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If your argument is Trump is less bad, well, I disagree, but we can disagree reasonably because both candidates are awful if you care about putting an end to the war machine, but Trump might be marginally better in that respect (honestly it's difficult to say and personally I don't believe the military industrial complex actually takes orders from the president in a real sense).

But if you're arguing that Trump might be a good man coming to his senses, I'm sorry, I just don't see that. I don't think it's Trump derangement syndrome either. I've been critical of the Democratic party (from the left) for most of my life. I don't have any special allegiance to them and I see Trump as a symptom of a deeper sickness. But he's certainly not an antidote to corruption. Again, some of these claims are so comical that it's hard to understand how people come to these conclusions.

Can you explain why you don't think a Trump administration would be equally corrupt to a Democrat one? We've seen a Trump administration, and it looked plenty corrupt to me.

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It's pure pragmatism and dedication to public service. The DNC aggressively sabotaged RFKjr's campaign -- deploying a staff with war chest budget dedicated to re-writing rules and suing in the states to block ballot access, swiftboat his intelligence, twist his words to keep him on the defensive in the media, and infiltrate his staff to create legal issues. The denial of secret service protection was astoundingly venal, and also prevented him being able to organize large rallies; the campaign had to become more media-centered but he was blocked from mainstream audiences and the debate stage.

He'd campaigned without a day off for 17 months and Dems thought they had him cornered, tied up in kangaroo court in New York while they partied in Chicago. With his campaign sabotaged Kennedy pivoted on a dime to put three core issues in front of voters -- ending the Ukraine war, stopping censorship (which is getting scarier from Dems by the day), and taking on the chronic disease epidemic. He endorsed the Trump campaign as a means to get in the White House. It's Trump who's endorsed Kennedy's policies, not the other way around. A brilliant strategy to form a unity coalition government within the U.S. system. Kennedy will have oversight over staffing as chair of the hiring committee. Better policies will result from hiring better people. It's all going to make Trump look very very good, believe me, he'll be happy to take credit.

This is the very best we could hope for out of the lesser-evil-ism into which we've once again been manipulated. And today Trump was very gracious when acknowledging the phone calls he'd received from Biden and Harris after the second attempt on his life. So there's that. Let's keep going we the people with our messy painful beautiful evolution toward a more direct, self-organizing, localized democracy.

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The democrats, who shriek about "saving democracy" just installed a presidential candidate without a single primary vote.

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It’s not “difficult to say” that Trump is marginally better regarding peace efforts. He’s absolutely 100% better than the Neoliberal Democrats. The Ukraine war never would have started under his watch, and I am near certain he will negotiate out of it if elected. He also squashed the North Korea nuclear threats when in office, though now with Biden/Kamala in office N.K. has ramped it back up again. I very much don’t like the anti-Russia rhetoric coming from the Dems and mainstream Republicans, it’s dangerous and I worry could lead to nuclear war, which is why I’ll be voting for Trump. The Israel-Palestine conflict is another matter though, as both main candidates back Israel, including RFK. I can understand why someone would vote Stein or West because of that.

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He'll give Ukraine to Putin. Appeasement in other words. He and other dictators will get the green light to invade their neighbours. Appeasing Putin brings more conflict, not less. 30s redux. I have friends on the front line defending their home. They want the invader out. They want their sovereignty. They want the 100k kidnapped children back. Trump is also far far worse on Gaza. He wants Netanyahu to "finish the job" and told him to reject a ceasefire because it might benefit the Dems. Trump is no peacenink. He's just pro Putin.

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I agree with you about Trump’s position on Gaza, that is concerning. But I don’t agree about Putin and Ukraine, the roots of that conflict go back to 2014 which falls on the deep state.

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What do you mean Deep State? The Maiden revolution was people rising up against a president who campaigned on aligning with the democratic and prosperous EU and then switched to aligning with Putin (probably after a massive bribe or threat to life). American money backed the uprising. Sometimes the US does the right thing. This was one of those times.

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It was a US sponsored coup. We are at opposite ends of how we view Ukraine. Putin repeatedly warned US not to put NATO bases near the Russian border, they consider it a direct threat, yet the US did it anyway. That’s what this war is about. Russia is not our enemy, and US is partially at fault for this fiasco.

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Yes they are partially to blame AND as Chomsky says the invasion was just as egregious as the Nazi invasion of Poland and the US/UK invasion of Iraq. The Ukrainian people preferred to be closer to the EU, a propersous, liberal and democratic group that the kleptocratic Russian dictatorship. The Ukrainian president campaigned on going closer to the EU then was bribed or strong-armed into making ties with Russia. If you were Ukrainian would you rather be part of the EU or Russia?

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sorry that's too nuanced, try again :)

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I dint know what that means

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I mean that your claim that the US is sometimes wrong and sometimes right is too nuanced for internet debate. You're supposed to collapse it into a simplified version where they are always wrong or right. Ironically this is what CE is constantly cautioning against, yet by using the term Establishment and painting them as all bad, is himself doing.

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I agree :) thanks for explaining. Yes, Charles seems rather confused and is projecting his inability to face the objective reality of who Trump is, what he's promised to do and what he has done and STILL feel the warm fuzzy compassion-buzz he's tripping on.

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Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

I am actually comprehending more deeply what is meant by 'cognitive dissonance' when I think about this situation he's got himself into. One part of him wants it to all be love and light, another part wants the money, another part wants to protect his reputation as an independent thinker, and so on. There is a fragmentation, a lack of integrity. This is probably the effect that getting involved in institutional politics always has.

Pretty sure he's not consciously lying in the way that DT himself does, where he just doesn't give a shit what is true. CE is lying to himself about who Trump is, painting over the reality with 'who he might become if x happened', despite the fact that DT is 78 and VERY unlikely to change now, given he's been a grifter and a liar his entire life. Of course nothing is impossible, but to base your whole worldview on something that basically requires a miracle is probably not going to work out. Other than financially, of course.

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Yes. He seems to have a deep epistemological and ontological confusion. I imagine that the company he keeps simply doesn't give him sufficient intellectual challenge when it comes to moral philosophy and politics. Libertarianism - beloved of uber privileged Austin elites like Aubrey Marcus who he also works for/with - is a very adolescent ideology.

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Not the deep state. That is propaganda. Paul Manafort, Trump's 2016 campaign manager. Read about his work in Ukraine, including sowing this kind of messed up Russian propaganda.

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Better that the war in the Ukraine is ended, than for the world to end up in WW3.

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I have friends on the frontline. They want Russia out of their homeland. Putin is a psycho but he's not insane. He's not going to go nuclear. Russia would be destroyed. And Trump appeasing Putin would give the green light for him to invade other neighbours, for China to invade Taiwan, Turkey to invade Turkmenistan etc etc. 1930s redux. Appeasing bullies doesn't work.

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From what I could see, the bombs continued to drop during the Trump presidency. Whether or not the Ukraine war would have started under his presidency is pure speculation. Again, I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do think it's difficult to say or predict. Trump is not a peaceful person by nature. He thrives on conflict and is obsessed with winning. That makes me question whether he would be any less of a warmonger, and as I implied earlier, it's unclear to what extent the president has power over the military industrial complex. I know that's how it's supposed to work, but it seems highly doubtful to me.

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You may be right, but at least he didn’t start any new wars, whereas 2 have started under Biden, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. The Ukraine war has its roots going back to 2014, when the U.S. ( Victoria Nuland) participated in a coup to overthrow their president.

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Which is why I am pleased that people like RFK and Charles (!) are on the team - who knows what subtle effects are at play...

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I think it comes down to triage. We will have no opportunity to arrest any wars if we can no longer speak freely about them. To me it’s about protecting the essentials first, such as our Constitution, and moving from there. He is the only candidate I trust at the moment to not throw us to the global governance wolves at the door. It’s weighing the situation by saying, Trump will have another 4 years and then someone else can fill the role. He just patently is not the Hitler he’s been made out to be. Unsavory, sure. Says things I’d rather her not, site. I don’t think a Trump cabinet would be near as corrupt as the current regime because he doesn’t control all the levers of power. The deep state is not carrying water for him. He is an outsider coming in with a team of people I have followed and respected for many years and whom I trust. I can appreciate you don’t agree but this is why Trump seems the better option rn.

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I believe the most important thing Trump can do is stop the globalist take-over of nation states. He is the only candidate capable of doing that. What do you think the mass immigration everywhere is all about? Yuval Harari has said if Trump gets in, their project (Great Reset, Agenda 2030,etc.) is finished.

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Hi Brian,

I also come from the left and never thought I'd consider voting Trump, until now. It's much bigger than him .. on both sides, I see a huge difference in the people around the candidates.

The damage done by whatever blob sees free speech - especially true speech, and honest doctors, as its enemy, and just tried to inject the entire world with the genetic code for spike protein, forcing as much as they could get away with, and is trying to tag and track all of us - proof of this is in plain site in 2024 - and exists by infinite wars, is far worse than anything I think Trump and those around him would do.

To be clear, to be not as bad as locking in medical, digital, informational tyranny while gaslighting compassion and protection, is a very low bar. I think that Trump is not-as-bad as the Dems. But I think the people aligning with the side that's not-the-Dems are way better than lesser evil, I think these are some of the wisest people alive today. (Kennedy, Calley and Dr Casey Means, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard ... )

It's not about looking at Trump with naive admiration, it's about looking at what the Dems and the global blob they're part of have Already Done, and are Doing Right Now with their other puppets, in countries with less protections than the US. (Canada, the UK, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Germany, the EU ... )

The blob the Dems are part of is all about censorship (mostly of truth), the corruption of medicine, mandates for medical products known to be seriously unsafe at the time they were mandated, as well as incapable of stopping infection / transmission, abuse of digital control. The tyranny of the global blob that wants endless wars, and knows that the current version of the Democratic Party would serve the interests of neocons like Dick Cheney better than a Trump admin.

The pesky first amendment, which Democrats have no respect for, makes it harder to do here what they're already doing in the UK, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Canada, etc.

I don't see Trump as wanting to control what's said and shared online in nearly the same way as the Dems. Without access to information, the world is truly dystopian and tyrannical.

And while the people around Harris / Walz are deeply corrupt (or terrible at processing information), the people around Trump include the speakers at an amazing Senate hearing this Monday about food, nutrition, health (only two Senators were there, both Republican).

Everyone there knows that health / food / soil should not be partisan / political. But they also know that the Democrats are too close to pharma and the food industry for them to prioritize real health.

These are amazing people able and ready to help restore soil, health, and integrity to science and medicine. Some may have liked Trump all along, others are only aligning with him because there's no other way for this wisdom to reach inside the government than in an administration that has Kennedy and Calley Means on that team.

https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/sen-johnson-roundtable-american-health-and-nutrition-a-second-opinion/ - worth a listen ...

If people on the left heard this conversation and Republican (bad!) politicians weren't part of it, and it had nothing to do with a movement that's working with the Trump campaign, if it was just a hearing about health and nutrition, say, moderated by Democrats - the left, at least the left I used to know, would be thrilled, moved to tears and gratitude and hope that what they've been trying to say for decades may finally be taken seriously.

But now, because there's association with Trump, and because the media has poisoned what anyone on the left thinks of all politicians on the right, because even Ron Johnson's name is poison to my Mom and other liberal sponges, most liberals can't see the good, the amazing, hopeful, genuine, good, that is in this room, https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/sen-johnson-roundtable-american-health-and-nutrition-a-second-opinion/

Nor the good that will be in Washington DC this weekend - https://jointheresistance.org/

The accusations of the Dems being determined to limit speech to their approved narrative, and the blob they're part of doing this already across the world, I can back up with many links.

These are just a few, I don't have time to share more, but you probably know of this already, the international effort to police speech, that's based on gaslighting about protection.



I could say much more, and am starting a Substack to attempt to reach through the lack of curiosity on the TDS left. I haven't yet posted, but something will be up in a week or so (apx). https://anotherbetrayedliberal.substack.com/

You ask a good question. There surely was corruption in Trump's first admin. Not the democracy - destroying dictatorship that the TDS left fears, but, there were only two non-swamp creatures in his administration that I know of, and they weren't listened to (Drs Scott Atlas and Paul Alexander).

This time with Kennedy, Tulsi, Calley Means, and others on board, I think it will be different. (Even if not, I don't see how it can be worse than the party of censorship, mandates, and neocons)

(And if Trump says to the MAHA crew after winning the election, something like, "Thank you, thank you very much for helping me win. I actually will not be giving you a job in my administration, I actually don't give a crap about the health of Americans, and we have other things to do. But, you'll get a signed picture of me, as a thank you for your help. And a hat, a very, very nice hat. Don't worry, I got this from here. I'm going to do a great job."

... If he does that - All the energy of excitement and hope that exploded when RFK, Jr walked onto the stage at Trump's rally, all that and more and his reputation among people who fill his ego, all that narcissistic supply would be drained away from Trump, probably never to return. And the media would rejoice in being able to say, "told you so! Idiots who trusted The Bad Man!".

The more they try to kill him, and relentlessly portray him as the Worst Thing Ever, the more I think he may actually let the people who know how to, like Kennedy, clear the corruption. (Mike Benz explains how the definition of "democracy" was re-done. So in this gaslit version, populists are threats to democracy - that corrupt apparatus behind the scenes, that showed its hand in censoring truth and promoting scientific fraud and moving the globe around).

Feel free to stay in touch ...

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that's my question, exactly

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