I've come to the conclusion that there are so many of us who share the feelings and hope in this film. Yet, we are not 'aggressive' about our compassion and humanity. Unlike those who find belonging in the inhumanity we see today, who seek the power and control of which you speak, we may retreat from the world, the news, social media. We believe we are alone because these other forces seem so enormous.

We are not alone. We simply need to find each other.

Thank you, as always, for the reminder.

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Amen sister / brother

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Dear Charles, my most heartfelt thanks to you for being in this world. You inspire and comfort all of us who are profoundly touched by your writing. This film made me smile and cry. Finally, you have articulated what I have carried within me for decades but was unable to express. Our life’s work is connection. Blessings to you.

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Your words always it home. But never had they been mixed with film in such a beautiful way. Georgous.

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So true! Your words always resonate like a singing bowl, but this is my favorite video to share when I want to introduce people to your voice. So happy it was made.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Second to an actual walk in the woods with my Luv, this was the best 15 minutes I’ve spent in a while. Thank you.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Wow, I am so moved by this. Thank you so much Charles. After doing Fox Healing Grief Ritual last weekend, this is what I intuitively felt after holding space for despair. Thank you for putting into words so many things that I feel and taking it even further and beyond with a call to action. I am forever inspired and will carry this with me. I love you! I can not hold enough gratitude for this message.

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Absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for this. I will borrow your lense and look for glimpses of that world instead of constantly trying to sniff out danger.

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it's astounding how many glimpses are out there. the lens shift is so profound, and remarkably simple to apply. also remarkably difficult to maintain.

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Thank you Charles for this inspirational, insightful and encouraging video. I was exploding inside making connections with my own particular perspective on your words here. What I have been writing about with much the same idea in mind is "To be at home in the Womb." The reason I use womb instead of world is because I do believe the story we inhabit is primarily a Love story. Love is a relationship between "others." The intimate give and take, emptying and filling that takes place between lovers creates a space, a fertile womb where all potential and possibility that one could image is created. We are in that womb looking at every possibility to be created anew in the mage and likeness of this loving relationship, trying to answer the question, "is this me? Is this who I am." Some of us have seen that image individually (we are the imaginal cells) but we have not seen it collectively yet. We are still deciding and looking at all possibility. And we have to have the freedom to experience it all. The wonderful thing about the Womb is that it holds the Spirit of this loving relationship and it is compassionate, merciful, forgiving, and patient and trusts that eventually we will "see" ourselves on the big screen of the world and finally look into the mirror of the Love that birthed us and say "yes, this is who we are!!". And how our hearts will throb and over flow in gratitude when we see that the world we always thought was possible is REAL.

For me, my role is to tell this Ancient Love story and to resurrect the Bride/Feminine archetype and bring her out of exile so that we can see that creation is a marriage of "otherness" (divine and human, masculine and feminine, God and the world and every other opposite). This otherness, whatever it is is equal, mutual, reciprocal in a dance that is birthing us. We (individually and collectively) are the fruit of this "dance" of otherness and we are in labor trying to bring ourselves to birth. We are all a "form" of Love in the world.

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You touched my soul, again. Thank you.

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Congratulations. Beautiful video of hope and reawakening so necessary.

Can I organize to put Portuguese subtitles on it ?

We could really use this heartfelt message here in Brasil right now (too)

Love Peter

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Yes, I feel it! Love the backyard and "your little doggie too". (Just saw the Wizard of Oz .. couldn't help myself...)

I see it in more and more in all ages and settings.

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I really enjoyed today’s share! The video, score and words were married in a really creative way. Great job Matthew and Charles 🤙

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Simply incredible!

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Thank you Charles. It feels good to know the despair we feel is just part of the transitioning to the beautiful world we know is possible.

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thank you charles. i am so grateful. it is in my giving , i receive.

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Maybe one can’t exist without relationships, but one can BE… less relationships has been a leveling up, for me. Being an “antivaxxer” manifested itself in the less cognitively competent people around me, taking a step back on their own. Now, I’m truly surrounded by like-minded people, with whom I truly want to build a long meaningful and interdependent relationship.

As for hitting bottom, the sun will decide when “bottom” is.

Our societal “manual/instructions” for how to be happy, is what you describe as on its way to “hit rock bottom.” A good way to transition is, to look at other “manuals” which have survived the millennia.

I love the gift economy, but it’s not the answer to the obstacle which is in front of us. That said, it’s a great way to transition. I thank you deeply for all you’re doing.

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What is the answer?

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An actual sharing of the responsibilities/work, as well as the rewards. To be clear, I’m not sure what Charles meant. Some use “gift” or “Star Trek” as a replacement for some form of Socialism. I don’t know that Charles means that.

In the pure literal sense of the word “gift” it implies a choice. We have many people and many necessities which cannot wait for “chance.” It’s a great way to transition, but we need to come up with a system which eliminates the uncertainty from basic survival, at least.

If you ask me, we need to change to “Time” being the most valuable commodity (because it is), and make sure that natural resources don’t belong to individuals. We need to find a way to introduce a Homestead act 3.0. In which people are given plots of land and live in small communities like Kibbutzes. Communities which are self-reliant, and everyone has responsibility towards the other members (say Dunbar value), knows them, and can form meaningful relationships. It would be great if each community also had an economic center like a factory, or movie theater, or software company. So some people produced something that keeps society at large able to maintain some of the positive aspects of life which arises outta “modernity.” While others do the work which allows the community to survive and thrive. Small communities can easily be democratic.

The biggest problem we have, is a long we’ve delayed dealing with our issues, how accustomed we are to lying and faking everything. We are all hypocrites in some way, so it’s a learning process.

Many people have great ideas for the end point, but I hear nothing about how to get there. Take crime for example, I am completely disgusted by our Justice system and have personally been abused by it, just because I’m an immigrant and a recovering addict. That said, I absolutely disagree with just letting people out into the world. The crime waves you’re seeing are intentionally allowed to take place. The rich have security, they count on the violence to bring the public to ask for security and safety. They want us to beg for safety, and agree to measures which curtail our freedoms. How can you blame victims when it comes to it?

If we’re lucky we’ll have formed groups like the Black Panthers in every community, before the public asks for curfews and more death penalties.

One idea I know could be transformative is, if we gave every 18 year old a small parcel of land, and $15,000 to built an aircrete dome, but made sure the parents had time off, so this was a family project. Imagine the value for young people, and families, if homelessness was never a worry.

Here’s a video from a friend of mine, who built one for $11,000. You’ll be shocked if you don’t know what aircrete domes are


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Thank you for your thoughtful response. I enjoyed the video about aircrete domes and am very interested in non-toxic, affordable building materials. I have long been interested in Cobb houses and aircrete technology is an intriguing alternative. You have motivated me to consider what part I could play in providing shelter and fostering community for our brothers, sisters, children and elders everywhere. A lot of us suffer from some form of this deprivation, even if we have a roof over head and friends in the community. I can't say it better than Charles; he writes eloquently and prolifically about what modernity and technologies that put us at odds with nature (and our own divinity I would add) have wrought. Conversations like this give me hope.

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Amen! And same to you, I thank you for the thoughtful response, and agree with every word. I love cob, but from my understanding, it is only an economical alternative, if the soil content is rich in clay. That is to say, it’s a fantastic option, if One lives in a clay-rich area. We sure do, here in CO, and there are a few expert crews working around here building cob houses, many are earthships (passive solar housing).

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Excited to watch! It's amazing how just those words, your brief excerpt, ignites a little spark of hope that had been dampened over the last few months. Thank you.

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Tears. And already more at home in the world, recognizing my own glimpses of the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible. Thank you.

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