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He's admitted Uraine has lost the doomed war, that he made a mistake in hiring so many neocons in his first term, that he was hoodwinked by the establishment in his term, and possible even that losing Roe was a mistake - edging towards that.

Are you mixing him up with that brainless figurehead from the DNC who never even SAYS anything?

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Are you joking? He;s a stooge of Putin, or just has a daddy-crush on him. He wants Ukraine to lose. Admitting? Neocons? Trump wanted generals who were loyal to him “like the German generals” were (to Hitler). Are you honestly comparing the brains of a successful prosecutor from an ordinary family who rose to become AG and VP with an orange TV star who was given 100m bucks from his daddy and still managed to go bankrupt 6x including with casinos? Goodness me. I am absolute astounded at the gullibility of those who think Trump is anything other than a shameless grifter - here he is selling pieces of his goddam suit to his pitiful cult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLAvyMe7HE8 amazing, truly. So I got it right, the K’mala thing was a sly racial thing. Really gross frankly.

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He admires Putin, as Putin is an admirable person. And so is Xi.

Ukraine was always going to lose, fuckwit. Look up Obombers comment on why he refused to arm Ukraine after the Killary facton in the state dept couped the poor place.

Most elected politicians wish the military to be loyal. Please list all the ones you think don't, or STFU.

She was a FAILED prosecutor, who repeatedly broke the laws, let alone any morals.

He's still much richer than YOU, bankruptcies or not. Bet that burns.

Now piss off, I have better things to do than converse with a DNC-apologist and genocide-supporter.

FYI I vote Green. Now there's the exit door - use it, loser.

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I usually like substack for well thought out perspectives (and yours might well be that, haven't researched some of that yet), and because people are usually collegial and respectful. Whatever triggered you on that last response needs a little attention, no need for the fuckwit, etc. (I'm no goody-two shoes, swear like a truck driver) but attacking people like this is a reflection of you, and says nothing about them.

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I have very little time for snarky genocide apologists, Nina. Maybe it's a character flaw, but I've wasted WAAAY too much time interacting with deliberate trolls in this lifetime. And don't worry - trolls have hides like rhinos, Jamie will barely have noticed it, let alone it made any impact on him. I just prefer to get it out than let it fester inside. It didn't affect him one iota.

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Wow. You are most unpleasant, And if you vote Green but love Trump and Putin you are highly confused. They both deny climate change and are a disaster for the planet. Trump admires Putin because he is an amoral coward who admires bigger bullies than him. Putin admirable? He has stolen billions from the Russian people and is now bleeding out the country’s young men for a war driven by ego and lust for power. https://www.npr.org/2014/12/13/370612995/how-putins-kleptocracy-made-his-friends-rich Most democratic leaders do not wish their generals to be loyal to THEM over the constitution. I don’t know what happened to you to make you admire cruel heartless, empty men and in Trump’s case a malignant narcissist, obvious grifter, rapist and daughter-luster who gives not a single fuck that you exist or about anyone or anything other than himself. But I am sorry that it did. Re Trump’s wealth - if the price of having whatever money he has was to live in his diseased mind it wouldn’t be worth it for a single second. With that I’m out. Rudeness is the resort of those without reasoned argument. And your K’mala comment was straight up racist. Charles Eistenstein is bypassing and deeply confused (and possibly corrupted by RFK’s money) but he is not racist. Hope you reflect on your choices and choice of role models. These are not good men.

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