As I look at all the ways that humanity is under assault, I see something stranger and more frightening than mere separation. I sense the demonic. I've begun to write about this, without knowing where it's going, trusting my readers to collectively form some understanding. In my Substack today, I describe biowarfare, weather warfare, "wild" fires, livestock mutilation, human abductions, the subversion of science, and other assaults that I can't explain by anything as simple as greed gone wild. I welcome your thoughts, not least because I hope I'm wrong. https://mitteldorf.substack.com/p/assaults-on-humanity

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I sense the collective insanity of too many panicked, endlessly experimented on rats caught in a dead end maze. I grant that insanity leaves us more open to dark forces, but I do not think those forces are the cause of our illness. Every human behavior has a mirror reflection in the animal world. If you take away the 'tools' of civilization we are no different than the deer who overpopulate and eat their home range to starvation when there are no predators or diseases to keep them in check. The deer are not greedy or evil or influenced by demonic forces. They are doing exactly what they are biologically, genetically and socially programmed to do. This only becomes disastrous when the systems evolved to keep them in check are removed or imbalanced. We have removed most of our natural predators, many of our diseases and have severely damaged our ecosystems. We are now cannabalizing ourselves. We don't need demons or evil overlords to do this, we are doing it to ourselves and our innate primate tendency to follow those who appear 'strongest' to us is not helping either. I am aware that the dark side exists and I am sure there are many dark forces and multiple greedy aholes taking advantage; but we are already mentally deranged and pretty much electronically controlled at this point. It doesn't take much for us to be manipulated and led down whatever path the powermongers want. The only way out I see is full sovereignty of the individual; whatever that looks like to each person. So many are toxified into numbness I do not know if they are capable of waking up at this point. That makes me very very sad. And yes I do hope I am wrong.

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The version of evolutionary biology from which you write is not the only version, and I've been one of its critics. Back in 1962, V. S. Wynne-Edwards wrote eloquently about evolved population control. https://www.amazon.com/Animal-Dispersion-Relation-Social-Behaviour/dp/B0000CLE47

My own theory of aging is rooted in Wynne-Edwards's insights. https://scienceblog.com/484749/preface-cracking-aging-code-josh-mitteldorf-dorion-sagan/

For a period of several decades, about 1965-2005, the evolutionary academics insisted in the selfish gene model, in which reproduction is maximized by natural selection. But thoughtful evolutionists now realize that populations have a mind of their own, and can override the selfish gene. Theoretical foundation for this view was laid in 1975 by Michael Gilpin, the man who brought computer modeling to evolutionary ecology. https://press.princeton.edu/books/paperback/9780691081618/group-selection-in-predator-prey-communities-mpb-9-volume-9

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I understand it may seem I am writing from a certain scientific theory sort of place but I am not. I personally prefer direct experience accounts rather than scientific theories of how nature actually operates. And like many things this is not black and white since natural systems can be highly adaptable. I strongly suggest reading the book 'Deer Man' by Geoffry Delorme as one of many writings of folks who have actually immersed themselves in nature completely for periods of time. As he makes clear, certain biological forces which have led to certain social behaviors, drive the real on the ground experience of roe deer. He witnessed up close and personal for 7 years how human impact affected deer behavior. Deer which could maintain and defend prime feeding territories against the onslaught were able to pass those territories on to their offspring who were then larger and healthier than the deer who were pushed out of prime feeding grounds by both human impact and other bigger healthier more aggressive deer. It is quite clear that nature operates through a combination of both cooperation and competition. Any gardener knows this. I do not see how the pragmatic connection between, biology, social conditioning and evolution can be disputed by anyone since it is directly observable with all species including ours.

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One of the stories I like to quote is about Canadian reindeer. In the south of Canada, they breed every season and maintain stable numbers. In the north, the same species has evolved to breed every other year, because the tundra is fragile and overpopulation could wipe out so much vegetation that it would take many years to recover.

You might ask, what would happen if you transplant animals from the south to the north? Information is limited, but the answer seems to be that they are profligate for one or two cycles of population overshoot, then they evolve to regulate their numbers in the new environment.

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Well one could hope that humans would do the same. Unfortunately we seem unable to be self regulating nowadays. Many indigenous societies of the past did intentionally self regulate their population numbers. In addition of course those numbers were controlled by multiple outside forces such as disease, resource limitations, disasters, predators and warfare, etc. A Sami (lappland) elder told me years ago that it was culturally and socially ingrained to not have many children because the harsh tundra reindeer herding life simply could not support much human population. So even tho nowadays they could afford to support bigger familes, most chose not to. Interesting discussion. Thanks.

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Well, Josh, I just skimmed Part One so far, but you really "nailed it" . . . excellent summation of where we/the world is presently at. I'll look at Part Two in a bit, then probably make a comment over there. Yes, the situation is 'way beyond any sense or rationality. Obviously COVID was completely premeditated and precisely executed. The only thing that has "gone wrong" (from the Globalists' perspective) is that Us Cattle are waking up and figuring out how to resist their Mass Extermination trip.

The very fact that creeps like Yuval Noah Harari is a spokesman for them shows how ignorant and disconnected from reality that they are. They think they are nothing more than computer AI-type-memories, or what? Patterns of behavior? HOW do they think a human consciousness can be "uploaded" into an AI computer to gain "immortality"? THAT is sheer idiocy! Are they really that STUPID? After all, no computer lasts forever, or even for very long, even IF there were such a thing as "uploading" yourself! (Which there isn't.)

Bottom line? Those people must be delusional and fooled into cooperating with some non-human entities, and probably very EVIL ones. Satanic? It is a good metaphor for something excessively evil, and I use the term myself to make a point, but I doubt if there actually IS a specific "entity" or being that could be called "Satan"— probably because it is such a quaint Christian idea, and most of the stories in the Bible are pure myth, designed primarily as self-aggrandising Hebrew stories (from the "Old Testament" and NOT historically accurate!), and then New Testament early Christian "marketing material" to promote the Catholic church and to "wow" converts into buying into their narrative. (For the continued power and wealth of the church and priesthood.) Sounds harsh? Yeah. But true.

So was there really a "fallen angel" named Lucifer or Satan who rebelled agsinst God and got "kicked out of heaven"? Not likely! In the first place, "heaven" is a vibrational reality, not a "place" as we relate to the concept here. You can't get "kicked out of" a level of consciousness. Your consciousness, your energy, is what you ARE. The whole story sounds like a made-up parable. But, who knows?

What IS real is that evil DOES exist, because it is a manifestation of IGNORANCE of reality/truth/goodness/Love/Source/God or whatever term one wants to use. Evil people are disconnected from an experience of the higher frequency vibrational energy of Consciousness and therefore they commit evil acts from their place of ignorance. That's it. Evil doesn't have to be an entity, but there DO seem to be confused, low vibration entities that do very evil things and can partially or totally "take over" a human being, for instance. But most cases of "demonic" possession are just influences by confused deceased humans, not "demons". However, this IS a very big universe, with all kinds of possibilities, so . . . ? I doubt if we will get a definite answer in the near future while on "this side".

There are numerous quite shocking accounts of real Exorcisms dealing with some pretty freaky entities with super human abilities. Are they "demons"? Maybe. How would we really know? Even ones that claim to be? I have had an experience of a deceased human trying to influence me . . . lasted just a few minutes before I figured out what was happening and told it "where to go"! So that kind of thing can really happen and may be much more common than most people are aware of. Is Klaus Schwab possessed or under some evil influence? Could be. Or is he himself just really evil? Who knows? Either way, he and his henchmen are pretty "sick puppies"!

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I agree with all you say, and appreciate your take on Harari and the crazy idea that we can recreate our souls in silico. I am not a Christian, but I recognize that when my Christian friends tell me they see the Devil's handiwork in the world, I am beginning to acknowledge that there is something in their perspective that I need to learn.

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I agree with you in that he nailed it, but not about the Satanic/Demonic and I don’t read the Bible nor believe the interpretations. But the level of evil and darkness in the world and the unspeakable things happening to babies and children are beyond this human realm, in my estimation.

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Yes it is "beyond this human realm"!

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Me too. I think Rudolf Steiner's intuitions about Ahriman may be relevant here. Ahriman wouldn't be classified as a 'Demon', but he represents a soul orientation that becomes evil if it's pursued beyond its limits.

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And Steiner suggested that the human was becoming more and more disconnected from Spiritual Realms due to pineal gland damage. Our pineal gland is affected by many factors (chemical toxins, Wifi, etc) and has been weakening over time...

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In the many years I've tried to understand man's inhumanity to man and nature, I've skipped over demonology, until recently, for the reasons you mention. When I finally figured out that 9/11 was an inside job, it seemed to me we had to account for the otherworldly audacity it takes to pull off a stunt like that. David Ray Griffin sent me a brilliant essay on 9/11 and Demonic Consciousness that put this in a theologian's perspective. I now say, even if we are dealing with "demons," as my ayahuasca teachers calmly state, we still just need to treat them like we would any other adversary, if we wish to not be subdued by them.... I still have a faith, (or is it a perception?) that consciousness is universal. Our perceptions conform to our will, when we are clear. I can agree we are under attack from sinister forces. Giving our own spirituality the greatest challenges. Demonism can easily degenerate into fatalism, or ignorance, that our Light is still the greatest power.

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You aren’t talking about Biblical demons, I hope.

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No, I don't take the BIble as gospel, but neither do I take reductionist science as gospel. I look at these attacks on humanity and I look at my understanding of human nature and I say there's something going on that is beyond my understanding. I hope you'll read the article.

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I will read the article.

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My maternal grandmother used to say the Devil is so successful, because nobody believes he exists. She was the wisest and most enlightened person I’ve ever known. There are definitely demons among us.

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"i am at the right place, at the right time and I know what to do..." my new mantra and belief! Thanks Charles!

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This kind of new age psychobabble gets my goat. It puts the blame and onus on the poor, disenfranchised and pretends it is all about "enlightment" "changing consciousness". it's the false trap of self-helpism. Individualism run to its end. I don't buy it for a moment. Get out there, help each other, refuse the carrot in front of your nose. Live. Just exist. You don't have to. I feel like I'm being talked down to. And that makes me boil inside. Drop the marketing. Get real.

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A 'nice' conversation between two well-meaning men reminding me of problem solving and how women tend to be process oriented while men tend to be outcome oriented. It is one the first experiential lessons taught to people training to become telephone counselors at LifeLine here in Sydney, Australia.

On a podcast titled 'know-thyself' it showcased the intention of that wisest of ancient sayings & the fact that we don't know ourselves and live in denial about the subconscious orchestration of every human behavior we can think of. Charles use of the words 'choice' & 'consciousness' demonstrate the perennial paradox of the human condition IMHO.

And, I suggest, the reason a famous Jewish philosopher taught parables because "they seeing, see, not, they hearing, hear, not and neither do they understand," the reification-fallacy inherent in the 'symbolic' nature of roughly 7000 languages & with different words to 'signify' the 'same' object' of reality. An existential paradox, no?

QUESTION: Is the word consciousness the experience of consciousness? Why, in his book Psychology & Alchemy did C. G. Jung write "you can teach a parrot to speak quite a few words, you know," in a sly dig at his fellow Psychiatrist's & Psychologist's.

Please don't take this badly Charles, but you come across as a 'deft-parrot' idealist in a time when well-meaning Woo will no longer do for our post-Trump, post-Truth world of Blah, Blah, Blah. Generation Alpha needs so much from adults professing 'leadership." And on a platform designed for author-reader engagement, why do I see none?

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I am pretty sure the Awakening isn't going to take thousands of years! In fact, we are very close. The ones unaware of the fact that they have been lied to their entire lives about just about everything will continue in their obliviousness. And they will continue to trust the utterly untrustworthy. And continue to wear useless masks and feel superior to us who don't drink the Kool-aid. And they will smugly take their sixth and seventh boosters and be proud of themselves for "doing the right thing" and "protecting gramdma".

And then the cancers will rear their ugly heads, and their bodies will crash from collapsed immune systems and autoimmune damage, and their cognition and memories will fail. And they will leave their bodies and realize that they bought into the wrong thing, but too late.

But there are and will be many people who don't go down that self-destructive path. We may be out-numbered now, but after the Mass Dieoff, we will be the majority. And WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY DID— the Perpetrators, and they will have no place to hide.

This will be a tipping point, and transformation will accelerate exponentially. Those who seek connection to the Divine, to Source, will rapidly move into that consciousness because the Old System will be dead and gone. It doesn't take much, just as flipping a light switch doesn't take much. Just break people out of their habits, their lazy line-of-least-resistance routines and change will burst forth, unstoppable! As the Old World crumbles under our feet, the only lifeline to grab will be an Internal Knowing, the Reality of Source, of Consciousness itself. It will be "sink or swim" time, and many people, plunged into the waters of confusion, will quickly learn how to swim! The world is ripe for such an event.

But the old system has to die to make way for the New. It will be traumatic, but that will be the "kick in the pants" people need to make the leap into a New Reality. Just watch! Humanity is getting a lot of help from the Other Side in this transition.

We can't continue the way we have been for the past millennia. Most humans had lived under miserable conditions for a very long time under the capricious rule of kings and emperors. Serfdom was the rule until very recently in human history. And now the Satanic Globalists want a return to those Dark Ages of totalitarian control and subjugation. They want a technocratic Transhuman society that will give them the control earlier kings couldn't even dream of. And they are afraid of us and want to exterminate us to remove their competition. But it ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!

We massively outnumber them. They will NOT get away with this. Too many people are already awake. They thought they were better than us and smarter that us, but THEY are the really stupid ones! They have turned their backs on God, on Source, on Consciousness, and chosen Evil.

And what is Evil except ignorance of Reality? And because they are disconnected from Reality, they keep miscalculating and doing really, really stupid things. And repeatedly doing stupid things. They are #@%&@!* MORONS with none of the discernment that comes from Connection. Ultimately they WILL fail, and those with love and who are able to manifest a higher frequency vibration will vanquish them! The "meek shall inherit the Earth", not the crazed, power-hungry, fear-driven, ignorant control freaks! And it isn’t "meek" in the sense of being weak, but rather of KNOWING what real power IS. That is the power of Connection to the BIG Source of Power, and that is very humbling, not ego-trip-feeding!

In another generation or two, this world will be a very different place. We will either have made the "quantum leap" into a Bigger Reality, or we will self-destruct under the control of very Evil people. They will either be removed from their positions of control, or they will "win", which means we all LOSE.

I think, realistically, that THEY are headed for a major "crash and burn" outcome instead of their planned Great Reset. They are already very scared because they are quite behind schedule and things just aren't going well for them. Us Uppity Cattle just aren't lying down and taking it! Their efforts at herding all of us into the slaughterhouse are failing spectacularly.

When "the light" gets turned on, the cockroaches will "head for the hills", and then it will be hunting and squashing time! They want us to eat crickets? How about some nice cruncy cockroaches?Lol! (Alright, that's bit gross!)

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thank you so much Charles for another beautiful dialogue, resonating deeply as always. Thank you for introducing me to this amazing young podcaster. After watching your interview, I found the one with Zach Bush from 6 months ago, which brought me to more depths of surrender and trust. Not hope, but a guideline, a shared sense of the direction, the way of being, a sense of communion, global community. Thank you Andre, thank you Zach, thanks to all who read, resonate with and share this. What a time to be alive.

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Speaking of evil forces at work: I’ve followed the work of Zach Bush for over fours years now and I’m absolutely convinced he’s at the very least a partial fraud. His main product is ION gut water ($70/pint) which consists of a tiny amount of “Terrahydrite” dissolved in water. It is made up of a combination of minerals, including silica, magnesium, and calcium. Zach maintains that Terrahydrite can help to improve gut health, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. However, there is very limited scientific evidence to support these claims. If he was honest about wanting to help people, he’d simply recommend that people (instead) include as many different pre and probiotic foods into their diet. I could go on and on about Mr. Bush, suffice to say; move on, nothing to see here.

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Aug 27, 2023
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I wouldn't take Doug's opion as final truth, there are several conversations between Charles and Zach, where they seem to agree on many things. But I didn't want to sell anything to anyone, just wanted to thank Charles for introducing me to Andre's podcast.

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Thank you for this insight Charles, I think it often helps me to think that I am only part of the wholeness and will only get so far in my task in this lifetime. There will be many more generations that continue to build on what we will begin to know and continue the repairing. That relieves the burden and lightens things when the going gets tough.

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Love it ..I was reminded just this morning to not underestimate an act of kindness. When I do it over and over and not see any recognition or result afterwards for a good amount of time, I get a little doubtful at times whether it really makes a difference. At such times, I tend to experience one myself and that realigns me. Since last night I was a bit anxious about my trip. Couldn’t get checked in. The feeling stayed with me somewhat until I got to the airport, though I made a decision to trust it would turn out alright either way. Once I truly made peace even with the possibility that I wouldn’t be able to take off today and that even that scenario would ultimately be right in the great scheme of things and I would be able to deal with it, I was met with grace at the airline counter and left even better off than I expected. The airline employee’s act of kindness towards me showed me that it all makes a difference. Her kind behavior has recalibrated my faith and I’m rejuvenated to continue to do my part with being kind to others.

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Thank you so much, to you and everyone in this Beautiful World. From my heart to yours. So much Love, j

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I listened to this podcast 3 times and forwarded it to friends who are humbly acting from their hearts to change the story. Thank you!

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Thank you Charles. Deep bow of gratitude for your words of wisdom and inspiration.

Offering this:

The Recognition Sutras: Illuminating a 1,000-Year-Old Spiritual Masterpiece by Christopher D. Wallis.

"One thousand years ago, in the valley of Kashmir, a great Tantric master named Kshemaraja wrote his masterpiece: the Pratyabhijnahrdayam, which means “The Essence of the Recognition Philosophy”. This text was a concise primer, written to introduce spiritual seekers to the Recognition philosophy in less formally philosophical, more approachable language. What Kshemaraja created turned out to be one of the world’s great spiritual masterpieces, breathtaking in its brevity but stunning in its power. It came to be considered equivalent to scripture itself by later generations, because of its undeniable inspiration. This book expounds the subtleties of this spiritual and philosophical classic. One of the most powerful and revelatory spiritual masterpieces of world history, the Pratyabhijnahrdayam is one of the primary sources for the study and practice of nondual Tantrik Yoga, and it has never been accurately translated or fully explained until now."

The wake up call is happening every moment. It's up to us to listen. Dark forces are loud, THE LIGHT is sometimes hard to hear. Be still and listen/see with your heart, not your mind and external senses. Listen/Look Inside. All the answers are, were, and always will be, inside.

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I like the way he emphasizes 'The Return'. Llewellyn Vaughan Lee, a Sufi teacher I also follow, recently posted a short essay in which he said his intuition was that this Return will take the best part of 3 centuries until it's well enough established ... but that depends on enough of us making the necessary life choices.

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I just want to thank you, Charles, for your amazing message to us all. I watched your interview on Know Thyself, and I just cried the whole time. Words that feed the soul. Lessons we, at some level, have been learning deep within, for a very long time.

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Love, love, loved this conversation, Charles. One of my all time favorites that I'm sure I'll come back to again. Thank you for being you, and for what you so beautifully contribute. ❤️

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Thank you for reminding us how to be human; I needed to hear this conversation.

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Deeply satisfying interview. You fill my heart with so much resonant truth, Charles.

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