What I’m doing on Substack
The tab that got you here says, last time I looked, “What is Charles Eisenstein?” That is a profound subject of meditation, although I think the usual question is “Who is …” Anyway, since I’m way behind on my meditation, I really can’t answer that now. Maybe I can catch up over the holidays? In the meantime, I’ll say a bit about what I’m doing on Substack.
Here is what I shared in my announcement about transitioning my work here:
I seem to have migrated my writing to Substack. It’s given me a chance to rethink what I write and how much of it to share. For years now my output has been mostly longer essays, usually carefully considered over a period of weeks or months. I’m going to try something different here and open the floodgates wider, at the risk of a bit of silt and foam following the water through the sluices.
That means that if you stay subscribed here, you’ll likely be getting 1-2 communications per week. Beyond essays, I’ll share short reflections, vignettes, addenda to essays and discussions of reactions, transcripts of interviews, excerpts from particularly interesting correspondence, comments on things I’ve read, humor and satire, ruminations on song lyrics, and perhaps bits of fictional or allegorical stories I compose. Much of the above may deviate from my usual focus on public affairs. They may sometimes be more personal.
I plan to post a couple times a week. Everything here is from after August, 2021. I also have several hundred earlier essays, interviews, and videos on my website.
About Me
I’m a writer and a speaker. My four main books are The Ascent of Humanity (2007), Sacred Economics (2011, revised 2020), The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible (2013) and Climate — A New Story (2018). I live in the part of the world that most people currently call Rhode Island, USA, in a smallish house about 20 minutes from the ocean and five minutes from the Great Swamp. I share the house with my wife, Stella, son Cary, dog Inka, and some mice. The dog is house trained but not the mice, despite our best efforts. My next step will be to serve them an eviction notice. If any of you subscribers are an attorney, your help with that will be much appreciated. Now where was I? Yes, I also have three older sons, Jimi, Matthew, and Philip. The eldest is getting married.
You’ll see an option here to become a paid subscriber at $7 a month or $70 a year. The paid subscription comes with zero additional benefits. It is just for those who want to give extra encouragement and support me, my family, my work, my yacht club membership, my butler’s salary, and new racing flames on my 2005 Prius. Paid subscriber or free, you have equal access to all content. If you want to pay less or more than the (rather arbitrary) $7/mo, you can go to the donation page on my website.