I just posted this comment on Elizabeth Nickson’s intriguing post on zero point energy, disclosure, and alien tech:
There is another level of mystery to all of this. The maelstrom of conflicting narratives, both conventional and unconventional, is a sign that the war we are witnessing (and involved in) is about the authorship of reality itself. An intimate and mysterious linkage connects story and reality. The advanced levels of the technologies of symbol and story are capable of narrating worlds in and out of existence, of manipulating entire histories and futures. The power of various beings to do this draws from elements of human consciousness, human choices, human relationships. So, the existence of zero point energy, anti-gravity, etc. is not entirely an objective question. These too fade in and out of existence. In some sense, we are not ready for them. Free energy in particular does not fit easily into a field of scarcity consciousness, which keeps it on the margins of reality. As for UAP propulsion, the fact that the UAP execute maneuvers impossible in Newtonian kinetics is a clue that they, too, occupy an ontologically indeterminate status -- they could not execute those maneuvers if fully in 3D. They create a kind of separate reality bubble. Well, that technology is akin to the larger technology of timeline engineering.
I’ve been receiving requests to comment on such matters, the things that have long lived under the roof of “conspiracy theories.” That epithet has lost its sting, now that the very epitome of the conspiracy theory—the idea that the US government has been hiding evidence of UFOs from the general public for decades—turns out to be not theory but fact. No one knows what to believe any more. The conspiracy theories can’t all be true; after all, many of them contradict each other.
The cracks spreading in the facade of reality will continue to widen. I don’t know if Steven Greer’s prediction of an imminent disclosure event will finally come true. If it does, then the weirdness that will flood in through the breach in consensus reality will elude any tidy understanding. The reason for that is the “timeline engineering” I mentioned in the comment, the manipulation of past and future, and the turbulence that this battle for narrative control has introduced into the normally laminar flow of objective reality. It will take a while for things to settle down into a new consensus. The new consensus will be the dramaturgical scaffold for the next unfolding of human consciousness.
How it will turn out depends a lot on our choices right now. These are the fuel for the timeline manipulations in one direction or another. One way to look at it, is that the malevolent entities Nickson refers to, the Satanic cabal and their extraterrestrial and extradimensional allies, draw their power from the violence, hate, lies, cruelty, indifference, thoughtlessness, arrogance, and vanity the circulates among earth’s population, while the benevolent Guardian races draw their power from our love, generosity, kindness, forgiveness, and devotion to beauty. We are not mere victims. We are all participants in the metamorphosis that is available in these times. The war for reality is not to be won with familiar weapons. In fact, the word “war” is much to small to encompass the drama we have entered.
I will say more if people are interested. It is sometimes a daunting task to translate this way of thinking into a linear format. It is difficult for the modern mind, steeped in the Story of Separation that holds reality as an objective fact outside ourselves, to fully accept it. Please don’t mistake any of what I have written as an assertion of something objectively true. I too am operating the technology that bridges symbol, story, and reality, a participant as all of you are in the shifting of timelines.
I would definitely love to hear more about this, Charles. I’m intrigued by our collective perceptions of good and evil ~~ and I don’t think anyone has had the final say on this yet.
So many big questions that are beyond the ability of one person to accurately define.
We are still on a path of learning and uncovering higher truths. And I appreciate forums like this where deeply considered concepts can be shared and discussed.
Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups... So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.
Philip K. Dick