Hey everyone, a quick share of a short film and interview, as I work on something intricate. The film was produced by Matthew Freidell, based on an interview he filmed in my back yard (full interview here). At one point you can see my little dog in the background. The title of the film is “To Be at Home in the World.” Here are a couple excerpts:
“The very fact that you are here with your aspirations and your yearnings for a more beautiful world means that it is possible and that you have a role to play in it. I cannot explain why that is true, but there is a certain logic to it, and that logic draws on the knowledge that there is intelligence in all things, that the world is not just an accident.”
“If I am limited to my realism, it is impossible that the world will ever heal. But my realism is an inheritance from a world-story that is much narrower than what is really real and possible.”
I've come to the conclusion that there are so many of us who share the feelings and hope in this film. Yet, we are not 'aggressive' about our compassion and humanity. Unlike those who find belonging in the inhumanity we see today, who seek the power and control of which you speak, we may retreat from the world, the news, social media. We believe we are alone because these other forces seem so enormous.
We are not alone. We simply need to find each other.
Thank you, as always, for the reminder.
Dear Charles, my most heartfelt thanks to you for being in this world. You inspire and comfort all of us who are profoundly touched by your writing. This film made me smile and cry. Finally, you have articulated what I have carried within me for decades but was unable to express. Our life’s work is connection. Blessings to you.