Don't forget the whale skulls. But give the guy a break. It's just a rich kid's hobby and a rich kid's sense of entitlement that he can do whatever he wants and it will be indulged.
Frankly, having a whale skull shows how much RFK Jr. is deeply anti-establishment. He's just a random guy, like hundred of millions of Americans. It's very important such people can seize the power for protecting the poor.
If RFK Jr has his ear I pray he shares this essay. Vitally important on many levels.
He's busy finding dead bears to put them on bicycles. And "changing his mind" last minute.
Did you read RFK's wonderful speech explaining his decision? It is very moving.
Don't forget the whale skulls. But give the guy a break. It's just a rich kid's hobby and a rich kid's sense of entitlement that he can do whatever he wants and it will be indulged.
Frankly, having a whale skull shows how much RFK Jr. is deeply anti-establishment. He's just a random guy, like hundred of millions of Americans. It's very important such people can seize the power for protecting the poor.
He didn't change his mind. He forgot, cuz, ya know, the worm ate his brain.
He doesn't have his ear. Anymore than the King of Rohan has Saruman's ear.