When your newsletter appears in my inbox, I know my day is going to be better. Thank you for speaking up. I am eager to hear about your healing and wish you perfect health.

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My goodness not only do I see a kindred spirit in you, Cat, but we also share the same name! Fully in sync with your words!

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Beautifully said 🥰 Agree

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well said Cat! I don't express myself well in english but i feel the same, and for Charles keep up the good work. I recently was healed by Hpathy . KInd regards, Kitty

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I've had three conversations in the past 24 hours with people who I'd describe as vaguely concerned but not clear about what's going on. One in person, two in response to my own piece. Their responses all testify to your point that awareness is growing but it's also highlighting for me how very many people are the early stages of daring to think. The person I spoke to in person (very bright, very young) said: 'you're the first I've spoken to who thinks like this.'. I wasn't preaching revolution, just saying the same kinds of things I've always believed ...

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so powerful—“just saying the same kinds of things i’ve always believed.” this is the revolution at hand...voicing our truths to each other openly and freely and allowing new possibilities. thank you.

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Inspiring-- thank-you

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Thank you, Charles! Synchronicity indeed ... I was terminated from my job of 10 years yesterday for my ethical concerns with my employer's vaccination mandate. But, I feel it, too! The tide has turned! That chapter of my life has closed to move me more in line with my authentic self. Thank you for your essays. They are always uncannily timely.

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great points. years ago, an MD in Reno, Nevada conducted his own double blind placebo controlled etc. trials for his curing people from cancer. No one believed him in the mainstream media and beyond. it took a few years for the local newspaper to write an extremely skeptical watered down story about what he was doing (how dare he cure people from cancer)... I do also know that doctors (integrative, complementary, wholistic, naturopathic, chiropractors and otherwise) make quite a bit of money and do not accept insurance so their treatments are only accessible to rich people who can afford them. In Germany years ago, a nurse friend of mine took me to her clinic where they were curing AIDS using medical ozone in the blood, the costs were negligible there. Here in the USA in the 90's, only 3 doctors were allowed to utilize medical ozone. I worked with one of them and he has trained a bunch of others since then.

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Wow! Nice to know about cancer and about the medical ozone for aids!

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Thank you for this Charles, yes, I too read the Kingsnorth essay and spent time in deep thought in order to comment on it yesterday. I came to the conclusion that 'intuition' would be the thing that turns this situation around (for many reasons) and this gives me a great sense of hope.

I think we can get bogged down in the 'negative reportage' (from both sides of the argument) and the domesday outlook, and that is why I have started to refrain from reading anything that will leave me with depressive thoughts (nowadays, it doesn't take much). What we really, really need is some hope to cling onto and some change in the narrative that we can be guided by. Reading your post, I feel this intuitive sense of change rising up more solidly and becoming more tangible.

Hold on, everyone and never give up believing that the change will come.

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yes! we are empowered in our intuition! thank you for naming and speaking this!

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If you're not sure you want to pay for Paul Kingsnorth's substack in order to read his locked essay (5 pounds per month), below is a link of someone writing about it which includes 1.400+ words of excerpts.

"Paul Kingsnorth Hits Vaccine Tipping Point" by Rod Dreher


Terence McKenna said that part of the challenge of awakening humanity is that so many people want to make a profit out of doing so. Thank you Mr. Eisenstein for keeping payment for your Substack an option rather than a requirement!

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I think Kingsnorth unlocked the article again! I was able to access it free... Yay!

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Thank you, I found Paul Kingsnorth's excellent essay below. Sadly, here in my bluest city I can only think of a few people I can send it to:


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i was able to subscribe to kingnorth's substack. i appreciate his generosity of offering the option to subscribe for free

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As a holistic healer/homeopath I find myself more than I would like wandering in energy that I don't always clear . I also lose sight of the real issue we face in health- allowing ourselves to be stuck in a structure that hasn't worked for a very long time if ever. Thank-you for an incredibly centering piece .

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I'm so pleased to read that you and Paul Kingsworth are related souls. It makes my old woman's heart jump for joy and gives me real hope. Be blessed, both of you.

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I came across the Kingsnorth essay yesterday and thought it was brilliant. I too was pleased to see Eisenstein reference it. I think it does an excellent job of capturing the scary path that we are on -- and why. As people become more aware, it brings hope.

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I am uncharacteristically saddened to discover that not one drop of Kingsnorth's essay is available behind a paywall. His call - we have to make a living - but with any writer of merit charging their own fee, quality writing is quickly becoming unreachable to the average reader. Thank you, Charles, for offering your wisdom; your generosity moved me to subscribe to your work when you did not require it.

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I’ve just accessed it easily, without paying! I clicked in the link from Charles essay and it took me straight there. Then I subscribed, for free..

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Same! When I first clicked, it was locked, then a few hours later, voila!

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“Courage is contagious“—YES! That is precisely why I wrote “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) and included examples of enforcers linking arms with the people against totalitarianism.

As I wrote in that piece, “The only way to keep yourself from transmogrifying into a monstrous sadist is to alchemize your cowardice into courage NOW.”

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Thank you for including the link to Brianne’s heartrending testimony, Charles. I also strongly encourage people to watch this absolutely essential hearing in its entirety (https://thehighwire.com/videos/live-in-d-c-expert-panel-on-medical-mandates-vaccine-injuries/), but in the meantime, this 12-minute synopsis is excellent (https://thehighwire.com/videos/who-will-help-us/).

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Thanks. Wow. So sad and so powerful. I'm glad they put together this short piece. I couldn't bear to watch multiple hours. Never imagined I'd be so grateful to a Republican senator. (I am a 13 year Independent, former Democrat).

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I watched the entire 11/02/21 hearing (3 hours) once and then skimmed through a second and third time. Within a week or so it disappeared from YouTube. Yes, a Capitol Hill hearing with a U.S. senator for vaccine-injured citizens - censored and cancelled.

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MountainBlues, I know what you mean. I listened to the full video and was absolutely gutted but felt it is vital viewing, especially for Covidians who are oblivious to the suffering of vaxx victims.

And yes, there are a few Republican senators putting the already-shameful BigPharma-bootlicking Democrats to even greater shame!

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Indeed, I wish they would all watch this little 12 minute video. I suspect what they would say however is that’s very sad but it’s very rare. And then we get into some debate about that. You know how it is. We run into a brick walls.

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I kind of wish we could strap them into a chair and clip their eyelids back and force them to watch all 3+ hours of the original video à la Clockwork Orange ;-)

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I listened to the catalyst talks podcast and for the most part liked it very much. I feel it's good to have an open loving heart if possible for everyone, no matter where they fall in making sense of the pandemic and vaccines. This definitely helps build community.

But what I feel these times call for is heart with intelligent discrimination and strength to stand firm. I don't think it's good to enable fear and misinformation. Because then we are also enabling medical fascism and probably corporate government fascism to gain traction.

I haven't been in the mood to welcome them after being demonized all year and losing my job for being unvaccinated, but I can feel this shifting. It's like the strength to stand firm is not separated from my heart. And my intelligent discrimination is less separate from my ability to listen, and listen in a particular way, without giving myself and my truth away for the sake of comfort in the interaction.

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The hope in the air is the scintilla of awakening; however, it is going to get VERY dark before enough fight back so let's prepare emotionally. Thank you for the hopeful post.

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Part of me feels this "tide turning," and part of me feels it's going to take a great deal more darkness for the collective to wake up. Let's see how the globe navigates next year's U.S. Pluto return (for those with interest in astrology, the exact passes are Feb, June, Dec 2022). In spite of the divisiveness and tyranny, which I will continue to speak up and write about in terms of awareness of collective SHADOW - and will provide solace for those just awakening to this harshness - I know this is a necessary part of the greater evolution of Consciousness. I am grateful to have a network of people through this community (thank you, Charles) as well as more intimate groups of individuals thinking clearly and feeling accurately and supporting each other. We are not alone. Much love.

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Beautiful said!

I can't find you at naas...

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Hi Corinne! I haven't officially joined yet, but I will! Meanwhile, happy to be a part of this group on Substack.

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🥳🥳🥳 I feel a tremor in the force. Just love your posts Charles & adore the links you provide esp the first one. Questions being asked!! Common sense. Gut instinct something is wrong. The whole world has been tipped upside down & put out on display in all its ugliness & beauty. Now we decide what parts we want & what no longer serves us. It’s a massive healing crisis where a pustule in the form of CV is rising & we now lance it with heart centred awareness. I’m buoyed by the future. Thank you for being a part of this great awakening Charles. Big hugs from Melbourne, Australia xx

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Thank you Charles. I do feel the tide turning, but my fear is that it's too late. I feel very fortunate indeed to have seen through the illusion that is the covid narrative and I do my best to share what I've learned from you and many others over these past 20 months. I despair for humanity because we never seem to learn the lessons of the past and we're doomed to repeat it. Throughout human history, there have always been marginalized groups turned into scapegoats. I never thought that I, a middle-class, middle-aged, hardworking white grandmother, would ever become one of them. Heaven knows I've done my best to teach my children to resist becoming part of the mob. But here we all are struggling to make sense of the truly surreal situation that we, the unvaxxed, find ourselves in. Shamed, excluded, fired, demonized, censored, physically and emotionally attacked, financially and economically stripped of our livelihood and assets we worked hard to earn. I tried to prepare myself after the last financial meltdown for the inevitable collapse of civilization having learned the true nature of predatory capitalism and the tendency of the oligarchs to crush dissent and hoard power using their billions of stolen wealth. But never, did I ever expect them to pit us against one another based on our private medical data. It's quite the coup d'etat. Brilliant and diabolical and clearly very, very effective against the vulnerability of the human psyche. So, here we are, drowning in hatred and bitterness toward each other and blind to the true reality of the psycho-sociopathic agenda unfolding. The personal and collective catastrophic losses are mounting. It will be a very bumpy ride down the cliff of industrial civilization. No one will be spared. Not even the oligarchs.

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I mourn the world, where family, neighbours, friends, workplaces and the government would speak out against violence, coercion and discrimination. That world is no longer apparent for me. Perhaps this speaks to our human need to dam. Some of us (me particularly) are experiencing the deep primal and powerful urge to lash out, to blame them, to not accept but rather denying what is- but as Charles has often said this kind of problem solving technology is what got us here in the first place. It remains now we the people exercising and promoting the ordinary human principles of human rights and informed choice are fast becoming "the problem" and the target of the damming. I'm dumbfounded, it is like people are in a deep deep sleep hypnosis?.... it's terrifying, self regulation is taking consistent focus and effort and the steps towards a more beautiful world are far far from obvious. We have a choice to join them and submit or not to - either way is frought with dis-ease and discomfort (for me at least) I'm praying for the courage to walk through it and to make the right choice for the greater good.

Peace and courage to all 🕊

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