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In all fairness I should reread your article before offering my own thoughts.

From the beginning of this insanity division has been fueled and can easily be stepped into. Reactivity has been amped up to an extreme.

At the end of the day we will need to help each other heal, physically and emotionally. I hear those with the knowledge speaking to this, which I am heartened by.

I believe those who have purposefully committed genocide need to be held accountable. Held accountable in a way that can do some good. I see this as a transfer of wealth.

And I would ask, what is love?

I would suggest any feeling is love.

In this moment anger is appropriate and needed. Anger tells us where our boundaries lay. What is okay and what is not. None of this is okay.

Anger as love.

Clear boundary setting.

A clear no.

Not laying blame with those who have been manipulated but with those who have done the manipulating.

We need to be clear and strong and not reactive.

To learn to be integrated and stand in our integrity.

Whatever the perceived cost.

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How familiar are you with the Nuremberg trials? One of the defenses was, “I was just following orders.” It was found insufficient to justify what doctors and nurses and others did. They were found guilty and punished.

I believe that should be considered for modern times as well. Someone may not have masterminded these atrocities but they also didn’t stop them. They are accomplices in crimes against all humanity.

So for every doctor or nurse or health provider that ignored the dangers or pushed the vaccines or failed to treat someone with a vaccine injury, as is the case with my son snd tens of thousands like him, I want justice.

Lose their license to practice medicine.

Jail those in administrative positions who profited financially.

Take the profits and assets from organizations and individuals who participated, at any level, small or large, passive or active.

I can think of any number of responses that need to be considered and justices meted out, from individuals to corporations to government officials.

We need Nuremberg 2.0. What that looks like will differ from the original tribunal, but we as humanity need this reckoning.

And then we rebuild.

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I am assuming you are referring to my saying "Not laying blame with those who have been manipulated but with those who have done the manipulating."

To clarifying I am referring to those who, out of trust, have opted to get a shot. Or who believe something that is not true. Not those who are blindly, or not blindly, following orders. Yes they might be manipulated but they are causing harm.

There is a quote from an artist, Bansky that speaks to this, "The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages."

I believe if people stand in their integrity, no matter the cost to themselves, we would not be here, in this present day horror show.

I am sorry you and your son have been caught in the middle of this. I have spoken to others as well who elected the 'vaccine' and thought better of it after. Either because of injury or 'side effects' or becoming aware of other information.

What has happened, is happening, is monstrous, criminal...

People should be held accountable absolutely. Your pain, heartache, anger, need to be heard, given voice. Never be silent.

Personally my only way to deal with the medical system is to turn away from it completely. Many call it a system of disease not health.

There are doctors who are doing the work of helping those who have been harmed by these shots. I believe many others will join their forces. I am happy to pass on names and links if you want or need them.

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Feb 7, 2022
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Thank you!

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