I would definitely love to hear more about this, Charles. I’m intrigued by our collective perceptions of good and evil ~~ and I don’t think anyone has had the final say on this yet.

So many big questions that are beyond the ability of one person to accurately define.

We are still on a path of learning and uncovering higher truths. And I appreciate forums like this where deeply considered concepts can be shared and discussed.

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Charles, if you are reading this, I just thought you might want to know that the woman you commented to and linked this article to is a proponent of clearcut logging the last remaining old growth rainforests of Vancouver Island. Not really someone I would expect you to associate your writing with and encourage people to feed into, but perhaps you were unaware until now, so i`m letting you know.

Elizabeth Nickson believes it is a good idea (economically speaking) to continue to clear cut the last remaining primary (ancient) old growth forests in BC. She made this very clear to me in a series of comments that I documented here: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/a-few-books-i-am-currently-readingre

In that post linked above, I share the comments I posted on her page explaining why cutting down rare old growth primary forest is a bad idea for so many reasons.

She responded by saying: "“You are an idiot and under educated and blocked. This is an abuse free zone, and stupidity is abuse.”

After which she blocked me. She is the only person I am aware of that has ever blocked me on here.

That is the kind of person you are promoting here Charles.

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I am opposed to any cutting of old growth forests. Just because I find her post intriguing does not mean I endorse her views, either in that article or otherwise. Forests should be managed by people with a generations-long relationship with them, such as indigenous people.

I do not agree with the tendency to divide the internet into mutually exclusive opinion tribes. I read a wide variety of blogs, some left, some right, and I cite them occasionally in my writing. If I refrained from citing anyone who had ever said something appalling, I probably wouldn't be able to cite anyone, not even myself.

When I cite the New York Times, as I occasionally do, that does not mean I endorse its views on public health, Israel, the war in Ukraine, and countless other lies going back decades in support of US imperialism.

I trust my readers to make their own judgments about what to believe and what not to believe. They aren't going to credulously buy Nickson's opinions on forest ecology just because I cited her article on UFOs.

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Though I already knew your stance on old growth, I do appreciate you re-iterating it as the Orwellian word redefining and "lets do it in the name of progress" type PR spinners have been working really hard to warp people's minds regarding what "old growth" forest is and how much of it is left here in Canada. They work hard to commodify and quantify everything in the name of "sustainable development" and push the same propaganda that Nickson was spouting off about regarding how "well managed" our forests are. So your letting others know your stance (when many look up to you) is helpful to our tall ancient rooted non-human kin that cannot speak for themselves. Thanks for that.

Well said regarding not throwing the baby out with the bath water, I am certainly in the same boat. Like you, I have stumbled and put my foot in my mouth, and I quote people that are very well informed and insightful on one topic, but completely out to lunch on another. I do strive to tell people when that is the case though, as I do not want to give them the impression that I endorse all of that person's views. I cite your work after all, and I do not share your endorsement of statism as being something worth feeding my time and energy into (which you exemplified with the RFK campaign stuff). I do however appreciate your insights into inter-being, reviving ancient animistic wisdom and looking to invite people to fall back in love with Earth as the only viable way to protect what is left of the forests, rivers and oceans (rather than the threats, fear or bribes approach of modern "environmentalists") so I share your work even if I do not think feeding into involuntary governance structures is a worthwhile endeavor.

I admire how much trust you put in your reader's discernment, but I can tell you as someone not in your inner circle, interacting with many of your readers from outside that circle, that many look up to you and follow every link you share assuming that material and its source is something you recommend.

For this reason, and incase you were not aware, I brought this to your attention so that you would know the type of material that the link you shared above will lead your readers towards. After all, some of your readers may not know as much as you about forest ecology, and therefore may assume that this Nickson person does know what she is talking about, and choose to behave accordingly.

I know you are a humble person, but I implore you to not underestimate how much influence your casual linking of "intriguing" sources has in directing the attention of many people that are just beginning to embark on their path to learn the truth about the living Earth and our relationship with her.

Thanks for the response.

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Agree about not cutting old growth, disagree about letting the indians manage. Lord knws they'd cut it all to buy booze.

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We Arian Americans have manifest destiny. First we will make America Great Again. Then we will make Mexico and Greenland Great Again. Heil Trump! Charles supported Trump, so Heil Eisenstein!

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Wow! Love a bit of blatant out-loud racism! It's almost refreshing in a world of dog whistles.

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It is worth considering the possibility that it is a sock-puppet troll bot account that just gets unleashed to get people in-fighting.

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You must be one of those DEI nazis? Thank heavens Trump is putting and end to that nonsense.

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Yeah, I guess I am one of those DEI nazis.

Thank goodness Trump will make it illegal for me (a non-US citizen) to criticise people for being racist on the internet. What a golden age we're entering into!

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Thank you, Gavin. More important than any of this wild speculation is our refusal to do harm. We can’t evolve without it.

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The ET invasion false flag card is still in the ruling oligarchy's deck of cards so discussing manmade electrogravitic tech is helpful (even if it triggers some people that are emotionally invested in various delusions of anthropocentric grandeur to freak out and call you a tin foil hat person or what ever).

I did some in depth research into the military / corporate black ops pertaining to zero point energy tech, mass cancellation (aka "anti-gravity") tech and weaponized forms of said technologies a while back and found some extensive documentation. I came to the inevitable conclusion that a small portion of the human family has engaged in the creation of what some have described as a "Breakaway Civilization".

The military industrial complex, corporate and oligarch interests that have acquired, back engineered, weaponized, scaled up and fortified these exotic energy generation, propulsion and directed energy technologies have (over the last 7-8 decades in a big way) created a transnational racketeering operation that is now more dominant in influencing geopolitical spheres than any single nation state. Senator Daniel Inouye described this entity as a "shadow government". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBZ_Kj-Vgws

I`ll share links to pertinent studies and classified documents listing relevant operations and bases of operation incase you wanna do a deep dive at some point (Charles is already aware of this info).

Project Aquarius (relating to the operations of what was once called Majestic 12) including info on Major bases of operations, and some of the widely diversified private sites working on said tech:

- https://archive.org/details/project-aquarius-11-pages

- https://archive.org/details/nro-doc

pertinent science and studies:

- https://archive.org/details/zero-point-energy

- https://archive.org/details/ventura-03

- https://archive.org/details/sst97

- https://archive.org/details/source-of-vacuum-electromagnetic-zero-po

- https://archive.org/details/secrets-of-antigravity-propulsion_202211

- https://archive.org/details/zpf_staif98

- https://archive.org/details/gravity.-pra.paper-1

- https://archive.org/details/energy-vacuum-bearden

- https://archive.org/details/t.-e.-bearden-energy-from-the-vacuum-concepts-and-principles-additional

- https://archive.org/details/ijg-2015042015204020

- https://archive.org/details/epwoutofbox-brief


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I recommend Danny Sheehan, noted constitutional lawyer, who litigated many famous historical cases, he is founder and director of the “New Paradigm Institute” which is focused on supporting disclosure and establishing liaison between the public and government.

He is one of the most highly informed people out there and is legal counsel to Lou Alizondo.

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Danny Sheehan has done some important work exposing various racketeering operations related to this subject matter. For instance, he helped expose "Operation Mockingbird” ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jonhkFOAR3s ) which was a fully implemented CIA program to spread disinformation throughout American media. CIA Director William Colby testified that over 400 CIA agents were active in the US media to control what was reported through American mainstream television, newspapers, and magazines. This operation may have changed names over the years but the fact is not only is it still alive and well, it has expanded ten fold and now involves manipulation of the so called "entertainment industry" as well.

He also did a bit for that Thrive film and exposed some components of what he describes as "the global domination agenda" (the transnational racketeering operation I mentioned above), here is the clip:


I would however also highlight that the people he has worked for (Jesuit U.S. national headquarters in Washington, D.C) have a history of some very psychotic and nefarious behavior themselves (they were the ones giving indigenous communities blankets they knew were infected with small pox back in the day). That said, I have worked for some psychotic bosses in my time, and that does not necessarily mean I agree with them or their history.

The other guy you mentioned (Lou Alizondo) is someone I would listen to with a healthy pinch of salt as he has ties to psychological warfare intelligence operations in the military industrial complex. If I had to guess, based on the testimony that guy has given, I would say that he has handlers pushing him to portray our interstellar neighbors in a fearful way, as to ramp up public anxiety on the topic, so that if they do launch a false flag, people will be primed to react in a way that benefits the further entrenchment of the material power of the military industrial complex.

Thanks for the comment.

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There are many issues that you would agree with Elizabeth Nickson, I suspect. She has a very comprehensive essay on zero energy and the efforts to destroy it over the decades. I agree that it is important to read a variety of sources, regardless of political bent, to unearth truths.

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I am familiar with her writing, I was subscribed to her and read her work before she accused me of being an idiot and stupid and then blocked me.

It all boils down to this, unless you wanna show me that she has publicly asserted that she has had a change of heart and now thinks we should protect all remaining ancient (primary, never clearcut) old growth forests, she is someone that is espousing views (which many people will inevitably adopt as their own and then act upon) that are antithetical to life.

Exposing suppressed tech that is trending and will get her more likes and subscribers is to be expected, she loves to gravitate to the hot button topics and lean into material that will get enthusiastic support, it is smart from a business perspective, but if she is also cheering for destroying the last few pockets of intact ancient memory of what health, balance and symbiosis is on Mother Earth, giving her any more attention is inviting more people to adopt her psychotic anthropocentric views on the logging industry.

Let me put it this way, if you found an article written by a millionaire factory farm owner (who profits from mass murdering sentient beings all day every day), that was packed full of interesting zero point energy info, would you tell people to read his article?

She is not the only person that has intel on this subject matter, many of us have been dismantling the lies surrounding this tech and inviting people to contemplate our place in the universe teaming with intelligent interstellar civilizations for years. Thus, I would direct people to less ecocidal individuals that know about both zero point energy, and are ecologically literate.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Protection of our ancient trees—our elders— is one of my highest priorities. I will be reassessing her body of work. Thank you.

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I share that priority with you and thank you for the open minded interaction.

This additional information may be helpful to you as you reassess her work: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/elizabeth-nicksons-hate-speech

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Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups... So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of it. And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.

Philip K. Dick

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I love Philip K. Dick!

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As do I!

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Wow, Charles!... Earlier this week I sent an email to a small group of family and friends asking if they would be interested in having a zoom discussion on consciousness and reality and the ideas behind the "Matrix"... something I have been delving into for decades but most particularly in the last months. I have been what might be called a died in the wool conspiracy theorist... because I have been interested in UFO's and other odd phenomena (Big foot....) meditation, psychedelics, and other sorts of consciousness explorations - since the 60's.

I have been a sort of outlier - in that I was doing organic gardening before I heard the word, natural healing techniques, recycling... and fought against Round-up when it first came out, never had a micro-wave or cell phone, and don't do pharmaceuticals...or vaccines. I tend to question things... And lately it's as if the veil is thinning - between the lies and "reality".

Until 2023 - I had been a life-long Democrat and this November found myself voting for - and rooting for Trump! That was a truly mind-altering experience, because I had been as big a "never-Trumper" as the average Democrat... even though I had noticed things during his first term in office that stuck with me and made me question my opinion. Oddly - for the last four years I have had recurring dreams about him - in which we were friends... and he was a warm and friendly - and nice - person! The dreams were so real they stuck with me - even though they were confusing to my everyday vision of reality.

At any rate - my "kids" (all 60-ish) and a couple friends and I are planning a zoom this weekend to explore how to deal with the challenges of living in a world where reality shifts as it has been doing - especially now with AI becoming so prevalent. So reading what you just wrote is also a bit mind-bending...!

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Barb - I'd like to join your Zoom group.


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In the same camp, Barb. My father was into UFOs back in the late 50s, along with Rodale and organic gardening, Prevention magazine. He told our family about the Bilderbergs and Rothschilds. Was always frustrated because he had no peers with which to discuss the issues. As a child, I read whatever magazines we had, and thus have been a conspiracy theorist pretty much my whole life. Trump 'seems' like the better choice (and I openly supported him), but just know that he was meant to win, helped to win by the elites.

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I know how your father felt... I was really voting for Bobby Kennedy when I voted for Trump... but have no illusions in spite of what I said... I'm simply always the optimist - while still "questioning everything"...

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Right with you, Barb. ❤️

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Similar family background! Father subscribed to I.F. Stone's Weekly in the '60s, we talked about the Trilateral Commission, dad read Adelle Davis, mother grew her own sprouts/made bread/etc.

UFOs not big in this context but I've always been a UFO agnostic. Voted for Trump because of MAHA, like Barb, & know he's to be watched closely because he's not really the outsider he's presented as being. Voted for nobody in 2020, because I knew president would be "selected."

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Barb....I totally relate and agree with everything you said....this is the time for which we have come. Thanks for sharing.

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Eye had subscribed to your page or whatever it is

After reading the first half of your comment

Then read the remainder

Eye no longer believe that any one AT ALL in our government cares a lick about us

Quite to the contrary

They work for their own greed and maliciousness

Partitioners of the dark forces working on earth

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"Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" - Rev. Seizan Kawakam

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Please do say more on this subject, Charles.

My husband and I had an up close and personal experience with a triangle UFO twenty three years ago and it blew our hearts and minds wide open in the most pure state of awe.

We saw you speak in Boulder a couple of years ago and he asked you from the audience about UFOs. It was the first time I’d heard you address the subject, and although I’ve lost your exact words, I do know that I got a great big internal yes and a feeling of kinship. It’s a big, complex subject, but those of us who are poised to dream a new world into being are ready for the conversation.

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We indeed see through a glass darkly. More accurately, we're probably all staring at our own vast surround mirror which means that our "reality" is a reflection of the way we observe. Cracks are spreading in our mirrors... look what's behind!

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Good image!

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Yes! Your writing on these current matters can help many people

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More important than writings from Charles on this matter is people consciously choosing to develop their own conscious awareness to the point where they can become citizen ambassadors to these advanced civilization that are visiting here. We are at a time on Earth when followers are plentiful, but people that can use their own intuition and discernment to tell what is true and what is not (for themselves) are few and far between. While Charles may have some valuable insights on the topic, I would also highlight the imperative to not just remain as passive observers, but instead become active participants in authoring how the story of our human family will weave together with the story of our elder interstellar neighbors.

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Het Gavin! Hope you are well!

It’s interesting that you mention the importance of individual involvement in this mystery as the subreddits ufo and alien, as well as some youtube talking heads have been mentioning more and more the psychic link between UAP phenomena and individuals, like telepathy and objects appearing after people seemingly randomly just think about them.

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Hello my friend, been a while.

Yes that is interesting indeed.

Well, as I think we have discussed before on my posts on this subject matter way back, the trans-dimensional interstellar capable craft that I have witnessed and interacted with do indeed have the capability of recording and projecting directed thought patterns. Humans are beginning to dabble with this "brain machine interface" tech now with our messy brain chips and some ear buds/helmets that measure brainwaves and extrapolate coherent data (that equates to specific thoughts/emotions) but we are only starting and those civilizations that are visiting here have been working on that tech for millennia and mastered it.

Thanks for the comment, hope we can catch up more soon (I am still enjoying listening to that music you sent me way back) :)

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Speaking of authoring, I found this series of briefings from the Allies of Humanity very thought provoking.

We have no idea how much we don’t know that we don’t know about who our galactic neighbours are and why they are making contact. The mental discipline and emotional groundedness required to even assess the situation is staggering.

May Universe bless us all with discerning wisdom. ✨


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Thanks for the link. Could you provide a condensed synopsis of the picture those briefings paint of the nature of the community of interstellar (and interdimensional) civilizations that are all around us?

Do they portray a sort of startrek rendition of the wild west where there are alliances of "good guy" interstellar peoples and then a bunch of scary (probably reptilian, or weird non-human looking) "bad guy" races of interstellar peoples?

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I am totally with you Gavin , how we prioritize what is essential to cultivate and nurture and what to let go of, having the ability to discern these different worlds truly becomes the essence of life itself

To know thy Self

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Excellent observations!

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Yes, Charles! Please do keep writing about this topic and more important, keep deepening your thoughts as each new crack appears.  Here are some questions with which I organize my attempts to make sense of the situation.

1. I think in terms of 3 regimes in the domain of science 

    a. Physics is reliable. Cars start when you turn the key. Physics experiments are successfully reproduced in separate laboratories across the world.

    b. The realm of telepathy and synchronicities. With difficulty we can demonstrate that these things are happening too often to be explained by chance, and intuitively we feel that they are often fateful.

    c. The realm of miracles, one-off events that grossly defy our understanding of physical law, but miracles don't fit into neat categories, except that there are a few people who seem much better able to manifest them than the rest of us.

Can we delineate the boundaries among these 3 domains? My hunch is that (a) applies to non-living matter and (b) is the definition of life. For example, I don't think that LLMs are capable of telepathy, while dogs are really good at it. But what about (c)? Do we just say, "all these laws have occasional, gross exceptions?" or is there something more definitive we can say?

2. I take seriously the principle of Idealism, according to which thought is a foundation of reality, giving rise to space, time, and matter. But How does this work? It is a rare individual who can change the world just by thinking about it, but groups of people seem to have this power. 

This gives rise to a lot of questions in the category that R D Laing called the Politics of Experience. We are caught in the cross-fire of a war for narrative control. When competing propaganda narratives vie for our attention ae they just trying to shape our beliefs about reality for their own selfish purposes, or are they actually seeking to shape reality itself? If the latter, then what happens when there is a deep divide in our belief systems? Does reality itself bifurcate? Or (less radically) does reality become ambiguous, so that each camp can find justifications for their beliefs?

3. Charles, you have repeated your belief that the Universe responds to our attitudes. If we are scared and selfish, dark things happen all over the world, not necessarily physically traceable to anything we have done. Conversely, if we are trusting and generous and open-hearted, then good things may happen halfway around the world as a consequence. This is a very appealing idea. Can we make it true by believing it? Can we test it scientifically? (Don't laugh. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1006978911496)

4. Conventionally, the past is fixed and we can affect the future with our free will. But is it possible to change the past? There is a logical aspect to this question -- are closed time-like loops a consistent hypothesis? And there is the instrumental question of whether it is actually being done. Are ETs our descendants from the distant future, time-traveling to visit us and alter their own past? (Jorjani and Puthoff, among others, have proposed this narrative.)

Charles, I would relish the opportunity to discuss these questions with you, to push one another's thinking from our different but broadly compatible perspectives.


 Josh Mitteldorf

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Good to hear from you Josh. I won't respond to all of this here, since your points merit a much longer discussion. In short though, (1) physics does work -- except when it doesn't. And the boundaries of what is physically possible seem to evolve over time. I wonder if the inconstancy of physical constants might be related to this? (2) So maybe what we call normal physical reality is just a precinct of reality, in which the laws of physics as we have known them apply, and into which we have entered to enact the particular dramas that it hosts. (3) I do believe our consciousness is intimately and mysteriously connected to the cosmos, but it isn't so direct as the Law of Attraction or The Secret say. (4) Yes, I think that the past is not a fixed objective reality. Recently more and more discoveries have come to light that disrupt the conventional archeological timeline in which the first megaliths and cities were built after the advent of agriculture 5-7 thousand years ago. Were these there all along, and we just didn't discover them? Or did we shift into a reality in which they are there to be discovered? Even to parse this distinction taps into the mental programming of objectivity.

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Awwww, that's sweet. Chuck doesn't "discuss" things, even with smart people, unless he can do it from a stage while sitting on a stool. He feels he's so far above the rest of us he literally has to be on a pedistal.

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That's a pretty heavy judgment. Have you had an interaction with me that gave you that experience? If so, I apologize. I am not very comfortable in most social situations, and sometimes my sensory overwhelm and fatigue comes across as aloofness.

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I have lived a rather long life and will turn 75 in May. I have been interested in alternate realities most of my life even though I was raised a fundamentalist Christian. Although I love the New Testament's stories and consider myself a very spiritual person. I have immersed myself in Tai Chi and Qigong (studied and taught them since 1975), science fiction, shamanism, fantasy (C.S. Lewis and Tolkien, Philip Pullman, Joseph Campbell and his theories of the Hero's Journey. I believe all of these genres include elements of Truth and I will be grateful to learn much more. Please continue to share what you are learning.

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This is where my curiosity is taking me. I have been pondering if ANY of the stories are 'truth', for all or for individuals, and coming away with a fair amount of 'not knowing'. ('not knowing' as the basis for truth and if 'truth' indeed is possible) I struggle with finding words, myself. I am always glad to hear yours.

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I would love for you to explore this topic further. The astrology of 2025 tells us there are unprecedented shifts in understanding coming. Our understanding of reality as simply material is ending. The more certain anyone is that they know the answers, who is in charge, what's coming, etc., the more likely they will be shocked.

Being open to what we can't imagine is a useful practice at the moment, as is honing and trusting our own innate wisdom.

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Excellent Point, getting grounded within our intuitive senses is essential

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Fascinated! Would love to hear more, especially re: “The new consensus will be the dramaturgical scaffold for the next unfolding of human consciousness.”

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Charles, I hope you do pursue this holon of inquiry. Consider listening to the recent Rogan podcast with quantum physicist Thomas Campbell, who works with whole/part explorations of consciousness including "OBEs", remote-viewing, and intuition. His remarks integrate with the statements you made in the Substack piece, in my opinion.

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I will have a look, thanks

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Thank you. Campbell also makes the point, which I have believed for a long time, that we the so-called physically alive are anti-entropic beings.

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It’s an amazing podcast isn’t it? I feel like I now understand something about why we are here and my purpose. I felt hopeful and at peace after listening to it. ❤️

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Yes. Cambell presents the info a model that effectively makes his topic - consciousness - accessible. I like to view the subject through the lens of Parmenides, which inevitably lead me to remember that we are also out of time and space, and dreaming.

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I love this. I dreamed last night that myself and a group of people were having a “dance off” with another group in the hallways of an apartment building. I woke up and I was like, damn, this really is a form of battle. The battle for which reality we will choose to abide in and support.

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I'd be very interested in your writings on this, Charles. One request is to explain the assertions using clear examples, showing how this manipulation works. (Pointing to it purely as "energies" or "forces" or abstractions won't help us to understand the mechanisms and keeps it vague and easily dismissable.)

Keep up the good work.

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I don't fully understand the mechanisms either. I am just following a kind of pattern. Maybe I shouldn't write about it until I get clearer. Some people seem pretty tweaked at the mystifying language. I'm not doing that on purpose.

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I'm not tweaked, myself! I simply think it would be a great exercise if trying to parse it out. I think that doing it would actually contribute to the healing through the seeing and approaching. Even if partial or messy or imperfect, I think it's a worthy endeavor to try just a little.

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Strangely the 'mystifying language' is being understood somewhere in my being.

It feels like a 'new language' we're discovering.

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