my gosh, the hubris and judgement running thru some of these comments is full-on! You don't have to agree with Charles but perhaps apply the principles he is talking about - try stepping into other shoes...try having a conversation/discussion rather than coming from a moral sense of superiority and being right...try seeing Charles for hi…
my gosh, the hubris and judgement running thru some of these comments is full-on! You don't have to agree with Charles but perhaps apply the principles he is talking about - try stepping into other shoes...try having a conversation/discussion rather than coming from a moral sense of superiority and being right...try seeing Charles for his goodness and looking for the best in others and wanting us all to look at and own our own stuff! I'm no fan of Trump's at all and I am deeply disappointed in RFK's Israel stance (considering everything else he says that I agree with I just cannot fathom the contradiction), however, realistically...there is a chance that the better part of these people will step up when they find themselves in roles they believe in - I've heard each of them speak with passion about certain topics. Synergy 1 + 1 = 3! I think more than anything I see things changing one way or another rather than everyone rolling over and going back to sleep if the same old same old gets back in. It's probably going to be very tricky and disruptive for a while. In the end, 'we the people' are waking up in droves, there are no saviours, we need to go back to local and doing it for ourselves, together. Politicians will come and go but I sense they are going to start losing any power they thought they had after this election (if it even comes to an election - there's every possibility the whole damn thing will implode or not go ahead just because the times do not support anything that is no longer in integrity. There has to be vibrational alignment - the 'energy' is now important, it's no longer just about the physical...consciousness is rising.) I'm excited with the not knowing how the fuck it will go and having trust that we are evolving no matter how it might look right now! Let's face it - NO-ONE KNOWS!!!
Look, I'll always hold out a sliver of hope in the possibility of people reclaiming their hearts. Even Trump. At the same time, I think delusional applies here, and I don't see it as coming from a judgmental place. Trump, currently, is a predator and someone seeking power and attention. He's your typical narcissist looking for his narcissistic supply on the grandest level possible. I don't say this to judge the man, I think his narcissism and predation are both ultimately rooted in pain and fear. But we can have compassion for Trump while still being realistic about the man he is now and trying to keep him away from the levers of power. There's no need to support someone so clearly corrupt and troubled when there are authentic voices in the race like West.
As someone else pointed out, Charles' supposed compassion (or disingenuous piety) of Trump is what Buddhists call "idiot's compassion". A pretty speech before the mirror. Genuine compassion would be seeing Trump for the wounded and dangerous man he is and still feeling compassion. Not this fantasy about him changing. It is very self-indulgent and self-regarding
Where is the compassion for women? LGBTQ+ human beings? The planet itself--Gaia--which used to the main event for Charles? Migrants? POC? Even Gazans, whom Jared Kushner would like to remove for the amazing "beachfront property."
Yes it's clearly our lack of spiritual elevation that is driving our concern about this rapist. If only Trump would read this article or Eisenstein could use his magic wand all would be well.
We do not need to have compassion when we are actively trying to escape an abuser. We just need to escape. All that other stuff comes later. This essay is a gaslight of the highest order.
Trump started is political career mocking a disabled journalist and hidding an affair. Please, I won't try to understand him. Understanding MAGAs is different and OK. But not Trump.
I've been reading this thread for days, with so much interest. One thing I'd like to add in, and yours seems the perfect comment to add to, is that I think a lot of people (I would include myself) have learned a lot from Charles (I have all his books as well) over the years. He's always been a voice of reason, and has helped me to aspire to a higher self. And I do like that he's speaking to how to approach our political world. What people seem to be upset about here is that he's offered - no, maybe suggested - that the application of his prodigious skills/ideals/strategies has led him to support Trump. I'm not entirely clear 100%, so I think were' all hoping CE writes again, to help us all along. Now that we find ourselves here, however we might describe it. :-)
This sounds rather culty. Waiting for the guru to explain why it's OK to have seven child brides. He's supporting an active misogynist, an actual adjudicated rapist whose idea of 'inter-being' is aggressively shoving his fingers in a woman's vagina, a man of viscious, racist and increasingly stupid, inane and insane rhetoric and whose policies will desecrate the environment. It's indefensible.
Culty . . . you cannot know the breadth and depth of what I read or anything else about me, so I can see how you might view it that way. My comment was (maybe not clear in this) was referring to CE *in the past* bringing a new perspective (a more beautiful world and ways we might think about what that means to each of us individually). Not what to think, but how to frame questions about the world we find ourselves in. He did not write again specifically to what many of us were aghast about, his apparent nod to Trump. No need to get graphic about pussy grabbing, fingers or anything, Jamie, I'm right there with you in abject disgust. CE is no guru. I'm just reading with interest to see where this goes, based on his history, which goes much farther back than his current dance in politics.
my gosh, the hubris and judgement running thru some of these comments is full-on! You don't have to agree with Charles but perhaps apply the principles he is talking about - try stepping into other shoes...try having a conversation/discussion rather than coming from a moral sense of superiority and being right...try seeing Charles for his goodness and looking for the best in others and wanting us all to look at and own our own stuff! I'm no fan of Trump's at all and I am deeply disappointed in RFK's Israel stance (considering everything else he says that I agree with I just cannot fathom the contradiction), however, realistically...there is a chance that the better part of these people will step up when they find themselves in roles they believe in - I've heard each of them speak with passion about certain topics. Synergy 1 + 1 = 3! I think more than anything I see things changing one way or another rather than everyone rolling over and going back to sleep if the same old same old gets back in. It's probably going to be very tricky and disruptive for a while. In the end, 'we the people' are waking up in droves, there are no saviours, we need to go back to local and doing it for ourselves, together. Politicians will come and go but I sense they are going to start losing any power they thought they had after this election (if it even comes to an election - there's every possibility the whole damn thing will implode or not go ahead just because the times do not support anything that is no longer in integrity. There has to be vibrational alignment - the 'energy' is now important, it's no longer just about the physical...consciousness is rising.) I'm excited with the not knowing how the fuck it will go and having trust that we are evolving no matter how it might look right now! Let's face it - NO-ONE KNOWS!!!
Look, I'll always hold out a sliver of hope in the possibility of people reclaiming their hearts. Even Trump. At the same time, I think delusional applies here, and I don't see it as coming from a judgmental place. Trump, currently, is a predator and someone seeking power and attention. He's your typical narcissist looking for his narcissistic supply on the grandest level possible. I don't say this to judge the man, I think his narcissism and predation are both ultimately rooted in pain and fear. But we can have compassion for Trump while still being realistic about the man he is now and trying to keep him away from the levers of power. There's no need to support someone so clearly corrupt and troubled when there are authentic voices in the race like West.
As someone else pointed out, Charles' supposed compassion (or disingenuous piety) of Trump is what Buddhists call "idiot's compassion". A pretty speech before the mirror. Genuine compassion would be seeing Trump for the wounded and dangerous man he is and still feeling compassion. Not this fantasy about him changing. It is very self-indulgent and self-regarding
Where is the compassion for women? LGBTQ+ human beings? The planet itself--Gaia--which used to the main event for Charles? Migrants? POC? Even Gazans, whom Jared Kushner would like to remove for the amazing "beachfront property."
Exactly. It's gaslighting, bypassy BS
I am stunned. But CE will blame this on me and my projecting. Not on the fact that I care about my daughters and all women. Unreal.
Yes it's clearly our lack of spiritual elevation that is driving our concern about this rapist. If only Trump would read this article or Eisenstein could use his magic wand all would be well.
Well said!
We do not need to have compassion when we are actively trying to escape an abuser. We just need to escape. All that other stuff comes later. This essay is a gaslight of the highest order.
Trump started is political career mocking a disabled journalist and hidding an affair. Please, I won't try to understand him. Understanding MAGAs is different and OK. But not Trump.
I've been reading this thread for days, with so much interest. One thing I'd like to add in, and yours seems the perfect comment to add to, is that I think a lot of people (I would include myself) have learned a lot from Charles (I have all his books as well) over the years. He's always been a voice of reason, and has helped me to aspire to a higher self. And I do like that he's speaking to how to approach our political world. What people seem to be upset about here is that he's offered - no, maybe suggested - that the application of his prodigious skills/ideals/strategies has led him to support Trump. I'm not entirely clear 100%, so I think were' all hoping CE writes again, to help us all along. Now that we find ourselves here, however we might describe it. :-)
This sounds rather culty. Waiting for the guru to explain why it's OK to have seven child brides. He's supporting an active misogynist, an actual adjudicated rapist whose idea of 'inter-being' is aggressively shoving his fingers in a woman's vagina, a man of viscious, racist and increasingly stupid, inane and insane rhetoric and whose policies will desecrate the environment. It's indefensible.
Culty . . . you cannot know the breadth and depth of what I read or anything else about me, so I can see how you might view it that way. My comment was (maybe not clear in this) was referring to CE *in the past* bringing a new perspective (a more beautiful world and ways we might think about what that means to each of us individually). Not what to think, but how to frame questions about the world we find ourselves in. He did not write again specifically to what many of us were aghast about, his apparent nod to Trump. No need to get graphic about pussy grabbing, fingers or anything, Jamie, I'm right there with you in abject disgust. CE is no guru. I'm just reading with interest to see where this goes, based on his history, which goes much farther back than his current dance in politics.
The graphicness is to illustrate the moral depravity of Eisenstein's position.