Three years ago, I published an essay entitled “The True Story of the Sith.” Most people seemed to think it was a 'spiritual essay, about shadow work and that kind of thing, but it was actually a political piece, almost an allegory.
Are you still with RFK Jr, now that he's supporting Trump? If so, how do you justify this? Trump is the most vivid presentation of denial/projection in our lifetimes, embodying all the corruption and misleading that he attributes to those who he dislikes. You have a huge audience, and a responsibility to them and to these times to clarify your support of RFK's support of Trump, or lack thereof. I hope you're on it and up to it, because you have already lost huge credibility and risk losing more.
Charles' "credibility" has never been, for me, about what side or who he supports. Rather, it is his voicing of a truthfulness that I recognize within my own heart and my own life, and which leaves me to abide in that truthfulness and allow it to guide me in my judgements, not of good and evil, but which direction might be most beautiful and whole.
Regardless of all your admiration of Charles, this is what Charles wrote in a previous column: "I believe that if either of the other two viable candidates, Trump or Biden, win a second term, it will be a catastrophe for this country and, by extension, for the world." That was his then vigorously stated opinion. Therefore it's legitimate to wonder how he feels now about RFK Jr.'s recent public endorsement of Trump, considering Charles himself had declared a second Trump presidency would be a "catastrophe.... for the world." Does he still feel that way? Does he agree or disagree with RFK's decision? It's a legitimate question.
It does feel fair to wonder that, but to hinge his credibility on his own position in regards to that question (or anyone else's, for that matter), does not. I hope that makes sense! I'm not trying to be snarky. I rarely ever participate in online chats like these (this is the first time I've posted on Substack, as far as I can remember) as it hard to have a human conversation, with affect and sensitivity to the other.
Look, just because you hero worship the guy doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to. He's just a person, who sometimes says perceptive things and sometimes doesn't. He's not God, he's a writer and commentator who sometimes hits the bull's eye with his writing, and other times misses the dartboard altogether. And yes, he does frequently resort to mental gymnastics to avoid stating his positions plainly and forthrightly. This is not profundity, it's obfuscation.
Arjuna, just want to commend you for your comment, which felt to me to be stated both sincerely and humbly -- simply giving your perspective. I really appreciated the respectfulness of your tone. So just to encourage you not to be discouraged by any responses that might seem less than charitable in tone. Your energy and tone feel strong and clear to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the money and always sees the picture correctly is to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what that is). IMO we are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i implore you to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheeting for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder realirce-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the clever& cunning fascist billionaires in power have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychologocal inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's flase messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you". And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "real change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite". As long as you invest your desire for change into him..
As for rfk specifically, i don't know if he's being blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of rhe american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches aboit the "need" for american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global Militarized Empire in the history of mankind existing solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom Love and Prosperity"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking tje billionaire empire's targets in the name of jesus is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
Here's one of the most common tricks they play on us to accompliish that
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Decisions to support the Kennedy campaign covered in nuance? The writer not seeing the forest for the trees? Or is nothing real anymore and we can do the hell we want as long as it's covered in nuance!
I'm not so sure I can continue holding him in high regard until and unless he addresses this very issue directly. Ie, without out clever mental gymnastics and $20 words.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
I can understand how Charles felt. I felt the same way because the uniparty as it stands today needs to be dismantled. RFK Jr. offered another path and hoped to make meaningful change to the current power structure. The fact that he is teaming up with Trump and other former Dems in a unity party means that meaningful change will still be made because RFK will likely have a significant role in personnel appointments and unraveling the corruption and corporate capture of agencies. Trump and his party are vehicles to effect change. I trust RFK and am supporting him and this Unity party. The alternative is as unacceptable as ever.
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the spot and always sees the picture correctly is to make them into a god and to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what the inversion is). We are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i emplore to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheering for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder resource-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like")..
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychologocal inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's false messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you". And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "real change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", and as long as you invest your desire for change into him..
As for rfk specifically, i don't know if he's being blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of the american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches about the "need" for "american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global militarized empire in the history of mankind, that exists solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom & Love"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking the billionaire empire's targets is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
I have suggestions, not solutions. With your permision I won't go here into the more psychological aspects of the solution (who might actually be the most important aspects) because that is far beyond the scope of the space allotted for a reply here and will require a whole book in order to go into genuinely. So here i will just stay in the more superficial and practical levels and will say that in my perspective (which is of course only partial, and therefore limited, as all perspectives are) the solution starts first with understanding what we are dealing with (which i tried to do in my reply to Petra Rosemarie above, although it was also in a very condensced form and there's plenty more to say about it, some of it is detailed in the things shared on my page), and then, what i view as the most sane logical practical human-based beneficial solution can be seen in the following essays hear directly what a debate with Mr. Billionaire sounds like (an anti-egalitarian who strongly opposes the solution suggested here)
This is just a small taste. To have a deeper unferstanding, I recommend reading the rest of the posts on the excellent sober and wise substack and website (shared above), as well as what's shared on my page
Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Absolutely love these ideas and I agree that Capitalism and Nation States have created the complex existential threats we face today. Where I disagree with what I find here is that there is some underlying deep state planning it all. It is evolving from causes and conditions . Those in power and with wealth wish to maintain that , but mostly in separate group levels , for me it is not an organized conspiracy by one secret group of individuals in back rooms. Also creator deity recognition may be inaccurate and irrelevant as a solution. Holism does not require that, There is science suggesting more and more that we are inexorably linked, but even more so the direct experience of "Holism" through contemplative practice is available ...sometimes just spontaneous as well. Conspiracy doesn't work for me. It seems likely that there will be a collapse of systems , but until humans shed some ignorance ( the illusion of being separate and existance of an individual self) I am not hopeful. There will be a great deal of violence from atop down solution and ignorance will resist with all its might. Bottom up awakening seems to me to provide the only course to a future of relative peace and sustainability . Humanity is miles away from that level of awareness. I am observing with great curiosity and do whatever I can to promote kindness. Politically there is a clear choice even though it includes capitalism ,modified as it is ,and a nation state as narcissistic as it is. For now I will compromise towards kindness.
Arjuna, it's not his 'truthfulness' that is a problem here. I also am drawn to Charles' integrity - so far. What's at question, especially now that RFK's own gullibility at taking whatever bait Trump offered him to abandon his own campaign and climb aboard the train of delusion, is his judgment. Charles' idealism made him see RFK as better than he was, and avoid seeing his glaring weaknesses.
- That was a while ago; and now, months later and with much altered circumstances, Charles is still vague on his position regarding his then allegiance to a man who he was willing to promote and lend his name to. For me, sadly, that reduces the value of the Eisenstein name as an endorsement going forward. I'm not sure Charles recognizes the extent to which this has devalued his subsequent pronouncements and promotions, at least for some (including me). Charles is no longer relevant for me.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Hmmm....methinks that this substack is exactly speaking to this question you raise. That it is way too simple to say that Trump is the Worst and not to speak at all to the ills of the Democratic Party (spoken as a former Democrat). It is an understaking of great surprise, in my own experience to cross one's own internal divides (Trump is Terrible, Awful, The WORST ever and RFK Jr is good, wonderful, etc.) and to begin to see beyond those polarities (How CAN we, we cry, bc the TRUTH is that Trump IS Terrible and we have a responsibility to bring him down!!). But this potential merger is making me ask different questions. If energetically, a room rises to meet the highest frequency present, what is possible in the cae of this potential merger that was not possible before???
PS I hear RFK saying that he is doing this out of deep spiritual discernment and the inner clarity he received was heartrending for him but has come with an inner knowing that this is the Path he is being invited to take and that this knowing is sustaining him in this almost unspeakably difficult decision (esp since he had to know that additional heartbreak would come from many followers not understanding his deeper journey). I cannot imagine what courage this has taken to get to this place. Personally, my respect for RFK Jr has risen even more, exactly for the reason that I believe he had to wrestle deeply with the very question being asked here and chose to see beyond the polarities and instead follow his inner compass. Ironically, I think he is being exactly consistent here with previous campaign activities in that the cohesive piece has always been his commitment to keep seeking the Path and then following it as it is shown to him. What made him chose this Path, I think, is exactly why we have come to love and respect him up to this point.
Beautifully said! It is like Charles being present in the JFK campaign, bringing in new ideas and inspiring others to seek a more beautiful world than the one RFK and staffers his campaign might have thought possible. The Dems didn't even want to talk to RFK, whereas Trump was respectful and welcoming, and the Republicans present at the Trump rally were WILDLY enthusiastic. As much as I distrust Trump, I can also can see enormous potential here.
I am actually going to take Kirsten Lee's comment as a support of Keely's comment ...
The time we are living in IS cognitive dissonance! To see what is happening in the world today and knowing that everything must shift... I sense the Charles, JFK Jr, Trump alignment/realignment is I think deeply necessary -- all the old ideas (that had been solidifying over decades, or even millennia) have to be shaken up. Our political systems of structured on one side or the other (the good guys and the bad guys as eth essays says). We have to see that there are no designated Good guys or Bad Guys (no Jedi or Sith) only human beings wrestling with what it is to be human, which is hard at the best of times let alone in a world so contaminated with a destructive story about what we are supposed to be in the eyes of the narrative - cogs in a destructive machine. And we want so much not to see it, all the while it is eating us alive. We just do not want to look at how we are being eaten alive - too much cognitive dissonance.
We are living deep in a time of cognitive dissonance and it is mind numbingly hard to stay open to all possibilities… so much easier to ‘choose a side’ and get on with whatever we were getting on with, even if it is not serving life and Life. But in the end In the end we need somehow to find the line that supports Life and that might no arise for a while and in the meantime we stumble along and take the route that might lead there... it might be a dead-end and we might need to stumble in a new direction yet again, but each stumbling is a growing - if we let it.
Covid times taught me that the bedfellows that I thought were 'on my side' were not (even thought I always stayed at the edge of the bed) and I had to look deeply at what I had thought I was in alignment with and open myself up to others I might have overlooked or indeed dismissed and reconsider everything...
In my perspective it makes no sense to fight over which one of these two abusive mass-murdering billionaire scumbags is better or worse, they're both ruling class scum, given to us by billionaires for billionaires. and if you look at their actions, both of them very clearly work to enrich the 0.1% wealthiest and to cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (the financers of trump and harris) over the many.
Only difference between these pro-billionaire ruling class abusers is that infantile billionaire trump and his deep state israeli billionaire buddies is being propelled by the highly deceptive (and emotionally-manipulative) Qanon/MAGA mythology according to which he is a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'
This is clearly false becasue a clear-headed analysis of ConMan trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is about as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy...
If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days becaise we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his ACTUAL actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
Please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
And here's one example (out of many) of the extreme CRUELTY, IMMORALITY & INHUMANITY of trump's right-wing conservatives and their attack on Americans to enrich the billionaire ruling class (which is what the right-wing always always ALWAYS work for. Always, for centuries, for the narrow interests of the ultra-wealthy.
The entire art of right-wing politics is how to disguise from the majority the FACT that they ALWAYS work to enrich and benefit the narrow interests of the ultra-wealthy and make us vote against our interests. They do it mostly through making us ignorant of what God is and so dividing humanity along religious-tribalist-nationalist lines, pitting us against the other religion-tribe-nation and pretending to be our protectors from "the evil monstrous scary enemies", so that we'll keep having them as our rulers to "protect us". That's how they make sure we keep voting for our ruling class oppressors. Described in detail on this profound essay
Now, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then see
And so, I can't help but wonder if 'the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible' now means the tribalist-religious murderous sectarianism of the GOP billionaires and the life-destroying 'US vs THEM' mentality of trump's zionist psychology.
Does it mean the global militarised empire of the corporate-capitalist billionaires and the military industrial complex which is fully aligned with the trump-zionist poison (the fact that the right-wing DNC corporate-capitalists are also pro-war doesn't make trump and his deep state zionist billionaires any less so. If there's an interest, I can provide numerous examples from his presidency to show that hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling-class billionaire trump is just as pro-war and pro-elite as all mass-murdering presidents before and after him and just like them works to cement the domination of the haves over the have-nots and to make sure that the money creation goes to enrich his buddies the richest 0.1% first and foremost )
I guess it means the technocratic tyranny and surveillance state of Peter Thiel, Musk and the rest of the billionaire transhumanist mafia who are bankrolling Vance and trump (full resources showing all the above are available for anyone interested).
I guess it means the neo-nazi supremacy and genocidal arrogance of the deep state zionist billionaire mass-murderers, torturers and child-abusers (who are the other chief financers of trump and vance, besides the deep state technocratic surveillance capitalists, and besides billionaire evangelical fundamnetalists who want trump to bring the rupture)
I guess it means trump's eliminating of environmental and toxins protections, of worker's protections, of child protections, to let his deep state billionaire buddies fill our food supply, water, air and soil with toxins and squeeze workers to the last drop for their profits. Becasue after all, what significance does people's health and well-being have in comparison to the much more important task of enriching trump's billionaire buddies (by removing all regulations that restrict the sacred "freedom" of trump's billionaire buddies to pursue their "self interest" and pour poisons onto the food, water, air and soil unrestricted, for their greater profits and "prosperity")
Is that what it means Charles?
Are you actually aligned with this anti-life ruling-class billionaire poison? Please say it ain't so 😪
I was first excited about kennedy when you first joined him, but knew he was a false messiah the moment he aligned with the Nazi Zionist supremacist child-abusers, rapists, torturers, mass-murderers and thieves, becasue according to him, the terrorist zionist billionaires advance the "national interests" of the american billionaire's empire in the middle east.. so there's no surprise from kennedy there, he simply joined the zionist billionaire murderers & abusers in supporting trump and his 0.1% ruling class.. but you, Charles? Are you also aligned with this life-destroying Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class billionaire abuse & control?
Are you actually expecting us now to also become dumb gullible Qanon/MAGA deceived conservative fools and scream their manipulative mythology that their mass-murdering pro-billionaire messiah trump is a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'? Is this how dumb you think we are?
PS. Just to clarify, when writing 'right wing' above I am referring to both the GOP & DNC corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class abusers. I am NOT endorsing the right-wing corporate-capitalist pro-zionist DNC when I am pointing out the anti-life poison of trump and his deep state billionaires' global militarized empire of right-wing greed, murder, hierarchy and domination
PPS. I had the label 'Jewish' placed on me at birth, so if you're replying please don't start with the whole "you're an antisemite" automatic knee-jerk reaction. Zionism is Nazism (not my definition but the definition of Jewish holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer) and supremacist nazi zionist billionaire child-abusers are 100% pushing their guy trump into the white house supporting this ruling-class billionaire scum in any way possible, both as his chief financial backers and with massive Qanon/MAGA deceptive propaganda). Zionism does NOT make Jews safe, but exactly to the contrary (see my profile for more details or I can explain more in a separate comment).
The trick that the God-forgetting Zionist billionaire predators use to deceive americans is that they massively fund and push religious-tribalist hatred (i can explain in detail exactly what they do to push this, including numerous terror attacks that they carry out under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism', links available), so as to get heavily-propagamdized conservatives to cheer for their land-theft, torture, abuse, mass-murder, genocide and erasure of the local people (local people whom the trump-funding zionist billionaires make sure to dehumanize and to portray to you as less than human and threatening)
Hi there, thank you for reaching out and for the interest. Lovely to receive. I'd be happy to share further resources with you, however to be completely honest there is a lot on my plate at the moment and I simply don't have the time. But i promise that I will get back to you as soon as i can to share resources 🙏 'till soon..
For me, it feels hard to know. This might really be RFK's true Path, and, I know from personal experience how sneaky the ego can be at disguising itself as the inner compass! I've worked with folks with addictions who talk about experiencing "inner peace" when they take another hit of their drug of choice, and who are convinced they're doing it out of deep spiritual discernment. Maybe, or maybe not. Maybe this was the courageous decision for RFK, or maybe the most courageous decision would have been to let go of being at the center of attention and controversy in this election -- which can be the actual hardest thing for some public figures. I'm not saying that's the case one way or another, I will never know his truth. I guess all I can do is to listen, the best I can, to my own inner compass, knowing it's going to be imperfect too!
One of the markers of spiritual discernment (vs. ego-led decision) that I see here is how difficult this decision appears to have been for RFK Jr, yet despite that difficulty he appears to have a genuine inner peace in the midst of it all; i.e., it sounds very much like this decision is NOT something he would have chosen, that it involves deep sacrifices. I'm guessing that, to the contrary, the folks with drug addictions you are speaking of were quite "happy" to take the drug of their choice at the moment and that it did not feel like sacrifice? Trying to genuinely tease out the differences here since I think you make a true and important point that ego can disguise itself in many ways.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Why is t the worst terrible ever !?! He's not. He's saved so many lives , is for free speech , wants and always wanted people to stop dying. Is clear communicator. Is anti terrorism of whatever firm that takes. He's exposed ds. etc. Is that because some M16 CIA accusations on him stuck because of "keep them stupid " mockingbird? Or is that he was for ivermectin and light and or alkaline injections into blood ? (All of which are a resounding success and I've tried: UCL hospital St Thomas London 2012. Had my blood replaced by spinach for a day or 2!! :) so glad I did that. Man please take a look at the Isis P2P of the dnc and all it's peadophila and child abuse!! Pitty that was criminalised to be talked about !!) . Anyway. Peace.
To answer your question, please see my two long detailed comments above (or below, depending on how your comment view is set up) where i showed in detail exactly how the trump deception (and the obama deception) is used by the elite to hijack and neutralize our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, how it is used to further enrich themselves and to cement their hierarchical structure of brutal domination & control of the few ultra-rich over the many (all done through selling us the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" by cheering for the FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us. Please see full details of how this is done in my other two comments)
Besides the above, to learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts
And here (i would only add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just their vehicle representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah which they dress up 'man of the people who really really loves you and cares about you and wants to help you fight the deep state', a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Also highly recommend this profound essay (which IMHO is a must-read) for every human on the planet) which shows you in detail the exact trick that tue ruling class play on us again and again to make sure we keep voting for our oppressors
Besides all the mountains of evidence above (and in my two other detailed comments), let me just add that trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandizwd people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think that he will act any differently this time? Because the mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god" and "patriotism" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes agaimst humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized unontelligent deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservatives followers will still worship him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this funded-by-the-public coup and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire (while believing that they are sticking it to the man), into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
The trump deception (along with the musk deception) is a classic textbook example of how the ruling class billionaires hijack and neutralize the masses' anger and desire for change, how the elite funnel these potentianally revolutionary energies (that might have unseated them from power over us if they weren't hijacked and neutralized) funnel them into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam-release safety valve that is falsely presented to us as an "anti-elite-rebel", while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined fairytales, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class theft, abuse and domination over the many (mountains of evidence above and in my other two comments)
Plenty more to say but space is finished here. Again, besides the resources here please also see my two other comments
Goodness. Sorry, but that is high-level mental gymnastics to justify the worst decisions and behavior. I don't have to demonise Trump--actually, I rather feel sorry for him--but I do listen when he says exactly what he will do. Better an imperfect democracy than a mean-spirited tyranny. RFK playing Trump's lapdog ain't gonna change a thing. Look up 'Quisling'.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the spot and always sees the picture correctly is to make them into a god and to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what the inversion is). We are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i emplore to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheeting for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder realirce-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychological inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's flase messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you"). And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", as long they can hijack and funnel your desire for change into him..
As for rfk, i don't know if he's blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of the american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches aboit the "need" for american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global Militarized Empire in the history of mankind existing solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom Love and Prosperity"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking the billionaire empire's targets is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
This is one of the most common stratrgies they play on us, to accomish that
Beautifully said and I couldn’t agree more. I think those of us on a spiritual journey understand the courage and humility this decision took. I also admire and respect RFK even more now and I continue to trust him. In all the years I have followed him closely, he has never let me down, only my government and former Democrat party have done that. I choose to continue to trust and hope that this unification will serve a higher purpose and good for all. I loved the story, it’s a perfect allegory and a great read, thank you Charles.
The fact RFK is with Trump is not the question! The question is why a life long democrat and one of his lineage made such a public stance? This say's that the current democratic party is the issue. That is what folks do not want to delve into. The focus is on Trump! The focus should be on policy. As Kennedy said at the DNC they brought up Trump 147 times. At RNC he said they brought up Biden four times! The question is why would he do it? People asking the wrong question!
The Republicans mentioned Biden almost 400 times at the RNC. If you would like proof just watch Newt Gringrich's RNC speech, he mentions Biden at least eight times. RFK's claim that they only mentioned Biden twice is just incorrect.
I listen to Sam Harris a lot and respect both his integrity and his research. He gave specific examples of RFK's dishonesty and why he is off base in his thinking as well. Of course Sam is a scientist and philosopher and a right of center liberal on most issues. Sam could not be considered main stream media by any stretch of the imagination. I have also listened to some of the main stream and your bias towards that source is quite clear and of course the neocons they would be spreading disinformation too.
FYI ~ Sam came out against RFK last year in such a negative way, so dissonant to my own view, that it turned me off to him. Almost 100% of the comments had trouble with what he said as well. He's only one of many I listened to, these "experts", commentators, etc. that were echoing the prevailing narrative coming down from on high.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
If Charles is still supporting RFK through RFK's deference to Trump, he owes us all an explanation, since this article decries the very basis of Trump's public presentation: denial and projection.
But that’s exactly what he said at the beginning of this writing: it’s a political allegory. The article does not decry Trumps public presentation, it warns against the fallacy of good/evil and how that compromises us all.
What’s interesting to me is that I read the story differently: to me it would seem the Democratic Party has become Jedi. They truly believe they are all good, they are on “the right side of history,” their opponent is a uniquely irredeemable “threat to our democracy.” There is a massive lack of self reflection.
Let’s not let the message go over our heads. It’s bigger than Trump is evil or the democrats are evil.
I recognized a long time ago that under the right circumstances any, and I do mean any, human being is capable of the worst atrocities imaginable. Let us not imagine ourselves as separate from the rest of humanity. We are all fallible. We all falter. We are all capable of love.
Where one person sees denial and projection I wonder if we can encourage a turning around of the mirror and reflecting where your own being contains those things as well.
What you mentioned here (dnc portrayed as jedi and trump as sith) might have been true in 2016, but that's completely turned on its head now. Today the majority of americans (and almost all of heavily-propagandized and deceived conservatives) have bought into the Qanon/MAGA deception (the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING) and see the dnc as the evil empire and trump as an 'anti-elite rebel' and 'man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy'. In my two long detailed comments above (or below, depending on how your comment view is set up), i showed in detail exactly how the trump deception (and the obama deception) is used by the elite to hijack and neutralize our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, how they hijack and funnel our desire for change to bring us right back into empire's fold, by providing us with FALSE MESSIAHS who they dress up as 'anti-elite-rebels' and who IN REALITY don't bring any real change but exactly the opposite - further enrich the ultra-rich and cement their hierarchical structure of brutal domination & control of the few ultra-rich over the many (all done through selling us the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" by cheering for the FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us. Please see full details of how this is done in my other two comments)
Besides the above, to learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him that now casts him as the righteous jedi in the allegory) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts that examine the MAGA/Qanon deceptive narrative)
And here (i would only add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just their vehicle representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah which they dress up 'man of the people who really really loves you and cares about you and wants to help you fight the deep state', a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
And here about trump's 6 trillion dollar corona giveaway to his billionaire buddies the 0.1%, the very people who oppress and screw us constantly
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Also highly recommend this profound essay (which IMHO is a must-read for every human on the planet) which shows you in detail the exact trick that the ruling class play on us again and again to make sure we keep voting for our oppressors (becasue of being made to believe that they are our protectors for the big evil monstrous scary boogeyman enemies. Full details here)
Besides all the mountains of evidence above (and in my two other detailed comments), let me just add that trump was already president once. And need I remind us all that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind us all that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency, literally run by israel), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of anti-life deep state billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes any of us think that he will act any differently this time? Why would he? Because the mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god" and "patriotism" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded a coup in Bolivia (which means, used our money to fund it) so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that propagandized unintelligent deceived conservatives will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservatives followers will still love him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this funded-by-the-public coup and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags, but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire, into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
In my perspective it makes no sense to fight over which one of these abusive mass-murdering billionaire scumbags is better or worse, they're both scum, given to us by billionaires for billionaires. and if you look at their actions, both of them very clearly work to enrich the 0.1% wealthiest and to cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (the financers of trump and harris) over the many.
Only difference is that trump is being propelled by the highly deceptive (and emotionally-manipulative) Qanon/MAGA mythology according to which he is a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'
This is clearly false becasue a clear-headed analysis of trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is about as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy...
If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days since we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his actual actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
Please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, biden, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
Now, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then see
And so, I can't help but wonder if 'the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible' now means the tribalist-religious murderous sectarianism of the GOP billionaires and the life-destroying 'US vs THEM' mentality of trump's zionist psychology.
Does it mean the global militarised empire of the corporate-capitalist billionaires and the military industrial complex which is fully aligned with the trump-zionist poison (the fact that the right-wing DNC corporate-capitalists are also pro-war doesn't make trump and his deep state zionist billionaires any less so. If there's an interest, I can provide numerous examples from his presidency to show that hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling-class billionaire trump is just as pro-war and pro-elite as all mass-murdering presidents before and after him and just like them works to cement the domination of the haves over the have-nots and to make sure that the money creation goes to enrich his buddies the richest 0.1% first and foremost )
I guess it means the technocratic tyranny and surveillance state of Peter Thiel, Musk and the rest of the billionaire transhumanist mafia who are bankrolling Vance and trump (full resources showing all the above are available for anyone interested).
I guess it means the neo-nazi supremacy and genocidal arrogance of the deep state zionist billionaire mass-murderers, torturers and child-abusers (who are the other chief financers of trump and vance, besides the deep state technocratic surveillance capitalists, and besides billionaire evangelical fundamnetalists who want trump to bring the rupture)
I guess it means trump's eliminating of environmental and toxins protections, of worker's protections, of child protections, to let his deep state billionaire buddies fill our food supply, water, air and soil with toxins and squeeze workers to the last drop for their profits. Becasue after all, what significance does people's health and well-being have in comparison to the much more important task of enriching trump's billionaire buddies (by removing all regulations that restrict the sacred "freedom" of trump's billionaire buddies to pursue their "self interest" and pour poisons onto the food, water, air and soil unrestricted, for their greater profits and "prosperity")
Is that what it means Charles?
Are you actually aligned with this anti-life ruling-class billionaire poison? Please say it ain't so 😪
I was first excited about kennedy when you first joined him, but knew he was a false messiah the moment he aligned with the Nazi Zionist supremacist child-abusers, rapists, torturers, mass-murderers and thieves, becasue according to him, the terrorist zionist billionaires advance the "national interests" of the american billionaire's empire in the middle east.. so there's no surprise from kennedy there, he simply joined the zionist billionaire murderers & abusers in supporting trump and his 0.1% ruling class.. but you, Charles? Are you also aligned with this life-destroying Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class billionaire abuse & control?
Are you actually expecting us now to also become dumb gullible Qanon/MAGA deceived conservative fools and scream their manipulative mythology that their mass-murdering pro-billionaire messiah trump is a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'? Is this how dumb you think we are?
PS. Just to clarify, when writing 'right wing' above I am referring to both the GOP & DNC corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class abusers. I am NOT endorsing the right-wing corporate-capitalist pro-zionist DNC when I am pointing out the anti-life poison of trump and his deep state billionaires' global militarized empire of right-wing greed, murder, hierarchy and domination
PPS. I had the label 'Jewish' placed on me at birth, so if you're replying please don't start with the whole "you're an antisemite" automatic knee-jerk reaction. Zionism is Nazism (not my definition but the definition of holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer) and it's 100% fully behind trump, supporting this ruling-class billionaire scum in any way possible. Both financially and with massive Qanon/MAGA deceptive propaganda). Zionism does NOT make Jews safe, but exactly to the contrary (see my profile for more details or I can explain more in a separate comment).
The trick that the God-forgetting Zionist billionaire predators use to deceive conservatives is that they massively fund and push religious-tribalist hatred (i can explain in detail exactly what they do to push this, including numerous terror attacks that carry out under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism'), so as to get conservatives to cheer for their land-theft, torture, abuse, mass-murder, genocide and erasure of the local people (local people whom the trump-funding zionist billionaires make sure to dehumanize and to portray to you as less than human and threatening)
Why don't we all vote for someone outside the two-party duopoly? Dr. Jill Stein won't tarnish your good conscience when you vote for her. The MSM suppresses voices of conscience and truth. We don't have to help them. We can send a message, to TPTB, and to each other, as to just how many we really are. I'd like to know that. I'd like to see the vote tally of tens of millions of votes for Stein. Some say it's a waste, but voting for one of the major party candidates is worse than a waste.
Thhak you. If you have an interest for serious engagement with your reply (that is, if it isn't just a pull and shoot from the waistline to offload quick vacuous slogans) then you'll need to explain and back up what you are saying, as i did in my comment (and I can provide plenty more evidence if desired. I didn't provode more because of space limits here).
Otherwise, if you are not looking for serious engagement but just wanted to offload, then all i can do is thank you for the reply and give you back the same vacuous token slogan you gave me "you are oversimplifying and glossing".. So there, now my ego feels much better...
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
and rude, frantic people demanding from him urgent "explanation" of his position etc etc it does not sit well with me. the narrow mind of so many commenters, the ego wars taking place, "the revenge" etc...
so, yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
you seem to be coming from a place of excessive emotion. maybe grappling a bit with your own shadow? charles hasn’t shared about his family situation. how do you think he feels about you sharing that? how would you feel about other people sharing your personal pain? charles has put this essay and therefore his opinions out into a public forum on which commenting is allowed. commenting with which you do not agree will happen. that is how a public forum should work. i commend substack, charles, and his assistants for not censoring. simmer down kettle.
You obviously entirely missed the point of this post. I find that the older generations are having a really hard time coming to term with the amount of propaganda in the political system. There is a whole hell of a lot more nuance than people are allowing themselves to see.
I had thought you were way off on this assessment until I talked to some of my boomer friends and found they were Harris supporters spouting legacy media "data."
No he hasn't (lost any credibility). I'll speak in uga cave man deplorable speak , secretaries fast hand and crude notes form as There's little time and these are complex deep subjects: Trump-blacks 100% . more than biden DNC drug dealers/degenerates. There a difference. Trump no war, biden , Kam & Nancy DNC lots of war !! Man , why is anyone who articulates remotely on subject that includes trump , they "risk loosing all credibility!?!?!" . What is this ?? This is facsist (and not to mention attempt at projecting shivery elitism on subject , by people who when they do I sense and say to myself there & then : "right , that's a hypocrite, or a deeply unlived human being . Or someone whose never ever stopped themselves so low as to just get a job done !! " Lost any credibility my arse. No one because they touch a subject your uncomfortable with or don't like for any reason looses credibility (unless they are promoting or word-sakading terrorism , of which alot of that is done over at the dnc). And as for big tech big $ DNC fake news (duh . COVID 1984 & yes operation mockingbird (as well as bread & circuses ) is still used & at play. As my fellow trumpers might say : wake up.
Obama. Libia, & his admin p2p-ing with Isis (at the same time it was fully well known to them what Isis was doing to yazidees & Kurds !) . Id call those wars , wouldn't you !?!?
The TDS is strong with this one. Your answers are the point of this entire piece if you can escape your fixed preconceptions and read it as it is meant.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
Charles is a man with family, his father in law has just died...
and rude, frantic people demanding from him urgent "explanation" of his position etc etc it does not sit well with me. the narrow mind of so many commenters, the ego wars taking place, "the revenge" etc...
so, yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Charles, while I appreciate your skill for crafting allegory, it really seems like you are attempting to dodge the proverbial bullet here and not speaking your truth from the heart on the matter at hand. I and many of your readers would appreciate a more tangible statement about RFK and your involvement with him moving forward.
He says in his intro to this piece that he is working on an article about Kennedy’s alliance with Trump. I am guessing that piece will include more tangible statements beyond this allegory.
I think RFK is putting himself wherever he can, (due to being completely squeezed out by dems and media), to effect what he genuinely deeply desires. And that is to improve the health of the nation and its children. Without that America is doomed - fact. I don't like his stance on Israel or that he was forced into going with Trump but I absolutely admire him for risking everything, including the opinions of his family (who mercilessly threw their family member under the bus, regardless of their agreeing with him or not) and his wife (who had the grace to NOT publicly throw him under the bus) We can't play god and assume what will come of this. Perhaps he will be a positive influence on Trump - perhaps not, he may be thrown under the bus by Trump too, but I love that he is willing to risk it. I am so glad Bobby entered this arena - he is a chance at shaking up the old duopoly even while seeming to go within it. Just as Trump was not a likeable person to me in any way shape or form, he played his role perfectly as a disruptor in 2016 - the beginning of the fall of a very old stuck and corrupt system. Who knows where it might go now? I'm feeling incredibly hopeful - there are much greater forces at play here...
From what I’ve seen RFK jr is a man of the highest integrity. To the point where he will throw himself under the bus for the opportunity to make change. I mean honestly. They are going to eviscerate him in the media with nothing off limits. And he is a man with a past, no doubt. He has real courage.
Agree 💯. I have also recently heard Trump supporters say Trump truly is anti-establishment but he chose to work within the existing party system to effect change. And that he was too naive and trusted the wrong people the first time around and he learned his lesson. Bobby and we gave it our all as independents, but clearly the DNC isn’t having any part of serious third party challenges to their power structure. So, teaming with Trump and risking everything to move his vision forward is the next best thing he can do. I respect him even more for having the courage and humility to reach across the divide to begin the healing, as was his motto. As Ireland learned in their journey to peace and unity, it takes sacrifice and working with people you don’t want to work with to realize that vision. God bless and continue to guide Bobby and may Trump be open to Bobby’s wisdom, advice and leadership.
OK, George Lucas. We all are a composite of positive and negative energies, creation/destruction, life/death, good/evil. But to use a fun but childish allegory to justify yourself and by extension your former presidential candidate's support of Trump is shameful. Sure, Trump is a champion of environmental causes, truly interested in the working man, not at all a dishonest. sociopath scamming billionaire. The emperor in the saga was actually Jesus' shadow...
Yes, this essay feels like a clever piece of misdirection. Rather than acknowledging the massive fucking elephant in the room. Your guy sold out to a grifter for a comfortable job. Exactly what Connor Roy does in Succession in fact, and he's a laughing stock. I don't like to be so harsh but yes, c'mon, and let's ditch the philosophising for once and be real. Just admit you made a mistake. We all do it.
As allegory, yes one can find good and evil, shadow and light, on all sides.
Are you using this allegory to rationalize RFK Jr's choice to align with Trump and the Maga movement? Sorry, nice try, but this doesn't quite cut it.
RFK Jr has completely lost credibility with me in making the choice to support Trump. If you are rationalizing and supporting him with this decision, you have also lost credibility with me.
Such a shame, as your voice and his voice have been supportive and helpful in clarifying my own thinking over these past few years.
There's so much more to be said, but I will leave it here.
Great insights. But now have to tell us, which character is Trump, which is RFK, and which is Kamala? Only kidding, that would completely negate the whole point of your article.
I do think you make a good point, in that RFK too realises the light and dark within all of us. I've tried to fault the guy for acting in his own self-interest, but I genuinely think he is acting in the best interests of American children (especially) and their families. And of course, I genuinely believe he cares about the environment too. He has the skills and the nous to navigate the White House I'm sure, and I hope he will be able to follow through on his policies.
It's a pity he has to sip on some snake oil with the likes of Trump and no doubt the Koch brothers - wow, that's gonna be a rough meeting - but I figure he has the cahones to stick to his principles and fight for what he believes is right. That's rare - and it needs to be protected and supported.
For me his move to join Trump is about being inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in! As he said, he's got at most a decade to effect real change and I reckon he can do a lot of influencing inside the tent. But Kennedy is also not stupid - one assumes that he has something firm (hopefully in writing) from Trump that will give him his patch of ground to fight from....
Ahhhhh, what if RFK could be some heroic infiltrator to scramble some brains…or trigger new synapses…inside the Trumpian circus tent? I’m sure many insiders won’t know what to do with him beyond their motif of self-gain and manipulation. What if RFK is jumping in to create some new confusion or fusion…lighting a fuse?!..none of us can foresee, including himself…as what does he have to lose at this juncture?
Stay tuned for the exciting next adventure of this most fantastic story as it continues to unfold before our unbelieving eyes and imagination. I don’t know who’s potentially writing this stranger-than-fiction script, but I choose to imagine a new story beyond good & evil, us vs them. How about a reenchantment of and for our planet? 👏🤩🙏🏻
Ha, ha. That's entirely possible. RFK leads with action and no matter what our personal beliefs may be, and how much media hype is spun, action always wins out in the long run..... “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs.
So many people missing the point. It’s not that Trump is so good or bad, it’s that liberals project all the”bad” on him and so miss their own shadows. Same as conserves.
RFK's campaign was a sham, diverting "resistance" energy away from rebellion and back into the welcoming arms of the Deep State. Trump is no more anti-establishment than Mike Pompeo. All of these compromised politicians are just soaking up peoples' attention and money, and preventing any meaningful change.
Our capitalistic culture is about to undergo much needed great changes in the coming years. But you and RFK’s support of Trump is delusional if you think he’s fighting for anything else but himself. I’d say he’s the Emperor, consumed by his very dark unconscious shadows. RFK says he’s concerned for our children. What has MAGA done for them? Voted no on feeding poor kids no on education. Banning books. Supporting Putin who kidnapped over 100,000 children for Russia’s kiddie porn industry? He’ll never change trumps conscience. It’s delusional to think he will.
I think it would be helpful for you to make a clear determination of how you see Trump in terms of this mythological perspective. Do you think he has the self- knowledge which you ascribe to the Sith? I sense you have gone too far down the ‘Insidious path’ and are now trying to justify your position. One of the great things about the Sith is the ability to say I may be wrong and to repent. The true meaning of repentance is to change direction.
I don’t think we need another hero - neither Kamala or Trump or Kennedy.
Maybe the real revolution is not allowing the hero archetype to become Americanised as a reality show.
"I sense you have gone too far down the ‘Insidious path’ and are now trying to justify your position."
The whole essay reads like something written for a different occasion, and he just dusted it off and grafted it onto the RFK. Jr. situation even though it doesn't really fit -- I saw the original Star Wars only so I have no idea what all this Sith stuff (I guess from the prequels/sequels?) is supposed to signify.
no I don't think Trump has the self-knowledge to this point anyway - but who knows what a brush with death can do to a person - I never write-off the possibility of a Damascus moment for anyone! And perhaps RFKs influence and thoughtfulness will rub off somewhat.
I am a lifelong Democrat. COVID times led to me lean more independent. I found RFK Jr and felt invigorated by a politician's message for the first time in ages. Now I plan to vote Trump (while holding my nose). To me, it is bigger than Trump v. Harris. It is a vote for hope, that Trump honors his commitment to Bobby, that, together they help fix the poisons in our water, food, and air. I am ready to lay down my grievances with Trump for a greater good.
Trump is just a conman, looking out for himself. He is only using Bobby. And Bobby should know better than to be used by Trump. He eats junk food, and so how can he possibly care about all the stuff about processed food? RFK is not that stupid. He must have some hope that he can influence Trump. But I can't see how to influence narcissists. They are not influenceable.
That is courage. I am not there yet. As of this moment in time I plan to vote for Jill. Not because I believe she will win, but to use my vote as an expression of my voice.
RFK's endorsement speech "gave me permission" to go over to the "dark side of the force" (If you haven't watched it in full, you need to do so). Back in June'23, I was bemused by RFK's fanatical support for Israel (when he threw Roger Waters under the bus). Since Oct 7th, I've been demoralized by RFK's support for turning Gaza into a desert and calling it peace.
Trump is an egotistical, narcissitic ass. But, he likes to make deals and I believe (despite his bombastic rhetoric) he would be a better bet to avoid WW3 in Ukraine or the Middle East (remember, during his administration, he stepped back from the brink of war in Syria & Iran) and bring an end to the Gaza horror show. Others have made this argument in more detail (see Triti Parsi's recent interview on Brianna Joy Gray's "Bad Faith" podcast and Scott Ritter's substack).
If I didn't live in the swing state of Michigan, I'd vote for Jill Stein in a heartbeat (last week, I saw her speak at a rally with "Workers Strike Back)." She is sincere and right on nearly all issues. Previously, I always voted for Perot or Nader or Stein. I knocked on hundreds of doors for the Bernie campaign in '16 & '20. But, in '20, I held my nose and voted for Biden (who I supposed was the "lesser evil").
This year, I'll hold my nose and mark my ballot for Trump. Not for the man or the Republican party. RFK is full of BS on Israel, but he has been right on vaccine safety and industrial state censorship that is smothering our democracy. I will vote for the hope & chance (IF, as RFK noted, Trump keeps his word "this time") FOR peace and FOR RFK to attempt to "make America healthy again."
I appreciate your commitment to peace! Just some food for thought on Trump's under-reported military record:
In Afghanistan, Trump substantially upped the amount of airstrikes, leading to a 330 percent increase in civilian deaths. In Yemen, he escalated both U.S. counterterrorism activities and support for the devastating Saudi-led war against the Houthis. According to the United Kingdom’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were 2,243 drone strikes in just the first two years of Trump’s presidency, compared with 1,878 in the entire eight years of the Obama administration.
Trump also came very close to tweeting the country into a nuclear war with North Korea in late 2017 and early 2018, a completely self-inflicted incident that seems to have been bizarrely memory-holed. According to former Pentagon official and Asia security expert Van Jackson, who wrote a book about the crisis, “The world was closer … to nuclear war, at that time than any time, since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And it was totally avoidable.”
The list goes on: Trump put the U.S. on a path to “great-power competition” with China, incited a failed coup in Venezuela, and increased support for reckless, repressive clients around the world. Indeed, Trump was seen as such a dangerous interventionist that Congress passed the first war powers resolution in history to try to end his support for the Yemen war. Less than a year later, Congress passed a second resolution to brush him back from a potential war with Iran after he OK’d the assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Qassem Soleimani. Both measures passed with Republican support, making opposition to Trump’s militarism one of the very few areas of bipartisan agreement during his administration.
Trump’s defenders praise him for demanding that NATO allies meet their spending obligations, but of course, he’s not the first to do that. Indeed, Trump’s argument against NATO and other partners, such as South Korea, was that they should pay up for the protection racket. Parenti noted that in a summer 2017 meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Trump “demanded to know why the United States wasn’t receiving free oil from the Middle East. ‘We spent $7 trillion; they’re ripping us off. … Where is the fucking oil?’” Trump repeated this in October 2019, telling a meeting of police chiefs that “we’re keeping the oil” in northeastern Syria, where U.S. troops were deployed.
Thank you. Some of the responses here show that Kennedy supporters are as delusional as Trumpists. Unfortunately with modern politics, we are always having to vote for the less worse. Money rules, politicians bobey for the most part. As I tell my right wing leaning mother, I choose those who care for the poor and working class. Right wingers convenient amnesia allows them to say they are with the working man. They forget the mass exodus of jobs during "Saint" Reagan's administration and the beginning of the destruction of our educational system. Dems are in bed with big money, yes, it's politics, always corrupt. But at least we get some funds to help those who need it.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I don't have the knowledge to knowledgeably respond to all the examples you mentioned. However, the US has been on a "path to “great-power competition” with China since about 2009 and the failed coup in Venezuela had bi-partisan support. My recollection is that Trump chose not to go to war with Iran over the downing of a US Drone or in Syria after the false flag gas attacks in Douma.
Last go round, Trump hired a bunch of neo-con whack jobs like Bolton and Pompano to guide his foreign policy. My HOPE is that he may have learned not to rely on the neo-cons and that input by RFK, Tulsi, etc. may lead to saner decisions in a potential new Trump administration.
I doubt Harris's foreign policy will differ from the Biden administration. A "forever war" in Ukraine literally poking the Russian bear and continued genocide in Gaza. My point was that I think Trump will better than Harris on war. Not because he's a nice guy, but because he's not an ideologue and not an empty shell like Harris who will go along with whatever policy her neocon advisors suggest. I know what we will get will Harris; with Trump, there's the possibility of something better.
Thank you for this! The divisions and hatred and self-righteousness in politics is deeply destructive, on all "sides". No politician will be our savior at this point. We must take responsibility. We are seeing it right in front of our eyes, and soon there will be no turning back. The phoenix has lit her nest, combustion is on its way. We will be in the soup of the dark and light and the collapse that will be required whether we like it or not. Maybe when it all burns down, we yet again can recreate something so much better. I believe we truly are capable of that, where love prevails. Unless we don't learn, and repeat the cycle yet again...
If I had the opportunity to teach/lead/help the country/world and it involved working with someone or something with whom I disagreed with on many other levels, I would hope I had the courage and maturity to do so. This is how real change and building bridges happens. Not waiting for "my team" to be "in charge." May the heart be with you!
Charles, every since Covid, you have been a calming, steady voice of reason that has literally helped me hang onto my sanity. My sentiments for you, and how you process, and share remain solid and full of love. I do look forward to hearing more about your thoughts and feelings regarding RFK’s decision. Sending much love and many Blessings to you Charles.
What I always appreciate about your essays is the challenge they issue to suspend what I think I know and wander into the nuance of those beliefs. As the Buddha was but a pointing finger, and Jesus leads to belief in a higher kingdom, suspending the dumbed down beliefs that fill my mind to see the truth is helpful. Thank you.
What makes this obviously propaganda is that, despite claiming there are no heroes and villains, the speaker tells a story in which all evils were perpetrated by the other side, while his own is entirely blameless. I hope that's deliberate...
Are you still with RFK Jr, now that he's supporting Trump? If so, how do you justify this? Trump is the most vivid presentation of denial/projection in our lifetimes, embodying all the corruption and misleading that he attributes to those who he dislikes. You have a huge audience, and a responsibility to them and to these times to clarify your support of RFK's support of Trump, or lack thereof. I hope you're on it and up to it, because you have already lost huge credibility and risk losing more.
Charles' "credibility" has never been, for me, about what side or who he supports. Rather, it is his voicing of a truthfulness that I recognize within my own heart and my own life, and which leaves me to abide in that truthfulness and allow it to guide me in my judgements, not of good and evil, but which direction might be most beautiful and whole.
Regardless of all your admiration of Charles, this is what Charles wrote in a previous column: "I believe that if either of the other two viable candidates, Trump or Biden, win a second term, it will be a catastrophe for this country and, by extension, for the world." That was his then vigorously stated opinion. Therefore it's legitimate to wonder how he feels now about RFK Jr.'s recent public endorsement of Trump, considering Charles himself had declared a second Trump presidency would be a "catastrophe.... for the world." Does he still feel that way? Does he agree or disagree with RFK's decision? It's a legitimate question.
It does feel fair to wonder that, but to hinge his credibility on his own position in regards to that question (or anyone else's, for that matter), does not. I hope that makes sense! I'm not trying to be snarky. I rarely ever participate in online chats like these (this is the first time I've posted on Substack, as far as I can remember) as it hard to have a human conversation, with affect and sensitivity to the other.
Look, just because you hero worship the guy doesn't mean anyone else is obligated to. He's just a person, who sometimes says perceptive things and sometimes doesn't. He's not God, he's a writer and commentator who sometimes hits the bull's eye with his writing, and other times misses the dartboard altogether. And yes, he does frequently resort to mental gymnastics to avoid stating his positions plainly and forthrightly. This is not profundity, it's obfuscation.
Hmm… I don’t believe we’re having a genuine conversation here (I guess that’s barely possible on an online message platform). i wish you well!
Arjuna, just want to commend you for your comment, which felt to me to be stated both sincerely and humbly -- simply giving your perspective. I really appreciated the respectfulness of your tone. So just to encourage you not to be discouraged by any responses that might seem less than charitable in tone. Your energy and tone feel strong and clear to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the money and always sees the picture correctly is to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what that is). IMO we are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i implore you to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheeting for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder realirce-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the clever& cunning fascist billionaires in power have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychologocal inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's flase messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you". And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "real change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite". As long as you invest your desire for change into him..
As for rfk specifically, i don't know if he's being blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of rhe american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches aboit the "need" for american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global Militarized Empire in the history of mankind existing solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom Love and Prosperity"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking tje billionaire empire's targets in the name of jesus is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
Here's one of the most common tricks they play on us to accompliish that
Space finished
He already lost credibility when he carried on supporting Kennedy after his support of Israel.
tribalistic othodoxy not super nuanced
not seeing the forrest for the trees
did you read the essay (above)?
did you reflect on it? please yourself a favour
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Decisions to support the Kennedy campaign covered in nuance? The writer not seeing the forest for the trees? Or is nothing real anymore and we can do the hell we want as long as it's covered in nuance!
things are not strictly black or white
things are not "red or blue"
try to see it
do not oversimplify
why are you doing it...
why is supporting rfk jnr "not real anymore"
nuanced does not equal "not real", understand?
sorry but you do not make sense
supporting Kennedy CAN be nuanced
many choices and decisions in life CAN be nuanced
Your comment is so simplistic that I dont know what to say...
We need to support love through forgiveness instead of supporting states.
I'm not so sure I can continue holding him in high regard until and unless he addresses this very issue directly. Ie, without out clever mental gymnastics and $20 words.
Always good to examine why I hold people in high regard, and examine what it means about myself. I think this is a good and healthy impulse.
you people are super judgmental
rushing to condemn
urgency to humiliate
urgency to crush
anger steaming out of your nostrils
not seeing the forrest for the trees
did you read the essay (above)?
did you reflect on it?????????????????????? at all??????.......
please do...
do yourself a favour
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Please be more respectful!
I can understand how Charles felt. I felt the same way because the uniparty as it stands today needs to be dismantled. RFK Jr. offered another path and hoped to make meaningful change to the current power structure. The fact that he is teaming up with Trump and other former Dems in a unity party means that meaningful change will still be made because RFK will likely have a significant role in personnel appointments and unraveling the corruption and corporate capture of agencies. Trump and his party are vehicles to effect change. I trust RFK and am supporting him and this Unity party. The alternative is as unacceptable as ever.
Thank you! I couldn't have said it better💛
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the spot and always sees the picture correctly is to make them into a god and to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what the inversion is). We are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i emplore to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheering for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder resource-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like")..
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychologocal inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's false messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you". And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "real change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", and as long as you invest your desire for change into him..
As for rfk specifically, i don't know if he's being blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of the american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches about the "need" for "american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global militarized empire in the history of mankind, that exists solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom & Love"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking the billionaire empire's targets is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
Here's one way they play this trick on us
Hmm and the solution ?
I have suggestions, not solutions. With your permision I won't go here into the more psychological aspects of the solution (who might actually be the most important aspects) because that is far beyond the scope of the space allotted for a reply here and will require a whole book in order to go into genuinely. So here i will just stay in the more superficial and practical levels and will say that in my perspective (which is of course only partial, and therefore limited, as all perspectives are) the solution starts first with understanding what we are dealing with (which i tried to do in my reply to Petra Rosemarie above, although it was also in a very condensced form and there's plenty more to say about it, some of it is detailed in the things shared on my page), and then, what i view as the most sane logical practical human-based beneficial solution can be seen in the following essays Highly recommend looking at the rest of this very wise substack for more details
And hear directly what a debate with Mr. Billionaire sounds like (an anti-egalitarian who strongly opposes the solution suggested here)
This is just a small taste. To have a deeper unferstanding, I recommend reading the rest of the posts on the excellent sober and wise substack and website (shared above), as well as what's shared on my page
Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Absolutely love these ideas and I agree that Capitalism and Nation States have created the complex existential threats we face today. Where I disagree with what I find here is that there is some underlying deep state planning it all. It is evolving from causes and conditions . Those in power and with wealth wish to maintain that , but mostly in separate group levels , for me it is not an organized conspiracy by one secret group of individuals in back rooms. Also creator deity recognition may be inaccurate and irrelevant as a solution. Holism does not require that, There is science suggesting more and more that we are inexorably linked, but even more so the direct experience of "Holism" through contemplative practice is available ...sometimes just spontaneous as well. Conspiracy doesn't work for me. It seems likely that there will be a collapse of systems , but until humans shed some ignorance ( the illusion of being separate and existance of an individual self) I am not hopeful. There will be a great deal of violence from atop down solution and ignorance will resist with all its might. Bottom up awakening seems to me to provide the only course to a future of relative peace and sustainability . Humanity is miles away from that level of awareness. I am observing with great curiosity and do whatever I can to promote kindness. Politically there is a clear choice even though it includes capitalism ,modified as it is ,and a nation state as narcissistic as it is. For now I will compromise towards kindness.
Incredibly well spoken. Thank you!!!!!
Arjuna, it's not his 'truthfulness' that is a problem here. I also am drawn to Charles' integrity - so far. What's at question, especially now that RFK's own gullibility at taking whatever bait Trump offered him to abandon his own campaign and climb aboard the train of delusion, is his judgment. Charles' idealism made him see RFK as better than he was, and avoid seeing his glaring weaknesses.
- That was a while ago; and now, months later and with much altered circumstances, Charles is still vague on his position regarding his then allegiance to a man who he was willing to promote and lend his name to. For me, sadly, that reduces the value of the Eisenstein name as an endorsement going forward. I'm not sure Charles recognizes the extent to which this has devalued his subsequent pronouncements and promotions, at least for some (including me). Charles is no longer relevant for me.
thank you Arjuna
Thank you Charles for your essay
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
Hmmm....methinks that this substack is exactly speaking to this question you raise. That it is way too simple to say that Trump is the Worst and not to speak at all to the ills of the Democratic Party (spoken as a former Democrat). It is an understaking of great surprise, in my own experience to cross one's own internal divides (Trump is Terrible, Awful, The WORST ever and RFK Jr is good, wonderful, etc.) and to begin to see beyond those polarities (How CAN we, we cry, bc the TRUTH is that Trump IS Terrible and we have a responsibility to bring him down!!). But this potential merger is making me ask different questions. If energetically, a room rises to meet the highest frequency present, what is possible in the cae of this potential merger that was not possible before???
PS I hear RFK saying that he is doing this out of deep spiritual discernment and the inner clarity he received was heartrending for him but has come with an inner knowing that this is the Path he is being invited to take and that this knowing is sustaining him in this almost unspeakably difficult decision (esp since he had to know that additional heartbreak would come from many followers not understanding his deeper journey). I cannot imagine what courage this has taken to get to this place. Personally, my respect for RFK Jr has risen even more, exactly for the reason that I believe he had to wrestle deeply with the very question being asked here and chose to see beyond the polarities and instead follow his inner compass. Ironically, I think he is being exactly consistent here with previous campaign activities in that the cohesive piece has always been his commitment to keep seeking the Path and then following it as it is shown to him. What made him chose this Path, I think, is exactly why we have come to love and respect him up to this point.
Beautifully said! It is like Charles being present in the JFK campaign, bringing in new ideas and inspiring others to seek a more beautiful world than the one RFK and staffers his campaign might have thought possible. The Dems didn't even want to talk to RFK, whereas Trump was respectful and welcoming, and the Republicans present at the Trump rally were WILDLY enthusiastic. As much as I distrust Trump, I can also can see enormous potential here.
Wow talk about cognitive dissonance
Accusation without data to back it up.
I am actually going to take Kirsten Lee's comment as a support of Keely's comment ...
The time we are living in IS cognitive dissonance! To see what is happening in the world today and knowing that everything must shift... I sense the Charles, JFK Jr, Trump alignment/realignment is I think deeply necessary -- all the old ideas (that had been solidifying over decades, or even millennia) have to be shaken up. Our political systems of structured on one side or the other (the good guys and the bad guys as eth essays says). We have to see that there are no designated Good guys or Bad Guys (no Jedi or Sith) only human beings wrestling with what it is to be human, which is hard at the best of times let alone in a world so contaminated with a destructive story about what we are supposed to be in the eyes of the narrative - cogs in a destructive machine. And we want so much not to see it, all the while it is eating us alive. We just do not want to look at how we are being eaten alive - too much cognitive dissonance.
We are living deep in a time of cognitive dissonance and it is mind numbingly hard to stay open to all possibilities… so much easier to ‘choose a side’ and get on with whatever we were getting on with, even if it is not serving life and Life. But in the end In the end we need somehow to find the line that supports Life and that might no arise for a while and in the meantime we stumble along and take the route that might lead there... it might be a dead-end and we might need to stumble in a new direction yet again, but each stumbling is a growing - if we let it.
Covid times taught me that the bedfellows that I thought were 'on my side' were not (even thought I always stayed at the edge of the bed) and I had to look deeply at what I had thought I was in alignment with and open myself up to others I might have overlooked or indeed dismissed and reconsider everything...
We are in a reconsider everything time!
In my perspective it makes no sense to fight over which one of these two abusive mass-murdering billionaire scumbags is better or worse, they're both ruling class scum, given to us by billionaires for billionaires. and if you look at their actions, both of them very clearly work to enrich the 0.1% wealthiest and to cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (the financers of trump and harris) over the many.
Only difference between these pro-billionaire ruling class abusers is that infantile billionaire trump and his deep state israeli billionaire buddies is being propelled by the highly deceptive (and emotionally-manipulative) Qanon/MAGA mythology according to which he is a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'
This is clearly false becasue a clear-headed analysis of ConMan trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is about as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy...
If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days becaise we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his ACTUAL actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
Please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
And here
And here
And here's one example (out of many) of the extreme CRUELTY, IMMORALITY & INHUMANITY of trump's right-wing conservatives and their attack on Americans to enrich the billionaire ruling class (which is what the right-wing always always ALWAYS work for. Always, for centuries, for the narrow interests of the ultra-wealthy.
and full version here
The entire art of right-wing politics is how to disguise from the majority the FACT that they ALWAYS work to enrich and benefit the narrow interests of the ultra-wealthy and make us vote against our interests. They do it mostly through making us ignorant of what God is and so dividing humanity along religious-tribalist-nationalist lines, pitting us against the other religion-tribe-nation and pretending to be our protectors from "the evil monstrous scary enemies", so that we'll keep having them as our rulers to "protect us". That's how they make sure we keep voting for our ruling class oppressors. Described in detail on this profound essay
Now, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then see
and here
and here
and here
and here
And so, I can't help but wonder if 'the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible' now means the tribalist-religious murderous sectarianism of the GOP billionaires and the life-destroying 'US vs THEM' mentality of trump's zionist psychology.
Does it mean the global militarised empire of the corporate-capitalist billionaires and the military industrial complex which is fully aligned with the trump-zionist poison (the fact that the right-wing DNC corporate-capitalists are also pro-war doesn't make trump and his deep state zionist billionaires any less so. If there's an interest, I can provide numerous examples from his presidency to show that hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling-class billionaire trump is just as pro-war and pro-elite as all mass-murdering presidents before and after him and just like them works to cement the domination of the haves over the have-nots and to make sure that the money creation goes to enrich his buddies the richest 0.1% first and foremost )
I guess it means the technocratic tyranny and surveillance state of Peter Thiel, Musk and the rest of the billionaire transhumanist mafia who are bankrolling Vance and trump (full resources showing all the above are available for anyone interested).
I guess it means the neo-nazi supremacy and genocidal arrogance of the deep state zionist billionaire mass-murderers, torturers and child-abusers (who are the other chief financers of trump and vance, besides the deep state technocratic surveillance capitalists, and besides billionaire evangelical fundamnetalists who want trump to bring the rupture)
I guess it means trump's eliminating of environmental and toxins protections, of worker's protections, of child protections, to let his deep state billionaire buddies fill our food supply, water, air and soil with toxins and squeeze workers to the last drop for their profits. Becasue after all, what significance does people's health and well-being have in comparison to the much more important task of enriching trump's billionaire buddies (by removing all regulations that restrict the sacred "freedom" of trump's billionaire buddies to pursue their "self interest" and pour poisons onto the food, water, air and soil unrestricted, for their greater profits and "prosperity")
Is that what it means Charles?
Are you actually aligned with this anti-life ruling-class billionaire poison? Please say it ain't so 😪
I was first excited about kennedy when you first joined him, but knew he was a false messiah the moment he aligned with the Nazi Zionist supremacist child-abusers, rapists, torturers, mass-murderers and thieves, becasue according to him, the terrorist zionist billionaires advance the "national interests" of the american billionaire's empire in the middle east.. so there's no surprise from kennedy there, he simply joined the zionist billionaire murderers & abusers in supporting trump and his 0.1% ruling class.. but you, Charles? Are you also aligned with this life-destroying Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class billionaire abuse & control?
Are you actually expecting us now to also become dumb gullible Qanon/MAGA deceived conservative fools and scream their manipulative mythology that their mass-murdering pro-billionaire messiah trump is a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'? Is this how dumb you think we are?
PS. Just to clarify, when writing 'right wing' above I am referring to both the GOP & DNC corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class abusers. I am NOT endorsing the right-wing corporate-capitalist pro-zionist DNC when I am pointing out the anti-life poison of trump and his deep state billionaires' global militarized empire of right-wing greed, murder, hierarchy and domination
PPS. I had the label 'Jewish' placed on me at birth, so if you're replying please don't start with the whole "you're an antisemite" automatic knee-jerk reaction. Zionism is Nazism (not my definition but the definition of Jewish holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer) and supremacist nazi zionist billionaire child-abusers are 100% pushing their guy trump into the white house supporting this ruling-class billionaire scum in any way possible, both as his chief financial backers and with massive Qanon/MAGA deceptive propaganda). Zionism does NOT make Jews safe, but exactly to the contrary (see my profile for more details or I can explain more in a separate comment).
The trick that the God-forgetting Zionist billionaire predators use to deceive americans is that they massively fund and push religious-tribalist hatred (i can explain in detail exactly what they do to push this, including numerous terror attacks that they carry out under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism', links available), so as to get heavily-propagamdized conservatives to cheer for their land-theft, torture, abuse, mass-murder, genocide and erasure of the local people (local people whom the trump-funding zionist billionaires make sure to dehumanize and to portray to you as less than human and threatening)
Happy to look into any further sources you wanna share - interesting perspective, thank you 🙏🏼
Hi there, thank you for reaching out and for the interest. Lovely to receive. I'd be happy to share further resources with you, however to be completely honest there is a lot on my plate at the moment and I simply don't have the time. But i promise that I will get back to you as soon as i can to share resources 🙏 'till soon..
no worries! sounds good! thanks so much for everything you already shared — it provided some missing puzzle pieces for me <3 take care
For me, it feels hard to know. This might really be RFK's true Path, and, I know from personal experience how sneaky the ego can be at disguising itself as the inner compass! I've worked with folks with addictions who talk about experiencing "inner peace" when they take another hit of their drug of choice, and who are convinced they're doing it out of deep spiritual discernment. Maybe, or maybe not. Maybe this was the courageous decision for RFK, or maybe the most courageous decision would have been to let go of being at the center of attention and controversy in this election -- which can be the actual hardest thing for some public figures. I'm not saying that's the case one way or another, I will never know his truth. I guess all I can do is to listen, the best I can, to my own inner compass, knowing it's going to be imperfect too!
One of the markers of spiritual discernment (vs. ego-led decision) that I see here is how difficult this decision appears to have been for RFK Jr, yet despite that difficulty he appears to have a genuine inner peace in the midst of it all; i.e., it sounds very much like this decision is NOT something he would have chosen, that it involves deep sacrifices. I'm guessing that, to the contrary, the folks with drug addictions you are speaking of were quite "happy" to take the drug of their choice at the moment and that it did not feel like sacrifice? Trying to genuinely tease out the differences here since I think you make a true and important point that ego can disguise itself in many ways.
it is easy to be judgmental
dont be
rfk jnr is not doing it out of ego
not out of revenge
he is a humble man
on a positive mission
inspirational for millions of people around the globe
go Bobby!
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
Why is t the worst terrible ever !?! He's not. He's saved so many lives , is for free speech , wants and always wanted people to stop dying. Is clear communicator. Is anti terrorism of whatever firm that takes. He's exposed ds. etc. Is that because some M16 CIA accusations on him stuck because of "keep them stupid " mockingbird? Or is that he was for ivermectin and light and or alkaline injections into blood ? (All of which are a resounding success and I've tried: UCL hospital St Thomas London 2012. Had my blood replaced by spinach for a day or 2!! :) so glad I did that. Man please take a look at the Isis P2P of the dnc and all it's peadophila and child abuse!! Pitty that was criminalised to be talked about !!) . Anyway. Peace.
To answer your question, please see my two long detailed comments above (or below, depending on how your comment view is set up) where i showed in detail exactly how the trump deception (and the obama deception) is used by the elite to hijack and neutralize our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, how it is used to further enrich themselves and to cement their hierarchical structure of brutal domination & control of the few ultra-rich over the many (all done through selling us the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" by cheering for the FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us. Please see full details of how this is done in my other two comments)
Besides the above, to learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts (and see also the rest of this really excellent and insightful substack)
And here (and see also the rest of this excellent substack which will nkt only show you the rulong class' deception througj their false messiah but also how we can unseat them and have real freedom)
And here (and see also the rest of this excellent account)
And here (i would only add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just their vehicle representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah which they dress up 'man of the people who really really loves you and cares about you and wants to help you fight the deep state', a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
And here about trump's 6 trillion "corona" giveaway to his billionaire buddies the 0.1%, the very people who oppress and screw us constantly
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
and here
and here
and here
and here
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Please don't miss this research essay.
And especially here
And here
And here
Also highly recommend this profound essay (which IMHO is a must-read) for every human on the planet) which shows you in detail the exact trick that tue ruling class play on us again and again to make sure we keep voting for our oppressors
Besides all the mountains of evidence above (and in my two other detailed comments), let me just add that trump was already president once, remember? Need I remind you that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind you that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandizwd people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of ruling class billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes you think that he will act any differently this time? Because the mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god" and "patriotism" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes agaimst humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and financed a coup in Bolivia so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset". Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that their propagandized unontelligent deceived followers will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit against humanity (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservatives followers will still worship him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this funded-by-the-public coup and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags (see here but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire (while believing that they are sticking it to the man), into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
The trump deception (along with the musk deception) is a classic textbook example of how the ruling class billionaires hijack and neutralize the masses' anger and desire for change, how the elite funnel these potentianally revolutionary energies (that might have unseated them from power over us if they weren't hijacked and neutralized) funnel them into an elite-provided FALSE MESSIAH, a steam-release safety valve that is falsely presented to us as an "anti-elite-rebel", while IN REALITY (not in the MAGA/Qanon alternate universe of imagined fairytales, but IN REALITY) absolutely nothing changes in the status quo of ruling class theft, abuse and domination over the many (mountains of evidence above and in my other two comments)
Plenty more to say but space is finished here. Again, besides the resources here please also see my two other comments
Wonderfully said! ❤️
Goodness. Sorry, but that is high-level mental gymnastics to justify the worst decisions and behavior. I don't have to demonise Trump--actually, I rather feel sorry for him--but I do listen when he says exactly what he will do. Better an imperfect democracy than a mean-spirited tyranny. RFK playing Trump's lapdog ain't gonna change a thing. Look up 'Quisling'.
Lesser of 2 evils is a trap.
there are many possible traps, for instance:
not building bridges or doing nothing can be a bad choice
or oversimplyfying is a bad choice
peace and light to you
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
Wonderful comment. Thank you for stating it so clearly.
I respectfully want to bring to your attention several different and distinct points so please read to the end. The voice I recognize in Charles (whom i love deeply) is sincerity and caring, not "truthfulness". A sincere and caring person can (and does) still have limited perspective and blind spots. To believe that a person (no matter how sincere) is always on the spot and always sees the picture correctly is to make them into a god and to worship him blindly.
IMHO the issue here isn't the credibility of charles or of any person, what is at stake here is the monstrous GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING deception that is now pushed intensely everywhere (will clarify in a moment what the inversion is). We are now revisiting the highly manipulative Qanon/MAGA narrative of 2016 but now on steroids (I know many of you will immediately shut off now, after i mentioned the partisan trigger words, but i emplore to read to the end to understand what i am saying. This isn't the usual partisan perspective of Qanon/maga), and so we are being funnelled (because of our frustration and anger and disappointment with one half of the ruling class, the corrupt disastrous DNC that answers to no one but their corporate-capitalist ultra-zionist right-wing billionaire donors) we are being funnelled, our anger and frustration and desire for change is being hijacked and funnelled NOT into real change that removes the billionaire ruling class predators controllers and oppressors from power and to have a free and real (not fake) democratic participatory society, but rather exactly the opposite is happening now, our desire for real change is being NEUTRALIZED and subverted by the ruling class and is cynically funnelled into cheering for the FLASE MESSIAHS they provide for us, who they dress up as "change and hope and greatness" (for example, obama in 2008, trump from 2016 to now) - a pro-elite, professional actor ConMan billionaire mass-murderer and his zionist billionaire buddies, who spent his entire presidency filling up his admin with deep state swamp creatures, and who uses the american global militarized empire to enrich and benefit his 0.1% billionaire buddies and impose the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (trump's and harris' financiers) over the many.
Our intense desire for change is being hijacked and re-directed right back into the empire's duopoly, right back into cheeting for a false messiah who does NOT change the hierarchical murderous anti-egalitarian domination and abuse of the few over the many, but instead cements it firmly in place..
And in typical Qanon fashion (which is the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION or FALSE AWAKENING, i will say more about this in a moment) we are being sold this hierarchical control system, this murderous ruling class global militarized empire to enrich the ultra-rich and cement the control of the haves over the have-nots) this is being sold to us as "love" and "fighting the elite" and "the great awakening"
Truly a 1984 world we're living in.. The ruling class' deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative on steroids, THE GREAT CONSERVATIVE INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING
The Qanon zionist-conservative GREAT INVERSION and deception where GENOCIDE IS LOVE, where IMPERIALISM IS HONORING FREEDOM, where mankind's largest global militarized empire of abuse domination bullying mass-murder realirce-theft violence and trauma-as-weapon is RESTORING GREATNESS, and where transferring triliions of society's wealth to the ultra-rich is PROSPERITY (all the above are actions taken by ruling-class representitive trump during his presidency)
The greatest evil on this planet is cynically being sold to people (who so desparately want to believe and who are desperate for change) as "love" and "the great awakening".
This current conservative GREAT INVERSION (FLASE AWAKENING) deception is yet another example of how the ruling class stay ahead of the curve (to make sure real change doesn't happen) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) doesn't amount to any real change, and is NEUTRALIZED, by hijacking and funneling our change-energy right back into the empire's duopoly, to cheer for false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society- the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire false messiah and that this is the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the fascists in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is neutralized and subverted and funnelled into their provided narrative that change will come through their false messiah, who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical structure of the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and expands their global militarized murderous empire of control, murder, greed and subjugation (all actions that scumbag trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire's ruling class empire doesn't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your revolutionary change energy is hijacked and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few over the many)
For every psychological inclination in society they have the targeted narrative/emotions to bring that group into the empire's fold to support the empire's candidate (so that he can continue to transfer trillions of society's wealth upwards to the right-wing mega-rich, whether conservative or liberal). For example, for the ultra-conservative, religious-nationalists and evangelical fascists they are triggering the fear&hate emotions that will corral them into the empire's flase messiah (for example, of 'the evil muslims' or 'the evil commies' or the "immigrant invaders" or "those evil monster scary enemies from the other religion who want to hurt you"). And for people like you or rfk followers they have the "love& unity" narrative ready to lure us into the empire's fold and to support their billionaire false messiah (so that he may continue transferring society's wealth to his ultra-rich buddies and cement the anti-egalitarian hierarchical domination of the haves over the have-nots).
They don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the fear&hate narrative or their contrived love&unity narrative, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor false messiah is here to bring "change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", as long they can hijack and funnel your desire for change into him..
As for rfk, i don't know if he's blackmailed by the israeli billionaire supremacists, like the rest of the american political class (which is suggested by him being on epstein's lolita express, so god only knows what kind of dirt the israelis have on him, and by his groveling before supremacist zionists and his support for their dispossesion, dehumanization, mass-murder and genocide of the local people), or if he's bought off with the billions of silicon vallley, Musk and Thiel surveillance technocratic capitalists and transhumanists (his VP pick from deep in the silicon valley Big Tech military-industrial complex suggests so), or if he's just a NeoCon ideologue who truly believes the domination of the american ruling class empire over the planet is a good thing (his disgusting geopolitical and imperialist speeches aboit the "need" for american power" and to "secure our economy's interests in different regions" suggest so), or if it's all of the above, but what's clear is that he's now fully onboard the train of the Qanon/maga FALSE AWAKENING and GREAT INVERSION deception.
War is "Peace"
Mass Murder, torture, land-theft, erasure and GENOCIDE is now "Love"
The largest and most murderous global Militarized Empire in the history of mankind existing solely for the enrichment control and domination of the american right-wing ultra-rich over humanity and the planet is now "Freedom Love and Prosperity"
Triliions transferred to 0.1% ruling class Billionaires is "Prosperity"
Religious tribalism and supremacy is "Honoring God's Will"
Strangling, murdering and starving anyone (including children) who deviates from the american corporate-capitalist model of Profits-over-People is "Bringing prosperity to the world"
Waving the bible and attacking the billionaire empire's targets is "The Battle of Good vs Evil" and "Moral Judeo-Christian Values"
The Qanon corporate-conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING would be funny if it wasn't so monstrous and tragic how many people fall for it...
Many people have a hard time comprehending that because most people have innately a good heart and are naturally trusting, and find it hard to comprehend the level of cunning criminality, subversion & deception that the anti-egalitarian ruling class are capable of in order to maintain their hierachical class structure of control over us, and to NEUTRALIZE any threat to their domination over humanity and the living planet.
This is one of the most common stratrgies they play on us, to accomish that
Space finished
Beautifully said and I couldn’t agree more. I think those of us on a spiritual journey understand the courage and humility this decision took. I also admire and respect RFK even more now and I continue to trust him. In all the years I have followed him closely, he has never let me down, only my government and former Democrat party have done that. I choose to continue to trust and hope that this unification will serve a higher purpose and good for all. I loved the story, it’s a perfect allegory and a great read, thank you Charles.
The fact RFK is with Trump is not the question! The question is why a life long democrat and one of his lineage made such a public stance? This say's that the current democratic party is the issue. That is what folks do not want to delve into. The focus is on Trump! The focus should be on policy. As Kennedy said at the DNC they brought up Trump 147 times. At RNC he said they brought up Biden four times! The question is why would he do it? People asking the wrong question!
The Republicans mentioned Biden almost 400 times at the RNC. If you would like proof just watch Newt Gringrich's RNC speech, he mentions Biden at least eight times. RFK's claim that they only mentioned Biden twice is just incorrect.
RFKs record for truth is not very good
"RFKs record for truth is not very good" what????
according to whom????
main stream media presstitudes????
I listen to Sam Harris a lot and respect both his integrity and his research. He gave specific examples of RFK's dishonesty and why he is off base in his thinking as well. Of course Sam is a scientist and philosopher and a right of center liberal on most issues. Sam could not be considered main stream media by any stretch of the imagination. I have also listened to some of the main stream and your bias towards that source is quite clear and of course the neocons they would be spreading disinformation too.
FYI ~ Sam came out against RFK last year in such a negative way, so dissonant to my own view, that it turned me off to him. Almost 100% of the comments had trouble with what he said as well. He's only one of many I listened to, these "experts", commentators, etc. that were echoing the prevailing narrative coming down from on high.
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
ok. I didn't watch neither because most of it has nothing with helping 'the people'. Thanks for clarification.
If Charles is still supporting RFK through RFK's deference to Trump, he owes us all an explanation, since this article decries the very basis of Trump's public presentation: denial and projection.
But that’s exactly what he said at the beginning of this writing: it’s a political allegory. The article does not decry Trumps public presentation, it warns against the fallacy of good/evil and how that compromises us all.
What’s interesting to me is that I read the story differently: to me it would seem the Democratic Party has become Jedi. They truly believe they are all good, they are on “the right side of history,” their opponent is a uniquely irredeemable “threat to our democracy.” There is a massive lack of self reflection.
Let’s not let the message go over our heads. It’s bigger than Trump is evil or the democrats are evil.
I recognized a long time ago that under the right circumstances any, and I do mean any, human being is capable of the worst atrocities imaginable. Let us not imagine ourselves as separate from the rest of humanity. We are all fallible. We all falter. We are all capable of love.
Where one person sees denial and projection I wonder if we can encourage a turning around of the mirror and reflecting where your own being contains those things as well.
What you mentioned here (dnc portrayed as jedi and trump as sith) might have been true in 2016, but that's completely turned on its head now. Today the majority of americans (and almost all of heavily-propagandized and deceived conservatives) have bought into the Qanon/MAGA deception (the conservative-zionist GREAT INVERSION/ FALSE AWAKENING) and see the dnc as the evil empire and trump as an 'anti-elite rebel' and 'man of the people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy'. In my two long detailed comments above (or below, depending on how your comment view is set up), i showed in detail exactly how the trump deception (and the obama deception) is used by the elite to hijack and neutralize our desire for change, to make sure our change-impulse doesn't amount to any real change and doesn't unseat them from power, how they hijack and funnel our desire for change to bring us right back into empire's fold, by providing us with FALSE MESSIAHS who they dress up as 'anti-elite-rebels' and who IN REALITY don't bring any real change but exactly the opposite - further enrich the ultra-rich and cement their hierarchical structure of brutal domination & control of the few ultra-rich over the many (all done through selling us the GREAT INVERSION/FALSE AWAKENING narrative as if we are "fighting the elite" and "bringing about real change" by cheering for the FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us. Please see full details of how this is done in my other two comments)
Besides the above, to learn more in depth about the trump deception (and the manipulative Qanon/MAGA deceptive narrative generated around him that now casts him as the righteous jedi in the allegory) please don't miss these excellent detailed posts that examine the MAGA/Qanon deceptive narrative) (and see also the rest of this really excellent and insightful substack)
And here (and see also the rest of this excellent substack which will nkt only show you the ruling class' deception through their false messiah but also how we can unseat them and have real freedom)
And here (and see also the rest of this excellent account)
And here (i would only add, not "his war on workers" but "the ruling class' war on workers". Trump is just their vehicle representitve of the billionaire ruling class, a professional actor, a ConMan, a false messiah which they dress up 'man of the people who really really loves you and cares about you and wants to help you fight the deep state', a deception through which the ruling class make us believe we are moving towards real change when IN REALITY their false messiah only further ennriches them and cements their control over us)
And here about trump's 6 trillion dollar corona giveaway to his billionaire buddies the 0.1%, the very people who oppress and screw us constantly
To learn even more at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, of mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, of silicon valley surveillance capitalists, of pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists (far more than just their epstein operation), and of ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then please see
and here
and here
and here
and here
And regarding ConMan vance, here's a full breakdown of who this deceiver actually is and who are the deep state adrenochrome-drinking billionaire scumbag abusers (the enemies of the humanity) that are fully funding vance (as well as trump), who have grooomed vance for years and brought him to this position.
Please don't miss this research essay.
And especially here
And here
And here
Also highly recommend this profound essay (which IMHO is a must-read for every human on the planet) which shows you in detail the exact trick that the ruling class play on us again and again to make sure we keep voting for our oppressors (becasue of being made to believe that they are our protectors for the big evil monstrous scary boogeyman enemies. Full details here)
Besides all the mountains of evidence above (and in my two other detailed comments), let me just add that trump was already president once. And need I remind us all that he and his Zionist PR team of deceivers already sold us the exact same deceptive Qanon/MAGA narrative they are selling us now (as if he is an anti-elite-rebel man-of-the-people who came to fight the deep state for the little guy), and need i remind us all that once elected he promptly spat in the face of all the gullible unintelligent propagandized people who believed him and his PR team of deceivers, and proceeded to fill up his administration to the brim with deep-state NeoCon swamp creatures (handed foreign policy over to deep state zionist operatives in the form of compulsive-liar CIA director Pompeo, Chabad devotee and Mossad representitive Kushner, ultra-zionist mass-murderer Bolton, NeoCon zionist lunatic ("starve them to death") Abrams etc. etc. Besides them, the State Dept. was literally full of and run by israelis during trump's presidency, literally run by israel), and deep state swamp creatures from Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Eric Prince's BlackWater merceneries and the rest of Wall St and the war profiteering industry filled up to the brim every single position in his administration of anti-life deep state billionaire abusers.
What on earth makes any of us think that he will act any differently this time? Why would he? Because the mossad-created Qanon/MAGA narrative says so? (echoed by large portions of the so-called 'alternative conservative media' ecosystem)
All ConMan trump did during his presidency was transfer trillions to the ultra-wealthy war profiteers and big pharma corporate capitalists, filled his admin to the brim with deep-state swamp creatures, gave tax breaks to the ultra-rich and made sure the most wealthy (the anti-life heart-divorced deep state billionaire abusers who brought him to power) became much wealthier while everyone else stagnated or impoverished; Trump EXPANDED the mass-murdering billionaires' global militarized corporate-capitalist empire (of nearly 900 military bases encircling the entire globe, dozens of warships colonizing every sea on the planet, and at least 13 extra-judicial torture camps where kidnapped human beings are held in captivity for years without trial and tortured by brainwashed conservatives because.."liberty" and "god" and "patriotism" and "jesus" and "christian moral values") with his RECORD HIGH military spending to enrich his war profiteering capitalist billionaire pals; Created a welfare state for billionaires (with his government's coercive force used to lavish his right-wing billionaire scum of the earth with public funding, funneling trillions of our money to his backers the conservative war profiteers, who of course privatize the profits and give nothing back to the public that funded them) and crumbs for the rest of us;
As one "small" example for trump's crimes against humanity (out of numerous such examples), trump also initiated, armed and funded a coup in Bolivia (which means, used our money to fund it) so that his billionaire pal Elon Musk can steal the world's largest reserves of lithium from Bolivia for his "green"-electric car company (which is at the forefront of the climate capitalists' "4th industrial revolution" and "great reset"). Musk literally sat at the table with trump and pompeo and said "we will coup whoever we want, we're in charge now, deal with it". That is how sure are musk and trump that propagandized unintelligent deceived conservatives will follow them blindly and obediently no matter what crimes they commit (trump literally bragged that he can shoot someone on the street in broad daylight and his hypnotized deceived conservatives followers will still love him..)
And of course Musk didn't forget to return trump the favor for this funded-by-the-public coup and resource-theft to enrich Musk, and didn't forget to show ruling class solidarity (and deception of the masses), when he took control over twitter and deceived conservatives into believing that the way to fight the 'evil elite' is NOT by rejecting the hierarchical structure of domination of the many by the few and freeing ourselves entirely from the control of the abusive corporate-capitalist scumbags, but rather Musk deceptively funneled conservatives right back into support for the billionaire's empire, into getting behind his ruling class billionaire buddy, trump (who will likely arrange Musk's next resource-theft when he's back in office, in an act of ruling class solidarity) and telling conservatives that this is the way to "rebel" against the elite..
killing democracy while pretending to be "democratic"
in the name of the idea of "democracy" killing actual democracy and killing freedom of speech
deep state behind duopoly
a third party/influence badly needed in order to shift things
bobby is a positive influence
his name is on the ballot still in majority of states
do not underestimate the possibilities
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
He owes you absolutely nothing.
geeeeez.... you repeat your not very thoughtful comment (see above)
thus i will repeat my reply, in a shorter version:
maybe you project upon others?
not seeing the forrest for the trees
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
Ok I respect your thought stream. let's see.
In my perspective it makes no sense to fight over which one of these abusive mass-murdering billionaire scumbags is better or worse, they're both scum, given to us by billionaires for billionaires. and if you look at their actions, both of them very clearly work to enrich the 0.1% wealthiest and to cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few ultra-rich (the financers of trump and harris) over the many.
Only difference is that trump is being propelled by the highly deceptive (and emotionally-manipulative) Qanon/MAGA mythology according to which he is a 'man of the people' who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'
This is clearly false becasue a clear-headed analysis of trump's actions and administration during his presidency shows very clearly and beyond any doubt that he is about as much of a threat to the establishment and ruling class as the tooth fairy...
If one is not completely hypnotised by the very intense propaganda in the partisan echo-chambers (including the so-called "alternative media" and prominent 'social media influencers', much of whom aren't alternative or independent at all, but fully funded by the same billionaires that fund the corporate media) if one manages to get through this very thick propaganda obstacle course (which is far from an easy task these days since we're inundated with 24/7 emotionally-manipulative propaganda disguised as 'anti-establishment rebels') if one manages to not be hypnotised and emotionally-manipulated by all of that and examines trump's ACTUAL ACTIONS (not the Qanon/MAGA stories and mythologies surrounding his actions, but his ACTUAL ACTIONS) then it is absolutely clear that trump's administration and actions are NOT in any way whatsoever opposed or in conflict with the deep state but in fact his admin IS the deep state and that his actual actions are all in support of ruling class deep state, and very clearly so.
Please see the following linked essays that will show you in detail how the entire global militarized american security state funds and stands behind GOP, trump, biden, vance, musk etc, and yet well-intentioned but unaware & deceived conservatives actually believe they are fighting the elite and sticking it to the man by cheering for the biggest billionaire scum abusers of humanity.
And here
And here
And here's one example (out of many) of the extreme CRUELTY, IMMORALITY & INHUMANITY of trump's right-wing conservatives and their attack on Americans to enrich the billionaire ruling class
and full version here
Now, to learn at depth about the M.I.C war-profiteering ruling class oligarch deep-state networks that brought trump into power (of Wall St conservative billionaire military contractors, mass-murderering right-wing arms dealers, surveillance capitalists, pedophile blackmail networks run by supremacist zionist tribalists, and ultra-wealthy God-ignorant evangelical religious fundamentalists) then see
and here
and here
and here
and here
And so, I can't help but wonder if 'the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible' now means the tribalist-religious murderous sectarianism of the GOP billionaires and the life-destroying 'US vs THEM' mentality of trump's zionist psychology.
Does it mean the global militarised empire of the corporate-capitalist billionaires and the military industrial complex which is fully aligned with the trump-zionist poison (the fact that the right-wing DNC corporate-capitalists are also pro-war doesn't make trump and his deep state zionist billionaires any less so. If there's an interest, I can provide numerous examples from his presidency to show that hierarchical anti-egalitarian ruling-class billionaire trump is just as pro-war and pro-elite as all mass-murdering presidents before and after him and just like them works to cement the domination of the haves over the have-nots and to make sure that the money creation goes to enrich his buddies the richest 0.1% first and foremost )
I guess it means the technocratic tyranny and surveillance state of Peter Thiel, Musk and the rest of the billionaire transhumanist mafia who are bankrolling Vance and trump (full resources showing all the above are available for anyone interested).
I guess it means the neo-nazi supremacy and genocidal arrogance of the deep state zionist billionaire mass-murderers, torturers and child-abusers (who are the other chief financers of trump and vance, besides the deep state technocratic surveillance capitalists, and besides billionaire evangelical fundamnetalists who want trump to bring the rupture)
I guess it means trump's eliminating of environmental and toxins protections, of worker's protections, of child protections, to let his deep state billionaire buddies fill our food supply, water, air and soil with toxins and squeeze workers to the last drop for their profits. Becasue after all, what significance does people's health and well-being have in comparison to the much more important task of enriching trump's billionaire buddies (by removing all regulations that restrict the sacred "freedom" of trump's billionaire buddies to pursue their "self interest" and pour poisons onto the food, water, air and soil unrestricted, for their greater profits and "prosperity")
Is that what it means Charles?
Are you actually aligned with this anti-life ruling-class billionaire poison? Please say it ain't so 😪
I was first excited about kennedy when you first joined him, but knew he was a false messiah the moment he aligned with the Nazi Zionist supremacist child-abusers, rapists, torturers, mass-murderers and thieves, becasue according to him, the terrorist zionist billionaires advance the "national interests" of the american billionaire's empire in the middle east.. so there's no surprise from kennedy there, he simply joined the zionist billionaire murderers & abusers in supporting trump and his 0.1% ruling class.. but you, Charles? Are you also aligned with this life-destroying Godless right-wing corporate-capitalist ruling class billionaire abuse & control?
Are you actually expecting us now to also become dumb gullible Qanon/MAGA deceived conservative fools and scream their manipulative mythology that their mass-murdering pro-billionaire messiah trump is a 'man of the people who came to help the little guy fight the deep state'? Is this how dumb you think we are?
PS. Just to clarify, when writing 'right wing' above I am referring to both the GOP & DNC corporate-capitalist billionaire ruling class abusers. I am NOT endorsing the right-wing corporate-capitalist pro-zionist DNC when I am pointing out the anti-life poison of trump and his deep state billionaires' global militarized empire of right-wing greed, murder, hierarchy and domination
PPS. I had the label 'Jewish' placed on me at birth, so if you're replying please don't start with the whole "you're an antisemite" automatic knee-jerk reaction. Zionism is Nazism (not my definition but the definition of holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer) and it's 100% fully behind trump, supporting this ruling-class billionaire scum in any way possible. Both financially and with massive Qanon/MAGA deceptive propaganda). Zionism does NOT make Jews safe, but exactly to the contrary (see my profile for more details or I can explain more in a separate comment).
The trick that the God-forgetting Zionist billionaire predators use to deceive conservatives is that they massively fund and push religious-tribalist hatred (i can explain in detail exactly what they do to push this, including numerous terror attacks that carry out under the false flag of 'islamic terrorism'), so as to get conservatives to cheer for their land-theft, torture, abuse, mass-murder, genocide and erasure of the local people (local people whom the trump-funding zionist billionaires make sure to dehumanize and to portray to you as less than human and threatening)
Thank you!
Why don't we all vote for someone outside the two-party duopoly? Dr. Jill Stein won't tarnish your good conscience when you vote for her. The MSM suppresses voices of conscience and truth. We don't have to help them. We can send a message, to TPTB, and to each other, as to just how many we really are. I'd like to know that. I'd like to see the vote tally of tens of millions of votes for Stein. Some say it's a waste, but voting for one of the major party candidates is worse than a waste.
Well said!
you are oversimplyfing and glossing
but yeah...deep state is behind the duopoly, or at list till recently/now...
a third party/influence badly needed in order to shift things
bobby is a positive influence
his name is on the ballot still in majority of states
do not underestimate the possibilities
Thhak you. If you have an interest for serious engagement with your reply (that is, if it isn't just a pull and shoot from the waistline to offload quick vacuous slogans) then you'll need to explain and back up what you are saying, as i did in my comment (and I can provide plenty more evidence if desired. I didn't provode more because of space limits here).
Otherwise, if you are not looking for serious engagement but just wanted to offload, then all i can do is thank you for the reply and give you back the same vacuous token slogan you gave me "you are oversimplifying and glossing".. So there, now my ego feels much better...
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
Disagree. The author’s only responsibility is to this own integrity & heart.
charles has the right to privacy
restful time with his family and his dog
you people are like a pack of animals
steam out of your nostrils
barking, barking, barking
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
people lack compassion and kindness
and rude, frantic people demanding from him urgent "explanation" of his position etc etc it does not sit well with me. the narrow mind of so many commenters, the ego wars taking place, "the revenge" etc...
so, yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
you seem to be coming from a place of excessive emotion. maybe grappling a bit with your own shadow? charles hasn’t shared about his family situation. how do you think he feels about you sharing that? how would you feel about other people sharing your personal pain? charles has put this essay and therefore his opinions out into a public forum on which commenting is allowed. commenting with which you do not agree will happen. that is how a public forum should work. i commend substack, charles, and his assistants for not censoring. simmer down kettle.
thank you for pointing out the privacy issue.
i have deleted one sentence, above.
You obviously entirely missed the point of this post. I find that the older generations are having a really hard time coming to term with the amount of propaganda in the political system. There is a whole hell of a lot more nuance than people are allowing themselves to see.
I had thought you were way off on this assessment until I talked to some of my boomer friends and found they were Harris supporters spouting legacy media "data."
No he hasn't (lost any credibility). I'll speak in uga cave man deplorable speak , secretaries fast hand and crude notes form as There's little time and these are complex deep subjects: Trump-blacks 100% . more than biden DNC drug dealers/degenerates. There a difference. Trump no war, biden , Kam & Nancy DNC lots of war !! Man , why is anyone who articulates remotely on subject that includes trump , they "risk loosing all credibility!?!?!" . What is this ?? This is facsist (and not to mention attempt at projecting shivery elitism on subject , by people who when they do I sense and say to myself there & then : "right , that's a hypocrite, or a deeply unlived human being . Or someone whose never ever stopped themselves so low as to just get a job done !! " Lost any credibility my arse. No one because they touch a subject your uncomfortable with or don't like for any reason looses credibility (unless they are promoting or word-sakading terrorism , of which alot of that is done over at the dnc). And as for big tech big $ DNC fake news (duh . COVID 1984 & yes operation mockingbird (as well as bread & circuses ) is still used & at play. As my fellow trumpers might say : wake up.
What war? Last Dem president directly involved in a war was Clinton
Em. Ukraine and Palestine are both us “wars”
Indirectly, as Syria and Trump.
Obama. Libia, & his admin p2p-ing with Isis (at the same time it was fully well known to them what Isis was doing to yazidees & Kurds !) . Id call those wars , wouldn't you !?!?
& the 2014 Ukraine coup..wasnt DNC heavily involved in that one ? Didn't they orchestrare it ?? Yes they did.
The TDS is strong with this one. Your answers are the point of this entire piece if you can escape your fixed preconceptions and read it as it is meant.
your comment is grotesque
you judge a lot, dont you
and maybe project your own qualities upon others?
not seeing the forrest for the trees
did you read the essay (above)?
did you reflect on it?????????????????????? at all??????.......
please do...
do yourself a favour
Seems like you’re being a bit judgmental yourself, no? Like a kettle calling the pot black. Steam out of your spout. Whistling, whistling, whistling. I think it’s great Charles is sharing his views out here in an open forum. Sure seems like the message is not resonating very well. Maybe that means something?
people lack compassion and kindness
Charles is a man with family, his father in law has just died...
and rude, frantic people demanding from him urgent "explanation" of his position etc etc it does not sit well with me. the narrow mind of so many commenters, the ego wars taking place, "the revenge" etc...
so, yes, i do identify as a whistle blower
blowing the whistle at the shadows/dark side of humanity
that needs to be brought into our full consciousness
{including yours, troll}
and as for charles messages: of course good that he is sharing, but maybe you are wrong in your last sentence, saying that he does not resonate, i think the opposite, charles does resonate with many readers/listeners...
light and peace, troll
Charles, while I appreciate your skill for crafting allegory, it really seems like you are attempting to dodge the proverbial bullet here and not speaking your truth from the heart on the matter at hand. I and many of your readers would appreciate a more tangible statement about RFK and your involvement with him moving forward.
He says in his intro to this piece that he is working on an article about Kennedy’s alliance with Trump. I am guessing that piece will include more tangible statements beyond this allegory.
I am guessing it will include some sophisticated equivocation and mental gymnastics. It’ll take some time to write.
I think RFK is putting himself wherever he can, (due to being completely squeezed out by dems and media), to effect what he genuinely deeply desires. And that is to improve the health of the nation and its children. Without that America is doomed - fact. I don't like his stance on Israel or that he was forced into going with Trump but I absolutely admire him for risking everything, including the opinions of his family (who mercilessly threw their family member under the bus, regardless of their agreeing with him or not) and his wife (who had the grace to NOT publicly throw him under the bus) We can't play god and assume what will come of this. Perhaps he will be a positive influence on Trump - perhaps not, he may be thrown under the bus by Trump too, but I love that he is willing to risk it. I am so glad Bobby entered this arena - he is a chance at shaking up the old duopoly even while seeming to go within it. Just as Trump was not a likeable person to me in any way shape or form, he played his role perfectly as a disruptor in 2016 - the beginning of the fall of a very old stuck and corrupt system. Who knows where it might go now? I'm feeling incredibly hopeful - there are much greater forces at play here...
Well said. If Mr. Trump does win, I will feel so much better knowing that RFK Jr. is in the mix.
From what I’ve seen RFK jr is a man of the highest integrity. To the point where he will throw himself under the bus for the opportunity to make change. I mean honestly. They are going to eviscerate him in the media with nothing off limits. And he is a man with a past, no doubt. He has real courage.
Such a man who saw the head off of a dead whale? Who stages a prank with a dead bear? Something seems deeply off about RFK.
Agree 💯. I have also recently heard Trump supporters say Trump truly is anti-establishment but he chose to work within the existing party system to effect change. And that he was too naive and trusted the wrong people the first time around and he learned his lesson. Bobby and we gave it our all as independents, but clearly the DNC isn’t having any part of serious third party challenges to their power structure. So, teaming with Trump and risking everything to move his vision forward is the next best thing he can do. I respect him even more for having the courage and humility to reach across the divide to begin the healing, as was his motto. As Ireland learned in their journey to peace and unity, it takes sacrifice and working with people you don’t want to work with to realize that vision. God bless and continue to guide Bobby and may Trump be open to Bobby’s wisdom, advice and leadership.
OK, George Lucas. We all are a composite of positive and negative energies, creation/destruction, life/death, good/evil. But to use a fun but childish allegory to justify yourself and by extension your former presidential candidate's support of Trump is shameful. Sure, Trump is a champion of environmental causes, truly interested in the working man, not at all a dishonest. sociopath scamming billionaire. The emperor in the saga was actually Jesus' shadow...
C'mon, man! You lost me.
Yes, this essay feels like a clever piece of misdirection. Rather than acknowledging the massive fucking elephant in the room. Your guy sold out to a grifter for a comfortable job. Exactly what Connor Roy does in Succession in fact, and he's a laughing stock. I don't like to be so harsh but yes, c'mon, and let's ditch the philosophising for once and be real. Just admit you made a mistake. We all do it.
As allegory, yes one can find good and evil, shadow and light, on all sides.
Are you using this allegory to rationalize RFK Jr's choice to align with Trump and the Maga movement? Sorry, nice try, but this doesn't quite cut it.
RFK Jr has completely lost credibility with me in making the choice to support Trump. If you are rationalizing and supporting him with this decision, you have also lost credibility with me.
Such a shame, as your voice and his voice have been supportive and helpful in clarifying my own thinking over these past few years.
There's so much more to be said, but I will leave it here.
Great insights. But now have to tell us, which character is Trump, which is RFK, and which is Kamala? Only kidding, that would completely negate the whole point of your article.
I do think you make a good point, in that RFK too realises the light and dark within all of us. I've tried to fault the guy for acting in his own self-interest, but I genuinely think he is acting in the best interests of American children (especially) and their families. And of course, I genuinely believe he cares about the environment too. He has the skills and the nous to navigate the White House I'm sure, and I hope he will be able to follow through on his policies.
It's a pity he has to sip on some snake oil with the likes of Trump and no doubt the Koch brothers - wow, that's gonna be a rough meeting - but I figure he has the cahones to stick to his principles and fight for what he believes is right. That's rare - and it needs to be protected and supported.
For me his move to join Trump is about being inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in! As he said, he's got at most a decade to effect real change and I reckon he can do a lot of influencing inside the tent. But Kennedy is also not stupid - one assumes that he has something firm (hopefully in writing) from Trump that will give him his patch of ground to fight from....
Ahhhhh, what if RFK could be some heroic infiltrator to scramble some brains…or trigger new synapses…inside the Trumpian circus tent? I’m sure many insiders won’t know what to do with him beyond their motif of self-gain and manipulation. What if RFK is jumping in to create some new confusion or fusion…lighting a fuse?!..none of us can foresee, including himself…as what does he have to lose at this juncture?
Stay tuned for the exciting next adventure of this most fantastic story as it continues to unfold before our unbelieving eyes and imagination. I don’t know who’s potentially writing this stranger-than-fiction script, but I choose to imagine a new story beyond good & evil, us vs them. How about a reenchantment of and for our planet? 👏🤩🙏🏻
Ha, ha. That's entirely possible. RFK leads with action and no matter what our personal beliefs may be, and how much media hype is spun, action always wins out in the long run..... “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs.
Thanks for tent pissing humor... :D, I like that metaphor. And, thank you for this thoughtful comment.
couldnt agree more! and the realistic alternatives were nil to nothing...
Indeed, the fact that RFK is focused on results, and not popularity, speaks volumes to me.
So many people missing the point. It’s not that Trump is so good or bad, it’s that liberals project all the”bad” on him and so miss their own shadows. Same as conserves.
RFK's campaign was a sham, diverting "resistance" energy away from rebellion and back into the welcoming arms of the Deep State. Trump is no more anti-establishment than Mike Pompeo. All of these compromised politicians are just soaking up peoples' attention and money, and preventing any meaningful change.
Our capitalistic culture is about to undergo much needed great changes in the coming years. But you and RFK’s support of Trump is delusional if you think he’s fighting for anything else but himself. I’d say he’s the Emperor, consumed by his very dark unconscious shadows. RFK says he’s concerned for our children. What has MAGA done for them? Voted no on feeding poor kids no on education. Banning books. Supporting Putin who kidnapped over 100,000 children for Russia’s kiddie porn industry? He’ll never change trumps conscience. It’s delusional to think he will.
I think it would be helpful for you to make a clear determination of how you see Trump in terms of this mythological perspective. Do you think he has the self- knowledge which you ascribe to the Sith? I sense you have gone too far down the ‘Insidious path’ and are now trying to justify your position. One of the great things about the Sith is the ability to say I may be wrong and to repent. The true meaning of repentance is to change direction.
I don’t think we need another hero - neither Kamala or Trump or Kennedy.
Maybe the real revolution is not allowing the hero archetype to become Americanised as a reality show.
I would value clarification in this regard. 🙏
"I sense you have gone too far down the ‘Insidious path’ and are now trying to justify your position."
The whole essay reads like something written for a different occasion, and he just dusted it off and grafted it onto the RFK. Jr. situation even though it doesn't really fit -- I saw the original Star Wars only so I have no idea what all this Sith stuff (I guess from the prequels/sequels?) is supposed to signify.
no I don't think Trump has the self-knowledge to this point anyway - but who knows what a brush with death can do to a person - I never write-off the possibility of a Damascus moment for anyone! And perhaps RFKs influence and thoughtfulness will rub off somewhat.
I am a lifelong Democrat. COVID times led to me lean more independent. I found RFK Jr and felt invigorated by a politician's message for the first time in ages. Now I plan to vote Trump (while holding my nose). To me, it is bigger than Trump v. Harris. It is a vote for hope, that Trump honors his commitment to Bobby, that, together they help fix the poisons in our water, food, and air. I am ready to lay down my grievances with Trump for a greater good.
Trump is just a conman, looking out for himself. He is only using Bobby. And Bobby should know better than to be used by Trump. He eats junk food, and so how can he possibly care about all the stuff about processed food? RFK is not that stupid. He must have some hope that he can influence Trump. But I can't see how to influence narcissists. They are not influenceable.
That is courage. I am not there yet. As of this moment in time I plan to vote for Jill. Not because I believe she will win, but to use my vote as an expression of my voice.
RFK's endorsement speech "gave me permission" to go over to the "dark side of the force" (If you haven't watched it in full, you need to do so). Back in June'23, I was bemused by RFK's fanatical support for Israel (when he threw Roger Waters under the bus). Since Oct 7th, I've been demoralized by RFK's support for turning Gaza into a desert and calling it peace.
Trump is an egotistical, narcissitic ass. But, he likes to make deals and I believe (despite his bombastic rhetoric) he would be a better bet to avoid WW3 in Ukraine or the Middle East (remember, during his administration, he stepped back from the brink of war in Syria & Iran) and bring an end to the Gaza horror show. Others have made this argument in more detail (see Triti Parsi's recent interview on Brianna Joy Gray's "Bad Faith" podcast and Scott Ritter's substack).
If I didn't live in the swing state of Michigan, I'd vote for Jill Stein in a heartbeat (last week, I saw her speak at a rally with "Workers Strike Back)." She is sincere and right on nearly all issues. Previously, I always voted for Perot or Nader or Stein. I knocked on hundreds of doors for the Bernie campaign in '16 & '20. But, in '20, I held my nose and voted for Biden (who I supposed was the "lesser evil").
This year, I'll hold my nose and mark my ballot for Trump. Not for the man or the Republican party. RFK is full of BS on Israel, but he has been right on vaccine safety and industrial state censorship that is smothering our democracy. I will vote for the hope & chance (IF, as RFK noted, Trump keeps his word "this time") FOR peace and FOR RFK to attempt to "make America healthy again."
Hopefully, my wife doesn't leave me over my vote!
I appreciate your commitment to peace! Just some food for thought on Trump's under-reported military record:
In Afghanistan, Trump substantially upped the amount of airstrikes, leading to a 330 percent increase in civilian deaths. In Yemen, he escalated both U.S. counterterrorism activities and support for the devastating Saudi-led war against the Houthis. According to the United Kingdom’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism, there were 2,243 drone strikes in just the first two years of Trump’s presidency, compared with 1,878 in the entire eight years of the Obama administration.
Trump also came very close to tweeting the country into a nuclear war with North Korea in late 2017 and early 2018, a completely self-inflicted incident that seems to have been bizarrely memory-holed. According to former Pentagon official and Asia security expert Van Jackson, who wrote a book about the crisis, “The world was closer … to nuclear war, at that time than any time, since the Cuban Missile Crisis. And it was totally avoidable.”
The list goes on: Trump put the U.S. on a path to “great-power competition” with China, incited a failed coup in Venezuela, and increased support for reckless, repressive clients around the world. Indeed, Trump was seen as such a dangerous interventionist that Congress passed the first war powers resolution in history to try to end his support for the Yemen war. Less than a year later, Congress passed a second resolution to brush him back from a potential war with Iran after he OK’d the assassination of Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commander Qassem Soleimani. Both measures passed with Republican support, making opposition to Trump’s militarism one of the very few areas of bipartisan agreement during his administration.
Trump’s defenders praise him for demanding that NATO allies meet their spending obligations, but of course, he’s not the first to do that. Indeed, Trump’s argument against NATO and other partners, such as South Korea, was that they should pay up for the protection racket. Parenti noted that in a summer 2017 meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Trump “demanded to know why the United States wasn’t receiving free oil from the Middle East. ‘We spent $7 trillion; they’re ripping us off. … Where is the fucking oil?’” Trump repeated this in October 2019, telling a meeting of police chiefs that “we’re keeping the oil” in northeastern Syria, where U.S. troops were deployed.
Thank you. Some of the responses here show that Kennedy supporters are as delusional as Trumpists. Unfortunately with modern politics, we are always having to vote for the less worse. Money rules, politicians bobey for the most part. As I tell my right wing leaning mother, I choose those who care for the poor and working class. Right wingers convenient amnesia allows them to say they are with the working man. They forget the mass exodus of jobs during "Saint" Reagan's administration and the beginning of the destruction of our educational system. Dems are in bed with big money, yes, it's politics, always corrupt. But at least we get some funds to help those who need it.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I don't have the knowledge to knowledgeably respond to all the examples you mentioned. However, the US has been on a "path to “great-power competition” with China since about 2009 and the failed coup in Venezuela had bi-partisan support. My recollection is that Trump chose not to go to war with Iran over the downing of a US Drone or in Syria after the false flag gas attacks in Douma.
Last go round, Trump hired a bunch of neo-con whack jobs like Bolton and Pompano to guide his foreign policy. My HOPE is that he may have learned not to rely on the neo-cons and that input by RFK, Tulsi, etc. may lead to saner decisions in a potential new Trump administration.
I doubt Harris's foreign policy will differ from the Biden administration. A "forever war" in Ukraine literally poking the Russian bear and continued genocide in Gaza. My point was that I think Trump will better than Harris on war. Not because he's a nice guy, but because he's not an ideologue and not an empty shell like Harris who will go along with whatever policy her neocon advisors suggest. I know what we will get will Harris; with Trump, there's the possibility of something better.
nothing is black or white
red or blue
what is at stake is much bigger than the stupid never ending ego wars
100% with you here
Thank you for this! The divisions and hatred and self-righteousness in politics is deeply destructive, on all "sides". No politician will be our savior at this point. We must take responsibility. We are seeing it right in front of our eyes, and soon there will be no turning back. The phoenix has lit her nest, combustion is on its way. We will be in the soup of the dark and light and the collapse that will be required whether we like it or not. Maybe when it all burns down, we yet again can recreate something so much better. I believe we truly are capable of that, where love prevails. Unless we don't learn, and repeat the cycle yet again...
In that field, meeting everyone there.
If I had the opportunity to teach/lead/help the country/world and it involved working with someone or something with whom I disagreed with on many other levels, I would hope I had the courage and maturity to do so. This is how real change and building bridges happens. Not waiting for "my team" to be "in charge." May the heart be with you!
Charles, every since Covid, you have been a calming, steady voice of reason that has literally helped me hang onto my sanity. My sentiments for you, and how you process, and share remain solid and full of love. I do look forward to hearing more about your thoughts and feelings regarding RFK’s decision. Sending much love and many Blessings to you Charles.
What I always appreciate about your essays is the challenge they issue to suspend what I think I know and wander into the nuance of those beliefs. As the Buddha was but a pointing finger, and Jesus leads to belief in a higher kingdom, suspending the dumbed down beliefs that fill my mind to see the truth is helpful. Thank you.
What makes this obviously propaganda is that, despite claiming there are no heroes and villains, the speaker tells a story in which all evils were perpetrated by the other side, while his own is entirely blameless. I hope that's deliberate...