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PS: i just did the math and it's definitely way more than 1,000 doors. I don't know what i was thinking. Just putting that out there even though nobody cares LOL

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I like and relate to where you are coming from Allison :)

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Oh that makes me so happy! I'd love to hear more from you if you're willing to share - regardless, thank you so much for saying so! :)

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thank you Allison - I think I have made more comments on this whole thread than I ever had anywhere else - I like the conversation here and the level of heart/intelligence (both totally necessary!) I think Charles readership is of an ilk that I resonate with - even tho we are each unique and can have differences. One thing that occurs to me about this whole topic is that we will get what we need...and it may not look how any or many of us want. Talking about the election - ironic that I live in NZ but this is the first time I think so many in the world have their eyes on the US! What I see is that the systems need to crash and radically change - some will do so more easily than others. The beauty of the internet is that everything is becoming visible - which freaks a lot of people out I know - 'all that misinformation, disinformation, malinformation in the 'wrong' hands - sacre bleu!', but by the same token, we are all waking up to the truth of how our world has been and is running - and it hasn't been in the people's favour or interest. It's time for massive change. The whole US system being sooooo corrupt and unwieldy is destined for a mighty fall - or a mighty rise after a period of chaos - or complete collapse...whatever it is, bring it on! I suspect the answer and result is going to be more disruptive but it's what we all do with that. It would be a mistake to think we need be disappointed with the results whatever they are. It is all leading us somewhere better as consciousness is rising - but might be rough for a while - we will cope! Love to hear your thoughts...a big part of me doesn't even want to discuss politics because I don't believe that's where it's at but I am kinda curious and enjoy where people are speaking above and beyond the 3D level of politics. I was fascinated when Charles made the leap - I'm glad he's in there on some level... :). Thank you for asking me...(I can rave on sometimes...)

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I just saw this and listened. I have listened to this guy before. He makes you think in a very important way, which adds to the complexity of all.https://rumble.com/v5fbarv-politics-isnt-the-answer-a-response-to-naomi-wolfs-perfect-is-the-enemy-of-.html

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