bird" so let's just let everything grow willy nilly so the forest overrides its natural water content and is set to burn at any spark) was a major contributor.
Hi Ellen, I've been listening in to your exchange with Dr. K. and i think you both are on to something. He's right in that RFK Jr will put off a lot of potential followers when he sticks to the official climate narrative (= human caused excess CO2 is "destroying" the climate). You're right in that something really IS wrong - and it is this sense that also put RFK Jr onto the belief in climate change. Him denying there is something wrong will put off lots of other potential followers.
I see a possible synthesis. Where i live, in a remote part of Sweden, i've noticed clear signs of "somebody" messing up the weather. It's been going on for over a decade and it really looks like "they" are training and practising different methods to influence temperature, clouds, wind, rain, snow and drought. I am sensitive to anything that feels unnatural and by Jove, weather patterns repeating itself in a 10 or 14 day rolling schedule (e.g. frost - snow - wind - thaw and then it starts all over again with frost) definitely feel extremely unnatural to me. It is impossible to talk about this with almost all other people. As soon as i mention "chemtrails" or "geo-engineering" i'm silenced and ridiculed in exactly the same way as one who is critical about mRNA-"vaccines". The two debates are orchestrated along the same lines: anyone who doesn't believe in "the consensus of the settled science" is called a conspiracy theorist. The difference is, that this weather "conspiracy" and the silencing and ridiculing has been going on a lot longer than the mRNA "conspiracy".
I am so used to my (and many other observant peoples) observations being dismissed that i'm even hesitant to bring them in here, but i think they are an important key to the dilemma of RFK Jr and the climate-issue.
What if... He could confirm that there is something going on with "the climate", but disclose the REAL causes, which until now are covered with layers of CO2-nonsense? I feel that would be a possibility to unite many potential followers who now are divided into two camps.
I only have my intuition and my rational observations to go after, but they tell me this:
- Our Earth is a coherent system, if you mess up her ecology (e.g. pollution and destruction of water, soil, air, animals, habitats, forests) like humans have done and still do, it is inevitable that the Earths atmosphere in the long run also will start to show signs of deterioration.
- The people who, like me, notice weird weather patterns are not stupid, just as the people aren't stupid who doubt the logic and benevolence of mRNA injections.
- There are two important official documents pointing towards the manipulation of weather. One is "Owning the weather in 2025" on the USA .gov website. The other one is a UN treaty which for the eye of the world prohibits the hostile use of methods to change the environment (i.e. geo-engineering) but which - in the typical 180 degrees twist-and-turn style - actually mandates all participating countries to support and help develop those same methods "in a peaceful way".
- There are huge numbers of (expensive!) patents concerning methods to change the weather, as disclosed by Dane Wigginton (who, btw, is receiving the same MSM-treatment as Andrew Wakefield who disclosed the problems with regular vaccines).
- Last but not least: in the midst of listening in to your exchange, synchronicity led me to this Maria Zeee video: I have not yet watched it entirely, but it seems to confirm all the suspicions about the Earths' atmosphere deliberately being messed with.
There is more, but i think this will do for now.
My question to you both: how would you feel, if RFK Jr could disclose the ongoing destruction of the planet plus the ongoing deliberate manipulation of the global weather as the cause for disturbances in the Earths atmosphere, easily to be mistaken for "climate change"???
PS: i'm going to post this also as a reply to Dr. K because i intend to reach out to both of you.
Hi Saskia, I'm writing quickly, wanted to respond to your thoughtful comment. I think that if climate change is framed as only a product of weather manipulation, it would alienate almost every environmentalist, and feed the 'conspiracy theorist' narrative about RFK, Jr.
**Of course, 'conspiracy theorist' is used by the narrative controllers to shut down voices that have truth to share, and I believe there IS weather manipulation going on. But if people are susceptible to believing the mainstream (or progressive), media - many environmentalists may be skeptical of the NY Times and CNN, but believe farther left "news" that also is all about the official narrative - they will be very very doubtful about weather manipulation.
***But***, if the message is that climate change is a result of various factors, including human activity (I don't see how humans can be dumping so much into the atmosphere for so long and having no effect - as industries dump into the water, and there is an effect) ...
If the message is that the official narrative on climate change is not the whole story, that there is skewed data and things overlooked -And ( and this may resonate with environmentalists ), that things like geoengineering which are presented as ways to mitigate climate change, are completely the wrong direction because they create other problems, including poisoning us, And including actually exacerbating climate change and the extreme weather we face ...
That's different than saying there is absolutely surely No human caused / industry caused / fossil fuel caused climate change.
I remember when people first told me about weather manipulation - alleging that hurricanes were purposely caused. I thought they were clinically paranoid, and everything afterwards that they shared I met with more skepticism.
I remember looking up something they told me to look up, about a scientist who had said something about it being possible for governments to create hurricanes. My very brief look concluded that, as the mainstream media had said, the scientist had said it was Possible, but Then when he realized how his words were being taken, said that by saying something is possible does not mean accusing that it actually happened.
It took many more years, and seeing how murderous the powers that be have been during covid, to even begin to conceive that they could be purposely causing extreme weather.( I think that is too much of a stretch for anyone to believe who is not at least already seeing how the covid narrative was not just slanted, but completely criminal ).
But purposeful causing of extreme weather and cloud seeding / documented, admitted geoengineering are different, in what people would be able to believe.
If the geoengineering already documented to be happening, without alleging purposeful causing of hurricanes/ fires, is clearly harming the climate, and RFK, Jr talks about that, I think people can hear that.
The fact that this made it onto the Highwire, who are discerning with what they talk about, and that there were official documents shown, helped me see that yes, there really is something there.
Important ~~ **People in the environmental movement have been learning about, and fighting, some on the front lines, fossil fuel pollution for a long time. They may be clutching to data that comes from faulty computer models and fear mongering press releases - and this they may be able to see, if the communication is careful.
**But they're also responding to real instances of pollution, people getting sick near fracking wells and coal plants, pipelines leaking, water becoming flammable - And the gaslighting of the injured by the fossil fuel industry.
These things are real and they need to be met in that place, or they will flock toward Biden (or, maybe Gavin Gruesome, if they decide to run someone still capable of speaking). These people talk the talk about climate and sustainability in a way that reaches all the words they want to hear. Of course, they are liars, but that doesn't mean there is no human caused climate change at all.
When lawyers represent those injured by pollution, they're going through discovery documents and seeing that companies knew their pollution was harmful and they hid it.
To say it's all geoengineering, not fossil fuels, I think would really backfire, with those who most need to be reached. (I think it would be appreciated by some people, but not nearly enough).
(& Altho I'm saying fossil fuel companies pollute, and people are harmed, and pipelines leak, and those near gas plants and trucks have asthma, etc, doesn't mean I'm saying we must demand a world with no fossil fuels and pretend that's green, or clean, or even possible. Altho RFK, Jr would know more about this than I.
But I see a lot of magic think with some of the environmental movement, and pretending we can immediately stop fossil fuels without being able to clearly explain how is not good either).We need, I think, to be able to hold various things at the same time.
And if sometimes there is weather manipulation and it's blamed on climate change, let's say that does occur sometimes ... it also may be that climate change is happening also .. and it may be hard to prove with certainty that every extreme weather event was intentional.
I think the harms of vaccines are so much more clear than weather manipulation. Unfortunately, some people would never watch certain videos until they reach a certain level of understanding how deep the corruption goes.) (I like Maria Zee, but before covid I probably wouldn't even have looked.) I'll listen to that when I can, thanks for the link.
If people understand how much corruption there is in the vaccine world, I truly hope they would support RFK, Jr, even if he is not strong enough on other things. No one else would make it possible to have informed consent / choice before potentially irreversibly dangerous vaccines, at least for those in school / certain jobs / the military - and very likely for all of us if the Vaxaholics keep being in places of power.
If people don't yet understand how much corruption there is in the worlds of vaccines, and medicine (ie the designed-to-fail studies that showed covid treatments didn't work) .. if people don't yet understand those things .. I think telling them that weather is purposefully being manipulated in ways that kill people will be an instant dismissal into the conspiracy theory bucket, which the media is too happy to help that narrow, limiting, stereotype become entrenched in the minds of so many.
(And even with those who do understand vax dangers and lies ... the first comment visible on the Highwire page for the chemtrail / geoengineering episode is this (I assume IC means Informed Consent Action Network) - "Maybe this is a IC propaganda operation to get people to believe things that are not true"
I think there are many issues that divide us and need to be addressed with careful nuance, to not dismiss threads that may be true, even while there is a constructed narrative that may be manipulative and be leaving out important other threads ...
And I think if anyone can publicly parse out those nuances with care and respect and knowledge, it's RFK, Jr ...
Hi K, I've been listening in to your exchange with Ellen and i think you both are on to something. You're right in that RFK Jr will put off a lot of potential followers when he sticks to the official climate narrative (= human caused excess CO2 is "destroying" the climate). Ellen is right in that something really IS wrong - and it is this sense that also put RFK Jr onto the belief in climate change. Him denying there is something wrong will put off lots of other potential followers.
I see a possible synthesis. Where i live, in a remote part of Sweden, i've noticed clear signs of "somebody" messing up the weather. It's been going on for over a decade and it really looks like "they" are training and practising different methods to influence temperature, clouds, wind, rain, snow and drought. I am sensitive to anything that feels unnatural and by Jove, weather patterns repeating itself in a 10 or 14 day rolling schedule (e.g. frost - snow - wind - thaw and then it starts all over again with frost) definitely feel extremely unnatural to me. It is almost impossible to talk about this. As soon as i mention "chemtrails" or "geo-engineering" i'm silenced and ridiculed in exactly the same way as one who is critical about mRNA-"vaccines". The two debates are orchestrated along the same lines: anyone who doesn't believe in "the consensus of the settled science" is called a conspiracy theorist. The difference is, that this weather "conspiracy" and the silencing and ridiculing has been going on a lot longer than the mRNA "conspiracy".
I am so used to my (and many other observant peoples) observations being dismissed that i'm even hesitant to bring them in here, but i think they are an important key to the dilemma of RFK Jr and the climate-issue.
What if... He could confirm that there is something going on with "the climate", but discloses the REAL causes, which until now are covered with layers of CO2-nonsense? I feel that would be a possibility to unite many potential followers who now are divided into two camps.
I only have my intuition and my rational observations to go after, but they tell me this:
- Our Earth is a coherent system, if you mess up her ecology (e.g. pollution and destruction of water, soil, air, animals, habitats, forests) like humans have done and still do, it is inevitable that the Earths atmosphere in the long run also will start to show signs of deterioration.
- The people who, like me, notice weird weather patterns are not stupid, just as the people aren't stupid who doubt the logic and benevolence of mRNA injections.
- There are two important official documents pointing towards the manipulation of weather. One is "Owning the weather in 2025" on the USA .gov website. The other one is a UN treaty which for the eye of the world prohibits the hostile use of methods to change the environment (i.e. geo-engineering) but which - in the typical 180 degrees twist-and-turn style - actually mandates all participating countries to support and help develop those same methods "in a peaceful way".
- There are huge numbers of (expensive!) patents concerning techniques to change the weather, as disclosed by Dane Wigginton (who, btw, is receiving the same MSM-treatment as Andrew Wakefield who disclosed the problems with regular vaccines).
- Last but not least: in the midst of listening in to your exchange, synchronicity led me to this Maria Zeee video: I have not yet watched it entirely, but it seems to confirm all the suspicions about the Earths' atmosphere deliberately being messed with.
There is more, but i think this will do for now.
My question to you both: how would you feel, if RFK Jr could disclose the ongoing destruction of the planet plus the ongoing deliberate manipulation of the global weather as the cause for disturbances in the Earths atmosphere, easily to be mistaken for "climate change"???
PS: i'm going to post this also as a reply to Ellen because i intend to reach out to both of you.
Eva, I would be delighted, actually. I am sure there are nefarious people doing nefarious things that are bad for humanity, the environment, and most everything else. I would be all for going after and exposing those things. That is, unfortunately, different from the "CO2 Bad" mentation (sort of like the "Orange Man Bad" mentation that has been so catastrophic for the US) that just says "Turn off cars, turn off stoves, everyone retreat to the stone age to reduce CO2 which we only think, via models, has anything to do with global climate change but it gives us a chance to control you so who cares. That is everyone's worry, and the CO2 religion is as noxious/toxic as the vax religion.
RFK Jr has opined more than once on noxious corporate actions with which most anyone (other than the company) would agree, I expect. But I have never seen him react to noxious governmental climate stuff which, as you have noted even in Sweden, seems far more potentially dangerous. We are, I expect, all being had and I hate it. I wish every day that RFK Jr would realize that the climate grift is exactly the same as the vax grift except even stupider.
Did i just click on Cancel??? Well, better twice than not at all... I wrote:
Okay, thanks for your reply. Ellen hasn't replied yet but i assume that she, too, would be relieved if her hunches were met with respect, a logical explanation and a concrete path (pun intended) towards an end to this madness.
I'll try to insert this angle into the Sanity Project. Who knows. It might actually help! ;-D
Maybe we will meet in the Project but for now: keep sane, K! <3
Hello Dr K - I too have been a politician (see below) I love so much of what RFK stands for but I think we need to be realistic enough to say that no-one will ever fulfil our needs and aspirations 100%. Contrary to you, much of his environmental stance I fully resonate with esp making it doable and local - not amorphous and numbers and figures- other environmentalists have forgotten about toxins and poisons in our environment and bodies - he is wonderful on that score. I could struggle with his stance on Israel...but hey we are all evolving - let's not expect perfection in anyone - together we are stronger and become more nuanced if we are respectful and enquiring and tolerant in our way of striving for unity and understanding - for me he is a truth speaker, unafraid to confront big pharma, corporate power, CIA corruption - this is HUGE stuff...the other can happen as it does...he will never be the be all and end all but no-one will and I hear no-one else speaking as much truth to 'power' and the lies we have been told without somehow softening their stance on what is not politically correct - he has wisdom in spadesful...and he has a spiritual focus which I can appreciate - and I take your point! I also really appreciate Marianne Williamson - and wonder what their relationship to each other is - no-one of course asks that question....
Yes .. I supported Marianne last time, altho not thinking it possible for her to win. I think she ran because there was no one else with integrity deep enough to address the heart and soul of the problems. But now that RFK is there, he is that integrity, that depth, and also enough understanding of how to get around the levers of power stacked against honest people. I hope they both have a respectful debate among themselves, since the DNC will refuse to debate. But I do hope she sees what a good man RFK is and does not want to take votes from him. She ventured into the vaccine conversation before covid, and after the media attacked her she apologized for using the word "Orwellian" to describe vaccine mandates. She's nowhere near strong enough on the impending medical tyranny (and she's falling for the conflation of equal rights and dignity for all with the media's ridiculousness that drag queens are a special protected class who are helping children understand diversity and self acceptance, and doesn't see the darkness of the agenda to confuse children and medicalize them. I say this as a very liberal person who is fine with anything short of sexualizing, poisoning, and chopping up children.)
This is a great article about Political Aikido, from liberal peace activist psychologist Diane Perlman, about how Marianne and RFK, Jr should go around the DNC's hiding from debates and use that energy against them, and become stronger ~
Dr. K, I know he is in touch with Zach Bush M.D. and the incredible work being done with rejenerative farming. Check deeper, platitudes are not what I'm hearing. Thanks
Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of the campaign manager Dennis, is deeply involved in the regenerative ag movement. I'm peripherally involved as well. The farmers you mention will definitely have a big influence on policy.
I wish Starhawk had seen through the lies about covid not being treatable, and "safe and effective" ... She seems to be in the mindset that questioning the narrative = right wing, and right wing = selfish and bad, as the mainstream and also progressive media say constantly. . .
Of course, she's coming from a place of meaning well ... weaponized compassion and social duty and protect the vulnerable were powerful manipulations ...
James, are you saying that Zach Bush doesn't have your best interests at heart? Certainly RFK can't be in all places at all times... can only someone with practical experience contribute to the cause?
I'm also waiting to hear RFK Jr's discussion of economics for the middle of the country. Those who have every reason to vote for Trump unless a candidate strongly comes out with some support for the working class and disappearing middle class. Workers. The people who have no time or energy to think about climate or vax or b.s. culture wars.
Anyone heard his ideas on economic restructuring to help real humans?
I really like RFKJs authenticity and approach to many things. I am waiting to hear more specifics about his climate policy as well. I am also aware of an emerging technocracy that is attempting to get us to engage our lives online, with digital IDs, digital money, public private partnerships (which is basically another word for corporate takeover of government) and social impact investments, which is basically creating a new financial product out of people's lives that billionaires invest in and get a return on. I believe rfkj mentioned public-private partnerships in drug addiction rehab, which to me seems like oligarch billionaires and corporations will have some control and profit in these investments. We need financial and environmental crimes to be prosecuted. Rfkj is a fighter, so he might be able to do that, but will he prosecute people who are also invested in public private partnerships and social impact investments?
Charles, we’re here. I/we need this mother ship as much as you do. Huge thanks to you and Patsy for creating the new space of The Sanity Project.
I’ve just listened to Mr. Kennedy being interviewed by Jordan Peterson, and I’m impressed...and it’s delightful to hear your direct influence in his responses regarding the environment, and fear.
Loving this more beautiful world timeline we’re co-creating ♥️
Every time I listen to a Kennedy podcast and hear him speak of truth, transparency, government corruption, big pharma, etc. I feel an unreal sense of relief, mainly because he is speaking his truth.
But who cares if no one listens? No one in the Northeast listens.....I've lost my marriage over this so everything looks pretty dark. I don't really care unless he is listening. Nothing else really matters to me at this point.
He's just getting started. As he said, this election will be based on the internet, on podcasts. He's got all the top people hosting him, he's speaking their language, the first presidential candidate the millennials have heard speak some truth. They're as big a fraction of the voting public as boomers.
KE, there was just a release today from "team Kennedy". MSM is starting to cover him, as well as other surprising interest. So sorry about the marriage situation.
I so appreciate you have entered the political matrix! And i appreciate your identifying the need for a lifeline to sanity. For me, it is nature. Nature always receives me 100% and, once i am immersed and attuned to her embrace, i return to the 'greater' picture, which for me is that all is well, we're doing our best and love is the answer.
I love that RFK invited you, i love that you are bringing a greater picture to the game. We've all been burned by the promise of voting and politics to bring change, and you two bring renewed hope to me. I no longer look to politicians or scientists or anyone else to change the world, i think it is us, and i feel we're doing it, right now, with every compassionate and loving thought, word and action. I am excited to see how you two bring love and compassion and atonement and awareness to a greater audience. Aho!!!
amen to that! It is totally us - and if we see a reflection in others outside of us, amen to that too...but no more saviours, we are all in this together!
There is a reason for the words "Can you handle the truth" - handling the truth or even confirming to yourself something is the truth is a lonely endeavour. It either is or isn't. Even when your people confirm what you see or agree with it, it can still be untrue or partially true.
Belief is based on communal agreement. The truth stands on its own and each one of us has to struggle to reach it. And when we do we stand together - because the truth does not need belief or agreement. All it needs is to have the capability to distinguish it from the rest in our illusory world. Especially today when so much emphasis is placed on untruth.
So I wish you well on your journey into the jungle of games and illusions, your own hero journey through the dark and dense forests full of monsters. We need more heroes nowadays, more people willing to venture into this upside down world and shine the truth into its darkest corners.
But, first of all, we need, all of us to find our way to what is true and that is the hardest part of all.
Charles - yes let us be 'sanity' together! I have always loved your words and work...but it's not just your words, it is how you allow yourself to feel into the moment - how you choose to be present and authentic as do I (attempt to). Politics is so interesting for me, it is like science. I was a politician once not long ago (local government in New Zealand) - not because I was wanting to do that but because I was asked several times by people in my community whom I respected, if I would run for council to become a local representative, a councillor. It came to me and that was a sign that there was something there for me and I'm glad that I did - I delight in dancing with what comes to my door! To say that I wasn't torn trying to integrate my spirituality with my politics is an understatement. Sometimes I totally did that and did it well and other times I sorely missed and stepped too heavily into the 3D/matrix world and became emotionally involved or somehow forgot who I was on other levels. It was always important to me to continually question my motive and what was really important to me as far as my world/spiritual world view goes. Yet it didn't feel right to me to totally deny or resist the political world either - I was always concerned and interested in humanity and people and community and what made it all tick...I wasn't one of those who could sit and meditate and do it that way (I wish I could) - yet I totally honour and love those who can. My way was more one of action and practicality from the heart, I'm interested in systems and holism and unity and freedom and so much more! Yet I did feel quite alone in it. (I have so much to say and share and connect with you and other like minds/hearts about - yet I must keep this concise for now - my fingers are flying 90 to the dozen over the keyboard!) When I was in politics, at the same time I was running groups with courses of yours that I found grounded and inspiring - I was always keeping all aspects running but there were places and times that I needed someone, some community, a place to belong, to keep me balanced and connected too. When I heard you were teaming with RFK I was so excited! I had chills through my body because I saw it as spirituality meeting politics, just as I am excited that the world of spirituality and science are starting to come together...all be it 'up against the pricks' - that's biblical not blasphemous. Or maybe it's both haha. I have always felt that what good politicians/leaders need is a council of elders or a wisdom council of sorts to keep steering the ship when those out front start to veer off-course or forget who they truly are.I welcome this community Charles - other thoughtful intelligent heartfelt people who are probably also trying to straddle at least two if not multiple worlds and timelines right now. It is indeed very exciting and I know that this is the time I came for. The most beautiful world we all know is possible has been with me since childhood as I wondered at how I could possibly be part of this dumb, crazy, nonsensical, cruel world! I am 64 now yet I feel young , engaged, vibrant and part of it all. I hesitate to say you guys are my tribe because tribalism concerns me in so many ways yet life is paradox and I love that about you Charles - that you know how to embrace paradox...and so do I - and at times, it's not so easy. So, I'm like...count me in with you guys and bring on sanity, freedom, intelligence, wisdom and love...thank you - delighted to know you :)
I reckon you stay sane just as I have over the past three years of being married to someone who lives in the matrix, trusts authority and buys the narrative, regularly told me that I was nuts and a conspiracy theorist, jabbed our kid against my begging and pleading, claimed he didn't have to listen to me and then left me and blames ME for being so impossible to deal with because I should have just gone along with it like everyone else we know and because I didn't, I ruined his life for which he can't forgive me. YOU. PRAY. That's all I got.
This is such a tragedy that you have been through. I’m so sorry. Just know that you are not the problem. There are many of us who saw through the fraud and lies. I’m sorry your husband was not one of them. I had to break up with my life-long religious group over it and it hurt fiercely and I’m sure that was not nearly as painful as what you must be going through. I have to hope that the truth will come out to those still under the spell at some point. Kennedy may be the conduit. I really hope so.
Thank you so much. I know. It’s so hard to literally be blamed for destroying the family. It’s as if I’m jumping up and down warning the family of an intruder in the closet who wants to harm us and bc he can’t see him, my WARNING is the problem. It makes you feel like you are in an insane asylum. He justifies leaving me bc I went nuts. Bc I don’t look at the right sources and made HIS LIFE so hard. Never mind that this devoted mom was concerned for our kids. It seems to be all about him.
please do join the Sanity Project. If you have financial stress, please join for a token amount or choose the zero option. I think you would give and receive much.
Thank you....I do plan to. I think it will be amazing. Thank you for doing it! I think I really just need to hold onto the belief that for some reason my husband and I are on two different life journeys and I need to trust the outcome. It is so profoundly painful when I also consider our kids, however. This is a bizarre thing for them to grapple with. And I have been marveling lately that our sons are seeing, up close and personal, the two paths. And they will need to choose. My teenage boys and I are very close. So I think they are choosing mine.....but the pain this causes them, or will as they grasp the enormity, is deep. But perhaps they will be wiser than I am and disentangle their love for each of their parents from what they each "believe." Maybe they will allow us each to be ourselves, yet make their own authentic choices. And if I teach them to do that, perhaps THAT is the gift out of this nightmare....for they will need to do that in the wider world as adults, as well. I pray that I lead them down the clear path and I am hopeful that I will.
Your testimony will be helpful in bringing certain themes of the program into focus. And hopefully, bring new story lines into the world so that others need not experience what you have,
It’s a strange thing that took ahold of so many people. The motivations seem to reach into so many different corners of different peoples’ lives. There were many diverse false messages that reached out to different people. Some seem to gravitate toward o the “self sacrifice for the whole” and others had primary concern for themselves. I sincerely hope your children stay close to you through this.
I guess I should also say that people like Charles and his message have made me realize that I am NOT insane because I have literally been living in what has felt to me like an insane asylum..."go along with this, it will end soon, it is not that bad, you are imagining things, you are selfish to NOT go along with these protective measures...." This is the reality of the Northeast AND my own home. I never knew that the stuff I have been thinking about all my life, that something is off, that people are MISSING the point, could be given voice in such a brilliant way, as Charles has. I am happy to have found him.
We are losing our humanity and sanity.....and I have been watching this, especially since the advent of the "smart phone." When it seemed to me that people handed over their humanity to be managed by technology. I have been taught to be positive, to look on the bright side, but THIS time, with the advent of all these inhumane mandates, I KNEW what I was looking at was NOT something to "just be positive" about. To "just get through it." NO. This was an assault on what it MEANS to be a human being....and I will never give up fighting for the Truth of humanity and the meaning of life. Read Mary Oliver's poem, "I just happened to be standing..." it encapsulates Charles' messages in a poem. She was a brilliant woman.....when she passed away, the world lost a true artistic genius. I am an artist and I am trying to figure out how to express all that I AFFIRM. All that I believe in, all that I am FOR, rather than being consumed by all that I am NOT. Perhaps when my life settles down, I will.
I'm excited to see where this goes. Community is essential to healthy living. Establishing healthy internal narratives and evaluating external narratives is key to a balanced life “in the real.” Thank you!
If you stay true to your inside self and always check your "truth meter" you are doing a service beyond the human component. Spirit uses us all for greater issues of life if we allow it. Quite the Divine commission!
Rather you than me Charles, rather you than me. I stay sane by staying the fuck away from anything to do with government and/or the levers of power. Something about corruption if I recall...... 😂
The holy grail once offered us a practical choice.... Take the oath on the stone (as King Charles recently did at his coronation) to chase an excess of power, wealth and wisdom. Or choose the servant heart, as the grail protectors - the Tironensians - would say, "Laborare est Orare" - "to work is to pray", to rejoice. For every moment spent crawling the path of the serpent king is a moment lost to experience the majesty of Divinity.
Now the choice is entirely symbolic. "Character is Fate", as Heraclitus would say. Good luck Charles, you are going to need it!
This is SO important Charles and honest thanks for sharing the « matrix and mothership »with us. I’m in another matrix living over here in France -and being English, the other leg is in the U.K. watching that matrix fiasco!
We all need each other. That’s all I know. But, as you’re an American, that particular matrix has far reaching influences and consequences for us in Europe. I SO want Kennedy’s campaign to win 🙏🏻and I am deeply heartened that you have thrown your lot in behind him.
We need your calm, sharp and brilliant light to shine all over that campaign to help bring our humanity together again. Let’s get back to the garden.
If I too am allowed to hold the mothership steady, then yes, I’m here, I do and I will. I can handle the truth because I also dive into the darkness and return, burning brighter.
You are already IN the "Matrix". You entered it when you merged into a physical body within this time-space reality. You are just feeling disoriented because the specific set of beliefs about it that you hold was too limited and did not encompass the parts of it that you are now experiencing. It was like this all along, you are just having to broaden your perspective to include the expanded view or model.
"Some rules can be bent. Some rules can be broken".
It's not the "rules", it is our level of consciousness that changes as we release our limitations that came from limiting beliefs. "Rules" are either "recipes" for a good/functional way to accomplish an objective, for instance the steps that need to be taken to manufacture a product. These rules are descriptions of events that when executed result in a specific outcome.
Then there are the "rules" that are artificially imposed mandates limiting the types of behaviors permitted in a given situation. These are made up and have no actual connection to reality.
Either way, they are just constructs or descriptions, either about how actually something works, or can work, or they are limitations designed to control behaviors. The first is a specific description of something, usually of a part of this space-time Matrix, and the second is entirely fantasy.
Everything is energy, and nothing exists that is not energy. It all arises from the energy of consciousness. It is all malleable. The Greater Consciousness/ the Whole imagined everything into the patterns of "existence". These patterns allow for certain types of experiences to occur. The desired experiences determine how the patterns are shaped, but consciousness can redirect the trajectories of the patterns if it desires to change the way it is "going". That's when the "rules" may get "broken" to effect a shift in outcome, because in the Field of Consciousness, really "anything goes" because it is all energy, anyway.
Each of us is an individual point of focus of that Consciousness. We are a part of IT because there is nothing else. We imagine ourselves to be separate, but that is an effect of this Matrix or energy projection of space-time. It is only our perspective. We are no more separate than the extensions of an amoeba's "tentacles", as it flows outward through its environment, are from the main "blob" of its cell. Are we a "tentacle" of Consciousness, or are we the main "body" of Consciousness? Actually, we are both.
Being separate is an illusion. Being lost in the Matrix is an illusion. The reality is that everything is actually okay. It is Perfect because it all comes from and is a part of Perfection. From our limited perspective we lose sight of that, but the underlying reality is that we are Safe, we are Loved, and that everything really is Perfect Just The Way It Is! But one must move outside of this Matrix to really experience that. This is not a belief or concept. It is what we experience when we shift back into the non-physical.
There is no nightmare of evil AI machines running things outside of THIS Matrix! Reality is more opposite of that than you can even imagine!
Of course everything is perfect. its been the joker card of many a conversation that i have with my sister, well its all in gods hands we say, to describe the perfection of the universe and we laugh because we have different gods....
however it's fun to talk about how we are dancing through the matrix, the agreements we cleave to and those we dont and how we feel. I enjoy being part of Charles' journey and am glad he is sharing his perfect point of focus in the here and now.
And I find your comment vey well written and beautiful but somehow apart. So I'm curious, how are you trying to connect here?
". . . I find your comment . . . somehow apart. . . . "
Mmmm: maybe because of an element of detachment because of my perspective of this reality.
But I was pointing out some things about "the big picture" that may answer myriad other questions, including, circuitously, his concern about "sanity".
Charles had said:
". . . the question I ask myself, is how will I stay sane? That is, how will I not lose myself in the simulation and forget what is real?"
"So, how do I step into the Matrix without becoming its creature? How do I stay sane?"
Our situation is that we are already "lost" in this simulation, but being lost is also part of the illusion. Can an actor in a play get so lost in their part on stage that they can never find their way off the stage again? Will he/she spend the rest of life stuck in that role and on that stage? No. No matter how caught up in a part is that actor, when the curtain closes, the illusion ends. What matters is how we play this "game" in the present moment, because we are here for a purpose. This simulation is not a random accident. It has value to us or we wouldn't do it. This world is not a brief "waystation" on the way to an "afterlife" or "heaven". We CAME from the non-physical, and we came here FOR the experiences we can only have in such a manifestation. THIS is "where it is at", where "the action is"! It is not some kind of test or punishment. That is rediculous. Ifinite Consciousness doesn't need to "test" us—we are a PART of it. We are ALL "children of God" because that is, in Reality, ALL THAT IS. It is Love and does not "send people to hell" or any such made-up religious control-trip nonsense! There is nothing that any of us can do IN THIS ILLUSION, in this cosmic PLAY, that can result in us being harmed or getting "lost".
"Insanity" is mostly a problem with brain function, not some way of thinking that is "wrong". Toxicities and nutritional deficiencies factor heavily into mental disorders, as do certain genetic variations called SNPs, Single Nucelotide Polymorphisms, with a huge one being mutations that create abnormalities in methylation. Probably three quarters of cases of schizophrenia are related to this group of variants. Brains just can't function properly if critical nutrients are available in less-than-optimum amounts. Function also has a lot to do with available energy to neurons, i.e. ATP production by the mitochondria. Low energy brain cells can't work right, or protect or repair themselves sufficiently. Poisoning the brain with psychiatric drugs only makes mental health issues worse.
Sanity is being able to be "realistic", or perceive the world as "it is" within this Matrix. Insane people cannot perceive the world around them adequately to be able to function well in it. It is all about "what works".
There are two "realities", much like how a coin has two sides: the overall Universe of all energy, and then the "Matrix" subset of limited, lower energy frequencies that form the patterns that we call "matter". From a position of focus within the lower frequencies, it is difficult to expand awareness sufficiently to perceive the larger Field that encompasses all the frequencies. This means that we are only working with limited information at any given point. We are constantly bombarded with "zillions" of data points, and from them we have to extract recognized patterns, and ignore the rest. So nobody actually perceives the "reality" of these limited frequencies operating within time-space.
I am quite confident that Charles is not going to have a problem with "sanity". What may be of concern though, is that the "uncloaking" of the Evil in the world is challenging his belief systems and bringing him closer to a point of confusion. This is actually good, because confusion is usually a prerequisite to synthesizing a more inclusive/expansive model of reality: a "more realistic" model, that is more useful for guiding our conclusions and decisions.
"Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you".
My admiration for Bobby is intense given what he’s done for us but --
1. For one thing, consorting with and even sort of admiring Elon Musk, he of the BCI neurotechnology (Neuralink) developed for use of control via micro implants. And Musk has been sending into the sky 5G radiation platforms, the object of which is to track everyone on the planet with 5G smartphones according to Bill Gates (who’s competing with Musk, who can cover the sky faster) In other words: "While there was some news covering the dangers and ethics of merging the human brain with Neuralink’s brain-computer interface (BCI) technology platform last week, there was no mention that Neuralink’s FDA clearance was based on brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies that were developed as weapons of mass destruction; or who privately funded these BCI technologies.”
All of this Bobby knows, so are we already seeing the beginning of personality change of those who smell political power? I hope not!
2. I cannot stand swollen patriotic rhetoric around “closing our southern border.” It smells to high heaven courting Trump’s fan base. The threat to our Constitution is a lame excuse to shut out these desperate humans, many of whom would gladly work here, are family people, people of faith, etc. Especially given what Bobby already knows about the reason they are fleeing Central American countries, namely US policy for decades creating and propping up the worst banana republic corruption
3. As a non-Zionist Jew, I am allergic to allegiance to “the great state of Israel, which my family has long supported” as Bobby said during a Q from the audience somewhere recently. Again, he must know that the Israeli state is Neo-fascist. So is this just geopolitics? And when the guy pursued that by asking Bobby what about the Palestinian people, Bobby said “we need a humane policy toward the Palestinians,” or some such. “Humane,” that’s a word used to describe how to put animals out of their misery
Sorry but none of this works for me and I’m bummed given my great admiration for what he’s done
Would I vote for him? We’ll see where this goes…I’ll never forget long ago watching Gerald Ford walk into a room on TV immediately after being given the presidency because Nixon left. Ford’s whole demeanor, gait, everything had changed…He scented power and already looked tipsy from it
Ford was the janitor in the JFK assassination coverup, chief investigator for the Warren Commission. Made sure the evidence of the crime never came to light. GHW Bush was the CIA Dallas field supervisor. The office closest to the crime. Which is why the JFK files can't come to light. Too many people connected to the assassination still in positions of power, powerful families with everything to lose. Ford got his reward for his loyalty. Power is very intoxicating.
I think this comment hits nail on head for many Spidey senses are on alert.
Musk. Rhetoric. Geopolitics. Etc.
Thank you for the important points and I hope more readers see your comment.
Last summer my heart broke upon seeing Musk et al's Starlink train crawl across the night skies. Just as an example.
I have also been in contemplation over whether to get involved for many of the positive reasons we all know. And have been waiting not just for more information on issues, but to see if it's really a worthy use of attention to be involved in this game at all. The system is beyond broken and perhaps it needs further collapse.
I'll keep contemplating, for now, whether *some* change in right direction w RFK is better than stepping out of the game entirely. I speak for myself only.
Thank you for your comment. And the Ford image hit home, too.
Excellent starting point for you. As someone who was in the Matrix of politics for two decades I hope to share some insights for your consideration to do with what you wish.
I can't count how many candidates aspiring to hold office who I met at fundraisers in the homes and backyards of wealthy supporters. Educators, insurance salesmen, small business owners, nurses, along with doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, all walks. The pedigreed, privileged candidates usually knew the Matrix, were of it, were just looking for a different angle in it. The average working class candidates had lots of hopes and goals to fix what was wrong with the Matrix. Filled with positive energy that they could make a difference, remake the Matrix into something more responsive to ordinary citizens. And as I describe new politicians I might as well be describing the new professional lobbyists and campaign advisors.
And out of all of them, even the ones that with the most sincere desire to fix the Matrix for good, in the course of my career maybe 2-5% stayed true, uncorrupted, principled the same as when they went into office. That figure starts higher, and even remains higher when the politician or professional serve in the minority party, are still on the outside of power even when they are in the halls of it. But the moment they serve in a majority, the moment they hold power from the inside of political power it becomes a matter of months, even days until you see the shift. The saying 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' is eternally true.
What happens as one gains power or is in service to power is a thing to be in and an observer or. One of the first things that strikes you is how intoxicating it becomes so quickly. When those with power hand out praise, take notice of you, become interested in what you think you feel good about it. Better than when loved ones and friends do the same thing. Because, power speaks with a louder, more alluring voice to one's ego. "I'm worthy! I've arrived! I'm in the halls of power and making a difference! I see stories before they're on the news, I know way more about those stories than the news is telling, I'm on the inside! Cool!!" Stoke. Stroke. Stroke the ego. It's a hellofadrug.
So let's say you're above those types of vain indulgences, then there's the whole being effective and advancing your agendas. The public policy issues you care most about, like education, health care, safe streets, environment, etc. Your economic security. The well-being of your friends, family, colleagues, supporters. The expectations of all of them and those in the Matrix who can help you advance your agendas, if you help them advance theirs. And that's when negotiations happen.
The Devil is in those negotiations. When you have power and access to power you don't have a vested interest or strongly-held beliefs about everything that power makes decisions about. You have your core issues and concerns, but you deal with pretty much every facet of life, minutia, stuff you never knew or cared about existing. Those become issues you negotiate away freely. Maybe you take the side of those who make the most compelling case. But most of the time you take the side that others who you care about and want/need something from, who you're indebted to for helping you on something you do care about, those are easy to negotiate on. Not really concerned about the people on the other side. Because all public policies involve deciding winners and losers. Somebody loses something when laws are passed. Maybe they deserve to lose something. Maybe they don't. But make no mistake, there's not win-win in public policy. Even if the only loser is taxpayers, just a few pennies a year. Here. And here. And here. And here...losers.
When you're in that environment and making, influencing public policy you're exercising power. And depending on how you've negotiated, who's interests you've negotiated the cumulative effect of it makes each subsequent negotiation that much easier. Lives impacted that much less of a concern. A jadedness sets in, an entitlement sets in, a self-affirming ego stroke plays inside your head about all of those people you've helped, how good a person you are. And those who've been hurt, lost have no voice inside your head, their losses are minimized, even justifiable. Power.
Three C's of public policymakers I coined. Conscience, Caucus and Constituents.
Conscience - how you sit with yourself morally on an issue, is it true to your values.
Caucus - how your political party wants you to sit on an issue, it's what gives you more power to achieve your most important policy agenda items, your economic security.
Constituents - where those who you represent, the voters who elected you, the clients who hired you, where they sit on an issue.
The Three C's are an easy decision when all three align on the same side. It's those darn 2-1 or 1-2 splits that make it so hard. Do you negotiate away your Conscience to help you achieve your larger agenda items like your Caucus want you to, do what your Constituents want? Do you turn your back on your Caucus because your Conscience won't allow it and Constituents oppose them, knowing that the party will make your agenda issues impossible to achieve? Do you do what your Constituents want you to do, but go against your Caucus and Conscience because, by gosh, they elected you your job is to do their will?
Negotiation. Negotiation. Negotiation. Negotiation. And one day you have little left of who you were when you first got into politics, stood in backyards fundraisers and promised to fix the Matrix. You've become a part of it.
Those 2-5% who stayed true to themselves, who stayed uncorrupted, principled had one thing in common: Faith. They were people of faith. True faith in their creator. Not faith of convenience. They never negotiated their conscience. They lost their ability to pass many of their most important public policy agenda items because they rejected demands of the Caucus. They lost office or clients because they couldn't do what their Constituents or clients asked of them. They stayed true to their conscience. Because at the end of the day, that's what our creator put us here for. Not our ambitions, not the ambitions of others. For our morality to do what we believe is right. No matter what the consequences are.
Our negotiations we make in pursuit of some greater good we hope to achieve if we just go along with something that doesn't sit right but doesn't rise to our objection, those are the killers of souls. One little one. Begets another little one. Begets another little one. Until it begets big ones. They get easier to make those negotiations with our values each time we make them. Until we're unrecognizable to who we were before we started making them. Happens all the time. Not just politicos. Business owners. Pastors. Coaches. Doctors. Judges. People in positions of power.
Our faith and devotion to our Creator is what keeps us grounded. Keeps our minds and consciences clear. When we answer to a higher authority who isn't other fallen men or our own grandiosity we stay true to ourselves. We stay sane. Avoid the negotiations. Even the small ones. They are the tiny crack in our souls that grow larger and larger.
I had a brief dance with the intoxication of power. Climbing and climbing. Negotiating. I thought I was on my way to becoming a big deal. I didn't seek it at first, but it's very addictive when you get a taste of power. When I had some clarity about what I was becoming in the form of a setback because I took a principled stand against the Matrix it became easier to let go of my ambitions and agendas. When I had leaders of both parties warn me not to say something publicly about an abuse of power I witnessed and was attacked simply because I was a witness, to discredit me, it was a clarifying moment. I was told not to say what actually happened because, "The public already doesn't trust us, and we can't give them more reasons not to trust us. We have to protect the System." Quote. Verbatim. In other words, the public doesn't trust us because they know we lie, so we have to lie more. The System. The Matrix. More important than our conscience, our morals, more important than the people the System is supposed to serve. Clarifying.
I stood my ground, though I didn't say all I knew. And slowly withdrew from the professional political class. I'm no longer directly in the system. I just poke around it from the outside these days. I took three years to travel the world, stayed in hostels, hiked across large islands, through jungles, over frozen tundra, took small boats, crowded buses, ate strange foods, bonded with people and cultures that enrich me to this day. I detoxified and reclaimed my soul. reclaimed my place with humanity.
I never got lost in the Matrix, truth is I was always a little off to the side while I was in it, kept one foot in that world, the other in the real world most of the time. It's how I stayed sane. It limited me, my career, never fully trusted by the Matrix even though I rubbed shoulders with people in the highest positions of power in my state and DC. But while my income was less than it could've been if I had both feet inside my independence gave me the strength to fight the Matrix when I did. But it is a bitch going against it. I have the scars. Which is why the 95-98% don't. Negotiations. Including turning your eyes to the bad you witness. Thing about scars the 95-98% don't get is that they make you stronger where you were injured. I love my scars. I earned them. I have my sanity. And my soul. Wouldn't choose any other way.
Freedom Fox, Thank you for taking the time to write your experience to share. What a ride you have been on, and it sounds like you didn't capsize. Congratulations.
Charles, As one long involved in the political circuit who has (I hope) retained his sanity, I will give you the same advice I give myself: Unto your own self, stay true. If the candidate finds that intolerable, you have done your piece and it is time to move on. If you cannot be who you are while supporting someone (and I do not mean that you have to agree on all points, because you will not) then hanging around will begin to do just what you suspect -- and you do not want that.
While you are immersed in the campaign, RKFJr needs to clarify his environmental stance. Many of us who support much of his vaccine stance are horrified by what we know of his "climate" stance -- that is an even bigger grift than the vaccine grift...because it is much harder to prove/disprove. Many of us are passionate environmentalists, but not "shut the world down for the sake of always-defective climate change models" people (just as broken as the COVID vaccine models). We like trees AND fuel. We do not wish to eat bugs, nor to roll back the amazing progress in farming that has shown Malthus to be entirely wrong.
There is a giant sector of independent thinkers who will not replace the spikeshot grift for the climate grift. But we do not want giant smokestacks in our living rooms either. Everything I have read that RFKJr has written on this seems pretty extreme, but when my friends and I discuss candidates, we always seek clarity on what his current stance is...and there really is not much beyond platitudes that we find satisfying.
If this resonates with you to feed into the morass, it would be helpful to the campaign. I have made my donation on a lick and a prayer...but many are waiting to see.
In any case, you are strong enough in character to not be seduced by the whole thing (and it is very seductive). The Sanity Project will help, I expect. But, more importantly, your own recognition of what is happening and repeated testing of "are you true to you?" will carry you through.
I am well aware of the problems in the dominant climate narrative, as I think you know. The candidate is aware of my views and, while he still believes that AGW is a serious problem, accepts that that should not be the centerpiece of his environmental policy. In fact, his actual environmental work has been all about toxic pollution, not carbon emissions. So I think the policy will focus on that, along with soil regeneration, forest protection, etc.
Charles, RFK Jr appeals to an ever larger group who have come to understand that virtually everything we are being told by "experts" and "the government" is a lie. He is one of the few to actually emphasize that which makes him appealing to many people. The Climate Change grift (as we all agree) just comes across as a serious blind spot and one that could have far worse manifestations than covid because it is completely fabricated.
Conversely, most of us are solidly opposed to toxic pollution and the like and would absolutely be supportive of (non-nonsensical...look at the wetlands ruling that took 10 years to get) measures to rein in abuse for everyone's good. But that is visible abuse where remediation is clear and bad actors usually identifiable. I have heard RFK Jr speak to this and he is eloquent.
He would gain MOUNTAINS of credibility if he prominently made the point you made in your note. It would reinforce his messaging that we are being continuously lied to and massive cleanup is required. It would be consonant with his uncovering how wrong "the experts" are on these kinds of things (that is a core tenet of his vaccine stance...but decently supported). And it would provide an executable pillar that most would support happily.
His core constituency, those who realize we were had in the covid response, are largely those who believe (I am sure correctly) that we are being had in the climate change response. We are especially sensitive to going from the frying pan into the fire. That is what makes this point non-trivial.
I expect you know all this. Just trying to give some feedback to one of the very few worthwhile candidates I have seen for a very, very long time. And it would be good for him to learn how he is being had on climate like he was had on vaccines. There are many far more knowledgeable than I that would be thrilled to help if he has the time/inclination.
Dr. K, (& Charles, if you're reading this .. the point of this comment is to suggest that climate is complex and there actually Is something there, but there's deception and agendas all around it - can / should holding both perspectives be wise?)
(And I agree that focusing on various forms of pollution and not only climate /carbon would be great, and wouldn't necessarily alienate people. Being aware of all forms of pollution, including of the food, water, air, and also atmosphere, including of the data around that, and including of the proposed "solutions" (like digital prisons), could unite and educate.)
But if he comes out saying there is no human caused climate change, or there is no human cause climate change that's anything close to a problem ...
To say there's nothing at all to the stance that humans are causing climate change and we need to address it ... to say that's as 100% bullshit a claim as "vaccines are safe and effective and they are all necessary" ... That seems a very big clam ...
With covid, we saw them take something real and construt a narrative around it that was dripping with deceit, agenda driven, dangerous, fraudulent data, all of that, as we know. Weaponized compassion, etc. 'We're all in this together' used as manipulation
And yet, there was still something real under it all. I don't think the "no virus" people are nuanced enough and I don't think their arguments will lead to accountability for the crimes against humanity that happened.
With climate - I can't quite believe that there is nothing to see, nothing at all. That it's just normal cycling, that all the years of intense industrial activity, which we know harmed water, earth, harmed nature in many ways - that it did nothing to the atmosphere.
The air in NYC has never been orange like this before that I can remember, not even after 9/11 (I didn't go into Manhattan for 2 weeks after). Isn't there actual climate change happening? - And Also those who control the narrative are spinning it as worse than it is, And attaching solutions that are on one hand simplistically thought of, and on the other hand are leading us to digital prisons and social credit (and RFK Jr Does understand this about the trojan horses and totalitarian digital prisons - he would NOT be like other environmentalists who would say "We will give up Anything to save the planet if you tell us it will. We will give up humanity's freedom forever in the name of climate justice - that tells us we are good!")
If he denounces climate change altogether, I think that would cost him the many who are on the left but may be seeing glimpses of hypocrisy and darkness in the official channels. Unlike those who see thru more of the bullshit all along, those people are registered Dem, and would vote in the primary. (I hope many will switch party to vote for him!)
Of course, he is honest, and wouldn't take a position he doesn't have to win votes. But he has seen not only environmental pollution from fossil fuels (and other sources), but also the fraud and dishonesty from the fossil fuel industry. (Doesn't mean the entire industry and workers should be demonized, or that there should be illusions that we can remake the world immediately without fossil fuels).
I remember how gas companies would talk about fracking (which may have been more necessary than I once realized - I don't know). They would speak to the concern of all the contaminants in fracking fluid by saying that guar gum is a main ingredient - and guar gum, they would remind us, is an ingredient in ice cream. (Like how vaccine ads would say the ingredients are salts, and fats, like in avocado - )
With vaccines, honest people can look at clinical trial data, and can look at evidence of what happens to people after they take it, and a very clear picture emerges. When the powers that be lie about all that, it's so clear to those paying attention that they are lying.
Isn't climate more complex? Isn't it a mix of a real problem surrounded by unreliable, sometimes fraudulent data? .. Isn't it something to legitimately fear (as I fear the air now, for myself and my dog), mixed with agendas that drive up that fear to cruel levels and exploit it? Isn't it something humanity needs to address, mixed with those who want total control trying to steer the conversation in the wrong direction?
Are you really sure there is nothing there at all?
Ellen, The haze in NYC (I am there at the moment...ugh) comes from wild fires that were likely set by "environmentalists" trying to make the world believe that they came from "climate change"...your point makes the point. When dozens/hundreds of fires are point started at once, it is unlikely a natural phenomenon. (Of course, no one knows for sure, but most of the smart thinking I see leans this way. The question is WHO set them? Too long a discussion for this comment.) But those who set them likely hope to set up covid-like fear and say "See, it's the climate change". People not buying it, in general, thank goodness.
I spend considerable time in Nashville. It has been under 20 feet of ice and a tropical rain forest multiple times during the past reasonably recent times (geologically, in any case). There were no people, no cars, no nothing -- and yet it still happened. Dinosaur farts? I doubt it.
25 cities in China are responsible for over 75% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. They are doing nothing except building more coal plants. If man is the cause, we should all deprecate our standards of living (eat bugs, eat (as near as I can tell) Soylent Yellow and Soylent Green, freeze in the winter and sweat in the summer) so they can continue to improve their lot? And in the end make no difference anyway?
Undersea CO2 vents release more CO2 than most anywhere else...your propose closing those off?
I am only a climate dilletante (although relatively expert on Covid) but the field is littered with people trying to get $$ by promoting a certain view/grift -- virtually exactly like covid. Those with alternative views are squelched (seen this before?). While I am sure most everything has some impact on climate, it is the relative size and shape of that impact, and the actual ability to influence that is all a function of models. You may remember the Imperial College model for Covid that predicted that millions of people would die in weeks. They also make climate models. As Briggs, statistician to the stars, often points out, models prove exactly what you design them to prove. And many of us are unpersuaded -- not that everything (including humans) makes an impact -- but about whether the posited impacts have any relationship to the truth.
They surely did not in covid, and I expect the climate grift is similar. The big fear from the climate grift is none of it is possible to prove/demonstrate (check out how many warnings there were 50 years ago (from models) about how the world was going to freeze. Then there were 30 years of warnings of global warning. Then, when they really all looked stupid, they made it "global climate change". Uh huh.
I am all for remediation of local pollution, factories dumping toxic chemicals into the water/air, etc. As soon as one starts to talk about worldwide CO2 and methane, you have lost me and most of my relatively skeptical brethren. I was just suggesting to Charles, if he has any influence, that he go through this thinking with RFK Jr. and have him focus on the things that are demonstrably bad that we all can get behind. He may not be willing to do so for many reasons. But it would make him a much more viable candidate in my opinion which is just one among many.
What evidence do you have that fires were set by duplicitous environmentalists? It seems unlikely on its face.
The source of the fires will always be obfuscated. But this video shows dozens of fires starting at, virtually, exactly the same time. (From the College of DuPage Meteorology Department.) Worth watching:
But having lived in the forest in California, I can confidently assert that really bad forest management (let's save the "one eyed dead-bird" so let's just let everything grow willy nilly so the forest overrides its natural water content and is set to burn at any spark) was a major contributor.
Hi Ellen, I've been listening in to your exchange with Dr. K. and i think you both are on to something. He's right in that RFK Jr will put off a lot of potential followers when he sticks to the official climate narrative (= human caused excess CO2 is "destroying" the climate). You're right in that something really IS wrong - and it is this sense that also put RFK Jr onto the belief in climate change. Him denying there is something wrong will put off lots of other potential followers.
I see a possible synthesis. Where i live, in a remote part of Sweden, i've noticed clear signs of "somebody" messing up the weather. It's been going on for over a decade and it really looks like "they" are training and practising different methods to influence temperature, clouds, wind, rain, snow and drought. I am sensitive to anything that feels unnatural and by Jove, weather patterns repeating itself in a 10 or 14 day rolling schedule (e.g. frost - snow - wind - thaw and then it starts all over again with frost) definitely feel extremely unnatural to me. It is impossible to talk about this with almost all other people. As soon as i mention "chemtrails" or "geo-engineering" i'm silenced and ridiculed in exactly the same way as one who is critical about mRNA-"vaccines". The two debates are orchestrated along the same lines: anyone who doesn't believe in "the consensus of the settled science" is called a conspiracy theorist. The difference is, that this weather "conspiracy" and the silencing and ridiculing has been going on a lot longer than the mRNA "conspiracy".
I am so used to my (and many other observant peoples) observations being dismissed that i'm even hesitant to bring them in here, but i think they are an important key to the dilemma of RFK Jr and the climate-issue.
What if... He could confirm that there is something going on with "the climate", but disclose the REAL causes, which until now are covered with layers of CO2-nonsense? I feel that would be a possibility to unite many potential followers who now are divided into two camps.
I only have my intuition and my rational observations to go after, but they tell me this:
- Our Earth is a coherent system, if you mess up her ecology (e.g. pollution and destruction of water, soil, air, animals, habitats, forests) like humans have done and still do, it is inevitable that the Earths atmosphere in the long run also will start to show signs of deterioration.
- The people who, like me, notice weird weather patterns are not stupid, just as the people aren't stupid who doubt the logic and benevolence of mRNA injections.
- There are two important official documents pointing towards the manipulation of weather. One is "Owning the weather in 2025" on the USA .gov website. The other one is a UN treaty which for the eye of the world prohibits the hostile use of methods to change the environment (i.e. geo-engineering) but which - in the typical 180 degrees twist-and-turn style - actually mandates all participating countries to support and help develop those same methods "in a peaceful way".
- There are huge numbers of (expensive!) patents concerning methods to change the weather, as disclosed by Dane Wigginton (who, btw, is receiving the same MSM-treatment as Andrew Wakefield who disclosed the problems with regular vaccines).
- Last but not least: in the midst of listening in to your exchange, synchronicity led me to this Maria Zeee video: I have not yet watched it entirely, but it seems to confirm all the suspicions about the Earths' atmosphere deliberately being messed with.
There is more, but i think this will do for now.
My question to you both: how would you feel, if RFK Jr could disclose the ongoing destruction of the planet plus the ongoing deliberate manipulation of the global weather as the cause for disturbances in the Earths atmosphere, easily to be mistaken for "climate change"???
PS: i'm going to post this also as a reply to Dr. K because i intend to reach out to both of you.
Hi Saskia, I'm writing quickly, wanted to respond to your thoughtful comment. I think that if climate change is framed as only a product of weather manipulation, it would alienate almost every environmentalist, and feed the 'conspiracy theorist' narrative about RFK, Jr.
**Of course, 'conspiracy theorist' is used by the narrative controllers to shut down voices that have truth to share, and I believe there IS weather manipulation going on. But if people are susceptible to believing the mainstream (or progressive), media - many environmentalists may be skeptical of the NY Times and CNN, but believe farther left "news" that also is all about the official narrative - they will be very very doubtful about weather manipulation.
***But***, if the message is that climate change is a result of various factors, including human activity (I don't see how humans can be dumping so much into the atmosphere for so long and having no effect - as industries dump into the water, and there is an effect) ...
If the message is that the official narrative on climate change is not the whole story, that there is skewed data and things overlooked -And ( and this may resonate with environmentalists ), that things like geoengineering which are presented as ways to mitigate climate change, are completely the wrong direction because they create other problems, including poisoning us, And including actually exacerbating climate change and the extreme weather we face ...
That's different than saying there is absolutely surely No human caused / industry caused / fossil fuel caused climate change.
I remember when people first told me about weather manipulation - alleging that hurricanes were purposely caused. I thought they were clinically paranoid, and everything afterwards that they shared I met with more skepticism.
I remember looking up something they told me to look up, about a scientist who had said something about it being possible for governments to create hurricanes. My very brief look concluded that, as the mainstream media had said, the scientist had said it was Possible, but Then when he realized how his words were being taken, said that by saying something is possible does not mean accusing that it actually happened.
It took many more years, and seeing how murderous the powers that be have been during covid, to even begin to conceive that they could be purposely causing extreme weather.( I think that is too much of a stretch for anyone to believe who is not at least already seeing how the covid narrative was not just slanted, but completely criminal ).
But purposeful causing of extreme weather and cloud seeding / documented, admitted geoengineering are different, in what people would be able to believe.
If the geoengineering already documented to be happening, without alleging purposeful causing of hurricanes/ fires, is clearly harming the climate, and RFK, Jr talks about that, I think people can hear that.
A few months ago on The Highwire, Del interviewed someone who made a documentary about geoengineering. ("The Dimming" - Dane Wigington -
The fact that this made it onto the Highwire, who are discerning with what they talk about, and that there were official documents shown, helped me see that yes, there really is something there.
Important ~~ **People in the environmental movement have been learning about, and fighting, some on the front lines, fossil fuel pollution for a long time. They may be clutching to data that comes from faulty computer models and fear mongering press releases - and this they may be able to see, if the communication is careful.
**But they're also responding to real instances of pollution, people getting sick near fracking wells and coal plants, pipelines leaking, water becoming flammable - And the gaslighting of the injured by the fossil fuel industry.
These things are real and they need to be met in that place, or they will flock toward Biden (or, maybe Gavin Gruesome, if they decide to run someone still capable of speaking). These people talk the talk about climate and sustainability in a way that reaches all the words they want to hear. Of course, they are liars, but that doesn't mean there is no human caused climate change at all.
When lawyers represent those injured by pollution, they're going through discovery documents and seeing that companies knew their pollution was harmful and they hid it.
To say it's all geoengineering, not fossil fuels, I think would really backfire, with those who most need to be reached. (I think it would be appreciated by some people, but not nearly enough).
(& Altho I'm saying fossil fuel companies pollute, and people are harmed, and pipelines leak, and those near gas plants and trucks have asthma, etc, doesn't mean I'm saying we must demand a world with no fossil fuels and pretend that's green, or clean, or even possible. Altho RFK, Jr would know more about this than I.
But I see a lot of magic think with some of the environmental movement, and pretending we can immediately stop fossil fuels without being able to clearly explain how is not good either).We need, I think, to be able to hold various things at the same time.
And if sometimes there is weather manipulation and it's blamed on climate change, let's say that does occur sometimes ... it also may be that climate change is happening also .. and it may be hard to prove with certainty that every extreme weather event was intentional.
I think the harms of vaccines are so much more clear than weather manipulation. Unfortunately, some people would never watch certain videos until they reach a certain level of understanding how deep the corruption goes.) (I like Maria Zee, but before covid I probably wouldn't even have looked.) I'll listen to that when I can, thanks for the link.
If people understand how much corruption there is in the vaccine world, I truly hope they would support RFK, Jr, even if he is not strong enough on other things. No one else would make it possible to have informed consent / choice before potentially irreversibly dangerous vaccines, at least for those in school / certain jobs / the military - and very likely for all of us if the Vaxaholics keep being in places of power.
If people don't yet understand how much corruption there is in the worlds of vaccines, and medicine (ie the designed-to-fail studies that showed covid treatments didn't work) .. if people don't yet understand those things .. I think telling them that weather is purposefully being manipulated in ways that kill people will be an instant dismissal into the conspiracy theory bucket, which the media is too happy to help that narrow, limiting, stereotype become entrenched in the minds of so many.
(And even with those who do understand vax dangers and lies ... the first comment visible on the Highwire page for the chemtrail / geoengineering episode is this (I assume IC means Informed Consent Action Network) - "Maybe this is a IC propaganda operation to get people to believe things that are not true"
I think there are many issues that divide us and need to be addressed with careful nuance, to not dismiss threads that may be true, even while there is a constructed narrative that may be manipulative and be leaving out important other threads ...
And I think if anyone can publicly parse out those nuances with care and respect and knowledge, it's RFK, Jr ...
Does that make sense?
Hi K, I've been listening in to your exchange with Ellen and i think you both are on to something. You're right in that RFK Jr will put off a lot of potential followers when he sticks to the official climate narrative (= human caused excess CO2 is "destroying" the climate). Ellen is right in that something really IS wrong - and it is this sense that also put RFK Jr onto the belief in climate change. Him denying there is something wrong will put off lots of other potential followers.
I see a possible synthesis. Where i live, in a remote part of Sweden, i've noticed clear signs of "somebody" messing up the weather. It's been going on for over a decade and it really looks like "they" are training and practising different methods to influence temperature, clouds, wind, rain, snow and drought. I am sensitive to anything that feels unnatural and by Jove, weather patterns repeating itself in a 10 or 14 day rolling schedule (e.g. frost - snow - wind - thaw and then it starts all over again with frost) definitely feel extremely unnatural to me. It is almost impossible to talk about this. As soon as i mention "chemtrails" or "geo-engineering" i'm silenced and ridiculed in exactly the same way as one who is critical about mRNA-"vaccines". The two debates are orchestrated along the same lines: anyone who doesn't believe in "the consensus of the settled science" is called a conspiracy theorist. The difference is, that this weather "conspiracy" and the silencing and ridiculing has been going on a lot longer than the mRNA "conspiracy".
I am so used to my (and many other observant peoples) observations being dismissed that i'm even hesitant to bring them in here, but i think they are an important key to the dilemma of RFK Jr and the climate-issue.
What if... He could confirm that there is something going on with "the climate", but discloses the REAL causes, which until now are covered with layers of CO2-nonsense? I feel that would be a possibility to unite many potential followers who now are divided into two camps.
I only have my intuition and my rational observations to go after, but they tell me this:
- Our Earth is a coherent system, if you mess up her ecology (e.g. pollution and destruction of water, soil, air, animals, habitats, forests) like humans have done and still do, it is inevitable that the Earths atmosphere in the long run also will start to show signs of deterioration.
- The people who, like me, notice weird weather patterns are not stupid, just as the people aren't stupid who doubt the logic and benevolence of mRNA injections.
- There are two important official documents pointing towards the manipulation of weather. One is "Owning the weather in 2025" on the USA .gov website. The other one is a UN treaty which for the eye of the world prohibits the hostile use of methods to change the environment (i.e. geo-engineering) but which - in the typical 180 degrees twist-and-turn style - actually mandates all participating countries to support and help develop those same methods "in a peaceful way".
- There are huge numbers of (expensive!) patents concerning techniques to change the weather, as disclosed by Dane Wigginton (who, btw, is receiving the same MSM-treatment as Andrew Wakefield who disclosed the problems with regular vaccines).
- Last but not least: in the midst of listening in to your exchange, synchronicity led me to this Maria Zeee video: I have not yet watched it entirely, but it seems to confirm all the suspicions about the Earths' atmosphere deliberately being messed with.
There is more, but i think this will do for now.
My question to you both: how would you feel, if RFK Jr could disclose the ongoing destruction of the planet plus the ongoing deliberate manipulation of the global weather as the cause for disturbances in the Earths atmosphere, easily to be mistaken for "climate change"???
PS: i'm going to post this also as a reply to Ellen because i intend to reach out to both of you.
Eva, I would be delighted, actually. I am sure there are nefarious people doing nefarious things that are bad for humanity, the environment, and most everything else. I would be all for going after and exposing those things. That is, unfortunately, different from the "CO2 Bad" mentation (sort of like the "Orange Man Bad" mentation that has been so catastrophic for the US) that just says "Turn off cars, turn off stoves, everyone retreat to the stone age to reduce CO2 which we only think, via models, has anything to do with global climate change but it gives us a chance to control you so who cares. That is everyone's worry, and the CO2 religion is as noxious/toxic as the vax religion.
RFK Jr has opined more than once on noxious corporate actions with which most anyone (other than the company) would agree, I expect. But I have never seen him react to noxious governmental climate stuff which, as you have noted even in Sweden, seems far more potentially dangerous. We are, I expect, all being had and I hate it. I wish every day that RFK Jr would realize that the climate grift is exactly the same as the vax grift except even stupider.
Fingers crossed.
Did i just click on Cancel??? Well, better twice than not at all... I wrote:
Okay, thanks for your reply. Ellen hasn't replied yet but i assume that she, too, would be relieved if her hunches were met with respect, a logical explanation and a concrete path (pun intended) towards an end to this madness.
I'll try to insert this angle into the Sanity Project. Who knows. It might actually help! ;-D
Maybe we will meet in the Project but for now: keep sane, K! <3
That's good to hear.
Hello Dr K - I too have been a politician (see below) I love so much of what RFK stands for but I think we need to be realistic enough to say that no-one will ever fulfil our needs and aspirations 100%. Contrary to you, much of his environmental stance I fully resonate with esp making it doable and local - not amorphous and numbers and figures- other environmentalists have forgotten about toxins and poisons in our environment and bodies - he is wonderful on that score. I could struggle with his stance on Israel...but hey we are all evolving - let's not expect perfection in anyone - together we are stronger and become more nuanced if we are respectful and enquiring and tolerant in our way of striving for unity and understanding - for me he is a truth speaker, unafraid to confront big pharma, corporate power, CIA corruption - this is HUGE stuff...the other can happen as it does...he will never be the be all and end all but no-one will and I hear no-one else speaking as much truth to 'power' and the lies we have been told without somehow softening their stance on what is not politically correct - he has wisdom in spadesful...and he has a spiritual focus which I can appreciate - and I take your point! I also really appreciate Marianne Williamson - and wonder what their relationship to each other is - no-one of course asks that question....
Yes .. I supported Marianne last time, altho not thinking it possible for her to win. I think she ran because there was no one else with integrity deep enough to address the heart and soul of the problems. But now that RFK is there, he is that integrity, that depth, and also enough understanding of how to get around the levers of power stacked against honest people. I hope they both have a respectful debate among themselves, since the DNC will refuse to debate. But I do hope she sees what a good man RFK is and does not want to take votes from him. She ventured into the vaccine conversation before covid, and after the media attacked her she apologized for using the word "Orwellian" to describe vaccine mandates. She's nowhere near strong enough on the impending medical tyranny (and she's falling for the conflation of equal rights and dignity for all with the media's ridiculousness that drag queens are a special protected class who are helping children understand diversity and self acceptance, and doesn't see the darkness of the agenda to confuse children and medicalize them. I say this as a very liberal person who is fine with anything short of sexualizing, poisoning, and chopping up children.)
This is a great article about Political Aikido, from liberal peace activist psychologist Diane Perlman, about how Marianne and RFK, Jr should go around the DNC's hiding from debates and use that energy against them, and become stronger ~
Hi Ellen, appreciate your comments. I heard that Marianne is supportive of the war in Ukraine, too. Need to do more research on that.
Dr. K, I know he is in touch with Zach Bush M.D. and the incredible work being done with rejenerative farming. Check deeper, platitudes are not what I'm hearing. Thanks
Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of the campaign manager Dennis, is deeply involved in the regenerative ag movement. I'm peripherally involved as well. The farmers you mention will definitely have a big influence on policy.
I wish Starhawk had seen through the lies about covid not being treatable, and "safe and effective" ... She seems to be in the mindset that questioning the narrative = right wing, and right wing = selfish and bad, as the mainstream and also progressive media say constantly. . .
Of course, she's coming from a place of meaning well ... weaponized compassion and social duty and protect the vulnerable were powerful manipulations ...
Yes, that was a blow. I guess we all have our roles.
I also was intrigued when Joe Rogan (can't remember who he was interviewing....) brought up regenerative farming on his show... It's taking hold.
James, are you saying that Zach Bush doesn't have your best interests at heart? Certainly RFK can't be in all places at all times... can only someone with practical experience contribute to the cause?
I'm also waiting to hear RFK Jr's discussion of economics for the middle of the country. Those who have every reason to vote for Trump unless a candidate strongly comes out with some support for the working class and disappearing middle class. Workers. The people who have no time or energy to think about climate or vax or b.s. culture wars.
Anyone heard his ideas on economic restructuring to help real humans?
A sincere question.
I really like RFKJs authenticity and approach to many things. I am waiting to hear more specifics about his climate policy as well. I am also aware of an emerging technocracy that is attempting to get us to engage our lives online, with digital IDs, digital money, public private partnerships (which is basically another word for corporate takeover of government) and social impact investments, which is basically creating a new financial product out of people's lives that billionaires invest in and get a return on. I believe rfkj mentioned public-private partnerships in drug addiction rehab, which to me seems like oligarch billionaires and corporations will have some control and profit in these investments. We need financial and environmental crimes to be prosecuted. Rfkj is a fighter, so he might be able to do that, but will he prosecute people who are also invested in public private partnerships and social impact investments?
Charles, we’re here. I/we need this mother ship as much as you do. Huge thanks to you and Patsy for creating the new space of The Sanity Project.
I’ve just listened to Mr. Kennedy being interviewed by Jordan Peterson, and I’m impressed...and it’s delightful to hear your direct influence in his responses regarding the environment, and fear.
Loving this more beautiful world timeline we’re co-creating ♥️
Every time I listen to a Kennedy podcast and hear him speak of truth, transparency, government corruption, big pharma, etc. I feel an unreal sense of relief, mainly because he is speaking his truth.
Charles, be yourself and speak your truth. You've got this. You're speaking sanity. Keep facing your true North. ❣️
But who cares if no one listens? No one in the Northeast listens.....I've lost my marriage over this so everything looks pretty dark. I don't really care unless he is listening. Nothing else really matters to me at this point.
He's just getting started. As he said, this election will be based on the internet, on podcasts. He's got all the top people hosting him, he's speaking their language, the first presidential candidate the millennials have heard speak some truth. They're as big a fraction of the voting public as boomers.
I know. I love him.
KE, there was just a release today from "team Kennedy". MSM is starting to cover him, as well as other surprising interest. So sorry about the marriage situation.
Unreal indeed.
I so appreciate you have entered the political matrix! And i appreciate your identifying the need for a lifeline to sanity. For me, it is nature. Nature always receives me 100% and, once i am immersed and attuned to her embrace, i return to the 'greater' picture, which for me is that all is well, we're doing our best and love is the answer.
I love that RFK invited you, i love that you are bringing a greater picture to the game. We've all been burned by the promise of voting and politics to bring change, and you two bring renewed hope to me. I no longer look to politicians or scientists or anyone else to change the world, i think it is us, and i feel we're doing it, right now, with every compassionate and loving thought, word and action. I am excited to see how you two bring love and compassion and atonement and awareness to a greater audience. Aho!!!
amen to that! It is totally us - and if we see a reflection in others outside of us, amen to that too...but no more saviours, we are all in this together!
There is a reason for the words "Can you handle the truth" - handling the truth or even confirming to yourself something is the truth is a lonely endeavour. It either is or isn't. Even when your people confirm what you see or agree with it, it can still be untrue or partially true.
Belief is based on communal agreement. The truth stands on its own and each one of us has to struggle to reach it. And when we do we stand together - because the truth does not need belief or agreement. All it needs is to have the capability to distinguish it from the rest in our illusory world. Especially today when so much emphasis is placed on untruth.
So I wish you well on your journey into the jungle of games and illusions, your own hero journey through the dark and dense forests full of monsters. We need more heroes nowadays, more people willing to venture into this upside down world and shine the truth into its darkest corners.
But, first of all, we need, all of us to find our way to what is true and that is the hardest part of all.
Charles - yes let us be 'sanity' together! I have always loved your words and work...but it's not just your words, it is how you allow yourself to feel into the moment - how you choose to be present and authentic as do I (attempt to). Politics is so interesting for me, it is like science. I was a politician once not long ago (local government in New Zealand) - not because I was wanting to do that but because I was asked several times by people in my community whom I respected, if I would run for council to become a local representative, a councillor. It came to me and that was a sign that there was something there for me and I'm glad that I did - I delight in dancing with what comes to my door! To say that I wasn't torn trying to integrate my spirituality with my politics is an understatement. Sometimes I totally did that and did it well and other times I sorely missed and stepped too heavily into the 3D/matrix world and became emotionally involved or somehow forgot who I was on other levels. It was always important to me to continually question my motive and what was really important to me as far as my world/spiritual world view goes. Yet it didn't feel right to me to totally deny or resist the political world either - I was always concerned and interested in humanity and people and community and what made it all tick...I wasn't one of those who could sit and meditate and do it that way (I wish I could) - yet I totally honour and love those who can. My way was more one of action and practicality from the heart, I'm interested in systems and holism and unity and freedom and so much more! Yet I did feel quite alone in it. (I have so much to say and share and connect with you and other like minds/hearts about - yet I must keep this concise for now - my fingers are flying 90 to the dozen over the keyboard!) When I was in politics, at the same time I was running groups with courses of yours that I found grounded and inspiring - I was always keeping all aspects running but there were places and times that I needed someone, some community, a place to belong, to keep me balanced and connected too. When I heard you were teaming with RFK I was so excited! I had chills through my body because I saw it as spirituality meeting politics, just as I am excited that the world of spirituality and science are starting to come together...all be it 'up against the pricks' - that's biblical not blasphemous. Or maybe it's both haha. I have always felt that what good politicians/leaders need is a council of elders or a wisdom council of sorts to keep steering the ship when those out front start to veer off-course or forget who they truly are.I welcome this community Charles - other thoughtful intelligent heartfelt people who are probably also trying to straddle at least two if not multiple worlds and timelines right now. It is indeed very exciting and I know that this is the time I came for. The most beautiful world we all know is possible has been with me since childhood as I wondered at how I could possibly be part of this dumb, crazy, nonsensical, cruel world! I am 64 now yet I feel young , engaged, vibrant and part of it all. I hesitate to say you guys are my tribe because tribalism concerns me in so many ways yet life is paradox and I love that about you Charles - that you know how to embrace paradox...and so do I - and at times, it's not so easy. So, I'm like...count me in with you guys and bring on sanity, freedom, intelligence, wisdom and love...thank you - delighted to know you :)
I reckon you stay sane just as I have over the past three years of being married to someone who lives in the matrix, trusts authority and buys the narrative, regularly told me that I was nuts and a conspiracy theorist, jabbed our kid against my begging and pleading, claimed he didn't have to listen to me and then left me and blames ME for being so impossible to deal with because I should have just gone along with it like everyone else we know and because I didn't, I ruined his life for which he can't forgive me. YOU. PRAY. That's all I got.
I am so sorry to hear that. It is a distilled version of what has happened to our society
Yes, it is....please read my last comment that I just posted a moment ago. You have helped me immensely. Thank you.
Wow sorry to read about the disconnect. Hope you can find peace. I’m having a hard time connecting with my family & friends as well these days.
This is such a tragedy that you have been through. I’m so sorry. Just know that you are not the problem. There are many of us who saw through the fraud and lies. I’m sorry your husband was not one of them. I had to break up with my life-long religious group over it and it hurt fiercely and I’m sure that was not nearly as painful as what you must be going through. I have to hope that the truth will come out to those still under the spell at some point. Kennedy may be the conduit. I really hope so.
Thank you so much. I know. It’s so hard to literally be blamed for destroying the family. It’s as if I’m jumping up and down warning the family of an intruder in the closet who wants to harm us and bc he can’t see him, my WARNING is the problem. It makes you feel like you are in an insane asylum. He justifies leaving me bc I went nuts. Bc I don’t look at the right sources and made HIS LIFE so hard. Never mind that this devoted mom was concerned for our kids. It seems to be all about him.
please do join the Sanity Project. If you have financial stress, please join for a token amount or choose the zero option. I think you would give and receive much.
Thank you....I do plan to. I think it will be amazing. Thank you for doing it! I think I really just need to hold onto the belief that for some reason my husband and I are on two different life journeys and I need to trust the outcome. It is so profoundly painful when I also consider our kids, however. This is a bizarre thing for them to grapple with. And I have been marveling lately that our sons are seeing, up close and personal, the two paths. And they will need to choose. My teenage boys and I are very close. So I think they are choosing mine.....but the pain this causes them, or will as they grasp the enormity, is deep. But perhaps they will be wiser than I am and disentangle their love for each of their parents from what they each "believe." Maybe they will allow us each to be ourselves, yet make their own authentic choices. And if I teach them to do that, perhaps THAT is the gift out of this nightmare....for they will need to do that in the wider world as adults, as well. I pray that I lead them down the clear path and I am hopeful that I will.
Your testimony will be helpful in bringing certain themes of the program into focus. And hopefully, bring new story lines into the world so that others need not experience what you have,
It’s a strange thing that took ahold of so many people. The motivations seem to reach into so many different corners of different peoples’ lives. There were many diverse false messages that reached out to different people. Some seem to gravitate toward o the “self sacrifice for the whole” and others had primary concern for themselves. I sincerely hope your children stay close to you through this.
Thank you.....they are. They really are.
I guess I should also say that people like Charles and his message have made me realize that I am NOT insane because I have literally been living in what has felt to me like an insane asylum..."go along with this, it will end soon, it is not that bad, you are imagining things, you are selfish to NOT go along with these protective measures...." This is the reality of the Northeast AND my own home. I never knew that the stuff I have been thinking about all my life, that something is off, that people are MISSING the point, could be given voice in such a brilliant way, as Charles has. I am happy to have found him.
We are losing our humanity and sanity.....and I have been watching this, especially since the advent of the "smart phone." When it seemed to me that people handed over their humanity to be managed by technology. I have been taught to be positive, to look on the bright side, but THIS time, with the advent of all these inhumane mandates, I KNEW what I was looking at was NOT something to "just be positive" about. To "just get through it." NO. This was an assault on what it MEANS to be a human being....and I will never give up fighting for the Truth of humanity and the meaning of life. Read Mary Oliver's poem, "I just happened to be standing..." it encapsulates Charles' messages in a poem. She was a brilliant woman.....when she passed away, the world lost a true artistic genius. I am an artist and I am trying to figure out how to express all that I AFFIRM. All that I believe in, all that I am FOR, rather than being consumed by all that I am NOT. Perhaps when my life settles down, I will.
I'm excited to see where this goes. Community is essential to healthy living. Establishing healthy internal narratives and evaluating external narratives is key to a balanced life “in the real.” Thank you!
If you stay true to your inside self and always check your "truth meter" you are doing a service beyond the human component. Spirit uses us all for greater issues of life if we allow it. Quite the Divine commission!
Rather you than me Charles, rather you than me. I stay sane by staying the fuck away from anything to do with government and/or the levers of power. Something about corruption if I recall...... 😂
The holy grail once offered us a practical choice.... Take the oath on the stone (as King Charles recently did at his coronation) to chase an excess of power, wealth and wisdom. Or choose the servant heart, as the grail protectors - the Tironensians - would say, "Laborare est Orare" - "to work is to pray", to rejoice. For every moment spent crawling the path of the serpent king is a moment lost to experience the majesty of Divinity.
Now the choice is entirely symbolic. "Character is Fate", as Heraclitus would say. Good luck Charles, you are going to need it!
This is SO important Charles and honest thanks for sharing the « matrix and mothership »with us. I’m in another matrix living over here in France -and being English, the other leg is in the U.K. watching that matrix fiasco!
We all need each other. That’s all I know. But, as you’re an American, that particular matrix has far reaching influences and consequences for us in Europe. I SO want Kennedy’s campaign to win 🙏🏻and I am deeply heartened that you have thrown your lot in behind him.
We need your calm, sharp and brilliant light to shine all over that campaign to help bring our humanity together again. Let’s get back to the garden.
If I too am allowed to hold the mothership steady, then yes, I’m here, I do and I will. I can handle the truth because I also dive into the darkness and return, burning brighter.
Go Charles❣️
I listened to RFK jr's conversation with Jordan Peterson last night and went to bed
noticeably relaxed, feeling calm, because RFKjr. spoke so honestly and about so many
things that are important to me. I was at ease, for the first time in years. Such is the gift
of leadership, and he has it [and so do you, Charles] to calm and inspire the "multitudes".
Have mercy on us all, thank you, God.
Is that conversation on RFK’s podcast?
Jordan Peterson's YouTube channel. 😊
YouTube and Spotify
Happy to hear you are in with Kennedy 2024, as am I! I am in for the sanity project as well. Perhaps the best answer is to keep asking the questions.
You are already IN the "Matrix". You entered it when you merged into a physical body within this time-space reality. You are just feeling disoriented because the specific set of beliefs about it that you hold was too limited and did not encompass the parts of it that you are now experiencing. It was like this all along, you are just having to broaden your perspective to include the expanded view or model.
"Some rules can be bent. Some rules can be broken".
It's not the "rules", it is our level of consciousness that changes as we release our limitations that came from limiting beliefs. "Rules" are either "recipes" for a good/functional way to accomplish an objective, for instance the steps that need to be taken to manufacture a product. These rules are descriptions of events that when executed result in a specific outcome.
Then there are the "rules" that are artificially imposed mandates limiting the types of behaviors permitted in a given situation. These are made up and have no actual connection to reality.
Either way, they are just constructs or descriptions, either about how actually something works, or can work, or they are limitations designed to control behaviors. The first is a specific description of something, usually of a part of this space-time Matrix, and the second is entirely fantasy.
Everything is energy, and nothing exists that is not energy. It all arises from the energy of consciousness. It is all malleable. The Greater Consciousness/ the Whole imagined everything into the patterns of "existence". These patterns allow for certain types of experiences to occur. The desired experiences determine how the patterns are shaped, but consciousness can redirect the trajectories of the patterns if it desires to change the way it is "going". That's when the "rules" may get "broken" to effect a shift in outcome, because in the Field of Consciousness, really "anything goes" because it is all energy, anyway.
Each of us is an individual point of focus of that Consciousness. We are a part of IT because there is nothing else. We imagine ourselves to be separate, but that is an effect of this Matrix or energy projection of space-time. It is only our perspective. We are no more separate than the extensions of an amoeba's "tentacles", as it flows outward through its environment, are from the main "blob" of its cell. Are we a "tentacle" of Consciousness, or are we the main "body" of Consciousness? Actually, we are both.
Being separate is an illusion. Being lost in the Matrix is an illusion. The reality is that everything is actually okay. It is Perfect because it all comes from and is a part of Perfection. From our limited perspective we lose sight of that, but the underlying reality is that we are Safe, we are Loved, and that everything really is Perfect Just The Way It Is! But one must move outside of this Matrix to really experience that. This is not a belief or concept. It is what we experience when we shift back into the non-physical.
There is no nightmare of evil AI machines running things outside of THIS Matrix! Reality is more opposite of that than you can even imagine!
Of course everything is perfect. its been the joker card of many a conversation that i have with my sister, well its all in gods hands we say, to describe the perfection of the universe and we laugh because we have different gods....
however it's fun to talk about how we are dancing through the matrix, the agreements we cleave to and those we dont and how we feel. I enjoy being part of Charles' journey and am glad he is sharing his perfect point of focus in the here and now.
And I find your comment vey well written and beautiful but somehow apart. So I'm curious, how are you trying to connect here?
". . . I find your comment . . . somehow apart. . . . "
Mmmm: maybe because of an element of detachment because of my perspective of this reality.
But I was pointing out some things about "the big picture" that may answer myriad other questions, including, circuitously, his concern about "sanity".
Charles had said:
". . . the question I ask myself, is how will I stay sane? That is, how will I not lose myself in the simulation and forget what is real?"
"So, how do I step into the Matrix without becoming its creature? How do I stay sane?"
Our situation is that we are already "lost" in this simulation, but being lost is also part of the illusion. Can an actor in a play get so lost in their part on stage that they can never find their way off the stage again? Will he/she spend the rest of life stuck in that role and on that stage? No. No matter how caught up in a part is that actor, when the curtain closes, the illusion ends. What matters is how we play this "game" in the present moment, because we are here for a purpose. This simulation is not a random accident. It has value to us or we wouldn't do it. This world is not a brief "waystation" on the way to an "afterlife" or "heaven". We CAME from the non-physical, and we came here FOR the experiences we can only have in such a manifestation. THIS is "where it is at", where "the action is"! It is not some kind of test or punishment. That is rediculous. Ifinite Consciousness doesn't need to "test" us—we are a PART of it. We are ALL "children of God" because that is, in Reality, ALL THAT IS. It is Love and does not "send people to hell" or any such made-up religious control-trip nonsense! There is nothing that any of us can do IN THIS ILLUSION, in this cosmic PLAY, that can result in us being harmed or getting "lost".
"Insanity" is mostly a problem with brain function, not some way of thinking that is "wrong". Toxicities and nutritional deficiencies factor heavily into mental disorders, as do certain genetic variations called SNPs, Single Nucelotide Polymorphisms, with a huge one being mutations that create abnormalities in methylation. Probably three quarters of cases of schizophrenia are related to this group of variants. Brains just can't function properly if critical nutrients are available in less-than-optimum amounts. Function also has a lot to do with available energy to neurons, i.e. ATP production by the mitochondria. Low energy brain cells can't work right, or protect or repair themselves sufficiently. Poisoning the brain with psychiatric drugs only makes mental health issues worse.
Sanity is being able to be "realistic", or perceive the world as "it is" within this Matrix. Insane people cannot perceive the world around them adequately to be able to function well in it. It is all about "what works".
There are two "realities", much like how a coin has two sides: the overall Universe of all energy, and then the "Matrix" subset of limited, lower energy frequencies that form the patterns that we call "matter". From a position of focus within the lower frequencies, it is difficult to expand awareness sufficiently to perceive the larger Field that encompasses all the frequencies. This means that we are only working with limited information at any given point. We are constantly bombarded with "zillions" of data points, and from them we have to extract recognized patterns, and ignore the rest. So nobody actually perceives the "reality" of these limited frequencies operating within time-space.
I am quite confident that Charles is not going to have a problem with "sanity". What may be of concern though, is that the "uncloaking" of the Evil in the world is challenging his belief systems and bringing him closer to a point of confusion. This is actually good, because confusion is usually a prerequisite to synthesizing a more inclusive/expansive model of reality: a "more realistic" model, that is more useful for guiding our conclusions and decisions.
"Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you".
Very well said.
My admiration for Bobby is intense given what he’s done for us but --
1. For one thing, consorting with and even sort of admiring Elon Musk, he of the BCI neurotechnology (Neuralink) developed for use of control via micro implants. And Musk has been sending into the sky 5G radiation platforms, the object of which is to track everyone on the planet with 5G smartphones according to Bill Gates (who’s competing with Musk, who can cover the sky faster) In other words: "While there was some news covering the dangers and ethics of merging the human brain with Neuralink’s brain-computer interface (BCI) technology platform last week, there was no mention that Neuralink’s FDA clearance was based on brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies that were developed as weapons of mass destruction; or who privately funded these BCI technologies.”
All of this Bobby knows, so are we already seeing the beginning of personality change of those who smell political power? I hope not!
2. I cannot stand swollen patriotic rhetoric around “closing our southern border.” It smells to high heaven courting Trump’s fan base. The threat to our Constitution is a lame excuse to shut out these desperate humans, many of whom would gladly work here, are family people, people of faith, etc. Especially given what Bobby already knows about the reason they are fleeing Central American countries, namely US policy for decades creating and propping up the worst banana republic corruption
3. As a non-Zionist Jew, I am allergic to allegiance to “the great state of Israel, which my family has long supported” as Bobby said during a Q from the audience somewhere recently. Again, he must know that the Israeli state is Neo-fascist. So is this just geopolitics? And when the guy pursued that by asking Bobby what about the Palestinian people, Bobby said “we need a humane policy toward the Palestinians,” or some such. “Humane,” that’s a word used to describe how to put animals out of their misery
Sorry but none of this works for me and I’m bummed given my great admiration for what he’s done
Would I vote for him? We’ll see where this goes…I’ll never forget long ago watching Gerald Ford walk into a room on TV immediately after being given the presidency because Nixon left. Ford’s whole demeanor, gait, everything had changed…He scented power and already looked tipsy from it
* *
Ford was the janitor in the JFK assassination coverup, chief investigator for the Warren Commission. Made sure the evidence of the crime never came to light. GHW Bush was the CIA Dallas field supervisor. The office closest to the crime. Which is why the JFK files can't come to light. Too many people connected to the assassination still in positions of power, powerful families with everything to lose. Ford got his reward for his loyalty. Power is very intoxicating.
I think this comment hits nail on head for many Spidey senses are on alert.
Musk. Rhetoric. Geopolitics. Etc.
Thank you for the important points and I hope more readers see your comment.
Last summer my heart broke upon seeing Musk et al's Starlink train crawl across the night skies. Just as an example.
I have also been in contemplation over whether to get involved for many of the positive reasons we all know. And have been waiting not just for more information on issues, but to see if it's really a worthy use of attention to be involved in this game at all. The system is beyond broken and perhaps it needs further collapse.
I'll keep contemplating, for now, whether *some* change in right direction w RFK is better than stepping out of the game entirely. I speak for myself only.
Thank you for your comment. And the Ford image hit home, too.
Excellent starting point for you. As someone who was in the Matrix of politics for two decades I hope to share some insights for your consideration to do with what you wish.
I can't count how many candidates aspiring to hold office who I met at fundraisers in the homes and backyards of wealthy supporters. Educators, insurance salesmen, small business owners, nurses, along with doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, all walks. The pedigreed, privileged candidates usually knew the Matrix, were of it, were just looking for a different angle in it. The average working class candidates had lots of hopes and goals to fix what was wrong with the Matrix. Filled with positive energy that they could make a difference, remake the Matrix into something more responsive to ordinary citizens. And as I describe new politicians I might as well be describing the new professional lobbyists and campaign advisors.
And out of all of them, even the ones that with the most sincere desire to fix the Matrix for good, in the course of my career maybe 2-5% stayed true, uncorrupted, principled the same as when they went into office. That figure starts higher, and even remains higher when the politician or professional serve in the minority party, are still on the outside of power even when they are in the halls of it. But the moment they serve in a majority, the moment they hold power from the inside of political power it becomes a matter of months, even days until you see the shift. The saying 'power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely' is eternally true.
What happens as one gains power or is in service to power is a thing to be in and an observer or. One of the first things that strikes you is how intoxicating it becomes so quickly. When those with power hand out praise, take notice of you, become interested in what you think you feel good about it. Better than when loved ones and friends do the same thing. Because, power speaks with a louder, more alluring voice to one's ego. "I'm worthy! I've arrived! I'm in the halls of power and making a difference! I see stories before they're on the news, I know way more about those stories than the news is telling, I'm on the inside! Cool!!" Stoke. Stroke. Stroke the ego. It's a hellofadrug.
So let's say you're above those types of vain indulgences, then there's the whole being effective and advancing your agendas. The public policy issues you care most about, like education, health care, safe streets, environment, etc. Your economic security. The well-being of your friends, family, colleagues, supporters. The expectations of all of them and those in the Matrix who can help you advance your agendas, if you help them advance theirs. And that's when negotiations happen.
The Devil is in those negotiations. When you have power and access to power you don't have a vested interest or strongly-held beliefs about everything that power makes decisions about. You have your core issues and concerns, but you deal with pretty much every facet of life, minutia, stuff you never knew or cared about existing. Those become issues you negotiate away freely. Maybe you take the side of those who make the most compelling case. But most of the time you take the side that others who you care about and want/need something from, who you're indebted to for helping you on something you do care about, those are easy to negotiate on. Not really concerned about the people on the other side. Because all public policies involve deciding winners and losers. Somebody loses something when laws are passed. Maybe they deserve to lose something. Maybe they don't. But make no mistake, there's not win-win in public policy. Even if the only loser is taxpayers, just a few pennies a year. Here. And here. And here. And here...losers.
When you're in that environment and making, influencing public policy you're exercising power. And depending on how you've negotiated, who's interests you've negotiated the cumulative effect of it makes each subsequent negotiation that much easier. Lives impacted that much less of a concern. A jadedness sets in, an entitlement sets in, a self-affirming ego stroke plays inside your head about all of those people you've helped, how good a person you are. And those who've been hurt, lost have no voice inside your head, their losses are minimized, even justifiable. Power.
Three C's of public policymakers I coined. Conscience, Caucus and Constituents.
Conscience - how you sit with yourself morally on an issue, is it true to your values.
Caucus - how your political party wants you to sit on an issue, it's what gives you more power to achieve your most important policy agenda items, your economic security.
Constituents - where those who you represent, the voters who elected you, the clients who hired you, where they sit on an issue.
The Three C's are an easy decision when all three align on the same side. It's those darn 2-1 or 1-2 splits that make it so hard. Do you negotiate away your Conscience to help you achieve your larger agenda items like your Caucus want you to, do what your Constituents want? Do you turn your back on your Caucus because your Conscience won't allow it and Constituents oppose them, knowing that the party will make your agenda issues impossible to achieve? Do you do what your Constituents want you to do, but go against your Caucus and Conscience because, by gosh, they elected you your job is to do their will?
Negotiation. Negotiation. Negotiation. Negotiation. And one day you have little left of who you were when you first got into politics, stood in backyards fundraisers and promised to fix the Matrix. You've become a part of it.
Those 2-5% who stayed true to themselves, who stayed uncorrupted, principled had one thing in common: Faith. They were people of faith. True faith in their creator. Not faith of convenience. They never negotiated their conscience. They lost their ability to pass many of their most important public policy agenda items because they rejected demands of the Caucus. They lost office or clients because they couldn't do what their Constituents or clients asked of them. They stayed true to their conscience. Because at the end of the day, that's what our creator put us here for. Not our ambitions, not the ambitions of others. For our morality to do what we believe is right. No matter what the consequences are.
Our negotiations we make in pursuit of some greater good we hope to achieve if we just go along with something that doesn't sit right but doesn't rise to our objection, those are the killers of souls. One little one. Begets another little one. Begets another little one. Until it begets big ones. They get easier to make those negotiations with our values each time we make them. Until we're unrecognizable to who we were before we started making them. Happens all the time. Not just politicos. Business owners. Pastors. Coaches. Doctors. Judges. People in positions of power.
Our faith and devotion to our Creator is what keeps us grounded. Keeps our minds and consciences clear. When we answer to a higher authority who isn't other fallen men or our own grandiosity we stay true to ourselves. We stay sane. Avoid the negotiations. Even the small ones. They are the tiny crack in our souls that grow larger and larger.
I had a brief dance with the intoxication of power. Climbing and climbing. Negotiating. I thought I was on my way to becoming a big deal. I didn't seek it at first, but it's very addictive when you get a taste of power. When I had some clarity about what I was becoming in the form of a setback because I took a principled stand against the Matrix it became easier to let go of my ambitions and agendas. When I had leaders of both parties warn me not to say something publicly about an abuse of power I witnessed and was attacked simply because I was a witness, to discredit me, it was a clarifying moment. I was told not to say what actually happened because, "The public already doesn't trust us, and we can't give them more reasons not to trust us. We have to protect the System." Quote. Verbatim. In other words, the public doesn't trust us because they know we lie, so we have to lie more. The System. The Matrix. More important than our conscience, our morals, more important than the people the System is supposed to serve. Clarifying.
I stood my ground, though I didn't say all I knew. And slowly withdrew from the professional political class. I'm no longer directly in the system. I just poke around it from the outside these days. I took three years to travel the world, stayed in hostels, hiked across large islands, through jungles, over frozen tundra, took small boats, crowded buses, ate strange foods, bonded with people and cultures that enrich me to this day. I detoxified and reclaimed my soul. reclaimed my place with humanity.
I never got lost in the Matrix, truth is I was always a little off to the side while I was in it, kept one foot in that world, the other in the real world most of the time. It's how I stayed sane. It limited me, my career, never fully trusted by the Matrix even though I rubbed shoulders with people in the highest positions of power in my state and DC. But while my income was less than it could've been if I had both feet inside my independence gave me the strength to fight the Matrix when I did. But it is a bitch going against it. I have the scars. Which is why the 95-98% don't. Negotiations. Including turning your eyes to the bad you witness. Thing about scars the 95-98% don't get is that they make you stronger where you were injured. I love my scars. I earned them. I have my sanity. And my soul. Wouldn't choose any other way.
Freedom Fox, Thank you for taking the time to write your experience to share. What a ride you have been on, and it sounds like you didn't capsize. Congratulations.