We've got enough public intellectuals, trying to make "head sense" of the world. I think we need more public affectuals and imaginators who reflect a heart-centered sense of the world and contribute to a new vision of the cosmos that includes both head and heart. <3
Understood. You stand tall among those less courageous Charles, and you have been a tremendous help to all of us who question our own sense of self in these times that have gotten so crazy. Just saying that now, although I and many I know have been saying it to each other these past months, saying it to you this time, in case this small voice can do anything to counteract the harshness of the maddened mob mentality.
I have drawn deep solace, enjoyment and stimulation from your writings and interviews since stumbling across Ascent of Humanity in 2012, and more recently have immensely appreciated your willingness to cut through the intense polarization of our times with insight, humility, and wit.
The time is nigh when the only way to be an intellectual worth paying attention to is to have the courage to let the mind be the heart's servant, and I have taken you as an example of someone working towards embodying this ideal. I am excited to read (or see) what comes from this new orientation towards your work, including drawing!
Arigatou, Charles ♥️ Do you know that the kanji for this word, 有り難う, actually means “this is difficult to be” or (perhaps more accurately conveyed) “this is rare”? No you or me, simply a recognition, a treasuring. The response, dou itashimashite, is “however it is received”. No attachment to the outcome of what is given. I look forward to reading what comes through from you in this vulnerable state, and I’m grateful you’re still in the kitchen ♥️🙏🏻✨
You have been my life line in the last few weeks. My mirror to my truth. The first place I truly felt, thank God, here's some sanity, depth, wisdom, and most of all, hope. Thank you.
Your work always inspires me, Charles. I'm so happy to know you're still in the writing kitchen and that the heat perhaps sent you closer to your heart. Thank you for you.
I love your essays, absolutely, so please don’t stop writing, but as a writer who became an artist and started learning to draw and paint and sculpt at age 55, I believe EVERYONE should learn to draw, no matter who and no matter what their profession!
What you're doing here is a movement toward wholeness. I honor the human heart beneath your enormous intellect and look forward to reading the alchemy of "attending to the precious gifts of life" along with all the rest. Kudos to Inka for excellent coaching and companionship. <3
Yesterday my beloved mother-in-law passed away at 97 and moments before I read your email, Charles, I was sitting on the edge of my bed searching for what was important to me, how to make the most of my day, and what I needed to focus on to make sense of feelings, grief, joy and love all mixed up together. The intensity of grief is a gift, life is a gift and I dedicate myself again and again to a more beautiful world we know is possible when love is the language we use. Thank you once again for being you, for staying in the kitchen and for being a shining light.
I’ve been reading your work, listening to podcasts and watching your videos for several years. Your thoughts are important to me and valued. I appreciate having your intellectuality and spirituality in my life. If it’s your destiny to opt out of public life then so be it. It would, however, be a great shame. You are special Charles. Be encouraged!
Whatever you say, Charles, and however you say it, you will be saying what you need to say & how you need to say it. Yes, come from your unhindered heart. "The minute i stopped arguing, i could begin to see and feel. Right there."
"I let too much in... And then I go into a tailspin." The horrible predicament of the sensitive open-minded soul, and how relatable this is for many of us exposed daily to the ruthless world of social media. Wanting to leave public life makes so much sense on many levels but we, your readers, selfishly need you. Many of us are on the verge of sinking into the dark waters of an increasingly totalitarian society and your words and wise, even, or especially, if sometimes insecure, vibes throw at us one of the rare lifelines we have.
Hi Charles I ask myself the same question .What am I doing here what kind of world this is.
But, it's all our own creation whatever you put out there in the universe. It just screams back at you.
It's like shouting into a cave and you get this echo back
. You just can't and you should never try. Either people get your truth or they don't .
But that is not your problem.
I have read alot of your articles and listened to your talks ,very inspiring and read one of your books and am still reading about a beautiful world that we all know is around the corner.
We cannot save the world and there are many people trying to save the world and they haven't saved themselves "just jumping on the band wagon " like most of social media . They want to save a world that doesn't want to be saveed.
Who are we saving? The planet , I know we are trying to save the planet when we should try to save ourselves .We should wake up to how we live our lives how we treat others, how we are of service ,. Most of these activists are trying to to save the planet but are in denial of friends they hate and issues in their life they would rather distract themselves than to try to show loving kindness to people who have hurt them . But "no the planet must be saved" . Little do they realise that forgiveness is saving the planet . This Beautiful world is around the corner. And this beautiful requires sacrifices which most people dont want to make, because some how being in denial is better than giving into the truth. I read a great book by Michael Brown called "The Presence Process",and I would definitely recommed reading it if you haven't already ,but you should beacuse I know you are a man who is open to everything. And in this book there are many gems of wisdom. I will quote something of what he wrote"
Contrary to what the time -based world may claim, we aren't meant to bring peace to this planet.
Such a notion is delusional and a distraction.
This planet is neutral. As such,it's the" perfect set up " for anybody who is ready to evolve through the rite of personal responsibility .
We are here because we are set up to be. We are here because we are invited to "to be " despite the distraction of endless doing.This earth school is a grand hall of mirors . Nothing that Earth and Heart are the same word with the letters rearranged.
We are here , now in this, to discover that we may realise peace here ,now, and in this, only when we authentically offer an awareness of this vibration to our own heart.
When we offer an awareness of what peace is to ourselves , the mirror this world is laughs at the play of it all.
Then an awareness of the peace that 's already given, and that always will be cascades in from every direction,of what peace is.
As we awaken ,
Let us not gently leave the bed,
Quietly tiptoe out of the darkened room and into the morning light,
let us play here.
Lets us not shake others in their beds .
They are sleeping because they require rest .
When they reawaken and hear us playing , They shall come and join us.
Glad you opted for staying in the kitchen and showing up as you should in life no matter what.
Charles. I've enjoyed most of your thinking/process. The role public intellectual is a difficult one in our terminally conflicted culture.it sound like the time is ripe for the development of a vital spiritual life to complement your intellectual life.
Actually this requires much more time, discipline and effort. Zen teaches the necessity of great faith, great doubt, great determination. The path to wisdom is long and complicated . Good luck on your journey....many rewards await. Thank you.
We've got enough public intellectuals, trying to make "head sense" of the world. I think we need more public affectuals and imaginators who reflect a heart-centered sense of the world and contribute to a new vision of the cosmos that includes both head and heart. <3
Understood. You stand tall among those less courageous Charles, and you have been a tremendous help to all of us who question our own sense of self in these times that have gotten so crazy. Just saying that now, although I and many I know have been saying it to each other these past months, saying it to you this time, in case this small voice can do anything to counteract the harshness of the maddened mob mentality.
I have drawn deep solace, enjoyment and stimulation from your writings and interviews since stumbling across Ascent of Humanity in 2012, and more recently have immensely appreciated your willingness to cut through the intense polarization of our times with insight, humility, and wit.
The time is nigh when the only way to be an intellectual worth paying attention to is to have the courage to let the mind be the heart's servant, and I have taken you as an example of someone working towards embodying this ideal. I am excited to read (or see) what comes from this new orientation towards your work, including drawing!
Arigatou, Charles ♥️ Do you know that the kanji for this word, 有り難う, actually means “this is difficult to be” or (perhaps more accurately conveyed) “this is rare”? No you or me, simply a recognition, a treasuring. The response, dou itashimashite, is “however it is received”. No attachment to the outcome of what is given. I look forward to reading what comes through from you in this vulnerable state, and I’m grateful you’re still in the kitchen ♥️🙏🏻✨
This is lovely! Thank you for sharing these words and their meaning. I saved this comment as I want to remember it.
You have been my life line in the last few weeks. My mirror to my truth. The first place I truly felt, thank God, here's some sanity, depth, wisdom, and most of all, hope. Thank you.
Your work always inspires me, Charles. I'm so happy to know you're still in the writing kitchen and that the heat perhaps sent you closer to your heart. Thank you for you.
"the heat perhaps sent you closer to your heart" Yes.
I love your essays, absolutely, so please don’t stop writing, but as a writer who became an artist and started learning to draw and paint and sculpt at age 55, I believe EVERYONE should learn to draw, no matter who and no matter what their profession!
What you're doing here is a movement toward wholeness. I honor the human heart beneath your enormous intellect and look forward to reading the alchemy of "attending to the precious gifts of life" along with all the rest. Kudos to Inka for excellent coaching and companionship. <3
Yesterday my beloved mother-in-law passed away at 97 and moments before I read your email, Charles, I was sitting on the edge of my bed searching for what was important to me, how to make the most of my day, and what I needed to focus on to make sense of feelings, grief, joy and love all mixed up together. The intensity of grief is a gift, life is a gift and I dedicate myself again and again to a more beautiful world we know is possible when love is the language we use. Thank you once again for being you, for staying in the kitchen and for being a shining light.
I’ll keep it short and sweet.
I’ve been reading your work, listening to podcasts and watching your videos for several years. Your thoughts are important to me and valued. I appreciate having your intellectuality and spirituality in my life. If it’s your destiny to opt out of public life then so be it. It would, however, be a great shame. You are special Charles. Be encouraged!
Whatever you say, Charles, and however you say it, you will be saying what you need to say & how you need to say it. Yes, come from your unhindered heart. "The minute i stopped arguing, i could begin to see and feel. Right there."
I second this!
Reading comments.
I have just found my people.
"I let too much in... And then I go into a tailspin." The horrible predicament of the sensitive open-minded soul, and how relatable this is for many of us exposed daily to the ruthless world of social media. Wanting to leave public life makes so much sense on many levels but we, your readers, selfishly need you. Many of us are on the verge of sinking into the dark waters of an increasingly totalitarian society and your words and wise, even, or especially, if sometimes insecure, vibes throw at us one of the rare lifelines we have.
Hi Charles I ask myself the same question .What am I doing here what kind of world this is.
But, it's all our own creation whatever you put out there in the universe. It just screams back at you.
It's like shouting into a cave and you get this echo back
. You just can't and you should never try. Either people get your truth or they don't .
But that is not your problem.
I have read alot of your articles and listened to your talks ,very inspiring and read one of your books and am still reading about a beautiful world that we all know is around the corner.
We cannot save the world and there are many people trying to save the world and they haven't saved themselves "just jumping on the band wagon " like most of social media . They want to save a world that doesn't want to be saveed.
Who are we saving? The planet , I know we are trying to save the planet when we should try to save ourselves .We should wake up to how we live our lives how we treat others, how we are of service ,. Most of these activists are trying to to save the planet but are in denial of friends they hate and issues in their life they would rather distract themselves than to try to show loving kindness to people who have hurt them . But "no the planet must be saved" . Little do they realise that forgiveness is saving the planet . This Beautiful world is around the corner. And this beautiful requires sacrifices which most people dont want to make, because some how being in denial is better than giving into the truth. I read a great book by Michael Brown called "The Presence Process",and I would definitely recommed reading it if you haven't already ,but you should beacuse I know you are a man who is open to everything. And in this book there are many gems of wisdom. I will quote something of what he wrote"
Contrary to what the time -based world may claim, we aren't meant to bring peace to this planet.
Such a notion is delusional and a distraction.
This planet is neutral. As such,it's the" perfect set up " for anybody who is ready to evolve through the rite of personal responsibility .
We are here because we are set up to be. We are here because we are invited to "to be " despite the distraction of endless doing.This earth school is a grand hall of mirors . Nothing that Earth and Heart are the same word with the letters rearranged.
We are here , now in this, to discover that we may realise peace here ,now, and in this, only when we authentically offer an awareness of this vibration to our own heart.
When we offer an awareness of what peace is to ourselves , the mirror this world is laughs at the play of it all.
Then an awareness of the peace that 's already given, and that always will be cascades in from every direction,of what peace is.
As we awaken ,
Let us not gently leave the bed,
Quietly tiptoe out of the darkened room and into the morning light,
let us play here.
Lets us not shake others in their beds .
They are sleeping because they require rest .
When they reawaken and hear us playing , They shall come and join us.
Glad you opted for staying in the kitchen and showing up as you should in life no matter what.
all the best Charles
Thanks for opening up comments. I look forward to readers' engagement with your posts.
standing with you, CE!!
Charles. I've enjoyed most of your thinking/process. The role public intellectual is a difficult one in our terminally conflicted culture.it sound like the time is ripe for the development of a vital spiritual life to complement your intellectual life.
Actually this requires much more time, discipline and effort. Zen teaches the necessity of great faith, great doubt, great determination. The path to wisdom is long and complicated . Good luck on your journey....many rewards await. Thank you.