I healed lifelong asthma that began at age two, and I needed medications and inhalers every single day to breathe. I was told I'd be on meds for the rest of my life because "there is no cure for asthma."

But by completely changing my diet, I got rid of the asthma 20+ years ago and haven't needed to see a doctor for anything ever since. Also, I also healed chronic eczema in the process.

When I told my doctor over the phone about my success, he responded in the robotic and unenthusiastic voice of the Hal 2000 model: "That's nice," showing he didn't care and probably didn't even believe me. Maybe he was a tad concerned that he'd lose some income, that's about it.

What's shocking is how easy it can be to heal even the most so-called chronic illnesses through diet and alternative healing modalities.

Most doctors don't care because they're not authentic heart-centered healers.

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I doubt that he was afraid he'd lose income. It goes much deeper than that. It would be pretty humiliating to know that what you've been telling people for decades with full weight of your authority, and what your respected mentors had told you, wasn't true after all. It would be humiliating to realize that but for your ignorance, you could have cured thousands of patients. Rather than face that humiliation, it is so much easier to dismiss the story and preserve the belief system that makes him good and right.

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Yeah, it challenges everything he'd been led to believe, and his entire practice.

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Good one. I cured my own scoliosis in my mid-30's. Once that was done I realised what was also cured was coeliac disease, brain fog, anxiety, depression etc.

I casually kept studying healing methods (including the iodine protocol), and last year my daughter fell over a random, fast soccer ball in a really busy playground environment and broke her wrist.

I knew how to splint, so I did that and got the husband to order the herbs, 'bone knit plant, aka 'comfrey root'. I sewed up some little pockets with some old fabric to put the gently boiled root into, and laid them on her arm under and over at just the right temperature, did this a few times a day for two days then once thereafter for about ten days, and in two weeks her fabric/metal cast was off, and she was back to normal in three weeks, going to water parks and running about.

If I hadn't actually witnessed it, I'm not sure I would believe it. We were quoted six weeks in a plaster cast.

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Wow, brilliant! How did you heal your scoliosis? I was born with it.

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I developed mine so... I don't know that it would help necessarily, though the mind is stupendously powerful and the body always wants to heal, it just needs the right things.

It was lateral, unbelievably painful. Healing began with diet, exercise, deep tissue massage, the usual. But strangely it was silence, (the idea of love) and meditation that seemed to do the most in straightening it out.

Once I left the shared house environment and the influence of other people there was no tv, no radio, no idle chatter and I would paint or read at night and routinely go in to deep thinking. I would mull on my life, how it developed, the opinions, the 'shoulds, ought to's, had better's, just the way things are done by society BS' and every other thing under the sun and above it too for that matter.

I even left a boyfriend after we'd moved in to his first house together because I simply couldn't see myself well with him. He was very 'normal' but I'm an artistic type, his influence was terrible. I got fed up, lived alone for a year or so in blissful solitude, and then, one day when I went to a different massage therapist in a different town and mentioned the scoliosis (which had been confirmed by two doctors and a couple of body-work therapists over the years) he said, 'What scoliosis? Your spine is as straight as it could be.'

I laughed and pointed out the twisted section and he went over and over it saying no, it was good, there was no problem. Then I realised he was right and it hadn't hurt for ages.

Freakin weird. But true.

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Amazing! I also believe in all those healing therapies, but agree that the power of the mind and meditation is the most powerful of all. Thanks very much for sharing.

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In this thread I completely agree that alternative healing is most powerful and represents natural healing which we have access to through presence. When Interviewing conventional medics they unwittingly defend the indefensible and I genuinely feel sorry for them. I was living an inauthentic story and the conflict led me to trust beyond the cerebral, and as my heart dragged me to enroll with Brandon Bays and “the journey” which released the dangerous resistance I was unwittingly harbouring. So I get that nature is more powerful than we are limited to think. I have to say the thread here could easily become a mob movement which empowers the very influence that you/we wish was other than it is or was or might continue to be. If instead we place our collaborative attention on the solution that is already in existence, then is the ultimate influence that is regenerative and our true nature?

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It does go deeper for sure. Realizing you have been going in the wrong direction is about personal evolvement. It doesn’t seem deep enough to consider it about humiliation. Becoming aware of one’s intention is the first step. A lot of pressure to not be “wrong”. Doing no harm is a high ideal. I would ask if it is even attainable.

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Beth, thanks for sharing this, I too have gotten rid of most of my asthma. For me, since my mom was fairly holistic and she had found a cool doctor, it was the awareness of dust mites that made a big impact, along with my mom taking me to yoga when I was nine years old. Later on, the next level of awareness came in with removing "synthetic" scents and toxic cosmetics, etc. Healing can be so simple.

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Congrats on healing your asthma! Yes, it can be so simple, and that's why so many people are skeptical it can be done and refuse to let go of the apron strings of their doctors. I've had people tell me they'd rather die/and or stay sick than give up sugar and the other processed foods they're addicted to.

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What diet did you use?

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Going gluten and dairy free is a good start. It cleared my asthma and eczema within two weeks, if that. 🌈

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Thank you.

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I ask because I have asthma. Not bad, but still anything that is helpful is good to know.

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Now I eat only whole, unprocessed foods -- high protein and low carbs. I use to be vegan, but it was too weakening and I've added grass-fed beef. But more importantly, I choose foods to heal asthma based on yin/yang theory. All foods have a vibration -- expansive or contractive in various degrees. Asthma is a "yin" disease, which is expansive energy. So it's best to avoid expansive foods to heal a yin disease, such as all sugars and fruits, including honey. And flour products, too, since flour and baked goods are mucus-producing. Foods with almond flour are better. Instead of sugar, eat sweet veggies to curb cravings that are prepared in different ways. At least until the asthma is under control.. then you don't have to eat so strictly.

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Try locally produced honey + consult a good holistic nutritionist.

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A ''mg deficiency in asthma'' search yields life-saving info, SL, as does Dr Carolyn Dean MD's book, 'The Magnesium Miracle'

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Get a good homeopath

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Congratulations, that's awesome. A testament to the healing power of our bodies when given the right conditions. Also a great example of how our medical system is more invested in (or knows more about) illness rather than wellness.

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Same! 🤍

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"I wanna run through the halls of my high school

I wanna scream at the top of my lungs

I just found out there's no such thing as the real world

Just a lie you've got to rise above", John Mayer 😉

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Go deeper now

Into the fog

Of what’s called Reality

Can you find the line

Splitting space and time

Consciousness from dream


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You are very dangerous, Charles. :-) It seems like anyone with a throbbing heart is a danger to the Machine, quite logically so.

I stopped using YouTube for anything except the most innocuous things because there is no point. They are the REAL pirates using mob tactics and rubbing them in. "See what I can do? Now watch me do it. What are you going to do now, peasant?"

I pray for the day when ALL mobs fall. It may be far away but it will come.

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Hey, I'm a real pirate! LOL

YouTube is amazing for stuff like "How to fix my dishwasher".

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:) YouTube is great for household fixing videos yes. At least it is for now, until they, the they, ban dishwashers!! :))))

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Doctors can be naive or stuck in their belief systems, partially because of their crazy military like schooling and residency.

They think it's a fluke when someone heals without chemo etc, but ignore that chemo has a single digit % success rate as normal.. 😂

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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Love that quote.

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We’ll written, Charles. I believe this is why the work that Dr. Joe Dispenza and awakened folks studying the quantum realm and neuroplasticity are gaining major traction.

I also recommend anyone interested in the world of healing to read “Witches, Midwives and Nurses (WMN).” A well-researched book written in the 70’s about the witch hunts in Europe, aka, the theft of medicinal practices from women, the “people’s healers.” 🌈

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Thanks for the book recommendation! It’s just the subject I have been interested in going deeper into. The value of (traditionally) women’s roles and how they’ve been continuously stolen by (usually) men seeking control. ❤️

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Off topic a bit, but on my mind today and your comment reminded me. A podcaster recently reported that some biological male/transwomen are now claming that biological women who dare to protest the invasion of women's showers and bathrooms, etc by said biological males, are get this.......drum roll....... Misogynistic! So now women who want the right to biological privacy in vulnerable situations are to be labeled misogynistic. Talk about men stealing women's roles and rights.

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Whoa! I had not heard about this! Oh my goodness, it feels like such a battlefield 🙈

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No kidding. If you want a good laugh, here is Rosanne Barr's answer to what has apparently become the most difficult question in the world to answer: What is a woman?


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Rowan, you are welcome! I know the Western medical model is slowly shifting, but this book will def give you pause and much to reflect upon. Happy reading, friend! 📚💖

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Let us never forget what the Goldman Sachs analyst said to his admiring audience of Big Pharma execs a few years back: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?”

I fear the war against alternatives to Pharma-blighted allopathic medicine has only just begun. I've encountered several anti-alternative medicine accounts on the-platform-formerly-known-as-Twitter, one with an MD after their alleged ID whose posts manage to be condescending AND designed to terrorize. Others are allegedly "just folks" who'll attack like rabid raccoons at any challenge.

Those of us who remember the crackdown on ephedrine know just how fast the FDA can act against a natural medication, and an FDA now clearly captured by Big Pharma is likely just waiting for an excuse to start changing the rules.

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yes, that is what will inevitably happen if we don't rise up and unite and do something about it. The establishment won't relent of its own accord.

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Five years ago I became very ill with a series of strange symptoms. I tried orthodox medicine (pills, hospitals, etc.) and alternative treatments. The best thing I can say about the latter is that they were merely useless. They didn't harm me (as far as I know).

Not true for the orthodox approaches I experienced. In fact they nearly killed me.

I got over my illness when I decided to abandon both forms of treatment and 'listen' to my own body. It took about a year but, through a better diet, fresh air, and exercise, I not only overcame the illness (and I still don't know what it was or where it came from), but I feel better today than I did before I got sick.

That's MY story. Everyone is different so please don't imagine I am trying to turn anyone off whatever form of treatment they believe in. But I am convinced that the official medical establishment is evil. Some of the doctors and nurses I met couldn't have been kinder or nicer. But that is not the point. They are part of a system that has been created to destroy, not to heal. Keep away from it.

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Unfortunately it is not generally sound advice simply to keep away from it. You need to be open to making use of it with the needed degree of lucidity. For sure, extreme skepticism is in order if highly invasive treatment is proposed for something that hasn't even been diagnosed with any certainty.

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Thanks for this. I have been witnessing this for 40 years. I had a practice in psychoneuroimmunology and worked with alternative cancer therapies and knew of Vitamin C and many other remedies, like Gonzale protocol and now there are many more - ozone, hyperbaric oxygen, sauna, molecular hydrogen water, etc, etc, and now need to reverse "vaccine injury" as well. With friends recently diagnosed I am getting back in the game. Here is a conference near LA this weekend - https://coronawise.substack.com/p/announcing-cancer-control-society

I will send the video to my friends. Check it out. There are clinics in Mexico because forbidden here but also several great practices in the US.

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lots of knowledge in this thread. This is one of the reasons I wasn't scared of Covid even from the beginning. Once you step into the alternative universe, nothing is so scary anymore. Well, I take it back. Traffic accidents are pretty scary.

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Agreed. I was not afraid of getting covid, and did not dare say out loud that I wanted to get it so I could have natural immunity. btw - I tested negative for antibodies but positive for T cell immunity, as did my daughter. I was terrified of the spike shot and got a medical exemption. I was delighted to get it, and didn't realize that Omicron bypassed natural immunity. I was prepared with nebulizer, iVM, my ozone equipment and didn't mind surrendering and watching movies in bed. I did have fatigue for awhile after.

I wrote

https://coronawise.substack.com/p/natural-immunity-denial-disorder and


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After reading a study that indicated bromelain showed signs of effectively eradicating the COVID spike protein (which seems to be the likely culprit for the chronic syndrome), I've undertaken a medicinal course of it. Early results: it seems to be working—I'm starting to get my sense of smell back, anyway. Recovery's complicated by long-term mold toxicity, but it seems to be helping with that, too. Stay tuned.

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Also lumbrokinase and cucumin. I have also been dealing with long term, off and on mold toxicity. I bought ozone equipment from Simply O3, and recently got a portable sauna from Relax Sauna, doing molecular hydrogen water which helped, and time restricted eating and more. Thanks for sharing. Time for me to reorder bromelain. I didn't get the shots.

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Neither did I; I never do. Indeed, I'm essentially housebound, which means I caught both Delta and Omicron 1 from my vaxxed husband. I have digestive issues with turmeric/curcumin, so I use Boswellia instead. I like to tend to chronic things slowly, to let the general health catch up. Still, the sinuses are clearing nicely.

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Makes sense. Good to connect.

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Indeed—I meant to say the same thing. 😃

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Dr Peter McCullough has a new Wellness Company formula out that includes nattokinase, other proteolytic enzymes and immune herbs. Looks as if it will save funds and time to not have to take the supps individually.

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Don't forget the NAC and Niacin as well :)

And Nattokinase

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You're doing good work Charles. Keep it up :)

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Thank you Charles for the vivid storytelling and bringing information about this to many who might not have access to it otherwise.

I am begging everyone, including you, me and all your readers, to bring humility into the mix: doctors, IV Vit C users, everyone. With sufficient humility, we will find an integration of all the modalities and what they bring. Without it, we demonize each other. My sister struggled with ovarian cancer for seven years and died. She tried everything alternative that she could find solid information about, including IV Vit C and many supplements, herbs, hyperthermia, and much else. None of it did anything for her. Nothing at all. It only kept her strong and healthy while cancer was continuing to grow. Chemo repeatedly stalled it for a while, and then it kept growing. She felt so deeply humbled by having a cancer that challenged her view and values, because she didn't want to use chemo.

Does IV Vit C work? Yes, for some people. No, for others. Does chemo work? Yes, for some people and some cancers. No, for others.

What worries me the most is entrenching in believing that this one thing, whatever it is, can work for everyone.


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After having a potential cervical cancer scare I fasted and when I went back for another check the doctor was baffled and confused that he couldn’t find any cancer cells. I said... that’s good right? And he just said ... it’s just so unusual, I don’t understand? Haven’t been back to a doctor since.

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Many thanks Charles. If you seacrh Cannabis Health Radio you'll find many stories of people curing cancer with cannabis extract; many of them used rectal suppositories because they didn't want to get high. This has come about because of the work of "ordinary people" who decided to take their health into their own hands, just as Kate and her son have done. Much love.

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Medical history is packed chock full of 'cures' for cancer which were developed by brave people who were fought tooth and nail by the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complex. Look up Coley's Toxins and the phenomenal success rate treating and curing cancer. Take a look at a simple and effective treatment developed by Dr. Gerson called the Gerson Therapy. I'm sure that many of you can name dozens of other cures hidden from the public or made illegal in the United States and can only be made available by crossing the border into Mexico or a third world country for first world solutions. It's interesting that many of these researchers that documented results that were 'too good' at treating disease met with suspicious deaths. Actually the entire cancer research field is interesting in itself considering that releasing a drug or treatment that you created to cure cancer is essentially a death sentence for the grants and donations that flow into the research coffers that support you and your colleagues. Cancer may in fact be a disease that destroys the body but, as the Bible points out, the love of Money is the disease that destroys morality and integrity. I would submit that integrity and morality dies a little bit more with each act of censorship, each buried treatment or cure and with each act of omission when a physician knowingly refuses to provide or discuss a safer or more effective treatment than they are told to provide by those who drive the current narrative. The healthcare system is broken and the Hippocratic oath has become the hypocritical oath. That is the bottom line.

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You are DEEPLY valued and loved. Thank you Charles, for your humor, courage and voice.

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I try to only watch videos on Rumble. I think we should all boycott youtube. They are the enemy.

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hereyago, ms P...youtube.com/watch?v=f8cxxoJoNck

Miracle Stories - Kate Charles Eisenstein


it's so important to to for people tohear stories that are outside of whatSociety prescribes to us as normal andreal andpossible um yeah I would so so storieslike like the one that you told me aboutare are medicine and nourishment to me so I'd love to just to listen and and

hear your story sure my son wasin collegeand he was 22 yearsold and he was diagnosed with stage 4testic cancer it was one of the fastestgrowing cancers um and how hisparticular cancer was diagnosed was that it started in theleft testicle metastasized to thekidneys the lungs and then it goes tothe brain so they gave him six months to liver

- went to two different oncology places first idea was the doctorswere going to open them up surgicallyfrom Stern to groin um pull out all the tumors spray them down with chemo 15 weeks of chemo followed byradiation the second place,15 months of chemo,open you up sternum de groinpull out any tumors are left and then another 15 rounds of chemo

so that's kind of what my son was lookingat and he didn't want to do it uh fortunately about two weeks before he was diagnosed I'd gone to a seminar ThomasLevy is an MD he lost hismedical license for curing cancer withvitamin C so I called him up, he said no problem give him 50 gram of vit C IV for 3.5hrs at very end add 1cc glutathione- do this every other day for3weeks and he should be justfine so we've got the scan, bloodtest- you

couldn't really get a vitC in2006 but friends did it. I must say I've been practicing

holistic medicine now for over 35 yearsI didn't know much about cancer so I was

really scared this is myboy but we we went ahead .then my son

went back to the hospital they redid CT scan did a blood test there were no tumors no sign of Cancer anywhere

wow I know yeah I mean it was I mean stagefour is basically like like you knowyou're gonna die basically stage four right. right now 17 years later he's hiking the Appalachian Trail

there's there'sa huge disadvantage though to this typeof therapy which is that there really

isn't any money in it you know vit C costs cost pennies a few dollars maybe

for that amount of vit C yeah 2008 it costs $8 , chemother therapy at that time $1.2million yep and the timeyou know this kind of thing is really bad for the economy and but but you know I'm kind of joking here but the other thing why is it so hard for people to accept this

possibility it's it it's because yeah tell me tell me your perspective . I've treatedso many people one ofmy first things I would tell my patients we got tochange the language because cancer is amorphic field of of death it's been advertised that way people

have been marched off you know this isit we're going to go after it with the

chemical poisons and we're going to dosurgeries and and but you know cancer is

bad that's how we look at it the way Ilook at cancer first of all I tellpeople we're going to all it is is is severe inflammation, there's something here itcould be heavy metals avirus a fungus amillion one things could be emotionalbut something has caused your body to go

into a severe inflammatory state sowe're going to find the causetreat the causethen the

inflammation will go away so we got to remove the word cancer


it's a morphic field it's a it's anotherword for death all over the worldbecause of the sales pitch that's beengoing on for so long MH yeah the word sothat answer the question I don't know it's areceptacle for our the projection of allof our fear right and ourhelplessness

also the story like yours is verychallenging because it it starts to disintegrate

the the entire worldview that contains cancer in that role serving that

function serving as a receptacle of our fear uh as aprojection screen for our Fear

And ifwhat you say is true if that actuallyhappened it means that everything that

we know is wrong it mean thatinstitutions that that are venerated andreviewed by Society with a quasireligious Faith called science calledmedicine that are they are they have an

unfirm an infirm foundation if thisistrue what if if your story is true then people have so many ways to exclude it from the circle of Truthyou know it was coincidence it's just an

anecdote the diagnosis was wrong etc etc and if you show them theCAT scans they'll be like well you knowthat doesn't prove anything and it's just one case they'll have many defenses to preventthis disruptive data point from entering their delusion

yeah the oncologistcalled me up and he said where's your son forchemotherapy

I said but there's no signof Cancer the second CT scan... he said I don't care what

that CT scan says whatthe blood test says your boy still has cancer

and I said but how do you provecancer he said well with the CT SC scan a blood test

I said so that's howyou find cancer and there's no moretumors and there's and the blood test is clear but you're saying he still hascancer and you say I don't care ifyou've been giving him paprika that boystill has cancer and he needs to get inhere

and I said he's notcoming wow and he said well then I'm going to have you arrested for child endangerment . I said he's 22yrsold so he's made his own decision and he

saidYou're a murdereryou're going to be in charge ofmurdering your son ... it's literally

painful devastating to believe something that invalidates your identity career status in society yourfinancial income. so he takes it as as a direct assault and therefore responds

irrationally.. it's an invitation to look at howdo I do that what what data points will

I just exclude because it doesn't fitthe story of self and world that I haveconstructed and how who do i grouparound me to reinforce those stories we're bring into the sanity

project . that oncologist was insane and it was a normalized Insanity that probably his entire department would back him up ..I had a conversation with an oncologist ..

I said look this friend of minethey removedher breast she did the chemo theradiation

five yearslater so they moved the breast chemoradiation then it went to her stomach

and herliver uh sorry about that more chemo more radiation ..what would you do aboutthat well he said my partners and we had our own oncology center and if itdoesn't we our motto was if it didn't get it the first time why go back MH but we didn't make any money so we got hired by the big oncology center and they say chemo and radiate till they're dead

so and I I looked at him and I said how do you sleep at night oh I sleep.just fine I mean everybody's got to die and I've got two kids in college a beach house boatcar payments

you know we all have a job and we all got to pay our bills...that's theway the world is

so if you are arenegade if you are a skeptic if you area doubter you are not merely one of

Freud'sdiscontents ofcivilizationyou what looks likeinsanity to the conventional Society is

actually sanity and your rejectionof what so many people take for granted

if you have cancer of courseyou go to the oncologist I mean it isthe pressure is intense\

I know peoplewho have who have been you know eatingorganic food alternative medicine c yoga etc for decades when they getthat diagnosis they default right backto without a doubt like and their theirparents their relatives their friends like oh my God you're not g to you knowdo the chemo it's really the pressure isintense so so thank you for providing

this antidote my son also did GersonTherapy too so a lot of juicingdo you mind if I say one

more thing yeah walking into theoncology center was a multi-million dollLobby and beautiful couches and awaterfalland this is how we're going to help youbeautiful

artwork then we have the holistic that wedon't have any money we're doing the

best I can to help you and then they have the sales pitchso it's sales 101 is I'm going to scareyou and then I'm going to tell you asolution and then I'm going to tell youthat we have to do it right away likeright now you have no time to make adecision because because you're dying sothat's another way that it happens tooyou know the fear is used so somehow andI've been working on this for many manyyears is just just explained to peoplechange the verbage to inflammation talkabout feeding the body you change it up like there was a dentist uh Dr Gonzalezwho cured himself of pancreatic cancer

nobody does that wrote a book that my son and I read one of his first statements was cancer is easier than the commoncold so that's where we want to go justjust keep putting that out there insteadof the death

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and yet then we exacerbate the split of duality. I don't want to end up in just another echo chamber - I don't want to hide away from the rest of the world (well sometimes I do) but I don't want to feel like some subversive person who has to sneak into a back door - it feels like giving my power away - they win! (But I totally understand the choice to do so...)

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Quote from unknown author "pharmaceutical companies don't look for cures, they look for profits".

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