"First to give us the courage to become lost, and then the wisdom to find our way."

The other day, after spending the morning grasping, grappling, trying to hold it all together and figure it out... and not even seeing that this is what I was doing... it hit me: just fall apart. Let it all go, and do nothing but trust the unraveling.

I'm constantly remembering this part of the journey. Words like yours help me do so.

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I’m 61 and I had a similar experience. But it started with a spontaneous state of non dual, spiritual awareness that lasted for 10 days on Vancouver Island in Spring 2015. In 2020 I was given approximately 4 to 6 months to live ( when Covid started) a case of non chemo responsive Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Long story but I did make it to remission then a stem cell transplant from my sister that was a perfect match. Although I did did “ sink” during my period of isolation and recovery, when I bounced back I’ve experienced a permanent state of non dual present moment awareness. My chemo experience was on par with my pant medicine revelations. So much to say…I’ll just say I know he is us/ we are real.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Charles Eisenstein

Thank you for sharing this Charles. My son was not born alive due to a medical error with an injectable during childbirth. He was resuscitated. It was clear from his way of being that he too experienced what I like to think of as a “pure light”. That experience showed me things about our medical system that I can’t unsee and while painful I’m grateful for the insights my family has had through this time. I believe it’s this expansion that will guide us through this birth canal. Blessings to all of you.

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Thank you so much for sharing this! I

needed to hear this today. Drew has helped remind me of what I know at a deep/expansive level is true and how important it is that we aim to cultivate a certain high quality of consciousness while we are here. I have been fortunate to know since childhood that we are, or our consciousness, is much longer lived than our bodies so we never really die.

There is no reason to live in fear.

It’s far too easy to have our minds/ consciousness highjacked these days by the relentless stream of fear mongering, political drama and distracting events going on all around us.

I know for myself I need, for my own sanity, to be very, very selective about what I think about right now. Yes, it seems like we are under siege by psychopaths, people are suffering and dying and we may see a whole lot more of that I’m afraid, but we must not give into fear or hate.

We must bring love and light to those around us in anyway we can, which you seem to be doing beautifully so thank you!

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Beautiful and if you need more stories like this there is a group on Facebook called Exploding Rainbows where you’ll find many people who understand this. Thank you for sharing. 💙

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You’re a good man Charles. The narrative (“the reality” if you will) maintains itself by our attention and agreement, quite literally. We are taught to accept only a fraction of the input we receive and ignore the rest. More and more humans are starting to poke their heads out and look around, to grant other input equal weight. Once “here” is seen for the assembly it is, the choice can be made to collectively quit funding it.

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I’m so grateful to both of you, and Drew’s wife, for discussing this together and sharing it with us. It has affected me profoundly, along with a knowing that the timing is perfect. I’ve listened twice now and keep getting such gut connections to what Drew shares it is really uplifting. It’s far from a walk in the park but what transcends everything is how real it feels, and how truth can be faced eyes wide open when there is so much beauty and joy that comes with it. I feel spurred on to be the most that I can be to help as many as I can.

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Wow, Drew and Maria are our dear friends, it was such an intense time for them. How wonder full that you are sharing this powerful story dear Charles!

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Thank you, Charles. I love the background lightening flashes, like a coordinated music.

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i have had such intimate connections with death and these past 7 years that it is more than clear to me that death is not the end. today, we went to a dear friend's cremation and borrowed a car to drive home her husband with her ashes and her large portrait and accoutrements for her altar. on the way to the ceremony, we had made a wrong turn and took us far from the venue. but as soon as we got on track and started to head in the right direction, there, directly in front of us, seen from the far away outskirts of Tokyo, was an amazing and breathtaking full view of Mt. Fuji, completely covered in snow. our friend was born in a city where she could see Mt. Fuji daily. it was no doubt that she had wanted to share the grandeur with us.

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Charles, you continue to be one of the three HUMANS that I subscribe to monetarily ... at this time, and one of the 3 is my son, Ezra. I have had 3 NDE's and never shared publically although I have no problem with that ... I have only shared in small circles or one on one up till now. I have been gifted several, what I referred to in this moment ... as "Living Visions" ... over my lifetime. I love the work you do in the world and support you 100% in all that you ARE. I would love to visit CR as it has been on my bucket list for over 40 years. I was planning on going in May of 2020 and was scheduled to stay at somewhere that changed their minds about COVID, and joined the narrative that wasn't TRUE for me so I cancelled. Anyway, for what it is worth, I love and appreciate you always, Charles.

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I took this audio and sat by a creek. Thank you for the tip to find a quiet space for listening. Such an important message and podcast for these times. Shared it already with many.

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You have been on fire since before Christmas Charles, your 6 part essay was incredible, you are very much touching source each time,on the pulse in the centre,riding the wave on that razor's edge. Take time in between. Hats off to you, give me a couple a weeks ta manifest the lottery and we'll be out to you in Costa Rica muy pronto. Keep Shinning Charles, ride on, see you......Phoeagdor.

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Thank you for sharing this. It resonated with me very much. As you say, we need to get lost to find ourselves. I have certainly experienced that more times that I can count. The video reminded me of an experience I had when I was younger, after I had a harsh car accident. Since then, I have always felt that I am living in "extra time", and once we come back, what is important...all that matters, radically changes. It is easier said than done, but life does change forever when we understand there is a higher consciousness, and all we need to do is listen to the callings. Cheers again.

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I find this a bit bizarre Charles after all the comments on your post yesterday that you immediately go off on another tangent...I suppose an old coping response to perceived criticism...I want transcendent peace rather than have to deal with people who have different and valid points of view. Well your kind of response is the kind of response that evokes conflicts, on a national level evokes war because there is a huge disrespect for the people who are ignored and it builds outrage especially when they add their own personal history to it. Every community, every relationship to be healthy must be able to engage in conflict because conflict is about diversity, it gets us to have that transcended experience of why that person thinks that way whilst we are physically in bodies...in a way you could say it's the next stage of maturity for humanity to tolerate all the fears and shame we have learned about differences and conflict. Without it we are consigning ourselves to conformity with whoever holds the power and influence. In this substack you are the person with that power. By ignoring the controversy of your last post you model the same system you say you don't agree with. It takes courage especially when you have old history of conflict as a child but we all have to step over that threshold if we want the kind of communities you describe.

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"We have to stop running around blind—blind to the fullness of what is."

Yes, yes, and yes. Thank you for this piece. I also struggle with all the pain and suffering I see in the world... brought on by our blindness. It is so easy for me to give in to despair these days, seeing all the non-sensical pain, suffering, othering, (blaming/shaming) that is in our faces EVERY day.

WHY do people not see ?!?

I keep coming back to a moment such as Drew's that I experienced. I rarely speak about it, as people who have not experienced it do not understand... I just can't explain it... perhaps I'm not meant to.

Love is the answer. The greatest commandments...

The light will overcome the darkness... I'm certain of it. One foot in front of the other. Be aware, be love. We have no clue how just one action, one smile, can transform a person's reality in the moment.

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