Thank you again Ellen. I hear your and fully understand your concern. Two things. First of all, Qanon was clearly not the focus of my comment, so before anything else I would humbly and respectfully invite you to read slowly and in earnest (meaning, without ideological filters that paint and distort perception) what was ACTUALLY pointed …
Thank you again Ellen. I hear your and fully understand your concern. Two things. First of all, Qanon was clearly not the focus of my comment, so before anything else I would humbly and respectfully invite you to read slowly and in earnest (meaning, without ideological filters that paint and distort perception) what was ACTUALLY pointed out in my comment. I respectfully request that we please NOT shift the focus of my comment to a minor side issue in order to avoid dealing with the main points of my comment.
Having said that, I am willing to oblige you and explain this minor side point, I only ask that we remember that this is NOT the main point of my comment, so please don't use my willingness to engage with you on this minor point as a way to shift the focus away from what my comment is all about.
Okay, so if that is understood then I'll be happy to oblige and let us explore this minor point together. The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon deception (which - in the usual zionist mode of operation of lies deceptions and emotional-manipulations to get their guy into the white house - sells to uninformed people the manipulative fairytale according to which trump arrived on the scene to save the little guy from the DeepState and fight the elite), the reason i mentioned it (in passing, NOT as the main point of my comment) is because this is the fairytale that every MAGA follower that I've ever interacted with claims to believe in, whether they call it Qanon or not, the story that his devout followers gave to me for why support him is the same as this Qanon fairytale, whether they call it Qanon or not.
I agree that it is a false and profoundly deceptive story, but unfortunately every MAGA devotee that I've ever interacted with believes in it.
You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, the name doesn't matter at all; what matters is the gist of the deceptive Qanon marketing ploy (that says that trump arrived in order to help the little guy against the elite) this gist is what every MAGA follower I've met actually believes in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that this pro-billionaire pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-empire mass-murdering infantile narcissist creep and his DeepState zionist billionaire tyrants are riding on, all the way to the white house...
This is the fairytale that every MAGA follower i've interacted with believes in, despite the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that contradicts this fairytale, which I detailed in my original comment and with additional details in my reply to Glenn below (please do read those, if you still haven't) and I have a lot more evidence to give, if interested, besides what was already detailed. When i ask people why they support this pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-Big Pharma Capitalists pro-tribalist (religious/nationalist) division of humanity, pro-neo nazi zionist supremacists torturers thieves child-abusers, pro-the global capitalist murder machine to ensure the enrichment domination of the few over the many, to enrich theii hierarchical poistion at the top of rje pyramid over humanity; pro- the removal of all worker protections to allow his right wing billionaire predator pals to abuse and squeeze out as much as they possibly can from workers and the poor for their own enrichment; pro the filling of our food, water, air and soil with toxins (the removal of regulations that put a limit on how much his tyrant billionaire pals can pollute, for the easy profit of his billionaire buddies and for the devastation of life on earth)
when i ask why they suppprt this psychologocally-undeveloped, tribalist hate pushing, emotionally-stunted, infantile bully narcissist with a relational maturity level of a 4 year old (who buys trophy wives off of the playboy catalogue, and has a sham abusive loveless "marriage" with them until they get wrinkled and are replaced with the next bought trophy wife.. a very very sick and wounded heart-divorced man who seem to have never experienced a single moment of real love in his entire life and who urgently needs help, healing and compassion), when i ask his believers why they support this wounded infantile undeveloped narcissist objectifying creep and his pathetic collection of trophy "wives", then this story (the Qanon deception, whether it is named Qanon or not) is literally the number one reason that his followers have told me for why they support this scumbag.
Without this deception and marketing ploy (created by God-ignorant right-wing supremacist zionist-conservative billionaire tyrants, arms dealers and war profiteeres to get their b-level hollywood ACTOR into the white house) without this marketinv ploy, trump simply wouldn't be here, without this massive deception to present this ConMan as what he is not, trump would still be spending all his time banging prostitues in vegas (and occasionally raping underage girls), buying trophy "wives" off of playboy catalogue, covering his toilet seats in gold in his mansions and begging for bailout from his billionaire backers whenever this creepy buffoon drove his business into bankruptcy (which he did several times) and squanders the enormous wealth given to him at birth.
This manipulative Qanon fairytale, that says that this infantile creep arrived on the scene because he wants to fight the deepstate for the little guy, is by far the most common response that i get from MAGA devotees to explain their support for this Godless mass-murderer infantile psychologically-undeveloped deeply-corrupt moron and his the global right-wing billionaire's murder machine (to ensure these tyrant criminals' elevation over us and domination over humanity and the planet's resources (detailed in my original comment and my reply to Glenn).
And as a quick side note, just to clarify and avoid misunderstanding, when i write "right wing" i am referreing to not just one but to BOTH wings of the global corporate-capitalist hierarchical (and militarized) billionaires' empire, i'm referring to both its GOP wing and its DNC wing. Yes, I know that one wing (DNC) has been DECEPTIVELY labelled 'the left' by the capitalist empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox/WashPost/NYTimes etc (even though the left has been erased from existence a long time ago already - its erasure and replacement started around the mid seventies as the ruling class' backlash against the peace uprisings of the sixties that very nearly toppled from power the capitalist billionaires' global war and domination machine and scared the hell out of oir abusove ruling class. The left's erasure and replacement was a done deal already by the mid eighties, definitely by the time that puppet clinton was introduced, the left was already thoroughly replaced by the right-wing capitalist scum in the dnc who do everything in their power to destroy the left, and ensure the enrichment domination of billionaire corporate-capitalists over the planet, and yet ironically these same right-wing dnc imperialists are deceptively labelled 'the left' by the empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox etc in order to create the appearance as if americans still have a choice between left and right and not realize that we are actually living in a one-party state, the one big corporate-capitalist war party (with its two wings alternating every few years to give the illusion of choice and change between two distinct options, when IN REALITY bothctje GOP puppet and tje DNC puppet in tje white house continue 99% of tje policies of their predecessor from the other party - just like biden continued 99% of trump's policies and trump continued 99% of obama's policies who vontinued 99% of bush's policies etc etc. The only thing that changes is the STORIES sold to the public about the puppet president, the policies are nearly identical regardless of which puppet is in tne white house, trump, obama, biden, bush.. the policies always remain the nearly identical, to promote the domination interests of the globe-spanning corporate-capitalist american empire and its global murder machine, to ensure thw domination of the few ultra-rich over tje many). In my reply to Jerry I elaborated how the empire keeps this racket going, and how it provides FLASE MESSIAH every few years who are dressed as "anti-elite rebel" (like obama or trump) to hijack our intense desire for change, funnel our anger and rebelling impulse into their fake-change ConMan and thus ensure that no change happens and the empire continues with its global abuse to ensure the enrichment and domination of the ultra-rich over the many (see trump's presidency for example)
A similar process has happened in UK and Germany and much of europe, by the way. Where Labour or SPÖ etc are very clearly right-wing capitalist warmongering parties, by the billionaire corporate-capitalists for the billionaire corporate-capitalists, and yet are deceptively labelled as 'the left' in the capitalist billionaire's propaganda and disinformation media (it's nice isn't it? When you get to own both parties and also get to own the media that tells the people that you don't own both parties and that they have real agency and choice..).. anyway, this is a vast subject in its own right that can easily fill up a whole book if i'd start going into it here, but right now i just wanted to make a quick side note here just to clarify the words used.. :-)
And one more quick clarification of definitions, when i write 'capitalist' and the capitalist domination of government and of humanity, i'm refering to the original meaning of that word, as detailed for example here by one of the world's most brilliant economists:
Space finished here, so please see continued in the reply below this one
The trump deception (which can also be called the conservative GREAT INVERSION or FLASE AWAKENING) is yet another example of how the ruling class capitalist tyrants stay ahead of the curve (to make sure that real change doesn't happen and that their power over society isn't threatened) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) is NEUTRALIZED and doesn't amount to any real change.
This do this by anticipating our anger and demand for change, hijacking it and funneling it right back into the empire's duopoly, by providing us with FALSE MESSIAHS to rally behind, false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society - the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire FALSE MESSIAH and that this is the way to change things, by rallying behind their marketing ploy, their FALSE MESSIAH. They tell us that that this the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the billionaire tyrants in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is HIJACKED, neutralized and funnelled into their provided narrative that teaches us (through their paid narrative managers and social media influencers) that change will come through their FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us to funnel our change-energy into, a false messiah who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and EXPANDS their global capitalist militarized empire of greed, mass-murder, control, bullying, theft, and economic-military domination (all actions that Godless anti-life ConMan ACTOR trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire capitalists and their global militarized empire don't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your rebellious change energy is HIJACKED and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few billionaire capitalists over the many)
The billionaire capitalists don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the GOP route or the DNC route, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor FALSE MESSIAH is here to bring "change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", as long they can hijack and funnel your desire for change into him..
To learn a little more about the way the right-wing capitalist billionaires play this trick on americans, I highly recommend these pieces (with full citacions)
Lastly, you mentioned only dems being captured by big pharma (and i agree that they are, but not only them), so i wanted to share with you an interesting thread i saw a few days ago:
Ron Unz (of the Unz Report') researched the available evidence for more than a year and wrote extensively, with a vast amount of documentation, about how covid 19 was an attack by US conservatives (and zionists) on primarily China and secondarily Iran.
A few brief points (in no way representitive of the vast amount of facts he documented. The ebook is invaluable)
Over the decades US "national security" apparatus has spent over $100 billion to create the world’s largest biowarfare capability, which american capitalists and conservatives viewed as one of the greatest weapons they have to disrupt and destroy the economies of "the enemy".
In 2017 trump brings into his administration the rabid warhawk, Big Pharma executive and NeoConservative Robert Kadlec, who had been America’s leading leading advocate for conducting biowarfare on china since the early 2000s (this is in addition to other Deep State NeoCons extreme biowarfare warhawk lunatics which trump filled his administration with and put in positions of enormous power. See ebook for details)
In 2018 and 2019 "mysterious" viral epidemics devastate China’s poultry and pork industries, causing SEVERE damage to China’s food supply, which is strangely enough EXACTLY as NeoConservative Robert Kadlec had advocated for more than a decade that US should do (only difference is that from 2017 onwards this short-sighted psychopath was actually given by trump the power to implement his hate-filled sectarian conservative ideation)
From January to August 2019 Kadlec initiates and runs the Federal&State “Crimson Contagion” exercise in which US government officials practice their strategies of responss in the case of infection by a hypothetical dangerous respiratory corona virus that "suddenly might appear in China".. (that is the actual wording used to justify the exercise)
Late October 2019, 300 American military men visit Wuhan to participate in the "World Military Games"
Late October 2019, right after the games, Patient Zero in Wuhan becomes infected with Covid (this has been calculated in hindsight). The virus spreads invisibly until the Chinese government discovers its presence near the end of December.
A secret November 2019 DIA report described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak in Wuhan (confirmed by four intelligence sources to ABC News), long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus.
Israeli TV confirms that the Israeli military received that US intelligence report, which had been produced “in the second week of November”. Again, long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus in China, the conservatives & zionists in US and Israel already knew all about it..
Early January 2020, at the orders of the NeoCon Zionists who completely dominate his administration, Trump assassinates general Soleimani, Iran’s top military leader (equivalent to assansinating the american head of the joint chief of staff) while he was on his way to consultations in Iraq on the fight against ISIS (a western proxy organized, funded and armed by the US -Israel).
Mid January 2020, the virus affecting China suddenly jumps 3,500 miles across multiple untouched countries to the Holy City of Qom, Iran, infecting Iran’s top political elites, with a large number of them dying as a consequence. By February, Iran has become the second global epicenter of the Covid outbreak.. Unz shows that the same NeoCons who trump appointed to his admin who demanded that trump assasinate Soleimani, are from the same NeoCon think-tanks who also were responsible for the virus biological attack on Iran a few weeks after the assassination.
Early March 2020, Iran's Gov't publicly accuses US of launching a biowarfare attack with Covid against Iran & China, including a formal complaint to the UN. Virtually no Western media reports those accusations, a complete media blackout in the west on this story, so almost no westerners are aware of those accusations and of the formal complaints put forth
Thank you again Ellen. I hear your and fully understand your concern. Two things. First of all, Qanon was clearly not the focus of my comment, so before anything else I would humbly and respectfully invite you to read slowly and in earnest (meaning, without ideological filters that paint and distort perception) what was ACTUALLY pointed out in my comment. I respectfully request that we please NOT shift the focus of my comment to a minor side issue in order to avoid dealing with the main points of my comment.
Having said that, I am willing to oblige you and explain this minor side point, I only ask that we remember that this is NOT the main point of my comment, so please don't use my willingness to engage with you on this minor point as a way to shift the focus away from what my comment is all about.
Okay, so if that is understood then I'll be happy to oblige and let us explore this minor point together. The reason i mentioned the mossad-created Qanon deception (which - in the usual zionist mode of operation of lies deceptions and emotional-manipulations to get their guy into the white house - sells to uninformed people the manipulative fairytale according to which trump arrived on the scene to save the little guy from the DeepState and fight the elite), the reason i mentioned it (in passing, NOT as the main point of my comment) is because this is the fairytale that every MAGA follower that I've ever interacted with claims to believe in, whether they call it Qanon or not, the story that his devout followers gave to me for why support him is the same as this Qanon fairytale, whether they call it Qanon or not.
I agree that it is a false and profoundly deceptive story, but unfortunately every MAGA devotee that I've ever interacted with believes in it.
You might not like the name Qanon, you can drop that name if you prefer, the name doesn't matter at all; what matters is the gist of the deceptive Qanon marketing ploy (that says that trump arrived in order to help the little guy against the elite) this gist is what every MAGA follower I've met actually believes in - whether they call it Qanon or not - and that is the manipulative story that this pro-billionaire pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-empire mass-murdering infantile narcissist creep and his DeepState zionist billionaire tyrants are riding on, all the way to the white house...
This is the fairytale that every MAGA follower i've interacted with believes in, despite the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that contradicts this fairytale, which I detailed in my original comment and with additional details in my reply to Glenn below (please do read those, if you still haven't) and I have a lot more evidence to give, if interested, besides what was already detailed. When i ask people why they support this pro-billionaire pro-Genocide pro-Wall St pro-M.I.C pro-NeoCon pro-Big Pharma Capitalists pro-tribalist (religious/nationalist) division of humanity, pro-neo nazi zionist supremacists torturers thieves child-abusers, pro-the global capitalist murder machine to ensure the enrichment domination of the few over the many, to enrich theii hierarchical poistion at the top of rje pyramid over humanity; pro- the removal of all worker protections to allow his right wing billionaire predator pals to abuse and squeeze out as much as they possibly can from workers and the poor for their own enrichment; pro the filling of our food, water, air and soil with toxins (the removal of regulations that put a limit on how much his tyrant billionaire pals can pollute, for the easy profit of his billionaire buddies and for the devastation of life on earth)
when i ask why they suppprt this psychologocally-undeveloped, tribalist hate pushing, emotionally-stunted, infantile bully narcissist with a relational maturity level of a 4 year old (who buys trophy wives off of the playboy catalogue, and has a sham abusive loveless "marriage" with them until they get wrinkled and are replaced with the next bought trophy wife.. a very very sick and wounded heart-divorced man who seem to have never experienced a single moment of real love in his entire life and who urgently needs help, healing and compassion), when i ask his believers why they support this wounded infantile undeveloped narcissist objectifying creep and his pathetic collection of trophy "wives", then this story (the Qanon deception, whether it is named Qanon or not) is literally the number one reason that his followers have told me for why they support this scumbag.
Without this deception and marketing ploy (created by God-ignorant right-wing supremacist zionist-conservative billionaire tyrants, arms dealers and war profiteeres to get their b-level hollywood ACTOR into the white house) without this marketinv ploy, trump simply wouldn't be here, without this massive deception to present this ConMan as what he is not, trump would still be spending all his time banging prostitues in vegas (and occasionally raping underage girls), buying trophy "wives" off of playboy catalogue, covering his toilet seats in gold in his mansions and begging for bailout from his billionaire backers whenever this creepy buffoon drove his business into bankruptcy (which he did several times) and squanders the enormous wealth given to him at birth.
This manipulative Qanon fairytale, that says that this infantile creep arrived on the scene because he wants to fight the deepstate for the little guy, is by far the most common response that i get from MAGA devotees to explain their support for this Godless mass-murderer infantile psychologically-undeveloped deeply-corrupt moron and his the global right-wing billionaire's murder machine (to ensure these tyrant criminals' elevation over us and domination over humanity and the planet's resources (detailed in my original comment and my reply to Glenn).
And as a quick side note, just to clarify and avoid misunderstanding, when i write "right wing" i am referreing to not just one but to BOTH wings of the global corporate-capitalist hierarchical (and militarized) billionaires' empire, i'm referring to both its GOP wing and its DNC wing. Yes, I know that one wing (DNC) has been DECEPTIVELY labelled 'the left' by the capitalist empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox/WashPost/NYTimes etc (even though the left has been erased from existence a long time ago already - its erasure and replacement started around the mid seventies as the ruling class' backlash against the peace uprisings of the sixties that very nearly toppled from power the capitalist billionaires' global war and domination machine and scared the hell out of oir abusove ruling class. The left's erasure and replacement was a done deal already by the mid eighties, definitely by the time that puppet clinton was introduced, the left was already thoroughly replaced by the right-wing capitalist scum in the dnc who do everything in their power to destroy the left, and ensure the enrichment domination of billionaire corporate-capitalists over the planet, and yet ironically these same right-wing dnc imperialists are deceptively labelled 'the left' by the empire's propagandists on cnn/msnbc/fox etc in order to create the appearance as if americans still have a choice between left and right and not realize that we are actually living in a one-party state, the one big corporate-capitalist war party (with its two wings alternating every few years to give the illusion of choice and change between two distinct options, when IN REALITY bothctje GOP puppet and tje DNC puppet in tje white house continue 99% of tje policies of their predecessor from the other party - just like biden continued 99% of trump's policies and trump continued 99% of obama's policies who vontinued 99% of bush's policies etc etc. The only thing that changes is the STORIES sold to the public about the puppet president, the policies are nearly identical regardless of which puppet is in tne white house, trump, obama, biden, bush.. the policies always remain the nearly identical, to promote the domination interests of the globe-spanning corporate-capitalist american empire and its global murder machine, to ensure thw domination of the few ultra-rich over tje many). In my reply to Jerry I elaborated how the empire keeps this racket going, and how it provides FLASE MESSIAH every few years who are dressed as "anti-elite rebel" (like obama or trump) to hijack our intense desire for change, funnel our anger and rebelling impulse into their fake-change ConMan and thus ensure that no change happens and the empire continues with its global abuse to ensure the enrichment and domination of the ultra-rich over the many (see trump's presidency for example)
A similar process has happened in UK and Germany and much of europe, by the way. Where Labour or SPÖ etc are very clearly right-wing capitalist warmongering parties, by the billionaire corporate-capitalists for the billionaire corporate-capitalists, and yet are deceptively labelled as 'the left' in the capitalist billionaire's propaganda and disinformation media (it's nice isn't it? When you get to own both parties and also get to own the media that tells the people that you don't own both parties and that they have real agency and choice..).. anyway, this is a vast subject in its own right that can easily fill up a whole book if i'd start going into it here, but right now i just wanted to make a quick side note here just to clarify the words used.. :-)
And one more quick clarification of definitions, when i write 'capitalist' and the capitalist domination of government and of humanity, i'm refering to the original meaning of that word, as detailed for example here by one of the world's most brilliant economists:
Space finished here, so please see continued in the reply below this one
Part2 (continued from above)
The trump deception (which can also be called the conservative GREAT INVERSION or FLASE AWAKENING) is yet another example of how the ruling class capitalist tyrants stay ahead of the curve (to make sure that real change doesn't happen and that their power over society isn't threatened) by providing us with a vision of "hope and change" to cheer for, to make sure that our desire for real change (and the possibility of unseating them from power over us) is NEUTRALIZED and doesn't amount to any real change.
This do this by anticipating our anger and demand for change, hijacking it and funneling it right back into the empire's duopoly, by providing us with FALSE MESSIAHS to rally behind, false messiahs who keep the status quo in place, who cement the hierarchical anti-egalitarian class nature of society - the domination of the few ultra-rich over the many (all while telling us that we're 'fighting the elite' by cheering for their billionaire FALSE MESSIAH and that this is the way to change things, by rallying behind their marketing ploy, their FALSE MESSIAH. They tell us that that this the way to bring about "the energy of love", that "this is what awakening looks like".
There are just no limits to the level of cynical deception that the billionaire tyrants in power are capable of. People just find it hard to grasp that the fascist billionaires in power - especially clever&cunning zionist billionaires - have NO QUALMS WHATSORVER about lying and deceiving to get their way, and will use absolutely any narrative whatsoever - including the narrative of love and awakening - to make sure that our change impulse is HIJACKED, neutralized and funnelled into their provided narrative that teaches us (through their paid narrative managers and social media influencers) that change will come through their FALSE MESSIAH they provide for us to funnel our change-energy into, a false messiah who IN REALITY maintains the hierarchical domination of the few ultra-rich over the many and EXPANDS their global capitalist militarized empire of greed, mass-murder, control, bullying, theft, and economic-military domination (all actions that Godless anti-life ConMan ACTOR trump did during his presidency)
The billionaire capitalists and their global militarized empire don't care if you cheer for their democrat false messiah (like obama) or their republican false messiah (like trump) as long as you cheer for one of them, as long as your rebellious change energy is HIJACKED and funneled into one of the two options the empire gives you (who both lead to the exact same place, the same hierarchical anti-egalitarian domination of the few billionaire capitalists over the many)
The billionaire capitalists don't care how you arrive into the empire's fold, if it's through the GOP route or the DNC route, as long as you actually believe the hollywood script that their professional actor FALSE MESSIAH is here to bring "change and hope" and 'make america great again' and help us "fight the elite", as long they can hijack and funnel your desire for change into him..
To learn a little more about the way the right-wing capitalist billionaires play this trick on americans, I highly recommend these pieces (with full citacions)
And here
And here
Lastly, you mentioned only dems being captured by big pharma (and i agree that they are, but not only them), so i wanted to share with you an interesting thread i saw a few days ago:
Ron Unz (of the Unz Report') researched the available evidence for more than a year and wrote extensively, with a vast amount of documentation, about how covid 19 was an attack by US conservatives (and zionists) on primarily China and secondarily Iran.
It is all documented in his free e-book here
A few brief points (in no way representitive of the vast amount of facts he documented. The ebook is invaluable)
Over the decades US "national security" apparatus has spent over $100 billion to create the world’s largest biowarfare capability, which american capitalists and conservatives viewed as one of the greatest weapons they have to disrupt and destroy the economies of "the enemy".
In 2017 trump brings into his administration the rabid warhawk, Big Pharma executive and NeoConservative Robert Kadlec, who had been America’s leading leading advocate for conducting biowarfare on china since the early 2000s (this is in addition to other Deep State NeoCons extreme biowarfare warhawk lunatics which trump filled his administration with and put in positions of enormous power. See ebook for details)
In 2018 and 2019 "mysterious" viral epidemics devastate China’s poultry and pork industries, causing SEVERE damage to China’s food supply, which is strangely enough EXACTLY as NeoConservative Robert Kadlec had advocated for more than a decade that US should do (only difference is that from 2017 onwards this short-sighted psychopath was actually given by trump the power to implement his hate-filled sectarian conservative ideation)
From January to August 2019 Kadlec initiates and runs the Federal&State “Crimson Contagion” exercise in which US government officials practice their strategies of responss in the case of infection by a hypothetical dangerous respiratory corona virus that "suddenly might appear in China".. (that is the actual wording used to justify the exercise)
Late October 2019, 300 American military men visit Wuhan to participate in the "World Military Games"
Late October 2019, right after the games, Patient Zero in Wuhan becomes infected with Covid (this has been calculated in hindsight). The virus spreads invisibly until the Chinese government discovers its presence near the end of December.
A secret November 2019 DIA report described a “potentially cataclysmic” disease outbreak in Wuhan (confirmed by four intelligence sources to ABC News), long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus.
Israeli TV confirms that the Israeli military received that US intelligence report, which had been produced “in the second week of November”. Again, long before the Chinese even knew about the existence of the virus in China, the conservatives & zionists in US and Israel already knew all about it..
Early January 2020, at the orders of the NeoCon Zionists who completely dominate his administration, Trump assassinates general Soleimani, Iran’s top military leader (equivalent to assansinating the american head of the joint chief of staff) while he was on his way to consultations in Iraq on the fight against ISIS (a western proxy organized, funded and armed by the US -Israel).
Mid January 2020, the virus affecting China suddenly jumps 3,500 miles across multiple untouched countries to the Holy City of Qom, Iran, infecting Iran’s top political elites, with a large number of them dying as a consequence. By February, Iran has become the second global epicenter of the Covid outbreak.. Unz shows that the same NeoCons who trump appointed to his admin who demanded that trump assasinate Soleimani, are from the same NeoCon think-tanks who also were responsible for the virus biological attack on Iran a few weeks after the assassination.
Early March 2020, Iran's Gov't publicly accuses US of launching a biowarfare attack with Covid against Iran & China, including a formal complaint to the UN. Virtually no Western media reports those accusations, a complete media blackout in the west on this story, so almost no westerners are aware of those accusations and of the formal complaints put forth
See for example here:
And here
And here
And here